


Wrestler Name: KGX

Height(anything below 7'0) 6'2"

Weight(anything under 400) 220

Hometown: The Emerald City

Alignment(heel or face): Heel

Gimmick Description: Tends to be completely self centered. Very good wrestler and he knows this. In fact he doesn't stop telling people. Cocky, arrogant, and has short anger streaks. Thinks of himself as a true rock star.

Appearance(what does your wrestler look like?) Caucasian, well built, athletic, and tough looking. Short black hair with stubble and a short goatee. Medium sideburns cut to a point.

Apparel(what does your wrestler wear?): Black Biker trunks with green trim. Taped hands and wrists, black knee pads, black boots with green trim.

Fighting Style(such as brawler, hardcore, ect.): Technical or Brawler depending on the match

Theme Music: Stone Temple Pilots- Dead and Bloated

Entrance Description: Walks out with a very cocky walk. Grin on his face with his arm in the air and pointing at himself. Jaw jacks with some fans, taunts the crowd when he gets in the ring.

10 to 20 Moves your wrestler uses: Exploder, DDT, Short-Arm Clothesline, Yakuza Kick, Tiger Suplex '04, Second Rope Clothesline, Running Jumping Tornado DDT, Running Belly to Belly, Shining Kenta Kick, Neckbreaker to Rolling Cutter.

Finishing Moves(you can do up to 2): Emerald Flowsion, Kataha jime

King Of WrestleCrap - January 26, 2009

King Of WrestleCrap PPV
January 26, 2009


Trombone Weight Championship Match
Seth Drakin
TromboneMan(c) W/The Sam

Michael Muffer- This is our opening contest and it is for the unauthorized Trombone Weight Championship!!!

*One Winged Angel Remix by The Black Mages starts playing on the PA as Seth Drakin makes his way to the ring to a mixed reaction.*

Michael Muffer- Introducing first the challenger, he hails from Suburbia………………SETH DRAKIN!!!!!!!!!

*The familiar tune of "In The Mood" by Glen Miller hits the PA system. The fan's don't even need an introduction as TromboneMan instantly leaps out of the curtains with his trombone in his hand. He wastes no time in heading to the ring as he badly dances his way down the ramp to the tune of his theme music. TromboneMan places his trombone into the corner and prepares for his opponent. *

Michael Muffer- And his opponent, he hails from Melbourne, Austrailia and is the Trombone Weight Champion…………………………TROMBONEMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*before the match begins littlenaitch shows up at the entrance ramp to watch the match.*

TromboneMan gets the early advantage as they lock up and gets Seth into a headlock. TromboneMan punches Seth in the face a few times and then delivers a beautiful bulldog. TromboneMan goes for the cover but it is only a two count. TromboneMan picks up Seth and gives him a scoop slam. TromboneMan celebrates by holding his arms up in the air yelling “Am I great or what?” with a response of boos from the crowd. TromboneMan bounces off the ropes and as he marches towards the fallen Seth he acts like he is playing his trombone. When he gets to Seth he goes for a big elbow drop but Seth rolls out of the way. TromboneMan gets up and charges at Seth but Seth does a jumping leap frog making TromboneMan goes through the ropes to the outside next to The Sam.

Seth Drakin charges at TromboneMan and The Sam diving over the top rope at both of them which makes the crowd scream out in joy. Seth Drakin picks up TromboneMan and throws him into the guardrail and clotheslines TromboneMan over into the crowd. Seth steps over the guardrail and starts beating on TromboneMan.

The ref comes out and warns Seth to stop or he will be disqualify him but Seth pushes the ref away and ignores him. Seth throws TromboneMan over the guardrail back by the ring. Seth throws TromboneMan into the ring and grabs TromboneMan’s trombone. The Sam tries to grab the trombone from Seth and they have a tug of war and Seth lets go of the trombone and The Sam falls back into the guardrail. Seth grabs the trombone, gets into the ring and waits for TromboneMan to get up. When TromboneMan gets up Seth nails him straight into the head.

The ref sees this and calls for the bell.

Michael Muffer- Here is your winner by a result of a disqualification and still the Trombone Weight Champion……………..TROMBONEMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Seth does not let up a bit and keeps smashing the trombone into TromboneMan’s body. Littlenaitch runs down to the ring to help his stable mate but just before he gets into the ring a black cloaked hooded dressed person who has been seen with Seth before comes up from behind littlenaitch from outside of the crowd and nails him in the back of the head with a steel chair.

*Tank suddenly comes running down to the ring and comes face to face with Seth. But this time, Tank smiles as he attacks TromboneMan. The black cloaked figure comes into the ring and joins in on the beatdown of TromboneMan. Tyfo comes down and helps up littlenaitch as they both grab chairs and chase Seth, Tank and the black cloaked figure out of the ring as Seth grabs a mic.*

Seth: Ladies and Gentleman, I present to you the newest member of the Crusade......THE TANK!!!

*Seth holds his hands high as The Tank smiles. The Family helps TromboneMan up as we see that TM is pissed.*


Singles Match to crown the first ever Heatz!!1 Champion
Viva Los Bio Dome!
Brahma Bull

Michael Muffer- The next match will determine the first Heatz!!1 Champion!!!!!!!!

*Safety Dance plays over the Speakers signifying the Entrance of Viva Los Biodome!*

Michael Muffer- Introducing first, from Hayward, California………………………VIVA LOS BIO DOME!!!!!!!!!!

Biodome climbs under the 2nd Rope and sits in the Corner awaiting his Opponent

*Never Gonna Give You Up plays over the Speakers effectively announcing The Brahma Bull who stumbles to the Ring and slides under the Bottom Rope*

Michael Muffer- And his opponent from Glasgow, Scotland………………………BRAHMA BULL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Match starts as Bull and Biodome lock up Bull shoves Biodome into the Ropes and Attempts to follow him in but is caught by a Flying Forearm staggering him

As Bull staggers Biodome bounces off the Ropes again and Goes for a Crossbody but Bull catches him spins him around and Slams him to the Mat with an Old-School Bodyslam

Bull jumps up and attempts to hit a High Elbow but Biodome rolls out of the way and Kips-up and locks on a Chinlock
Bull powers out of the Chinlock and Lifts Biodome up in a Firemans Carry and charges toward the Ropes however at the last Moment and Dropkicks Bull in the Back sending him to the outside

While Bull is staggered on the outside Biodome bounces off the Ropes and Slides under the Bottom Rope and Clothelines Bull

Bull and Biodome roll under the Bottom rope as Bull slowly staggers to his feet Biodome kips up and bounces off the Ropes only to get caught in the Gut with kick from Bull who then lifts Biodome up and attempts a Powerbomb But Biodome reverses it with a series of punches and a Tornado DDT

Biodome with a Jacknife cover 1...2...3

Michael Muffer- Here is your winner and the first ever Heatz!!1 Champion.................................................……VIVA LOS BIO DOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


*The Pride are seen in their lockerroom.*

M.O.P: Tonight's a big night for all of us. You've got the Jazzman gunning for Above Average's Inter-Forum Championship, and the hottest rising tag-team in WWCF today, Metylerca and yours truly, about to end the reign of the Southwest Connection. Tyfo, Littlenaitch. Consider yourselves on notice! Because tonight, the Pride will walk out as the only stable in WWCF where every person is a true champion!

Jazzman: You're right, M.O.P. How many total stables could say that? You're looking at groups like The 4 Horsemen and Evolution. Tonight, we take that next step. I'm climbing that ladder tonight not only for myself but for you guys. I just got a feeling tonight is a special night for The Pride. Let's go out there and show these guys why Pride never dies!!

Metylerca: M.O.P, you've taken all of the words out of my mouth. All, but one single statement, three simple words that sum up everything that's going to happen out there. RIDE! THE! LIGHTING!!!


Singles Match
The Sam

Michael Muffer – The following contest is set for one fall and I have just been informed that this match will be NO DQ.

(The Sam’s music plays)

Michael Muffer – Making his way to the ring at this time, representing “The Family”. He is the self proclaimed “Manager of Champions”…………………………THE SAM!!!!!!!

(The Sam struts down to the ring wearing his wrestling attire. He enters the ring and grabs the microphone from Michael)

The Sam – First off, someone tell all these hillbillies to shut up because I have something important to say.
(The Fans Boo and begin a “Platypus” chant)
Now my name is The Sam, and tonight I am dedicating this match to all the Men out there. To all the Men who work hard so that their fat wives can buy nice things like rolling pins and sewing machines. This match is dedicated to all the Men who know where a Woman’s place is, underneath his feet as he rests on the Lazy-Boy after a hard day of Work. This match is dedicated to all the Men who bring home the bacon so that their fat wives can cook it.
Eli, I’m going to show you – no wait – I’m going to TEACH you where a Woman belongs. And it’s not in the ring. So how about I make a proposal, you can come out here and stand in the ring with me and pretend you’re a “Wrestler” for a few seconds. Then I want you to get on your knees and kiss my Feet! And if you do that, I’ll let you walk out of the ring. If you don’t, then say hi to Nicole in the hospital for me, would you?

(The Sam hands the microphone to Michael)

Michael Muffer – And his opponent…

(“Vermillion” by Slipknot begins playing)

Michael – At the height of 5’8, weighing in at 185 lbs. She hails from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania…………………………………….ELI “THE VALKYRIE”!!!!!!!!!!!.

(Eli marches down to the ring threw the crowd with a look of angry determination in here eyes. She gets in the ring and stands in front of The Sam. The Sam with a smirk on his face grabs the microphone one more time)

The Sam – I’m gonna ask you – no wait – I’m gonna TELL YOU one more time. Get. On. Your. Knees. And. Kiss. My. Feet.

(As The Sam stands there Eli looks at the crowd and looks back at The Sam. She shakes her head and hits The Sam with a right elbow. The bell rings and The Sam rolls to the outside.)
The Sam starts stumbling back towards the locker room before Eli catches up to him and grabs him and rolls him back into the ring.
Eli rolls in and sends The Sam off the ropes and hits him with a High Knee. The Sam stumbles to his feet before Eli hits The Sam with a bulldog. She goes for the 3 count.
2 count.
Eli lifts Sam to his feet, holds him to the ropes and chokes him with the ropes. The Sam staggers backwards before Eli kicks The Sam in the mid section and delivers a picture perfect Slingshot Suplex. Eli goes for the 3 count.
2 count.

As Eli is lifting The Sam to his feet The Sam in an act of desperation hits a low blow on Eli. The Sam looks up to realise that this low blow has no effect on Eli. Eli lifts The Sam up and hits “The Machinegun”.
Michael Muffer – The winner of this match, ELI “The VALKYRIE”
(Eli taunts towards the fans as The Sam tries to crawl away. Eli see’s this and grabs The Sam by the feet back into the ring. She locks on a sleeper, which puts The Sam to sleep. She sits him up into the bottom turnbuckle and goes to the outside of the ring. She looks at the fans and calls one over the guardrail. Nicole climbs over the guardrail and enters the ring. Eli instructs Nicole to give The Sam a stink face. Everyone cheers as Nicole lifts up her dress and gives The Sam the most horrible experience of his life.
As The Sam hightails it back to the locker room, almost crying, Eli and Nicole celebrate in the ring.)


Hardcore Match(for the WWCF hardcore Championship)
Whitey “Daddy Phat Sax” Fats
General of the Monkey Army(c)

Michael Muffer- Ladies and Gentlemen, the next match is for the WWCF Hardcore Championship!!!!!!

*Simply The Best by Tina Turner starts up as Whitey Fats makes his way to the ring carrying a garbage can full of weapons.*

Michael Muffer- Introducing first from Starke, Florida…………….WHITEY “DADDY PHAT SAX” FATS

*General Of The Monkey Army’s theme music starts up and The General makes his way down to the ring with his monkey Bingo on his shoulder.*

Michael Muffer- Introducing next, he is from Lansing, Michigan and is the WWCF Hardcore Champion……………….THE GENERAL OF THE MONEKY ARMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The match begins with Whitey dumping out all his weapons on the ring apron. Whitey presents them to General with his hand as if to say pick one and hit me with it. The General picks up a kendo stick. Whitey puts his arms behind his back. The General hits Whitey with it. Whitey staggers but doesn’t go down. The General drops the kendo stick and puts his arms behind his back.

Whitey picks up some gold brass knucks and swings for The General but The General ducks and kicks Whitey right in the groin. The General picks up a mega phone and puts it up to Whitey’s head and yells through it into Whitey’s ear and then hits Whitey over the head with it. General goes for the pin but TTS comes from out of the back and pulls the ref out during the count. TTS jumps up on the apron. The General comes towards TTS but TTS shoulders the General in the stomach and then turns him around and grabs The General arms holding him while Whitey picks up the steel trash can and comes charging at The General. The General low blow kicks TTS and gets out of the way as Whitey accidently levels TTS with the trash can. The General charges at Whitey and hits The Monkey Claw(powerful punch) and then puts him into the Monkey Wrench(reverse texas cloverleaf). Whitey passes out as the ref gets back in and calls for the bell.

Michael Muffer- Here is your winner and still WWCF Hardcore Champion…………..THE GENERAL OF THE MONKEY ARMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Tag Team Championship Match
The Pride members: Metylerca and M.O.P.
The Southwest Connection and Sam09 Family members: Tyfo and littlenaitch(c) W/The Sam

Michael Muffer- Ladies and Gentlemen, the next match is for the WWCF Tag Team titles!!

*A Lion's roar is heard and Soil's 'Pride' comes in*

Michael Muffer- Introducing first the challengers, representing the Pride. The number 1 contenders to the WWCF Tag Team Titles... M.O.P. and Metylerca!!!!!"

*The New Blackjacks theme hits as Tyfo and Littlenaitch hit the stage.*

Michael Muffer- Introducing next, accompanied by The Sam and representing the Family. The self proclaimed Greatest Tag Team in the world... The Reigning WWCF Tag Team Champions, Littlenaitch and Tyfo, THE SOUTHWEST CONNECTION!!!!"

*The SWC pose with the titles and The Sam to a chorus of boos*

The Pride rushes out of the ring and a brawl starts as the bell rings, signifying the start of this match.

The 4 men brawl outside the ring until Littlenaitch and Metylerca roll their ways back in to get this match started. The two men trade some chain wrestling with wrist locks and headlocks until they get to a standstill to the delight of the crowd. They both tag out and M.O.P and Tyfo take a different approach as the trade blows and chops until Tyfo backs M.O.P. into the Southwest corner. Littlenaitch gets in some cheap shots and The Southwest connection begins to take over.

Tyfo takes over M.O.P with a butterfly suplex and transitions to a Sharpshooter. The hold is broken up my Metylerca but it appears the damage is done. Tyfo tags out as Littlenaitch comes in and hits a running knee drop and moves to a half boston crab. M.O.P. struggled to reach the ropes until he got there, but his hand was knocked away by The Sam to a chorus of boos from the fans!! As Metylerca runs to get at The Sam, The Southwest Connection hits a beautiful Atomic drop with a Lariet combo for a nearfall.

As M.O.P. kicks out the crowd starts to come alive. Littlenaitch Whips him into the ropes and M.O.P and he connect with a double clothesline. As both men are down, the crowd urges M.O.P. to the corner to tag Metylerca. Just as Littlenaitch tags in Tyfo, Metylerca comes in and the place explodes.

Metylerca rushes the ring with huge chops for both members of the Southwest Connection. After some back body drops it's just Metylerca and Tyfo.

Pride Ending: The Sam jumps up on the apron to distract the official but Metylerca comes over to The Sam and decks him. He Tuns around to see Tyfo waiting to hit a double arm DDT. Tyfo hits in and covers with his feet on the ropes, but Metylerca kicks out!!! As the crowd chants for the Pride, Littlenaitch hits the ring with a chair, but M.O.P. intercepts him and hits The Tunrpike Driver!! As Tyfo goes to strike M.O.P. , M.O.P. pushes him into Metylerca who hits The Lightning Ride! He covers Tyfo for the pin and the crowd explodes as we have new tag team champs!!!

Michael Muffer- Here are your winners and New WWCF Tag Team Champions……………..THE PRIDE: METYLERCA AND M.O.P.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Inter-Forum Championship Ladder Match
Above Average(c)

Michael Muffer- The next contest is a Ladder Match for the WWCF Inter-Forum Championship!!!!!!!!

*A lion’s roar is heard over the PA then grbjazzman hits the stage, wearing an old school fedora and a pinstripe jacket and cane. grbjazzman then bust out a HBK like spin on the ramp before he jazz struts down to the ring, shaking hands along the way and posing with fans. Then he hits the ring and gets up on the second rope and points to the fans. After word, he gets out of the ring and gives his fedora to a young kid in the front row.

Michael Muffer- Introducing first from Fulton, New York………………..GRBJAZZMAN!!!!!!!!

*The Prodigy by Poison hits the PA and pyro shoots down from the top of the entrance and Above Average makes his way to the ring with the Inter-Forum Championship around his waist.*

Michael Muffer- And his opponent, he is from Belfast, Ireland and is the WWCF Inter-Forum Champion…………….ABOVE AVERAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Above Average and grbjazzman meet in the center of the ring. The two exchange words, then Above Average slaps grbjazzman. Grbjazzman tackles Above Average to the mat and rains down on him with punches. Above Average reverses it and fires off some punches of his own. Grbjazzman kicks him off and both men are on their feet again. Above Average fires grbjazzman into the ropes, but grbjazzman comes back with a lariat, knocking Above Average to the mat. Grbjazzman quickly goes to the outside and grabs a ladder. He set’s it up in the middle of the ring and starts climbing, but Above Average follows him up and hit’s a back suplex off the ladder.

Above Average is back on his feet and starts climbing the ladder. Grbjazzman gets back up and pushes the ladder over, causing Above Average to hit the top rope throat first. As the champion staggers, grbjazzman hit’s a brain buster, followed by a standing leg drop. Jazzman grabs the ladder, but instead of setting it up under the belt, he places it in the corner. As Above Average starts to stand up, grbjazzman shoves him back down and climbs to the top rope. Jazzman leaps forward, holding the ladder, but Above Average moves at the last second, causing Jazzman to hit nothing but ladder. As Jazzman writhes in pain, Above Average rolls to the outside and gets another ladder.

The Champion sets the ladder up, but before he starts climbing, he notices Jazzman starting to get up. Above Average runs the ropes, looking for a clothesline, but Jazzman ducks it and hit’s a spectacular spinning kick. Above Average is dazed, but he gets to his feet. He charges Jazzman, who meets him with a ladder shot to the head, sending the champion crashing to the mat. Grbjazzman rolls Above Average on top of the first ladder, then holds up the second ladder, before dropping it on the Champion. Above Average is in trouble now, as Jazzman sets up one of the ladders. The challenger starts climbing, but gets his foot caught in one of the rungs. As grbjazzman desperately tries to pry his foot free, Above Average is able to get to his feet and set up the second ladder.

Above Average climbs up his ladder, as grbjazzman finally frees his foot. Both men make it to the top at the same time. As they fight it out, Above Average’s ladder tips over, leaving Jazzman alone, with the belt within reach. As Above Average tries to get his ladder back up, Jazzman reaches for the belt, but isn’t quite high up enough. As Jazzman climbs up one more rung, Above Average, out of desperation, tips Jazzman’s ladder over. Both men quickly get their ladders set up and make the climb once again. Jazzman is closer to the belt, but as he reaches up to grab it, Above Average hit’s the super kick, knocking Jazzman off the ladder and to the mat. Above Average steps over to Jazzman’s ladder and reaches up and grabs the title.

Michael Muffer: Here is your winner, and STILL WWCF Inter-Forum Champion………………………………………..….ABOVE AVERAGE!!!!!!!!!!!


Stryker Duck Silence: MiLo Duck and Strykerdarksilence
The Non-American Heroes: Starshine and Square

StrykerDuckSilence jump the NAH as they make their way down to the ring. Stryker targets Square and hits multiple forearms while MiLo demolishes Starshine. MiLo drags Starshine down towards the cage but is caught with a kick to the gut by his opponent and sent into the cage. Stryler knocks square into the crowd and grabs a nearby chair and swings. Square ducks and quickly moves away, grabbing his own chair in the meantime. Both swing, hitting the other's chair and dropping them. Stryker recovers and quickly takes down Square with a double leg takedown and follows up multiple forearm shots.
Starshine rolls MiLo into the ring and closes the cage door. He stomps MiLo and takes down one of the chains hanging on the cage walls. MiLo struggles to his knees and is whipped with the chaing crumbling back to the mat. Starshine positions himself over the World Champion and begins choking him with the chain, then transitioning into a chain aided camel clutch. MiLo struggles to his feet, lifting up Starshine in a piggyback position and launches back into the cage wall, freeing himself and knocking down Starshine to the mat.
Stryker throws Square back over the barricade and motions for the fans for their chairs. Square struggles to his feet. Stryker throws a chair at Square, then another, and another, stopping at ten. Stryker climbs the barricade, and lets out a yell as the crowd cheers. He picks up Square from the cover of chairs and drags him onto the cage. All four participants are now in the cage.
Stryker grabs the chain Starshine used, wrapping it around his arm. He grabs Square by the hair, dragging him up and busting him open with a forearm. Stryker continues the offense striking Square repeatedly while MiLo grabs the pole. MiLo stops Stryker from continuing the assault against the crimson masked Square and offers him the pole. Stryker drops the chain and takes the pole, mesmerized by it. He goes back towards Square, grabbing him roughly by the hair. Stryker yells; "YOU THINK YOU HURT ME? THAT WAS NOTHING! I'M GONNA KILL YOU!". Stryker raises the pole but is stopped after a low blow from a recovered Starshine who then superkicks MiLo through the ropes and out of the open cage door.
Starshine tends to Square and takes hold of the pole, striking Stryker in the back. He then exits he cage and nails MiLo with it. He searches under the ring, brings out two tables and sets them up next to the cage. He picks MiLo up and signals for the starshot. MiLo manages to escape the move and locks in Fowl Play. Square breaks up the move and the two set up MiLo on the tables. Starshine begins climbing the outside of the cage as Square holds MiLo in place. Inside the ring Stryker struggles to his feet and sees all three on the outside. He attempts to exit the cage but is blocked off by Square who slams the door shut. Stryker looks around for any chance to help his partner. Starshine, still climbing the cage taunts Stryker by gyrating his hips. Stryker begins running the ropes and nails a huge dropkick on the side of the cage Starshine is on knocking him off the side and to the floor.
Square, still outside, stares down Stryker who motions for him to enter the ring. Square makes his way into the ring and the two stand opposite one another before quickly engaging in a forearm battle. Square gets the advantage with a sudden spinebuster and goes fo the pin.


Square quickly picks Stryker up, not willing to attempt to end the match so soon. Square holds up Stryker, "YOU'RE GONNA KILL ME, HUH?". He slaps him. "YOU'RE NOTHING! YOU'RE PATHETIC!" He slaps him again. "I... I HATE YOU!" Stryker retaliates with a sudden headbutt taking Square off guard and attacks with a flurry of palm strikes. He works Square into the corner and hits a flurry of European uppercuts taking Square off his feet. He drags Square into the center of the ring and climbs the turnbuckle. Square somehow recovered and crotches Stryker followed by a tower of London jawbreaker. Square sits up but doesn't attempt the pin, he goes to the opposite side of the ring and grabs the chain. He wraps the chain around Stryker's neck and drags him towards the cage door. He forces the end of the chain through one of the higher links on the cage and wrings it through. He then grabs the end, exits the ring and begins pulling on it, lifting Stryker up by his neck. He continues pulling Stryker, who cane barely stand as he struggles to breathe. Just as Stryker appears to be out, MiLo spears Square, causing him to release his grip and freeing his partner. MiLo forces Square into the corner of the barricade and hits a Duck Splash, sending him over into the crowd. He then grabs Starshine still recovering from the fall and rolls him into the cage.
DtrykerDuckSilence let Starshine reach his feet who assesses his situation and offers his hand to Stryker. Stryker stares at his hand and smiles. He grabs his hand and shakes. Starshine tries to pull away but Stryker drags him into a stiff forearm smash. Stryker drags Starshine up and gives him a european uppercut, knocking him into the corner. MiLo hits five consecutive duck splashes, and Stryker hits his own running forearm. MiLo signals for the Quackerjack and picks up Starshine hitting it into the side of the cage. MiLo goes for the pin.
Stryker drags him off the pin. MiLo questions his actions and Stryker is heard to clearly say; "not him". MiLo shakes his head but exits the ring grabbing Square who had dragged himself back ringside. He picks up Square who fights back but is unable to take control of the Champion. He rolls him into the ring and gets on the apron. Starshine pushes Stryker out of the way and hits MiLo with another superkick knocking him down to the floor. Stryker advances on Starshine but is intercepted by Square's lariat. Starshine exits the cage and picks up a chair. Square follows and holds MiLo steady allowing Starshine to open MiLo with a chair shot. Starshine goes to the announce table and grabs the lock previously placed there by the referee. He enters the cage and closes and locks the door. The NAH stand over Stryker and Square motions to Starshine to pick him up as he picks up the pole. Starshine follows and holds Stryker and Square stares at him holding the pole close to him. Starshine orders Square to hit him, but Square shakes his head. Starshine gives Stryker the STO Backbreaker followed by the Winter Bomb. He questions Square, who points to the top of the cage. Starshine looks down at Stryker, spitting on him. He begins slowly climbing the cage to the top, steadying himself as he goes. Outside MiLo, bleeding but up, struggles to open the door. Starshine reaches the top and hesitates in order to steady himself. Like lightening MiLo climbs from the outside behind Starshine and grabs him, delivering a back suplex from the top to the outside through the two tables. Paramedics rush out to check on both.


Square stares at the chaos outside while Stryker struggles to his feet behind him. He lets out a cry as Square turns and follows with a flurry of offense, not letting his opponent catch a breath. Square goes for the eyes, but Stryker retaliates with a spray of green mist blinding Square. He then hits Square with the Cyclone Cutter three times. He looks at Square and then to the corner. He climbs the corner and looks to the top of the cage as the crowd voice their approval. He climbs higher, reaching the top, let's out a cry and delivers a HUGE guillotine leg drop on Square. He struggles over to Square and collapses over him.

Michael Muffer- Here are your winners……………MILO DUCK AND STRYKER, STRYKER DUCK SILENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Both lye in the ring for a minute as a few of the paramedics check on them. Stryker gets to his feet and triumphantly pumps his fist in the air. He goes outside to check on MiLo and helps him to his feet. Both look back to the cage where Square is conscious and staring a hole through both. StrykerDuckSilence raise their hands as the crowd shows their support for both and make their way to the back. Paramedics load Starshine on a stretcher, while Square crawls out of the cage supporting himself all the way towards the back.


*Motor-Colt is gearing up for his big match, LittleNaitch walks by. LittleNaitch stops and stares at Motor-Colt for a moment, they then shake hands.*

LittleNaitch: Thanks again for having my back against those... psychos last week.
Colt: Don't worry about it man.
LittleNaitch: Hey. Best of luck... Long live the King ey?


King Of WrestleCrap Tournament Finals

Singles Match(winner gets a shot at MiLo Duck's World Title at Ernest Goes To Wargames and gets to pick one of the teams for the Wargames Match.)

Evil Masked wordlifeecw

*Lights go dark, some organs play for a few seconds first. Alot of smoke clouds the entrance way. Lights come back on as the opening riff of Phantom of the Opera hits when the smoke clears I'm standing with my head down, back to the audience. I then slowly rise my finger into the air (The Story on Page One) before turning around and finishing walking down to the ring, greating some fans. I roll into the ring stand in the middle, lower my head again and raise one finger. I then quickly pull the cord on my cape to take it off. Finally I go to one or two of the corners, again raising one finger.*

Michael Muffer- Introducing first from Adelaide, Australia...................MOTOR-COLT!!!!!!

*When the opening chords of wordlifeecw's music hit, the arena goes black. Then the pyro goes off, and I walk down the aisle, usually already wearing the mask, or occasionally, a hood, and carrying the mask. Once I'm in the ring, I'll set off my ring pyro, and the lights will come back on.*

Michael Muffer- And his opponent from Parts Unknown, Massachusettes.................EVIL MASKED WORDLIFEECW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

At the start of the match, Colt and wordlifeecw bump fists as a show of respect before locking up. Off of the lockup, Colt grabs wordlifeecw in a headlock. Wordlifeecw sends Colt into the ropes, but Colt rebounds with a clothesline. Colt begins working over wordlifeecw’s shoulder and neck, with knee drops, and liberal use of the crossface. Wordlifeecw breaks free with a throat thrust, and jumps back up to his feet. Colt tries for another clothesline, but wordlifeecw catches him by the throat. As he lifts Colt up for a choke slam, Colt wriggles free and hit’s a Russian leg sweep on the monster. Colt goes for a cover, but only get’s 1 and a half. Colt hit’s a couple of elbow drops, but when he goes for a third, wordlifeecw sits up, causing Colt to hit the mat. As Colt get’s up, wordlifeecw prepares to send him on the Journey to Hell, but as Colt is lifted into the air, he slides out and rolls wordlifeecw into a sunset flip, getting a 2 count. Wordlifeecw is on his feet first and he meets Colt with a big boot. As Colt tries to get up again, wordlifeecw catches him with a shining wizard! Wordlifeecw goes to do it again, but this time, Colt catches him, and rolls him into the Final Thought!

Wordlifeecw struggles to break the hold, knowing full well, that nobody has ever escaped it before. After a long struggle, The Evil Masked One, in a seemingly superhuman feet of strength, powers out of the hold and hit’s a reverse DDT on Colt, leading to a 2-count. Wordlifeecw then goes to the top rope, looking for a flying clothesline, but Colt intercepts him and hit’s the Masked One with a choke slam of his own! Colt makes the cover, but wordlifeecw kicks out at 2. Frustrated at his inability to put wordlifeecw away, Motor-Colt leaves the ring and grabs a chair from ringside. Above Average runs over and grabs the chair away from Colt, asking him what he’s thinking. Wordlifeecw, having watched this happen from the ring, rolls out of the ring and gets right in Colt’s face. Above Average gets between them and yells at them to keep it in the ring.

The match does return to the ring, but the fighting that goes on seems better suited for the streets. Wordlifeecw throws Colt in the corner and rains down on him with punches. As the referee has to physically pull wordlifeecw off, Colt kicks the big man between the legs, and begins choking him in the ropes. At ringside, Above Average is seen shaking his head, but he doesn’t move from his seat. Colt continues his assault on wordlifeecw, felling the Evil one with a reverse DDT. Colt goes for a shining wizard, but stops to taunt his friend first, yelling, “This is how it’s done!” Colt goes for the move, but wordlifeecw catches him with a choke slam. Wordlifeecw then tries to hit the Journey to Hell, but Colt hit’s a hurricanrana, before locking on the Final Thought once more. After a brief struggle, wordlifeecw lifts Colt up with one arm and hit’s a running power slam. Wordlifeecw then applies the Boston Crab.

Colt fights his way to the ropes, forcing wordlifeecw to break the hold. Wordlifeecw grabs Colt for a suplex, but Colt counters it with a jawbreaker. With wordlifeecw staggering, Colt runs the ropes and hit’s a million dollar knee lift, then as wordlifeecw gets to his feet, Colt hit’s a running neck breaker. Colt goes to the top ropes and hit’s a flying forearm on the Evil One. Colt lifts him up and hit’s the Story On Page One, but wordlifeecw kicks out at 2 and 3 quarters! Colt can’t believe it! Colt leg drops wordlifeecw across the throat and covers him again, but gets a 2 and a half count. Colt starts hammering wordlifeecw with punches, but the Evil One sits up and grabs Colt by the throat! Wordlifeecw gets Colt in position and FINALLY hit’s the Journey to Hell. One! Two! Thr- NO!!! Colt kicks out! Wordlifeecw looks shocked and worried, wondering what he has to do to put Motor-Colt away.

Wordlifeecw picks up Colt and signals for the Tombstone, but Colt suddenly catches him with a rollup. Colt considers putting his feet on the ropes, but decides not to. Wordlifeecw kicks out at 2 and seven eighths. The Evil Masked One goozles Colt, setting up for another chokeslam, but Colt once again turns it into a rollup, this time getting the 3-count.

Michael Muffer: Here is your winner, and the 2009 King of WrestleCrap…………….MOTOR-COLT!!!!!!!

*The referee raises Motor-Colt’s hand, as Above Average checks on Evil Masked wordlifeecw. As Motor-Colt celebrates, wordlifeecw get’s to his feet. When Motor-Colt turns around, he comes face-to-face with wordlifeecw. After a brief stare down, wordlifeecw and Motor-Colt shake hands and embrace, to the cheers from the crowd. Above Average raises both men’s hands in the center of the ring, as the crowd gives them a standing ovation. The crown, robe and sector are brought into the ring and Motor-Colt takes them and puts them on and holds up the sector in victory.*

MATCH WRITING CREDITS- D-Day Dave, Evil Masked Wordlifeecw, Starshine, grbjazzman, The Sam, and TTS

  © World WrestleCrap Federation 2008-2010

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