
Serious Business - March 30, 2009


Serious Business March 30, 2009

The Headbanger Man V. KGX V. Jonathan Michaels

"Ladies and Gentlemen, our opening contest is the Triple Threat Number One Contender's Match for the WWCF Hardcore Title."

Starship's "We Built This City" kicks in and The Headbanger Man emerges, apparently air drumming, although certainly not in sync with his theme music.

"Entering first, from Kent, England, weighing in at 263 pounds, The Headbanger Man!"

The strains of STP's "Dead and Bloated" can only mean the entrance of KGX.

"From the Emerald City, weighing in at 220 pounds, KGX!"

KGX arrogantly makes his way to the ring, talking smack with a burly gentleman sitting in the front row, he climbs into the ring with Headbanger, they eye each other warily as they await the third and final contender.

The Offspring's "Original Prankster" begins.

"And from Los Angeles, California, weighing in at 240 pounds, and in Gem Mint Ten condition, Jonathan Michaels!"

Headbanger and KGX continue to watch the entranceway, only to find Jonathan not emerging, however, they fail to notice Michaels emerge from underneath the ring with a steel chair, he slides into the ring and before either man notices him, Jonathat clocks KGX in the head with the chair, busting him open as KGX collapses in a heap in the corner, apparently unconscious.

Headbanger and Jonathan lock eyes and Headbanger motions for Jonathan to bring it.

Jonathan charges at Headbanger with ther chair, Banger ducks and grabs Michaels, delivering a belly to back suplex.

Headbanger grabs the chair and waits for Michaels to get up, however Jonathan rolls out of the ring instead and goes under the ring again and brings out his new toy, the TACK CHAIR!.

Headbanger, not seeing the chair, attempts a baseball slide, but Michaels blocks with the tack chair, Headbanger hits the tacks feet first and knocks Michaels backwards, but the chair remains stuck to Headbanger's feet.

As Headbanger pulls the chair out of his shoes, KGX pops up from the corner and hits Headbanger with a DDT.

Michaels slides into the ring and spears KGX, Jonathan sets the Tack Chair tacks up in the center of the ring, picks KGX up and slams him onto the chair.

As KGX writhes in pain, Michaels waits for Headbanger to rise, Headbanger stand up and turns around into a Fade To Black from Michaels and Jonathan covers him for the three.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, here is your winner and the Number One Contender for the Hardcore Championship, Jonathan Michaels."

Jonathan pulls KGX off of the Tack Chair and holds it up to the crowd.

Jerry Fish: "I am standing by with 1/6th of tonight's Thunderdome Cage match, Family member and one-half of the Southwest Connection, Tyfo. Tyfo, what are your thoughts as we are just moments away from this enormous match?"

Tyfo: "My thoughts? You want my thoughts Jerry? I have been more then ready for this match since the moment it was announced! You saw me beat down three men in a matter of seconds right?

Jerry: "Now come on, those obviously were below average oppon.."

Tyfo: "Don't insult those brave men Jerry, unlike you, they actually had enough backbone to walk through that curtain and face me! But, that doesn't matter. Because, since War Games, I have been the hottest star in the whole WWCF. I was the MVP of War Games, I went coast to coast and if it wasn't for my efforts, NONE of these other guys would even be in this match tonight. And have I gotten one thank you card? One phone call? One pat on the back from any of them? Hell no! They took what I did for granted, and are trying to walk around here like they run the show. Well guess what, you don't, you are here all because of ME!"

Jerry: "What are your thoughts about the issues we have seen recently between several of your opponents tonight?"

Tyfo: "Who cares? I don't care what issues they have between one another. They can keep beating the hell out of each other all they want, just makes it that much easier for me tonight. Jerry, the only issues I'm concerned with is going out there tonight and coming back with the WCCF Championship around my waist, and finally in the possession of the Family! Plus, did you see when I whacked Motor Colt with that chair, you know he's still feeling that!"

Jerry: "One final question for you, about your tag team partner littlenaitch, lately he seems to h..."

Tyfo: "Let me stop you right there Jerry, littlenaitch is fine, we are still the best tag team in the world, and he couldn't be happier with seeing me walk out as Champion tonight! And with that said, I've got some last minute warming up to do."

Jerry: "Well, there you have it, Tyfo getting ready for tonight's amazing main event. Back to you at ringside."

Heatz!!1 Championship: Brahma Bull V. Koda

*Never Gonna Give You Up plays and Brahma Bull lumbers down to the ring, shouting "URGH! URGH!", only to be cut off by Agent Of Chaos kicking in, and Koda slinking out, laughing maniacally. He and Brahma Bull fix a gaze on each other as he walks slowly down the ramp. He walks into the ring, the two never breaking their stare, and they both head to a corner*

Michael Muffer: The following match is for the HEATZZ!! CHAMPIONSHIP, and is scheduled for ONE FALL with a SIXTY MINUTE TIME LIMIT!! To my left, the challenger, from Glasgow, Scotland, weighing in at TWO HUNDRED AND NINETEEN POOOOOUUUUNDS, BRAHMA BULL!!

*The referee shows the belt to BB, as he nods confidently*


*The referee holds up the belt to the crowd and then hands it to the timekeeper.*

Brahma Bull moves at Koda who uses his lighter weight to slip around the ring as BB lunges. Koda runs off the ropes at Bull with a shoulder block but BB just stands and shrugs it off. Koda charges again managing to knock the bigger man back a step, and charges again but gets caught OVER WITH THE POWERSLAM. Cover but 1 count only.

BB drags Koda to his feet and Irish Whips him into the ropes. Big Boot attempt is ducked as Koda baseball slides underneath and GRABS THE STANDING LEG! BB faceplants into the canvas! Koda keeps hold of the leg and begins working the knee over with stomps and wrenching the leg back against the joint. He goes for the Heel Hook but BB counters with a modified Triangle Choke! Koda is quick to grab at the ropes and the ref forces BB to break the hold.

Koda gets to his feet and charges BB going for the Elevated DDT, but BB headbutts the champ and BELLY TO BELLY SUPLEX!! He drags Koda up and Whips him off the ropes again and DIVING EUROPEAN UPPERCUT!! HE NEARLY TOOK KODA'S HEAD OFF. He has him up again, BACKBREAKER!! AND AGAIN!! AND AGAIN!! He hoists Koda up, and holds him elevated walking around the ring...SUPLEX! DROPPING KODA TO THE MAT! He stands and waits for Koda to rise up, he's readying the Superkick....Koda to his feet...CONNECTS!! 1-2-KODA GETS HIS FOOT ON THE ROPES!!

BB slams his fists into the mat and drags Koda up again, Whipping him into the turnbuckle. He charges to crush the champ in the corner...KODA THROWS BOTH HIS FEET UP! BB stumbles back and charges again, but takes another boot to the face! Koda starts firing off strikes in BB's face, fighting back against the bigger man. DISCUS PUNCH BY BB! He wants to put Koda away...he turns and grunts at the crowd...BUT KODA CHARGES AT BB'S BACK!! LONG HALLOWE'EN LOCKED IN!! BB FIGHTS IT, HE FIGHTS....HE CAN'T BREAK THE HOLD! HE TAPS!! BRAHMA BULL TAPS!! Koda breaks the hold and rolls off, as BB lies flat on the mat, gasping for breath.


*grbjazzman is backstage*

Ya knowwhat gentlemen, Tonight I may not win. But I will tell you this, I will steal the show tonight. I'm set to debut my newest final track called 'Night Train' and rest assured, with this move in my arsenal, I will have the defining moment of Thunderdome!

Inferno TLC Match For The WWCF Hardcore Championship: “Evil La Parka” V. Evil Masked wordlifeecw

Ladies and gentlemen, the following is the Inferno TLC Match! And it is for the WWCF Hardcore Championship! To win, one of the competitors must climb the ladder to retrieve the blowtorch hanging above the ring, and then use it to set his opponent ON FIRE!!!
*La Parka’s WCW Theme plays, and La Parka struts out, playing his chair like a guitar*
Introducing first, Mexico City, Mexico, weighing in tonight at 225 pounds, the challenger, “EVIL LA PARRRRRRRKA”!!!!
*Kane’s original theme plays, but cut’s off after the organ, and AC/DC’s Thunderstruck kick’s in. Evil Masked wordlifeecw walks to the ring, the Hardcore belt draped over his shoulder. As he rolls in, La Parka rolls to floor, and the Champion stands center ring, and set’s off his pyro*
And his opponent, weighing in tonight at 320 pounds, from Parts Unknown, Massachusetts, he is the reigning and defending WWCF Hardcore Champion, Evil Masked wordlifeecw!!!

The bell rings and La Parka and wordlifeecw start out by trading punches center ring. EMW get’s the better of the exchange, pummeling La Parka to his knees. The Evil Masked One tosses La Parka into the corner, but when he goes to rush him, La Parka moves, causing EMW to crash into the turnbuckle. As the Champion stumbles backwards, La Parka dropkick’s back into the turnbuckle. EMW hit’, then falls backwards to the mat. La Parka quickly hit’s a LionSault, then reaches over for his chair. La Parka places the chair under EMW’s head and goes up top, hitting a frogsplash onto the Champion.

La Parka goes to the outside to retrieve a ladder and places it back in the ring. La Parka places the ladder between the top and middle turnbuckles, then climbs the ropes again. Using the ladder as a platform, La Parka leaps off, for wordlifeecw to sit up and catch him by the throat. EMW starts to stand up, but La Parka kick’s him in the face, knocking him down again and loosening the grip. La Parka dropkick’s the Hardcore Champion in the side of the head, then grabs the ladder.

La Parka sets the ladder up under the blowtorch and starts climbing. As he does, EMW sits up. La Parka sees this and tries to dive onto the Champion, only to be caught in mid-air and receive a fall away slam from EMW. The Evil Masked One pick’s up the chair and levels La Parka as he stands up. EMW goes to the outside and grabs a table, which he brings into the ring.

He places the table in the corner, and pick’s up La Parka. As EMW goes to lift him for the Journey to Hell, La Parka reverses into a hurricanrana, sending wordlifeecw through the table! La Parka quickly scrambles to the outside to grab another table. As he slides it in, he tries to position it as close to EMW’s head as possible. La Parka props the table up in the corner, right on EMW’s face. As the Champion stirs, La Parka dropkick’s the table into him! The table doesn’t break, and the Champion crumbles and falls to the floor.

With EMW seemingly out of the picture, La Parka climbs the ladder and retrieves the blowtorch. La Parka shoots some flames up in the air, and motions that the Hardcore Championship will be his. La Parka rolls to the outside and advances towards EMW. As he holds the flame up high above his head, EMW, suddenly sit’s up and nails La Parka with a throat thrust, knocking him back, and causing him to drop the blowtorch. EMW is on his feet now, and he and La Parka exchange blows back and forth. EMW tries to whip La Parka into the crowd control barrier, but La Parka reverses it, sending EMW over and into the crowd. As wordlifeecw get’s to his feet, La Parka launches himself over the barrier with a suicide dive, but EMW moves, causing La Parka to crash and burn.

EMW tosses La Parka back over the barrier. As La Parka tries to get to his feet, EMW scoops him up and charges toward’s the ring post. La Parka slides free, and wordlifeecw runs head on into the post. La Parka rams EMW’s head into the ring apron, and tosses him back into the ring, then grabs the blowtorch and reenters himself. La Parka props the ladder in the corner, and the uses the torch to SET THE LADDER ON FIRE!!!

La Parka drags the Evil Masked One towards the flames, but wordlifeecw lowblow’s the Luchadore and grabs him by the throat. After a couple of punches, wordlifeecw chokeslam’s La Parka to the mat, and drags him near the burning ladder. La Parka struggles, but EMW lifts him up for the Journey to Hell, and delivers right onto the ladder. As La Parka hit’s his mask immediately catches on fire. The bell rings.

Here is your winner, and STILL WWCF Hardcore Champion, Evil Masked wordlifeecw!!

An official quickly runs out with a fire extinguisher to put out the flames on both La Parka and the ladder. Medical staff quickly usher La Parka backstage, while EMW celebrates with his Hardcore Championship in the ring.

*backstage, Aaron still wears the bandages*
I wasn't planning to be in a PPV match, but hey, I guess this one is pretty important. I see I am fighting two other people who got misted as well. Well, I'm still wearing this bandage over my eyes. For the past week I have had a clear mind, untainted by physical vision and kept in fantasy-like dreams. My other senses have served me well in coping. However, I think it is time to reveal a secret of my own now.

My upbringing was less than happy, hell it was downright miserable. However, my pain became my strength. You see, this entire time, I have been wearing contact lenses to make my eyes seem normal. However, I am done wearing that mask. I'm going to let my true colors show.

*Aaron takes off the bandages and opens his eyes revealing a dark red iris with a slightly slitted pupil*

These eyes are my strength and curse. The cause of this abnormality is due to my insanity I experienced as a teenager. The doctors say it was the first time they had ever heard of something like this occurring. However, these eyes allow me to see what is normally left unseen. They react quicker than the normal human eye, so I can see things coming that others can't. Too long I have hidden behind my fake lenses, trying to make myself seem less like a freak. I mean, let's face it, you aren't getting any chicks with these in high school. My time of hiding ends now. Tonight, I will show everyone that I deserve to be the number one contender. I'm Aaron Enigma, the Head Detective. TromboneMan, Viva, tonight I will expose your secrets for the world to know, and regardless of the outcome you will experience the dark side of being pitted against a detective tonight. And once I win, I hope it teaches the both of you to Know Your Enemy.

Oh, and Stryker, I can't wait to meet you in the ring for a match.

TromboneMan w/ The Sam V. Viva Los Bio Dome V. Aaron Enigma

The bell sounds and TM lunges for Aaron, thinking he is the weaker of the two being misted the most recent. However, Aaron anticipates this and catches TM and hits a reverse STO. Aaron attempts to go for Extreme Interrogation to end the match quickly but Viva breaks it up. Viva and Aaron exchange blows for a while with Viva getting the upper hand. He whips Aaron but he reverses it and sends Viva into the ropes. Viva hits a flying shoulder tackle on the rebound and knocks Aaron down.

TM sneaks in behind Viva and chop blocks his right leg. Viva clutches his leg as he drops to the ground. TM goes for a quick pin but Viva kicks out after 1. TM lifts up Viva and goes to bounce off the ropes. However, Viva dives to the side just as TM is about to hit him, and TM get speared by Aaron, who was hiding behind Viva. TM rolls out of the ring while Viva and Aaron start chain pinning each other trying to get the quick win. After about 5 attempts on each other they give up and just stand on opposite corners of the ring staring each other down.

TM runs behind Aaron and grabs his foot. Viva, seeing Aaron distracted, runs and nails him with a flying knee to the head. TM enters the ring and nails Viva with a clothesline. Trombone begins parading around the ring and taunting Aaron and Viva. Trombone turns his back on Aaron, and walks in to a belly to back suplex.

Aaron picks Trombone up and clotheslines him to the outside, turning his focus on to Viva. Aaron lifts him up for the Brilliant Deduction, but Viva reverses it into a hurricanrana. Trombone begins searching for something under the ring. Viva picks Aaron up and hits him with the purple sticky punch. Trombone looks to have found what he was looking for, and peaks over the apron with his trombone in hand. Viva rolls to the outside without noticing, and gets nailed with Trombone's instrument.

Trombone slides his trombone back under the ring, and rolls back into the ring, where a dazed Aaron is trying to shake off the effects of the fight thus far. Trombone hits him with a haymaker, and Aaron throws another back. Trombone whips him into the corner and nails him with a belly to belly suplex. Trombone goes for the pin.


Aaron kicks out at two and a half. Aaron rakes the eyes of Trombone man to buy a little time. Trombone shakes it off and runs Aaron over with a vicious clothesline. Viva is coming to outside of the ring. Trombone picks up Aaron, and signals that the match is over before nailing him with the C note. He goes for the pin as Viva is sliding in to the ring.


Viva was late by a split second, and can't believe what just happened.

TromboneMan drops to his knees as the announcer shouts:

Your winner and number one contender for the WWCF Interforum Championship... TROMBONEMAN!!!

Tromboneman rolls to the outside, digs his trusty Trombone out from under the ring, and begins playing his way up the ramp as Viva helps Aaron to the back.

*Backstage, wordlifeecw exits the trainer's room, and runs into Jonathan Michaels*

Hey, man. Nice job out there. Still Hardcore Champion!

Hey, you did pretty well yourself, Number One Contender.

*They shake hands*

So, I wanted to talk to you about our match for the title now...

Hey, now wait a minute, man. You're already lookin' ahead when tonight ain't even over. We gotta be out there for the ThunderDome. We can talk about this later, man. I'll see ya out there.

*Jonathan watches as EMW leaves, then heads off in the opposite direction*

No Holds Barred Match For The WWCF Inter-Forum Championship: SuperSmark V. Above Average

Ladies and gentlemen, it is now time for the No Holds Barred match for the WWCF INTER-FORUM CHAMPIONSHIP!

Making his way to the ring first, the challenger, from Ann Arbor, Michigan, weighing in tonight at a weight of 220 pounds, he is Supersmark!

And his opponent, he is from Belfast, Northern Ireland, and weighs in at 260 pounds, he is the current reigning WWCF Inter-Forum Champion, Above Average!

The referee goes towards AA who goes to hand him the belt but kisses it first. The referee takes the title and raises it above his head, and rings the bell.

Supersmark and AA get in each other’s faces and start to talk trash. AA shoves Smark. Smark pokes him with his finger to knock him down. Smark goes for a quick cover.



AA reverses the fall into a pinning combination of his own.




Supersmark shouts at Average “I thought we had a deal?!”. Average retorts “You really think I was gonna give it up that easily, no, no, tonight we are going to WRESTLE!”

Smark lunges at Average with a tie up. They exchange a series of hammerlocks and arm wrenches. Average is wringing on the arm of Smark, but SS rolls through, wrenches the arm back, and trips Average into a cover for a 2 count. Average gets to his feet and they exchange a number of stiff forearm shots to the face. AA whips Smark into the ropes and catches him coming back in with a Polish Hammer, a reverse elbow, and then a pair of armdrags. Armbar applied by AA on the mat, but SS quickly gets on his feet and backs AA into the corner.

The referee calls for a break even though no holds are barred in this contest. It looks like we might get a clean break but Smark instead takes the opportunity to get a cheap right hand in on the champion. Smark then batters the champ in the corner with some punches and kicks, and brings him out of the corner with a DDT.

Smark is firmly in control now and picks up AA again. Smark hits a belly to belly overhead release suplex and again pins for a count of 2. He brings AA to his feet and tries for another belly to belly. AA hits a double forearm smash to the side of his head though and standing switches into a waistlock on the challenger. He tries for a German suplex. Smark blocks it but AA clubs away at his back. He tries again and gets Smark over his head. Smark lands on his feet and catches AA with a release German suplex right on AA’s face. Smark beings to laugh and goes for a pin.




Smark takes no time to complain but looks a little frustrated. He brings AA to his feet and whips him into the corner where he hits him with a big clothesline and then a number of stinging chops to the chest. He lifts AA onto the second rope and goes after him for a frankensteiner. AA fights him off and shoves him down. AA stands up on the top rope, but Smark runs across the ring and leaps up and hits a big superplex off the top rope. Both men are down, but Smark is the first to his feet. He begins stomping on the left leg of Average in preparation for the Figure 4 leglock, and he gets it locked in.

Average struggles to stop himself from tapping but after a minute or so he makes it to the bottom rope. Smark is pulled off by the referee. Smark gets in the official’s face about the decision to cause a break in a no holds barred match. Smark turns around into THE SUPERKICK FROM ABOVE AVERAGE!

Both men are down again, AA unable to capitalise on hitting his signature move. Both men eventually do stagger up. The adrenaline is running through AA’s veins now and he comes off the ropes with a leg lariat, and another, and another. He hits a series of European uppercuts on the challenger, and then comes off the ropes with a pump kick. The momentum is with the champion now, and he hits a swinging neckbreaker to down Smark. Smark stumbles to his feet into three consecutive German suplexes.



Kickout. Average then hits a sit out powerbomb.



Kickout again. Average whips Smark into the turnbuckle and follows him in with a high knee and goes for a bulldog out of the corner. Smark blocks it and counters into the Crash – his finishing maneuver!




Smark is in a state of disbelief. In spite of the kickout Average is groggy and doesn’t know where he is. Smark, frustrated, heads outside and grabs his signature weapon – the laptop. He brings the laptop into the ring and stands in wait for AA to make his feet. AA gets up and turns around. Smark charges right into a superkick sending the laptop smashing into his face, wrecking the laptop in the process. Smark is busted wide open and AA makes the cover.




Here is Your Winner and Still WWCF Inter Forum Champion: Above Average!

WWCF World Tag Team Championship: The Non American Heroes V. The Pride: M.O.P. and Metylerca

Michael Muffer - The following contest is a tag match scheduled for one fall with a 60 minute time limit and is for the WWCF Tag Team Championship.

*Supermassive Black Hole hits the PA and Square and Starshine of the Non American Heroes make their way to the ring*

Michael Muffer - Introducing first, weighing in tonight at a combined weight of 440 pounds. They are Square and Starshine, the Non-American Heroes.

*The NAH reach the ring, climb opposite turnbuckles, taunt and motion for the belts.*

Michael Muffer - And introducing next- *Starshine snatches the mic from him.*

Amigo - And in a surprising turn of events Starshine has a mic. Trust me folks, you don't see this very often.

Sam - Is that sarcasm?

Amigo - Now what would make you think that?

Starshine - Excuse me Michael Muffer, but I have something to say. Now I'd just like to thank everyone here in Parts Unknown for making the trip out here to see the crowning of new champions. Tonight, we take control of the mantle. Tonight, we make history. Tonight, we become the greatest, no wait scratch that... THE GREATEST TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS OF THE WORLD! You may not like us. You probably won't cheer us. But you know what? After tonight, that won't matter. Because after the bell rings and the match is over, you'll have no choice but watch us every single week.
This is Square, and I am Starshine. WE are the Non-American Heroes. And like you've already heard, there's no stopping us now!

*Starshine hands the mic back to Michael Muffer.*

Michael Muffer - Uh... in-introducing next. Representing The Pride. They weigh in together at 462 pounds. They are your WWCF Tag Team Champions, Metylerca and M.O.P

*Whiplash hits the PA, as The Pride come out to big crowd support. The NAH exit the ring before they enter and regroup together outside. Metylerca and M.O.P. climb the nearest turnbuckles to them and taunt them with the titles before passing them to the referee.*

*The referee holds up the titles to the crowd. But before he can pass them over to the keeper's table, the NAH snatch them and pose to the crowd with them. The referee holds back the Pride from advancing and takes the belts back placing them on the table.*

*The bell rings*

M.O.P. starts things off for the pride while Square wins a scissors, paper, rock battle to start for the NAH.

Square and M.O.P. aggressively lock up with M.O.P. powering his opponent to the corner. The ref orders a clean break, and M.O.P. lets go before threatening a chop. Both eye each other and go for another lock up. M.O.P. switches into a behind waist lock, drags Square to the mat and spins into a front face lock. Square rolls into an arm wringer and brings him into his teams corner, tagging in Starshine. Square holds onto the arm as Starshine kicks the exposed side area. Starshine pushes M.O.P. into the ropes and delivers a back elbow into the sternum. He drags M.O.P. into the centre of the ring and applies an abdominal stretch, M.O.P. quickly escapes, leg sweeps Starshine and tags in Metylerca. Metylerca casualy walks up behind Starshine still getting to his feet. Starshine gets to his feet, turns around and loses his balance at the appearance of Metylerca. He quickly crawls back to his corner and hugs Square's mid section. Square pats him on the back for comfort and Starshine slowly reaches his feet again.

Metylerca challenges Starshine to test of strength and Starshine complies. Metylerca easily wins and Starshine crumples to the mat. Starshine tries to work the pain out of his hands and challenges him to another one. Metylerca looks confused but agrees. Before they completely contact Starshine connects with a thumb to the eye. He then Irish whips Metylerca off the ropes. Metylerca manages to duck a clothesline and rebounds again rolling Starshine into a school boy.
Square launches himself through the ropes to break up the pin.

Square and a spooked Starshine roll out of the ring to regroup. Metylerca launches himself on top of them with a suicide plancha. He rolls Starshine back into the ring, pushes him into his corner and tags in M.O.P. Metylerca whips Starshine into the ropes and M.O.P. floors him with a drop toe hold. Metylerca immediately follows up with an elbow drop. M.O.P. pick Starshine back up and delivers a loud knife edge chop sending him reeling into the corner. M.O.P. motions for the crowd to quiet and delivers another, louder chop. Starshine stumbles out from the corner and collapses on the canvas. M.O.P. goes for the pin.
Starshine kicks out.

M.O.P. brings him back into his corner and tags in Metylerca again. M.O.P. holds Starshine in the ropes allowing Metylerca to deliver a stiff kick to the chest. Followed by another, and another to the now red chest of Starshine. Outside and recovered, Square drags M.O.P.'s feet off the apron knocking him down face first to the edge of the canvas. He climbs to ring side and swipes at Metylerca. Metylerca dodges but falls victim to a concealed low shot from Starshine. Square returns back to his corner. Starshine wrings Metylerca's arm and tags in Square who climbs to the second rope. Square delivers a double axe handle and Starshine exits the ring. Square tags Starshine back in and he climbs the second rope this time. Square wrings the arm again and Starshine delivers a double axe handle of his own onto the arm. Starshine wrings the arm again and tags Square back in who hits another double axe handle. They continue this a few more times before ending with Square as the legal man.

Square lightly kicks Metylerca in the head, taunting him and steps on his worked over arm. The referee orders him to break the hold and issues a five count. Square releases his weight off Metylerca's arm and connects with another boot to the head. Square picks Metylerca up and lifts him into a stalling suplex, holding him up and dropping him to the mat. He lifts Metylerca up again, tags in Starshine and hits a spine buster. Starshine climbs to the second rope and hits an elbow drop to Metylerca and goes for a pin.
Starshine lifts him up and taunts M.O.P., still in his corner. Starshine picks Metylerca up and applies a pumphandle, lifting him up and hitting a sit out powerbomb. Starshine forgoes a pin attempt again continuing to taunt M.O.P. while Metylerca slowly crawls over to his corner. Starshine turns his taunts towards Metylerca, letting him get sloe to his corner before dragging him by his ankle towards the center of the ring. Metylerca manages to get to his free foot and attempts an enziguri which is ducked. Starshine brings Metylerca back into his corner and tags in Square. Both connect with multiple mudhole kicks to their opponent. Metylerca attempts a desperate leap across the ring to his partner but is stopped again by Square as M.O.P. looks on helplessly. Square attempts a fisherman suplex but Metylerca rolls out of lift. Square stops him from getting closer to his corner and Irish whips him into the ropes opposite. Metylerca ducks the lariat and rebounds with a spinning wheel kick. Starshine rushes in the ring but is also leveled with a roundhouse kick. Metylerca leaps towards M.O.P.'s outstretched hand and makes the tag.

M.O.P. rushes in like a house on fire flooring Square with a clothesline and knocking Starshine out of the ring with a European uppercut. He Irish whips Square into the ropes and lifts him into a Samoan drop. He connects with a running senton and locks in an STF. Square struggles for the ropes but M.O.P. holds on tightly. Square fights through the pain and reaches the ropes, forcing M.O.P. to release the hold. M.O.P. doesn't let up his flurry of offense and gives Square a German suplex followed up with a belly to back. M.O.P. points to the turnbuckle and begins climbing. He stops at the top and looks towards the crowd, pointing down to Square and making a cut throat gesture. He leaps off and connects with the double elbow drop and attempts the pin.
He rolls out of the pin as Starshine leaps off the ropes and accidentally hits Square with his own elbow drop. M.O.P. throws Starshine out of the ring and lifts Square to his feet. He lifts him up for the turnpike driver but Square is able to hold on to the ropes, stopping him from hitting the move. Metylerca kicks his arms away allowing M.O.P. to hit the move. He goes for the pin.
Starshine drags the referee out of the ring.
M.O.P. exits the ring and chases Starshine around the ring. Starshine uses Michael Muffer as a shield and shoves him into M.O.P. Metylerca launches off the ring apron into Starshine knocking him down as Square rolls outside, still recovering from the finisher. Metylerca clutches his arm in pain. The referee begins the 10 count.
Square, Starshine and Metylerca are stil prone on the mat.
M.O.P. picks up Square and rolls him back into the ring. He hooks the leg for the pin.
Square's foot reaches the ropes. M.O.P. drags Square into the centre of the ring and attempts another pin.
Square powers his shoulder up.
M.O.P. stands up and signals for another Turnpike Driver. He picks up Square, who crumples to his knees. M.O.P. lifts him up, dead weight and onto his shoulders, trying to balance himself. From the outside, Starshine grabs M.O.P.'s foot stopping him from hitting the move. M.O.P. drops Square and pulls Starshine onto the apron by his hair and drags him over the top rope and into the ring. Meanwhile Metylerca manages to positing himself back in his corner. Square rolls out of the ring and grabs the tag titles from the keeper's table and throws one into the ring. The referee picks up the title and exits the ring to place it back. Square rolls in with his title and positions himself behind M.O.P., currently distracted with Starshine. Square swings the belt as he turns around but is stopped by Metylerca, holding the other end of the strap. Both struggle in a tug of war, trying to gain the belt. From behind, Starshine pushes M.O.P. into Metylerca. Square releases his grip causing Metylerca to inadvertently hit his partner with it. Metylerca checks on M.O.P. and turns into a Starshine super kick. Square picks up M.O.P. in a side backbreaker position as Starshine climbs the turnbuckle. Square hit the backbreaker and Starshine follows up with an elbow drop. Square goes for the pin.

Michale Muffer - Your winners, and NEEEEEEEWWWWWWW WWCF Tag Team Champions. Square and Starshine, The Non-American Heroes.

*Square and Starshine are ecstatic as they grab the titles and hug one another. They climb opposite turnbuckles and hold the titles high, as the crowd begins littering the ring with garbage. They exit to the entrance ramp and stop to pose with their new belts one more time.*

*Back in the ring Metylerca, rubbing his jaw rolls back in to check on his partner. M.O.P. comes to and Metylerca explains what happened. M.O.P. reaches his feet as Metylerca helps support him. Surprisingly M.O.P. shoves his partner away. He says something inaudible to Metylerca who looks a little shocked, and tries to explain himself. M.O.P. simply shakes his head and walks to the back without him. Metylerca, confused follows afterwards.*

Thunderdome Match for the WWCF World Heavyweight Championship: grbjazzman V. The Tank V. Tyfo V. Stryker Dark Silence V. Seth Drakin V. King Motor-Colt

Ladies and Gentlemen, it is now time for our main event of the evening. WELCOME TO THUNDERDOME. The rules are as follows. A man will be eliminated by either pinfall or submission. On the outside of the cage will be the rest of the WWCF roster making sure no one gets in or out. The last man standing will be the WWCF world champion! Introducing first...

*One Winged Angel hits as Seth and Tank make their way out to the cage.*

Representing The Crusade, SETH DRAKIN and THE TANK!

*The two men look around the ring at the rest of the roster and enter the cage as Sing Sang Sung kicks in.

Next, Representing The Pride, GRBJAZZMAN!

*The fun-loving look of the Jazzman is gone as he is all business as he enters the ring.*


*The familiar bagpipes drone on as Stryker enters the ring*

Next, Seconded by The Sam, TYFO!

*The new Blackjacks theme is heard as Tyfo shadowboxes his way into Thunderdome*

And Finally, The current and defending WWCF Champion, KING MOTOR-COLT!

*Iron Maiden is heard as The King enters Thunderdome as the door shuts behind him and the roster begins to climb up the cage as the bell rings!*

The 6 men look feverously at each other until each man runs at someone. Jazzman beats MC to Seth and backs him into a corner while Tyfo and Colt square off in the center and Stryker and Tank begin battling. Assorted strikes are exchanged between the six combatants as the crowd settles in and the roster takes positions around the cage. Jazzman whips Seth at the same time Stryker whips Tank and the two members of the Crusade collide in the center of the ring. Jazzman jumps on Seth for a pin attempt until Colt pulls him off and tells him that Seth is his to defeat!
The weapons around the cage don’t take long to be brought into play as Stryker grabs a Tina Turner album and cracks it over Tyfo’s head and continues the beat down with MMA elbows to bust Tyfo wide open. As this happens Seth has gotten the upper hand on the Jazzman and Tank is trying to make Motor-Colt submit to an Indian Deathlock. Seth goes for a DDT on Jazzman but he gets countered into a Northern Lights Suplex that gets only a 2 count.
The first big impact move of the match is hit by Tank on Styker as he takes him up for a double underhook powerbomb which connects. Tank then celebrates his accomplishment by gesturing to the crowd which greets his display with a chorus of boos. Behind Tank though, Motor-Colt and Jazzman are plotting. The two men run at Tank and nail him with Total Elimination, much to the crowds delight! Seth just stands and watches as Jazzman covers Tank for the count of three!

The Tank has been eliminated

Seth says to the crowd, “A Win for me is a win for The Crusade” before running at Motor Colt with huge clothesline. Meanwhile Tyfo has straggled up to his feet ad is dueling with Jazzman as Stryker just sits in a corner, buying his time and saving his energy. Tyfo reaches up onto the cage and begins to climb while Jazzman gives chase. The two men fight until Tyfo grabs Jazzman and hits him with a Tumbleweed off of the cage! The two men lie in the center of the ring in a crumbled heap as Stryker walks over and pins Jazzman for only A 2 COUNT!
Stryker picks up a groggy Jazzman and begins to rub his throat preparing the mist. As Stryker rubs, Tyfo stumbles up to his feet behind Jazzman. Stryker lets go with a spray of Yellow Mist as Jazzman ducks and it hits Tyfo square in the face. Tyfo falls to the mat twitching on convulsing as Seth jumps onto him and pins the temporally paralyzed Tyfo.

Tyfo has been eliminated

The four combatants look at each other knowing that any one of them could be World Champion. Stryker and Colt square off as do Seth and Jazzman. Jazzman begins to get the Upper hand on Seth and plants him with the Backpack stunner. Jazzman looks around on the sides of Thunderdome and finds what he wants, a plate-glass table. He rolls Seth onto it as he beings to climb the cage. Jazzman reaches the highest point of the cage where he sits exactly about Seth. Jazzman lets go and goes for a 360 SHOTTING STAR PRESS! NO ONE IS HOME! The Jazzman is in a heap on the mat bleeding from the cuts of the glass as Motor-Colt rushes over and pins him.

GRBJazzman has been eliminated

We are down to three as Stryker and Seth look at each other and the two men each rush Motor-Colt. The two men lead a calculated attack on the champ as the crowd starts to urge the King back into the match. He finds a way to start taking over on Stryker and pushes Seth to the far side of the cage. Stryker battles back with a kick to the midsection and sets up Colt for the Cyclone cutter which he hits. He covers him for 2 when Seth comes over to break up the pin and attempt to take the pin for himself. Stryker pulls Seth of and the two get into shouting match. Stryker and Seth come to blows as King Motor-Colt begins to get to his feet. Seth low-blows Stryker and hits him the The Tale’s End which get him the three count.

Stryker Dark Silence has been eliminated

Seth begins celebrating until he turns around and sees Motor-Colt standing with a chair in his hand. Seth runs to the cage and climbs for the hole but is met there by Above Average, EMW, and Littlenaitch who force him back into the cage. “This is what you wanted Seth!” screams motor-colt as he rushes at Drakin with the chair. Seth moves and grabs a chair of his own. The two mortal enemies trade chair shots and blocks like two noble warriors on opposite sides of the same war. Seth gets the upper hand with a kick to the midsection and waffles Colt with the chair across the back. He follows this up with a back-rake and a back breaker, really working toward The Inquisition. He beats down MC with more kicks to the back and locks The Inquisition in. Motor-Colt is trapped in the center of the ring as the crowd cheers to try to arouse their hero to fight his way out!

As the crowd and the roster urge Motor-Colt he begins to stir and starts to stand up and drops Drakin with a back drop! The two men each struggle to their feet where Motor-Colt hits Seth with a chair and drops with him The Story on Page One! The crowd counts along and is shocked when Seth kicks out at 2! Motor-Colt then transitions into putting Seth into The Final Thought. An eternity seems as pass as Seth fights it, but he taps out while the crowd cheers in delight.

Ladies and Gentlemen, your winner and still the WWCF World Champion… KING MOTOR-COLT!!

*The members of The Story rush into the ring and lift Motor-Colt onto their shoulders in celebration as the ThunderDome is raised up*

(The rest of the roster exits while King Motor-Colt celebrates in the ring still the WWCF World Champion. Money Money hits the PA system and Mr. D-Day Dave comes out followed by his personal and heads of WWCF Security Phil and Bill Farris. They get in the ring and Mr. D-Day Dave gets in King Motor-Colt’s face.)

Mr. D-Day Dave- So you are the so called King Of The WWCF huh? Well guess what. I am the CEO which means you are below me. You may have done a pretty good job tonight and I can respect that. But that doesn’t mean I like you. You see you being a king means you like to conquer, to rule. Well I am the only one that will do that around here so if you have a problem with that let me know right now.

(Mr. D-Day Dave hands over the mic to King Motor-Colt and right when Colt is about to say something Mr. D-Day Dave knocks the mic out of Colt’s hand. Colt grabs D-Day by the shirt collar and is about to clock him but Phil and Bill Pharris grab Colt. Out of no where the new WWCF World Tag Team Champs The Non-American Heroes come running down to stop this injustice. They put their hands on Phil and Bill Pharris like they are going to punch them but instead smile and start laughing. Square hits the Squarplosion on Motor-Colt and Starshine follows that up by picking Colt up and hitting the Star Shot. Just then Evil Masked worldifeecw, Above Average, and Aaron Enigma come running down but Phil and Bill Farris run out of the ring to meet them and start fighting with them. After a little struggle other WWCF security comes in to take them away and keep them from helping their Story stable mate King Motor-Colt. D-Day grabs the mic again)

Mr. D-Day Dave- I have one more surprise for you “King” Motor-Colt!

(A remake of Enter Sandman sung by Cthulhu starts up and Cthulhu walks down to the ring with his electric guitar. Square and Starshine pick Motor-Colt up and hold him while Cthulhu holds the guitar high above his head and bashes it over the head of King Motor-Colt.)

Mr. D-Day Dave- Let me introduce you all to the new christened “Corporate Rocker” Cthulhu!!! If you haven’t already figured it out this is a new faction in the WWCF. These three gentlemen saw my little speech last night and have decided to help me create the corporate image WWCF was always suppose to have. You can simply call us WWCF Corporate or Corporate for short.

(Square, Starshine, D-Day Dave, and Cthulhu raise their hands in the ring as Serious Business ends and goes to black.)

Match Writing Credits
Bring Back The Headbangers(Headbanger Man)
Jonathan Michaels
Aaron Enigma
Viva Los Bio Dome
Above Average

Jesse King

Name: Jesse King

Position: Monday Niteraw Color Commentator

Hometown: Hollywood, California

"Gorilla" Tim Hoss

Name: "Gorilla" Tim Hoss

Job: Monday Niteraw Play by Play Commentator

Hometown- Tulsa, Oklahoma

Bio- Former college football player during the early 80s for the Oklahoma Sooners "Gorilla" Tim Hoss left football to pursue a career in wrestling but an early injury in his career made him turn in his wrestling boots for an announcer head set.

Align Left

Phil and Bill Farris

Names: Phil and Bill Farris

Jobs: Heads Of WWCF Security

Bios: Phil and Bill Farris are identical twin brothers. They have a huge background in working security originally starting out as bouncers. On March 29, 2009 they were introduced by Mr. D-Day Dave as his personal security guards and new Heads Of The WWCF Security.

Sunday Night Heatz!!1 - March 29, 2009

Sunday Night Heatz!!1 March 29th, 2009

*"It's hard to speak without a tongue" hits over the PA, and King Motor-Colt, Above Average and Wordlife come out*

Motor-Colt: Ladies and Gentlemen... We stand before you as the three members of The Story. We are The WWCF Hardcore Champion, The WWCF Inter-Forum Champion and the WWCF World Heavyweight Champion!

Wordlife: Since we formed this stable, we have fought together as equals, and as allies... Hell bent on stopping people the likes of The Sam09 Family and The Crusade from ruining the good that is this business... And judging by our nice collection of championships... So far this is a success.

Above Average: But we are not here to brag about our success, that is not The Story's way. Instead we are here to announce that we are giving a captivating up and comer the same chance we gave eachother to climb to the top.

MC: Now we have been associated with this guy a few times in the past and have even tagged up with him. And he's proven to be a loyal friend... And a true competitor at heart... Never backing down, and never denying his faults or losses... Instead he has become known for using these to better himself...

So it is our pleasure to introduce to you... The newest member of The Story... Head Detective Aaron Enigma!

Don't think this means a change to The Story's approach, because we still are The Story on Page One, Evil and Above Average... Just know you have to be extra sure that you Know Your Enemy!

7 Man Battle Royal(winner gets a shot at the Heatz!!1 Championship)
Rob Gnar VS MolotovMocktail VS Madman Szalinski VS Legion VS One Doley Nation VS General of the Monkey Army VS Latino Meat

Each member of the Battle Royal comes out to the entrance and music of their choosing. Notable pops include Latino Meat and Madman Szalinski while Legion got some serious heel heat.

The bell rings and the field of seven begin with vicious haymakers getting tossed around the ring.

Immediately One Doley Nation, Rob Gnar, Molotov Mocktail, and Legion look at the biggest threat, and all gang up on Madman Szalinski. ODN and Rob Gnar both grab him and tag team suplex him. Legion then grabs him and irish whips him over the top rope and on to the floor.

Eliminated: Madman Szalinski
Remaining: Legion, Latino Meat, One Doley Nation, Rob Gnar, Molotov Mocktail, and General of the Monkey Army.

Realizing he's the only good guy left in the ring, Latino Meat targets Legion. Legion walks right in to a latin leg sweep. Legion gets up a bit wobbly and Latino Meat runs over to take advantage. One Doley Nation notices and runs over to clothesline Latino Meat from behind, but he sees it coming and ducks. Legion gets up and starts arguing with One Doley Nation. Rob Gnar comes from behind and shoves One Doley Nation quickly during the argument. One Doley Nation looks on from outside, flabbergasted at what happened. Rob Gnar flashes his signature grin to ODN and the crowd.

Eliminated: Madman Szalinski, One Doley Nation
Remaining: Legion, Latino Meat, Rob Gnar, Molotov Mocktail, and General of the Monkey Army.

General of the Monkey Army decides he wants in on the action and decimates Molotov Mocktail with the Monkey's Paw. Molotov is sent reeling in to the corner. Rob Gnar sees Molotov in the corner, and nails him with a running shining wizard. Latino Meat realizes that there's nothing left to do but pick up the pieces, and he lifts Molotov up and throws him over the top rope.

Eliminated: Madman Szalinski, One Doley Nation, Molotov Mocktail
Remaining: Legion, Latino Meat, Rob Gnar, and General of the Monkey Army.

Legion, Rob Gnar, and General of the Monkey Army all corner Latino Meat. Latino Meat backs away, begging for some mercy. All three charge after him, and he ducks in between Legion and Rob Gnar to get to the other corner. Latino Meat runs and nails all three with a running crossbody. The crowd roars and he runs right in to a GNAR-KO from Rob Gnar.

Gnar picks him up and tosses him out of the ring, casually, again flashing that signature grin of his to the crowd.

Eliminated: Madman Szalinski, One Doley Nation, Molotov Mocktail, Latino Meat
Remaining: Legion, Rob Gnar, and General of the Monkey Army.

The three men left standing all size each other up in the middle of the ring. Legion and Rob Gnar decide that General of the Monkey Army should be next to go, and start double teaming him. They stomp him in to the ground, and Rob Gnar then puts him into a sharpshooter. General of the Monkey Army is writhing in pain, when all of the sudden Legion comes from behind Rob Gnar and locks in the Arms of Morpheus. Rob Gnar is hurt, badly. General of the Monkey Army is left in the middle of the ring, agonizing in pain, while
Legion finally drops the lock. Rob Gnar gets up just in time to catch a clothesline to the outside.

Eliminated: Madman Szalinski, One Doley Nation, Molotov Mocktail, Latino Meat, Rob Gnar
Remaining: Legion and General of the Monkey Army.

Finally shaking off the pain from that vicious Sharpshooter, General of the Monkey Army finally gets up and starts trading blows with Legion, gaining the upper hand. General of the Monkey Army backs Legion in to a corner and eventually Irish whips him from the corner off of the ropes. General destroys Legion with a vicious Lariat. Legion is out in the middle of the ring. General of the Monkey Army locks him in monkey wrench, and Legion looks as if he wants to tap. Legion makes his way to the ropes and the ref breaks up the hold. Legion gets up and ducks under a right hand and follows with a solid kick to the gut. Legion whips General off of the ropes and hits him with a big boot. Legion picks General up and taunts the crowd with an evil laugh while locking him in to the set up for the Fall from Grace. General begins trying to fight out of it, but Legion holds him and nails him with the Fall From Grace. Legion throws him over the top and begins his signature evil laugh.



The crowd boo's mercilessly while Legion laughs and smiles as Sunday Night Heatz!!1 goes to a break.

(A theme plays over the PA and it is the old Million Dollar Man Money Inc. song. D-Day Dave comes out wearing an expensive business suit, his hair is cut, and he is clean shaven. Two big bald guys in suits with sunglasses on follow close behind him.)

D-Day Dave- Lately it seems I have lost control of the WWCF which is completely unacceptable. I started this company from the ground up and made it into an empire! Now I have more money than I know what to do with which means I have decided to drop the stupid biker gimmick and go about business like the CEO that I am. I am tired of people in the WWCF such as Stryker running around thinking they can do whatever they want. From here on out WWCF will be ran like it is suppose to be ran. A corporation!!! I shall only be referred to as Mr. D-Day Dave from here on out!! If any employees in the back do not agree with this new corporate image you can take it up with my two personal security guards and new heads of WWCF Security behind me, Phil and Bill Farris. Tomorrow night at Serious Business I will mean serious business because I have something big planned. What is it you ask? Well you will all just have to wait and see.

(The Million Dollar Man Money Inc. theme starts up again and D-Day Dave and the heads of WWCF Security Phil and Bill Farris make their exit.)

Muffer- The following contest, scheduled for one fall, is a Four Corners Tag Team match. The teams that wins this match will become the #1 contenders to the Tag Team Titles!

(Leave The Memories Alone)
Introducing first, accompanied by Eli, at a combined weight of 500 pounds, Stevierichardsfanbabyface and Krazy E-Man, the WARGAME WARRIORS!

Simply The Best
Next, being accompanied by "Manager of Champions" The Sam, at a combined weight of 570 poundds, they are TTS and Whitey "Daddy Phat Sax" Fats, ROUGH 'N' READY!

New Blackjacks Theme
Next, at a combined weight of 480 pounds, they are Little Naitch and Tyfo, THE SOUTHWEST CONNECTION!

Darkwing Duck Theme
And the final opponents, at a combined weight of 490 pounds, they are Stryker Dark Silence and Milo Duck, STRYKER DUCK SILENCE!

- The match starts with TTS and Stevierichardsfan. They exchange hammerlocks and arm wringers, until Steviefan brings down TTS with a headlock takeover, which TTS counters with a headscissors. They then repeat this, with the same results. Steviefan goes for a third headlock, but TTS pushes him into the ropes and hits a shoulderblock. Steviefan ducks two clotheslines but falls victim to a reverse elbow. TTS tags in his own partner, Whitey. Whitey connects with a dragon screw legwhip for a one-count. Whitey goes for a big suplex, but Steviefan counters it into a neckbreaker.

- Steviefan tags in MiLo, which brings the crowd to their feet. Milo connects with a couple of clothesline on Whitey, and then a running bulldog gets a 2-count. MiLo drags Whitey into the SDS corner, and tags in Stryker, who buries a knee into the abdomen. Stryker keeps Whitey in the corner and hits a few European uppercuts. Stryker sends Whitey off the ropes and hits a smooth overhead throw for 2. Stryker goes for a tope rope guillotine legdrop, but Whitey manages to avoid the contact, and crawls over to tag Tyfo.

- The crowd come alive again as the two Thunderdome participants trade blows in the centre of the ring. Tyfo gets the better of the exchange and hits a powerslam. He goes for a quick Cloverleaf, but Stryker is wise to it and quickly grabs the ropes. Tyfo releases the hold at the 4-count and hits a fist drop, before tagging in Littlenaitch.

- Naitch works over the legs of Stryker for a little while, and locks in a leg lace. Eventually Stryker is able to power out of the hold and hits a flurry of palm strikes, before scoring a springboard DDT. He goes for the cover, but Tyfo breaks up the pin at 2. Stryker knocks Tyfo off the apron, delivers a snap suplex and tags in TTS.

- TTS nearly takes Naitch's head off with a discus clothesline, and locks in a camel clutch for a minute or so. Naitch manages to power out and hit a jawbreaker to counter. He swings wildly at TTS, but TTS ducks and hits a belly-to-belly suplex, before tagging in Krazy E-Man, for his first involvement in the match.

- Krazy hits a nice hanging vertical suplex, before taking Naitch into the Wargame Warriors corner. He hits a few shoulder charges, before hanging Naitch in the Tree Of Woe. He goes for the Umaga-esque running hip to the face, but Naitch manages to pull himself up, and Krazy ends up missing the move. Naitch backflips over Krazy and takes him down with a chopblock. He teases the figure-4, but is kicked away. Naitch decides he's taken enough abuse and tags MiLo back into the match.

- MiLo unloads with right hands to Krazy. He hits a few Duck Wing chops, and then scores with Quacker Splash in the corner. He then goes to complete the trifecta of duck-based manoeuvres with the 10 punches in the corner, complete with the crowd quacking along. MiLo hits a flying clothesline from the top and goes for the pin, but the count is this time broken by Steviefan.

- Stryker comes in and nails Steviefan, causing something of a pier-8 to break out. 6 men go to the outside, leaving Stryker and Steviefan in the ring. Stryker throws his adversary to the outside underneath the bottom rope, before scoring with a tope onto all the competitors. Among the melee, Eli slaps The Sam in the face, which gets a large crowd pop.

Tyfo and Stryker start brawling up the rampway, one day before Thunderdome. MiLo and Naitch are also fighting outside the ring - Naitch reverses a whip and sends MiLo crashing into the steel steps. Krazy E-Man and TTS roll into the ring. Krazy tries for a samoan drop, but TTS reverses it into a crucifix pin for a close near-fall. Krazy charges at TTS, but gets hits by the Pile-Up for 3, as Whitey keeps Stevie from breaking the count.


As Rough and Ready make their way to the back, Tyfo and Stryker exchange words, followed by punches, as Naitch and MiLo jump in to help their partners. The short scuffle is quickly broken up, and as the Connection head to the back, MiLo and Stryker stand tall in the ring, when…

*Know Your Enemy plays and Aaron walks out on the entrance ramp*
Hey Stryker, remember me? You know, this has been the best week of my life, free from the regular way of sight and seeing with other senses. Some people would think that I would be whining and complaining about not being able to see. However, this is not the case, as I have truly enjoyed the time I have been blind to reflect on many things. One thing really was my past. If you didn't know, I am a collector of detective novels. When I was sixteen, my collection was burned when someone committed arson and burned my house down. This drove me to the brink of insanity and I spent 2 years in the mental hospital, where my personality became twisted. I was able to delve away from reality and focus on the abstract.

When I became a detective, my insanity kind of took a backseat. However, this mist has quite ironically unclouded my vision. Stryker, you have unleashed something the depths of which you could NEVER understand, and after Serious Business, you and I have a little business to settle as well. You remember my words well though Stryker, if you think it is easy to Stryke me out, you had better rethink that strategy, and instead learn to Know Your Enemy

*Aaron drops the mic and a red glow seems to show from his eyes under the bandages, as Heatz!!1 comes to an end*

Credits this week go to Viva Los Bio Dome and Bring Back The Headbangers. Thanks a bunch, guys.

Will Alphonzo


Referee Name- Will Alphonzo

Position- Senior Referee

Bio- A former old school wrestler himself from the late 1970s and 1980s.

Jerry Fish

Name: Jerry Fish

Job: Backstage Interviewer

Bio- Jerry Fish is of Japanese descent and has been working in news media for years. He recently switched over to wrestling about a year ago and has ended up in the WWCF.

Fred G. Neric

Name: Fred G. Neric

Job: Backstage Interviewer

Bio- Fred G. Neric started out in regional wrestling groups becoming one of the best backstage interviewers on the west coast. He eventually made his way to WWCF and was backstage with a mic in his hand just a few weeks after the WWCF was established in August of 2008.

Monday Niteraw - March 23, 2009

Monday Niteraw March 23rd, 2009

General of the Monkey Army vs. MolotovMocktail

MM and General lock up as the bell sounds with MM putting General in a chin lock. General bounces off the ropes and pushes MM off him, but MM rebounds with a shoulder block dropping General to the ground. MM follows quickly with a couple elbow drops, ending with a leg drop. MM goes for a quick pin but General kicks out before the ref can count 1. MM brings General to his feet, but General elbows MM in the stomach. General follows with a Monkey Flip, leaving MM on his back.

General quickly tries to lock in the Monkey Wrench, but MM kicks him off him and gets up. He clotheslines General and as he gets back up, MM hits a series of kicks that leaves the General reeling. MM finishes up with an Enziguri and General falls to the mat clutching his head. MM goes for a pin but General just kicks out before the 3.

MM continues to work on the head of General with punches, stomps and a leg drop. General's monkey at ringside starts freaking out and yelling, grabbing the attention of MM. General uses this distraction to get to his feet and clothesling MM from behind. He picks up MM and throws him into the turnbuckle. He lifts MM to the top rope and attempts to superplex him though. MM is able to counter and knock General to the ground lying on his back.

MM attempts to go for the 450 splash but General moves out of the way and MM hits the mat and clutches his midsection. General uses this oppotunity to lock in the Monkey Wrench and MM taps out quickly.

Here is your winner, The General of the Monkey Army!

*We see The Sam and the SWC standing next to Jerry Fish*
J.Fish - Hello fans, I am here with the Southwest Connection and their manager, The Sam. Tonight The Sam, one of your teams, the Southwest Connection alongside the Non American Heroes, will face another one of your teams, RnR and their partners, the WWCF tag Team champions The Pride in 8 man tag team action.
The Sam - First off, RnR are not MY team. They are their team, I just happen to manage them. Now I know what your thinking, The Sam is going to screw RnR out of another win. However I did not screw RnR, I taught them a lesson. I am trying to teach them to be humble and that patience is a virtue, just like any great tag team knows. But instead of thanking me for the advice, they kidnap my twin brother, Chip-Chip. Now this week, I'm going to be unbias. I am not going to interfere. I will help both SWC and RnR if need be because just like I always say, i'm gonna call this match right down the middle. Now as for Serious Business, everyone wants to....
*The Sam stops talking as the Non American Heroes make their way onto the interview. Starshine grabs the microphone and seems oblivious of Southwest.*
Starshine - Next week, live on Pay per view. The next big thing hits the big time when the new greatest tage team... *looks at Square* wait, scratch that. The NEXT GREATEST TAG TEAM takes their crown and breaks down the Pride of the current champions, Metylerca and MOP. Now tonight we... *looks to his left and appears to finally notice Southwest and The Sam* Hey Square, is that who I think it is?
Square - I think so. Aren't you the "ex"-greatest tag team in this company.
*Southwest begin advancing.
Starshine - HEY! HEY! We're just joking around, you guys are great... Or you used to be. *The Sam holds Southwest back* Face it, we're just being honest, you two have lost to the Pride how many times now? Twice? Now I think either they hold your personal kryptonite, or you just don't have what it takes anymore.
Square - Hell, we've beat you.
Starshine - Oh, that's right. Square, isn't that the time you had that pole and you-and then I did the sharpshooter and you had the chair, and you know. *Southwest are seething* Hey, listen that was never personal. It was just... business. *looks at Sam* You know about that right? Anyway tonight we team up, the top two teams in this company... more or less. So I say we put all that "business" behind us and move on and win tonight. If it helps, I just want to say... we just want to say; our bad. Yeah, our bad.
*littlenaich snatches the mic from Starshine*
littlenaich - Your bad, huh? If I remember correctly, you attempted to cave my skull in last time we met. Why in the hell should I-
*Sam takes the mic from naich*
The Sam - We accept. Tyfo, naich, we have to get ready for our match, come on.
*Sam walks off with Tyfo, as naich stares down the NAH before reluctantly leaving. Jerry Fish brings the mic to Starshine.*
Starshine - *Points off screen* Nice guys, those three.
*The NAH walk off*

Eli w/ The Wargame Warriors V. KGX
Ladies and Gentleman, the following match is an intergender showcase match and it is scheduled for 1 fall. Introducing first, accompanied by the Wargame Warriors, weighing 185 pounds... ELI!!

*Vermillion plays over the PA as Eli makes her way onto the stage with Stevie and Krazy Man in tow. She interacts with the fans and gets a nice cheer.

And now, introducing her opponent, he hails from The Emerald City... KGX!!!

*KGX comes out as Dead and Bloated rings through the arena. He jaw jacks with a fan or two and rolls into the ring as the bell sounds.

The two lock up in the center of the ring as KGX shoves Eli back into the corner. Eli runs right back at him and they lock up again, with the same result. She runs back at him a third time nailes KGX with a huge slap to the face. She whips him off the ropes and nails a drop toe hold and floats over into a front face lock.

KGX easily reaches his feet and shoves Eli back into a corner. he works her over with a kick to the mid section and climbs up the turnbuckle to administer a 10 punch. He gets off 9 of them before putting one leg on the top rope and gyrating in Eli's dazed face while screaming at her and the fans "Do you like what you see?!?" before nailing the 10th punch and throwing her down to the canvas. He rolls on top of her for the pin

All of a sudden Eli grabs his shoulders and works him in a cralde pinning situation where KGX is able to kick out at 2. KGX stumbles to his knees where Eli runs at him and nails a shining wizard for another two count. She then goes up top and connects on a splash, but again can only get two.

Growing angry, Eli motions to the crowd for the Machine Gun, and whips KGX into the ropes. KGX bounces back and ducks the Machine Gun and hits the far ropes and comes back with a Busaiku Knee Kick that nearly beheads Eli.

KGX then picks up the body of Eli and puts her in position for the Emerald Flowsion. He calls out to the fans, "This one's for you Jazzman!' before nailing Eli with the Flowsion. He goes down to cover her.

KGX picks up the shoulder and stands Eli up. He then runs behind her and rolls her up in a schoolboy pin while hooking the tights.


Here is your winner, KGX!

Latino Meat V. TromboneMan w/ The Sam

Muffer – The following contest is set for one fall.
(Back Door Man – The Doors)
Making his way to the ring first, at the height of 6’4, weighing in at 235 lbs. From “Your Mom’s House”, LATINO MEAT!
(Meat makes his entrance high fiving the fans and climbing the turnbuckles.)
And his opponent;
(In The Mood – Glen Miller)
Making his way to the ring, at the height of 6’2, weighing in at 240 lbs. From Melbourne, Australia. Representing The Family. Accompanied by his manager, The Sam. He is the Tromboneweight Champion and WWCF Money in the Bank holder, TROMBONEMAN!
(Tromboneman marches his way to the ring with The Sam in tow)
The bell rings.
Tromboneman holds his hand out for a handshake, Latino Meat reaches for it but Tromboneman pulls his hand back. Both competitors circle the ring. They lock up. Latino Meat pushes Tromboneman to the turnbuckle and releases the grapple. Tromboneman charges back and goes for another grapple. Tromboneman sets Meat up against the ropes and goes for a chop. Meat ducks the chop and hits a Dropkick, sending Tromboneman to the outside. The Sam rushes towards Tromboneman to make sure he is ok while giving him some advice. The referee gets to a 6 count before Tromboneman returns to the ring.
Tromboneman and Latino Meat go for a lock up but Tromboneman lifts his knee up and hits Latino in the mid section. Tromboneman then hits a Snap Suplex on Latino Meat before going for a quick pin.
2 count

Tromboneman signals that he is going for the “C-Note”. He lifts Latino Meat over his shoulder but Latino Meat manages to slip out of the hold. Meat runs the ropes and hits Tromboneman with a “Flying Shoulder Tackle”. Latino Meat signals for the top rope. As Meat reaches the top rope, The Sam climbs up onto the apron and charges towards Meat. Meat kicks The Sam back sending him to the floor below. Meat goes for the “Meat Compactor” on Tromboneman jut as he hits Tromboneman grabs Meats arm out of mid air and locks in a Fujiwara Armbar. As it turns out Tromboneman was playing possum.
Latino Meat tries to reach for the ropes but can’t make it. He starts tapping out.
The winner of this match, TROMBONEMAN!
Tromboneman doesn’t let go of the Fujiwara Armbar though and continues to torque Latino Meats shoulder back.
Officials try to break the hold but it’s no use. The Sam is screaming at Tromboneman “BREAK HIS ARM! BREAK HIS ARM!”.
After 2 minutes Tromboneman finally releases the armbar. Tromboneman and The Sam laugh as they walk to the locker room, meanwhile Latino Meat is taken away on a stretcher and into the back of an ambulance.

Evil Masked wordlifeecw and Jonathan Michaels V. “Evil La Parka” and Cthulhu

(Original Kane Theme)
This match is set for one fall, and is a tag team contest. Introducing first, at a total combined weight of 560 pounds, the team of Jonathan Michaels, and the WWCF Hardcore Champion, Evil Masked wordlifeecw!
(La Parka’s WCW theme)
And there opponents, at a total combined weight of 405 pounds, Cthulhu, and “Evil La Parka”!

Michaels tackles La Parka before the bell even rings. Cthulhu and wordlifeecw begin going at it as well, and the ref is already struggling to gain control over the situation. As all 4 men brawl around the ring, several more officials run out to try and restore order, but to no avail. On one side, Michaels rams La Parka’s head off the guardrail. As the Luchadore slides down with each blow, Michaels finishes the assault with a kick to the face. Meanwhile, on the other side of the ring, wordlifeecw and Cthulhu have brawled into the crowd. As fans scramble to move, wordlifeecw and Cthulhu maul each other with anything that isn’t nailed down. Cthulhu cracks the Hardcore Champion in the head with a chair, knocking the Champion to the ground. Cthulhu begins to make his way back to ring, while Michaels and La Parka have resumed their battle over by the announcer’s table. La Parka rams Michaels’ head off the table, and Jonathan is busted open before the match has even started!

La Parka and Cthulhu roll Jonathan into the ring, and the bell finally rings. Cthulhu works over Michaels with several high impact blows, including head butts, a yakuza kick, and finishing up with a lung blower. Cthulhu tags in La Parka to get the pin, but Michaels kicks out at 2. Wordlifeecw is still out in the audience, trying to get his bearings. La Parka and Cthulhu take turns working over Michaels, completely ignoring the tag rule. La Parka goes for a springboard dropkick, but Michaels is able to get out of the way, and Parka crashes to the mat. Cthulhu quickly begins pummeling away on Michaels, but Jonathan fights back, and starts hitting both men with lefts and rights. Realizing that the match is slipping away, Parka reaches for his chair, only be met with a hand wrapped around his throat. Wordlifeecw is back in this thing! Parka kicks the Hardcore Champion away, but as he turns back around, Michaels dropkicks him right off the ring apron! Michaels turns to take care of Cthulhu, but is met with a boot to the gut. Cthulhu set’s up for the Death Magnetic, but Michaels slides down his back. Wordlifeecw delivers a kick of his own to Cthulhu, followed by the Journey to Hell. The Evil Masked One motions for Michaels to go up top. As La Parka reenters the ring, wordlifeecw lifts Michaels off the top turnbuckle and launches him onto La Parka! 1! 2! 3!

Here are your winners, Jonathan Michaels and the WWCF Hardcore Champion, Evil Masked wordlifeecw! With this win, wordlifeecw will now get to decide the stipulations for his match with La Parka at Serious Business!

Wordlifeecw and Jonathan Michaels celebrate their win in the ring, when Cthulhu grabs Michaels and tosses him to the outside. Wordlifeecw tries to help his partner, but La Parka blindsides him with a chair shot. After hammering wordlifeecw with chair a few times, La Parka grabs the Hardcore belt.

Make whatever stipulations you want. It won’t make a difference. At Serious Business, your Hardcore Title WILL. BE. MINE.

La Parka drapes the belt across wordlifeecw’s chest and leaves.

grbjazzman V. Stryker Dark Silence

Michael Muffer: The following match is scheduled for ONE FALL!

*Bagpipes and Drums kick in. Stryker walks out with a staring, intense look and paces aggressively to the ring*

Muffer: On the way to the ring, from the depths of the soul, weighing in at TWO HUNDRED AND FORTY POOOOUUUUNDS, STRRRRYKER DARK SIIIIIILENCCCCE!

*Stryker pops up onto the apron and wipes his feet before getting into the ring. He paces up to Muffer who bails out of the ring with his mic, and stands face to face, unblinking, at the ref as Sing Sang Sung plays*

Muffer (from outside the ring): And the opponent, from Fulton, NEW YORK, weighing in at TWO HUNDRED AND SIX POOOOUNDS, GRBJAAAAAAAZMAAAAAN!!

Jazzman struts down to the ring, and starts dancing with his cane at ringside. Stryker sets off running across the ring...SUICIDE TOPE ONTO JAZZMAN!! Hauling himself to his feet he pulls up Jazzman and rolls him into the ring following after. Front Facelock by Stryker on Jazzman as the ref rings the bell for the start of the match. He wrenches back on Jazzman's neck, then hoists him up going for the delayed vertical suplex, but Jazzman is able to wrap his legs around Stryker's neck and bring him over with a Headscissors Takedown shocking Stryker. He turns and faces Jazzman and charges in with the Collar and Elbow Tie Up, using his weight advantage to grab an Arm Ringer. He goes for the twist again to slam Jazzman, but he lands on his feet...ENZUGIRI! Jazzman runs off the ropes...BASEBALL SLIDE INTO STRYKER'S MIDRIFF! He looks to lock on the Boston Crab, but Stryker fights to block it. Stryker puts his boot in Jazzman's face and powers him off! Off the ropes now as Jazzman is back to his feet, ducks a clothesline and leapfrogs on his way back! Third run across the ring, Jazzman goes for the Yakuza kick...REVERSED! CAPTURE SUPLEX! STRYKER LAUNCHED JAZZMAN ACROSS THE RING! Stryker has a crazed look in his eyes...he pounces onto Jazzman and starts landing the Forearm Blows!! Jazzman struggles to get free, as Stryker grinds his right arm into his face..Jazzman grabs the bottom rope...STRYKER KEEPS PUNCHING AS THE REF COUNTS! He's not breaking...the ref forces himself between the pair, dragging Stryker off. Stryker turns and advances on the ref backing him into the corner, threatening him. Jazzman forces himself back to his feet...AND CHARGES WITH THE SUCH SWEET THUNDER ATTEMPT!! KNEES CONNECT SANDWICHING THE REFEREE BETWEEN STRYKER AND THE TURNBUCKLE!! BACKSTABBER!! COVER, BUT NO REFEREE!! Jazzman tries to revive the referee, as Stryker lays prone, but he seems out. Jazzman goes up to the second rope for the Elbow Drop...STRYKER GETS BOTH FEET UP!! Jazzman drops back as Stryker struggles over to him. He drags Jazzman into the centre of the ring...SLEEPERHOLD LOCKED IN!! Jazzman fights, but Stryker is locked in tight...the referee crawls over and raises Jazzman's arm...one...two...THREE! IT'S OVER!!

Muffer: Here is your winner...STRRRRYKER DARK SIIILENNCCCE!!

Stryker stands, clutching his back and limping slightly. He grabs the ref by the lapells and throws him out of the ring. Standing over Jazzman, he massages his throat....and mists into his own hands! He smears a black handprint over Jazzman's chest and leaves the ring.

*Back from the break, Above Average enters the ring*

I'm out here tonight in this very ring to address my upcoming title defence against the man who calls himself the... SuperSmark. Now Smark, I've still yet to defeat you properly inside this squared circle, and I've had 3 attempts recently to do so, and one way or the other, you've escaped my pinfall or my submission hold.

Smark, I know you were just pissed when you couldn't defeat me at what you pride yourself as being an expert at. And that is workrate. I was outworking you in the ring, you took a tantrum like the little internet nerd that you are, and hit me in the head with your laptop.

So Smark, next week at Serious Business, I want to make sure we can settle this once and for all. I don't want to have to face you again and again and again still trying to find that elusive victory. So, how about we add a stipulation to the match.

What I propose isn't anything fancy or particularly out there. No Disqualifications. No Count Outs. And there must be a winner. The only two methods of the match ending are when one of us taps out, or when one of us has our shoulders pinned to the mat for a count of 3.

D-Day Dave, make this match happen, because I want to finish this once and for all.

Above Average hands his mic back to the ring announcer, adjusts the title belt on his shoulder and walks to the back calmly.

8-Man Elimination Match: The Pride(M.O.P. and Metylerca) and RnR(Whitey and TTS) V. The Non-American Heroes(Square and Starshine) and The Southwest Connection(LittleNaitch and Tyfo)

Michael Muffer - The following contest is an 8 man elimination tag team match. The rules are simple, 4 men start on each team and whomever is pinned, submits, counted out or disqualified must leave the ringside area for the duration of the match. This match will end once all 4 members of one team has been eliminated.

*The Southwest Connection theme starts up*

Michael Muffer - Accompanied by the self proclaimed 'Manager of Champions', The Sam. They weigh in tonight at a combined weight of 480 pounds they are Tyfo and littlenaich, The Southwest Connection

*Southwest stride down to the ring and motion for the titles around their waist. The Sam looks on with a smug grin as Baker Street starts up*

Michael Muffer - Weighing in at a combined weight of 240 pounds. They are the Non American Heroes, Square and Starshine.

*Starshine struts down to the beat of the music as Square walks in determination behind him. They reach the ring and slowly get in as both teams eyeball one another, before they seem to ease up. The Sam suddenly seems to remember something and quickly waddles back to the entrance ramp. Down on Me starts up as The Rough and Ready appear with a disgruntled Sam*

Michael Muffer - Accompanied by The Sam, they weigh in at a combined 570 pounds. They are TTS and Whitey Fats, they are Rough n' Ready.

*Both make their way towards the ringside area, as Whitey pushes Sam around almost the entire time. Whiplash starts up.*

Michael Muffer - And now coming to the ring, representing The Pride. Weighing in at a combined 462 pounds. They are the current WWCF Tag Team Champions, Metylerca and M.O.P.

*The Pride make their way down to ringside by the Rn'R and both storm the ring and Southwest and the NAH flee to the outside. The Sam makes his way around by Southwest and both teams huddle planning. They then get on the ring apron and Tyfo enters the ring. M.O.P. starts off for his team.*

*The bell rings*

Tyfo and M.O.P. meet in the middle of the ring and begin with a knuckle lock. Tyfo overpowers M.O.P., shoving him to his corner and posing. Tyfo challenges him to another lock up, and M.O.P. obliges. M.O.P. struggles against Tyfo and is pushed back again, this time staying on his feet. Tyfo taunts M.O.P. again and challenges him again. M.O.P. is hesitant as he knuckles up. Tyfo applies the pressure but M.O.P. sweeps his leg and goes for a pin.
Tyfo kicks out, and is met with a sharp chop to the chest. Tyfo, in pain, lunges back to his corner and tags in Starshine. Starshine takes his time getting into the ring and both he and M.O.P. pace each other. They lock up and Starshine quickly turns it into an arm wringer. M.O.P. tries to roll out of it, but Starshine stops him as he rolls onto his back by putting his knee on his arm. M.O.P. powers up into a bridge and Starshine kicks away his footing sending him down again. He tries it again and Starshine puts all his weight on top, but M.O.P. manages to hold the bridge. Starshine leaps off and M.O.P. fights his way to his feet and shoves Starshine down. In frustration, Starshine rolls out to the apron and points to Metylerca telling M.O.P. that he wants to face him. M.O.P. looks at Metylerca who puts his hand out for the tag. M.O.P. tags out.
Metylerca enters and motions for Starshine to enter the ring. With a look of contempt, Starshine very slowly enters back in. Both lock up and Starshine wrenches in a headlock but is launched into the ropes. Starshine grabs the ropes to stop his momentum and looks at Metylera; "not this time". Square distracts Metylerca by grabbing his hair and Starshine takes the time to grab him from behind in a waist lock. He rolls Metylerca into a pin while holding the tights. The Referee notices this and admonishes Starshine. Metylerca pushes Starshine into the ropes, hitting Square and rolling him up into a school boy pin.
Michael Muffer - Starshine has been eliminated.

Starshine looks in shock again, before he starts beating the mat in frustration. The referee tries to remove him from the ring while he argues Metylerca was holding his tights. The Sam passes a pair of brass knuckles to Tyfo who then waffles Metylerca behind the refs back and goes for the pin as littlenaich and Square intercept the other team from the outside. The referee turns around to see the pin.
Michael Muffer - Metylerca has been eliminated.

Tyfo leaps up and taunts the crowd. Whitey enters the ring and tells the referee what happened, but The Sam had already hidden the small knucks. The referee orders them to continue the match. Whitey advances towards Tyfo who backs up into his corner and tags in his partner littlenaich.
Littlenaich enters and walks straight up to the bigger Whitey and both stare each other down. Littlenaich hits a chop but it has no effect on Whitey who looks down at his chest and grins at naich. He powers naich back into his tea's corner and delivers a huge chop sending littlenaich slumping to the mat. He holds a finger up to the crowd who support the idea of another and props up naich into the corner, delivering another huge chop. He tags in TTS who then hits his own chop then tagging in M.O.P. who follows his partners lead, hitting a final chop sending littlenaich to the mat. littlenaich crawls towards his corner but is stopped in his tracks by M.O.P. M.O.P picks him up and connects with a European uppercut, whips him into the ropes and connects with the Thez press. He goes for the pin.
littlenaich kicks out and M.O.P. quickly transitions into a half crab. littlenaich unsuccessfully reaches out for the ropes and teases tapping. Tyfo enters the ring and levels M.O.P. with a forearm, freeing his partner. littlenaich reaches the corner and tags in Square. Square rushes in and punts M.O.P. in the ribs. He then picks him up and delivers a fisherman's suplex.
M.O.P. kicks out while clutching his ribs. Square picks up M.O.P. again and hits a spinebuster and goes for another pin.
TTS breaks up the pin. Square whips M.O.P. into the ropes and attempts the L7, but M.O.P. ducks and rebound with a clotheslines before collapsing to the ground, still clutching his ribs. While Square looks to be out, M.O.P. slowly struggles towards his partners, looking for the tag. Tyfo steps in the ring and drags him away, drawing the referee's reprehension. M.O.P. tags in Whitey who rushes in but is stopped by the referee, who misses the tag. M.O.P. gets back to his feet and goes towards his corner but The Sam grabs his feet. M.O.P. grabs Sam's hair and drags him to the ring apron. He raises a fist in the air, threatening to hit him. Square, now recovered, grabs M.O.P.'s shoulder and spins him, taking him by surprise and hitting the L7. He goes for the pin while Southwest stop Rn'R from entering.
Michael Muffer - M.O.P. has been eliminated.

Whitey and TTS stand outside the ring and assess their situation while all three remaining members of the other team taunt them from the ring. Both seem to come to an agreement and smack their beer bellies together. TTS enters the ring, and the referee orders Southwest to make it back to their corner. Square, stretches his arm and fakes TTS with a lunge. TTS backs into his corner and looks at Whitey. Whitey slaps him to sense, TTS hits his own on Whitey and both let out a victory belch. TTS hits Square aggressively and powers him back to his corner. Square looks to continue, but turns around and tags out to Tyfo. TTS goes for a few punches but Tyfo dodges them and applies a hammerlock. TTS attempts to escape, but Tyfo grabs him in a front facelock and drags him into his corner, tagging in littlenaich.
Still holding the facelock, Tyfo lifts up one of TTS's arms and naich kicks him in the exposed gut region. littlenaich takes TTS to the ropes and hits a chop, followed by a hip toss. He targets TTS's head with a knee drop, and starts working over his left leg. He weakens the leg with multiple stomps and knee drops before locking in a leg lace. He drags TTS back into his corner and tags in Square.
Square kicks his leg a few times and taunts the crowd, turning his back on TTS. TTS takes the time to crawl closer to his corner but is stopped inches from making the tag by Square who grabs his injured leg. TTS uses the ropes to help get to his feet while still held by his leg. He attempts an enziguri but Square ducks, TTS then rolls forward sending Square into his corner and a hard forearm from Whitey. TTS tags his partner in.
Whitey comes in like a house on fire and knocks Square down and out of the ring with a clothesline. Tyfo and littlenaich run in but are knocked down with clotheslines as well. Whitey poses and lets out a yell. Suddenly Square nails Whitey with a steel chair, opening him up. The referee disqualifies him.

Michael Muffer - Square has been eliminated.

TTS attempts to enter the ring but is dragged off the apron by Starshine who made his way from the back. He then whips TTS into the steel steps further injuring his leg. The Sam feigns concern for TTS by trying to recover him by shaking his injured leg. Starshine enters the ring as the referee unsuccessfully tries to restore order. The Sam throws in another chair to Starshine and points to Whitey. The NAH surround Whitey who struggles to his feet, preparing for a two man conchairto. Suddenly M.O.P. and Metylerca rush back to the ring and lay into the NAH dragging them out to the floor. M.O.P. beats on Square as both end up over the guard rail into the crowd. Meanwhile Starshine manages to shove Metylerca into the ring post and smash his head with the chair and follows the brawling Square and M.O.P. to the back. In the ring, Whitey fights off both Tyfo and littlenaitch but gradually starts losing to the number disadvantage. Outside paramedics tend to Metylerca while grbjazzman enters the ringside, and assists them.
Back in the ring the Southwest appear to have the match in control as Whitey struggles to stand under his own power, having lost a fair amount of blood. Southwest stop their assault to pose on the turnbuckles as the referee, having regained some semblance of order, tells them that only one of them may be in the ring at a time. Southwest highfive and Tyfo exits the ring. The Sam from the outside screams at Naitch to "break him". TTS finally manages to make his way back to his corner and appears to be able to hold himself up, holding out his arm for the tag. Naitch taunts TTS, and kicks his thigh. littlenaitch picks up Whitey but is surprised by a sudden scoop slam. Whitey then drags Naitch to the center of the ring and locks in a figure 4 leg lock. The Sam begs Naitch not to tap, who fights all urges to give up. Tyfo rushes in and kicks Whitey in the gut freeing his partner. Both fight to get to their feet first. Whitey wins, and lifts up littlanaich and hits snakes eyes in his corner. He tags in TTS and both hit a double chokeslam on Naitch. TTS goes for the pin.
The Sam grabs Naitch's foot and puts it on the ropes. Whitey gets on the floor and chases The Sam around the ring but is knocked down by a Tyfo double axe handle from the ring apron. TTS picks up Naitch but is victim to a hidden low blow. Naich drags him to the center of the ring and locks in the figure 4. TTS looks to his corner but sees that Whitey isn't there, he struggles for a little longer before finally having to tap out.

Michael Muffer - TTS has been eliminated.

Outside, Tyfo and The Sam hug and jump up and down in celebration. littlenaitch tells them to throw in Whitey so he can finish it. Tyfo rolls Whitey back into the ring and Naitch goes far the pin.
Whitey fights to get his shoulder up. Naitch follows up by dragging him to the center of the ring and attempts to lock in the figure 4. Whitey reverses it into a small package. Tyfo notices the pin and struggles to get back into the ring.
Tyfo misses the break by a millisecond

Michael Muffer - littlenaitch has been eliminated.

Tyfo rushes into the ring and is leveled with a Whitey right. Whitey signals for the Burning Hammer but is distracted by the Sam who draws the referee away. Tyfo levels Whitey with a low blow and goes for the pin.
Whitey lets out a roar and escapes the pin. He begins to 'Fat Up', hitting Tyfo with multiple clotheslines. He then lifts up Tyfo into the Burning Hammer, but Tyfo slips out and exits the ring and collapses into the arms of The Sam who consoles him. Whitey begins climbing the turnbuckle and hits Tyfo with a sloppy body block to the outside while narrowly missing The Sam. He picks up Tyfo and rolls him back inside. He then begins climbing the ropes again but The Sam distracts him again. Tyfo recovers and crotches him on the top. He then climbs up to the top and hits Whitey with the Tumbleweed and hooks the leg for a pin.

Michael Muffer - Whiety Fats has been eliminated. The winners of this match: Tyfo, littlenaitch, Square and Starshine.

*The Sam jumps for joy on the outside and raises Tyfo's hand. Both hug and Tyfo climbs the turnbuckle motioning for the WWCF belt around his waist. Both leave as Whitey struggles to regain his bearings, shooting The Sam a dirty look before slowly reaching his feet and walking to the back.*

King Motor-Colt and Aaron Enigma V. Seth Drakin and The Tank

Michael Muffer: Ladies and Gentlemen, Tonight's main event is brought to you by WWCF Magazine, and the rules are as follows. Typical Tag Team Rules Apply, however if Aaron Enigma can pin Seth Drakin or make him submit, Aaron gets a one on one match against Seth at any time. If Motor-Colt pins Seth Drakin or makes him submit, LittleNaitch can get a one on one match at any time. If Seth Drakin pins either man or makes the submit they must leave the man alone. If Tank is involved in any fall, nothing happens. And without further ado...
One Winged Angel Remix hits
On their way to the ring, at a combined weight of Five Hundred and Thirty Pounds, They are 2 thirds of The Crusade and will Challenge for the World Title at Serious Business... The Tank and Seth Drakin!
"Elementary My Dear Watson", Know Your Enemy hits
And one half of the opposing team, hailing from Chicago, IL, weighing in tonight at Two Hundred and Fifty-Six pounds... He is the Head Detective... Aaron Enigma!
It's Hard To Speak Without a Tongue hits
And lastly, his partner... Hailing from The Daily Story, Australia. Weighing in tonight at Two Hundred and Fourty-Seven pounds... He is the King of Wrestlecrap and the reigning WrestleCrap Heavyweight Champion of the World... King Motor-Colt!

Motor-Colt decides to start the match out for his team, and Seth starts it out for his. The two men circle eachother for a bit, and go to lock up, but Seth quickly rolls out the way and tags Tank in to a series of boos. Motor-Colt quickly tags Aaron in.

Aaron springs off of the top rope at Tank and hits a clothesline and quickly starts stomping at Tank. Tank rolls out of the way and quickly connects with a big forearm, knocking Enigma back. They start going punch for punch, until Tank rakes at Aaron's eyes, followed by a knife edge Chop, Tank then whips him into the corner and follows up with a hard clothesline. Tank then whips Aaron into the other corner hard, as Aaron stumbles back Tank connects with a Spinebuster. Then goes for a Spingboard Leg Drop but Aaron rolls out of the way leaving Tank to a very uncomfortable landing. Aaron the quickly drops a knee to the head of Tank and goes for a pin, getting a two count. Aaron then picks Tank and up hits two consecutive vertical suplexes followed by a backbreaker for another two count. Aaron then goes for an Axe Kick, but Tank ducks it and hits the Orton Backbreaker and tags Seth in.

Seth approaches the grounded Aaron and starts slapping him around, he picks Aaron up and whips him to the ropes and connects with a Powerslam for a two count. Seth then immediately locks in a Chinlock. And starts wrenching away. Aaron eventually powers out and hits Seth with a back suplex. Aaron then goes to tag Motor-Colt in but Seth quickly stops him with a single leg take down. Seth then sets Aaron up for The Tales End, but Aaron ducks out of it and quickly hits Seth with an STO and tags Motor-Colt in.

Motor-Colt runs in and immediately clotheslines Seth down, followed by another. He pushes Seth into the corner and connects with a fierce European Uppercut, followed by a hard Irish Whip into the opposite Corner, then a Shining Wizard for a two count. Motor-Colt then sets Seth up for The Story on Page One, but Tank distracts the ref and Seth connects with a Low Blow then an Oklahoma Slam, Seth goes for the pin but Aaron breaks it up. Seth then starts stomping at Motor-Colt before tagging Tank in. The Tank then hit Motor-Colt with Suplex PowerSlam then tags Seth back in. The two men start double teaming Motor-Colt and Aaron then runs in the ring to help him out and an all out brawl ensues. And the ref loses control.

During the brawl, Tank attempts to hit the Annihilator on Motor-Colt, but Colt flips Tank to the outside. Seth hits Aaron with The Tale's End. Seth then attempts to hit it on Motor-Colt, but Motor-Colt counters with a Jaw Breaker, Colt then runs to the ropes and connects with a Million Dollar Knee lift, Colt bounces off of the next ropes and connects with a running Neckbreaker. Colt climbs up top and calls for the Flying Forearm, but Strykerdarksilences music hits and he stands at the top of the ramp taunting Motor-Colt. Tank then pushes Colt off. Seth takes advantage and hits Colt with The Tale's End and gets the pin.

Here are your winners, Seth Drakin and The Tank, The Crusade!


So then...people want a statement...how is this for a statement?! You all are missing the point. Without me this place would crumble...I'VE BLINDED 3 PEOPLE ON THE ROSTER, AND NOBODY HAS TOUCHED ME!! You understand, don't you Aaron!? You get it now! You all think this isn't going to work? You're either with me, or against me, and if you're against me...I WILL STRYKE YOU OUT!

Big thanks this week to Bring Back The Headbangers, Viva Los Bio Dome, Aaron Enigma, Stryker Dark Silence, Starshine, Motor-Colt, grbjazzman and The Sam for their help with the match writing. As always guys, it is much appreciated.

  © World WrestleCrap Federation 2008-2010

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