
STW: Smurf The World - April 27, 2009


STW: Smurf The World
April 27, 2009

(The old theme songs to the Smurfs play and they are seen skipping around humming the theme. Then all of a sudden one smurf starts a fight with another smurf and a big bar brawl breaks out and a hard rock version of the theme song starts to play. We pan into the WrestleCrap Arena in Parts Unknown City where we are greeted by "Gorilla" Tim Hoss and Jesse King.)

Tim Hoss-
Welcome everyone to STW: Smurf The World. In our main event we have a huge show for you tonight. We are going to decide the first ever BattleBowl Champion and No. 1 Contender.

Jesse King-
That's right Gorilla and in the first half of our main event it will be the big World Championship match between to guys who have huge amount of respect for each other. littlenaich against the WWCF World Champion King Motor-Colt.

Tim Hoss-
This is the third time these two will meet. Each have beaten each other before and tonight we break the tie. Lets get down to the ring to Michael Muffer for our first match!!!


Grudge Match
grbjazzman VS M.O.P.

Michael Muffer: The following match is our opening contest here tonight at Smurf the World and it is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from F’N Jersey, M.O.P!!

*’Burning Soul’ is heard throughout the arena as M.O.P. makes his way to the ring*

Tim Hoss: Well Jesse, we’ve recently seen a new side of M.O.P. He looks to be all business tonight.

Jesse King: Well don’t forget, Jazzman has shown his new evil streak as well.

Muffer:And His Opponent, accompanied to the ring by The Pharris Brothers and representing WWCF Corporate. GRBJAZZMAN!!

*’Axel F’ kicks in as Jazzman makes his way to the way, with the Pharris Brothers in two carrying a blazer. He sprints to the ring as the bell rings*

The two former members of Pride stand in the center of the ring and begin trading punches and chops to the fans delight. Jazzman gets the advantage with a quick thumb to the eye and locks M.O.P. in a headlock. M.O.P bounces Jazzman off the ropes and ducks down as he comes back, then legfrogs him and nails him with a dropkick. Jazzman fights up back to his feet and hits a Judo throw that gets only a count. He picks M.O.P. back up and hits the ropes running at him, but M.O.P. transitions Jazzman’s momentum into a Samoan drop. A quick cover gets only a 2 count.

M.O.P. works into locking in an armbar on Jazzman. He slowly works his way over to the ropes and forces the rope break. M.O.P. pulls Jazzman to his feet and sets him in a corner. He runs across the ring, hits the turnbuckle and comes back at him with a huge European Uppercut. He covers him again, but The Pharris brothers pull Jazzman’s foot under the rope just as the ref was counting to three. Jazzman then rolls out of the ring to get some air.

His break is short lived though as M.O.P. follows him to the outside. The two men trade shots on the outside until Jazzman gets the upper hand and whips M.O.P. into the steel steps. He then sets M.O.P.’s head against the steel steps and hits a huge Yakuza kick!

Tim Hoss: By Gawd! That had to have fractured his skull!

Jazzman rolls M.O.P. back in the ring and covers him 1..2.. kickout! Jazzman is looking very frustrated now and is yelling at The Pharris Brothers to get a hold of someone.

Jazzman picks up a limp M.O.P. and sets him in the corner. He runs fulls speed and nails him with “Takin’ The ‘A’ Train” and covers him with his feet on the ropes for the three count.

Muffer: Ladies and Gentleman, your winner… GRBJAZZMAN!!

Jesse King: Well, Corporate wins again Jmmy boy!

As Jazzman stands victorious in the center of the ring, Cthulhu comes out to congratulate him. M.O.P. staggers to his feet and leans up against the corner as Cthulhu approaches him. But Cthulhu stops midway and kicks Jazzman right in family jewels. A Corporate Rock Drop by Cthulhu leaves Jazzman lying. He then gets a hold of M.O.P. and the two men embrace before they put the blazer on M.O.P. and the 4 men leave together.

Tim Hoss: What the hell? Does this mean what I think it means? Is M.O.P. the real 4th member of Corporate?

Jesse King: I hate to say it T.H., but I think you’re right.


Hardcore Championship No. 1 Contender Hardcore Elimination Match
Legion VS Headbanger Man VS stevierichardsfan w/ Eli

Michael Muffer-
The following contest is a 3-Way Hardcore Elimination match, the winner of which will become #1 contender to the WWCF Hardcore Championship!

(Mordecai theme)
Michael Muffer- Introducing first, from The Darkness Within You All, weighing in at 253 pounds, LEGION!

Legion ziplines from the roof with his bat wings, which gets a big reaction from the crowd.

(We Built This City)
Michael Muffer- Introducing next, from Kent in England, weighing in at 263 pounds, THE HEADBANGER MAN!

Headbanger stands on the turnbuckle and air drums. Legion grabs a chair to attack, but Headbanger narrowly avoids it and rolls out of the ring in fear.

(Leave The Memories Alone)
Michael Muffer- And finally, representing the Wargame Warriors and being accompanied by the lovely Eli, from Badstreet and weighing in at 225 pounds, STEVIERICHARDSFAN BABYFACE!

- As Headbanger Man is looking under the ring for weapons, Stevie attacks him from behind. Stevie lands a kick to the gut and goes to whip Headbanger into the steel steps, but it is reversed. However, just as Headbanger threatens to hurt Eli, much to the crowd's consternation, he is hit with a chair-assisted baseball slide by Legion.

- Legion hits Headbanger with a trash can lid, and then Russian Leg Sweeps him into the guardrail. Stevie recovers and nails Legion with a forearm, but as he charges he is caught with a big boot. Legion rolls Stevie into the ring and hits a DDT for a 2-count.

- Legion scoop slams Stevie down and goes to the top rope, but Headbanger pulls the top rope and crotches him. Headbanger hits a superplex on Legion and goes for a pin, but Stevie lands an elbow to the back of Headbanger's neck to break up the pin.

- Stevie grabs a Kendo stick and nails Headbanger across the back with it several times. Eventually Headbanger gets to his feet, but is cracked in the skull which causes him to fall out of the ring. We see that Headbanger has been busted open. As Stevie celebrates, he turns around and is hit by a huge running lariat by Legion, which turns Stevie inside out. Legion then hits the Fall From Grace onto a chair, and manages to get the 1-2-3.


- Both Eli and a couple of GMTs help Stevie to the back. Legion stalks Headbanger and hits him with closed fists right in the wound he sustained from the kendo stick shot. Legion charges at Headbanger, but gets hit with a flapjack onto the floor. Headbanger Man rolls Legion into the ring and goes for a cover, but only gets 2.

- Headbanger rakes the eyes of Legion, and grabs a pool cue he spots in the corner of the ring. Legion ducks the shot though, and lands a belly to back suplex. He then hits a splash for about a 2.8 count. Visibly frustrated, Legion goes under the ring to look for more weapons. He pulls out a table and a trash can.

- Legion smacks Headbanger with the trash can, and then lays him onto the table. Legion goes to the top rope and attempts a diving legdrop, but Headbanger moves, and thus he goes crashing through the table. Eventually, Headbanger drapes an arm over Legion, but still can only get a 2 count.

- Both men slowly get to their feet and trade shots. Headbanger gets the better of the exchange and hits a big boot. He goes for the Alley-Oop powerbomb, but Legion escapes and manages to score with another DDT. This time Legion crawls to make the cover and gets 2.

- Legion hits a shoulderbreaker, and then gets another table from outside the ring. He props it in the corner. However, he turns around and is met with a vicious chairshot. Headbanger hits the Holy Driver in the centre of the ring. He then sets up the table, and drags Legion towards the turnbuckles.

- With both men standing on the second turnbuckle, Legion starts raining down blows on Headbanger. However, Headbanger rakes the eyes of Legion, and hits the Blastbeat Bomb (top rope tigerbomb) through the table for the victory.


Bull Whip Ladder Match for the Heatz!!1 Championship
iViva Los Bio Dome! VS Koda(c)

Michael Muffer- Ladies and gentlemen, the following is a Bullwhip Ladder match, and it is for the WWCF Heatz!!1 Championship!

Gorilla: Well, here we go Jesse. This one is sure to be personal.
Jesse: Gorilla, I don’t think either of us can even begin to imagine how personal this one’s gonna be!

(Safety Dance)
Introducing first, the challenger! From Hayward, California, weighing in at 195 pounds, representing Cult Chaos, Viva Los Bio Dome!

Gorilla: Three months ago, at Serious Business, Koda defeated this man to capture the WWCF Heatz!!1 Championship. Since then, their relationship has been, tumultuous, I guess you could say.

(Agent of Chaos)
And his opponent! From Gotham, weighing in at 223 pounds, he is the WWCF Heatz!!1 Champion, Koda!

Jesse: And here come’s the whack job himself! This guy is a few pieces of fruit short of the whole loop, Gorilla!

Koda and Viva lock up and begin throwing haymakers at each other. Viva bounces off the ropes with a flying leg lariat, knocking Koda to the mat. Koda get’s back up and they lock up again. Viva arm drag’s Koda, who responds by popping back up and doing the same in return. Koda cackles, as Viva stares a hole through the Champion.

Gorilla: And Viva does not look amused, Jesse.

Jesse: No Gorilla, and I think we’re gonna see just how NOT amused he really is!

They lock up a third time, and Viva hit’s a suplex on the Champion. Viva drops a leg across Koda’s throat, and follows up with a knee across the chest. With Koda down, Viva exit’s the ring, and returns with a ladder.

Gorilla: And now, the ladder about to come into play Jesse. This just became an entirely different match!

Viva sets up the ladder in the center of the ring and starts climbing, but Koda pulls him down. Koda hit’s a leg whip on Viva, and locks in the Long Halloween.

Jesse: BALL GAME, Gorilla! Nobody escapes this move!

Viva struggles, but Koda keeps it locked in tight. After almost a minute, Koda releases the hold. He stands over Viva for a moment, and then begins laughing like a madman.

Jesse: What’re you laughing about, kid?! You haven’t won anything yet! You gotta climb that ladder!

Koda goes for the ladder, but as he climbs, he stops on the fifth rung, and begins laughing once more. Suddenly, the ladder topples over! Viva kneels next to Koda and begins choking the Champion.


Viva kicks Koda in the ribs, and plants his knee firmly on Koda’s chest. He leans in close and whispers.

Viva- You won’t be laughing when I’m through with you.

Viva grabs Koda by the hair, and pulls him to his feet. He grabs Koda by the throat and backs him into the corner.

Viva-In fact, when it’s all over, you won’t able to make a sound.

Viva begins choking the champion with his foot. Koda pushes Viva off of him, and nails a flying tackle. Both men are down, but Viva’s up first.

Gorilla: Viva up now, and it looks like he has some very bad intentions in mind!

Viva grabs the ladder, and sets it in between the top and bottom turnbuckles. As Koda get’s up, Viva grabs him and tosses him, HARD, into the ladder.

Gorilla: UNBELIVABLE, Jesse!

Jesse: His back’s gotta be broken, Gorilla!

He grabs the Champion and hit’s a series of punches. After about 5 of them, he stops and does a little dance, before glaring at Koda, and laughing right in his face.

Jesse: Viva, taunting Koda right there! A taste of his own medicine, if you will!

He then hit’s the Purple Sticky Punch, right in the THROAT.

Gorilla: DID YOU SEE THAT?!!!

Jesse: Look, Gorilla! Koda’s coughing up blood!

Koda falls to the mat, clutching his throat, and spitting up blood, as Viva grabs the ladder and places it directly over Koda, and climbs up to grab the bullwhip.

Michael Muffer-Here is your winner, and NEW WWCF Heatz!!1 Champion, Viva Los Bio Dome!

Paramedics come out to check on Koda but Viva punches one of them out and the rest of them run away. Viva starts whipping Koda with the whip and gets up to the required seven lashes and then stops. He turns to leave but then turns back to the severley hurt Koda.

Viva- And this one is for our friendship you ruined!!!

Viva gives Koda one really big lash and then makes his exit.


We go into the backstage area and see a returning General Of The Monkey Army.

I was once a former WWCF hardcore champion.

I fought in many great wars with my and won.

But ever since I lost the title, I had lost a piece of myself.

So I lived in the jungles of Africa to get away from it all.

I trained myself to become more stronger then ever before.

I am now ready to go back to war with WWCF.

Come my monkey friend. There is no time to lose.

Bingo the monkey jumps on the General's shoulders as he walks away.


Hardcore Match for the WWCF Hardcore Championship
Jonathan Michaels VS Evil Masked wordlifeecw(c)

Tim Hoss - Well, It's time for the Hardcore Title match, and this should be interesting.

Jesse King - That's right, Gorilla, these two guys have been at each other's side for the last couple months, the question is, will either of them be able to overcome their friendship and get the job done?

Michael Muffer - Ladies and Gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall, and it is for the World WrestleCrap Federation Hardcore Championship.

*Foo Fighters - DOA*

Muffer - Introducing first, the challenger, from Los Angeles, California, weighing in at 240 pounds, and in Gem Mint Ten condition, he is the Number One Contender for the Hardcore Championship, Jonathan Michaels

Jonathan emerges from the back with a microphone, his arms seem to be wrapped in gauze, he slides into the ring.

The organ kicks in, followed by *AC/DC - Thunderstruck*

Muffer - And now, making his way to the ring, weighing in at 320 pounds, he is the WWCF Hardcore Champion, Evil Masked wordlifeecw

wordlifeecw makes his way to the ring and eyes Jonathan warily.

Wordlife, I just wanted to say something before we fight.

I heard what you said the other day and I wanted you to know one thing.


You see, I don't want to fight the guy who's concerned about his friends, I don't want to fight the guy who cares about politics or advancing his career, I want to fight the evil son of a bitch who put that mask on and decided to destroy everything in his path, that's the guy I want to fight, and that's the guy I want to beat.

May the best man win.

Jonathan extends his hand and wordlife shakes it as the bell rings.

Jonathan and wordlife exchange blows, Jonathan kicks wordlife in the knee and whips him into the ropes, Jonathan goes for the spear, but wordlife throws Jonathan into the turnbuckle, wordlife jumps out of the ring and searches under the ring for something.

Jonathan starts to stir as wordlife pulls a tennis racket out from under the ring.

Jesse King - Am I seeing this right, Gorilla, the strings on that tennis racket, they look like BARBED WIRE!

Tim Hoss - I think you're right, That's a barbed wire tennis racket.

Wordlife slides into the ring and waits for Jonathan to turn around, Jonathan charges at wordlife and wordlife responds by nailing him right in the head with the racket, Jonathan is already bleeding.

Wordlife climbs up to the top rope, ready to hit Michaels a second time, wordlife jumps off the turnbuckle but Jonathan rolls away, as wordlife gets back to his feet, Jonathan runs to the corner, climbs to the top rope and hits a quick moonsault on wordlife.

Jonathan reaches into his trunks and pulls out a pair of brass knuckles, he puts on the knuckles and starts punching wordlife repeatedly in the head, busting him open as well despite the mask.

Jonathan goes out of the ring and disappears underneath, wordlife comes to and looks around for Michaels, wordlife asks the referee where Jonathan went to, but he just shrugs.

Wordlife starts circling the ring, looking in the crowd to see if Michaels is hiding there, as wordlife walks slowly backwards, a hand pushes the Tack Chair in his path, wordlife steps on the chair and cries out in pain.

Wordlife pulls his foot out of the chair, Jonathan picks the chair up and clocks wordlife with the non-tack side of the chair, Jonathan lays the chair on the floor, tacks up, and shoves wordlife back into the ring.

Jonathan rolls wordlife onto his back and grabs his leg to apply the Key Grip, wordlife kicks Michaels away with his other leg, he gets up and chokeslams Jonathan, following up with a running elbow.

Wordlife searches under the ring again and pulls out a pair of nunchucks, he wraps the chain around Jonathan's throat and starts choking him, Jonathan's eyes start to roll into his head as he flails desperately to escape.

Just as Jonathan looks as though he's passed out, he pulls a second pair of brass knuckles out of his boot and punches wordlife in the head until wordlife releases him.

Jonathan picks wordlife up and hits a snap suplex, wordlife is trying to pull himself up.

Jonathan preps for another spear, he charges at wordlife but the Evil one uses Jonathan's momentum against him and flips him over the top rope, and Jonathan lands back first onto the Tack Chair outside.

Wordlife climbs out of the ring, pulls the Tack Chair out of Jonathan's back and rolls him into the ring, he goes for the pinfall


The bell rings and the referee holds wordlifeecw's arm up.

Muffer - Ladies and gentlemen, here is your winner and STILL WWCF Hardcore Champion, Evil Masked wordlifeecw!

Wordlife helps Michaels up, Michaels extends his hand again, and wordlife pulls him in for a quick hug.

Michaels holds wordlife's arm up and leaves him to bask in the glory.


Tag Team Match for the WWCF Tag Team Championship
RoughNReady: TTS and Whitey "Daddy Phat Sax" Fats VS The Non-American Heroes: Square and Starshine

Michael Muffer- The following contest is set for one fall and it is for the WWCF Tag Team championship.
(Non-American Heroes theme plays)
Making their way to the ring first, at a total combined weight of 440 lbs. They are the WWCF Tag Team Champions. Square, Starshine, THE NON-AMERICAN HEROES!!!
(Starshine and Square make their way to the ring with Tag Titles in hand. Looking arrogantly at the fans)
*Starshine snatches the mic away from Michael Muffer*
Starshine - Tonight, we prove once again that we are without competition. We prove to each and every one of you that together we are unstoppable. I almost feel like I have to remind all of you again and again. You think that because our opponents have had some luck in recent matches that all of a sudden they're the next champions. Uh-uh, it doesn't work that way. You may not like it, but you have to accept it. Until we're beaten in this ring with these belts on the line it doesn't mean anything.
Tonight, we take another step forward to making our name here as the very best this company has to offer.
*points to his tag title around his waist* These belong to us for a reason. They'll still belong to us at the end of the night.
Now finish your job Michael Muffer.
*shoves the mic back into his chest*
Muffer - and their opponents
(RnR Theme Plays)
at a total combined weight of 570 lbs. Accompanied by their manager, The Sam. They are TTS and Whitey "Daddy Phat Sax" Fats, ROUGH’N’READY!
(RnR are storming their way to the ring high fiving the fans and getting excited as The Sam follows behind them not saying or doing anything)
Bell Rings
TTS and Starshine start the match off. Starshine mocks TTS with a taunt. TTS shrugs it off.
They go for a lockup. Starshine locks a headlock on TTS. TTS steps back and sent Starshine off the ropes. Starshine runs back and TTS ducks. Starshine hits the ropes again and TTS manages to lock on the abdominal stretch. Starshine quickly reaches for the ropes and grabs them forcing TTS to let go of the hold. Starshine looks shocked.
Both men circle the ring once again before going for another collared elbow tie up. Starshine locks on an arm wrench. TTS throws a couple of elbows at Starshine before locking on an armwrench of his own. Starshine tries to throw an elbow but TTS ducks it and manages to lock on a crippler cross face. Starshine in sheer panic pushes himself towards the ropes as TTS tries to lock it on. Starshine grabs the ropes forcing TTS to let go of the hold.
Starshine gets up and looks frustrated. Finally both men go for a feats of strength but as they lock on Starshine kicks TTS in the mid section. Starshine grabs TTS in a front face lock and pulls him towards his corner and tags in Square.

Square jumps in and starts punching at TTS’s ribs. Square locks a face lock on TTS and manages to hit a vertical suplex on TTS. Square goes for the cover.
2 count
Square sends TTS off the ropes and gives him a Kitchen Sink Knee Lift. Square goes for another pin.
2 count.
Square gets up and starts stomping on TTS’s mid section and back. TTS gets to his feet and Square hits some chops on TTS. Square sends TTS off the ropes and hits him with a spine buster. Square goes for a quick 3.
2 count
Square gets up and calls for the L7. Square lifts TTS over his shoulders for the F5, but TTS manages to slip out of the hold and hits Square with the Pileup.

Both men are out for the count. They each start crawling towards their corner for the hot tag. Square tags in Starshine. TTS tags in Whitey. The place erupts.
Whitey hits a right hand on Starshine. Whitey runs towards their corner and hits a right hand on Square. Whitey runs off the ropes and hits Starshine with a lariat. Whitey goes for the pin.
2 count
Square tries to enter the ring as the referee stops him. Whitey tries to lift up Starshine who hits Whitey with a low blow.

Starshine tags in Square as Whitey is still reeling. Square lifts Whitey over his shoulders for the L7 but loses his balance and steps towards the ropes. As he does so The Sam grabs his ankle. Square turns around yelling at The Sam who stands outside the ring like nothing happened. Starshine walks towards The Sam getting in his face. As he does so, Square turns around and Whitey hits Square with the Burning Hammer. Whitey tags in TTS who climbs to the top rope and hits Square with the “Doctors Note”. TTS goes for the pin.
the winners of this match, and NEW WWCF Tag Team Champions. WHITEY "DADDY PHAT SAX" FATS AND TTS! ROUGH’N’READY!
Starshine turns around to see Whitey and TTS celebrating in the ring with their newly crowned Tag Team titles. The Sam heads to the back with a hint of a smile on his face. Starshine lifts Square over his shoulder and helps him to the back as RnR continue celebrating with their fans.


WWCF World Championship Singles Match
littlenaitch w/The Sam VS King Motor-Colt(c)

Michael Muffer: The following contest is schedules for one-fall, and it is for the World WrestleCrap Federation Heavyweight Championship!

The New Blackjacks theme hits
First, the challenger, being accompanied by The Sam, weighing in tonight at 235 Pounds... Hailing from Las Vegas, Nevada... LittleNaitch!

It's Hard to Speak Without a Tongue by Parkway Drive hits
And his opponent, weighing in tonight at 247 pounds, hailing from The Daily Story, Australia. He is the WWCF Champion... King Motor-Colt!

The two men stare eachother down for quite some time, as the Ref raises the belt into the sky, both men change their focus from eachother to the title, and in the background you can see a very eager The Sam staring at the belt too.

Jesse King: This is a big deal to Naitch and Sam, this is The Family's first one on one shot at the WWCF Title since John S. Amigo.

Tim Hoss: And was all the way back at GookerMania, The Sam must be licking his lips...

Motor-Colt and LittleNaitch quickly shake hands (much to the chagrin of The Sam) and the bell rings to start the contenst. They go for a collar-elbow tie up with no man getting the advantage. They break the hold and go for another one, with no man getting the advantage. They stop, stand back and smile at eachother, to a huge ovation from the crowd.

King: I think this crowd just realised how big a match this is here.

Hoss: The Story vs The Family, one of the biggest fueds in history fighting one on one for the World Title, doesn't get much bigger than this

King: These man have alot of respect for eachother, but don't let that make you think they're gonna take it easy. They'd both put their career on the line for this title.

LittleNaitch offers a Test of Strength, Colt accepts, since Colt has the bigger build, he gains the advantage. At that moment The Sam jumps on the apron and starts abusing Colt. Colt and Naitch let go, and Naitch starts having a major go at The Sam, telling him to just leave now, to go to the back. The Sam is shocked by this but reluctantly accepts, muttering somethign under his breath on the way out.

Colt is standing behind Naitch, waiting for him to turn around, but Naitch quickly turns around and hits a hard right hand, catching Colt off gaurd, Naitch then follows up with a Knife-Edge chop. Followed by another. He goes to Whip Colt into the ropes, but Colt reverses it and catches Naitch with a back elbow, for a quick one count. Colt picks Naitch up and his a European Uppercut sending Naitch into the corner. Colt goes for another uppercut, but Naitch quickly catches him with a Thumb to the Eye, causing Colt to stagger away. Naitch then follows up with a Chop Block. Colt tries to get back up, but Naitch kicks him in the back of the knee. Naitch then grabs Colt's leg and starts to elbow drop the bad knee for a few times. Naitch then picks Colt up and does a High Angle Knee Breaker. Naitch then attempts to lock in the Figure Four, but Colt kicks him out of the ring.

Colt uses the ropes to get back up and starts shaking some feeling back into his leg, as Naitch rolls back in the ring. The two men go punch for punch, until Colt manages to get the upper hand after hitting a European Uppercut. Colt then follows up with a kick to the gut followed by a hard uppercut, leaving LittleNaitch groggy, Colt the follows up with a running DDT, for a two count. Both men struggle to get to their feet. Naitch attempts a Back Suplex, but Colt counters and hits a Snap Suplex. Colt picks Naitch up and hits a Russian Leg Sweep for a two count. Colt then starts to deliver kness to the back on LittleNaitch. Colt attempts to lock in a Boston Crab, but Naitch rolls through and kicks Colt away. LittleNaitch is now nursing his back, whilst Colt is nursing his knee.

The two men go straight back to going punch for punch, this time with Naitch raking at Colt's eye to get the advantage, followed by a series of Knife Edge Chops in the corner. Naitch then mounts Colt in the corner and starts punching down on him, with the crowd counting along. However at Nine, Colt pushes Naitch down, knocking the ref down. Colt quickly follows up with a Shining Wizard and both men and the ref are down.

This leads to The Sam running back down from the ramp and helping LittleNaitch up and dusting him off.

King: What the hell is The Sam doing here! He was ejected from ringside remember!?

Hoss: Well there's no Referee to disqualify him.

LittleNaitch comes to realise that The Sam is back and starts yelling at him, telling him to go back to the locker room, but The Sam refuses. Suddenly Motor-Colt is back up and he stares The Sam down, and The Sam quickly rolls back out of the ring. Colt then picks LittleNaitch up and hits The Argentine Backbreaker.

Hoss: And he calls that The Story of the Year, a very fitting name for a very fitting match.

Motor-Colt then walks to the outside and chases The Sam out, Before turning his attention back to LittleNaitch who is now getting back up.

Colt runs back in and is caught by a Thumb to the eye then a Back Suplex by Naitch, both men are down with Naitchs back and Colt's knee being to blown.

Naitch gets to his feet first and starts to stomp at Colt's bad knee before attemting to lock in the Figure Four Leg Lock.

Colt kicks Naitch out of the way and works his way to his feet and kicks Naitch in the gut. He attempts to hit The Story on Page One, but his knee gives up and Colt collapses. Naitch then capitalises and locks in the Figure Four right in the middle of the ring.

After a seemingly eternal Struggle, Colt refuses to tap out, but the pain he is going through is very visible, he tries to wriggle his way to the ropes, but Naitch manages to drag him back to the centre of the ring, Colt is yelling in total agony and he eventually passes out in the middle of the ring.

The ref recovers in time to see this and counts the pinfall. 1! 2! 3! He's done it!

Michael Muffer: Here is your winner and NEW World WrestleCrap Federation Heavyweight Champion... LittleNaitch!

LittleNaitch is ecstatic over his win, despite being in pain, he manages to still run laps around the ring, hugging The Ref, The Title and a recently returned The Sam.

Motor-Colt wakes up and struggles to get to his feet. He simply stares LittleNaitch and the title down. Looking like he's almost about to cry, he turns away and starts to head out of the ring. However he stops and gets back in the ring and raises LittleNaitch's hand in victory, mouthing "It's your night, it's your moment... Live it"

King: Wow, these two gave it there all and that match was definately a treat for everyone watching...

Hoss: But the real story here is that they didn't let this title match get inbetween their friendship...

King: Definately two of the all time greats now you just have to wonder what's next for these two bright stars


WrestleCrap BattleBowl Battle Royal
Jonathan Michaels, KGX, Aaron Enigma, Evil Masked wordlifeecw, The Tank, M.O.P., Krazy E-Man, Tyfo, "Evil La Parka", Stryker Dark Silence, Cthulhu, grbjazzman, Starshine, MiLo Duck, Seth Drakin, Above Average

The Smurf The World theme music which is the rock version of the Smurfs theme song starts to play as the participants come out one after the other and the match begins with everyone in the ring.

grbjazzman goes right for MOP who with the help of WWCF Corporate had tricked him. Pretty soon though Cthulhu comes up behind grbjazzman and punches him in the back of the head. MOP and Cthulhu start double teaming grbjazzman.

Jonathan Michaels locks up with Krazy E-Man and Michaels gets the advantage and starts pounding away on Krazy near the ropes.

Meanwhile Evil Masked wordlifeecw goes straight for "Evil La Parka" who shot a fireball in his face after their Lethal Lottery tag match as partners. Evil Masked just thrust punches "Parka" over and over.

MiLo Duck and Stryker attack Above Average and start double teaming him in one of the corners trying to eliminate him.

KGX comes over to the corner where Cthulhu and M.O.P. are working on grbjazzman and yells out that he wants a few shots at his old foe. Cthulhu and M.O.P. back up a little but once KGX goes in to get a few shots they both attack KGX and shove him to the other side of the ring to where another WWCF Corporate member in Starshine and Starshine starts beating on KGX.

This angers KGX and he makes a big comeback throwing Starshine over the top rope but Starshine is able to land on the apron and stay in the ring. KGX charges at M.O.P. and Cthulhu and stop their attack on grbjazzman. KGX does a side kick to the face of Cthulhu and then starts throwing chops at M.O.P. in the corner where grbjazzman was being works on. grbjazzman and KGX start chopping M.O.P. trying to one up each other. KGX does a slam on M.O.P. and then grbjazzman does a slam on M.O.P.

Tim Hoss-
Wow Jesse it looks like KGX and grbjazzman are trying to one up each other not by wrestling each other but seeing who can beat up M.O.P. more.

Meanwhile The Tank and Seth Drakin of The Crusade go after Story member Aaron Enigma in a corner and try to eliminate him throwing punches and kicks at him and leaning him over the top rope.

Jesse King-
Well it looks like Enigma won't last long. The Crusade is all over him.

Tim Hoss-
Don't underestimate Aaron Enigma. He has shown that he can really go and he won't get eliminated without a fight.

Krazy E-Man kicks grbjazzman from behind and KGX sees this and notices that the guy he wants to eliminate is about to be eliminated so he hits a drop kick on Krazy E-Man sending Krazy E-Man over the top rope eliminating him.

Michael Muffer-
Krazy E-Man has been eliminated.

Tim Hoss-
Woah it looks like KGX just saved grbjazzman from elimination. That is crazy considering the fued these two have had for months now.

Well two guys that don't like each other I'm sure will want to save each other for the end so that victory will be that much sweeter.

Tyfo walks over to where Stryker and MiLo are beating on Above Average and grabs both of Stryker Duck Silence's heads and give them a big noggin knocker. Above Average kicks Tyfo in the torso and starts trying to get him over the top rope.

M.O.P. low blows KGX and then goes for a clothesline on grbjazzman but grbjazzman ducks and starts punching M.O.P. over by the ropes making him teeter back into them. KGX recovers and sees this and him and grbjazzman look at M.O.P. and then each other and both nod and hit a huge double clothesline on M.O.P. eliminating him.

Michael Muffer-
M.O.P. has been eliminated.

MiLo Duck staggers over by grbjazzman still dazed from the noggin knocker so grbjazzman picks the former WWCF World Champ up on his shoulders and KGX runs off the ropes and hits a huge elevated drop kick on MiLo right off of grbjazzman's shoulder and out of the ring.

Michael Muffer-
MiLo Duck has been eliminated.

Tim Hoss-
Man for two guys that don't like each other Jesse grbjazzman and KGX are sure cleaning house.

Tank and Seth are still working over Aaron Enigma but all of a sudden Seth grabs The Tank by the head and throws him over the top rope. The Tank gets up confused and mad on the floor and asks Seth what is up but Seth just kicks him through the ropes sending him into the guard rails. The Tank tries to go after Seth but the refs force him back to the locker room.

Michael Muffer-
The Tank has been eliminated.

Jesse King-
What was that all about Gorilla? Is that Seth's way of saying he doesn't need The Tank.

Tim Hoss-
Maybe. Perhaps we have seen the last of The Crusade after that incident.

Above Average comes over to help Evil Masked wordlifeecw to beat on "Evil La Parka" but "Parka" thumbs wordlifeecw in the eyes and then hits a big drop kick on Above Average. "Parka" sees wordlifeecw recovering by the ropes and goes for a big clothesline to try and eliminate him but wordlifeecw sees this and hits a big back body drop over the top rope sending "Evil La Parka" down hard on the outside.

Michael Muffer-
"Evil La Parka" has been eliminated.

Jonathan Michaels attack KGX and grbjazzman tries to help KGX but Stryker comes up from behind him and pulls him to a corner to try and eliminate him. KGX and Michaels start to brawl and it gets so intesne that they brawl right over the top rope and into the crowd.

Michael Muffer-
Jonathan Michaels and KGX have been eliminated.

Starshine is pummeling Aaron Enigma in a corner and wordlifeecw and Above Average attack Starshine saving their Story faction partner Enigma. They each grab Starshine by the hair and toss him out at the same time.

Michael Muffer-
Starshine has been eliminated.

While this was happening Stryker came up behind Aaron Enigma and started beating on him in the corner but Aaron Enigma turns it around and starts beating on Stryker until Seth Drakin comes up behind him and hits him with a low blow, so him and Stryker toss Enigma over the top rope.

Michael Muffer-
Aaron Enigma has been eliminated.

Cthulhu and grbjazzman are fighting each other in the middle of the ring going at it tooth and nail. Eventually Cthulhu kicks grbjazzman in the side but grbjazzman grabs Cthulhu face so Cthulhu uses his other foot to nail grbjazzman with a big kick to the head knocking grbjazzman out. Cthulhu picks up the unconscious jazzman and tosses him over the top rope.

Michael Muffer-
grbjazzman has been eliminated.

Stryker and Tyfo start going at it at one of the corners and are brawling trying to get the other over the top rope. They end up half way on the rope and the powerhouse Evil Masked wordlifeecw comes running at both of them and hits a huge double clothesline on both eliminated them.

Michael Muffer-
Stryker and Tyfo have been eliminated.

Tim Hoss-
Oh and Evil Masked wordlifeecw takes out both Stryker and Tyfo!!!

Jesse King-
This leaves only four men left. Evil Masked wordlifeecw, Above Average, Seth Drakin, and Cthulhu.

wordlifeecw and Above Average being in the same faction The Story pair together while Seth and Cthulhu look at each other in disgust since they had been in the same faction, The Neighborhood Watch Committee, and dread to have to work together to take on the two man team of wordlifeecw and Above Average. They pair together though and whisper strategy while wordlifeecw and Above Average do the same.

Cthulhu and Above Average start fighting while Seth Drakin and wordlifeecw start fighting. Above Average gets the upper hand on Cthulhu but Cthulhu thumbs Above Average in the eyes and head butts him sending Above Average against a corner half knocked out.

wordlifeecw got the upper hand on Seth and is leaning him over the top rope but Cthulhu sees this and hits wordlifeecw from behind. Seth and Cthulhu start beating on wordlifeecw and eventually manage to get him over the top rope with a double drop kick.

Michael Muffer-
Evil Masked wordlifeecw has been eliminated.

Cthulhu steps up on the bottom rope and starts taunting wordlifeecw by playing air guitar. While he is doing this Seth Drakin comes up from behind him and cltoheslines him over the top rope.

Michael Muffer-
Cthulhu has been eliminated.

Tim Hoss-
It is now down to two people. There can only be one first ever WrestleCrap BattleBowl Champion. Who will it be? Seth Drakin or Above Average.

By this time Above Average has recovered and meets Seth in the middle of the ring with a big face off. Seth pushes Above Average back and Average greets that with a big slap to Seth's face. They start to go at it and brawl all over the ring trying to eliminate the other.

Eventually Above Average gets the upper hand and throws Seth Drakin over the top rope eliminating Drakin.

Tim Hoss-
NOOO!!! Seth is still in it!!!

We see that Seth Drakin grabbed onto the bottom rope with his right hand just as he was about to hit the floor. Seth pulls himself up and comes up behind Above Average who is celebrating and kicks Average in the gut as he turns around and then hits his finisher the The Tales End(canadian destroyer). Seth picks up Above Average and tosses him over the top rope.

Michael Muffer-
Here is your winner and first ever WERSTLECRAP BATTLEBOWL CHAMPION......................SETH DRAKIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Seth celebrates in the ring as littlenaitch comes out at the stage entrance with the WWCF World Title on his shoulder. He holds up his newly won belt as Seth Drakin stands on the second rope staring back at him.

Match Writing Credits
Jonathan Michaels
The Sam
D-Day Dave
Bring Back Headbangers(Headbanger Man)

Relegate Hunter


Wrestler Name: Relegate Hunter

Height(anything below 7'0) 5ft 10"

Weight(anything under 400) 190

Hometown: Brighton, England

Alignment(heel or face): Face

Gimmick Description: Ultra-face

Appearance(what does your wrestler look like?)

Apparel(what does your wrestler wear?): Yellow smiley face mask, yellow one armed singlet with a smiley face and RH on the front, black boots with a smiley face on and a black vest with a smiley face on the back

Fighting Style(such as brawler, hardcore, ect.): luchador

Theme Music: The Killers- Smile Like You Mean It

Entrance Description: runs out energetic, high 5s with the crowd

10 to 20 Moves your wrestler uses:
Headscissors takedown
Snap suplex
Slice Bread #2
Atomic Drop
Running Senton

Finishing Moves(you can do up to 2):
Dentist's dream: X-Factor
The Relegation: Lionsault

Monday Niteraw - October 20, 2008

Monday Niteraw
October 20, 2008

Earlier at about 10:00 AM in the arena.

*wordifeecw enters the arena, with TheSam08 trailing behind him, carrying several bags*

wordlifeecw: "Hurry up Sam! I don't have all day."

TheSam: Thank goodness Monday is finally here! I thought this week would never end.

wordlifeecw: "It's not over yet. You're still my slave until NiteRaw starts. Now go get me something from catering."

TheSam: Of course. *Starts walking away. Suddenly, TheSam spins around* NOW!!!

*The Sam08 Family jumps wordlifeecw from behind. The Connection lays the boots to wordlifeecw while TromboneMan repeatedly clobbers the Evil Masked One with a trombone. After the savage beating, Tyfo and Naitch hold wordlifeecw up*

TheSam: What did I tell you? TheSam08 Family ALWAYS walks away the winners! *Slaps wordlifeecw*

*WWCF Security and EMTs come running to check on wordlifeecw as the Sam08 Family takes off, laughing*

EMT worker: This looks bad. Let's get him to the hospital.

*wordlifeecw is loaded onto a stretcher and into an ambulance, which takes off towards the hospital*


*At the hospital, a nurse is trying to check wordlifeecw for any broken bones. The Evil Masked One is trying to get out of the bed and back to the arena*

wordlifeecw: "You don't understand, I have a match tonight. You have to let me go back to the arena."

Nurse: Sir, you need to lie down.

wordlifeecw: "Look, this match is important. I can't let everyone down."

Nurse: Sir, if you don't calm down and let me do my job, I'm going to have to sedate you.

wordlifeecw: "But... *The nurse prepares to sedate the Evil One* ...fine." *Lies back down*


*From a hospital room*
"Tonight, MiLo Duck, Starshine, and myself shall battle it out to determine who gets to take John S. Amigo's championship and send him into retirement. I shall reign superior over both my opponents and I will have the pleasure of ridding the WWCF of Mr. Amigo once and for all.

TheSam08, you've made a big mistake. Everything I do to your Family and those associated with you, it's on your head. I'll recover, and I'll be at NiteRaw tonight, regardless of what the doctors say."

*A doctor walks into the room*

Sir, I'm afraid you've suffered several cracked ribs, as well as a mild concussion. I'd like to advise you to stay as far away from the ring as possible.

"Doctor, I appreciate your advice, but I have a match to win."

*wordlifeecw walks out the door. Outside the room, the Evil Masked One grabs an orderly and chokeslams him*

"Next stop, NiteRaw. *Evil laugh*

*wordlifeecw hijacks an ambulance and speeds off toward the arena*


(The Sam, Tromboneman, Tyfo and Littlenaitch are standing in a room high fiving and laughing and all around celebrating. G.Neric walks in)

G.N. - The Sam, what did you bully's do to wordlifeecw? That was uncalled for.
T.S. - Uncalled for, have you been watching WWCF with your eyes shut for the past week? I have been humiliated and degraded by that JERK! all week long. I had to wear a French maid outfit, I had to mow his lawns, I had to play poker with him, I had to watch that "Kennel from Hell" match (throws up in his mouth a little bit)...excuse me.
BUT NOW! Now the Family rides supreme.
And if wordlifeecw or The Story want a fight? We're right here (a bunch of security walk in off screen)..right behind this security.
G.N. - What about Tromboneman's weight?
T.S. - Let's just see.
(Tromboneman steps on the scales, and official walks out of nowhere to check the weight)
Official - 255 lbs 5.9 ounces.
(The Family begin celebrating by pouring champagne over Tromboneman)
G.N. - So it appears Tromboneman WILL be facing Motorcolt in this "Phantom of the opera" match.
T.S. - It doesn't matter what match Tromboneman is in, you can put him in a cage match, a pole match, blindfold match, a....kennel from hell...it doesn't matter. Tromboneman will ALWAYS come out on top.
And this is just the start of a great night for The Family. Tromboneman, Tyfo and Littlenaitch will walk away the winners. And at NOTWZ, we will walk away the champions.
(continues celebrating)

*In the trainer's room, wordlifeecw is having his ribs taped up*

Trainer: You know, you're lucky D-Dayve's letting you compete at all. He wasn't very happy about you stealing that ambulance, not to mention beating up an orderly.

wordlifeecw: "Yeah, he was pretty pissed, wasn't he?"

Trainer: I wouldn't sound too happy about that if I were you. D-Dayve can always change his mind.

wordlifeecw: "Instead of giving me advice, how 'bout you just finish taping me up. The time approaches."

*Seth comes up to Evil Masked wordlifeecw with a little pain in his back.*

Seth: Too bad about the injury and what was really bad is that your crew members weren't there to help you. You see, when one of the Neighborhood Watch Committee is in trouble of injury. Even right now, Justice and Providence aren't that far off in case one of us is in trouble. Too bad the lame ass Story isn't the same way.

But what am I doing wasting my time with you?

*Seth looks at the trainer.*

Seth: Hey you, when you are done with this schmuck, I need you in the Neighborhood Watch Committee's locker room.

Trainer: Why do you need that?

Seth: Well, I guess you havent noticed the pain in my back. But I do have no problem showing visual evidence.

*Seth takes off his shirt to show some welts on his back.*

Trainer: What the hell happened to you?

Seth: Training injuries. We were testing endurance to a singapore cane and Providence went a little overboard with it.

* Seth puts back on his shirt.*

Seth: So I will see you then.

*Seth goes to leave, but looks at wordlifeecw again.*

Seth: Oh, I do have an object that I used to help myself through the pain. But I plan on showing it to The Tank tonight. And plus, why would I give anything to a man who hides behind a mask.

*Seth goes to leave, but before he goes....wordlifeecw slaps him on that back and Seth screams in pain and curses on the way out.*

Monday Niteraw Starts
*NiteRaw opens up with a video package showcasing the events of the last week. The NiteRaw theme plays, and pyro goes off in the arena*

Tony: Welcome to NiteRaw! We have a huge night ahead of us!

JR: That's right! Tonight, we'll find out who's going on to face John S. Amigo inside the Chamber of Horrors!

Brain: Also, Seth Drakin and The Tank will participate in Pick Your Poison Matches! We know that Tank will be facing Tyfo, but Seth's opponent is still a mystery.

Tony: We'll learn what this Phantom of the Opera Match is all about as well. Now, let's go right to the action!

The General of the Monkey Army

Pick Your Poison Match(The Tank picked an opponent for Seth Drakin as build up to their match at Night Of The Wrestling Zombies PPV)Non-Title Match
Uncle Seth Drakin-WINNER
j.d.(Forum Champion)

Pick Your Poison Match 2(Seth Drakin picked an opponent or The Tank)

Above Average

J is Justice-WINNER


Backstage, Seth has a special weapon in his bag, he looks at the camera.

Seth: A few days ago, I promised to show The Tank personally this special weapon. However, since Tank set the damn Forums Champ on me.....I decided that it would be better to show him it personally another day. But, I can show all of you.

*Seth opens his bag and reveals an old metal walking cane.*

Seth: This cane has been needed on several occasions when training and I used it so much afterwards that this cane and I have developed an old kinship. And this cane has helped me through the pain on several occasions. It would only be fitting that this cane be the instrument of your own destruction so be everyone on the pay per view, prepare to see this cane be a bit stained......with Tank's blood.

Normally, I wouldnt resort to this type of violence, but sometimes to beat a monster, you have to become a monster.

Oh, and wordlifeecw......I was kind of dissapointed you couldnt beat MiLo Duck as I was hoping to be facing you in my world title match. But MiLo is another guy who has crossed my path badly so I have no problem taking on the winner between a duck and a false gentlemen. But after this match with Tank, I will not accept any type of savage match for my rightful title match.

One more thing wordlifeecw, now you know what happens when you hurt a member of the Neighborhood Watch Committee.....you just end up with what we call a receipt.

MAIN EVENT: TRIPLE THREAT MATCH(winner faces WWCF World Champ John S. Amigo at Night Of the Wrestling Zombies in a Chamber of Horrors Match for the WWCF World Championship)
Evil Masked wordlifeecw

Monday Niteraw - October 13, 2008

Monday Niteraw
October 13, 2008

Tony- Welcome fans to another great edition of WWCF Monday NiteRaw.

JR- Thats right tonight we got a barn burner. Double main event to decide which two participants will take on Evil Masked wordlifeecw in the Triple Threat Main Event next week.

Brain- Yeah and the winner of that will take on John S. Amigo for the World Championship in the Chambers Of Horrors Match at Night Of The Wrestling Zombies.

Tony- lets get right to the action.

Disco Stu-WINNER
General of the Monkey Army

Buggy The Clown-WINNER

*Backstage with G. Neric.*

G. Neric - What a huge night we have. COngradulatios to Buddy for his big win. Now I'm standing here with one of the men who will compete in the contenders three way, Starshine.

*Shown sitting down, adjusting shin guards*

G. Neric - So, how does it feel to be given a chance at getting a shot at the WCWF Championship?

*Starshine doesn't respond, not even looking up*

G. Neric - ...So, um, anything to say about your opponents Tromboneman and Legion?

Starshine - ...

G. Neric - Um well, best of luck to you anyway. What a great night we've had! Back to you guys.

Platypus Suit Match


*Puts suit on Sam*

Get out of that one Ausser man

MiLo Duck- *puts fire ants in Platypus suit when nobody is looking*

*The Sam wakes up. Realises he's wearing the suit.
He starts slipping and sliding and falling over trying to get out of the suit and realises there may be ants in his suit.*

*Tyfo picks up The Sam and carries him to the back, shielding him from the camera's*

"Go laugh it up somewhere else ya jackasses!"


Six-Man Tag Team Action:
The Story(Motor-Colt and Above Average) and The Tank
The Neighborhood Watch Committee(Seth Drakin, Providence, and Justice)

Singles Match(If wordlifeecw wins then The Sam has to be his slave for a week. If Amigo wins then wordlifeecw has to work for The Sam08 Family for an unspecified amount of time.)
John S. Amigo
Evil Masked wordlifeecw-WINNER

*Rolls out of the ring and heads towards the announce booth. TheSam08 tries to run, but Above Average stops him from going anywhere*

"*Evil laugh* It hasn't been your night, has it Sam? You're stuck wearing that ridiculous costume, the champion has quit the Family, and now, you're all mine.

First of all, I'm going to stay here at ringside to do commentary on the double main event. I want you to go to the concession stand and buy me one of everything. That match made me hungry."


*wordlifeecw takes off headset and goes into the ring*

"Congratulations Starshine. That was an amazing match. I look forward to next week."

*Shakes Starshine's hand*

"Now feel free to hang out at the booth with us. Sam? Go get him a beer and a hotdog."

MAIN EVENT: Triple Threat Match

Monday Niteraw - October 6, 2008

Monday Niteraw
October 6, 2008

Legion -WINNER

Buggy The Clown
General of the Monkey Army-WINNER

J is Justice-WINNER

Above Average-WINNER

Singles Match for the TromboneWeight Championship
TromboneMan(c) W/The Sam

MiLo Duck

Uncle Seth’s Neighborhood
*In the ring, Seth is looking at the fans.*

Seth: Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the neighborhood. This week, I will be having special guests TheSam08 and Motor Colt. Now...normally, I would have a speech about Tank and everything else, but hell.....this is the biggest show EVER. So lets get the two men out here right now.

*Seth waits for his guests. Motor-Colt’s music hits and he comes out with the TromboneWeight Championship. Before he can get in the ring though J is Justice and Cthulhu attack him from behind. They throw him into the ring where Seth hits his finisher on him.*

Seth: Say hello.....to the Neighborhood Watch Committee.

*Seth, Justice, & Providence leave the ring.*

Tag Team Match
The Tank and John S. Amigo
Seth Drakin and J is Justice-WINNERS

MAIN EVENT: Monster Balls Match
Evil Masked wordlifeecw-WINNER

Monday Niteraw - September 22, 2008

Monday NiteRaw
September 22, 2008

Double Main Event
World Title Tournament Semifinals
Bob Schlapowitz-WINNER
MiLo Duck

World Title Tournament Semifinals- "Polish Hammers Match"
Madman Szalinski

Uncle Seth's Neighborhood: Special Guest will be winner of the Evil Masked wordlifeecw VS Cthulhu aka Providence

Tag Team Contender's Tournament Final
Monster VS Monster(Cthulhu’s partner J is Justice was injured)
Evil Masked wordlifeecw

One Doley Nation

"Ace Reporter" Motor-Colt-WINNER

Above Average-WINNER

Monday Niteraw - September 15, 2008

Monday Niteraw
September 15, 2008

*A video plays, highlighting the events of the last week: Providence winning the Hardcore Title, Buggy joining the Forum Title hunt, wordlifeecw's attack on the Sam08 Family, Povidence's attack on The Tank, The Tank's attack on Seth Drakin, and the second round of the World Title Tournament.

The Monday NiteRaw opening plays, and we go live to the arena, where Tony Schiavonni, Bobby Heenan, and Jim Ross sit at the announce table*

Tony: Welcome everybody, to Monday NiteRaw! Tonight, the World Title tournament continues. We're down to eight, and tonight, we'll narrow it down to four!

JR: Also, the big tag team contenders tournament. Tyfo and Naitch have promised a victory, but first they have to get through the monster, Evil Masked wordlifeecw.

Brain: And Amigo and The Tank have also joined the tag team title hunt, as they will face Providence and J is Justice.

Tony: Also, a big 6 man Battle Royal to determine the number one contender for the Forum Title. Tonight, j.d. will learn who he's facing at GookerMania.

JR: And we're gonna start off with the NiteRaw debut of Uncle Seth's Neighborhood, with special guest, Evil Masked wordlifeecw.

*We go to the ring, which is already set up for Uncle Seth's Neighborhood*

Seth: Oh hello, didnt see any of you come in. Sit down and welcome everyone to Uncle Seth's Neighborhood. A show that is so popular that it is now on Nite Raw. Now the reason I am here and not in my house was because of the last interview and it took me alot of time to clean the blood from the carpet. Now, after this show, you will have the honor of seeing me defeat MiLo Duck, who is a greedy man for even wanting two titles. Now I have dealt with Tank last week and let me tell you that all of these people who want two titles are all greedy men and deserve the worst that comes with their greed. After all, Greed is a Deadly Sin and at the WWCF, we dont need people committing deadly sins. But right now, let me introduce a man who is a greedy person for wanting two titles himself and that man is Evil Masked wordlifeecw.

*Seth waits for his guest*

(Evil Masked wordlifeecw’s music start playing and he comes out to the ring.)

Seth: Welcome....why dont you have a seat???

*Evil Masked wordlifeecw just stands there*

Seth: Okay....we can do this interview standing up then, but before you do, I hope you do know that I hope you lose to the Southwest Connection for three reasons. One is I have to be friends with TheSam08 and two, like I said before I introduced you, I hate people who are greedy and you winning two belts is greedy. Now the third reason is a one man tag team makes no sense in my eyes.

But I see that I might be angering you and since it is almost halloween, I have something for you.

*Seth goes behind his chair and reveals that he has a candy bowl.*

Seth: You see, you have a mask on so I guess you must love halloween since you can play trick or treat and get some candy for once.

*Seth puts the candy bowl on table.*

Seth: But I have to ask when you do lose to the Southwest Connection, what will be next for you.

*Seth waits for a reply*

*wordlifeecw Sets a handful of candy*

"Well, first of all, I should warn you that MiLo Duck will be no easy opponent. You know how many times I've burned him with pyro, only for him to get back up again."

*Shoves a bunch of candy in his mouth*

"And as far as my match tonight, I don't plan to lose. I plan on destroying Tyfo and Naitch. And if The Sam08, TromboneMan, or even you get involved, I will have no problem crushing any of you like bugs."

*Bends down to feed the puppy some candy*

"Now, I asked for this interview because I have an announcement to make. I'm challenging the winner of the World Title Tournament to a match. Now, I don't want it to be for the title. I'm not greedy, despite what you think, Seth. I simply want to test the champion, to see if he's worthy. So whoever wins the tournament, be aware that I'll be waiting for you."

*Takes another handful of candy*

"Now, do you have any other questions for me?"

*The Tank produces a microphone from nowhere, and gets up from the commentary chair*

The Tank- The Tank has a question, ya big ol' masked jabroni. Do you really think that you'll be able to take down all of the Sam08 Family single-handedly?

It doesn't matter how many fancy fire tricks you can do, when it boils down to it: There's five of them, and one of you.

Wordlifeecw- "Let me worry about the Sam08 Family. You should worry more about all the enemies you've made over the last two weeks. And I thought people hated ME.

Plus, after I destroy the Southwest Posers and you and Amigo wipe the floor with Providence and Justice, you'll have to contend with ME. If I were you, I'd worry more about making sure you have a good insurance policy."

Seth: Whoa Whoa Whoa Whoa.....this is my interview. Tank, you had your interview last week. And secondly, I am not a member of The Sam08 Family. I am just a friend of TheSam08 as he and I see many things the same way. And a third thing, I am not interfering in anything unless I am prompted to.

Yes, I do have another question. What makes you think the winner of the world title tournament will want to face you....even if it is a non-title match? No offense, but that doesnt seem like a win win situation for the champ, who of course will be me.
Wordlifeecw- "Well, if the champion is truly a fighting champion, he'll take on ANYBODY. Now, on the other hand, if the champion wants to take the easy way out and duck my challenge, he'll simply prove that he's a paper champion. I just want to see if the best deserves to be called the best. Now are we thorugh here? I have a match to prepare for."

*The Tank enters the ring, steps in between of Evil Masked Wordlifeecw and Seth Drakin, and gets right in Drakin's face*

Drakin, what makes you think that The Tank is buying this bulls*** for even a second? Do you really think that ANYONE is buying this s***?

Drakin: I......


All that matters is that you're in with the Sam08 Family, whether you'll admit it or not. And The Tank wants you to remember, Drakin: You've got a grudge with The Tank, not the other way around. The Tank is just fine with letting you go unharmed.

*turns to face wordlifeecw*

And as for you, jabroni. Don't you ever, AND THE TANK MEANS EVER!!!, insult him like that again. The Tank respects your abilities, and your........talent.......in hurting people, but The Tank could floor you in seconds, son. So, just do yourself a favor, and shut your big ugly mouth, and save yourself from gettin' a smackdown.

*wordlifeecw grabs the Tank by the throat*

"Excuse me, but did you just threaten ME?! Did I hear you right?! You just made a big mistake."

*Seth just gets out of the ring*

Seth: You know what....this interview is over. You two can have your little debate, but I wont be a part of it and Tank. I dont have a grudge with you because as far as I am concerned, I dealt with you last week when I hit you over the head with a steel chair and you lost your match against Bob.

Oh yeah, and while MiLo may have survived an attack from savages, will he be able to survive a fight from a civilized professional? Any moron can use weapons, but it takes a real professional to fight a wrestling style of match.

*Seth leaves*

*knocks wordlifeecw's arm off of throat, whips out taser and backs up to the rope*

Hey, hey, hey, hey, EASY!!!

You have enough enemies right now, and The Tank has enough enemies right now!!! So just calm down, big man! Calm...down...

Alright, that was uncalled for. The Tank apologizes. After all, even though you and The Tank have nothing in common at all, The Tank thinks we can agree on one thing, and that is hating *that* guy and his Sam08 friends. So, The Tank will take his leave now.

But remember, big man.......when they decide to jump you......The Tank's gonna be there, so you may wanna play your cards right.

*The Tank leaves the ring and starts heading up the ramp*

*Sets off pyro before leaving the ring*

Tony: Well, that was intense. Now for our first match: J is Justice V. Bob Schlapowitz

JR: Who will win this contest?!

Heenan: Ask Bob Schlapowitz.

WWCF World Heavyweight Championship Tournament Round 3

Singles Match
J is Justice
Bob Schlapowitz-WINNER

Tony: And Bob advances to semifinals!

Heenan: Hey, Bob got it right again.

JR: What are you talking about?

Heenan: I asked Bob Schlapowitz who was gonna win and he said he would. He was right!

Tony: Anyway, our next match is Your Uncle Seth Drakin VS MiLo Duck.

Singles Match
Your Uncle Seth Drakin

Tony: Well, MiLo won that one pretty decisively. Now for our next match: TAFKA(The Artist Formerly Known As) Above Average VS J. S. Amigo

Singles Match
Above Average
John S. Amigo-WINNER

Singles Match
Madman Szalinski-WINNER
TromboneMan W/The Sam08

Battle Royal to name a WWCF Forum Championship # 1 Contender
Buggy The Clown, MolotovMocktail, littlenaitch, One Doley Nation-WINNER, Koda89, Disco Stu

Tag Team Match
Justice And Providence- J Is Justice and Cthulhu aka Providence-WINNERS
The Tank and Amigo

MAIN EVENT Handicap Tag Team Match
The Southwest Connection- littlenaitch and Tyfo w/Sam08
Evil Masked wordlifeecw-WINNER

Monday Niteraw- September 8, 2008

WWCF Monday NiteRaw
September 8, 2008

GNA - Hello, G. Neric. Announcer here at the WWCF HQ in Parts Unknown. And with me is the self proclaimed Manager of champions, The Sam08. The Sam everyone wants to know, who are you managing exactly, and why does that make you the Manager of Champions.
The Sam08 - I'm gonna let everyone know right now, you see last Monday I said I would reveal my clients this Monday as a surprise. But you see, I'm a smart guy, and I am smarter than that. You see to be even more surprising, I've decided to say it now.
My first client and the first member of The Sam08 Family is.....TromboneMan.
TromboneMan may not be a champion, yet, but remember GNA Trombone Man is still in the running to become the first ever WWCF Heavyweight Champion. And mark my words ladies and gentlemen, TromboneMan WILL become the first WWCF Champion at Gookermania. What makes him different than all those other schmucks in the tournament? Is that he understands the difference a guy like me can have on his career.
So One Doley Nation, my advice to you is don't even show up this Monday. Because your just gonna embarrass yourself in front of everybody. Just like Zlpempleh did this past Monday.
GNA - Wow! That is surprising! But, who is your 2nd client?
The Sam08 - Calm down GNA your gonna give yourself a rash if you keep getting that excited.
My second client, or should I say clients? are none other than littlenaitch and Tyfo89, The Southwest Connection!
GNA - But they too are not champions yet The Sam08?
The Sam08 - Really?...Well then, who are the champions?
GNA - Stryker Duck Silence.
The Sam08 - I see, so, I guess what you're saying is that SWC would have to beat Stryker Duck Silence to become the tag team champions, correct?
GNA - Yes.
The Sam08 - Well THAT is an excellent idea GNA! Stryker Duck Silence, heed my warning. Whether it be sooner or whether it be later, The Southwest Connection WILL be Tag Team champs. And we won't be silent about it. Now excuse me, I gotta go get my champs ready.
GNA - There you are. this is GNA, signing out.

(WWCF opens up with a package video showing highlights from the first round of the WWCF World Heavyweight Championship Tournament)

JR- Welcome wrestling fans to the second edition of Monday NiteRaw. With me tonight is Bobby "The Brain" Heenan and Tony Schivone.

Tony(wearing a neck brace)- Thats right JR and what a night we have for you. The second round of the WWCF World Heavyweight Championship Tournament will take place tonight.

Brain- Yes and tonight you all have the privledge of listening to the great color commentaries of me The Brain. Remember...............WWCF: ITS WHERE THE BIG KIDS PLAY!!!!!

Tony- Lets go down to the ring.

(Owner of the WWCF Mr. D-Day Dave makes his way down to the ring and grabs a mic.)

Mr. D-Day Dave- Tonight is a huge night for the WWCF. Not only will we have the second round to the World title tournament but in our opening match we will also have a no count out match between Starshine and Providence. Also later tonight I shall name the tag team that will face The Southwest Connection next week right here on Monday NiteRaw to see who will become the No. 1 Contenders for Stryker Dark Silence's WWCF Tag Team Championships at GookerMania. Also later tonight I shall name a Commissioner who will help take control under me to make sure things run more smoothly.

(The Sam08 and his new clients The Southwest Connection(littlenaitch and Tyfo) come out. The Sam08 gets on the mic but before he can talk the lights go out and pyro shoots off at the entrances as Evil Masked wordlifeecw’s music hits the PA system)

*Evil Masked wordlifeecw comes to the ring*

"You know something, Sam08, I think all these people are sick of hearing about you and your family and your plans. I know I'M sick of it. If guys wanna a match so bad, how about right here, right now, I kick all three of your asses?"

*The SWC rush wordlifeecw, who responds with a double chokeslam on Tyfo and littlenaitch. Sam08 tries to get away, but he's caught by wordlifeecw. The Evil Masked One tombstones Sam08*

"That was only the beginning. By the end of the night, there will be MORE victims."

*wordlifeecw places replicas of his mask over the faces of Sam08 and the SWC.*

"Evil is ALWAYS more fun with a mask. *Evil laughter*"

*Sets off his pyro and leaves*

Opening Contest
No Count Out Match
Cthulhu (aka) ftahgn-WINNER

Match 1
Disco Stu Is Always Tired
J Is Justice-WINNER


Tony- Okay fans get ready becasue we have a big match up next. The Tank will take on Bob Schlapowitz. They almost met in the steve invitational Forum Champion tournament but j.d. managed to knock them both out. We will be right back after a word from our sponsors.

*Slim Jim Commercial airs*

Match 2
The Tank
Bob Schlapowitz-WINNER

(Mr. D-Day Dave makes his way down to the ring.)

Mr. D-Day Dave- Now it is time to announce the new Commissioner of the World WrestleCrap Federation. This man shall join my staff and help keep order to WWCF. He is the innovator behind the original WWCF tournament and now the new WWCF Commissioner.............................

…………..stevierichardsfan babyface!!!!!!!!!!!

Match 3
Your Uncle Seth Drakin-WINNER
The Iron Giant

Match 4
Macho Dude Handy Damage

Match 5
TAFKA(The Artist Formerly Known As) Above Average-WINNER
Buggy The Clown

Match 6
Mr. John S. Amigo-WINNER

Match 7
Madman Szalinski-WINNER

Match 8
One Doley Nation

(D-Day Dave themes starts up and he comes out to the ring with some big announcements.)

Mr. D-Day Dave- There has been a lot of questions concerning the Tag Team Championships lately. Well before I get to that first I want to get to the Forum Championship. As you all know j.d. is the new WWCF Forum Champion. He will have his first defense at GookerMania. I will be taking sign ups for anyone who wants to be No. 1 Contender for the Forum Championship. Everyone who signs up will get a chance.

Now as for the Tag Team Championships this is how it goes. There are currently four teams(well sort of) who want a shot. There are two more Monday NiteRaws that will take place before GookerMania. GookerMania will either take place on Monday September 29.(it will take the place for NiteRaw since more people are home on monday nights to watch raw.)

This is what will happen. Next week on Monday September 15 edition of NiteRaw there will be two tag team matches. The winners of those two tag team matches will go on to September 22 edition of NiteRaw to face off with each other to decide a No. 1 Contender for the Tag Team Championship and will face Stryker Dark Silence at GookerMania.

Now here are the teams. The first team is Justice And Providence- J Is Justice and Cthulhu aka Providence.
The team they will be facing have asked me not to reveal them yet. They would like it to be a surprise. They have until Thursday of this week to reveal it or I will.

Now as for the next two teams. Obviously the first one is The Southwest Connection. They will be taking on Evil Masked wordlifeecw in a handicap match!!!!!

At the end of the night at Midnight Cthulhu became the WWCF Hardcore Champion in a free for all hardcore match that included everyone on the roster.

Monday Niteraw - September 1, 2008(FIRST EPISODE)

The First Ever Monday Niteraw
September 1, 2008

Monday Niteraw open up with the Monday Niteraw logo and fireworks in the arena. We are joined by commentators Tony Schivone and Art Donavan.

Tony Schivone- Okay Art we are ready for the first match of the WWCF World Heavyweight Championship Tournament.

Art Donovan- What is the WWCF and how much does it weigh?

WWCF World Heavyweight Championship Tournament Round 1

Match 1
Disco Stu-WINNER

Match 2
J Is Justice-WINNER
Tyfo85 5150

Match 3

Match 4
Bob Schlapowitz-WINNER

Match 5
stevierichardsfan babyface
Your Uncle Seth Drakin-WINNER

Match 6
The Iron Giant-WINNER

Match 7
Macho Dude Handy Damage-WINNER by forfeit
D-Day Dave

Match 8

Match 9
Above Average-WINNER

Match 10
Buggy The Clown-WINNER

Match 11
Evil Masked worldlifeecw
John S. Amigo-WINNER

Match 12
Koda89, Master Cold Train

Match 13
Bad Booking
Madman Szalinski-WINNER

Match 14

The Sam08 Promo
(The Sam08 has made his way to ringside)
Tony - What is The Sam08 doing here? And whats with all those pieces of paper he's carrying?
Art - How much do doz papers weigh?
Tony - I better go and ask him.
(Tony proceeds to get his fat arse up with a microphone and waddle towards The Sam08)
Tony - The Sam08, what is going on? What's with all these papers?
The Sam08 - What's with all the questions Tony?
Tony - Does this have to do with that ridiculous Manager Pledge Drive?
The Sam08 - That's right Tony, you know since I made my intentions clear here in the WWCF I have received millions of applications from people all over this country of ours of Parts Unknown. And gotta say, the majority of these people are morons (boo) Take a look at this guy Tony (Grabs a piece of paper, shows Tony) He's some hillbilly from Kentucky, says the only training he has had is "wrasslin my pooch on me matres"? I don't know what that is and I don't wanna know. Or how about this guy (throws away original piece of paper and grabs another) Apparently this guy thinks he's a turkey, you know what so do I.
Tony - Is this going anywhere The Sam08?
The Sam08 - What do you think Tony? And finally checkout this guy (grabs another piece of paper) this guy's gimmick, at least I think it's a gimmick, is that he is a hobo. He has a ventriloquist dummy, he's appeared on Toxic Avenger 21st anniversary DVD and has claimed to do things to a cheer leading costume that can't be said on a family program like this.
And do you know what all those people had in common? They all stink! However amongst this pile of trash, garbage and general filth there are 2 that actually stand out. But because I'm an enigma and I have a bus to catch I am not gonna give any of you the privilege of knowing tonight. So if you want to know who I will be managing, tune in next week. Same The Sam08 time, same The Sam08 channel.

Match 15
Z lpempleh

Match 16
Triple Threat
Ravishing Rob Rude
One Doley Nation

The WWCF Hardcore Championship was fought over all night backstage by the entire roster with the end of the show being the cutoff time. The Tank ended up with the Hardcore Championship at the end of the show technically becoming the first ever WWCF Hardcore Champion but owner D-Day Dave came out and said that the match would go until 12:00 Midnight. This enraged The Tank but he had to do what he had to do. Buggy The Clown ended up with the Hardcore Championship.

Monday Niteraw - April 20, 2009


Monday Niteraw
April 20, 2009

(Footage is shown last week from Monday Niteraw and the ending where the formation of the Cult Chaos faction took place is shown.)

(The show starts with it's theme music and the new Monday Niteraw logo. We then pan off into the arena where the crowd is exploding with signs and everything. We then go to the announce booth where "Gorilla" Tim Hoss and Jesse King are standing by.)

(We open the show with D-Dave in the center of the ring with the Pharris brothers at each of his side.)

Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Nite-Raw and the qualifying rounds of the 2009 Battlebowl tournament! *Crowd Cheers* Now, last week I know you all saw as my corporate rock star Cthulhu took his partner tonight, grbjazzman, to the limit. I was impressed with Jazzman and we had a meeting to discuss what he should do tonight as Cthulhu’s partner but that’s when the meeting got interesting. WE got to talking and I made jazzman an offer that he said he’d wait on to decide. Well, the time has come for the decision Jazzman! What’s it gonna be?

(Harold Faltermeyer’s hit ‘Axel F’ plays through the arena as a pinstripe suit wearing grbjazzman slowly walks down to the ring)

Well, Jazzman, it appears you’ve had a bit of a change of heart since we last talked, care to tell the fans your decision?

You know as well as I do Mr. Dave that I’ve been thinking about this for a while now and tonight I come out here as the newest member of WWCF Corporate! *Crowd boos loudly* You see, I’m getting off the sinking ship of The Pride before it goes down, and you were there for me Dave. You are the one who gave me this shot, so now I’m repaying the favor.

You see, we now live in a time where powerful corporations are crumbling around us. But some are deemed infallible. Well, I’m just the guy that makes it that way. I won’t belittle you morons out here in the seats, I really thought that pride and respect would get me somewhere in this business. You want to know what it got me. I got hooked by with a lunatic and a deserter! Two men who I thought were my friends, now they have nothing. I was the centerpiece of their existence. Without me, they would still be somewhere wrestling in a sweaty gym in California!

And you, the fans of the WWCF, I put my body on the line for people, to entertain you. But what do I hear? Chants for Motor-Colt, for Stryker, for Milo. I was no different than them! All I needed was a chance to break through and people kept holding me back. Well, now with Corporate I can shatter that glass ceiling. You see, I’m what Dave likes to refer to as a back-up plan. My main job is to see Cthulhu through to face Motor-Colt. In return, he’s allowed me to pick an opponent for Smurf The World. Well, I select you M.O.P. I’m going out to show in that match that I don’t respect you. In my world now it’s not about Pride, it’s about Greed.

*Jazzman and D-Dave shake hands and head to the back amidst a chorus of boos and asshole chants from the crowd.*


Jonathan Michaels and KGX
Viva Los Bio Dome and TTS

(Stone Temple Pilots- Dead and Bloated kicks in, but switches to Foo Fighters' DOA as KGX and Jonathan make their entrance.)

Michael Muffer - The following tag team Battlebowl qualifying match is scheduled for one fall, making their way to the ring, at a combined weight of 460 pounds, the team of Jonathan Michaels and KGX.

(Jonathan and KGX are all business as they make their way to the ring, they seem to be discussing strategy as they await their opponents.)

Tim Hoss - We've see Jonathan and KGX attempt to form a bond in recent weeks, let's see if it worked.

(The Safety Dance kicks in as Viva los Bio-Dome and TTS emerge from the back.)

Michael Muffer - And at a combined weight of 485 pounds, the team of Viva Los Bio-Dome and TTS.

TTS charges the ring while Viva is distracted by the lights, TTS turns around to look for Bio-Dome, allowing KGX to hit him with a Running Jumping Tornado DDT.

Jonathan takes his place in the corner, as does Bio-Dome (finally),
KGX continues the assault on TTS, putting him in a Boston Crab, but TTS reverses it into a pinning predicament, and KGX kicks out at 2.

KGX and TTX tag in their partners, and Viva quickly hits a standing frog splash, following it up with a Mexican Surfboard.

KGX jumps in the ring and breaks it up, but just as the ref is giving KGX a warning, Jonathan hits Viva with a Fade To Black, KGX jumps out of the ring and Jonathan pins Viva before TTS can get to him.

Michael Muffer - Here are your Winners........................Jonathan Michaels and KGX!!!!!!!

Jesse King - I guess Jonathan and KGX CAN work together.

(As Jonathan and KGX celebrate, KGX suddenly hits Jonathan with a DDT, he calls for a Mic.)

Like I said, Jonathan, after the match, all bets are off.

(KGX leaves as Jonathan looks on, somewhat confused.)

Tim Hoss - You were saying, Jesse?

Jesse King - Shut up, Gorilla.


Headbanger Man and Metylerca


The Tank and Head Detective Aaron Enigma

(We Built This City)
Michael Muffer- Introducing first, from Kent, England, weighing 263 pounds, THE HEADBANGER MAN!!!!!!


Michael Muffer-And his tag team partner, representing The Pride, from Los Angeles, California, weighing 230 pounds, METYLERCA!

(Know Your Enemy)
Michael Muffer- And their opponents: first, currently residing in Chicago, Illinois and weighing 256 pounds, "HEAD DETECTIVE" AARON ENGIMA!

(Operation Ground And Pound)
Michael Muffer- And his partner, from Los Angeles, California, weighing 265 pounds, THE TANK!

- Tank and Enigma stare each other down, before Enigma agrees to start off with Headbanger Man. Headbanger grabs Tank in a side headlock, but is sprung off the ropes and hit with a couple of armdrags, followed by an armbar from Tank. Headbanger fights out of it and lands a couple of right hands, but he misses with a boot, and Tank sweeps the leg for a 1-count.

- Frustrated, Headbanger tags in Metylerca. Metylerca hits a couple of clotheslines and a dragon screw legwhip. He tries to catapult Tank into the turnbuckles, but Tank lands on the second turnbuckle, and springs off into a cross body for 2. Tank signals for a corkscrew moonsault off the top, but Enigma tags himself in, much to Tank's chagrin.

- Enigma unloads with punches on Metylerca, and then scores with a DDT and then a backbreaker, which both get 2 counts respectively. He goes for Brilliant Deduction, but it is reversed into a pinning combination for a too close for comfort near-fall. Enigma goes for a clothesline, but Metylerca ducks and hits a running enziguri.

- Headbanger Man is tagged in, and hits a couple of dropkicks and a reverse DDT on Enigma. He goes to the top for the Blockbuster, but Enigma reads it and hits a massive superplex. He tags in Tank, while Metylerca comes in for his team.

- They trade blows, until Tank hits a huge spinebuster. He hits a springboard leg drop for 2. He tries for the Ode To Funker, but Enigma gets another sly tag in. Enigma knocks Headbanger off the apron, and then throws his own partner out of the ring.

- Metylerca counters a DDT attempt, but misses with a Lariato! Enigma then locks in the Extreme Interrogation for the submission win.

Michael Muffer- Here are your winners, AARON ENGIMA AND THE TANK!

- After the match, Tank gets in Enigma's face, but is hit with a low blow, and then Enigma escapes up the ramp, raising his arms in triumph and smiling.


Latino Meat and stevierichardsfan babyface
Krazy E-Man and M.O.P.

Michael Muffer- Our next match is one fall and has a twenty minute time limit.

(Latino Meat comes out to his entrance music.)

Michael Muffer- On his way to the ring weighing in at 235 pounds…………………..LATINO MEAT!!!!

(Screamo music starts to play and stevierichardsfan babyface makes his way through the crowd)

Michael Muffer- And his partner for the evening weighting in at 225 pounds…………………STEVIERICHARDS FAN BABYFACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Krazy E-Man’s music plays and he comes out of the crowd.)

Michael Muffer- And their opponents first weighing in at 280 pounds…………..Krazy E-Man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(M.O.P.’s music starts to play and he comes out to the ring.)

Michael Muffer- And his partner for tonight weighing in at 232 pounds……………M.O.P.!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Latino Meat and Krazy E-Man lock up in the middle of the ring. Krazy powers Meat down to the ground. Krazy goes for a double stomp on Meat but he moves out of the way and drop toe holds Krazy and then gets him in a head lock. Krazy powers his way up and send Meat off into the ropes who comes back with a big flying forearm. Krazy rolls over and tags in M.O.P.

M.O.P. gets in and locks up with Meat who he kicks in the stomach with his leg and then DDTs him. He goes for the cover but it is only a two count. M.O.P. picks up Meat and upper cuts him sending Meat intot he rope. M.O.P. charges at Meat but Meat gets out of the way real quick and rolls up M.O.P. into a pin but only gets a two count.

M.O.P. and Meat lock back up and Meat locks in an arm bar on M.O.P. M.O.P. reverses it and kicks Meat in the stomach with a side martial arts kick. Then M.O.P. runs off the ropes and goes for a lariat but Meat ducks it and goes off the ropes and goes for a flying side kick but M.O.P. ducks it. They both get up and punch each other knocking each other down. Both nip up and put their hands up to fight as the crowd starts to cheer at the stalemate. Seeing that they aren’t getting anywhere they both tag in opposite actual tag team partners stevierichardsfan and Krazy E-Man.

Krazy and Stevie get in and look like they are about to fight but at the last second turn and attack each other’s partners. They both run towards them but both M.O.P. and Meat fight them off and send them both over the top rope to the outside. Meat starts to celebrate but M.O.P. turns him around and kicks him in the gut and hits the Turnpike Driver(modified death valley driver). MOP goes for the cover and gets 3.

Michael Muffer- Here our your winners…………….M.O.P. and Krazy E-Man!!!!!!!!!!!


littlenaitch and Stryker Dark Silence
Supersmark and Whitey "Daddy Phat Sax" Fats

Littlenaitch and Supersmark start in the ring. They lock up and naitch locks in a headlock. SS bounces him off the ropes and pushes him off, but naitch hits a shoulder block on the rebound. He picks up SS and throws him into his corner. He starts chopping SS but Stryker tags himself in.

Naitch and Stryker have a quick staredown before Styker starts punching SS in the corner and then pulls him out. He tries to suplex him but SS counters and hits a suplex of his own. He crawls to the corner and tags in Whitey.

Whitey explodes into the ring and start laying a series of punches into Stryker. Stryker blocks one however, kicking Whitey in the midsection and whipping him into the corner. He charges him but Whitey moves and Stryker's shoulder hits the ring post. Grabbing his shoulder in pain he turns around and get hits by a jumping armbreaker from Whitey, who locks in an armbar.

Naitch is smiling as Stryker gets tortured by Whitey. Stryker sees this and uses his free hand to flip off Naitch. Angered, Naitch runs into the ring but the ref stops him. While Naitch is distracting the ref, Stryker delivers a low blow to Whitey. He gets to his feet and tags Naitch in. Naitch and Stryker get in each other's face but suddenly SS comes out and hits both of them. He punches them both down and starts clotheslining them both. Naitch manages to grab SS and they lock up. Stryker sees an opportunity to hit both of them. He charges but Naitch telegraphs it and gets out of the way. Stryker and SS collide and are sent over the top rope. Naitch uses this time to lock Whitey in the Figure-4. Whitey struggles against the submission, eventually flipping it over and reversing it. Naitch breaks it and both men stand up and lock arms. Whitey throws Naitch into the corner. He charges him but Naitch ducks and he rams the turnbuckle. Naitch grabs him in a schoolboy pin and uses the ropes for leverage.


Michael Muffer- Here our your winners....................Littlenaitch and StrykerDarkSilence!!!!!!!!!!!!

(After the match Whitey argues with the ref as Stryker and Naitch stare each other down.)


Koda89 and Square
Cthulhu aka Providence and grbjazzman

Koda and Cthulhu start the match. Koda laughs to try and taunt Cthulhu, who falls for it and charges him. Koda ducks the clothesline and sweeps Cthulhu's leg. Cthulhu gets back up, visibly enraged and dives at Koda. Koda seemingly gets out of the way, but Cthulhu rolls through the dive, getting up quick and hitting a clothesline on Koda from behind. He elbow drops Koda's spine a couple of time then goes for a pin, but Koda kicks out quickly. He lifts up Koda and throws him into his corner. He walks over and punches him a couple of times then tags in Jazzman.

Jazzman enters the ring kicks Koda in the gut a couple times. He sets up Koda for a superplex, but Koda punches him and throws him to the ground. Jazzman gets up just in time for Koda to hit an overcastle, dropping him to the ground. As Jazzman grabs his head in pain, Koda runs over to tag in Square.

Square looks quickly at Cthulhu before entering the ring and going after Jazzman. He hits a leg drop and quickly puts a headlock on him. Jazzman fights for air as he struggles to his feet. He gets to his feet and elbows Square a couple times, breaking the headlock. He runs off the ropes to go for a clothesline but Square catches him with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex. Square stomps his head a couple times and goes to the second rope. He jumps for a legdrop but Jazzman rolls out of the way. He jumps to his corner and tags in Cthulhu.

Cthulhu enters and him and Square look apprehensive to attack. Cthulhu extends his hand and Square shakes it. Cthulhu then kicks him in the midsection and drops Square with a DDT. He goes for a pin but Square kicks out at 2. He whips him to the turnbuckle and charges. Square gets out of the way as Cthulhu goes for a splash and hits a neckbreaker on Cthulhu. He staggers to his corner and tags in Koda who runs in a sets up Cthulhu for the Killing Joke. Cthulhu counters it, hitting a back suplex on Koda. He makes his way slowly to Jazzman and tags him in.

Jazzman explodes into the ring while Cthulhu and Square seem to jump off the ring and walk around to each other. Jazzman tries to suplex Koda but Koda counters by hitting the Killing Joke. He can't capitalize on the pin though. He crawls to Jazzman and covers him, but Jazzman kicks out at 2 because of the time. Koda makes his way to the corner only to find it absent. He sees Square and Cthulhu talking and goes to yell at them. However Jazzman gets up and comes from behind and makes Koda Take the A Train. Jazzman pins Koda as Square and Cthulhu continue to chat on the outside.


Michael Muffer- Here our your winners…………..Cthulhu and grbjazzman!!!!!!!!!!

(After the match Cthulhu enters the ring and shakes hands with Jazzman, Square also enters and offers his hand as well. Jazzman after a few seconds shakes his hand as well.)


The General of the Monkey Army and TromboneMan
MiLo Duck and Starshine

MiLo Duck and The General lock up and The General backs MiLo up into a corner and starts throwing elbows at MiLo's face. The General irish whips MiLo to the other corner and comes running at him but MiLo sees this and spears The General inside out. MiLo tags in his partner Starshine.

Starshine comes in and drop toe holds The General and then moves and and puts a headlock on The General. The General gets to his feet and elbows Starshine breaking the hold but Starshine grabs The Genreal by the hair and ears and sends the General back onto his back. The General rolls away and tags in TromboneMan. TromboneMan comes in and and hits a drop kick on Starshine and then jumps on him and puts Starshine in a crossface. The ref asks Starshine if he wants to give up but Starshine refuses.

TromboneMan tags in The General and holds Starshine for The General to punch him but Starshine gets out of the way just in time and The General knocks out TromboneMan. The General looks confuse as to what he just did and Starshine comes up behind The General and hits The Starshot as The General turns around. Starshine goes for the cover and gets the pin.

Michael Muffer- Here are your winners.....................Starshine and MiLo Duck!!!!!!!!!!!

(After the match as Starshine exits TromboneMan gets in The General's face and starts trash talking him. The General shoves TromboneMan away into the corner and MiLo Duck sees this and drop kicks The General from behind. MiLo hits the Quacker Jack(powerbomb into a corner) on The General and then grabs his big metal chain and wraps it around The General's neck and throws him over the top rope hanging him. TromboneMan grabs his trombone and starts beating on The General as he hangs there. Security comes and breaks it up but it is obvious The General has been beaten very badly.)


Tyfo and King Motor-Colt


Seth Drakin and Above Average

Tim Hoss – Well Jesse, this is it, the big match that everyone is talking about. Will Tyfo give up his spot in the Battle bowl so his friend Littlenaitch can get a World Title shot or will Tyfo take his chances and go for the Battle bowl instead?
Jesse King – I tell you what Tim, I’d go for the Battle bowl. Naitch will just have to wait.
Tim Hoss – Speaking of Naitch, here he comes to the commentary table to view this match personally. Naitch, welcome to the commentary table.
Naitch -
Tim Hoss – And it looks like we are about to get the introductions.

Michael Muffer- The Following contest is set for one fall and it is the Tag Team Turmoil match.
(The Prodigy – Poison)
Michael Muffer- Making his way to the ring first, at the height of 6’6, weighing in at 260 lbs. From Belfast, Ireland. He is the current WWCF Inter-Forum Champion, representing The Story, ABOVE AVERAGE!
(Above Average makes his way to the ring with title belt around his waist)
Jesse King – Imagine Tim and Naitch if Average won the Battle bowl, it would d be the first time the Inter-Forum champion will face the World Champion.
Tim Hoss – And not only that, but the World Champion is Motor Colt. And Above Average and Motor Colt are good friends.
(One Winged Angel Remix by The Black Mages)
Michael Muffer- And his Tag Team partner. At the height of 5’11, weighing in at 265 lbs. From Suburbia. He is the “Champion of Honor”, representing The Crusade, SETH DRAKIN!
(Seth Drakin makes his way to the ring with the Title of Honor around his waist)
Tim Hoss –Boy these fans sure do hate Seth Drakin.
Jesse King – It’s because they are jealous of him.
Tim Hoss – I think it’s because Seth is delusional, the man lost to Motor Colt and yet claims to be a champion.

Michael Muffer- And their opponents.
(New Blackjacks theme)
First, at the height of 6’3, weighing in at 245 lbs. From Dallas, Texas. Accompanied by his manager, The Sam, representing “The Family” and “The Southwest Connection”, TYFO
Naitch - …
Tim Hoss – This man has created quite a buzz with his inclusion in this match, especially with you Naitch.
Jesse King – Controversy doesn’t sum it up Tim, Tyfo has his partner’s career in the palm of his hands, and what he decides to do with it is entirely up to him.
Tim Hoss – Well I’m sure The Sam would be whispering to him though
("Phantom of the Opera - Iron Maiden")
and his partner, at the height of 5’11, weighing in at 247 lbs, from Adelaide, Australia. He is the World Heavyweight Champion, representing the Story, KING MOTOR COLT
(bell rings)
Motor Colt and Above Average start this match off. They go for a collared elbow tie up and push each other back. They circle the ring. They again go for a collared elbow tie up and Average gets an arm wrench clinched in on Motor Colt, Motor Colt spins himself around and locks a front face lock on Above Average. Above Average pushes Motor Colt into the turnbuckle. Average stands up and delivers a knife-edge chop to Motor Colt. Motor Colt spins Above Average into the turnbuckle and delivers a knife-edge chop of his own. Both men start chopping each other as they get to the centre of the ring. Motor Colt hits an Uppercut on Above Average as Above Average hits a Discus punch on Motor Colt at the exact same time. Both men are down.
They begin crawling towards their respective partners.
Both men are crawling towards their corners as their partners hold their arms out. As Motor Colt is about to tag in Tyfo, The Sam whispers something to Tyfo. Tyfo steps off the apron as he and The Sam walk away. Motor Colt looks angry. Above Average tags in Seth Drakin who runs in and begins stomping on Motor Colt, Seth lifts Colt to is feet and delivers “The Tale’s End”. Seth calls for “The Inquisition” and locks it in. Motor Colt begins coughing up blood and the referee calls for the bell.
Michael Muffer – As a result of K.O here are your winners, SETH DRAKIN AND ABOVE AVERAGE!

Above Average steps in and checks on Motor Colts condition as Seth Drakin poses for the crowd, pleased with the knowledge that he beat Motor Colt and will be competing in the Battle bowl.
Littlenaitch shakes his head, takes his microphone off and storms up the entrance ramp to Tyfo and The Sam screaming “What the hell are you doing Tyfo”, Tyfo spins around and screams “THIS IS WHAT YOU WANTED YOU SON OF A B****!” before The Sam drags Tyfo back up the ramp as a stunned Naitch watches on.


Michael Muffer- The next match is our main event scheduled for one fall with a 20 minute time limit.

(Brahma Bull’s ring music starts up)

Michael Muffer- Introducing first from Glasgow, Scotland weighing in at 219 pounds……….Brahma Bull!!!!!!!!!!!

(Mordecai starts to play on the PA and Legion makes his way out to the ring.)

Michael Muffer- And his partner for the night from The Darkness Within All Of Us……………..Legion!!!!!!!!!!!!

(“Evil La Parka”’s music starts to play.)

Michael Muffer- And their opponents first from Mexico City, Mexico weighing in at 225 pounds………….”Evil La Parka”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(A big fire pyro blast is let off and Thunder by AC/DC starts to play as Evil Masked wordlifeecw makes his way to the ring.)

Michael Muffer- And his partner for tonight from Parts Unknown weighing in at 320 pounds…………..Evil Masked wordlifeecw!!!!!!!!!!!!!

“Evil La Parka” and Brahma Bull meet in the ring. They lock up and Brahma Bull forces Parka into a corner and goes for an elbow but Parka moves at the last second and starts chopping Brahma Bull and then monkey tosses him to the other side of the ring. This enrages Brahma Bull who comes charging at Parka but Parka leap frogs and Brahma crashes right into a corner and rolls up Brahma Bull but only gets a two count.

Parka picks up Brahma Bull and goes for a standing hurracuranna but Brahma Bull reverses it into a power bomb. Bull then jumps off the ropes and hits a big leg drop on Parka. Bull goes for the cover but only gets a two count. Bull picks up Parka and drags him to his corner where he delivers a big scoop body slam on him right in front of Legion who he then tags in.

Legion comes in and picks up Parka and smacks him around in their corner for a second and then latches on a big bear hug submission hold. Then Legion takes two steps back and delivers an over the head belly to back suplex. Legion goes for the pin but Parka kicks out at 2. Legion picks up Parka and goes for the Fall From Grace but Parka head butts Legion while in the air and falls to his feet. Legion grabs at Parka but Parka rolls away and tags in Evil Masked wordlifeecw.

Wordlifeecw comes in and thrust punches Legion back into a corner and starts nailing Legion with rights and lefts and then peels him out of the corner and face plants him onto the canvas. Wordlifeecw then picks up Legion and goes for the choke slam but Brahma Bull comes in and dropkicks wordlifeecw. Parka runs in and grabs Brahma Bull and throws him out of the ring. Parka motions for a huge lucha libre move and goes off the ropes and does a suicide dive sending both him and Brahma bull over the guard rail to.

Legion is watching what is going on on the outside and turns around right into a choke slam from wordlifeecw. Wordlifeecw picks up Legion and hits his big finisher Journey To Hell(spinning reverse powerbomb) and gets the 3 count.

Michael Muffer- Here our your winners……………..Evil Masked wordlifeecw and “Evil La Parka”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Parka gets back into the ring to celebrate and the ref raises both his and wordlifeecw’s hands. Then wordlifeecw looks over at La Parka and offers a handshake. “Evil La Parka” accepts and they both raise their hands in victory.)

(Just as wordlifeecw turns away Parka digs into his boot and calls out to wordlifeecw to turn around. Wordlifeecw does and Parka shoots a fire ball right into the face of wordlifeecw. Parka then grabs his patented chair and starts going to town on wordlifeecw. The faction The Story comes out to help wordlifeecw and they all get into the ring and surround “Evil La Parka” but then all of a sudden the lights go out and when they come back on “Evil La Parka” is no where to be seen but we start to hear his familiar voice over the PA system.)

“Evil La Parka”- No longer shall I care about the evils of society. I have learned to accept that I am just as part of society as anyone else and I accept my evil spirits within me. Rising up through the ranks these last few months have only made me stronger. Before I was just a midcarder, but now I know what it shall take to get up to that next level. And that is to take out The Story. I shall take you all out one by one and end The Story once and for all!!!!!!

(Credits and Copyright............Fade To Black)

Match Writing Credits- Jonathan Michaels, Aaron Enigma, Bring Back The Headbangers(Headbanger Man), Starshine, D-Day Dave, and The Sam09

  © World WrestleCrap Federation 2008-2010

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