
Special Wednesday Night Heatz!!1


Special Wednesday Night Heatz!!1
June 24th, 2009

Welcome to a very special edition of WWCF Heatz!!1 I’m Gorilla Tim Hoss, and with me, the man of the hour, Jesse King!

Gorilla, with Wheel of Misfortune just 5 days away, tonight should be an incredible show!

I hear ya Jess. Tonight, we will crown new WWCF World Tag Team Champions in a fatal 4-way match!

Whitey Fats is officially under contract to the WWCF once again, and in his first match back, he will face the Boiler Room Brawler!

In what will serve as a preview of the Hardcore Championship match at Wheel of Misfortune, Headbanger Man will face “Evil La Parka“ in a tables match!

Koda and Cthulhu will both be challenging for gold Monday night, but tonight, we‘ll see them go 1-on-1!

But first, we have a special 10 man battle royal, with a $495,000 reward!

Earlier today, our cameras picked up this footage.

Jonathan is backstage with Aaron Enigma.

Look, I know you're the Head Detective, but I didn't want to trouble you, I know you have your own troubles with M.O.P, besides, I wanted to do this for Whitey so The Sam can't get rid of him, I hope we're still cool.

Jonathan and Aaron shake hands, Aaron leaves, Whitey Fats walks up.

Is he mad?

He's cool, So have you found anything out yet?

Well, I've eliminated a few suspects, I know SuperSmark, stevierichardsfan, Koda, BoilerRoomBrawler and The General of the Monkey Army didn't do it.

And grbjazzman was in the ring with me.

And it wasn't me.

I figured that, listen, I appreciate your help, keep up the good work, but I have a match to get ready for.

Me too, I'll talk to you later.

There is a pause.

You wanna do it


And, Cut.

*End of clip*

Jonathan heads to the ring for the Battle Royal, when his phone rings.


Hey, Sara, everything all right?

Good, don't worry, everything's going to be all right, Whitey and I are going to find this guy and I'll make sure he never bothers you again.

Okay, the match is starting, I'll call you later tonight, I love you, Bye.

10 Man $495,000 Battle Royal

The following is a 10 man over the top battle royal!
*King Kong 2004*
Introducing first, from Lansing, Michigan, weighing in at 225 pounds, The General of the Monkey Army!
*Sing Sang Sung*
From Fulton, New York, weighing in at 206 pounds, grbjazzman!
From Bergen County, New Jersey, weighing in at 232 pounds, M.O.P!
*Cult of Personality*
From Glasgow, Scotland, weighing in at 219 pounds, The Amazing Brahma Bull!
*Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap*
From Ann Arbor, Michigan, weighing in at 220 pounds, Super Smark!
*Leave The Memories Alone*
[color=Yellow]From Badstreet, USA, weighing in at 225 pounds, Stevierichardsfan Babyface!

“Elementary My Dear Watson!”
*Know Your Enemy*
From Chicago, Illinois, weighing in at 256 pounds, Aaron Enigma!
From Los Angeles, California, weighing in at 240 pounds, Jonathan Michaels!
*Smile Like You Mean It*
From Brighton, England, weighing in at 190 pounds, Relegate Hunter!
*Mike Is Awesome*
And, from Cork, Ireland, weighing in at 217 pounds, “Fallen Dragon” Mike Corral!

Everyone pairs off and starts trying to eliminate each other. Super Smark charges at Mike Corral, who grabs him on the way by and tosses him over the tope rope.

Super Smark eliminated.

Stevierichardsfan tosses M.O.P. into the corner, and fires off some chops. M,O,P, reverses it and hit’s Stevie with a few chops, then pauses, before delivering the big one, which knocks Stevie over the top rope and to the floor.

Stevierichardsfan eliminated.

The General and Jonathan Michaels go at just days before the Hardcore Match at Wheel of Misfortune. Michaels goes to suplex the General, but it’s countered into a monkey flip. Michaels lands on his feet, however. The General turns, and is met with clothesline, sending him over the top rope and to the floor.

The General eliminated.

Aaron Enigma and grbjazzman trade punches in the center of the ring. Jazzman wins the exchange, and goes for backbreaker, but M.O.P. catches him out of nowhere with a lariat, sending Jazzman over the top and to the floor.

Grbjazzman eliminated.

M.O.P. hit’s a European uppercut on Aaron, and runs the ropes, but Jazzman, who’s still on the outside, pulls the top rope down, and M.O.P. goes tumbling over the top.

M.O.P. eliminated.

As M.O.P. and Jazzman brawl on the floor, the action continues in the ring. Brahma Bull and Relegate Hunter try to double team Mike Corral, but Corral fights them off, and back body drop’s a charging Bull over the top.

Brahma Bull eliminated.

And now it’s down to the final four: Jonathan Michaels, Mike Corral, Aaron Enigma, and Relegate Hunter!

Hunter pairs off against Michaels, while Aaron and Corral go at it. Corral nails a release Dragon suplex on Enigma, followed by an attempted crucifix bomb over the top, but Aaron blocks it with a neckbreaker, sending both men to the mat. Meanwhile, Michaels hit’s a snap suplex on Hunter. He follows with a legdrop, and goes to toss Hunter out, but Hunter blocks him and nails the Dentist’s Dream! Hunter plays to the crowd, and goes for the Relegation, but Michaels rolls out of the way! Hunter lands on his feet, but turns right into the Fade to Black, which knocks him over the top and to the floor!

Relegate Hunter eliminated.

Michaels turns to face Corral. The two lock up, and Michaels whip’s Corral into the ropes. Corral bounces back with a front dropkick, knocking Michaels back against the ropes. Aaron charges Corral from behind, but is met with a Mafia kick, which knocks him THROUGH the ropes. Michaels runs at Corral, who catches him with a snapmare, followed by a dropkick! Corral pick’s Michaels up and ties him up in the tree of woe. He goes for the Sensations From Above, but Michael reaches up, and powerbombs Corral to the mat! Michaels frees himself from the tree of woe, and gets up… as Aaron Enigma hit’s an axe kick on Corral, knocking him over the top!

Mike Corral eliminated.

It’s down to Michaels and Enigma now. This should be most interesting Jess.

Absolutely Gorilla. A few months ago, Jonathan Michaels tried to join The Story, but they turned him down. If he can eliminate Aaron Enigma, and win this battle royal, that may convince The Story to reconsider their decision.

Michaels charges Enigma who ducks, and catches Michaels with a Rude Awakening neck breaker! Enigma goes to toss Michaels out, but Michaels grabs onto the top rope, and kick’s Enigma back. Enigma runs at Michaels who goes for the Fade to Black, but Aaron ducks it, and hit’s the Brilliant Deduction! Aaron picks Michaels up, and tosses him over the top rope.

Jonathan Michaels eliminated.

Here is your winner, Aaron Enigma!

The referee hands Aaron a check, as Aaron celebrates on the top rope. Aaron turns to acknowledge the crowd, and comes face to face with M.O.P. The two stare at each other. M.O.P. smiles, and walks away.

Big win for Aaron Enigma, just days before his Last Man Standing match with M.O.P!

Just remember though, Aaron won a battle royal. Anyone can win a battle royal! Monday night, it’s gonna be a 1-on-1 match. We’ll see how lucky Aaron Enigma is then.

Well, coming up next, Koda takes on Chtulhu!

Jonathan walks through the curtain.

I guess he WAS mad.

Evil Masked wordlifeecw walks up to him.

Hey, Jonathan, I saw the match, sorry you lost, but Aaron won, so . . .

No, I know, at least somebody I respect won, hopefully he will use the money wisely, but I'm still coming for your title this Monday.

I wouldn't expect anything different.

Wordlife slaps Jonathan on the back and walks away.

Koda V. Cthulhu

The following contest is set for one fall, with a 15 minute time limit!
*Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann OST*
Introducing first, from WWCF Headquarters, weighing in at 180 pounds, representing WWCF Corporate, Cthulhu!
*Agent of Chaos*
And his opponent, from Gotham, weighing in at 223 pounds, Koda!

Koda and Cthulhu circle each other, before Koda dives at Cthulhu with a clothesline. Cthulhu doges it, and rolls Koda up.
Cthulhu grabs Koda, but Koda frees himself and goes for an elevated DDT, but Cthulhu blocks it with a headbutt, followed by a lariat! Cthulhu continues the assault with a kneedrop to the throat. Cover.
Cthulhu chokes Koda on the mat.
Cthulhu breaks the choke, and picks up Koda for a Japanese ocean cyclone suplex. Cover.
Cthulhu climbs the ropes and taunts the crowd, but doesn’t see Koda loosening his necktie. Cthulhu goes for a running elbow across the throat, but Koda surprises him by sitting up and choking him with the necktie!

The All Choked Up!

Oh c’mon ref! This isn’t a hardcore match!

The ref warns Koda to break the hold.
Koda releases the choke, and nails Cthulhu with the Arkham Straightjacket! Cover!
Koda pulls Cthulhu up and hit’s the Arkham Roundup! Cover!
Koda walks over to the corner, and pulls a small mallet out of his coat pocket. The ref grabs it from him, but when he turns around, he doesn’t see Koda pull a chain out of his tights and nail Cthulhu with it! Cover!

Koda is beyond frustrated! Cthulhu won’t stay down!

Koda pulls Cthulhu up, and spits Joker Venom in his face, but Cthulhu deflects it back at Koda! Koda begins laughing uncontrollably, and Cthulhu nails the Death Magnetic! COVER!

Here is your winner, Cthulhu!

Cthulhu celebrates by playing his guitar, as officials tend to Koda. Backstage, Viva Los Bio Dome is shown watching on a monitor, looking very pleased.

The Heatz!!1 Champion has to be happy about this. The challenger has been defeated just days before his final shot at the Heatz!!1 Championship.

And Cthulhu is able to build some momentum going into the WWCF World Championship match on Monday!

Folks, our next match is a Tables match between two of the challengers for the Hardcore Championship match at Wheel of Misfortune, “Evil La Parka” and The Headbanger Man!

Tables Match: “Evil La Parka” V. The Headbanger Man

The next contest will be a Tables Match. The ring is surrounded by tables and the first one to send their opponent threw a table will be declared the winner.

("Evil La Parka"s music starts to play and he walks to the ring holding his steel chair.)

On his way to the ring first weighing in at 225 pounds from Mexico City, Mexico..................."EVIL LA PARKA"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

("Wild Child" by W.A.S.P. starts to play over the PA as Headbanger Man walks to the ring banging his head and air drumming.)

Before Headbanger Man can get all the way to the ring Parka instantly propels himself up to the top rope and hits a huge dive on Headbanger Man. Both men are hurt from the move as the crowd erupts with excitement. Parka picks up Headbanger Man and Irish whips him into the guardrail. Parka comes up to Headbanger Man and starts kneeing Headbanger Man in the stomach over and over.

Parka tosses Headbanger Man into the ring. Parka rolls into the ring and tries to pick up HM but HM punches Parka in the stomach and then irish whips parka into a corner. HM charges at Parka put parka puts his legs up on HM's head and pulls off a huge hurricanrana.

Parka waits for HM to stand up and then goes off the ropes and hits a huge spinning back kick right into HM's head sending HM outside of the ring. Parka gets ready and waits for HM to get up and goes for a suicide dive but right as he is about to connect with HM HM instantly grabs Parka's chair and nails Parka with it who goes right into it due to him going for the suicide dive.

HM starts stomping Parka. HM peels up the outside mats and calls for a DDT on Parka. HM picks up Parka and goes for the DDT but Parka blocks it and shoves HM into the ring apron. The two start brawling now up the entrance aisle. HM gets the advantage and shoves Parka into the entrance stage wall. HM runs after Parka but parka reacts quickly and hits another big hurricanrana. After the move HM is down since it was on concrete floor and Parka eyes a table off to the side from the stage.

Parka grabs the table and sets it up. Parka picks up HM and lays him out on the table. Park points up on the stage as the crowd starts to yell. Parka climbs up on the stage and calls for The X-Ray but then stops and sees a speaker right next to him that is even higher. He points up there and the crowd yells even louder for him to do it. Parka climbs all the way up on the speaker now about twenty feet above HM who is still laid out on the table.

Parka calls for The X-Ray and makes a huge leap. Parka comes down fast and hard but right when he connects HM has already moved out of the way making Parka crash right threw the table and badly hurt.

Here is your winner..........................HEADBANGER MAN!!!!!!!!!!!

What a win here for Headbanger Man!

After that performance, I have no doubt that we are looking at the next WWCF Hardcore Champion, Gorilla!

Whitey Fats V. The Boiler Room Brawler w/ The Sam

Well Gorilla next up we have The Sam's new bodyguard The Boiler Room Brawler taking on a returning Whitey Fats.

The interesting thing here Jess is that Whitey feels that he has been betrayed by his former Rough'n'Ready partner TTS who since Whitey took a leave of absence decided to take on this odd Jamaican persona and has fully joined WWCF Corporate.

The next contest is set for one fall. On his way to the ring weighing in at 350 pounds and from Rockford, Illinois accompanied by WWCF Executive of Corporate The Sam.................BOILER ROOM BRAWLER!!!!!!

*The Sam knocks on a the boiler room door of the WWCF arena as "I'm So Bad" by Motorhead starts to play. The Boiler Room Brawler walks out with a big pipe in his hand and the two walk to the gorilla position and then to the ring.*

And his opponent making his WWCF return weighing in at 280 pounds and from Starke, Florida..............WHITEY "DADDY PHAT SAX" FATS!!!!!!

The two big men meet in the middle of the ring face to face. Whitey obviously has the three inch height advantage but BRB matches that with a huge power house body. Neither men say a word to each other. They just keep staring face to face. Finally BRB fires the first shot by giving Whitey a shove. Whitey shoves back BRB. BRB retaliates with a big slap to Whitey's face. Whitey slaps BRB right back.

Finally the two behemoths lock up and BRB backs Whitey into a corner. The ref calls for a clean break and BRB backs off but then slaps Whitey once again. This ticks off Whitey and Whitey comes charging at BRB but is met with a big body punch knocking Whitey back but not quite off his feet. BRB grabs a hold of Whitey's arms and starts head butting him over and over until Whitey falls back into a corner. BRB walks back a little and then sprints towards Whitey nailing a big boot right into Whitey's face knocking Whitey over the top rope.

BRB pushes the ref out of the way making him stop the count and goes outside to follow Whitey. BRB picks Whitey up and shoves him into the guardrail. BRB follows that up by charging at Whitey and does a big body clothesline sending them both over the guardrail. BRB picks up Whitey and toss him back over the guardrail.

BRB gets on the apron and starts arguing with the ref who wants the match back in the ring. While the ref is distracted The Sam comes up on Whitey and starts putting the boots to him. BRB jumps back down and tosses Whitey back into the ring.

BRB picks up Whitey inside the ring and sets Whitey up for a power bomb. BRB tries to get Whitey up but Whitey fights it off and back body drops BRB. BRB gets up and rushes after Whitey but Whitey hip tosses BRB and locks on a head lock. BRB works his way up and starts elbowing Whitey. BRB sends Whitey into the ropes and goes for a clothesline but Whtiey ducks it and comes off from the other side and hits a big power slam.

Whitey picks up BRB and calls for the Burning Hammer but The Sam jumps up on the apron now holding BRB's metal pipe. The ref goes over to admonish The Sam but The Sam grabs the ref by the shirt and holds his head down white he tosses the metal pipe into the ring to BRB who just low blowed Whitey. BRB catches the metal pipe and takes a big swing at Whtiey but Whitey ducks it and kicks BRB in the gut and grabs the metal pipe and clocks it over BRB's head.

Whitey picks up BRB and hits the Burning Hammer. The ref finally gets away from The Sam and goes for the count of 3 and gets it.

Here is your winner by pinfall..............................WHITEY "DADDY PHAT SAX" FATS!!!!!!!!

And Whitey Fats makes his return a successful one by taking down the big bad Boiler Room Brawler.

Rest assured, Gorilla. This isn’t over yet. The Sam won’t rest until Whitey Fats is gone again, and this time, permanently!

For a “fair and unbiased” executive, The Sam sure does abuse his power quite a bit, huh Jess?

You better hope The Sam didn’t hear you, or you could end up in there with The Boiler Room Brawler next!

I wouldn’t put that past The Sam, to be honest, Jess. Anyway, up next, is our main event!

That’s right! A Fatal 4-Way match for the WWCF World Tag Team Championships!

Let’s go to Michael Muffer for the introductions!

Fatal 4-Way Match For The Vacant WWCF World Tag Team Championships: Legion and Doley V. Starshine and TTS V. The Southwest Connection V. Above Average and King Motor-Colt

The Following contest is set for one fall with no time limit and it is for the WWCF Tag Team Titles.
Making their way to the ring first. They are LEGION and DOLEY!

(Legion and Doley make their way to the ring under smoke and Pyro)
And their opponents, representing the Corporation, The “Technical Professional” STARSHINE and the WWCF Montego Bay Alchoweight Champion TTS!
(Starshine makes his way to the ring acting very cocky as TTS waves to the fans)
And their opponents, representing the WWCF Corporation. They are the WWCF World Heavyweight Champion Littlenaitch and Tyfo, The SOUTHWEST CONNECTION!
(SWC high five each other at the entrance ramp before heading to the ring)
And their opponents, representing The Story, KING COLT and the WWCF Interforum Champion ABOVE AVERAGE!
Colt and AA make their way to the ring as they slide into the ring a brawl begins. Everyone is attacking everyone.
Everyone falls out of the ring except for Legion and Above Average. The bell rings.
AA and Legion go for a collared elbow tie up. Legion gets a headlock on AA. An AA step back and tries to whip Legion off the ropes but Legion holds on to the headlock. AA tries to backdrop Legion but Legion lets go and does a flip, landing on his feet behind AA, Legion goes for a schoolboy.
kick out.
Legion taunts at AA before tagging in Doley.
Doley and AA go for a collared elbow tie up. AA goes behind Doley. Doley ducks down and grabs AA’s leg. AA kicks Doley sending him to the ropes. As Doley comes back, AA tries to monkey flip Doley but Doley grabs AA’s legs and flips over for a bride. The referee counts.
2 count.
AA gets up and Doley arm drags AA before tagging in Legion. Legion stomps away on AA as he is locked in an arm drag arm bar from Doley. Doley leaves the ring as Legion stomps away. AA grabs Legions leg and Dragon whips Legion. AA runs across to Colt and tags him in. Colt jumps the top rope and clotheslines Legion. Naitch tags himself in and tags in Legion.x
Naitch and Colt get in each other’s face before going for a feats of strength. Both men bridge each other with the feats of strength before letting go for a round of applause from the crowd. All of a sudden Tyfo tags in Naitch and lariats Colt before going for a pin.
AA breaks the pinfall.
Tyfo stomps away on Colt before calling to Naitch. Tyfo puts Colt in an electric chair. Naitch climbs the top rope. Naitch goes for a clothesline. But Colt ducks and hits and Victory roll on Tyfo
Naitch breaks the hold.
Naitch and Tyfo stomp away on Colt but Colt manages to break away and starts taking on both men sending Naitch back out to the outside before getting blind tagged by TTS.
TTS gets in the ring and gets big booted by Tyfo. Tyfo goes for a pin.
Starshine breaks the count.
Tyfo gets to his feet Starshine runs in and delivers a enzugri to Tyfo. Naitch runs in and attacks Starshine. Colt runs in and attacks Naitch. Legion and Doley attack Colt. AA runs in and attacks Doley and Legion. The referee loses idea of who the legal men are.

Everyone except Naitch, Colt, Legion and Doley brawl to the outside. Legion and Doley runs the ropes and hit a double suicide dive on everyone outside the ring. As the referee tries to revive everyone on the outside of the ring, Cthulu runs through the crowd and grabs a steel chair. Cthulu tries to attack Colt but Colt ducks and Cthulu hits Naitch. Colt dropkicks Naitch to the outside and then Colt pins Naitch.
The winners of this match and NEW WWCF Tag Team Champions, King Colt and Above Average!!!

The Story did it! Above Average and King Motor-Colt are the new WWCF World Tag Team Champions!

The Sam and Mr. D-Day Dave won’t like this. LittleNaitch screwed up big time.

LittleNaitch?! Cthulhu interfered and hit him with a chair!

Who got pinned, Gorilla?

Well, regardless, this adds a new element to the Triple Threat match for the WWCF World Championship.

Finally, something we can agree on, Gorilla!

Monday night folks, WWCF presents Wheel of Misfortune, only on Pay-per-view! Five Championships will be on the line, and each of those matches will be determined by a spin of the wheel!

And M.O.P. and Aaron Enigma will meet in a Last Man Standing match. What will those two do to each other in this brutal match?!

And don’t forget the finals of Seth Drakin’s Tournament of Honor. Who will go on to face Seth at Botch at the Beach? Will it be grbjazzman or Tyfo?!

You don’t wanna miss it, so call your cable operator right now!

For Jesse King, I’m Gorilla Tim Hoss. We’ll see you Monday night at Wheel of Misfortune! Goodnight!

Motor-Colt and Above Average celebrate in the ring as the show closes.

Match writing credits go to: Evil M, D-Day Dave, and The Sam.
Backstage segments written by Jonathan Michaels.

Wheel Of Misfortune - June 29, 2009

Wheel of Misfortune
June 29th, 2009

Welcome to Wheel of Misfortune! I’m Gorilla Tim Hoss, and to my left, the most electrifying commentator in wrestling, Jesse King!

Can you feel it Gorilla? The tension, the anticipation? It’s all around us. Tonight, we will see Championships defended, rivalries come to a head, and careers will be changed forever! I can’t wait!

We have five big Championship matches for you folks! The WWCF World Champion LittleNaitch will defend against The Story’s King Motor-Colt, and his fellow Corporate member, Cthulhu!

Also, for the final time, Koda will challenge Viva Los Bio Dome for the Heatz!!1 Championship! Win or lose, this is the last time we will see these two face each other the title.

Montego Bay AlcoholicWeight Champion TTS will put his title up against Relegate Hunter in a match that is nearly two months in the making.

The WWCF Hardcore Championship will also be on the line, when Evil Masked wordlifeecw defends against 4 opponents in a match he stupidly requested! Tonight, I am predicting a Hardcore Title change, Gorilla!

That’s a bold prediction, though considering the competition wordlifeecw will be facing, you could be right Jess. Also tonight, Above Average defends the Inter-Forum Championship against Doley!

And let’s not leave out the Last Man Standing match between Aaron Enigma and M.O.P. This thing has gotten personal in recent weeks, and tonight, it’ll all come to a head!

And we have the finals of Seth Drakin’s Tournament of Honor. Either Tyfo or grbjazzman will be going on to face Seth Drakin for the Championship of Honor at Botch at the Beach!

What a night it’s gonna be!

And since this show is called Wheel of Misfortune, it’s only fitting that our Championship matches be decided with a spin of the wheel. Let’s go backstage to Fred G. Neric, who is standing by with the 5 competitors in our opening match for the WWCF Hardcore Championship!

*G. Neric is in the back, with The Headbanger Man, Jonathan Michaels, “Evil La Parka”, The General, and wordlifeecw*

Thank you Gorilla. Gentlemen, in a few moments, you five will face each other for that belt that wordlifeecw is holding. But first, let’s find out what type of match you’ll be participating in!

*G. Neric gives the wheel a spin, and it lands on…*

A Fruit and Lego Deathmatch! Wow, this is gonna be something! Back to you, Gorilla and Jesse!

Well, how bout that Jess? A Fruit and Lego Deathmatch! This oughta be good!

For those of you who are unfamiliar with this type of match, here’s how it’ll work: It’s basically a match with fruit scattered around the ring in containers and table made out of Legos. All use of these weapons are legal. The first man to score a pinfall or submission wins the match, and the WWCF Hardcore Championship.

Let’s go down to Michael Muffer for the introductions.

Fruit and Lego Deathmatch for the Hardcore Championship: The General of the Monkey Army V. “Evil La Parka” V. Jonathan Michaels V. Headbanger Man V. Evil Masked wordlifeecw ©

Ladies and gentlemen, our opening contest is set for one fall, and it is a Fruit and Lego Deathmatch for the WWCF Hardcore Championship!

*La Parka’s theme*
Introducing first, he is one of the challengers. From Mexico City, Mexico, weighing in at 225 pounds, he is the chair-man of WWCF, “Evil La Parka”!
La Parka walks to the ring, carrying his trademark chair.

*King Kong 2004*
Next, from Lansing, Michigan, weighing in at 225 pounds, The General of the Monkey Army!
The General enters, with Bingo the monkey sitting on his shoulder.

*Wild Child*
From Kent, England, weighing in at 263 pounds, The Headbanger Man!
Headbanger Man walks out, air drumming. When he get’s to the ring, he stops, pulls out a beer bottle, and smashes it over his own head. He then enters the ring.

Next, from Los Angeles, California, weighing in at 240 pounds, Jonathan Michaels!
Michaels walks out through a cloud of smoke, highfiving the fans at ringside, but never taking his eyes off the ring. As he enters, the lights go off, and the opening chords of Kane’s theme plays. Pyro shoots off.

And, from Rockland, Massachusetts, weighing in at 320 pounds, he is the reigning and defending WWCF Hardcore Champion, Evil Masked wordlifeecw!
EMW walks to the ring, the Hardcore Title slung over his shoulder. When get’s in front of the ring, he stops, and set’s off his pyro, then rolls in as the bell rings.

Everyone immediately goes after the Champion. La Parka takes a swing at the Champ with his chair, but EMW grabs the chair and flings it out of the way. The General tackles EMW and pummels him with a flurry of punches, but the Evil Masked One shrugs it off, and nails the General with a throat thrust. Jonathan Michaels goes for a spear, but EMW moves, causing Michaels to go right through the ropes. EMW then turns around, only get nailed in the face with a pear! Headbanger Man continues to hammer wordlifeecw with the fruit, but The General surprises him with a rollup!
Both men get to their feet, but get pelted with cherries, courtesy of Jonathan Michaels. La Parka nails Michaels from behind with a chair. Cover.
EMW, Headbanger Man, and The General all break it up at the same time.
Headbanger Man grabs a lego off of the table, and tries to jab Michaels in the eye with it, but wordlifeecw breaks it up. The General blindsides EMW with a watermelon, and goes for the cover.
La Parka breaks it up with a chairshot, and covers The General.
Michaels breaks it up.
Michaels fires off some rapid quick punches at Parka, before slamming him on the watermelon, which explodes all over the ring. Cover.
Headbanger Man smashes a beer bottle over Michaels’ head. Cover.
EMW pulls Headbanger Man off.
EMW hit’s a sidewalk slam on Headbanger Man, but when he turns, The General nails him with a banana to the face. The General hit’s the Monkey Paw, but La Parka dropkick’s him to the floor, then covers EMW.
La Parka hit’s EMW with a chair, and covers him.
La Parka dropkick’s the chair in EMW’s face! Cover!
La Parka slaps the mat in frustration, as the Champion sit’s up. La Parka punches EMW a few times, but to no effect. EMW throat thrust’s La Parka, and clothesline’s him over the top rope. La Parka lands on the lego table. EMW climbs to the top rope.

What is wordlifeecw thinking here- MOONSAULT!!!! EMW WITH A MOONSAULT!!!!


La Parka is out, and EMW is hurting on the outside. Inside the ring, Headbanger Man sets The General up for the Double Bass DDT, but there’s suddenly an explosion of pyro! The blast knocks both the General and Headbanger Man to the mat.


EMW may have just saved his title there, Jess!

EMW slowly tries to get back in the ring, but Jonathan Michaels suddenly comes off the top rope with an elbow drop on The General! COVER!!!

Here is your winner, and NEW WWCF Hardcore Champion, JONATHAN MICHAELS!!!!

Jonathan proudly raises the belt in the air, as wordlifeecw finally gets in the ring. The two stare at each other for a moment, then EMW extends a hand to Michaels. Michaels considers it for a moment, then shakes the former Champion’s hand, and the two embrace. EMW then rolls to the outside, allowing Michaels his moment.

What a way to open the show, huh Jess?

Indeed. We have a new Hardcore Champion, and his name is Jonathan Michaels.

Up next, TTS will defend his Montego Bay AlcoholicWeight Championship against Relegate Hunter. G. Neric is standing by with the two competitors, as they, like the rest of us, are about to learn what kind of match they’ll be competing in. Fred?

Well, TTS. Relegate Hunter. It’s time to find out just what type of match the Montego Bay AlcoholicWeight Championship will be contested in.

*G. Neric spins the wheel and it lands on…*

A Bathroom Break Match. OK, gentlemen. Here’s how it works. The match will take place in a bathroom. There will a vast assortment of weapons on hand. If you leave the bathroom, you have a 10 count to reenter, or the match will end. It’s pin or submission to win. Back to you guys at ringside.

Wow, this is a first Jess. Never before has there been a Bathroom Break match.

This should be very interesting Gorilla.

Right you are Jess. Also adding to the match, is that the Champion is not currently in possession of the belt.

All because of that dirty, rotten Whitey Fats. Why couldn’t he have stayed gone, Gorilla.

OK, we understand that they’re ready backstage, so let’s go to Michael Muffer!

Bathroom Break Match for the Montego Bay AlcoholicWeight Championship: Relegate Hunter V. TTS ©

TTS, Relegate Hunter, a referee, a camera man, and Michael Muffer are standing in a bathroom.

The following contest is set for one fall, and it is a Bathroom Break Match, for the Montego Bay AlcoholicWeight Championship. Introducing first, to my right, he is the challenger. He hails from Brighton, England, and weighs in tonight at 190 pounds. Relegate Hunter!

And his opponent. From Davie, Florida, weighing in at 290 pounds, he is the reigning and defending Montego Bay AlcoholicWeight Champion, T!T!S!

The referee steps in between them and delivers some pre-match instructions, before signaling for the match to begin.

TTS and Hunter tie up, and TTS backs Hunter up against the sink. Hunters shoves him away. They lock up again, and the same thing. A third time, but Hunter grabs TTS and rams his head against the sink, then snap suplexes him. Cover.
TTS get’s up, but Hunter armdrag’s him, then dropkick’s him as he sit’s up. Cover.
Hunter grabs a trashcan, and goes to hit TTS with it, but TTS kick’s Hunter in the midsection, and hit’s a lifting DDT. Cover.
TTS takes off his belt, and whips Hunter with it. Hunter screams out in pain, and TTS then wraps the belt around Hunter’s throat, trying to choke him out. Hunter somehow manages to force TTS off of him, but TTS resumes whipping TTS with his belt. He wraps the belt around his fist, and pulls Hunter up, only to fell him with a big right hand. Cover.
TTS grabs the trashcan, and nails Hunter with it. Cover!
TTS tosses Hunter into the handicap stall. He get’s a running start, and goes for a leg lariat, but Hunter moves, and TTS ends up with his foot stuck in the toilet! Hunter grabs the trashcan and starts hammering TTS with it while he’s stuck. Finally, Hunter clothesline’s TTS, getting his foot unstuck in the process. Cover!
Hunter pulls TTS up, and goes for the Dentist’s Dream, but TTS counters it into Pileup! Cover!

Here is your winner, and STILL Montego Bay AlcoholicWeight Champion, T!T!S!

The referee raises TTS’s arm, but TTS pulls it away. He opens the door to leave, but when he does, Whitey Fats tackles him, and the two trade punches on the bathroom floor. The referee tries to separate them, but when he pulls Whitey off, TTS takes advantage, and nails Whitey with a discus clothesline and takes back his title belt. TTS walks over to the sink, washes his hands, and exits, as the referee and Relegate Hunter check on Whitey.

Well, TTS retains, but the real story is-

The real story, Gorilla, is that Whitey Fats once again stuck his nose where it didn’t belong! I hope The Sam does something about this!

Well, nonetheless, let’s move on. Up next, the finals of Seth Drakin’s Tournament of Honor, pitting Tyfo against grbjazzman!

Tournament of Honor Finals: Tyfo V. grbjazzman

The following contest is the finals of Seth Drakin’s Tournament of Honor. It is set for one fall, with a 30 minute time limit.

*New Blackjacks Theme*
Introducing first, from Dallas, Texas, weighing in at 245 pounds, and representing WWCF Corporate, TYFO!!!
Tyfo slowly walks to the ring, jawing with the fans along the way. A fireball pyro goes off, and Tyfo goes to all four corners, doing the Longhorn salute.

*Sing, Sang, Sung*
And his opponent, from Fulton, New York, weighing in at 206 pounds, grbjazzman!
Jazzman struts to the ring, and poses for the crowd, before giving his fedora to a child in the front row. He reenters, and the bell rings.

The match starts with the two combatants staring each other down, before locking up in the middle. Tyfo gets the early advantage with a headlock, but Jazzman quickly escapes by throwing Tyfo off of him. He lies down to avoid Tyfo on the rebound, jumping over him on the next pass and finally hitting an arm drag on the Corporate Pain Train. Tyfo quickly gets up but walks into another arm drag which Jazzman holds into an arm bar.

Tyfo quickly makes it back to his feet and tries to reverse the arm bar into a Northern Lights Suplex, but Jazzman counters with a knee to the gut and a swinging neckbreaker. Jazzman seems to have Tyfo under his control, but when he goes to lift Tyfo up, he gets tripped into the corner, his head mashing against the turnbuckle. Taking advantage, Tyfo hits a quick german suplex and bridges for a pin.

1.....2.Jazzman gets out of the pin.

Tyfo quickly gets to his feet, not letting frustration take over. He lifts Jazzman up and throws him into the turnbuckle. Charging at him he attempts to clothesline Jazzman but he dodges and Tyfo runs head first into the turnbuckle. Quickly turning around Jazzman gives Tyfo a vicious uppercut, followed by standing on the second rope and 10-punching Tyfo, the crowd counting it out.

After the 10-punch, Jazzman delivers a quick DDT but when he goes for the pin the ref notices Tyfo's foot is under the bottom rope. Jazzman gets off Tyfo and picks him up, putting him chest-first into the turnbuckle. He goes to the opposite corner and charges at Tyfo, attempting to make him Take the A Train. However Tyfo gets out of the way and Jazzman connects with his shins on the turnbuckle, before bouncing off painfully and slamming against the mat. Tyfo quickly tries to pin him.

1.....2....Jazzman just barely kicks out!

Tyfo is frustrated, thinking he had the win. He argues with the ref for a minute before heading back to Jazzman and stomping on him repeatedly until the ref has to pull him away from Jazzman. Tyfo breaks the ref's grip on him and goes back to Jazzman. Lifting him up, and moving him to the corner. He sets up Jazzman to hit the Tumbleweed. Jazzman however counters when he goes for the move, and instead dazes Tyfo with a couple quick shots. He climbs to the top rope, lifting Tyfo with him, and with the crowd looking on in anticipation, Jazzman hits Tyfo with Such Sweet Thunder. The two men lie motionless in the ring.

After some time passes Jazzman finally climbs to Tyfo to make the pin.

1.....2....Tyfo just gets his shoulder up.

The stress and frustration is evident in Jazzman's face, seemingly angry at himself. He lifts Tyfo up but Tyfo counters with a kick to the gut and a DDT. Tyfo moves to the lower body of Jazzman and locks in The Texas Cloverleaf. Jazzman screams in pain as he desperately tries to crawl to a rope to break the hold. However once he gets close, Tyfo moves him back to the middle. Jazzman looks close to tapping, but he wills himself back to the ropes and grabs it. Tyfo extremely reluctantly breaks the hold. He looks at the broken man in front of him and taunts him. He picks up Jazzman and looks to be wanting to end the match. He throws Jazzman into the corner and charges him. Jazzman wisely moves out of the way at the last second and Tyfo hits the turnbuckle again. Jazzman delivers a dropkick to the back of Tyfo pushing him back into the corner. Jazzman quickly makes Tyfo Take the A Train and goes for the pin.

1.....2.....3! And the match is over!

Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of the match, GRBJAZZMAN!!!!

Jazzman raises his arms, and turns towards the entrance, where Seth Drakin is standing. Jazzman points at Seth, and motions that the Championship of Honor will soon be his.

What a match! Congratulations to grbjazzman on winning this tournament!

And you have to give Tyfo credit, Gorilla. He hung in there longer than a lot of folks expected him to!

Indeed. Stellar performance from both men. Next up, folks, is Above Average defending the Inter-Forum Championship against Doley. Fred G. Neric is backstage with both men. Fred?

Above Average, Doley. Your match is up next. Let’s find out what type of match you will be competing in.

*G. Neric spins the wheel, and it lands on…*

A Forklift Chambers of Doom 49ers Match!

Whoa! This is gonna be a wild one Jess!

They’re already drivin’ the forklifts out to ringside!

Here’s how it works, folks. There are for forklifts at ringside, and each one has chamber on it. The Inter-Forum Championship belt is in one of those chambers. To unlock the chambers, they need to climb the pole and grab the key. Whoever get’s the belt is the winner.

Let’s go to the ring!

Forklift 49ers Match for the Inter-Forum Championship: Doley V. Above Average ©

The following match is the Forklift 49ers Match for the Inter-Forum Championship. To win the competitors must climb one of the four poles surrounding the ring and take hold of the key at the top. They must then use the key to unlock one of the chambers on top of one of the forklifts to retrieve the belt and win the match. Only one chamber holds the belt, the others hold other items that may be used in the course of the match.

Introducing first-

*Man With A Plan plays on the PA as Doley struts down to the ring, taunting the nearby fans*

-Coming in at 5'9, he weighs in tonight at 260 pounds. Rese is the man they call Doley.

*Doley makes his way in the ring and climbs the turnbuckle, looking smugly at the fans*

And his opponent-

*Poison begins on the PA and Above Average wearing his WWCF Tag Team Title walks down*

Michael Muffer - Coming in at 6'6 and weighing in at 260 pounds. He is one half of the WWCF Tag Team Champions and the definding Inter-Forum Champion, Double A, Above Average.

*Above Average makes his way into the ring and stands by the turnbuckle opposite Doley. Both look around and assess the situation.*

To win this match one of the competitors must beat his opponent enough so they can climb up one of the surrounding poles and take the key. Then they must climp up to one of the forklifts positioned in the corner and using their key open the chamber which they hope will contain the WWCF Inter-Forum Title.

It's not going to be easy Gorilla. You have to keep your opponent down for a long time to do all that. It'll be interesting to see what both guys do to try and keep on top of things.

The referee is explaining the rules to both competitors and we hope to start this match soon.

Double A hands his WWCF Tag Title to the ref who makes his way across the ring to place it on the time keepers table. Doley quickly snatches the belt and rushes his opponent, striking him hard with the belt, laying him out.

What a cheap and dirty tactic from the challenger.

I think it's smart Gorilla. He knows he needs all the opportunities he can get. It's called being opportunistic.

You can call it whatever you want, but the Champion looks to be in bad form here.

Let's see exactly how much metal he really has.

Doley rushes to the nearest pole and begins climbing. He reaches the top and grabs the key. He shimmies down and quickly reaches the nearest corner and opens up the chamber. He reaches in and brings out... an enlarged, hand painted portrait of John S. Amigo.
He stares at the portrait for a while before remembering the match at hand. He jumps down and noticing Double A stirring rushed over to the next closest pole. He shimmies up and quickly grabs the key on top. He slides down and begins climbing up to the next forklift. He places the key in the lock and opens it. Before he can bring anything out, a revived but bloody Above Average pounds him on the back. He then positions himself beneath Doley and delivers a sit out powerbomb. Double A slowly stirs and crawls back to his feet. He looks back towards the opened chamber and begins slowly climbing up to it. He reaches the top and sticks his hand in as Doley, back to his feet climbs up behind him and clubs him. Doley reaches in but is stopped by a well times punch to the ribs. Double A reaches in but is stopped again by Doley. Doley connects with a stiff punch to Double A's open head. Double A struggles to keep on balance. Doley delivers a series of strikes to Double A causing him to collapse down to the mat. Doley looks down to Double A and delivers a moonsault. He then climbs back up to the open box, sticks his hand in and brings out... a Yogi Bear doll.
Doley tears the head off the doll in frustration and jumps back down to the mat. He stomps Double A a little and pushes him out of the ring. He approaches another pole and begins climbing. He reaches the top and grabs the key. Double A, is back to his feet outside and slowly crawls back inside unbeknown to Doley. Doley makes his way to the next forklift and fumbles with the lock. Double A climbs up behind Doley, grabs Doley in a rear waist lock and delivers a huge German Suplex from the top. Doley flips over from the force landing face first. Double A grabs the key from the mat and climbs up to the forklift. He opens up the chamber and finds... a live badger.
The badger bites Double A's hand who quickly drops it to the mat. It scurries over to the fallen Doley and begins attacking him. Doley leaps to his feet and comically runs around the ring as the badger gives chase. Double A still on the top rope looks towards the next and last pole and balances his way across the top rope to it. He climbs up and grabs the key. He slides his way down and balances his way to the final forklift. In the ring, Doley desperately punts the badger out into the crowd and turns to see Double A about the unlock the final chamber. He rushes over and grabs Double A's tights, pulling him to the mat. He desperately climbs up and tries to open the chamber. Double A tries to intervene but is kicked away by Doley. Doley unlocks the chamber and sticks his hand in. Double A kicks the top rope, causing Doley to lose his balance and crotch himself. Double A climbs up behind Doley and reaches in but is stopped by an elbow to the ribs. Doley climbs up and reaches in but Double A grabs his hand. Both struggle with one another. Double A wraps his free arm around Doley's neck and locks in a modified Dragon Sleeper. Doley desperately tries to free himself and delivers some stiff punishes to Double A's crimson forehead. The punches slowly begin to weaken as Doley's body becomes limp. Double A releases the hold letting Doley's limp body drop to the mat. He composes himself and reaches in the chamber, bringing out the WWCF Inter-Forum Championship.

The winner of this match, and still WWCF Inter-Forum Champion, Above Average.

Double A slowly makes his way down from the turnbuckle, using the ropes for leverage. He slowly rolls out of the ring and grabs his tag belt. He makes his way to the back, raising his title triumphantly. A paramedic team make their way out and check up on Doley.

An impressive win from Above Average.

I'll admit it Gorilla, he showed exactly what he was made out of here.

Can anyone stop the momentum of our Inter-Forum Champion?

*words appear on the screen*

Hip Hop is a state of mind
Never underestimate what the mind can do

*Clips of riots start playing, while in the background plays "One Mic" from Nas*

You'll never see me coming, but you better start running
Camouflaged by day, at night I’m like the joker, it's so funny
How people think they can take me on at my game
My name doesn't matter, what does is my sane
and conscious rhymes, a message in your mind
Opening up your eyes, when you were oh so blind
I'm from the streets, I'm saying nothing that is new
But just ask yourself this, will I be coming after you?

Cage King

Coming Soon

Folks, Cage King is just one of several new Superstars on their way to the WWCF!

Gorilla, what a show we’ve had so far!

And it’s not over yet Jess. Next up, Koda challenges Viva Los Bio Dome for the WWCF Heatz!!1 Championship!

Fred G. Neric, Koda, and Viva are backstage by the Wheel.

Gentlemen, your match is up next. Let’s see what type of match you will be in.

*G. Neric spins the wheel*

Gentlemen, you will be competing in a Great Escape Match! Back to ringside!

Great Escape Match for the Heatz!!1 Championship: Koda V. Viva Los Bio Dome ©

We are shown a brief promo showing the war these two have been through. Two vicious title fights, countless matches.

*Agent of Chaos*
From The City of Gotham, Weighing in at 223 pounds, Koda!
Koda walks to the ring, laughing maniacally, until he sees the cage. Koda slowly enters the ring, and waits for his opponent.

*The Safety Dance*
Out of Hayward, Calfornia, Weighing in at 185 pounds, iViva Los Bio Dome!
Viva enters through a cloud of purple smoke, but there’s no dancing tonight. He’s deadly serious, as he enters the ring.

Gorilla:Okay, King. Let's make sure the fans know what the object of "The Great Escape" is.

What I've been told back stage, Gorilla, is that
there will be a cage with a roof on it, and a Cell over it. In order to win, you must grab the key hanging from the roof of the inner cage, unlock the door, and climb out. But that's just part one. Then, you have to climb to the top of the inner cage, grab the second key, and exit the cell. After that, you must climb to the top of the Cell and take a zip line down over the prison wall on the ramp to the stage. You could literally say there are 3 keys to victory in this one, Gorilla. Obtain the two keys, and zip line over the wall, and you win.

*Looks at King with a confused face.* Well, thanks for clearing that up. I guess we'll just have to watch the action unfold in the ring.

*The bell rings*

Instantly, Koda lunges at Viva and nails him with a stiff right hand. Viva shakes it off, and plants Koda hard with a vicious DDT. Koda begins laughing. Viva kicks him in the stomach. Koda is now cracking up. Koda starts getting up and Viva again nails him with a wicked kick in the midsection. Koda stops laughing for a split second, gathers some air, and again begins laughing. At this point, Koda is back on his feet, and Viva is scared s***less. Viva begins cowering backwards. Koda is still laughing uncontrollably. Viva is pinned against the cage and Koda is now reaching in to his jacket. Out comes his Jokers venom which hits Viva smack in the eyes. Koda then hits him with the Killing Joke. Viva is out, and Koda begins scaling the inside cage for the first key.

Koda is now grabbing at the key, and he has it! He begins climbing down the cage, and Viva is still in a state of blindness. He's slowly regaining his vision, and Koda is already out of the first gate and scaling the cell. He's almost there and now Viva is following him. Viva is climbing the cell behind him now, and Koda is already unlatching that second key. Viva has now caught up, and they begin trading haymakers for the second key. Koda is gaining the upperhand when Viva hits him with a solid clothesline. Viva unlatches the second key and starts making his way down the outside of the inner cage.

Koda is hot on his heels at this point. They both begin fighting as Viva struggles to unlock the cell. Viva turns around and drop kicks him, and follows it up with a standing frog splash. Viva has now unlocked the cell and turns around focuses back in on Koda. He lifts Koda up and nails him with the Purple Sticky Punch. Feeling confident, Viva now walks outside of the Cell to begin climbing to the zip line.

He's halfway up the cell and Koda is now coming to his senses...

He's now three quarters up the wall, and Koda is just now starting his climb...

Viva is now on top of the cell, and Koda is only half way up...

Viva is now jumping for the zipline, he's got it. He's beginning his descent...

Koda lunges off of the cage and grabs Viva's legs!!! They are BOTH ziplining towards the finish!

Koda is climbing up viva! Koda has taken charge of the zipline and is now kicking Viva! Koda takes one huge swing of his legs and jumps over the wall for the win! Viva is right behind him, but Koda's feet touched on the other side of the wall first, making him our winner and now Two time Heatz!!1 Champion!

Viva Los Bio Dome is visibly upset, but after getting up, extends his hand out to Koda. Koda looks down at his hand, and shakes it.


King! He's done it again! He just buzzed Viva with his handshake buzzer!

The camera pans from Koda to Viva, and we see Viva on the floor, laughing uncontrollably.

*Aaron is seen in his study, going through some final preparations. He begins to talk without looking at the camera*

Tonight is the night I have been waiting for. Tonight I get my first real shot at taking a chunk out of Corporate in the form of M.O.P. Believe me when I say that I will be the one standing when our match is decided.

*Aaron turns to address the camera*

Now, I know normally when I speak, I love to use colorful and verbose language to sometimes confuse people that may interpret what I say wrongly, such as Sam did when he got Timmy and his family involved in this. I can safely say I won't be doing that tonight, for now is not the time for words. Tonight it is time for actions, and M.O.P., you will Know Your Enemy, even if the Head Detective himself has to beat it into your skull. Tonight the vendetta continues, and I'm blazing down the warpath!

Last Man Standing Match: Aaron Enigma V. M.O.P.

Up next folks is the Last Man Standing match between MOP and Aaron Enigma. This has been one of the hottest feuds of the past few months and tonight it all comes to a head with this, a Last Man Standing match.

You know Tim, this feud has seen it all. But tonight it’s not about Fans or Loyalty or Lies or Truth or Corporate or Story. Tonight, only thing matters for either individual. Who will stand and who will fall?

The following contest is a Last Man Standing match. And here are the rules. There are No DQ, No Holds Barred and No Limits. This match must be won by beating your opponent until they are incapacitated and cannot reach a 10 count. The Last Man Standing will be the Winner.
Introducing first,
( Judas Priest's "Painkiller.")
At the height of 6’1, weighing in at 232 lbs. from F’N Jersey. Representing WWCF Corporate, accompanied by the WWCF Executive The Sam. M.O.P.!!!
(MOP marches towards the ring with The Sam in tow looking completely focused)

There is no way to tell who could win this match Tim, anything could happen. But I might have to give MOP the nod because he has The Sam in his corner. And The Sam can use his influence as a WWCF Executive to sway this match in MOP’s favour.

You may be a kiss ass Jesse, but you also might be correct. If that “Platypus” has his way he could ruin this match for everyone.

(Muffer is seen receiving a note from an agent)
Ladies and Gentlemen, I have just been informed that Commissioner John Amigo has banned The Sam from ringside and has asked that The Sam be escorted from ringside back to his locker room. If The Sam refuses to comply he will be FIRED.
(The Sam looks shocked and angry and starts berating Muffer. Some agents come out trying to escort The Sam from the ring but The Sam squeals and holds the ropes as the agents play tug of war with The Sam who looks like he is about to cry. Eventually The Sam lets go of the rope and is sent kicking and screaming back to the locker room)

How dare they treat the WWCF Executive in such fashion?
Now this match is fair Jesse. I hope that Platypus stays away from this ring forever. Now we can find out who truly is the best man.

And his opponent.
(Know Your Enemy by Rage Against the Machine)
At the height of 6’3, weighing in at 256 lbs. currently residing in Chicago, Illinois. Representing The Story. Head Detective Aaron Enigma!!!
Muffer barely makes it through his introduction before Aaron runs to ringside. MOP runs the ropes and out of nowhere hits a dive through the ropes straight on top of Aaron Enigma. The bell sounds and this match starts with stiff fists flying outside the ring. It is a brawl for the first 5 minutes. MOP knees Aaron in the mid section before rolling him back into the ring. As MOP climbs back into the ring Aaron runs up and DDT’s MOP through the ropes.
Instead of going for a 10 count however Aaron starts beating MOP within an inch of his life with kicks and punches. MOP manages to slide himself out of the ring where he grabs Aaron’s legs and drags him to the turnbuckle post. MOP is standing on the outside of the ring while Aaron lays helpless in the corner of the ring with his legs on either side of the turnbuckle pole. MOP then locks on a figure four-leg lock around the post Bret Hart style.
MOP lets go of the lock and grabs a steel chair. With Aarons legs still draped around the pole MOP swings at Aarons legs hoping to crush them between the pole and the chair. But Aaron pulls himself back into the ring as MOP smashes a chair into the pole missing Aaron’s legs but hurting his hands.
Aaron takes advantage of this opportunity. Aaron stands up and grabs the ropes. Aaron flips himself to the outside where MOP catches him in a power bomb chairlift. Aaron however locks his legs tight around MOP’s head and delivers a hurracunrana to MOP on the outside.
Aaron hurt his knee with that move and both men are down for the count.
both men get to their feet and begin brawling again. MOP ducks a punch and gets behind Aaron Enigma. MOP chop blocks Aarons knee sending him down. MOP clears the announce table before rolling Aaron on top of the table. MOP climbs up and calls for the Corporate Driver. MOP lifts Aaron on to his shoulders but Aaron slips out and behind MOP and Aaron delivers his finishing move, the Brilliant Deduction, through the announce table.
Both men are down. MOP is suffering head trauma and Aaron’s knees are almost done. The referee starts a 10 count as the fans start a “Holy S***” chant
MOP is up first as Aaron is crawling towards the ring. MOP kicks Aaron in the ribs before picking him up and rolling him back into the ring. MOP looks underneath the ring and pulls out a table and sets it up outside the ring next to the apron. MOP climbs onto the apron. Aaron approaches MOP and MOP delivers a shoulder to the mid section of Aaron. MOP still standing on the apron locks his arms around Aaron’s head and attempts to suplex Aaron over the top rope and through the table. But Aaron sandbags him and Aaron attempts to suplex MOP into the ring. Aaron’s legs are weak however and it ends up being more of a Vertical Suplex DDT.
Both men are out of it after that but MOP manages to get up to his feet despite having a concussion. MOP stomps away on Aaron’s knees and legs. MOP starts taunting the fans as Aaron still laying on the mat reaches into his pocket and pulls out a magnifying glass. MOP walks over to Aaron and tries to get him to his feet, but Aaron smashes the magnifying glass across MOP’s face. Sending
MOP across the ring with a crimson mask as the referee starts a 10 count.
both men slide outside the ring and grab a steel chair each. They get back into the ring and see each other with steel chair in hand. They continue to look at each other. Aaron lets out a primal scream and MOP lets out a primal scream as well. This is a showdown at the OK Corral, 2 men, 2 chairs, and 1 winner.
Both men pull back and swing.
MOP whacks Aaron Enigma in the legs as Aaron Enigma whacks MOP across the head. Both men are down. The referee begins a 10 count.
Aaron Enigma grabs the ropes and pulls himself up.
The winner of this match, AARON ENIGMA!
Both men receive a standing ovation from the fans. Aaron taunts the crowd as MOP is helped to his feet by the referee. MOP pushes the referee back and gets in Aarons face. Both men stare at each other. Aaron pulls his hand up for a handshake.
MOP looks at the crowd. MOP looks at Aaron. All of a sudden TTS runs out to the ring and tries to clothesline Aaron. Aaron ducks and hits TTS with the “Brilliant Deduction”. Outcomes Starshine followed by Tyfo and Cthulu. They begin beating away on Aaron Enigma. Out come Boiler Room Brawler and The Sam.
The Sam yells at each of his men to beat down Aaron. MOP pulls them back however. MOP approaches a fallen Aaron and grabs his head. MOP looks up and smiles before telling everyone to grab a limb each.
Each member of Corporate has a limb. They count to 3 and throw Aaron Enigma into the air and to the table, which is still outside the ring, Spirit Squad style. Aaron smashes through the table as paramedics rush to make sure he is ok.
Corporate lift MOP onto their shoulders and head back to the locker room, they may have lost the battle but they have won the war.

Why can’t M.O.P. grow up, and take a loss like a man?! This was simply uncalled for!

Gorilla, it’s all about showing Aaron Enigma who has the real power around here. Maybe he’ll think twice before he goes after Corporate again!

Well, up next, LittleNaitch defends the WWCF World Championship against King Motor-Colt and Cthulhu. A lot has happened between these three men, leading up to this, a Triple Threat Match for the WWCF World Championship. Let’s go to G. Neric backstage.

Ladies and gentlemen, we have reached our main event. In a few moments, LittleNaitch puts the WWCF World Championship on the line. Let’s see what kind of match it’s going to be!

*G. Neric spins the wheel for the final time*

A Barbed Wire Hell Match! Put the kids to bed, folks! This won’t be for the weak of heart!

Folks, this match could be the most brutal match in WWCF history. A cage, constructed completely out of barbed wire. No escape, no count outs, no disqualifications. Pinfall or submission is the only way to win.

This is going to violent and bloody. I can’t wait!

Well you won’t have to wait for long. Let’s go to the ring!

Barbed Wire Hell Match for the WWCF World Championship: King Motor-Colt V. Chtulhu V. LittleNaitch ©

The barbed wire cage has been lowered over the cage, leaving just enough room for the entrants to get in.

*Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann OST*
Cthulhu slowly walks to the ring, carrying his electric guitar, as the lights go off around him.

The lights go dark.
*It’s Hard To Speak Without A Tongue*
Smoke clouds the entrance way, as the lights come up. Motor-Colt is standing at the top of the stage, his head down. He raises one finger to the crowd, and makes his way to the ring.

*New Blackjacks Theme*
LittleNaitch makes his way to the ring, wearing a robe. He opens it to reveal the WWCF World Championship belt.

Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is a Barbed Wire Hell match set for one fall, and it is for the WWCF World Heavyweight Championship!

Introducing first. From WWCF Headquarters, weighing in at 180 pounds, representing WWCF Corporate, Cthulhu!

Cthulhu steps forward and raises his guitar in the air, as the crowd boos.

Next, from Adelaide, Australia, weighing in at 247 pounds, he represents The Story, he is King Motor-Colt!

Motor-Colt steps forward and raise one finger to the crowd, who give a huge pop for him.

And, from Las Vegas, weighing in at 235 pounds, he represents WWCF Corporate. He is the reigning and defending WWCF World Heavyweight Champion. Ladies and gentlemen, LittleNaitch!

Naitch raises the title belt, and receives a mixed response from the crowd.

The referee shows the belt to all three men, then holds it up for the crowd. The bell rings.

Colt extends a hand to Naitch, who accepts it. Cthulhu runs over and starts punching both men, but they work together to fight him off, before turning to each other. Naitch and Colt tie up, and Naitch takes Colt to the mat with double leg take down, and immediately starts working over the leg. Cthulhu runs over and dropkick’s Naitch in the back of the leg. The champ drops to one knee, and Cthulhu headbutt’s him in the back of the head. He then picks up the Champ, and tosses him into the side of the cage.

That’s gotta hurt!

Remember folks, that cage is made entirely out of barbed wire!

Cthulhu grind’s Naitch’s head against the wire, but Colt quickly dropkick’s Cthulhu, knocking him into the wire as well. Colt grabs Cthulhu from behind, and nails a German suplex, and bridges up.
Colt DDT’s Cthulhu and covers him again.
Colt tries to snap suplex Cthulhu, but it’s reversed into single knee facebreaker! Cover!
It’s broken up by a bloodied LittleNaitch!
Naitch unleashes a flurry of chops on Cthulhu, backing him up against the cage. Colt charges at both men, but Naitch moves, and Cthulhu ducks, and back body drop’s Colt into the side of the cage! Naitch body slam’s Cthulhu and covers him.
Naitch grab’s Cthulhu’s leg, and applies a single leg crab. Cthulhu struggles, but is able to power out of the hold. Naitch goes for a kneedrop, but Cthulhu moves. He quickly nails the Champion with Japanese Ocean Cyclone suplex and covers him.
Colt breaks up the pin.
Colt pulls Cthulhu up and suplexes him into the side of the cage. Cover.
Kickout. Cthulhu gouges Colt’s eyes, and begins climbing up the cage!

Has Cthulhu lost his mind?! That cage is made of barbed wire!

No fear, Gorilla. That’s the name of the game.

Colt follows Cthulhu, and the two trade punches at the top. Cthulhu climbs over, and Colt follows suit, as the two fight their way down to the floor. Naitch sees this, and tries to follow, but touches the wire and pulls his hand back. He sees Cthulhu and Colt fighting on the floor, takes a deep breath, and begins his climb. On the floor, Cthulhu nails Colt with a chairshot, and throws him against the crowd control barrier. He charges, but Colt ducks, and drops Cthulhu over the barrier. He turns just in time to see Naitch come flying off the cage at him. Naitch hit’s his target, knocking Colt THROUGH the barricade!

All three men are down, as the crowd is on their feet in amazement.

This is unbelievable, Jess! I have never seen anything like this in my life!

And neither have these fan, Gorilla!

Cthulhu is up first, and he grabs a beer can off the floor, and crushes it against Naitch’s head. He pulls Colt off the floor, and tosses him against the side of the cage, and nails him with a running headbutt. Cthulhu grabs the ring bell, and goes to nail Colt with it, but Colt hit’s a kick to the midsection, causing Cthulhu to drop the bell. Colt snap suplexes Cthulhu on the floor, then reaches under the ring, and pulls out a pair of wire cutters! Colt begins cutting through the cage, but Naitch nails him from behind with a chop block. Naitch picks up the wire cutters, and finishes cutting a hole in the cage. He crawls back in, and pulls Colt in after him. Naitch stomps Colt’s leg a few times, then locks in the Figure 4!

Figure 4! This is the move Naitch used to win the title in the first place!

Colt struggles, but before he can tap, Cthulhu smashes his guitar over Naitch’s head, breaking up the hold! He covers Colt.
Cthulhu chokes Colt, then pulls him up for the Death Magnetic, but Colt counters it into a victory roll!
Colt and Cthulhu are both up. Cthulhu goes for a headbutt, but Colt counters it into jawbreaker! Colt quickly follows up with a Million Dollar Kneelift, then a running neckbreaker! Cover!
Colt goes up top for the flying forearm, but Cthulhu counters with a lariat! Both men are down, as Naitch is on his feet. Surveying the situation, Naitch quickly goes to the top rope, and hit’s an elbow drop on Colt! Cover!
Cthulhu pulls Naitch off!
Cthulhu goes for a lariat, but Naitch ducks, and slingshot’s Cthulhu into the side of the cage, and follows up with a neckbreaker! COVER!!!

Here is your winner, and STILL WWCF World Heavyweight Champion, LITTLENAITCH!!!!

The referee hands the belt to Naitch, who is drenched in blood. He holds the belt up high, as medical attendants run out to check on everyone.

What a match that was, Gorilla!

An amazing match, Jess! LittleNaitch is still the WWCF World Champion!

But you have to give credit to all three of them for that amazing effort! What a match! What a show!

It has been an incredible night, folks! We’ve seen new champions, new rivalries start, old ones end, and some amazingly brutal matches! I’m Gorilla Tim Hoss.

And I’m Jesse King.

Good night folks!

Match writing credits: Evil M, Aaron Enigma, Starshine, Viva Los Bio Dome, and The Sam.
Hype video by Cageking.

Buck Futter


Wrestler Name: Buck Futter.

Height(anything below 7'0) 6 feet, 3 inches

Weight(anything under 400) 265

Hometown: Dallas Texas by way of Tampa, Florida

Alignment(heel or face): Face(for starters, lol)

Gimmick Description: Law enforcer--Texas Ranger, to be exact. Let's his fists do most of the talking, but can give a verbal beatdown as well. Catchphrase: "The BUCK.....stops here!"

Appearance(what does your wrestler look like?) short black hair, bit of a slight scruffy beard(not a full on beard, but more than a 5'oclock shadow), has a bit of a build--not muscular, but not flabby.

Apparel(what does your wrestler wear?): black wristbands, elbow pad only on the right elbow(dark blue), long wrestling tights(also black) with a dark blue design akin to Original Pants 3 in No Mercy for N64(if you're familiar). Dark blue boots with black trim. Black(with dark blue trim) kneepads on both knees.

Fighting Style(such as brawler, hardcore, ect.): Brawler with a bit of technical side(think an advanced HHH)

Theme Music: It would be cheezy to say 'Theme from Walker Texas Ranger'........so let's go with that.

Entrance Description: Entryway: Slow turn to look at the all the crowd. Ramp: Raises both arms as in victory. Aisle: Slow burn stare at opponent in ring. Apron: Does the arm raise thing again and steps through the ropes. In Ring: Second turnbuckle, points to crowd, raises right arm.

10 to 20 Moves your wrestler uses:
Spine buster
flowing DDT
super samoan drop
slingshot suplex
t-bone suplex
shining wizard
armtwist/sidekick combo
swinging neckbreaker

Finishing Moves(you can do up to 2):
Bucklock. 1/2 sharpshooter, 1/2 full nelson. Sharpshooter setup, once turned over, instead of leaning back, twist over and lock in the full nelson WHILE keeping the shooter locked in. It was seen in the Summerslam 94 match with Nakano v Blayze.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLGZDCyzDLM skip ahead to about 7:40. Trust me, it's pretty damn vicious.

Finisher 2: Futternutter: Swift kick in the balls(opponent doubles over) followed by Axe kick.


Wrestler Name: KCB

Height (anything below 7'0): 6'3"

Weight (anything under 400): 235 lbs

Hometown: Chicago, IL

Alignment (heel or face): Heel

Gimmick Description: Cocky heel who uses his brains to outsmart his opponent. Will resort to any tactics to come out on top.

Appearance(what does your wrestler look like?): White Guy, Buzzed hair, Black Goatee, Average Muscle Definition

Apparel(what does your wrestler wear?): Dark Trenchcoat (for entrances), Black Pants w/ Red Stripe down each side, Red Fingerless Gloves, Black Boots

Fighting Style(such as brawler, hardcore, ect.): Technical

Theme Music: Limp Bizkit - My Way (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7sL2mednZKI)

Entrance Description: The arena goes completely black. A set of pyro goes off. One light shines directly at the entrance, revealing KCB. He walks down with a cocky stride, arguing with the fans in the front rows. KCB gets in the ring and strikes a coky pose of his own. Cockily.

10 to 20 Moves your wrestler uses:
Sit-Down Powerbomb
Sleeper Hold
Boston Crab
German Suplex
Cradle Piledriver
Back Suplex
Belly-to-Belly Suplex

Finishing Moves(you can do up to 2):
Killer Instinct (Cobra Clutch)

Blackout AKA Cage King


Wrestler Name: Blackout AKA Cage King

Height(anything below 7'0): 5'11''

Weight(anything under 400): 295

Hometown: Los Angeles, California

Alignment(heel or face): Tweener

Gimmick Description: The rapper. The guy who can burn anyone in a freestyle. He really came from the streets, and plans to beat up anyone who stands in his way. The system didn't stop him, why should a human? He has two alter-egos. One is a likable fan favorite rapper who raps about staying away from drugs and gang violence named Cage King. The other is a cold violent rapper who has a really hard edge and doesn't care what the fans think of him. Lately Blackout has been the dominating personality ever since Blackout joined the stable The Human Hate Machines.

Appearance(what does your wrestler look like?): Tall and looks more like a bodyguard then a rapper (Think a Rick Ross godfather look).

Apparel(what does your wrestler wear?): Shirts of artists such as Iron Maiden and Eminem (Changing his style every week, he's just being eccentric). Jeans, and Nikes.

Fighting Style(such as brawler, hardcore, ect.): Mostly Hardcore

Theme Music: My own freestyle on the mic

Entrance Description: Simple: I come to the ring rapping my theme (ALA R-Truth), or an original piece (ALA John Cena)

10 to 20 Moves your wrestler uses:
Flying Elbow
Fisherman Suplex
Chick Kick
Northern Lights Suplex
Spinning Heel Kick
Standing Moonsault
Rolling Thunder
Triple Powerbomb Pin (Last one is sitdown)

Finishing Moves(you can do up to 2):
Flashing Lights (Pick up like F5, only with body facing up. Toss like F5, only turn it into a reverse DDT, like Christian)
The Overnight Celebrity (RKO)

The Push Killa

Wrestler Name: The Push Killa

Height(anything below 7'0): 5 foot 10 inches

Weight(anything under 400): 245

Hometown: the First State

Alignment(heel or face): face

Gimmick Description: No-nonsense wrestler, not known for high flying but is skilled on the mat and at turning offensive attacks into counters and/or headdrop suplexes.

Appearance(what does your wrestler look like?): Caucasian, built similar to ECW-era Taz.

Apparel(what does your wrestler wear?): Coming to the ring, a vest/hoodie combo like AJ Styles but in black, black booth, gunmetal grey tights, taped wrists (OMG! teh heatzorz with Tony Atlas!) and elbow pad on the right elbow.

Fighting Style(such as brawler, hardcore, ect.): Definitely a grappler but with some martial arts background. Not afraid to grab a chair if needed but prefers to target the opponents head and neck.

Theme Music: Supernaut by Black Sabbath

Entrance Description: Music cues up, red lights hit the ramp, after about 38 seconds in, I come through the curtain. Not really one for slapping hands with the ringside fans but does acknowledge their presence slightly.

10 to 20 Moves your wrestler uses:

  • Mounted punching/MMA elbow strikes
  • Clubbing forearm to neck
  • European uppercut
  • Body slam
  • Neck wrench
  • Cross-arm breaker
  • Rings of Saturn
  • Release belly to belly suplex
  • Belly to back suplex
  • Bridging German suplex
  • Half-nelson suplex
  • Hard-way Tazplex
  • Corner clothesline
  • Corner facewash
  • Tajiri buzzsaw kick
  • Top rope powerbomb
  • Roaring elbow
  • Piledriver
  • Burning hammer
  • Lariatoooo

Finishing Moves(you can do up to 2): the Tazmission/katahajime and the Dragon Clutch

Monday Niteraw - June 15, 2009


Monday NiteRaw
June 15th, 2009

Welcome to Monday NiteRaw! I’m Gorilla Tim Hoss, and with me, like a bad habit, Jesse King!

Gorilla, tonight is gonna be incredible!

I won‘t dispute that Jess. We have five big matches for you!

In our opening contest, The General of the Monkey Army, “Evil La Parka“, and The Headbanger Man square off in a triple threat hardcore match, with Evil Masked wordlifeecw watching from ringside.

Then, the Heatz!!1 Champion, Viva Los Bio Dome, will be in action.

And after that, we have the semifinals of Seth Drakin‘s Tournament of Honor. Tyfo faces Aaron Engma, and grbjazzman battles Jonathan Michaels.

And then, we have our main event! King Motor-Colt, WWCF Inter-Forum Champion Above Average, Cthulhu, and the WWCF World Champion Cthulhu will take on Doley, Legion, Starshine, and Montego Bay AlcoholicWeight Champion, TTS in a huge 8-man tag team war!

Gorilla, with action like that, who needs porn? Wait, what did I just say…?!

…..Let‘s go to the ring for our opening contest.

Hardcore Triple Threat Match: General of the Monkey Army V. Headbanger Man V. “Evil La Parka“

*The arena goes dark, as Kane’s original theme plays. Suddenly, pyro erupts, and Thunderstruck starts playing, as Evil Masked wordlifeecw makes his way towards the announce table*

And we have a very special guest here, Jess. The Hardcore Champion, wordlifeecw! Welcome, wordlife!

Thank you Tim. Jesse, what’s wrong? You look a little nervous.

Me? Nah, I ain’t nervous!

Then get out from under the table!

Oh. Sorry

The follwing contest is a Hardcore triple threat match!
(King Kong 2004 theme)
Introducing first, from Lansing, Michigan, weighing in at 225 pounds, THE GENERAL OF THE MONKEY ARMY!

- General comes out with his pet monkey, but due to the violent nature of the upcoming match, tells him to go to the backstage area and wait for him. The monkey is passed to a stage hand who does so.

Here comes the former Champion. Wordlife, back in February, you defeated the General to capture the Hardcore Title.

Hold on Gorilla! EMW, my question is this. Why did you wait so long to give the General a rematch? Were you afraid he’d beat you?

Well, no. I lobbied for the General to receive a rematch as soon as it was possible, but the “Powers That Be” had other things in mind. But I can’t wait to defend this title at Wheel of Misfortune. No matter who walks out with the title, it will be a match for the ages.

(Wild Child)
Introducing next, from Kent in England, weighing 263 pounds, THE HEADBANGER MAN!

And here’s your most recent challenger, The Headbanger-

EMW, why a five man match? Doesn’t The Headbanger Man deserve another shot at the belt, 1-on-1?

Well, Jesse, Headbanger Man has definitely been my biggest challenge to date. He’s a persistent son of a bitch. To answer your question, though, the reason I chose a five man match is because every single one of these guys deserves a shot at the title. This way, none of them can claim they’ve been overlooked.

Headbanger man enters and grabs the mic

Wordlife, I'm glad you're out here to watch this match. Tonight I will give you just a little sample of what to expect at Wheel of Misfortune, where I'll finally be winning that title of yours!

(La Parka WCW theme)
And making his way to the ring, from Mexico City, weighing 225 pounds, "EVIL LA PARKA"!

La Parka walks towards the ring, but stops at the announce booth. EMW stands up and stares down La Parka.

Um, wordlifeecw, why don’t you have a seat?

La Parka enters the ring and the match begins.

- Each man goes under the apron to look for weapons. Headbanger Man pulls a steel chair out, and goes to hit The General, but he ducks out of the way, and hits a low blow to Headbanger. "Evil La Parka" then nails General with a kendo stick and goes for an early cover, but General kicks out.

And it didn’t take long for the weapons to come into play.

No Gorilla, it certainly didn’t. EMW, I know seeing all those weapons is making you wanna get in there, but you gotta restrain yourself.

Well, you’re right Jess. I would like to get in there myself, but watching these guys beat the hell out of each other is almost as fun as beating the hell out of them myself. Almost.

- "Evil" rolls both opponents into the ring, and springboard dropkicks them at the same time. He hits a scoop slam on Headbanger, and goes to the top rope, but General runs the ropes, causing "Evil" to land awkwardly. General hits a superplex, but Headbanger breaks up the subsequent pinfall attempt.

So far, nobody’s gotten a real advantage.

wordlife, how do you prepare for a match like this?

Well, Jesse, you don’t. You just go in there and swing ‘til you can’t swing anymore.

- Headbanger hits a DDT on General, and then goes to the outside. He throws an array of weapons into the ring, but soon gets hit with a baseball slide by General. Both men brawl on the outside, until "Evil" surprises them both with a suicide dive over the top rope, which takes them out.

And La Parka with an incredible dive over the top rope!

Hey, EMW! Why don’t we see you doing moves like that? It’s the same old punch-and-kick routine with you.

Y’know, Jesse. Maybe you’ll see me do something like that in the very near future.

- "Evil" whips Headbanger into the steel steps, and then throws General face first into the ring apron. He rolls General into the ring, and sets up for the lionsault, but General moves out of the way. However, "Evil" lands on his feet, and hits a spinning back kick to the gut of General, followed by a backbreaker, for a 2 count.

A close call there, eh wordlifeecw?

Definitely. These three guys can go, we know that.

- Headbanger blindsides "Evil" with a flying clothesline from the top rope, but this time he only manages 2. He grabs a trash can lid and nails "Evil" in the head with it, causing him to fall through the ropes to the outside. General recovers, and hits Headbanger with an double sledge from behind, followed by a running knee lift, the force of which sends Headbanger tumbling to the outside as well.

And that’s why The General is a former Hardcore Champion! He’s still got it!

- General hits both men with kendo stick shots, and then starts removing the monitors from the commentary table. He stares at Wordlife, and then decks Headbanger with one of the monitors, which busts him open. General grabs "Evil", and hits him with a series closed fist punches. He sets "Evil" up on the announce table, and goes to the top rope. However, before he can do anything, Headbanger hits a low blow on General, causing him to fall backwards into the ring.

What a despicable move by The Headbanger Man!

Hey! It’s all legal in a hardcore match, right EMW?


- Headbanger throws the steel steps into the ring, and tries to hit a piledriver on General, however it is countered into a back body drop. General hits a standing monkey flip onto Headbanger, before hitting a spinebuster right onto the steps. He goes for the pin, but just before he can get the 3 count, "Evil" scores with a guillotine legdrop on General to break up the pinfall.

La Parka making sure the match continues.

They’re gonna have to work for it, just like at Wheel of Misfortune.

- "Evil" places a chair onto General, and then hits a lionsault! "Evil" winces in pain after delivering the move, but goes for the cover...and gets 2.9, as General barely lifts up a shoulder! "Evil" hits a running bulldog, and goes to the top turnbuckle. He points towards Wordlife, and then attempts a frog splash, but General manages to avoid the contact. He drapes an arm over "Evil", but only manages a 2 count again!

If they would do this to each other just for the hell of it, what‘s gonna happen when the title‘s on the line?

I can’t wait to find out.

- General hits a vertical suplex on "Evil", right onto a steel chair. He grabs a street sign, and begins hammering him with it, however Headbanger sneaks up behind General and hits a reverse DDT. Headbanger goes up top and scores with a Blockbuster...but still only gets a near-fall! Headbanger goes to the outside and pulls a table from underneath the ring.

Table for one!

Or maybe two.

- Headbanger sets the table up by the turnbuckles, but before he can do anything else, General spins him around and NAILS the Monkey's Paw! General celebrates to the fans, but "Evil" comes back and hits a huge missile dropkick. He slingshots General into the far corner, and then hits a hurracanrana out of the corner.

La Parka’s all fired up now, Jess!

This match might not last much longer!

Don’t count Headbanger Man or The General out just yet, guys.

- "Evil" signals that its time for the X-Ray, but he notices the table in the ring. He drags General towards it, and places him on the table. However, Headbanger stumbles to his feet, and clotheslines "Evil". Headbanger picks up "Evil" for the Double Bass DDT, but he fights out of it. "Evil" runs at Headbanger, but receives a drop toe hold right onto the steel steps.

What’d I tell ya?

La Parka just made a mistake that might cost him the match!

- General recovers, and nails Headbanger with a shot to the gut. He then places Headbanger in the corner near where the table is set up, and hits the 10-punches. He tries to superplex Headbanger through the table, but he manages to fight his way out with punches to the mid-section, before hitting a sudden Tigerbomb off the top rope through the table! Just before "Evil" can break up the pinfall attempt, Headbanger Man manages to get the 1-2-3.

Here is your winner...THE HEADBANGER MAN!

Enjoy it Headbanger Man. Because I WILL be walking out of Wheel of Misfortune with the Hardcore Championship.

- Headbanger gingerly scales the top turnbuckle and air drums towards the crowd, before making a belt motion towards Wordlife. However, "Evil" powerbombs him off the top rope, and hits the X-Ray on Headbanger, before standing tall in the ring as the crowd applauds the efforts of all 3 men.

Well, Headbanger Man may have won the match, but La Parka get’s the final word in at the end. Wordlifeecw, thank you for your time.

No problem.

Evil Masked wordlifeecw leaves the table.

Well folks, coming up next, Viva Los Bio Dome is in action!

Viva Los Bio Dome V. Stevierichardsfan Babyface w/ Eli

*Safety Dance*
This match is set for one fall, with a 15 minute time limit. Introducing first, from Hayward, California, weighing in at 195 pounds, he is the Heatz!!1 Champion, Viva Los Bio Dome!
*Leave The Memories Alone*
And his opponent. From Badstreet USA, weighing in at 225 pounds, and being accompanied by Eli, Stevierichardsfan Babyface!

Viva attacks Stevie before the bell, nailing him with punches and kicks, before hitting a slam and covering him.
Kickout. Viva stays on Stevie, choking him.
Viva breaks the hold, then reapplies it.
Viva breaks the hold again. Viva tosses Stevie into the corner, and hit’s a running splash, followed by an STO. Cover.
Viva yanks Stevie up by the hair, and goes for the Bio DOME, but…


Koda pummels Viva, and hit’s the Arkam Straight Jacket. The referee calls for the bell.

Here is your winner, as the result of a disqualification, Viva Los Bio Dome!

Eli enters the ring to check on Stevie, as Koda goes after Viva again, but Viva rolls to the outside. Koda kicks the bottom rope, then turns around, grabs Eli, and spews Joker Venom in her face. As she starts laughing uncontrollably, Koda nails her with the Killing Joke. Koda exits, as officials enter to check on Stevie and Eli.

Koda and Viva are nearing the end, Jess. At Wheel of Misfortune, it will be their final battle.

Gorilla, they will give it everything they have. We will see a match for the ages.

And speaking of a battle for the ages, up next, grbjazzman V. Jonathan Michaels, in the semifinals of Seth Drakin’s Tournament of Honor!

Tournament of Honor Semifinal Match: grbjazzman V. Jonathan Michaels

Ladies and Gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall and is being contested under the Rules Of Honor.

Sing, Sng, Sung - Gordon Goodwin

Making his way to the ring, from Fulton, NY, weighing in at 206 pounds, grbjazzman!

grbjazzman struts down to the ring.

DOA - Foo Fighters

And his opponent, from Los Angeles, California, weighing in at 235 pounds, Jonathan Michaels!

Jonathan walks to the ring with purpose and climbs in the ring.

The referee checks the two men for weapons, then calls for the bell.

Jonathan and grbjazzman lock up, when suddenly a deep booming voice interrupts, a man in a ski mask is standing at the top of the ramp, holding a photograph in one hand and a vocal distorter in the other.

Jonathan Michaels!

Jonathan turns around to look at the mystery man, the man holds up the photo, it is a photo of a gorgeous young Asian woman.

Does this woman look familiar?

Jonathan has a look of both fear and rage in his eyes.

This is your girlfriend, Sarah Nakatomi, if you don't comply with my wishes . . .

The man rips the photograph in two.

The choice is up to you.

Jonathan looks at grbjazzman, who is just as surprised as Michaels, Jonathan lowers his head and walks towards grbjazzman with his hand out, grbjazzman shakes his hand, and Jonathan turns around slowly towards the man with a look of pure fury in his eyes, Michaels leaps over the top rope and runs at top speed towards the mystery man.

The man runs away as Jonathan gives chase, the referee begins the count.











The ref calls for the bell.

Ladies and gentlemen, here is your winner, by countout, grbjazzman!

grbjazzman raises his hand, confused.

Well, grbjazzman advances, but we may have a very serious situation right now, it appears a masked mak has just threatened Jonathan's girlfriend, let's go to the back and see if Jonathan has found him.

The camera is running behind Michaels as he looks desperately for the masked man.


Jonathan runs toward the exit, where he spots the mask laying on the ground next to the door, he punches the wall.


Well, that definitely didn’t go like I expected it to.

Jonathan Michaels must have something wrong with him, throwing away the match, all over some broad?

I’m sure he had his reasons. Moving on, we have Aaron Enigma taking on Tyfo in our second semifinal match, next!

Tournament of Honor Semifinal Match: Aaron Enigma V. Tyfo

The following contest is set for one fall, and it is a semifinal match in Seth Drakin's Tournament of Honor!
*New Blackjacks Theme*
Introducing first, from Dallas, Texas, weighing in at 245 pounds, he represents WWCF Corporate, Tyfo!
"Elementary my dear Watson!"
*Know Your Enemy*
And his opponent, from Chicago, Illinois, weighing in at 256 pounds, and representing the Story, Aaron Enigma!

The match begins with Aaron and Tyfo locking up but Tyfo quickly kicking Aaron in the midsection. He throws Aaron off the ropes but Aaron connects with a shoulder block to knock Tyfo down. Aaron bounces off the ropes but runs over Tyfo, who quickly gets up and hits Aaron with a release belly to belly suplex. He quickly jumps on Aaron and locks a chinlock in on him.

Aaron struggles to break free from the chinlock, but eventually climbs to his feet. He grabs Tyfo around the waist and hits a back suplex, leaving both men on the ground. Tyfo crawls to the ropes and uses it to get to his feet. He runs at Aaron but Aaron trips him up with a drop-toe hold. Aaron quickly lifts Tyfo up and goes for the Brilliant Deduction but Tyfo counters it and hits a jawbreaker. Aaron clutches his face as Tyfo locks in another chinlock.

Aaron manages to get to his feet and elbows Tyfo in the chest to break the hold, but Tyfo quickly chop blocks his knee. Aaron falls again and Tyfo goes for the pin.

1....2.Aaron kicks out!

Tyfo picks Aaron up and whips him into the corner. He runs and jumps to splash Aaron but Aaron counters by catching him and hitting an STO on Tyfo. He picks him up quickly and hits a series of kicks on Tyfo. A kick to the back of the leg followed by a spinning kick to the stomach, an enziguri then a reverse roundhouse kick. Tyfo falls to the mat seemingly unconscious. Aaron goes for the pin.

1.....2....Tyfo just manages to get his shoulder up!

Aaron picks up Tyfo and tries to hit a reverse STO but Tyfo counters and hits a reverse STO of his own. Tyfo goes for the pin.

1.....2....Aaron barely kicks out!

Tyfo gets frustrated at the ref and leaves the ring to grab a chair. The ref warns Tyfo that if he hits Aaron he will lose the match but Tyfo shoves him aside. Taking aim at Aaron he swings the chair down but Aaron dodges out of the way and quickly gets to his feet. Tyfo turns around to be met with a reverse STO. Aaron stands up and sees the chair. He picks it up, and thinks for a few seconds about the consequences of using the chair.

To everyone's surprise, Aaron uses the chair on the downed Tyfo and hits him in the back. The bell rings and Aaron is disqualified but he is not done. With an evil glint in his eyes, he hits Tyfo once more in the back before placing the chair on the ground. He then picks up the weakened Tyfo and hits the Brilliant Deduction, planting Tyfo's head right on the chair. Aaron slowly gets up and looks at the downed Tyfo, a satisfied grin on his face, as he hops out of the ring and up the entrance ramp.

Well, Tyfo wins the match, but Aaron’s the one standing tall in the end.

I would not want to be M.O.P. come Wheel of Misfortune.

And speaking of M.O.P., ladies and gentlemen, we have received exclusive footage of M.O.P's trip to the zoo with young fan Timmy Thomson. After what happened last night on Heatz, I'm not sure what's going to happen here, folks. So let's go to the tape.

We see a black Cadillac Escalade pull into a parking space in an outdoor lot. M.O.P. walks out of the driver's seat, opening the passenger's front door.

M.O.P.: C'mon. Get out.

An upset looking Timmy Thomson climbs out the door. Tears are welling in his eyes.

Timmy: i want to go home...

I promised ya I'd take you to the zoo, Timmy. Unlike that Private Dick you call a hero, I don't break my word. So stop your snivilin' and let's go to the zoo! The Penguin Show is at 1:30 and I'm NOT going to miss it! You like penguins, Timmy?

Timmy slowly nods his head up and down.

Good. I love penguins, too. Everyone loves penguins except your hero, Aaron Enigma. He wants to eat penguins! What kind of disgusting, despicable human being wants to eat those cute little buggers?! Not me, that's for sure!

Timmy reluctantly takes M.O.P's hand as he drags him to the Zoo entrance.


After the Penguin Show, M.O.P. takes Timmy to the Feeding Area. Pulling some strings and slipping a five to the keeper, he gives a fish to M.O.P.

Want to feed the penguins, Timmy?

yes, pl--

Too bad!

M.O.P. gives the fish to the penguin, who eats it happily. He then walks Timmy out of the exhibit and along the zoo's pathways, not taking time to see all the animals that Timmy wants to look at.

Let that be an important lesson for you, kid. No one gets handouts in this world. If you want to do something, you have to earn it. A lesson your hero the Private Dick doesn't want to teach you. He's taken handout after handout throughout his entire career. And what does he have to show for it? He's the least useful member of The Story. He hasn't won a single championship in his entire WWCF career, content to feed on the crumbs Motor-Colt, Evil M, and Above Average feed him, like the diseased pigeon he is.

aaron enigma is my hero..

Your hero is a loser, Timmy. A failure. A fake. And if he continues to be your hero, YOU will be a failure and a loser. If Aaron Enigma is your role model, know where you'll be in twenty years? Well, I'll tell you. Can you say this, Timmy?: "You want fries with that?"

Tears begin to roll down Timmy's cheek.

y-you w-want fries with d-dat?

Exactly like that. You can do better than to worship a false idol like Enigma. Follow a champion's example. My example. Or Littlenaitch's. Or Tyfo's. Or Cth--. M.O.P. pauses for a second. On second thought, don't follow in Cthulhu's example.


After a long day, M.O.P. pulls up in front of a two story home in Suburbia, USA. He walks Timmy to the door and rings the doorbell. A young couple in their early 30's answers. The man is wearing an Aaron Enigma t-shirt. Timmy runs in and his parents hug him.

John Thomson: Timmy!

Jane Thomson: How was your day?

Mr. and Mrs. Thomson, your son was his tone changes from nice to vicious one of the most unappreciative little bastards I have ever encountered! I take time out of my incredibly busy schedule to take him to the zoo, and what do I get? 'Wah, I don't like you anymore.' 'Aaron Enigma is my hero!' 'You're a doodyhead!' He glares at Mr. Thomson's shirt. And I see where the source of this poison is, Mr. Thomson. I think it's time to show Timmy that Father Doesn't Know Best.

M.O.P. punches Mr. Thomson in the jaw and starts beating down on him in front of his wife and son.



M.O.P. ignores them as he stomps on Mr. Thomson, now huddled on the floor and bloodied up.

Take this you sonofabitch!

M.O.P. grabs Mr. Thomson by the hair and slams him face first into a wall, knocking him unconscious. Seeing that his work is done, he stares into the camera as a crying Mrs. Thomson and Timmy kneel over the fallen head of the Thomson household.

Aaron, this is but a taste of what lies in store for you at Spin the Wheel. You say we have a special wheel full of weapons, fine. I like that very much. But I think we should each have our own handpicked ones among the choices. As for mine, they'll be sledgehammers and tables.

See you on Sunday. Hero.

My God. I... I have no words to describe what just happened there.

For once, I'm actually speechless. I can't begin to describe my disgust at what we just saw. I think M.O.P. has gone way out of line.

Let's move on to something more pleasant, shall we?

King Motor-Colt, Inter-Forum Champion Above Average, Cthulhu, and WWCF World Champion LittleNaitch V. Starshine, Doley, Legion, and Montego Bay AlcoholicWeight Champion, TTS

The following contest is your eight man tag main event. It is scheduled for one fall and has a sixty minute time limit. Introducing first-

Woah woah woah! Hang on a second Michael Muffer

*Starshine appears on the stage and makes his way down to the ring*

Before you start your announcements for this match I have some thing a lot more important, and for that matter vocally pleasing than anything you have to offer. So shoo. Get out of my ring.

*Muffer leaves with little protest but is visually irritated*

Now before I get started I'd like to invite someone out first. Mr. Sam, would you please come out?

*The Sam's music starts up as The Sam walks out with a questioning look across his face. He enters the ring as Starshine holds the ropes open for him.*

Now Sam I'm going to be blunt here. We have a problem. In fact we have a big problem. It seems like the stitches of the Corporate net are beginning to tear. Last week I had the misfortune to have my long time tag team partner desert amongst a vail of bitterness and dissatisfaction. The point I'm trying to make here is that we, you and I, can't afford this. We can't have our fellow employees breaking their contract and going AWOL. I was trying to find the focus of the problem. The so-called weak link in the chain. And so far I think I found it. I found what was threatening to break up the band. That's why I called you specifically out here. I want everyone to know what I think the problem is. I want to point the finger at the one responsible. I want him to know exactly how useless he is. Coincidentally that person is standing in this ring. I want to say something to you Sam, and I want you to listen because it's very important. Sam the person who's to blame for this situation is... it's me.
I admit it Sam, I haven't been the model employee you and Mr. D-Dave deserve. I've burnt personal bridges and I've done things I'm not proud of. But the worst thing I did was let it happen. All this stuff with Square, I could have stepped in and mended the situation. I could have calmed the tensions. But I didn't. I should have known better, but I was more concerned with my own personal goals, I wasn't thinking of the good of the Corporation, of the company. But I want you to know that I can change. That I want to change. In fact that's why I called you out at this time. This match... it could end us. We need focus. We need stability. But what we need more than anything, is unity.
I propose that we shuffle the card around. Unite the Corporate teams together. Let's not divide our losses. Instead we can unite our wins. Sam please, I don't want to fight Li... I don't want to fight any Corporate members, and deep down I know they feel the same way. You have the power to change it. I'm sure you know what's best.

Well first off Starshine, I want to say it takes a real man to realize when they have made a mistake. And in my books, you are a real man for admitting yours. Unlike Square, who abandoned you, me and all of these fans. (fans boo)
So seeing what we have in store for tonight I will agree to your demands.
Tonight, we will have an 8 man tag match. On Team 2 will be...Motor Colt
(fans cheer)....Above Average(fans cheer)....Legion (fans cheer)....Doley(fans cheer) versus Team 1, or as I like to call it, Team Corporate.This team will include The World's Champion, Littlenaitch..."Mr MVP" Tyfo....The Technical Professional Starshine...and his tag team partner for the Tag Team Title match on Sunday Night Heatz *sigh*....TTS.
Good luck....oh and before I leave Starshine, just remember. If we lose tonight, it's on YOUR head. Have a good match.

*Sam leaves the ring*

Thank you Mr. Sam, I... We won't let you down.

I can't believe this, that Starshine is nothing but a brown nosing coward. We had a perfectly fine main event lined up. How can they pull this stunt off on our fans?

Well Gorilla, it's not always about what the fans want. Big business knows that. The Corporate are just doing what they think is best for everyone.

I very much doubt that.

Introducing first, representing WWCF Corporate, he is the self proclaimed 'Technical Professional'! *Starshine glares at Muffer* A-hem, he is Starshine!

*Southwest's theme starts up. Little Naich, Tyfo and TTS arrive out together. Little Naich especially appears unhappy.*

Coming in at a combined weight of 770 pounds and representing WWCF Corporate. Tyfo, TTS and the WWCF Champion, Little Naich!

*The Corporate team enter the ring.*

*The Story's theme begins playing. Motor Colt and Above Average enter.*

Now coming out representing The Story and at a combined weight of 507 pounds. They are Inter-Forum Champion Above Average and King Motor Colt.

*Legion's theme begins playing. Legion and Doley make their way down.*

Weighing at a combined weight of 533 pounds. They are the tag team of Legion and Doley.

*All four members of the new team gather outside the ring and stare down The Corporate inside. Together they rush the ring causing Tyfo, Starshine and TTS exiting. Little Naich simply leans on the ropes. All four members climb the corners and play the crowd.*

First fall wins this one folks.

That's right Gorilla, you gotta keep your eyes open at all times. Anyone can sneak away with the win here.

You never know what tricks to expect from the WWCF Corporate. Well it looks like Above Average and Tyfo are starting this one out.

Eight great competitors here. It will be interesting to see whether both teams can stay on the same page here. Is it just me Gorilla, or does the World Champion seem just a little out of place with his present company?

That he does, Jesse. We'll just have to let the action speak for this one.

The Story (Motor Colt and Above Average), Legion and Doley vs. WWCF Corporate (Little Naitch, Tyfo, Starshine and TTS)

Tyfo and AA meet in the center of the ring. Tyfo raises his hands and challenges him to a test of strength. They come to grips but neither budges. Tyfo gives the "gun show" pose as AA rolls his eyes. They lock up and Tyfo begins pushing forward. AA stops the momentum and shoves Tyfo down to the mat. Tyfo is shocked. He quickly tags out to Starshine. Starshine cockily enters the ring. Both talk trash to one another. AA feigns a Super Kick, and Starshine falls to the mat. He quickly crawls back to his corner and tags in TTS. TTS enters the ring, stares at AA, shakes his head and tags in Naich to the crowds applause.
Naich and AA lock up. Naich transitions to a go behind and brings AA to the mat. AA shifts the weight and rolls into an arm wringer, bringing both to their feet. Naich rolls to the mat and still holding AA's arm spins around gaining the pressure as he gets back to his feet. AA pushes Naich who bridges back and holds on to the move. Naich powers back up, but AA trips him down freeing himself from the hold. Missed elbow drop from AA. Naich trips him, cover, AA pushes him off. Back to their feet. Headlock takeover by AA. Naich spins into a front facelock, both back to their feet. AA to a belly to back position. Back suplex, Naich lands on his feet. Both rush one another with fists in the air but stop less than a meter from contact. The crowd cheers and both smile and shake hands backing into their respective corners. Naich smiles and points to Colt to strong crowd support. AA asks the crowd and tags him in. Blind tag to Naich by Starshine. Starshine rushes the surprised Colt with a forearm. He picks Colt up and knees him in the midsection. snapmare to a chinlock in the middle of the ring. Starshine connects with more knees into the back and pulls back on the chinlock. He stands up and pats his right leg. He runs the ropes a few times and feigns a kick, but instead applies the chinlock again. Colt struggles to release Starshine's and gets to his feet. He breaks Starshine's hold and delivers a sit-down jawbreaker. Colt runs at the stumbling Starshine and connects with a knee lift. Starshine stumbles back to his feet and is met with a swinging neckbreaker. Colt climbs the top rope and connects with a flying forearm. Colt signals for The Final Thought and attempts the hold. Starshine desperately fights as Colt is unable to completely apply the move. Starshine manages to tag in TTS.
TTS clubs Colt in the back causing him to completely release the hold. He delivers another blow to the back and applies an arm wrench. He pushes Colt into the ropes and Irish whips him off. Colt ducks a clothesline on the rebound and launches into a cross body. TTS catches him, and walks around the ring. He turns him onto a vertical scoop but Colt slips out. Colt ducks a clothes line and tags out to Doley. Doley hits a drop kick that only causes TTS to stumble back. Another one, but he's still standing. Doley runs the ropes and hits a big boot, flooring TTS. He goes for the pin but TTS kicks out at 1. Doley picks him up and connects with a toe kick. He then runs the ropes and goes for a scissors kick. TTS moves and catches Doley with a spinning side slam. He goes for the pin but Doley powers out at 2. TTS picks him up and hits a running bulldog, ending up in his corner. Starshine tags in and while TTS holds him down stomps him. The ref sends TTS outside and Starshine applies an Abdominal Stretch. He taunts Legion causing him to enter, but he is stopped by the ref. As the referee is distracted, Starshine holds out his arm and TTS grabs it adding pressure to the hold. Legion exits the ring and TTS lets go. Starshine transitions into an STO position and delivers a backbreaker. He tags out to Tyfo. Tyfo enters and steps on Doley's back. He picks up Doley and delivers a powerslam. He goes for the pin but with a smug smile, lifts Doley up at one. He teases and taunts Doley's attempts to get to his corner and throws him into one of the adjacent corners. He follows up with a huge corner clothesline. He then whips Doley into his corner and taunts AA causing him to enter and argue, distracting the ref. Starshine and TTS use the distraction to choke Doley with their individual tag ropes. The in ring situation calms and Tyfo delivers a boot to the slumped Doley. Tyfo stops his offense to taunt the crowd as Doley begins desperately crawling back into his corner. Tyfo notices and launches down to stop him. Starshine and TTS rush the opposing corner but are both knocked down and out by the other team members. Tyfo grasps on to Doley's boot. Doley hops to his feet and tries an enzuguri. Tyfo ducks, but Doley rolls sending Tyfo into his corner where he is assaulted by Colt, AA and Legion. Doley dives into his corner and tags in Legion.
Legion rushes in and decks Tyfo. Starshine and TTS rush back in. Legion takes out Starshine with a back body drop and levels TTS with a huge lariat. Tyfo stumbles around the ring and tags in Little Naich. Little Naich lumps in and hits the ropes. He ducks a big boot and schoolboys Legion for a quick two. Both back to their feet and Naich delivers a chop. He whips Legion into the ropes and delivers a hip toss immediately followed by an elbow drop. Pin for two. Little Naich is in control and delivers another series of chops to Legion's already red chest. Legion backs up to his corner and Colt tags in.
Colt and Naich circle one another. They grapple up but it's a stalemate. Colt smiles and offers his hand out to Naich, who shakes back. Colt still in the grip, spins Naich into a hammerlock. Naich turns out of it and chops Colt's chest. Naich shakes his finger at Colt and grins. They lock up again and Colt gains control, shifting into a 3/4 nelson and delivering a snapmare. Colt delivers a kick to the sitting Naich's chest but he catches the boot and spins into a mini dragon twist. Naich attempts the Figure 4 Leg Lock, but Colt small packages him for a two count. Both get to their feet and Naich hits another sharp chop. Colt clutches his chest as Naich charges him for a knee strike. Colt dodges and spins him into a front facelock. Colt lifts him up for the Story on Page One, but Naich slips out and rolls Colt up from behind for a two. As Colt gets to his feet near to his corner, Doley tags himself in.
Doley rushes the champ who manages to duck the big boot and deliver a chop to Doley's back. Naich follows up with a belly to back and a knee drop. Meanwhile Tyfo, Starshine and TTS huddle in their corner. Tyfo leaves his corner and makes his way around to the other side, grabbing a chair along the way. The referee admonishes him as AA jumps down to confront him. While this takes place Starshine and TTS sneak around the other way and drag Colt and Legion's feet from the apron. Legion and TTS begin brawling, ending up over the barricade and Colt regains his composure and begins beating on Starshine. Back in the ring Naich, distracted by everything outside and orders Tyfo to drop the chair. Doley gives Naich a chop block and locks in the ankle lock. Naich struggles to get to the ropes. Outside again, Colt whips Starshine into the crowd barricade, and picking up the now fallen Starshine signals for the Story on Page One. Colt lifts him up but Starshine "Blind Spots" as he's lifted. Starshine follows thing up with a stiff kick to the groin. Colt crumbles to the floor. Starshine climbs back to his corner. Naich continues to struggle for the ropes but Doley has the move completely locked in. Tyfo drops the chair and rushes in clubbing Doley in the back. AA follows and takes Tyfo back outside. Naich, using the ropes for leverage get to hi feet close to his corner. Starshine blind tags in, but Naich doesn't seem to notice. Doley rushes Naich with another big boot but Naich rolls through, catching his leg, turning him and locking in the Ankle Lock. Doley struggles in the ring, but can't reach the rope. Just as he looks to tap out, Starshine comes off the second rope with an elbow drop, causing the shocked Naich breaks the hold. Starshine pins Doley for the three.

Michael Muffer - The winner's of this match WWCF Corporate.

*Starshine smirks at Naich as Tyfo and TTS climb back in. The three celebrate as Naich shakes his head in disbelief. Motor Colt, AA and Legion climb back in, and Tyfo, Starshine and TTS clear the ring. AA and Legion check on Doley. They pick him up and carry him to the back. Back in the ring Colt is fuming. The timekeeper brings the WWCF World Title to the ring to hand to Naich. Colt grabs it first and stares down Naich. He looks at the belt and eventually offers it to Naich. Naich grabs the belt, but Colt doesn't release his grip. Both stare at the belt, then at each other, neither saying a word.*

Folks, next week, NiteRaw is being preempted for roller derby. But on Wednesday, June 24th, we have a special edition of Heatz!!1, featuring a big 4-way tag team match to determine new WWCF World Tag Team Champions!

And then after that Gorilla, Wheel of Misfortune. I can’t wait!

I’m Tim Hoss, he’s Jesse King. We’ll see next Wednesday for Heatz!!1 Goodnight!

Match writing credits: Headbanger Man, Evil M, Jonathan Michaels, Aaron Enigma, and Starshine. Day at the zoo skit written by M.O.P.

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