
"The ShowStoppin Classic" JB Hendu


Wrestler Name: The ShowStoppin Classic JB Hendu


Weight: 265

Hometown: Newport, Tennessee.


Gimmick Description: A good guy with a somewhat purposely unknown past when introduced. He stands up for the little guy and tries to defend the people who can't defend themselves. But there is a darker side to him that slowly drips out. He has a desire to be number one and will eventually obtain it/ stay on top at any cost. Kind of a mixture of Hulk Hogan, American Bad Ass Undertaker, Tommy Dreamer, and Edge. While he is a face, I would like to suggest something further on down the road that destroys him and turns him not unlike the demise and destuction of Harvey Dent in The Dark Knight.

Appearance: very muscular Caucasian but tanned. Long brunette hair Hulk Hogan NwO-esque style beard and facial hair.

Apparel: Black Cowboy hat, black bandana worn across the forehead. Red and black face paint over the eyes taped wrists and hands black gloves over the hands gloves have finger tips cut out from the middle knuckles up. Long Black tights with JB written in red down the side of the right leg and Hendu written down the left leg. Wears a black half shirt (like Shawn Michaels wears to the ring. The front of the shirt reads "HenduMania" in red letters. Black boots.

Fighting Style(such as brawler, hardcore, ect.): Brawler, hardcore but not afraid to do high risk maneuvers.

Theme Music: Hair of the Dog by Guns and Roses

Entrance Description: rides out on a red and black motorcycle. Hendu rides out to the stage as fireworks go off around him. Drives to the ring steps in the ring. Walks to the front side of the ring in front of the ringside cameras and poses ala Edge and Justin Credible on the ropes as more pyro goes off behind him in the ring.

10 to 20 Moves your wrestler uses: 1. Chokeslam 2. Military Press 3. Razor's Edge. 4.Suicide Dive over the top rope 5. Fallaway Slam 6. 7. Snake Eyes 8. Stinger Splash 9. Hendu Splash (from the top rope) 10. Clothesline (from the top rope) 11. Flying HeadButt from the top rope 12. Sunset Flip Powerbomb (from the inside of the ring to opponent standing dazed on the apron) 13. Running Hogan Leg Drop (sans the Hogan taunts) 14. The Camel Clutch 15. The Diamond Cutter ( on opponent sitting on the top rope) 16. Running Big Boot to the Face(opponent is standing in the corner. leads to 17. another running boot to the face. the opponent is now sitting in the corner, Hendu runs across the ring bounces off the ropes runs towards the opponent and boots him in the face. Afterwords Hendu picks up his opponent and hits 18. The POUNCE! on him. 16 17 and 18 usually set ups for the finishers. 19. Spear 20. DDT. (like Orton does, opponent's legs on the middle rope

Finishing Moves(you can do up to 2): 1. spinning Last Ride: known as the Hendu Bomb basicly its the Last Ride but whe Hendu lifts up his opponent onto his shoulders, before he lifts him up off his shoulders, he spins into 2 circles then lifts and slams his opponent. 2. The HenduDriver: better known as Petey Williams Canadian Destroyer

Jay Carroll

Wrestler Name: Jay Carroll

Height: 6'0"


Hometown: Philadephia, PA

Alignment(heel or face):Started out as a heel, became a tweener, is now a face with a smart ass mouth.

Gimmick Description: Rich kid who like flaunting his money in front of fans and fellow wrestlers alike, who has taken a more serious approach towards his professional wrestling. Despite being undersized, he has no problem running his mouth and backing it up in the ring.
Appearance(what does your wrestler look like?) Decently tanned, grows brown hair to a medium length and cuts it off at times. Clean shaven, with a small muscular build.

Apparel(what does your wrestler wear?): he wears short wrestling trunks that are mostly black with baby blue or white strips running down the sides, along with matching boots, trunks, elbow, and knee pads.

Fighting Style(such as brawler, hardcore, ect.): Technical wrestling with high flying worked in, and a bit of a brawling style if the match calls for it

Theme Music: Silversun Pickups - Well Thought Out Twinkles

Entrance Description: The lights dim and flash black and white throughout the arena. Jay Carroll comes out slapping hands with ringside fans and walks up the ringsteps, hooking his arms behind the top rope and surveys the crowd. He then flips into the ring and perches on the top rope in the far corner.

10 to 20 Moves your wrestler uses:

Discus elbow smash
front Russian Leg Sweep
back Russian Leg Sweep
Pendulum Elbow Drop
European Uppercut
missile dropkick
gutwrench/vertical/vertical (with stall) suplex
backbreaker (can be used as a backbreaker/submission hold to stretch opponent's back)
Ronnie Garvin Stomp (stomp on every limb of opponent)
flying forearm smash/kip-up
Sharpshooter (on rare occasions)
Single leg Boston Crab (done Lance Storm style with the roll through)

Signature spots: Pushing opponent into corner, hammerlocking arm into top rope, and slapping opponent's chest, then walking away

(while opponent is seated) kicking opponent in lower back on each side and dropkicking opponent in the neck

Finishing Moves(you can do up to 2): Last Call/The Hangover (Evenflow DDT transitioned into a Last Chancery), Tiger Driver'98

Jay Carroll's old pics

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