
Monday Niteraw - August 3, 2009


Monday NiteRaw August 3rd, 2009

Welcome to Monday NiteRaw! I’m Gorilla Tim Hoss, and with me, he shot the sheriff, but not the deputy, Jesse King!

Gorilla, Botch at the Beach is behind us, and as we look ahead towards Rumble in the Jungle, the landscape looks to be about to change!

Well Jess, I wouldn‘t be surprised! Who knows what will happen in the fallout from one the biggest WWCF events in some time?!

At Botch at the Beach, Two Guys Who Seriously Rock took advantage of an opening, and captured the WWCF World Tag Team Championship. Tonight, Above Average and King Motor-Colt will look to try and regain their lost titles!

Viva Los Bio Dome defeated Corporate’s Tyfo in a falls count anywhere match, but afterwards, Stryker Dark Silence issued a challenge, so tonight we will see those two go at it in a chain match!

The returning Aaron Enigma issued a challenge of his own to any member of Corporate, but instead, it was answered by rising Superstar The Pushkilla! Those two will meet later tonight!

Fresh off his win over Whitey Fats at Botch at the Beach, TTS will take on one half of Joyful Hate, Square in singles competition!

And speaking of Whitey Fats, he and WWCF Hardcore Champion Jonathan Michaels will take on the up and coming tag team of Legion and Koda, The Deadly and The Sinful!

And to start us off, we understand the new Champion of Honor, Grbjazzman has something to say about the controversial circumstances surrounding his title win.

*The sounds of the Acoustic Alchemy song 'Lilac Lane' Hit as grbjazzman walks out to the ring to the cheers of the crowd*

Well folks, I have a lot to talk about here and a short time in which to do it, so let's start with this change in style. Jazz has changed multiple times through history and now I feel as if the era of smooth honor is ins style right here in the WWCF! Now, onto last week, if you guys could go ahead and show the footage from my match that everyone online is talking about.

*The guys in the back show the ending of the Jazzman/Drakin match on the Craptron which clearly shows the foot of Seth Drakin underneath the ropes*

Now, I heard what people on the forums, on Twitter, and all over the world wide web saying that if Jazzman had any honor he would drop the title. Well, I went to the board of directors and the powers that be and I sat down with them and we came up with a couple solutions. First, I would love it if Seth Drakin could come down to the ring to hear what I have to say.

*the crowd boos loudly as the Craptron cuts back stage to see the face of Seth Drakin with his girlfriend Noman*

Well Seth, I guess this will work as well. After talking to the board, they said that tonight, you could use your rematch and we could settle this like men in front of all these WWCF fans! Whadda say?

Oh Jazzman, you think just because you hold that belt you have all the power to call the shots? I have decided that right now is not the time for me to confront you.....but I have decided to address you. Before Botch at the Beach, I asked you for one thing and one thing only.....I asked that you did not disappoint me again and after the way our match ended and the way that you were able to be rewarded my title, I say that you did disappoint me. Now I will pay you back for dishonoring my title and tainting the Higher Power's prize because I have asked and I have been granted my rematch by the Higher Power, but you will know when it will be when I decide to tell you.

*The camera cuts to static as the crowd boos this decision mightily*

Well, to be fair, I'm not surprised. But I do have a back-up plan for this. They say that anyone can win a title, but a true champion knows how to defend it. Well, I will take on nothing less than the best wrestlers in my attempt to remove the taint from my victory. That's why next week, I'm offering invitations to all the wrestlers on the roster who have won titles but are not currently champions to compete in a scramble match where the winner will face me at Rumble in the Jungle. These men are...

*Jazzman gestures toward the Craptron to show the pictures of the men who get invites*

That's right, KODA, VIVA LOS BIO DOME, STRYKER, TYFO, SQUARE, WORDLIFEECW, MOTOR-COLT, GENERAL OF THE MONKEY ARMY, M.O.P., and WHITEY FATS. I'll need your acceptance of your invitation in a few days, so make your mind up soon. I'll being seeing some of you next week on NiteRaw. Now, let's get some action going on out here !!

Wow, Jess! A Scramble match, right here next week?! I can’t wait!

Gorilla, Jazzman may have just sealed his fate. He could lose that title in his very first defense of it!

Well, we’ll just have to wait and see. Up next, our opening contest. The Deadly and The Sinful take on Whitey Fats and Jonathon Michaels!

The Deadly and The Sinful(Legion and Koda) V. Whitey Fats and Jonathan Michaels

The following tag team match is set for one fall, with a 20 minute time limit.
*Agent of Chaos*
Introducing first, at a total combined weight of 476 pounds, Legion and Koda, The Sinful and The Deadly!
And their opponents. At a total combined weight of 520 pounds, Whitey Fats and the WWCF Hardcore Champion Jonathan Michaels!

Koda and Michaels start off. They lockup, but Koda breaks loose. He extends a hand to Michaels, who goes to take it, only to blindside Koda with a barrage of punches instead. Koda rolls over to his corner and tags Legion. The demonic superstar ties up with Michaels, and slams him to the mat. Legion drops an elbow and goes for the cover.
Legion whips Michaels into the ropes and catches him with a back body drop. As Michaels get’s to his feet, Legion bounces off the ropes with a big lariato! Cover.
Legion grabs Michaels in a front facelock, then drags him to the corner and tags Koda. Koda hit’s a dropkick’s to Michaels’ ribs, then follows with a legdrop. Cover.
Koda pulls Michaels up and tosses him in the corner, but as he goes for the Arkham Roundup, Michaels moves at the last second, and dives into his corner to tag Whitey! Whitey unloads on both Koda and Legion, hitting punches, slam, back body drops, and even a dropkick on Legion! Whitey scoop slam’s Koda and covers him.
Whitey set’s Koda up for the Burning Hammer, but Legion stops it. Whitey hit’s a barrage of punches on Legion, and sets him for a top rope power bomb. As he climbs up, Koda tries to pull him down. Michaels nails Koda from behind with a German suplex, but the distraction allows Legion to push Whitey off the ropes. Legion comes off the top rope, nailing Michaels with a flying clothesline. As Whitey get’s up, Legion intercepts him, and hit’s the Fall From Grace! Cover!

Here are your winners, Legion and Koda, The Deadly and The Sinful!

Legion and Koda get the win! These two are quickly working their way up the ranks in the tag team division, folks!

But they’d be no match for the Champions, Gorilla. That’s for sure.

After this win, I’m inclined to disagree with you Jess. The Deadly and The Sinful could give any team in the WWCF a run for their money!

I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.

*Backstage, we see the referee that was involved in the Championship of Honor Match at Botch At The Beach getting ready in the locker room. He turns around and sees Seth Drakin, Mr. E, U.N. Owen, and Noman blocking the exit. Seth Drakin steps forward and speaks.*

Seth: While I may not be paying GRB Jazzman tonight, I have decided to pay you back.

Ref: Look, I did not see your foot outside of the ring and I am sorry that you are no longer the Champion of Honor because of it. I know what you did to the last referee who pissed you and I would like to know, is there anyway we can avoid this??

Seth: Avoid this!!!! You have some nerve asking me for a way to avoid this. I’ll….

*Seth is stopped by Noman, who whispers something in Seth’s ear. Seth smiles at the referee and steps forward with his hand raised. The ref thinks that Seth is going to hit him, but Seth instead puts his hand on his shoulder.*

Seth: You know, you should thank Noman because she has just given me an idea, but in a way…..she has decided to give you a chance at redemption.

Ref: Redemption??? I’ll do whatever it takes to redeem myself.

Seth: I am glad that you would see it that way. Noman, tell this person what we have planned for his redemption.

*Noman goes and whispers in the ref’s ear. The ref hears what she is saying and is shocked by what he hears. She backs away and next to Seth.*

Ref: You’re gonna do that???

Seth: That is the plan.

Ref: Look, I don’t know if my conscience can handle being a part of something like that.

Seth: Look mister…..I don’t care if there is some issue in your conscience on this. What is going to happen tonight is going to happen no matter what. The only choice is…..are you going to seek redemption or are you going to be in the hospital.

*The ref looks down, but looks back up.*

Ref: You win…..I’ll do it. I don’t feel right doing this, but I will do what it takes to redeem myself in your eyes.

Seth: Good…..we will leave you, but I shall tell you this. At a certain time, Mr. E and U.N. Owen will be here looking for you. You will be here and when they call for you, you will follow them willingly. When they lead you to me, I will tell you a certain phrase and when I tell you that phrase and you obey that command……you will be redeemed in my eyes. If you have second thoughts, those two men I mentioned will forcefully drag you to me and then……I will be rethinking about the redemption.

*Mr. E and U.N. Owen leave as Seth and Noman stay. Noman goes up to the ref and speaks.*

Noman: Don’t disappoint.

*Seth and Noman leave as the ref looks up at the ceiling, wondering what he has gotten himself into.*

Fred Neric - Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome the Montego Bay Alchoweight Champion, TTS.
*TTS comes down to the ring with Boiler Room Brawler in tow. Neither man appears to have the Title belt.*
Fred Neric - TTS, first off, how does it feel knowing you are still the champion because The Harris brothers and Boiler Room Brawler interfered on your behalf?
Naw,Naw,Naw once again de Neric Mon be showing who he musta been-a fawkin ta get dis job
Ya shoulda be a-ah askin meh

Ta Witch I replyin

Well I bein all pissed and missed mista Neric
Da Broiler Room Baller and Dee Phallus Bruddas be denyin me mah revengeratin but If'n I bein okay
I seein why dey do it
If I hadn'a been'a geddin mah hands on Wifey Fawts I woulda broken everay single bone in his bawdy and Da Sam?
He woulda been sued by Fawty bad and we all bein Poor
An Ol' Tee Tee Ess gonna be havin to Find a Cardybroad bawx fer Da Sam
While Starrysky and Cashoewho be sharin a Boot
Ma Main Man Mop be-a livin in a tra-she can while Dayvey be livin it up big cause he sellin da Phallus Bruddas off as Manwhores and livin in da Dumpsta behin' Koda house while dey work
Ol' Tee Tee Ess been down dat Road no M'aam he bein fine as in mon
So Whitey should be-a prayin to da Legal Sisterim fer savin him

Now all dese are tings I woulda said Neric but'cha done Fawked up soya never be-a hearin em

Fred Neric - Well I know alot of people who would disagree with that, but I must ask TTS. Where exactly is your title belt?
TTS - Mista Brawla s'posed ta be-a havin it
Fred Neric - Well I'm sure where ever it is it...oh my, what is that?
(we see Whitey on the Crapertron holding the Montego Bay Alcho Weight title and standing in front of a Tree Mulcher)
Whitey - So, TTS, recognize this, ya busta ass bitch? Now I can since you "beat" me I could just give this back and go on my way.... nah, I don't think so. I had your lil punk ass crying and laid out after TWO Burning Hammers, whining and crying like a bitch.

I beat you. I know it, you know it, your bum boy Sam knows, hell the whole godamn world knows you did beat me, you fake ass island bitch!!! You had to throw fire in my face and have your lovers jump in to pin me, and I still got up and walked away, son. You ain't nothing to me, boy.

How did it feel? How did it feel to know you could not be me by yourself> How did it feel, TTS, to know you had to have help? I don't mind losing, it don't bother me because my whole life everytime I've been knocked down I've got m my ass back up again... As for this
*holds up belt* It's not worth the fake ass gold it's made with, so.... *throws it in the wood chipper, and walks off laughing*

We cut back to TTS who has fallen to his knees and is about to burst into tears as BRB gets angrier and angrier by the second.

*I Don’t Care-Fall Out Boy*
Square makes his way to the ring.

TTS’s night not getting any better. First his title get’s destroyed, and now he has to face Square in singles action!

Square rolls in the ring as a ref runs out and calls for the bell.

TTS V. Square

- Square immediately attacks TTS, hitting him with a series of forearms and a huge clothesline. He hits a running neckbreaker and then throws his opponent out of the ring. Square then lands a running dropkick to TTS on the outside, before re-entering the ring and taunting him, which gets the crowd cheering.

- TTS crawls into the ring and is met by right hands from Square. However, TTS gets in an eye rake to slow the momentum of his opponent, much to the referee's and crowd's chagrin. He hits an Atomic Drop followed by a discus clothesline for the first near-fall of the match. TTS takes it to the mat with an armwringer, and then works over the arm for a while. He locks in a Fujiwara armbar, but Square reaches the ropes. TTS hangs on to the arm as Square gets to his feet, but is hit with an enziguri.

- Both men get to their feet, and Square hits a drop toe hold which sends TTS face first into the second turnbuckle. Square scores with a stalling vertical suplex for 2. He scoops TTS up for the L7, but again he goes to the eyes to get out of the predicament. TTS hits a belly to belly suplex, and puts Square into the camel clutch in the centre of the ring. He lands a few crossfaces and cinches in the hold for a while. Eventually, Square wills himself back to his feet and falls backwards, with TTS landing on the mat hard.

- Square then unloads with a flurry of offense - he hits a shoulderblock, a spinebuster and then a tope rope crossbody for 2.9! He goes for the Squareplosion, but TTS evades it. TTS goes up to the top rope to try and hit the Doctor's Note, but is met at the top rope. They trade punches back and forth, with Square eventually winning out. He sets up for a superplex, but TTS blocks it with a punch to the gut, and then hits a Pile-Up from off the top for the 3!

Here is your winner...TTS!

TTS picks up the win, but he still looks upset, Jess!

Of course he’s still upset! Whitey Fats just destroyed his most prized possession, the Montego Bay AlcoholicWeight belt!

Well, there’s an old saying, good riddance to bad rubbish, and I think it applies here!

The AlcohoicWeight Championship has been around since the beginning of the WWCF, and you dare call it rubbish?!


Jonathan and Whitey are backstage.

Sorry, Whitey, we'll get 'em next time

Fred G. Neric runs up to Jonathan.

"Jonathan, there's something going on at your girlfriend's apartment."


"I don't know yet, but somebody gave me this envelope to pass on to you."

Neric leaves, Jonathan opens the envelope.

Michaels, If you don't want your girlfriend or yourself to get hurt, do not leave the arena.

Jonathan turns to Whitey.

Damn it, what the hell am I supposed to do now?

I'll go.

You sure?

Don't worry, I'll make sure she's OK.


Whitey leaves.

*Painkiller plays to a mixture of cheers and boos*

Muffler: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome back to Monday Niteraw... M.O.P.!

M.O.P. walks to the ring in a black pinstripe suit with a gray tie, wearing sunglasses. He walks with a small, arrogant strut, smile on face.

Gorilla: Well, M.O.P. is certainly dressed for the occasion.

King: You said it, Hoss! M.O.P's looking sharp tonight!

Gorilla: As you folks at home may know, M.O.P came back at Botch at the Beach to serve as guest commentator during the main event. Of course, Cthulhu and Starshine went on to win that match, and M.O.P. went in to celebrate with his teammates and raise a little hell on the former tag-team champions. And then this happened.

*video clip of Aaron Enigma returning, followed by staredown and nods of respect between Enigma and M.O.P.*

King: Well, establishing a friendly relationship between Story and Corporate wouldn't be breaking new territory. Motor-Colt and Littlenaitch are good friends, 'Rilla!

Gorilla: I know that, King! But unlike M.O.P. and Aaron Enigma, Colt and Littlenaitch didn't beat the holy hell out of each other in a brutal, personal Last Man Standing match! Anyway, M.O.P. has the mic.

King: Let's hear what the Future of Professional Wrestling has to say!

*Gorilla rolls his eyes at King as M.O.P stands in the middle of the ring. He hears mostly boos as he looks around the WWCF arena, although a few scattered cheers and a faint "Welcome Back!" chant can be heard. He takes off his sunglasses and carefully puts them away in his suit's pocket.*

I'd like to thank my fans for the warm welcome back.*the cheers start to get louder.* Let me emphasize. My fans. Not the rest of you booing losers and rejects. *Boos erupt as M.O.P. cockily grins* Now, I promised that I would address some things tonight. And if I am anything, I'm a man of my word. So, each and every one of you worthless peons, as well as everyone in the WWCF locker room will know exactly where I stand.

So, people want to know why Aaron Enigma
*crowd erupts in cheers* and I didn't attack each other at the end of the Pay-Per-View. Well, Aaron explained his side of things, so let me explain mine. Like Aaron, despite how much of a beating we gave each other at that Last Man Standing match, my respect for him only grew. He went out there, and he showed no mercy. He backed up every single word of his in the ring, and it's hard for me not to respect, hell, even admire that. Because he's right. Aaron, we aren't so different, you and I. We fight similar styles. We never take the easy way out. And we've busted our asses to get where we are today. I'm a future World Champion in the making, and I daresay you are, too.

But, there's one thing holding the both of us back; two capable superstars who are on the cusp of breaking through the glass ceiling in this business and making it into the Main Event picture. And that is The Story.
*the lukewarm cheers that were building as M.O.P. was complimenting Enigma suddenly turn to boos directed at him.* The Story is a cancer upon our careers! Think about it Aaron! What has the Story gotten you that you couldn't have gotten on your own? What has the Benevolent, His Royal Highness Motor-Colt the First's supposed "friendship" gotten you? Nothing! Sure, you got a spot in a main event every here and there. But did you win? No. Did you get any real championship opportunities? No! And why would you? After all, all your so-called friends were at one point holding the World, Inter-Forum, AND Hardcore Championships. And as a member of The Story, you were perfectly content to be in the presence of such prestigious wrestlers.

Don't you see it, Aaron? Don't you see why Motor-Colt was so anxious to recruit you? Sure, maybe he did consider you an actual friend. But ultimately, it was to control you! He and the rest of his little group saw you as a threat to their titles, and as they say: keep your friends close, and your enemies closer. I don't think it's a stretch to say that I did more for your career than the Story has.
*the crowd starts chanting "YOU SUCK!" as M.O.P. takes a minute to pause and look at the crowd* As I was saying, The Story made your name recognizable to these morons by association. Meanwhile, you and I brought each other to our limits, without any help from The Story on your end. Because of that, these people now see you as a World Champion in the making.

I know you'd ask the same thing of me, Aaron. "If the Story is keeping me complacent, isn't Corporate doing the same to you?" And the answer to that question is an emphatic "NO." I'm not complacent, Aaron. In fact, I'm hungry! I'm tired of sitting by and letting the so far empty promises of championship opportunities by Mr. D-Day Dave and The Sam go on! If there's one thing you made me realize, it's that if you want anything done in this business, you have to do it yourself. And tonight, I'm doing just that.

Tonight, I declare my intentions to make The Story's failure complete and be the one to take that Inter-Forum Championship off of Above Average's waist! It may not be tonight. It may not be next week or at the next pay-per-view, but mark my words Double A, you will fall by my hand. Doley couldn't defeat you. Supersmark couldn't defeat you. None of the rest of those Heatz!!1 Rejects were able to loosen the stranglehold you have had on that belt for almost a year, but I'm on a whole other level. I am the future of this industry and when the opportunity rises, the next WWCF Inter-Forum Champion! And I'm not doing it for Corporate. I'm not doing it for Mr. D-Day Dave. I'm doing it for me.

*M.O.P throws down the mic and walks out of the ring to Painkiller*

Gorilla: Well, can't say I expected that.

King: Above Average prides himself on being a fighting champion. How do you think he'll respond, 'Rilla?

Gorilla: We'll just have to wait and see, King. But let's get on to our next contest!

Aaron Enigma V. The Pushkilla

The following contest is set for one fall!
And his opponent, from The First State, weighing 245 pounds...PUSHKILLA!
*Take Back The Power*
And his opponent, weighing in at 256 pounds and currently residing in Chicago, Illinois. Representing The Story. Head Detective Aaron Enigma!!!

Aaron starts the match by offering his hand to Pushkilla. He looks hesitant, but slowly takes his hand and the two shake in the middle of the ring, with the crowd cheering. The two back away from each other then lock-up in the center of the ring. Aaron gets the upper hand, locking a headlock in on Pushkilla. Pushkilla bounces into the ropes and pushes Aaron off him. Aaron rebounds off the ropes and hits a shoulder tackle on Pushkilla, quickly followed by an elbow drop and a cover.

1.....2.Pushkilla kicks out.

Aaron lifts up Pushkilla, but Push hits him with a kick in the stomach followed by an elbow to the head. He throws Aaron into the ropes and backs up. Pushkilla runs at Aaron trying to spear him but Aaron ducks out of the way. Pushkilla rams his right shoulder into the ringpost. Grabbing his arm in pain he turns around, only for Aaron to hit him with a kick to the stomach. Aaron grabs his right arm and hits a jumping armbreaker which he transitions into a fujiwara armbar. Pushkilla writhes in pain and scrambles to the ropes. He gets to them and Aaron breaks the hold. Aaron tries to pick him up but Pushkilla trips Aaron into the second turnbuckle and both men are down.

Pushkilla gets up first and drags Aaron to the center. He stomps on Aaron a couple of times before trying to lock in a scissored armbar. Aaron however breaks out before it can be fully locked in. Pushkilla lifts Aaron up and tries to hit a vertical suplex, however Aaron counters it and hits a vertical suplex of his own. Aaron flips over Pushkilla and lifts his legs up before crossing them and locking in the Gorilla Clutch. Pushkilla desperately tries to break it but he is stuck in the center of the ring. He refuses to tap out though. Aaron puts more pressed on the back, even dropping to one knee to increase the angle of the hold. Pushkilla screams in pain but still refuses to tap out. He crawls inch by inch to the ropes. After 2 minutes of crawling, Pushkilla makes it to the ropes. Aaron breaks the hold and stares at Pushkilla, amazed at his will to win. He smiles before going to pick him up.

Aaron picks Pushkilla up and attempts the Brilliant Deduction, but Pushkilla counters it with a kick and follows it with a DDT. Pushkilla hits a couple elbow drops, followed by a leg drop. He lifts up Aaron and throws him into the corner. He charges and hits a spear on Aaron. He walks around the ring a bit cockily instead of going after Aaron again though. He charges and tries to hit a corner splash this time, however Aaron was ready for it. Aaron catches Pushkilla in the midair and explodes from the corner, hitting a running STO in the center of the ring.

Aaron quickly picks up Pushkilla and starts a combination of kicks. A kick to the back of the knee, followed by a toe kick to the stomach, he then kicks Pushkilla upward, before hitting an enziguri, and using his hands, Aaron spins around quickly to hit a reverse roundhouse kick. Pushkilla seems dead on his feet and Aaron sets up Pushkilla with the Brilliant Deduction. He hits the Brilliant Deduction on Pushkilla and goes for the pin.


Here is your winner, Aaron Enigma!

*After celebrating his victory, Aaron asks for a mic, and waits for the crowd to quiet down*

Gorilla: Look King, it seems the Head Detecive has something to say.

King: Yes he does Gorilla. Do you think it has anything to do with what M.O.P. was talking about earlier?

Gorilla: I don't know, but let's listen in and find out.

*Aaron walks around the ring, the crowd quiets down and he begins to speak*

MAN was it great to be back in this ring and performing for everyone here toNIGHT!*cheers erupt*

Now, before I get on to other matters, let's have a round of applause for my opponent tonight, Puskilla! I mean, did you see him take that submission for a whole two and a half minutes and end up breaking it? Talk about fighting spirit folks, that man is going places in this company, mark my words.

Now that that is out of the way, I would like to address some comments made earlier by M.O.P. He said that Motor-Colt only wanted me in The Story to control me. He said that there is not one thing I couldn't have done without The Story. Honestly, I'm afraid to say that he is right. Myself and the rest of The Story have been fairly distant as of late. However, don't think that I haven't loved every minute of being in this stable. I mean, despite the lack of title shots, M.O.P. do you have any idea how much I have learned from these guys? You should know more than anyone that winning is something that means a lot to me, but it isn't everything. My power comes from knowledge, something I've gained an immense amount of just being around these men.

I mean, look at our Last Man Standing Match. I don't think winning mattered very much when I was obliterated after the match by the rest of Corporate. I was out for a whole month, not unlike yourself. However my injuries were definitely more severe, and even now I'm probably still not at 100%. That didn't stop me from making a big return though to thwart Corporate's plans. Hell even if I wasn't a member of The Story I would've come out that night to help Colt and AA, because no one should go through the pain I had to.

After I won that match against you a month ago, I was two seconds away from offering my hand in respect to you, but then Corporate attacked. You brutalized me, trying to beat a message into my head. You say that I don't need The Story, and you are probably right. I probably don't need The Story. However, that doesn't mean I don't appreciate the friendship, the teachings, the learning and knowing that every time we're in the ring together, we're a team.

I could say the same about you though M.O.P. You could be doing exactly what you are doing right now without the help of Corporate. I mean, all they offer is strength in numbers, allowing you to run away and hide behind the backs of them. I personally ask The Story to not interfere in my matches, because win or lose, I fight with honor and respect for my opponent. You know it really is too bad, we're on opposite sides of a larger conflict. If things had worked out different, we probably could've been friends, even tag team partners. You play with the cards you were dealt and I play with mine.

So as for your accusations that The Story is trying to control me, I really don't care. Eventually I'll be at the top of this business, and I'm sure you will be right there with me. I guarantee when we meet to feud over the World Heavyweight Title it'll blow the roof off of any arena. That's just the chemistry we have M.O.P. We know how to entertain and we give everything we've got each and every time.

Now I issued a challenge to Starshine and Boiler Room Brawler next week in a 2-on-1 handicap match. However I just had a brilliant idea. You would probably be against this but how about next week instead of a handicap match it is a tag team match. Boiler Room Brawler and Starshine vs. The Head Detective Aaron Enigma.....and M.O.P. It is honestly a win-win situation for you. I mean you could just throw the match, and then it's a 3-on-1 beatdown. And if by some miracle we win, well then we got another win under both of our belts. Lemme know what you think about that M.O.P. Oh, and good luck with AA, I know he'll accept your challenge because he is a fighting champion.

*Aaron drops the mic and leaves the ring to a huge amount of cheers*

Gorilla: King, what is Aaron thinking? That match next week could very well spell his end in WWCF.

King: If I know Aaron Enigma Gorilla, he's got a hidden motive behind this match, we'll just have to wait and see.

Up next folks, we have the big chain match between Stryker and Viva Los Bio Dome!

Chain Match: Viva Los Bio Dome V. Stryker Dark Silence

Our following bout, is a CHAAAAIN MATCH!

*Safety Dance plays*

Introducing first, from Hayward California, weighing in at ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY FIVE POOOOOUNDS....VIVA LOS BIIIIIOOOOODOOOOOME!

*Biodome isn't dancing tonight, he walks to the ring seriously and purposefully, he slides into the ring and the referee begins attaching his wrist clasp the the chain, as the bagpipes trill*

And his opponent, from the Depths of the Soul, weighing in at TWO HUNDRED AND FORTY POOOOOUNDS...STRRRRRYKER DARK SIIIIIILEEEEENCE!!

*Stryker runs to the ring and is immediately in the referee's face asd he gets the clasp and chain attached to his wrist*

The bell rings and the pair immediately start a test of strength, pulling the chain tight between them, Stryker's weight advantage gives him the upper hand, and he starts to reel Biodome in, but Bio, not wanting to get caught out, rushes past him forcing him to turn twice, trying to unbalance Stryker. Stryker grabs the chain short and pulls Biodome in gets the chain wrapped around his ribs, digging a knee into Bio's side. Stryker goes to throw a kick, but Bio grabs some of the slack chain and uses it to hook and sweep Stryker's standing leg. He grabs the slack, and WHIPS STRYKER ACROSS THE CHEST! Stryker rolls and reels away, but can't get away because of the chain. Bio wraps the chain around his fist, and drops it into Stryker's side. And again. He goes for the third one but Stryker jerks the chain and pulls Bio off balance. Stryker is up, with the chain wrapped around his forearm, and hits a blow to the side of Bio's head! Bio drops, and Stryker wraps the chain around the sole of his foot and STOMPS ON BIO'S FACE! His lip is bleeding! Stryker hooks it round Bio's neck, and drags him to the corner...ONE POST! Stryker goes to drag to the second corner, but Bio deadweights and armdrags Stryker over. He wraps the chain around Stryker's neck and drops his full weight back with his knees inbetween Stryker's shoulders! Stryker is struggling and fighting to get free! He's got his feet wrapped in the ropes...he's dropped off the apron, and it's dragged Biodome out of the hold! Stryker is struggling for breath on the outside, Bio tries to drag him into the ring, but Stryker uses his weight advantage and pulls Bio to the outside. He's got the chain wrapped around his forearm again...CHOPS ACROSS BIODOME'S CHEST! Bio reels, but Stryker is still struggling for breath and can't take advantage. Stryker uses the chain to whip Bio into the ring steps. Gasping still, Stryker grabs Bio and rolls him in the ring. Stryker follows but is met with a boot to the face. Bio is up, One post, two, he goes for the third....STRYKER HOLDS HIM UP SHORT, YANKING BACK ON THE CHAIN. Bio is frustrated and goes for his punch combo...STRYKER USES THE CHAIN TO REVERSE AND UNBALANCE BIO! GERMAN SUPLEX! He's got Bio up....CYCLONE CUTTER! And now he's got one post, two, three, BIO TRIES TO STOP AND PULLS TIGHT ON THE CHAIN...STRYKER THROWS HIMSELF INTO THE CORNER FOR THE WIN!


Stryker is breathing hard. Bio is onto Stryker and has the noose on him again...HE HOPS OVER THE TOP ROPE, HANGING STRYKER! He fights to undo his wrist clasp, the referee jumps in and aides him! Stryker gets himself free of the chain, as Biodome walks away with a cruel smile on his face. He turns to leave, but Stryker has a mic... he talks with a strangled tone...

"H-hold it there...now I know what Cult Chaos could have been, and Damn I'm happy with what I see. You see, as afraid of me as the management is, they pulled a lot of strings to get me back, and I have a lot of pull right now...so next week, I'm laying this out....It'll be Biodome and Stryker vs any tag team that decides to face us. Face The Resistance!"

If they would do all that to each other, imagine what they’ll do to their opponents!

I’m very scared right now Gorilla!

Pull yourself together Jess! It’s time for our main event. The Story will try to regain their Tag Team Championship when Above Average and King Motor-Colt battle Two Guys Who Seriously Rock!

Tornado Rules Match For The WWCF World Tag Team Championships: Above Average and King Motor-Colt V. Two Guys Who Seriously Rock ©

Michael Muffer – Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest scheduled for one fall and is your main event of the evening. It is the Texas Tornado match for the WWCF Tag Team Championship.

*Cherub Rock begins playing on the PA. Starshine and Cthulhu appear on the stage, wearing the WWCF Tag belts. They do their signature taunt of Cthulhu kneeling in front with his guitar while Starshine poses, arms outstretched, holding his star-mic, behind him.*

Michael Muffer – Coming in at a combined weight of 400lbs, they are the WWCF Tag Team Champions, they are Two Guys Who Seriously Rock.

*Both enter the ring and pose on adjacent turnbuckles. They both step down and stand in the center of the ring.*

Tim Hoss – It looks like Starshine has something to say tonight for a change.

Jesse King – No need to be sarcastic Gorilla. The guy’s just a little outspoken.

Tim Hoss – There’s outspoken, and then there’s just running on at the mouth.

Starshine – There’s something that I just have trouble trying to understand. Last week we won the WWCF Tag Team titles. That makes us the champions of the tag team match. Yet, tonight the rules of this match state that there won’t be any tagging between partners in the match. In fact, they state that all four of us will be in the ring at the same time. Even more confusing is that we, your tag team champions, are forced to put our titles on the line in this match. Why this is allowed, I don’t understand. But with that said, I have full confidence that both myself, ‘The Technical Professional’ and ‘The Corporate Rocker’ are more than up to the challenge. I mean, we already beat Colt and Average one week ago for these belts. There’s no reason why a much superior team, much like us, can’t do it again. So Colt, Double A, I hope you’ve made suitable preparations for tornado protection. Because Cthulhu and I, we’re going to rock you like a hurricane.
Oh, and one other thing -

Michael Muffer -

Starshine – Do you want me to hold your hand Michael Muffer? Announce our opponents.

Michael Muffer – Uh, *clears throat* and their opponents representing The Story.

*Poison plays on the PA as Motor Colt and Above Average make their way out together.*

Michael Muffer – Weighing in a combined weight of 507lbs, they are Above Average and King Motor Colt.

*Double A and Colt stop ringside, eyeing their opponents. They look at each other, nod and rush the ring at the same time.*

*Referee John Creed signals for the bell*

Colt tackles Cthulhu down as Double A gives Starshine a sudden clothesline. Both members of 2GWSR quickly roll out to regroup as The Story pose on the turnbuckles. Starshine and Cthulhu confer together on the outside as we hear:

Starshine – I’m not sure that’s a good idea.

Cthulhu – Come one dude, let’s rock ‘em.

They quickly rush back in, and try to take down their opponents. Double A ducks a clothesline from Starshine and catches him on the rebound with a stiff discus punch and rolls outside again. Meanwhile Colt blocks a Yakuza Kick from Cthulhu, spins him around and arm drags him back outside. 2GWSR regroup once again on the outside as we hear:

Cthulhu - That wasn’t a good idea.

Starshine – Don’t worry. Let’s try to-*whispers in Cthulhu’s ear*

Cthulhu nods and moves to the opposite side of the ring. Colt and Average, still inside watch both from the center of the ring. Starshine signals to Cthulhu and both climb to the ring apron. Colt and Average intercept their opponents and drag them over the ropes to the inside. Colt pushes Starshine into one corner, while Average corners Cthulhu in the opposite one. Both deliver a series of rights, and signal to each other. They simultaneously irish whip both towards the other. Cthulhu and Starshine grab each other by the arm and do-see-do around, reversing the momentum back to The Story. As they do Colt dodges Starshine, shoving him face first into the turnbuckle. Meanwhile, Cthulhu drops Average with a dropkick to the knee. Both turn and stare down one another. Cthulhu rushes Colt with a lariat, but Colt avoids with a roll. Colt stops Cthulhu dead with a gut kick. Cthulhu dodges a following uppercut and locks in a sleeperhold. Colt struggles for the ropes but Cthulhu holds tight, and drags him back toward the center of the ring. Colt looks to begin to fade. The referee checks on him. He lifts his arm up, it drops. He lifts it up again- suddenly Colt grabs Cthulhu’s head and delivers a sitout jawbreaker. He runs the ropes but is tripped by Starshine from the outside. Starshine slides back inside and stomps down Colt, and Cthulhu joins in. Starshine signals Cthulhu for the Shock Rock. They both pick up Colt and Cthulhu lifts him up into the electric chair hold. Out of nowhere Above Average tackles Starshine down. Cthulhu loses grip of Colt who rolls him into a victory roll pin.
-Cthulhu kicks out. Colt attempts a shining wizard to his kneeling opponent. Cthulhu rolls out of the way and mounts Colt, delivering a series of forearms to the back of his head. Cthulhu spins into a tight front facelock and holds Colt down. On the other side of the ring Starshine connects with the Blind Spot to Above Average. He hits a Russian Backbreaker to the blinded opponent and locks in his signature Sharpshooter. Referee John Creed asks both members of the story if they want to submit, but neither oblige. Colt manages to put a foot on the ropes and Cthulu releases the hold. Cthulhu picks him up but is caught off guard as Colt quickly locks in his Dragon Sleeper. Starshine contemplates whether to keep the hold on or break up Colts. He eventually releases Average and breaks Colt’s Dragon Sleeper with a forearm. He goes back to Above Average but is caught in a small package by his opponent.
-Cthulhu dives across the ring to break the hold. Average quickly locks in his own Dragon Sleeper on Cthulhu. Not noticing this as he gets to his feet, Starshine is caught by Colt and locked in his own Dragon Sleeper. Both members of 2GWSR struggle with all their might to reach the ropes. Cthulhu is able to grab a hold of them, breaking the hold. Before he can break Colt’s hold, Average grabs on to him, stopping him from reaching them. Cthulhu gets to his knees and elbows Average in the ribs, but still unable to break the hold. He finally reaches his feet and shoves Average off him, into Colt, breaking up the move. Average, quick as lightening is back to his feet and targets Cthulhu for the superkick. Cthulhu ducks out of the way, causing Average to kick referee, John Creed. Average staring at the downed referee, is caught by surprise by a Cthulhu German suplex. Cthulhu quickly follows this up with a Yakuza Kick and pushes Average outside. Colt, back to his feet picks up Starshine, but is clubbed from behind by Cthulhu. Cthulhu and Starshine whip Colt off the ropes and catch him with a double hip toss. They pick him up again and irish whip him off the ropes, catching him with a T-Bomb. Cthulhu goes for the pin,
-Colt kicks out. Cthulhu picks Colt up in the Electric Chair hold for Shock Rock. Colt fights against the hold, punching Cthulhu in the head. He launches himself off Colt and delivers a forearm to Starshine. He immediately grabs Starshine and launches him into Cthulhu. He picks up Cthulhu and signals for The Story on Page One. He lifts Cthulhu up, but he slips out of the move. Cthulhu turns Colt and slaps him. Colt clutches his cheek and slaps back. Cthulhu slaps him again, and they get into a war of slaps. The slaps soon become punches and finally Cthulhu tackles Colt down and the two roll outside, still fighting. Outside, Colt chops Cthulhu over the crowd barricade and follows him over. The two continue their fighting in the crowd, eventually ending up somewhere backstage.

Back in the ring, Starshine makes it back to his feet and looks towards the crowd where Colt and Cthulhu left. Behind him Above Average slides back into the ring. Starshine turns to see Above Average getting up and quickly grabs him for the Starshot. Average blocks the move but has his own swinging neckbreaker reversed. Starshine clutches onto a side headlock. Average backs Starshine into the ropes and launches him off breaking the move. Average bends down for a back body drop, but Starshine stops his momentum and preps him for the Starblind. Average frees his arms and lifts him over with a back body drop. Starshine, clutching his back gets to his feet and turns around. Average feints his superkick, causing Starshine to drop down to the mat. Average quickly grabs Starshine’s legs and locks in the Sharpshooter. Starshine desperately tries to crawl to the ropes but Average drags him towards the center of the ring. Referee John Creed, clutching the side of his head slowly crawls back into the ring with a clear view of the move. Starshine struggles a little more, but finally taps.
The referee signals for the bell.

Tim Hoss – They did it! The Story has reclaimed the WWCF tag team titles!

Jesse King – I’m speechless Gorilla. I definitely didn’t see this coming.

*Above Average grabs the belts off the timekeeper’s table and holds them up in celebration.*

Tim Hoss –Referee John Creed seems to be conferring with Ring Announcer Michael Muffer… I’m not sure why they haven’t made the official announcement yet. Hang on, it looks like Mr. Muffer is ready.

Michael Muffer – Ladies and gentlemen, referee John Creed has ruled that the winners of this match, by disqualification, Two Guys Who Seriously Rock. This ruling has been decided upon via Above Average kicking the referee during the course of the match.

*Starshine, clutching his back in pain, snatches the titles away from Above Average and quickly makes his way backstage. A dumbfounded Above Average stands in the ring in disbelief.*

Tim Hoss – I don’t believe this. It was accidental.

Jesse King – Rules are rules Gorilla. You touch the referee, you pay the fine.

Tim Hoss – Rules may be rules. But then there’s just dumb luck. I hope Starshine and Cthulhu are proud of themselves.

Jesse King – With how much they make, I’m sure they’ll sleep well.

DOA - Foo Fighters.

Jonathan makes his way to the ring with a mic.

I have had enough of this crap, Listen to me, you coward, I don't know what you want with me or Sara, but this is going to end NOW!

I don't care about your consequences, I don't care about your mask, I just want you to face me like a man.

Tim Hoss grabs a microphone.

Jonathan, I'm getting word that a camera crew is at Sara's apartment, can we put that on the screen?

The image on the Tron switches to the inside of a luxury apartment, the furniture strewn about, the lights flickering, and we see Whitey Fats laid out, bleeding on the carpet.

The camera pans up to reveal the masked man standing over him, chuckling to himself, he slowly pulls off the mask to reveal . . .

Evil Masked wordlifeecw.

Jonathan has a look of horror mixed with utter disbelief on his face.

Surprised? Who could've guessed? Who could've seen it coming? Jono, buddy, pal. Now, I'm sure you're confused right now. I'm sure you have a lot of questions and those will all be answered in due time.

Right now, all you need to know is this. Your pal, wordlifeecw, he's gone. Done. History. The man you're dealing with is much more dangerous. Much smarter. And much more Evil.

*wordlifeecw removes his mask, revealing a bald man with a goatee which is sprayed black, and three small triangles tatooed over his right eye*

The man you're dealing with is Evil M.

If you have hurt her in any way, I swear I will . . .

Calm down Jono. She's fine. As soon as I showed up, she went and locked herself in the bathroom. I haven't touched her.

But let's say I HAD touched her. What exactly would you have done about, might I ask?

You may think that I'm just some masochistic fun-loving chump, but I promise you one thing, When I'm finished with you, you'll need more than a mask to hide the scars, you'll need more than an inferno to protect you from the darkness and you'll need more than a Story to have a happy ending because from this moment on, I will not rest until you are eating through a tube, you piece of trash.

HAHAHAHA!!!! Oh that's good. You're so funny Jono.

*Evil M turns deadly serious*

Maybe I can arrange for you to die laughing. Joke's over, Jono! Now that everyone knows who it is, the new question is why? Well, I'll tell you...

When I'm damn good and ready! But Jono, I wanna end this on a high note.

*Evil walks over to the bathroom door and breaks the lock open. Sara screams, as Evil M grabs her by the throat. He then leans her back and kisses her. Sara's muffled screams can be heard as the camera abruptly cuts out*

…I have no idea what to say, Jess. Wordlifeecw has been here from the beginning, and well… I’m not completely surprised, but still…

I know what you mean, Gorilla. Nobody saw it coming.

Ladies and gentlemen, we’ll be right back.

*New Blackjacks theme play as Little Naitch comes out with the world title and bandages on his head. He enters the ring to an enormous reaction from the crowd and grabs the mic.*

Little Naitch: Just about a month ago, I was brutally attacked by one of my past enemies by the name of Stryker Dark Silence. He tried to end my career, but as you can see…I am back but not medically cleared to wrestle, but I have been gone way too long and Stryker needs to pay for his actions.

*LN doesn’t have to wait long for theme music to play, but it is not Stryker Dark Silence’s music. “Unicron Medley” by Vince DiCola plays as Seth Drakin and his associates are heading out from the back. Seth Drakin has a briefcase and following his associates is the referee that they had talked to earlier. Seth Drakin enters the ring and grabs a mic as he smiles.*

Seth: Little Naitch, I guess you were expecting Stryker to appear, but quite frankly…..I believe I am more important than him. I guess I should ask, “How is the head???”

Little Naitch: Like you give a damn.

Seth: Good point, I really don’t care how your head is. I was just trying to be polite. You know, in a way…..I was hoping that Stryker did collect on my bounty. However, in another way…..after receiving no response for weeks, I actually wanted to collect my own bounty. So in a way, I am glad Stryker wasn’t even able to pass 30 days.

Little Naitch: I always knew you were greedy.

Seth: Actually, I am not. The fact is I already spent the million dollars.

Little Naitch: On what???

Seth: I’ll tell you in a minute. First, I would like to say that I truly had a very brilliant plan on how I was going to take you out. However, I guess you saw Botch at the Beach….am I correct???

Little Naitch: Yes, I was able to see it. Grbjazzman made your ass submit!!!!

Seth: Well, if you saw….my foot was on the rope. But the point of the matter is, because of what happened at Botch at the Beach, there was a change of plans.

*Seth Drakin hits LN with the briefcase. He calls the referee in the ring and hands him the briefcase. The referee dejectedly goes to Michael Muffer and tells him what is going on. Michael is shocked by what he hears, but he grabs the mic and speaks.*

Michael Muffer: Ladies and gentlemen, I have just been informed that Seth Drakin’s briefcase was TromboneMan’s Money In The Bank briefcase. Seth Drakin has decided to cash in the briefcase so the following contest is for the World Heavyweight Championship.

*The crowd boos as the referee rings the bell. Seth Drakin tries to go for the pin, but the referee can only get to two before the champ kicks out. The crowd cheers loudly as Seth Drakin looks on in fury. Seth then grabs Little Naitch and slams him into steel post. Seth then grabs the champion and hits the Tale’s End. He goes for the pin and the referee, who is sickened by all of this, counts the 1-2-3.

Michael Muffer: The winner of this match…………and NEW World Heavyweight Champion………….Seth Drakin!!!!

*Noman grabs the title belt as the referee raises Seth Drakin’s hand. The crowd is pissed as Noman hands Seth the world title. Seth smiles, but his smile is gone as he tells Mr. E and U.N. Owen to pick up Little Naitch. It is apparent that Little Naitch is not conscious at this moment and the referee thinks he has seen enough. He tries to talk some sense into Seth Drakin, but Seth looks at him with a deadly glare and points to the back. You can hear that Seth tells the referee to leave. The ref is very sad as he leaves. Seth then puts the title belt down and sets to hit LN with the Tale’s End on the belt, but GRBJazzman comes down to the ring with a steel chair and chases off Seth and his cronies. Seth Drakin walks up the ramp and smiles with the world title and his associates as officials come into to check on the former champion. GRB Jazzman is seen staring a hole into Seth Drakin and is seething mad.*

I can not believe what we have just seen! Seth Drakin is the new WWCF World Champion?!!!

Gorilla, I am just as shocked as you are! I can’t believe this has happened! Corporate is going to be furious!!!

Obviously, we were all caught off guard. We had assumed that when TromboneMan left the WWCF, that he took the Money in the Bank briefcase with him. But as we just saw, Seth somehow gained possession of the case, and well, the results speak for themselves!

I don’t think anything this shocking has ever happened before Gorilla! Seth Drakin as World Champion?! No way!

Ladies and gentlemen, we’re out of time. For Jesse King, I’m Gorilla Tim Hoss. Goodnight.

Credits: Grbjazzman, Evil M, TTS, Whitey Fats, The Sam, The Headbanger Man, M.O.P., Aaron Enigma, Stryker, Starshine, Jonathan Michaels, Seth Drakin, and Little Naitch.

Sunday Night Heatz!!1 - August 2, 2009

Sunday Night Heatz!!1 August 2nd, 2009

Welcome to Sunday Night Heatz!!1 I’m Gorilla Tim Hoss, and with me, he is smarter than a fifth grader, Jesse King!

Gorilla, tonight a new era begins on Heatz!!1!

You may be right Jess! Tonight, the new Heatz!!1 Champion, “Champagne“ Jay Carroll will be in action, taking on Skitzo!

We‘ll see a veteran of the game, The General, take on rookie sensation CageKing!

”Evil La Parka“ will battle Buck Futter!

And to start us off, we have The Pushkilla taking on The Headbanger Man!

The Pushkilla has been making waves lately, accepting open challenges put down by various Superstars. We saw him come up short at Botch at the Beach, but with his impressive performance, you have to believe he’ll bounce back quickly!

Earlier today, The Headbanger Man had this to say about his match with The Pushkilla!

I can't help but feel as if people are starting to forget that I exist around here. Sure, I said I was gonna win the Hardcore Title and that didn't happen, but to not even be booked at the last PPV after some the stellar displays I've given is a joke. So tonight, it all starts again for The Headbanger Man. Pushkilla, you seem to be issuing and accepting a lot of challenges lately. You've got guts, and I admire that. But tonight, I'm afraid that I'm going to prove to you and everybody else that I won't be ignored. Its gonna be lights out and exit stage left for anybody who gets in my way, starting right here!

Let’s take it to Michael Muffer!

The Headbanger Man V. The Pushkilla

This contest is scheduled for one fall!

(Wild Child)
Introducing first, from Kent in England, weighing 263 pounds...THE HEADBANGER MAN!

And his opponent, from The First State, weighing 245 pounds...PUSHKILLA!

- Headbanger talks smack to Pushkilla, and then turns to the crowd to air drum, but Pushkilla attacks him from behind with clubbing blows. Pushkilla hits a couple of clotheslines and a body slam, before Headbanger rolls out of the ring to regroup. Pushkilla meets him on the outside and delivers a European uppercut, but Headbanger reverses an Irish whip and sends Pushkilla into the steel steps knee first.

- Headbanger drops Pushkilla over the barricade and unloads with a barrage of right hands, before rolling his opponent back into the ring. Headbanger Man hits a belly to back suplex, and then starts to work on the leg of Pushkilla that had hit the steps earlier. Headbanger works over the leg using the ring rope for leverage, before locking in a half Boston crab.

- Eventually, Pushkilla reaches the ropes. Headbanger complains to the referee, but as he walks back, Pushkilla trips him, and Headbanger hits the middle rope neck first. Pushkilla hits a release belly to belly for a quick 2 count. He resumes the attack with a series of elbows to his downed opponent, and then hits a sick Buzzsaw kick to the back of the head for a very close near-fall.

- Pushkilla tries to lock in the Rings of Saturn submission, but Headbanger scrambles to the ropes, and screams out for Pushkilla to let him go. Pushkilla drags him back towards the centre of the ring and hits more elbow strikes. He attempts the Dragon Clutch, but again Headbanger barely gets himself to the ropes to break the hold. Pushkilla throws Headbanger into the turnbuckles and nails a facewash in the corner for another near-fall. Frustrated, Pushkilla goes to the top rope, but misses with an elbow drop.

- Headbanger gingerly gets to his feet, and takes Pushkilla down with a chopblock. He drives his elbow into the knee joint, and then hits a piledriver for 2. Headbanger goes for an alley-oop powerbomb, but Pushkilla escapes and lands a bridging German suplex for 2. Headbanger gets up and hits a clothesline before Pushkilla can capitalise. He goes up to the top rope and waits for Pushkilla to get up, but he misses with the Blockbuster, and lands hard onto the canvas below.

- Pushkilla hits more European uppercuts, dodges a wild swing from Headbanger, and applies the Tazmission. However, Headbanger delivers a low kick which the referee doesn't see. Headbanger goes for the Double Time DDT, but Pushkilla gets out of it. He then misses with a Lariato attempt, and Headbanger Man rolls him up while holding the tights for a 3 count.

Here is your winner...THE HEADBANGER MAN!

- Headbanger quickly scrambles out of the ring and celebrates as Pushkilla looks on, furiously admonishing the referee.

Now c’mon! Pushkilla should’ve had that won!

Calm down Gorilla! Sometimes you win some, and sometimes, you lose some. It’s name of the game!

But Headbanger Man clearly had a handful of Pushkilla’s tights!

Doesn’t matter if you saw it, I saw it, or the fans saw it. If the ref doesn’t see it, then it doesn’t count!

Well, anyway. Up next, CageKing takes on The General of the Monkey Army!

The General of the Monkey Army V. CageKing

The following contest is set for one fall, with a 15 minute time limit!
*King Kong 2004*
Introducing first, from Lansing, Michigan, weighing in at 225 pounds, The General of the Monkey Army!
*CageKing walks out to the ring, rapping an original piece*
And his opponent, from Los Angles, California, weighing in at 295 pounds, CageKing!

The General get’s in CageKing’s face, shouting at him and calling him a maggot. He then slaps CageKing, and turns to salute the crowd, which responds with boos. The General turns back to CageKing, who unloads with a flurry of punches, forcing the General to roll to the outside. CageKing follows, and the two fight on the floor, as the ref begins his count.
CageKing rams the General’s head into the crowd control barrier and then slams him on the arena floor.
CageKing tries to toss the General back in the ring, but The General jabs his thumb in the CageKing’s eye and heads up the ramp.
CageKing shakes off the eye poke and returns to the ring.

The winner of this match, as the result of a countout, CageKing!

CageKing has his arm raised, but he doesn’t look happy.

That is not the way CageKing wanted to win this one, Jess.

Y’know, I usually say take ‘em how you can get ‘em. But in this case, I’m sure CageKing wanted to beat him clean in the middle of the ring.

After that slap, CageKing went into a rage. The General, rather than stay and fight, decided to head for the hills, taking a countout loss.

I’m sure we’ll see a rematch in the future between these two, Gorilla.

I agree, Jess! Up next, folks. “Evil La Parka” battles Buck Futter!

Buck Futter V. “Evil La Parka“

The following contest is scheduled for one fall, with a 15 minute time limit!
*La Parka’s theme*
Introducing first, from Mexico City, Mexico, weighing in at 225 pounds, “Evil La Parka”!
*Walker Texas Ranger theme*
And his opponent, from Dallas, Texas, by way of Tampa, Florida, weighing in at 265 pounds, Buck Futter!

The two start with a lockup, which Buck transitions into a side headlock. La Parka counters out of it and into a hammerlock. Buck get’s out with a leg sweep, and goes for a clothesline, which La Parka ducks. Buck turns to face La Parka, and is met with a dropkick. La Parka whips Buck into the ropes, and catches him with a belly to belly suplex. Cover.
Parka drops an elbow on Buck, but Buck rolls out of the way. La Parka goes for a second elbow, but Buck rolls out of the way again. Parka goes to pick Buck up, but is rolled up in a small package.
Buck tackles La Parka to the mat, and lays into him with punches and forearms. Buck leaps up and drops an elbow across Parka’s sternum, and covers him.
Buck pulls Parka up and goes for a suplex, but Parka blocks it, and hit’s a cradle DDT! Cover!
Parka stomps Buck, and then climbs to the top rope and hit’s the X-Ray! Cover!

Here is your winner, “Evil La Parka”!

La Parka grabs his chair and takes a couple shots at Buck before tossing him to the outside. Parka stands on the chair and dances, as the crowd rains down with boos.

Well, La Parka picks up the win, but didn’t earn himself too many popularity points.

Being popular doesn’t win you matches, Gorilla! La Parka’s doing all the right things.

Well in any case, up next is our main event, the new WWCF Heatz!!1 Champion, “Champagne” Jay Carroll, takes on Skitzo!

Skitzo V. “Champagne“ Jay Carroll

The following non-title contest is set for one fall, with a 20 minute time limit!
Introducing first. From Cork, Ireland, weighing in at 217 pounds, Skitzo!
*Panic Switch*
And his opponent. From Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, weighing in at 215 pounds, he is the new WWCF Heatz!!1 Champion, “Champagne” Jay Carroll!

Skitzo advances towards Carroll, who backs up in the corner. The ref stops Skitzo and orders Carroll out of the corner. Carroll and Skitzo go to lock up again, but Skitzo leans out between the ropes. The ref pulls Skitzo back again, and orders Carroll back to the middle of the ring. The two finally lock up, and Carroll applies a side headlock. Skitzo shoots him into the ropes, then drops down as the Heatz!!1 Champion bounces back, leapfrogs him as he comes back again, and finally meets him with a dropkick. Carroll rolls to the outside.

The new Heatz!!1 Champion having a rough time of it in the early going.

Give him time to warm up, Gorilla!

Carroll rolls back in the ring, and the match resumes. The two lockup, and Carroll applies another side headlock. Skitzo shoots him into the ropes. As Carroll bounces back, Skitzo lowers his head for a back body drop, but Carroll stops short and kick’s Skitzo in the face. He follows up by slamming the back of Skitzo’s head on the mat. Carroll runs the ropes, going for an elbow drop, but Skitzo rolls out of the way, causing Carroll to elbow drop the mat. Skitzo sets him up for a suplex, but Carroll slips free and rolls to the outside again.

Great strategy by Jay Carroll, buying some time.

Looks more like stalling to me.

Carroll rolls back in, but as Skitzo moves towards him, he rolls out again.
Carroll rolls back in, but quickly rolls out again.

For someone who talks such a big game, he sure seems reluctant to get very physical tonight.

Well you’d be a little apprehensive too, if you were fighting a guy named Skitzo!

Skitzo rolls to the outside and tackles Carroll. Carroll tries to get away, but Skitzo stays on him. He whips the champion in to the crowd barrier, then into the ring apron, and finally tosses him back in the ring. Skitzo whips Carroll into the corner, and runs at him. Carroll get’s his foot up at the last second. As Skitzo stumbles back, Carroll quickly removes the turnbuckle cover. Skitzo charges again, but Carroll moves. Skitzo hit’s the exposed steel hard. Carroll takes advantage and hit’s the Last Call! Cover!

Here is your winner, “Champagne” Jay Carroll!

Carroll rolls to the outside and grabs his belt. Skitzo argues with the ref, claiming that Carroll cheated, as the Champion makes his way up the ramp.

What a win for the Heatz!!1 Champion Gorrilla!

Actually, I think the real winner of that match was the turnbuckle Carroll used to cheat!

Gorilla, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Nobody remembers the details, just who won and who lost. And I just saw Skitzo lose, and Jay Carroll win!

Well, despite my dislike of his tactics, Jay Carroll certainly did win the match. Folks, that’s all the time we’ve got tonight. For Jesse King, I’m Gorilla Tim Hoss. We’ll see you tomorrow night on NiteRaw!

Match writing credits: The Headbanger Man and Evil M.

Botch at the Beach - July 27, 2009

WWCF Botch at the Beach, July 27th, 2009

The official theme song for Botch at the Beach, Summertime Blues plays, as a vides recapping all the stories and feuds plays, and the camera zooms in on the beach. We then go to a lifeguard’s booth, where Tim Hoss and Jesse King open the show.

Welcome to Botch at the Beach, live from the Parts Unknown Beach, right here in Parts Unknown! I’m Gorilla Tim Hoss, and with me, he dropped his chocolate in my peanut butter, Jesse King!

Gorilla, I am pumped! Tonight is going be HYOOGE!!!!

Can’t argue with ya there, Jess! Tonight, we have the Tag Team Championships being defended, as King Motor-Colt and Above Average defend against Cthulhu and Starshine, Two Guys Who Seriously Rock!

Seth Drakin will return tonight to defend his Championship of Honor against grbjazzman!

In a rematch from last week’s Monday NiteRaw, Viva Los Bio Dome will take on Tyfo in a Falls Count Anywhere match!

TTS will defend his Montego Bay AlcoholicWeight Championship against his former tag team partner Whitey Fats!

Stryker Dark Silence has issued an open challenge, and it was accepted by Pushkilla! We’ll see those two collide later on tonight!

The Heatz!!1 Championship is on the line, as Koda defends against hot young newcomer Champagne Jay Carroll!

And to kick things off, we have Jonathan Michaels defending the WWCF Hardcore Championship against The Boiler Room Brawler!

Hardcore Championship: The Boiler Room Brawler V. Jonathan Michaels ©

Ladies and Gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WWCF Hardcore Championship, in this contest, there is a moat surrounding the ring, inside the moat are dozens of poisonous jellyfish and ravenous piranhas.

Michael Muffer pulls a large steak out of a bag and tosses it into the moat, immediately we see thrashing in the moat and after a few seconds we see a bone stripped bare of its meat.

I'm So Bad (Baby I Don't Care) - Motörhead

Making his way to the ring, weighing in at 350 pounds, representing WWCF Corporate, Boiler Room Brawler!

Brawler makes his way to the ring, shielding his eyes from the sun, apparently not used to such bright light.

Michael Muffer lays a ladder across the moat for the competitors to cross into the ring, Brawler crosses the ladder and rolls into the ring, waving his pipe around and motioning for his opponent.

DOA - Foo Fighters

And his opponent, from Los Angeles, California, weighing in at 235 pounds, he is the WWCF Hardcore Champion, Jonathan Michaels!

Jonathan emerges from the curtain with his signature Tack Chair, and plays to the crowd as he makes his way to the ring.

Jonathan crosses the ladder and enters the ring, as he does so, Brawler attempts to swing the pipe down onto Michaels, but Jonathan rolls out of the way as the bell rings.

Jonathan and Brawler simultaneously lower their weapons and lock up, Brawler knees Jonathan in the gut and hits a belly to belly suplex, Brawler grabs Jonathan's arms and pulls them behind him and pushes his knee into Michaels' back.

Brawler lets go of Michaels and stands up, kicking Michaels in an attempt to roll him out of the ring, but Michaels has the wherewithall to grab the ropes, Brawler picks Michaels up and tries to throw Jonathan out of the ring, but Michaels escapes and hits a neckbreaker on Brawler.

Jonathan takes advantage of the situation and grabs the tack chair, he nails Brawler in the head with the nontack end and tries to push Brawler out of the ring, but Brawler pulls Michaels' leg out from under him and brings Jonathan to the mat.

Both men get to his feet and exchange blows, Brawler grabs Michaels' throat and choke slams him, Brawler goes for the pin.



Michaels rolls out and reverses the pin.




Brawler tackles Michaels into the corner and hits several chops on Jonathan, he tries to whip Michaels into the opposite corner, but Michaels reverses and throws Brawler into the corner face first.

Michaels grabs the tack chair and waits for Brawler to turn around, when he does, Michaels tosses the chair to Brawler, Brawler catches the chair with the tacks facing him and Michaels hits the Fade to Black, driving the tacks into Brawler's face and chest.

Brawler screams in agony and Michaels grabs Brawler's pipe, Brawler finally frees himself from the chair, Michaels drives the pipe into BRB's gut and brings it down onto his head.

Michaels then grabs Brawler by the ankles and pushes him slowly out of the ring until his head is just above the water.

Brawler comes to and sees the water, Michaels lowers Brawler's head into the water for a second and pulls him quickly back out.

The microphone picks up Michael's taunts.

Do you give up, or do you want to go in again?

Do your worst, I ain't scared of you!

Michaels lowers Brawler in again, we see bubbles and after about four seconds Brawler taps on the water.

Jonathan pulls him back out and we can see a piranha still clinging to Brawler's ear and a couple of jellyfish stings on his face.

Ladies and gentlemen, here is your winner, and STILL Hardcore Champion, Jonathan Michaels!

The referees check on Brawler as Michaels raises the tack chair in victory.

Well, King, that was a hell of an opening match.

It sure was, and now the referees are going to drain the moat and put the Piranhas and Jellyfish safely into their tanks.

As the referees drain the moat, A masked man runs to the ring, over the ladder and into the ring, where he tackles Michaels, punching him repeatedly.

The masked man stands up and calls for a mic.

You have seven days, Michaels, next week on NiteRaw, you will pay for your disobedience.

The masked man makes his exit as Michaels pulls himself up with the ropes.

Who was that masked man?!

I have a feeling we might find out sooner rather than later!

Up next, Jay Carroll challenges Koda for the WWCF Heatz!!1 Championship!

Heatz!!1 Championship: Champagne Jay Carroll V. Koda ©

Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is set for one fall, with a 20 minute time limit. And it is for the WWCF Heatz!!1 Championship!

*Panic Switch*
Introducing first. From Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, weighing in at 215 pounds, “Champagne” Jay Carroll!
Jay walks to the ring, carrying a bottle of champagne, with a lovely beach bunny on each arm. As he enters the ring, he removes his suit and hands it to the ladies. The ladies exit as Carroll prepares for the match.

*Agent of Chaos*
And his opponent! From Gotham, weighing in at 223 pounds, he is the WWCF Heatz!!1 Champion, KODA!!!!
Koda walks down to the ring, the Heatz!!1 Championship draped over his shoulder. He offers handshakes to the crowd, but the few people who accept are shocked by a joy buzzer.

The bell rings and Koda immediately charges at Carroll. Carroll sidesteps, and Koda hit’s the ropes. As he bounces back, Carroll drop toehold’s him, and then armdrag’s him as he get’s up. Koda get’s to his feet, but is met with a dropkick, which sends him flying through the ropes and out of the ring. Carroll struts around the ring, bragging about how great he is, while Koda tries to regroup on the outside. The ref begins his count.
Carroll rolls to the outside and sucker punches Koda, then tosses him back in the ring, breaking the count. Carroll applies a hammerlock in the ring, but Koda reverses it into a hammerlock of his own, then transitions into a side headlock. Carroll tries to shoot him off into the ropes, but Koda holds him firm. Carroll lifts Koda up for a back suplex, but Koda flips out of it and lands on his feet. Carroll turns to face Koda, but is met with a series of punches, then a clothesline. As Carroll get’s up, Koda meets him with a second clothesline, then hit’s the Arkham Roundup. First cover of the match.
Koda pulls Carroll up and goes for the Arkham Straightjacket, but Carroll counters it with a low blow, which goes undetected by the referee. Jay then follows up with a running knee and then a snap suplex. Cover.
Jay pulls Koda up into a sitting position and locks in a headlock. The referee checks to make sure it isn’t a choke, and then asks Koda if he gives up. Koda says no, but Carroll shifts into a choke while the ref isn’t watching. The ref moves to see if it’s a choke, but Carroll resumes the headlock. The ref asks Koda again, but the Champion still refuses to give up. Carroll transitions into a choke again, but this time the ref catches him and begins a count.
Carroll breaks the hold and starts kicking and stomping Koda. The ref tries to pull him away, but Carroll stays on the Champion. The ref starts the count again.
Carroll pulls back. Koda tries to get to his feet, but Carroll cut’s him off with a Lariat! Cover!
Carroll is in shock as the Champion still has some fight left in him. Carroll set’s him up for a vertical suplex, but Koda blocks it, and hit’s a wrap around neck breaker! But the Champion can’t follow up immediately! Both men are down and the ref starts counting.
Koda’s pulling himself up, as Carroll tries to get to his knees.
Koda’s up, breaking the count. Koda catches Carroll with a kneelift, followed by an elevated DDT. Cover!
Koda drops an elbow on Carroll and then goes for a split-legged corkscrew moonsault, but Carroll rolls out of the way! Both men are down as the ref begins the count again.
Both men are pushing up.
Both men are up at the same time. They meet center ring and exchange punches. Carroll is winning the exchange, but Koda surprises Carroll with a thumb to the eye! Carroll clutches his eye in pain, as Koda locks in the Long Halloween! Carroll struggles, unable to see, as well as having his circulation cut off by the submission. Carroll drops to one knee, as Koda tries to sink in the move. Suddenly, Carroll get’s back up to his feet, and backs up into the corner, but Koda holds on! Carroll backs up a couple more times, then flips Koda over his shoulder, freeing himself from the hold. Koda’s back on his feet and he charges at Carroll, but Jay meets him with a boot to the midsection, followed by the Last Call! Cover!

Here is your winner, and the NEW WWCF Heatz!!1 Champion, “Champagne” Jay Carroll!

The referee hands Jay the belt. Jay holds it up high, as the beach bunnies run out with bottles of champagne. They pour them over Carroll to celebrate, as Koda rolls to the outside and walks up the ramp.

What a win that was for Jay Carroll!

I’ve said it all along, Gorilla! This kid is destined to do great things!

Well, congratulations to the new Heatz!!1 Champion! Up next, Stryker’s open challenge has been accepted. Can Pushkilla step up and defeat the veteran in his first pay per view appearance? We’re about to find out!

Stryker Dark Silence V. Pushkilla

The following match is going to be competed under Pure rules and is scheduled for one fall.

*Supernaut by Black Sabbath plays as the red lights hit. Pushkilla Mako eventually makes his way out and down the ramp*

Approaching the ring, weighing in tonight at TWO HUNDRED AND FORTY FIVE POUNDS, he hails from The First State...THE PUSHKILLA, MAAAAAAKOOOOOOOOO!!

*PKM gets into the ring and bounces off the ropes to limber up, as the Bagpipes begin to trill, and Stryker appears on the ramp*

And his opponent, weighing in tonight at TWO HUNDRED AND FORTY POUNDS, and hailing from The Depths of the Soul...STRRRRYKER DARK SIIIIIIILENCE!!

*Stryker moves quickly to the ring, wipes his feet on the apron and goes through the ropes and straight up to Pushkilla, right in his face as he removes his kilt, PKM just stares back, not intimidated.*

The bell rings and the pair circle, feeling each other out, looking for an opening. Stryker throws a kick, but PKM moves out of the way. He charges Stryker, and the pair lock up, collar and elbow. PKM's slight weight advantage allows him to push Stryker back a step, but Stryker goes behind quick with a waist lock. Standing switch by PKM and he tries the takedown, but Stryker throws an elbow behind, breaking his grip. Stryker runs and comes back off the ropes knocking PKM off his feet with a shoulder block. He drops the elbow, but PKM rolls out of the way. He throws a kick at the downed Stryker, but he avoids it and sweeps PKM's standing leg. Lateral Press, one count and kickout. Stryker goes for the leg again, but PKM is quick to counter with a Rollup, one, two, Stryker kicks out. He pops up quick on his feet and offers PKM his hand. The pair shake to applause, and then circle again. Stryker puts out his hand for the test of strength and PKM accepts and they lock fingers. PKM is clever and twists out into a Wristlock. Stryker twists and tries to get out of the lock, but it's held tight. Stryker throws a chop across his chest, and loosens the grip enough to twist behind and put PKM in a Hammerlock. He tries to switch it into the Sleeper, but PKM pulls him over with a Snapmare, and applies a Seated Chinlock. He digs his knee into Stryker's back and pulls hard stretching him out. Stryker throws an arm round and wraps it round the inside of PKM's knee and pulls the leg out straight with a modified Knee Stretch. He rolls back over PKM with a cover, but he kicks out with authority. Stryker is on PKM as he gets up and starts throwing his kicks and palm strikes sending him reeling into the corner. He throws another chop across PKM's chest and goes to whip him across the ring, but PKM reverses the whip. Stryker bumps uncomfortably out of the corner, but he comes back with a Thesz Press and Forearms. Another Lateral Press and a two count, but PKM is up quickly and he throws a kick round the corner and catches Stryker in the back where he hit the turnbuckle, sending him to a knee. PKM, like a flash is on Stryker and behind him, and throws a vicious German Suplex. Cover and hook of the leg, but Stryker is out at two, looking shocked. PKM drags him up to his feet and throws a Belly to Belly Suplex. He pounces onto Stryker and tries to lock on the Rings of Saturn...LOCKED IN! Stryker struggles to break free of the hold as PKM cranks it up. Stryker fights and writhes, and reaches.......GETS TO THE ROPES! He only has two rope breaks remaining, as the ref forces PKM to break the hold. PKM wants to take advantage of the damage done and rushes Stryker as he gets to his feet, but Stryker moves with the Back Body Drop! He rushes off the ropes and hits PKM with the Low Diving European Uppercut to the back of PKM's head. He rushes off the ropes again with a Front Dropkick to the side of his face. Stryker rounds on PKM now with the Seated Full Nelson, shaking PKM hard, but he has the presence of mind to roll his weight onto the arm he locked in the ROS, forcing the break. Stryker is up, looks to throw a forearm, but PKM is in quickly and BELLY TO BELLY OUT OF NOWHERE! Katahajime attempt, we could have a shock...NO! Stryker pulls PKM over with a modified Hip Toss...SLEEPER LOCKED IN. PKM is disoriented already from the head shots...the referee is in...the arm drops once....twice....three times...IT'S OVER!


Stryker has his arm raised, but he shrugs off the ref, and squats down to catch his breath. He walks over and stands over Pushkilla Mako as he stands, and offers his hand...they shake. Stryker raises Mako's arm, and he returns the favour in an exchange of respect. The Bagpipes trill as Mako leaves the ring and Stryker celebrates his victorious in ring return.

Nice display of sportsmanship from Stryker.

And how about Pushkilla? I think he’ll go somewhere in this company!

No doubt after that match!

Next, former partners collide, as Whitey Fats battles TTS for the Montego Bay AlcoholicWeight Championship.

We understand that TTS has something to say before this match, so let’s take it to the back with Fred G. Neric!

I am here with the Montego Bay Alchoweight Champion, who in just a few moments will be facing his former tag team partner and the man who stole his title on Monday, Whitey.
Y'know sumtin been a buggin ma
Fer a Long,Long Time
It bugs mah at nite and naw I'm gettin it off-a mah chest

Mista G.NERIC!

How'd ya get off mah Truck?
I bolted ya on there dayum good

Ya a Fat's sack a crap Whitey
I workin me way all da way from da bottom a'dees place
I dug outta de Dirt and s***e and stickin mah hands through De Fiev 'undred Miyas off de Shiyot and grabbin da gold alonga side ya

But den
An if dat ain't enuff ya gottin yaself Fiya'd
But I wad'nt takin dat
I workin too hard
I haddin ta work fa dem in da Carprate cause Ya screwed me up
I losin da Tie'tle I workin sa lawng fa
Mista Sam seein dat an he helpin meh
He givin me dat Montego Bay Title
And den?


Back to you at ringside.

Montego Bay AlcoholicWeight Championship: Whitey Fats V. TTS ©

The following contest is set for 1 fall and it is for the Montego Bay Alchoweight Championship.
Introducing first,

(God's Gonna Cut You Down - Johnny Cash)
At the height of 6’3, weighing in at 290 lbs. Representing WWCF Corporate. From Davie, Florida. He is the current Montego Bay Alchoweight Champion, TTS!
(TTS makes his way to the ring without his title belt. He looks angry and even rips a fans sign up on the way to the ring)

And his opponent,
(Simply the Best – Tina Turner)
At the height of 6’2, weighing in at 280 lbs. From Starke, Florida. WHITEY “DADDY PHAT SAX” FATS!
(Whitey runs down to the ring with the belt in hand. TTS doesn’t take kindly to this and lunges at Whitey. Whitey begins brawling with TTS. TTS starts brawling back and the bell sounds.
Both men are throwing rights and lefts at a furious pace until Whitey ducks TTS right hand and try’s to lift TTS up for a Burning Hammer. TTS gouges the eyes of Whitey and rolls out of the ring.
TTS grabs the Montego Bay Alchoweight Title and heads towards the back. The referee starts a 10 count.
Whitey jumps out of the ring and chases after TTS. Whitey catches up to TTS and grabs him by the collar of his shirt and sends him back into the ring. Whitey slides into the ring and comes towards TTS who is begging Whitey for forgiveness. As Whitey is about to attack TTS, TTS rakes the eyes of Whitey before hitting a back body drop. TTS goes for a quick pin.
2 count.
TTS berates the referee for a moment before grabbing Whitey and bringing Whitey to his feet. TTS hits the ropes and attempts a clothesline but Whitey ducks it and locks TTS in for the Burning Hammer. Whitey lifts TTS over his shoulders and drops him down to connect the Burning Hammer. This causes a massive pop from the crowd. Whitey goes for a pin.
Whitey lifts TTS’s shoulders off the canvas
Whitey says, “It’s not over yet Boy!” Whitey lifts TTS up and hits another Burning Hammer. Whitey looks at the crowd and says “One More?” This elicits a response from the crowd.
Suddenly Bill and Phil Farris run down to the ring and distract Whitey, who knocks both Farris’s off the apron. As the referee berates the Farris’s to get back to the locker room, Boiler Room Brawler comes from underneath the ring and throws a fireball into the face of Whitey. Whitey is on the canvas kicking and screaming while holding his face. Boiler Room Brawler drags TTS on top of Whitey. Boiler Room Brawler jumps out of the ring as the referee returns to the ring to see TTS with his arm over Whitey. The referee makes the pin.
The winner of this match, and STILL Montego Bay Alchoweight champion. TTS!
Boiler Room Brawler helps TTS to the back as the medics check to see if Whitey is ok.
Whitey pushes the medics back and claws his way out of the ring. Whitey makes it out of the ring and limps back to the locker room as officials try to help Whitey who still refuses their help. The audience cheers for Whitey.

Whitey Fats showing his fortitude by refusing medical assistance, despite having a fireball thrown in his face!

Fortitude, shmortitude, he still lost the match!

Well, regardless, I have a feeling this issue between Whitey and TTS is far from over!

Well, Whitey lost the match, so I don’t see what TTS has left to prove. He needs to move on to bigger things, like maybe making G. Neric into a hood ornament again!

…ANYWAY. Up next, Viva Los Bio Dome battles Tyfo and this time, it’s falls count anywhere!

We may not have had a clear winner last week, but tonight, they have no rules and no limits. This is gonna be good!

Falls Count Anywhere match: Viva Los Bio Dome V. Tyfo

*The Safety Dance*

Hailing from Hayward, California at 195 pounds... Viva Los Bio Dome!

Viva enters the ring, turns towards the entrance with a scowl on his face.

*The New Blackjacks WWF Theme*

Out of Dallas, Texas at 245 pounds.... Tyfo!

You've gotta be excited about this one, King! We will finally get a clear cut winner after being denied one on Monday Niteraw last week!

*A video is shown detailing the double count out draw from last week*

You're right, 'Rilla! This is going to be a great match. Neither of these guys have an ounce of quit in them, and I wouldn't be surprised if we see someone leaving the building in a stretcher!

*The ref motions for the bell ring, and we're off*

The match starts with a lock up. Tyfo smiles, drops down, and nails Viva with a low blow. Tyfo picks up Viva, and throws him out of the ring. Tyfo motions to smash Viva's face into the ring post, but Viva defends against it and hits Tyfo with a couple of elbows. Viva turns around and slaps Tyfo with enough velocity to hear it ring throughout the building.

As Tyfo grips his face, Viva charges him with a lou thesz press and begins ravaging him with several punches. Eventually, Tyfo regains his composure, kicks Viva off, and stands up. Viva goes for a punch, Tyfo ducks it, and kicks Viva as he's turning around. Tyfo moves viva to the entrance ramp, and nails him with a double under hook DDT right into the pavement. Tyfo goes for a pin....




Viva kicks out. He begins trying to get up. He's groggy, and Tyfo takes advantage, with a kick to the gut. Tyfo goes for a clothesline, which Viva ducks. Viva charges him and nails him with a vicious drop kick, followed by a knee drop. Viva picks up Tyfo, and takes him to the top of the ramp. Viva clotheslines Tyfo and then hits him with a standing frog splash. Viva begins stomping Tyfo. Tyfo catches Viva's foot, and throws him off. Tyfo stands up and destroys Viva with a running bulldog.

Viva is now bleeding, and Tyfo begins laughing.

"I told you this wasn't going to be easy, didn't I? Didn't I? Now you're in for it..."

Tyfo grabs Viva by the hair and drags him in to the back. He throws Viva off of a dumpster in the back. Tyfo grabs a nearby garbage can and goes to hit Viva with it, but Viva stops him with a kick to the knee. Tyfo collapses. Viva begins stomping that knee.

Viva grabs for the garbage can, and smacks Tyfo in the knee with it. Tyfo is writhing in pain. He's trying to get up, but Viva is ready for him, and hits him with the Purple Sticky punch.

Viva drags him to a table, and sets him up for the Bio-Dome. As he's in mid air, Tyfo fights it off. Viva hits him with a couple of knees in the stomach, and lifts him up for the Bio-dome for a second time. This time, he hits it.

Tyfo is out on that table, and Viva goes for the pin.




Your winner, Viva Los Bio Dome!

Viva Los Bio Dome with the upset! He has now established himself as an issue The Corporation need to address, and fast!

You're right, Hoss! It was tough, and Tyfo fought him like a bear, but Viva had enough in the tank at the end to take it! The Corporation better look out now!

*Bagpipes blare through the arena and Stryker appears on the stage clapping BioDome's efforts. He takes a mic and the music drops*

Impressive. Very very impressive. You've done well on your own here. You're showing the potential I spotted in you and the development I started when I spat that blinding mist in your eyes, lo those many weeks ago. Cult Chaos was stopped because of fear within the company as to what we could do, and it got me wondering quite what we could have done. So next week on NiteRaw...why don't you show me what you could have done...IN A CHAIN MATCH!

Viva just nods, never taking his eyes off of Stryker.

WHOA!!! A chain match, next week on NiteRaw!

Gorilla, if we thought tonight was brutal, just imagine what next Monday will be like!

Folks, up next we have the return of Seth Drakin, as he will defend his Championship of Honor against Grbjazzman, who earned this opportunity by winning an eight man, single elimination tournament.

Gorilla, these two have had quite a war of the words in recent weeks, but can either man back up their talk with action?

Jess, I don’t think I even need to answer that. Just watch any match involving either of them, and you’ll see that they certainly can.

Well, we’ll see Gorilla.

In any case, the time for talking is over, because Seth Drakin V. Grbjazzman is NEXT!!!!

Championship of Honor: grbjazzman V. Seth Drakin ©

Ladies and gentlemen, the following match is scheduled for 1 fall, and it is for the Championship of Honor! Introducing first, the challenger, from Upstate New York... GRBJAZZMAN!!!

*'Sing, Sang, Sung' is heard on the PA as Jazzman makes his way to the ring, strutting his stuff and living it up with the fans*

And now, his opponent. From Suburbia, he is the current and defending Champion of Honor 'The Puppet Master' Seth Drakin!

*'Blow Me Away' is nearly drowned out by the deafening boos of the crowd as Seth Drakin makes his way out to the ring with the Championship of Honor hanging loosely around his waist. When he enters the ring, he removes the belt giving it to the Referee in charge who holds in in the air as the bell rings*

The two men meet in the center of the ring before moving to a collar and elbow tie up with Seth pushing the smaller Jazzman back into the corner. Seth holds him in the corner in the collar and elbow as the ref administers a 5 count with Seth breaks cleanly from at 3. Jazzman walks slowly out to the center of the ring as the two tie up again with Seth gaining the advantage throwing on a side headlock.

Jazzman sends Seth into the ropes and drops down, while Seth runs over him, A leapfrog by Jazzman greets Seth's next pass and then Jazzman takes Seth over with a Japanese armdrag and throws on a armlock. Seth counters the armlock and applies a headscissors which Jazzman nips out of. The two men make it back to their feet when Seth takes Jazzman over with a armdrag, which leads to Jazzman's headscissors counter and a nip up by Seth. As the crowd roars in approval!

The two men go for a handshake in the center of the ring but Seth rakes the eyes of Jazzman before taking him over with a single leg takedown. Seth throws on a leg lock in an attempt to crown that faster, more agile Jazzman. Jazzman struggles to the ropes and forces the clean break by grabbing onto the ropes. Jazzman works his way up to the feet as Seth charges him and Jazzman responds with a Tilt-A-Whirl backbreaker. He drops down for the cover but only gets two.

As jazzman stands up he hits the ropes looking to hit Seth with his Yakuza Kick, but Seth drops down and sweeps the back leg, leading to a roll up and a quick 2 count for the champion. Seth beats Jazzman to his feet and nails him with a clothesline. Seth drops down near Jazzman and puts him in a sleeper hold. The crowd cheers on Jazzman as he looks to be fading

*Commentary break*

The ref goes to check on Jazzman and holds his hand up for it to fall, but it stays in the air, as the crowd roars! Jazzman works back to his feet and rams Seth into a corner. He runs at Seth and nails the Yakuza kick before hitting a Butterfly Suplex that he floats over into a cover, that only gets two!

Jazzman makes a motion signifying to the crowd that the end is near. He sets up Seth in a powerbomb position.

Hoss: What's going on here Jesse? I've never seen Jazzman do this!

Jesse: I don't know, but remember, Jazzman said he'd have some new surprises for Seth

Jazzman takes Seth up, but instead of a regular powerbomb, he turns it into a Alley Oop! Jazzman then floats over and locks in a single leg crab as the crowd goes nuts! Seth is right in the center of the ring and is feeling the pain.

Seth has a history of tapping out in big matches Jesse, could this be another one?!?!?

Gorilla's question is answered as Seth crawls to the ropes and gets a hold of the bottom rope. Jazzman lets the hold go and sends Seth off the ropes. He puts his head down looking for a back body drop, but Seth comes running at full speed and turns it into The Tales End!

Good god Gorilla! The Tales End out of nowhere! Seth needs to make a cover!

Drakin crawls over to the fallen Jazzman and drapes his arm over him. 1...2... The crowd goes nuts as Jazzman kicks out! But instead of looking distraught Seth rolls Jazzman over and locks on The Inquisition. Jazzman looks haggard and Seth is screaming at him "This is what you wanted, to be a man! Come on Jazzman, BE A MAN" The crowd falls silent as Seth continues to apply pressure and Jazzman continues to fade. The ref goes to check Jazzman and the arm drops once, the arm drops twice... BUT THE ARM DOESN'T DROP THE THIRD TIME!

Jesse, are you seeing what I'm seeing? Jazzman is still in this one!

Jazzman begins to stir and begins to stand up with Seth keeping The Inquisition locked in. Jazzman nails Seth with a backpack stunner out of The Inquisition and crawls over to make a cover. The refs hand hits the mat, once, twice... but Seth just gets the shoulder up!

As the crowd beings to chant 'Match of The Year', Jazzman sends Seth into the ropes and nails Seth with 'Takin' the A Train'!

That's got to be it Gorilla. Jazzman has this one in the bag!

Jazzman goes for the cover, But Seth kicks out AT 1!! Seth gets to his feet and points to the ceiling signifying the existence of The Higher Power before yelling at Jazzman "I"M STILL STANDING!. He send Jazzman off the ropes and Seth sets him up for a Powerslam, But Jazzman counters with the Mexican move known as La Mística!

Another Surprise by Jazzman! He calls this move 'Mercy, Mercy, Mercy'

A classic Cannonball Adderly song Gorilla! But is it enough to make Seth tap?

Drakin struggles toward the ropes, but can't reach to get it as Jazzman drags Seth back to the center of the ring! The crowd beings to rhythmically chant "Tap, Tap, Tap" as Seth continues to squirm underneath the armbar of pressure of Jazzman's hold. Seth again wriggles his way to the rope but can just shift his body in an attempt to get a foot on the rope. In that moment, you can hear a pindrop as Seth's hand hits the mat repeatedly as the crowd bursts into a raucous cheer.

Ladies and Gentlemen, your winner... AND NEW Champion of Honor... GRBJAZZMAN!!!!!!!

Jazzman released the hold and celebrates his first ever title win in the ring as we see highlights of the match, including the ending...

What a minute Gorilla! Can you guys in the truck play that back?

Jesse, do you see what I see?

We zoom in on the highlight to see that Seth's foot appears to be under the rope as he taps out.

I wonder what Seth will have to say on Monday to this Gorilla, but until then it looks like GrbJazzman is the Champion of Honor!

Well, despite the controversial circumstances, congratulations to Jazzman on his first Championship win!

Now, Gorilla. How about our main event tonight?

Ladies and gentlemen, for the first time ever, the WWCF World Tag Team Championship will be defended in the main event of a pay per view!

On one side you have the Starshine and Cthulhu, Two Guys Who Seriously Rock.

And standing across from them will be the World Tag Team Champions, King Motor-Colt and Above Average, The Story.

Let’s go to the ring!

WWCF World Tag Team Championships: Two Guys Who Seriously Rock(Starshine and Cthulhu) V. King Motor-Colt and Above Average ©

The bell rings.

Ladies and gentlemen. It is now time for our main event of the evening. As the sun sets here on the beautiful Parts Unknown Beach, things are about to heat up in the ring. Are you ready?

The crowd cheers.

Parts Unknown, N/A, I said, ARE YOU RRRRRRRREADY?!!!!!

Even louder cheers as the fans are on their feet.

Then. For the thousands in a attendance, and the millions watching around the world. Ladies and gentlemen. Boys and girls. Children of all ages. LLLLLLLLETS GET READY TO RRRRRRRRRU-

Michael is cut off as several flashing lights engulf the ring, and smoke fills the area.

*Cherub Rock*

Smoke clouds the entrance. As it clears, Cthulhu and Starshine rise up on a platform, posing for the crowd.

Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is set for one fall, with a 45 minute time limit. And it is for the WWCF World Tag Team Championship!

Introducing first, the challengers. Weighing in at a total combined weight of 400 pounds, the self-proclaimed “Technical Professional” Starshine. The Corporate Rocker, Cthulhu. Together, they claim to be Two Guys Who Seriously Rock!

Starshine and Cthulhu shoot Muffer dirty looks, as the crowd showers the Corporate members with boos.

*It’s Hard To Speak Without A Tongue*

And their opponents…

Motor-Colt walks out in his full King of WrestleCrap getup, holding his Tag Team Championship belt high above his head. Suddenly, Colt’s music cuts off.

*The Prodigy*

Above Average joins Colt on the ramp, holding his Tag Team Championship belt in one hand, the Inter-Forum Championship in the other. He and Colt nod at each other, then walk towards the ring, as the crowd cheers and applauds the Champions.

Coming to the ring, at a total combined weight of 507 pounds, King Motor-Colt. The WWCF Inter-Forum Champion Above Average. They are the WWCF World Tag Team Champions, they are, THE STORY!!!!!

The Champions enter the ring and engage in a staredown with the challengers, until the referee orders everyone to their respective corners.

Before the match starts, Cthulhu calls over Michael Muffer and whispers something into his ear. Michael’s eyes widen as he leans away from Cthulhu and says,

“Before the match begins I would like to introduce the special commentator for this match. Ladies and Gentlemen, M.O.P!”

“Painkiller” by Judas Priest plays as M.O.P. walks cockily down the ramp in a sharp suit. The crowd has a mixed reaction to his return, but Cthulhu and Starshine in the ring look happy as M.O.P. walks to the announce table. King and Gorilla are shocked.

“Gorilla did you have any idea this was going to happen?”

“No, King, I’m just as shocked as you were. I have a bad feeling something is going to happen though.”

“Well of course something will happen. We get to be joined by the great M.O.P. I’m so excited right now!”

“That’s not what I meant King but we’ll see.”

“Enough about us though, welcome back M.O.P.”

Thanks, King. Let me just say it's great to be back in the WWCF. I missed it here.

“You said you would be out for a while, how did you recover so quickly to get back in WWCF?”

Fortunately, my injury was a fairly small ACL tear. Sure, it needed arthroscopic surgery, but that's relatively minor and with some intense physical therapy, I recovered pretty quickly.

“So M.O.P., what are your thought on tonight’s tag team match?”

Like I said on my blog, which you can read on WWCF.com by the way, this is going to be a rough match for both teams. King Colt and Double A are both very worthy champions, but they shouldn't underestimate Cthulhu and Starshine. Both are former tag-team champions, and I reckon they both have a lot more experience working in teams than our current champs. And believe me, that sort of thing can be a huge advantage versus two guys who are mainly singles wrestlers.

“Well, let’s get the ball rolling, ring the bell ref!”

The match begins with Starshine and AA locking up in the ring. Starshine transitions into a headlock, but AA bounces off the ropes and pushes Starshine off him. Starshine bounces off the opposite ropes and comes back with a shoulder block, knocking AA down. Starshine bounces off the ropes again but AA lies down and Starshine jumps over him. AA jumps up and hits a dropkick on Starshine after bouncing off the ropes again. Both men get to their feet and stare each other down.

“Gorilla it seems like AA is scouting Starshine’s attacks easily.”

“I agree with you there King, what do you think about this M.O.P.?”

I think Starshine's the one getting a feel for Double A, myself, Gorilla. He's testing him, seeing how he counters his predictable offense.

The two men lock up again, but it ends quickly when Starshine deliver a kick to the stomach of AA. Starshine clocks AA with a big right hand and then throws him into the ropes. Starshine gets ready to deliver a back body drop but AA sees this and deliver a big kick to the sternum. AA takes advantage and throws Starshine into his corner. He runs and delivers a big knee to the stomach and then tags in Colt.

Colt comes in and deliver a few punches to Starshine. The ref breaks up the action in the corner, and Starshine takes advantage by swiftly hitting Colt with a clothesline. Starshine runs to his corner after the clothesline and tags in Cthulhu.

“These two have quite the history. It wouldn’t surprise me if these two take the match to a whole new level.”

“You’re right about that King. I think business just picked up.”

Both these men know what the other's capable of. Neither's going to hold back.

The two men stare at each other in the ring. Colt gradually extends his hand in respect to Cthulhu. He looks hesitant at first but Cthulhu eventually shakes hands with Colt, before hitting a big kick to the stomach followed by a DDT. Cthulhu drags Colt over to his corner, and tags in Starshine while holding Colt down. Starshine comes in and hits a couple elbow drops. Starshine looks to AA and taunts him, causing AA to jump into the ring. The ref moves to stop AA and during this Cthulhu and Starshine double team Colt with a series of stomps.

Starshine locks in a headlock on the downed Colt. Colt slowly makes his way to his feet, but Starshine kicks the back of his knee and knocks him down again. Colt gets up again and hits a few elbows to the stomach of Starshine, but Starshine retaliates with a kick to the stomach and throws Colt into his corner. Starshine moves to tag in Cthulhu, but Colt explodes from the corner with a spear. Starshine and Colt crawl to tag in their partners. Starshine makes it to Cthulhu, who runs in quickly and stops Colt from tagging AA.

“Wow, talk about getting close but no cigar. Colt was literally seconds away from tagging in AA.”

“I’m highly impressed by the teamwork of Cthulhu and Starshine, Gorilla. I know Corporate does pride itself on it’s teamwork doesn’t it M.O.P.?”

This is exactly what I was talking about earlier, you two. Starshine and Cthulhu both know what it's like to be in a team, and it's showing. No disrespect meant to their current champs, but this is why I predicted that Corporate would triumph tonight.

Cthulhu drags Colt back to his feet and attempts a clothesline on him. However Colt ducks it and Cthulhu flies towards the ropes. Colt gets ready to deliver a back body drop to Cthulhu but AA jumps down from the ring and grabs Cthulhu’s leg, tripping him. Colt looks incredulously at AA as if saying, “Why would you stoop to their level?” AA jumps up on the outside of the ring and the two partners exchange words. Starshine takes advantage and sneaks up behind Colt, hitting him from behind and knocking him into AA, who flies off the ring and on to the floor.

“Seems like there might be some miscommunication between The Story members tonight King.”

“Definitely Gorilla, they better pull it together or else they might as well hand over their tag team titles. What do you think honored guest commentator?”

I have no idea what Colt was thinking there. Above Average was only looking out for him like a good tag partner should. Colt might not like his tactics, but Double A is a quick learner and realized that coherent teamwork is the only way they'll win.

Colt shakes off the hit and quickly ducks an attack from Starshine. He goes for a kick to the stomach but Starshine catches his foot. Colt leaps and hits Starshine with an enziguri, knocking Starshine down and out of the ring. Cthulhu however sneaks up from behind with a big clothesline to the back of the head. He quickly goes for the cover.

1…..2….Colt just barely gets the shoulder up!

“Wow that was close, Corporate was half a second away from winning themselves tag team gold.”

*stands up, looking incredulous* C'mon ref! That was an obvious slow count! Cthulhu should be having his arm raised in victory! *sits back down* Commissioner Amigo has to be behind this, looking to screw us over!

Cthulhu lifts Colt up, but Colt quickly comes to his senses, breaking Cthulhu’s hold on him and hitting a kick followed by a DDT. He slowly lifts a seemingly unconscious Cthulhu up and gets ready to deliver The Story on Page One. However, AA tags himself in and gets in the ring. Colt and AA begin to argue. During the argument, Cthulhu makes his move, clotheslining both men. Starshine leaps into the ring and the two begin to attack AA. The ref however breaks it up and forces Starshine and Colt out of the ring. Cthulhu lifts up AA and throws him into his corner. He hits him with a lot of punches until the ref pulls him away. Cthulhu distracts the ref while Starshine chokes AA, causing Colt to get in the ring. The ref notices Colt and moves to get him out of the ring. Cthulhu takes advantage by hitting a spear on AA. Cthulhu sets up AA and hits the Death Magnetic. He goes for the pin but Colt gets in the ring and breaks it up. Starshine comes in and Colt and he trade punches. Colt gets the advantage, ducking under a punch and hitting Starshine with reverse DDT. He and Cthulhu fights and Colt clotheslines Cthulhu over the top rope. AA slowly regains focus in his eyes and sets his sights on Starshine. AA goes for the Superkick, but Starshine ducks, and it hits Colt by mistake!

“Woah, talk about bad timing King. Colt just ate a kick from his own partner.”

“I know Gorilla, It seems that AA was going for Starshine but he just took out his own partner. Corporate has this all wrapped up now. Wait, what’s Cthulhu grabbing?”

I don't like the looks of this. Hope Cthulhu doesn't get himself disqualified here.

Starshine distracts the ref, and Cthulhu sneaks into the ring with a guitar. AA still stunned at what he did, turns around and WHAM! CTHULHU HITS AA WITH THE GUITAR! Starshine points to the downed AA and the ref turns around to see Cthulhu pinning AA. He starts the count



The bell sounds and Michael Muffer says, “Here are you winners and the new WWCF World Tag Team Champions: Cthulhu and Starshine, Two Guys Who Seriously Rock!”

“Well look at the last King, we have new champions!”

“I know Gorilla, but it seems like the way they won was a little shady.”

“Whatever Gorilla, I know M.O.P. is happy. Hey wait, where did he go?”

The two announcers look on as M.O.P. enters the ring and holds Cthulhu’s and Starshine’s arms up. However, things turn sour quick as Cthulhu and Starshine begin stomping on AA. Obvious it wasn’t enough to win. Colt sees this and enters the ring, trying to fend them off, but the numbers game is too much and he too ends up beaten by Corporate.

Suddenly, the lights go out, an organ is heard and Thunderstruck by AC/DC plays. Evil masked wordlifeecw runs down the ramp and enters the ring. He fends off Cthulhu and Starshine, dodging some punches and hitting a couple clotheslines on them. He seemingly gets the upper hand on the situation when out of nowhere, M.O.P. hits EMW with a steel chair. He drops and Cthulhu and Starshine start beating him down as well. M.O.P. delivers chair shots to the back of all three men in the ring. He sets up one chair around the throat of Motor-Colt as Cthulhu climbs to the top rope, intent on breaking Colt’s neck.

However, as he reaches the top rope, the lights go out again. The titantron comes on, and it shows clips of past Corporate beatdowns. It goes through a series of attacks before stopping to showcase the beatdown Aaron Enigma suffered at the last PPV. Suddenly wispy letters appear that say, “Take It”, “Face the Power” and “Your Power is the key”. The titantron flies through images of the brain, and a 4th line is added that says, “The Fear is Back.”

Suddenly the titantron goes black before writing shows up, saying “Could you decipher the riddle?” The four lines are shown again, except words are pulled out of the the lines and put together to form other ssentences. They say, “Face Your Fear” and “Take the Power Back”. Below them a line shows up that says, “Do you Know Your Enemy?” The crowd goes nuts, finally understanding the riddle, as Take the Power Back by Rage Against the Machine begins to play. The lines on the titantron blur together to form one phrase, “The Head Detective Aaron Enigma.”

Smoke rises at the top of the entrance ramp, and as the beat of the music picks up, Aaron bursts through the smoke. He sprints to the ring, sliding in effortlessly. He looks to M.O.P. before stopping Cthulhu from jumping on Colt. He quickly removes the chair from Colt’s neck and nails Starshine in the head with it. He throws the chair aside and bolts for Cthulhu. He nails Cthulhu with a combination of punches and kicks, ending in a reverse roundhouse kick. He quickly grabs the stunned Cthulhu and lifts him up, hitting the Brilliant Deduction on him. He then gets up quickly and turns around, coming face to face with M.O.P.

The two men staredown before M.O.P. unexpectedly nods in respect at him. He pulls Starshine and Cthulhu out of the ring, before looking back at Aaron. Aaron is confused at first, but nods in return, before smiling. He lifts up Colt, AA and EMW, who all look surprised at his return as well. He turns to the fans and raises his hands with the rest of The Story.

Ladies and gentlemen, I am truly stunned right now! Aaron Enigma is back!

All this time, he was the one responsible for those mysterious and often creepy video messages! Who could’ve guessed it, Gorilla?!

The Story is standing tall right now, Jess. If I were a member of Corporate, I’d be getting a little worried right now!

But Gorilla, don’t forget. Despite The Story standing tall right now, Starshine and Cthulhu are the new World Tag Team Champions!

But you can bet that The Story will want their titles back Jess!

And Corporate will do whatever they have to do to hold on to them.

Ladies and gentlemen, we’ve seen an amazing show here tonight. We saw new Champions crowned, future Superstars in the making, earth shattering returns, and the same heart pounding action we’ve come to expect from the WWCF Superstars. For Jesse King, my name is Gorilla Tim Hoss. Goodnight!

Fade to black.

Match writing credits: Jonathan Michaels, Evil M, Stryker, Viva Los Bio Dome, The Sam, Grbjazzman, and Aaron Enigma. Additional credit to M.O.P. for providing the commentary for the main event, TTS for his promo, and Starshine for the article hyping the show.

  © World WrestleCrap Federation 2008-2010

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