
Monday Niteraw - November 16, 2009


Monday NiteRaw November 16th, 2009

The night opens with a huge pyro. At the ending of the pyro, Make a Move starts playing. Aaron Enigma walks down to the ring with the crowd cheering.

Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome one of the challengers for the WWCF World Championship at In Your Apartment, Aaron Enigma!

Aaron grabs a mic, waves to the crowd and begins to speak.

Earlier in the week, I said that tonight, I would explain some of my actions in the past few weeks. Let me start by saying that as an Equalizer, I feel that everyone deserves a chance in this company. I also feel that people that try to unbalance this should be punished. Now, the past few weeks, you may have noticed a few things during a couple of my matches. For example, when I lost to TTS due to his cheating tactics, I got him back with a little dirty tactics of my own. Square tried to cheat last Sunday and I got him back with a little cheating of my own.

Now, people claim this makes me a hypocrite. To an extent, these people are right. I mean, I AM cheating, I AM fighting dirty. However, I also AM an equalizer, and I treat my opponents with the same respect they give me. An equal amount you might say. So here's how this works. If you treat me with respect, like Viva and Jazzman have the last few weeks, I treat you with respect. However, if you treat me like TTS and Square, I'm gonna treat you the same way. So in essence here is the deal. If you cheat, I cheat. It's as simple as that. I don't care what you say about it, I don't care who thinks it's wrong, I'm simply showing my opponent the same respect they show me, whether it is good or bad.

Now, onto In Your Apartment, where I will be competing in a Fatal 4-Way match for the Heavyweight Title vs. Jazzman, Motor-Colt and Square. This is without a doubt the biggest match of my career. I finally got myself a shot at the Heavyweight title. Being the champion is every wrestler's dream. If it isn't, you're in the wrong business. To hold that title is to be at the top of the mountain, watching as others struggle to climb to the top to push you off. It just so happens this time, that the champion has three possible opponents instead of one.

First, we have Square. Square, well he's pretty much a jackass. However, just because I don't respect him and he doesn't respect me, doesn't mean he can't fight. I mean, he did win a battle royal to qualify for this. He's been telling me I don't deserve the title and that he is better than me. I guess at IYA, we'll find out if he is right or not. I think he will end up disappointed though.

Next we have King Motor-Colt, my former mentor and stablemate. He's definitely got what it takes to be the champion because he's been at the top before. He's had an immense number of high-profile fights and he's been near the top for almost his entire career here.

Lastly, Jazzman is the champion. He is the best of the best right now. He's at the top, and the three of us are climbing to take that position away from him. Not much to say about him, I just fought him and I barely won that fight last week. He's tough, he doesn't go down easy and he is explosive in this ring. I have a lot of respect for him, but when that bell rings in a couple weeks we'll be enemies.

Aaron pauses to speak and looks to the crowd. He points to the crowd.

In two weeks, you the fans will be subject to one of the greatest matches in the history of WWCF. The four men in this match, we're all good at what we do. Hell, you can even say we are great at it. Now, I'm not going to brag about how I'm going to walk out being the champion, because honestly I don't know. I'm confident, but I'm not going to make outrageous claims like that. This is a fatal 4-way match. I don't even have to be involved in the pinfall to lose the title.

I will however explain why I want to win this title so much. First off, of course it is my dream to be the champion. However, I feel like me winning the title will awaken something in this company. I'm going to be honest with you all, I feel like some people, myself included, have been kind of held down in this company. I mean, I came into this company, was stuck on the sidelines or in random matches that just didn't cut it for me. So I did something about it. I fought my way into the wargames match, then I started a feud with our now CEO for his championship of honor, which went nowhere unfortunately. Then I feuded with my now friend M.O.P. and got taken out for a month. I came back, and discovered a Corporate traitor, got Sam fired and forced Dave to give up his power. I don't know about you, but that seems like a lot to me.

I'm fighting to become champion, with the hopes that people will follow on the heels of my victory. I tried to do the same thing with the Heatz title. I wanted to spark the competition between the newer members and restore honor to the Heatz title. M.O.P. is doing a fine job as Inter-Forum champion. The tag champs are two people I would love to destroy but I just don't feel the tag division is where I belong right now. So I only had one option left. The Heavyweight title.

So I say to you now. All of you watching in the audience, everyone tuning in on the TV, the WWCF fan universe. Win or lose, The Era of the Enigma is coming soon and when it does, the attitude of WWCF will never be the same...AGAIN!

Aaron drops the mic and walks out of the ring, slapping hands with the fans and eventually makes his way up the ramp.

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Monday NiteRaw! I’m Gorilla Tim Hoss, sitting ringside with my partner Jesse King!

Gorilla, what a show we‘ve got!

Fans, tonight we have Damn Right Jackson taking on Little Naitch, TTS is a non-title match against Yellow Jacket, a match to determine the contenders to the World Tag Team Championship, a huge 8-man tag team contest, and a big main event, as Square battles King Motor-Colt!

”Damn Right“ Jackson V. Little Naitch

The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

(New Blackjacks Theme)
Introducing first, from Las Vegas, weighing in at 235 pounds...LITTLE NAITCH!

(Bring Tha Noise)
And his opponent, from West Philly, weighing in at 296 pounds, he is the #1 contender to the Inter-Forum Title..."DAMN RIGHT" JACKSON!

- Both men lock up in the centre of the ring. Jackson forces Naitch into the corner and tries to deliver a right hand, but Naitch ducks out of the way and hits a chop to the chest. This sequence repeats itself, as the crowd "Woo!" along to an even harder reverse knife-edge. Jackson whips Naitch off the ropes but misses with a couple of clotheslines, before Naitch slides under the legs if his opponent, and then hits a chopblock, sending Jackson to his knees. He delivers a running dropkick to the face of Jackson and goes for the pin.

- Jackson powers out, and shakes his head. Naitch runs at him again, but is met with a huge boot to the head. Jackson delivers a few solid rights, and then applies an arm wrench into a big lariat. Jackson goes for his first cover of the match.

- Naitch kicks out. Jackson bodyslams him to the canvas, but misses with an elbow. He tries another one, but again Naitch manages to roll out of the way. Naitch takes over on the legs of his bigger opponent, and delivers a few stomps to the knee joint. Naitch places the leg over the bottom rope and drops himself onto it a couple of times, before applying a leg lace. Naitch sinches it in, but after a while Jackson escapes the hold, still favouring his leg. He knocks down Naitch with a swift punch, but then Naitch has the werewithal to deliver a low dropkick to the leg of Jackson, sending him down again.

- Naitch grabs the leg and calls for the figure-4, but Jackson reacts by scrambling himself to the outside of the ring. Jackson is still feeling the effects of Naitch working on his leg, however Naitch atypically tries a pescado on Jackson from the ring, but he is caught. Jackson rams him back first into the ringpost, and then hits a sidewalk slam into a backbreaker on the floor. Jackson rolls Naitch back into the ring and makes the cover.

- Naitch gets his foot on the rope! Jackson picks him up and plants him with a delayed vertical suplex. He makes another cover.

- Again Naitch kicks out. Jackson nails him with a few punches. He picks Naitch up for a powerbomb, but Naitch counters by raking the eyes of Jackson. Naitch then manages to take down Jackson with a belly to back suplex. He hits a knee drop, and then goes to the top rope, as the fans cheer in expectation. Naitch goes for an elbow off the top, but Jackson avoids the contact. He makes the cover on a prone Naitch.

- Another kick out! Jackson pounds the mat in anger. He picks up Naitch and applies an abdominal stretch, clubbing Naitch every now and then while he has it locked in. Naitch eventually manages to break free with a sharp elbow to the head of Jackson. Naitch hits a few forearms, which send Jackson into the corner. Naitch hits a few shoulders to the gut, and then hits a huge superplex! Naitch crawls over and makes the cover.

- Jackson escapes! When both men get to their feet, Jackson misses with a boot attempt, and Naitch takes over with a few vicious chops to the chest. Jackson reverses an Irish whip, but ducks too early, and receives a kneelift from Naitch, which sends him to the mat!

- Not yet! Naitch grabs the legs of Jackson again, but his opponent manages to kick him away. Jackson gingerly gets to his feet, and as Naitch charges at him, Jackson grabs him and hits a sudden sidewalk slam! Jackson then nails a huge spear on Naitch just as he gets up.

- Naitch still isn't put away! Jackson picks him up for a gorilla press, but again Naitch goes to the eyes as a way to counter. Naitch with a sunset flip.

- Jackson escapes again. Naitch then goes for a small package!

- 2.8! Naitch looks around, wondering what he has to do to keep Jackson's shoulders to the canvas for the 3. Naitch hits an atomic drop, and then delivers a double axehandle from the second turnbuckle. However, Jackson is still on his feet but staggering. Naitch goes for a crossbody block, but Jackson catches him, and hits a tree slam! Jackson then applies the Anxiety Adjustment torture rack for a few seconds, before turning it into the High Attitude!

Here is your winner...."DAMN RIGHT" JACKSON!

You’ve gotta consider that a bit of a shocker, eh Jess?

Whataya mean a shocker?! “Damn Right” Jackson is the number one contender the Inter-Forum Championship!

Indeed he is, but you have to give props to Little Naitch. He’s a former World Champion for a reason.

Up next, we have another installment of the Boiler Room!

The Boiler Room

Welcome to another edition of Monday Night's favorite talk show, The Boiler Room with me, BRB!

Tonight we have someone who is fed up.

Someone who has something to say!

Who is that man?

Why none other than Viva Los Bio-Dome!

[Viva's Music Plays]

So Viva, what's your problem with Strykerdarksilence, and what is the current status on The Resistance?

The truth is, BRB, that Stryker is arrogant as hell. He thinks he can come out every night, perform poorly, and then fall back on what he's done in the past to keep me motivated. That ended at Night of the Wrestling Zombies. I have consistantly stood behind him and he's consistantly fallen short on his end of the bargain. I put my ass on the line, I do whatever it takes to win.

Stryker is too concerned with his legacy, and honestly just thinks he's doing me a favor tagging with me. I'm the star in this company, I'm the star in this tag team. If he's not the has been he's led me and everyone else to believe he is, he can prove it by helping me earn those belts. If he fails to do so, because lets face it, I'll be bringing it from my end, then it's just proof that he's not fit to be a leader, let alone my tag team partner.

I've bought in to his agenda, I've played the sidekick, and I want to hit pay dirt. He needs to step up and prove to me that I'm not wasting my time carrying him.

You've developed what some would call a bad attitude as of late, so what gives?

Man, it all comes down to this: When I look in the mirror, I see a f***ing superstar. The biggest star this company has ever seen, by a long shot. I'm ready to take the responsibility given to a mega star of my stature. I've spent too much time dwelling on the fact that I have 'potential'. f*** potential, I don't need that s***. I'm beyond potential now. My youtube has over ten million hits, man. Those are people who want to see me win, so it's high time I stop letting people take starring roles from me. I'm the man who's going to take this company to the next level.

I've got to be honest with you Viva.

I just see you talking the talk right now.

You just seem a little riled up that you and Stryker just cannot cut it against the WWCF Tag Team Champions.

What are you going to do to prove your superstardom?

Well, I've given this a lot of thought. It's high time I change some things about myself. I've decided to debut my brand new look and theme song right here on the Boiler Room!


I've been hiding under this skin of what I thought people wanted me to be, Boiler. I have for a long damn time, and I'm done. I'm too damn amazing NOT to do whatever the hell it is I want to do. I'm the biggest star in this company, and it's time to start reflecting on that. Therefore, from this moment on, I'll be known as "Hollywood" Viva Los Bio Dome

Wow, Viva, now you're speaking my language!

What do you have to say about the guys backstage and what they think of this?

Frankly, I don't really give a s*** what they think, but you do make a fine point. I'm issuing an open challenge to the back. I'd prefer it be a new kid on the block. I don't stand to gain anything by beating a midcard scrub. I'd love to hold down one of the new kids though. Just think of how incredible it would be if they beat me? They'd be made in the shade in this company. I have more credibility than the WWCF World Champion in my pinky at this point in my career. A win over me would MAKE somebody. That's why I'd love to tease one of these assholes with the opportunity to beat a superstar, next Sunday night on Heatz!!1

Hollywood Viva Los Bio Dome leaves as his music continues.

Well you heard it right here from The Boiler Room ladies and gentlemen!

And who else but me, BRB, to deliver this exclusive interview?

Peace I'm outta here!

Yellow Jacket V. TTS

The following contest is set for one fall, with a 20 minute time limit!

*God’s Gonna Cut You Down*
Introducing first, he is the WWCF Heatz!!1 Champion, TTS!

At the bottom of the ramp, TTS performs his traditional prematch chicken sacrifice.

On a side note folks, the WWCF does not in anyway support the sacrificing of chickens as part of prematch voodoo rituals. We love animals as much as the next person and would never encourage them being harmed for the sake of entertainment.

Good job Gorilla.

That should keep PETA off our backs for now.

*Going Down in Flames*
And his opponent, he is the self proclaimed best pure wrestler in the WWCF, this is Yellow Jacket!

YJ enters to a chorus of boos. At the bottom of the ramp, he sees the blood from the chicken. He looks down in disgust and demands that someone clean it up immediately. He enters the ring and get’s up in TTS’s face. They shove each other, then YJ hauls back and slap’s the Heatz!!1 Champion. TTS retaliates with a flurry of punches and we are underway.

YJ blocks one of TTS’s punches and responds with a snap suplex. TTS is back up and runs into an arm drag, followed by an attempt at an armbar, which he blocks. YJ pulls out and charges, only to be back body dropped to the mat! TTS steps towards him, but he rolls to the outside. YJ points to his head, yelling that he outsmarted TTS, but when he turns back to the ring, TTS dives over the top rope and onto Yellow Jacket! The Heatz!!1 Champion stands up and looks to the crowd for approval, receiving a nice pop for the move. He picks up Yellow Jacket and rolls him back in the ring. Cover.


TTS pulls YJ off the mat and whips him into the corner. He charges and nails Jacket with all his body weight, then belly to belly suplexes him. Cover.


YJ rolls to his stomach and starts crawling towards the ropes, but TTS grabs him, pulls him back to the middle of the ring and applies a Boston crab. Yellow Jacket desperately tries to crawl back to the ropes, but TTS keeps the hold cinched in. YJ looks like he’s about to tap when…

*BlackHole Sun*

At the sound of Ganzo Bomb’s music, TTS breaks the hold and looks towards the ramp, but nobody comes out. The music stops, as TTS looks on, fuming. He turns back towards his opponent, but walks right into the Sting! Cover!


Here is your winner, Yellow Jacket!

Yellow Jacket celebrates…

The lights go out, as the CrapTron flickers on.

2 weeks
Back in Black



The lights come back on as Yellow Jacket stands in the ring, looking nervous.

Gorilla, what do these messages mean?

I have no idea Jess, but it can’t be anything good.

Well, at least Yellow Jacket got the win.

Indeed he did. Can he do the same at In Your Apartment against Jonathan Michaels? We’ll find out in two weeks time.

The Deadly and The Sinful V. D-Day Dave and “Hollywood“ Viva Los Bio Dome

*Born to Be Wild*

At 6'1" and 235 pounds, out of Kansas City, being accompanied to the ring by his teammate The Headbanger Man,

D-Dayyyyyy Dave!

Well, this should be an interesting one Jess.

*Hate Everyone*

At 5'11" and 195 pounds, fighting out of Hayward, Calfornia, being accompanied to the ring by his teammate Stryker...

"Hollywood" Viva Looooooos Bio Dome!

*Viva Los Bio Dome stands at the top of the ramp while two men roll a red carpet down the ramp. Photographers begin snapping his picture incessantly, while he covers his face and walks to the ring.*

Indeed it will, Gorilla. Two rivals forced to partner up, but only one can get the title shot!

And their opponents, Koda and Legion, The Deadly and The Sinful.

It should be interesting to see how Viva's new attitude and persona will play into this match.

Before the bell rings, Stryker and Headbanger Man engage in a confrontation outside. Before it results to blows, the Referee demands that they both leave ringside.

The ref rings the bell as they comply. Viva and Dave argue for who will sit out, and finally Viva reluctantly takes his place behind the ropes.

Koda locks up with Dave. Dave breaks the hold, and Koda slaps him in the face. Dave retaliates with a stiff right. Koda returns fire. They trade punches until finally, Dave has had enough and he hits him with a clothesline. As Koda begins standing up, Dave drop kicks him in the knee. Dave hits him with an elbow drop. Dave picks him up, and hits him with an uppercut before whipping him into the corner. Dave begins laying into Koda in the corner. Koda drowsily walks into a belly-to-belly suplex.

Dave goes for the pin.


Legion breaks up the count. Dave yells at Legion, and turns his focus back on to Koda. It's too late as Koda kicks him in the stomach and nails him with a DDT. He picks Dave up and backs him into his own corner, and Viva tags himself in. Koda continues beating on Dave until the ref tears him off and points at Viva.

Viva instantly jumps up and hits Koda with a standing hurricanrana into a thesz press. As Viva is raining down punches, Dave steps in and slaps him. Viva turns and gives Dave the evil eye but is met with a right hand from Koda. Koda runs and tags in his teammate, Legion.

Legion begins stomping Viva violently. He picks up Viva, bounces off the ropes and tries for a big boot. Viva ducks, and as Legion returns, nails him with a clothesline. He picks Legion up and slings him in to the corner, and instantly nails him with a flying knee. Legion drowsily walks out of the corner and right into The Purple Sticky punch. Viva goes for the pin...


D-Day Dave pulls Viva off and nails him with a right hand.

And now we see what I was talking about before. Only one man can win the title shot for his team, so partner or not, is each man for himself.

Dave turns to Legion and hits him with the Dead End. He goes for the pin...


Koda breaks up the count. He simultaneously walked in to The Purple Sticky punch and rolls to the outside from the impact. Dave tries for another pin...


Viva rips him off of Legion. Dave begins arguing with Viva. Viva argues back.

This is a boiling pot that looks ready to explode at any minute here!

Legion is trying to get up but they both stomp him down and continue arguing. Viva nails him with a kick to the stomach, and subsequently hits The Bio-Dome!

Viva just layed out his own partner!

As Legion gets up, Viva again hits him with The Purple Sticky Punch. He covers Legion...


]Ladies and gentlemen, your winner and now #1 contender for the Tag Team Titles, Viva Los Bio Dome!

Stryker runs out and celebrates with Viva Los Bio Dome.

The Headbanger Man soon follows with a steel chair. Viva and Stryker slide out of the ring and run up the ramp, Stryker pumping his fist, and Viva blowing kisses at The Heavy Metal Express.

Well, The Resistance will get another shot at the WWCF Tag Team Titles at In Your Apartment, thanks to Viva’s win.

You may not like the way it happened Gorilla, but it was smart. Viva knew if Dave got the pin, he and Stryker would be left out in the cold. He did what he had to do.

Indeed he did, but as you alluded to, I don’t like it one bit!

*"Lilac Lane" comes over the loud speaker as a haggard and sickly looking Jazzman comes out to the ring in street clothes and grabs the mic.*

Well, I guess I should start by telling you folks why I look the way I do. Let's face it, after that Chamber of Horrors I became a changed man. I've grown weaker and more vulnerable than I've ever been in this company. This is the bottoming out point.

Let me go ahead and keep it real for a minute. As many of you know I had to leave my home due to family infighting and the incoming hurricane disaster known as Katrina barreling toward New Orleans. After I moved to the northeast I met with doctors and psychiatrists on a weekly basis. They were trying to figure out why a man with such a vibrant personality only a few moths prior had recessed into an role as an introvert.

They gave me a diagnosis of Dysthymia, a low grade depression brought on by a number of factors. They looked for me to find a outlet where I could truly be happy and I picked pro wrestling, which is why I'm out here tonight. You see, as a musician I was and still am an entertainer, and right now I want to be that man again through wrestling and right now I am, as your WWCF champion.

But, then something in me changed, from all corners came a challenger, everyone trying to take away something that mattered to me. For me, I was a 19 year-old kid right back in New Orleans again. I exhibited selfishness in that tag match, and didn't really bring my "A Game" against Aaron.

So, now I look forward to In Your Apartment, a fatal 4-way match as I tangle with Motor-Colt, Aaron Enigma, and Square for my title. You gentlemen are trying to take this belt from me, and I can't let that happen. I'm looking over my shoulder at every opportunity, I'm sleeping with one eye open. This is my title, this is what makes me whole. I am not scared of any of you, I'm scared of what I'll become without this belt.

I expect to be in a good state of mind at In Your Apartment, but you gentlemen should prepare for anything. No one in this company truly understands what I'm totally capable of yet, and it looks like you guys will be the first examples. Sorry, but that's just the way it is.

Lilac Lane plays as Jazzman exit’s the ring.

And the Champion telling his challengers exactly how things will be at In Your Apartment. I love it!

And up next is something everyone will love, a huge 8-man tag team match! Let’s go to the ring!

Jonathan Michaels, Aaron Enigma, M.O.P. and The General of the Monkey Army V. Tyfo, The Boiler Room Brawler and Two Guys Who Seriously Rock

New Blackjacks Theme hits the speakers as Corporate comes out together, shoulder to shoulder.

Making their way to the ring at a total combined weight of 995lbs, Corporate!

Each member of Corporate enters the ring and climbs to the second rope, gesturing to the crowd, only getting a pop from the smarks.

“King Kong 2004 Theme” hits the speakers.

The General of the Monkey Army comes out with Tinkers sitting on his shoulders.

And the challengers…

Entering the arena, hailing from Lansing, MI, weighing in at 225lbs, The General of the Monkey Army!

He is met with a confusedly lukewarm reaction, but he continues down to the ring.

As the announcer says this, The General puts down Tinkers and enters the ring from the steps.

The arena then goes black as the sound of Basil Rathbone hits the speakers and smoke starts to fill the arena.

“Elementary my dear Watson…”

“Make A Move” by Incubus hits the speakers.

Now entering the ring, weighing in at 256lbs and hailing from Chicago, IL… The Head Detective… Aaron… Enigma!

The crowd pops for Enigma as he heads for the ring

The arena continues to fill with smoke as “Original Prankster” by The Offspring hits the speakers.

And now entering the ring, hailing from your WWCF Hardcore Champion, Jonathan… Michaels!

Michaels walks to the ring to healthy cheers, even high fiving a few of the fans on his way to the ring.

He slides under the ropes in wait for the next entrant.

“Days of the Phoenix” by AFI hits the speakers.

And finally, hailing from Bergen County, NJ, weighing in at 232lbs, your WWCF Inter-Forum Champion, M.O.P.!

M.O.P. is met with a large pop as he points straight at his Inter-Forum championship belt and then to himself.

He then walks to the ring and slides under the ropes for the match to start.

Corporate plays a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors as Jonathan Michaels takes the lead for the other side.

Boiler Room Brawler wins with a play of paper, to which he turns around to face Jonathan Michaels, sadistically smiling at him.

“Spud” Verne Johnson calls the bell for the match to begin.

BRB and Michaels touch hands and then circle each other, locking up in mere seconds.

Michaels locks in a side headlock, but BRB grabs him from behind, lifting him up for an atomic drop, but Michaels manages to flip back behind BRB and shoves him towards the ropes.

BRB catches his footing and turns around as Michaels delivers a slick standing drop kick straight to BRB’s face and chest, knocking him back to the ropes, but BRB is back up soon enough.

Michaels lunges forward, not giving BRB a second to start, and begins to lay in punches to him, backing him up to a neutral corner.

Michaels takes BRB by the arm and goes for the Irish whip, but BRB reverses and Irish Whips Michaels to the opposite corner.

BRB runs for Michaels, jumping up for a body slam, but Michaels narrowly slips out of the way, making BRB hit his head on the ring post, knocking him down at last.

Jonathan Michaels wastes no time and locks in an arm bar.

“Spud” Verne Johnson asks BRB if he submits, but BRB refuses as he maneuvers himself around the ring, slowly dragging himself to the ropes.

Michaels tightens his grip, but BRB reaches the ropes and “Spud” Verne Johnson tells Michaels to release the hold, which he does.

Michaels returns to his feet as BRB gets back up with his arm twisted up.

Michaels looks to his teammates and tags in The General of the Monkey Army.

The General of The Monkey Army climbs the top rope in the corner, poised to attack, but BRB backs up.

The General gives a salute, and dives from the top rope all of the way across the ring, head butting BRB right in the noggin, knocking him to the corner.

The General clutches his head as the crowd pops.

BRB slumps into the corner as Starshine grabs his hand and tags himself in.

Starshine leaps over the top rope, then jumps up onto the second rope and elbow drops The General from the rebound.

Starshine rolls over to The General to lock him into a headlock, giving him noogies straight to where he head butt BRB.

“Spud” Verne Johnson drops down to ask The General if he submits, and The General is at war with himself to tap out.

As Starshine tightens his hold and noogies down harder, Tinkers moves The General’s feet onto the rope and drops down under the ring.

The General passes out from the pain, but “Spud” Verne Johnson notices that his feet are on the ropes and tells Starshine to release The General, which he does.

Starshine returns to his feet, but The General drops out of his possum play and drop toe holds Starshine to the mat and kicks himself back up.

The General backs away from Corporate’s corner and drops down for another head butt, this time to Starshine’s back.

Starshine rolls out of the ring, clutching at his back from the sting.

The General pursues Starshine with a suicide dive through the ropes that sends Starshine to the guardrail to the back yet again.

The General has also hurt his head as Referee “Spud” Verne Johnson begins the count.





The General and Starshine both begin to stir.


They both begin returning to their feet. The General seems dizzy while Starshine’s back seems to ache.


Each man hobbles back to the apron.


Both men are back in the ring.

The General begins to crawl for his teammates, but Starshine is back on his feet as he grabs him by the legs and drags him away.

Starshine picks up The General and presses his thumb straight into his eye, pushing him back to Corporate’s corner.

Starshine’s Corporate partners all grab onto The General and help Starshine to hoist him up to the top of the turnbuckle.

Starshine climbs up to The General, locks his arms around him, and delivers a devastating superplex that sends The General halfway across the ring.

Starshine goes for the pin and Referee “Spud” Verne Johnson goes for the count.



Tinkers suddenly pulls on Starshine’s leg, moving him off of The General.

Starshine gets up to complain to “Spud” about the presence of Tinkers.

BRB drops down to the floor to get his pipe wrench and smash Tinkers, but it’s nowhere to be found.

The General tags in Aaron Enigma and the crowd builds up.

Aaron Enigma tells The General to get Tinkers and keep her out of the match.

Starshine runs up to Enigma for a kick which Enigma moves to block, but Starshine has tricked him as he circumvents Enigma and slaps on a chinlock, bringing Enigma to the ground.

Enigma crawls his way to the ropes, met with resistance every step of the way by Starshine, but he reaches the ropes and Starshine releases the hold at “Spud’s” command.

Enigma then kicks Starshine right in the balls from his position at the ropes, making Starshine collapse from the pain.

“Spud” issues a warning to Aaron Enigma and Enigma accepts it.

Aaron turns Starshine over, jumps up, and drops his knee straight into Starshine’s back, making him reel from the pain.

Starshine motions himself to the ropes, climbs them, dragging his body along, and then drops down in a sitting position as Aaron walks up to him when suddenly he thrusts his fist straight into Enigma’s balls himself.

Aaron collapses from the pain and both men lie on the mat.

Referee “Spud” Verne Johnson decides to count for the two men to return to their feet.






Suddenly, Tinkers is behind Referee “Spud” Verne Johnson and she swings BRB’s pipe wrench upwards into his balls, knocking him over.

BRB crosses the ropes in anger as Tinkers runs to The General and hands him the pipe wrench.

The General crosses the ropes and takes a swing at BRB, narrowly missing by a hair as BRB slightly backs up.

BRB runs and shoulders blocks The General to the ground.

He bends over and grabs his pipe wrench and takes a swing at Tinkers, missing her narrowly as she slides under the ropes.

Referee “Spud” Verne Johnson notices BRB with the pipe wrench and calls the bell.

“Make A Move” by Incubus hits the speakers as Michaels and M.O.P. enter the ring to address BRB as well as The General of the Monkey Army.

Here are your winners by a disqualification: Jonathan Michaels, M.O.P., Aaron Enigma, and The General of the Monkey Army.

M.O.P. tells BRB to back off and that the Equalizers will deal with The General over these shenanigans.

BRB is soon joined by Cthulhu and Tyfo, and the two sides glare at each other as the camera goes to a commercial break.

*At WWCF Offices, we see Jessica exiting Seth's office and sees Viva sitting in a nearby chair at a waiting room.*

Seth will see you shortly, Viva.

I'd prefer it if you called me "Hollywood" Viva, sugar thighs.

Sugar thighs? You can do better than that.

Jessica, I'll see Viva now.

It's about time you got around to seeing me, Seth.

Viva, I will be doing the talking here, at least for right now. In a few of your past promos you have openly cut me down, while calling for a mutiny against me and my company. I cannot and will not have that. If you're going the tow the line between order and chaos, I will have to come down on you.

Woah, calm down Seth. I'm over that now. You're the only person that can help me. Look at me, Seth. I know you look at this incredible physique, this gorgeous face, and you see exactly what I see. The future of this company. I've got superstar written all over me, and it's high time you take advantage of that.

Uh... Yes. Yes it is time I take advantage of that. What do you have in mind, Hollywood?

Well, first thing is first. I'm the first ever Heatz!!1 champion. A championship belt that is supposed to propel you into other title scenes once you've lost it, and yet, I've never had a shot at any other singles title. I'm pretty sure I deserve a shot at the Inter-Forum. You can make me earn the shot, but really that's a waste of time. No one is beating me unless I let them. I mean, for god sakes, Seth, look at me!

Viva, you may not have had a chance at a singles title, but you're very much in the running for the Tag Team titles. I will take your opinion under consideration, but I make no promises.

What? What the hell? If you can't see how monster of a star I am, I'll just have to prove it to you. I'd like to compete in a match of your choosing. If I can win, you must give a chance at #1 contendership before the next PPV. I'm not making threats, but I'd suggest you give me this opportunity. Not only do I deserve it, but I will make things more difficult if you choose not to.

You still seem to think you hold some power. You do not. Realistically, though, you do have a point. You have not gotten the opportunity, and while I won't say you deserve it, you are as deserving as anyone else. That is all the time I have for you today, Viva. Keep up the... good work?

Sir, yes sir.

*Seth walks "Hollywood" Viva walks out of his office. Viva stops, and looks over at Jessica.*

Catch ya later, gorgeous.

Bye, Hollywood.

*As Viva exits, Jessica giggles until Seth gives her a dirty look. She then instantly stops and returns to her work.*

Well, that was certainly interesting, wasn’t it Gorilla?

Indeed it was. And our main event looks to be equally interesting. Last time these two were in the ring one on one, the King was successful. Will tonight be a repeat, or will Square step up and send a message to one of his fellow challengers at In Your Apartment? We’ll find out… NEXT!!!

Square V. King Motor-Colt

*I Don't Care*

Coming in at 6'3" and 210 pounds, out of Preston, England... Co-number One contender for the WWCF World Heavyweight Championship...


*Smoke 'Em If You Got 'Em*

Coming in at 5'11", 247 pounds, out of Adelaide, Australia... Co-number One contender for the WWCF World Heavyweight Championship...

King Motor-Colt!

Both men enter the ring, and the ref rings the bell. They both lock up. Motor-Colt instantly locks Square into an armbar. Square reverses it. Colt punches Square in the gut and hits a snap suplex.

Colt picks Square up and whips him into the corner. Colt hits him with a running boot to the chest. Colt stomps Square out and raises a fist to the crowd. *Crowd pops.*

Square uses the ropes to get up and ducks a clothesline. Square begins throwing hooks at Colt. He hits 5 in succession before whipping Colt off the ropes and hitting him with a thunderous Lariat. Square mocks Colt by lifting his arm above his head and smiling. *Crowd boos*

Square turns his attention right back to Colt, picking him up and hitting him with a stalling vertical suplex. He picks colt up and whips him outside.

The ref begins his count.




Colt begins showing signs of life.


Colt gets up and Square hits him with a baseball slide.




Square rolls to the outside.


Square grabs Colt.


Square throws Colt back in the ring and rolls back inside of the ring just before the ref counts to 10.

Square turns to Colt and walks right into a small package.



Square kicks out, gets up, and stomps the hell out of Colt. Square spits on Colt while he's on the ground recovering. *Crowd boos.*

Square picks Colt up, sets him up for a DDT. Colt reverses and hits him with a Jaw Breaker. Colt dashes for the ropes and nails Square with a Million Dollar Knee Lift. Square is half up and Colt nails him with a running neckbreaker.

Colt motions to the crowd, and hits Square with The Story on Page One. He covers square.




Your winner, King Motor-Colt!

Square gets up to his feet with a scowl on his face. Motor-Colt motions to shake Squares hand, a sign of respect as the match was very close. Square takes Colts hand, and they both lift their arms up to motion mutual respect.

Square nails Colt with a clothesline. He picks Colt up and nails him with a L7. He picks Colt up again and hits him with the Squaresplosion. He drops down to the floor and starts yelling in Colts face.

Square gets up and begins stomping Colt angrily.

*Make a Move*

Aaron Enigma dashes to the ring and spears Square. Aaron begins stomping Square. Aaron checks on Colt and helps him up. Colt runs over to Square and begins stomping him. Aaron joins him.

*Lilac Lane*

Jazzman sprints to the ring with a steel chair, clearing both Aaron and Colt to the outside. He helps Square up.

The program closes with Aaron and Colt backpedaling up the ramp, and Square and Jazzman in the ring. No one is taking an eye off of anyone. Colt and Aaron stare at each other and then back at the ring. Square and Jazzman do the same as Niteraw goes off the air.

Credits: Aaron Enigma, Headbanger Man, Boiler Room Brawler, Viva Los Bio Dome, Evil M, Jazzman and Seth Drakin. .

Sunday Night Heatz!!1 - November 15, 2009

Heatz!!1 November 15th, 2009

Welcome to Sunday Night Heatz!!1 I’m Gorilla Tim Hoss, alongside Jesse King!

We have an amazing show lined up tonight!

We certainly do. Amigo battles Cage King, KCB tries to get back on the winning track, The Boiler Room Brawler battles the brash rookie, Inspector Shetty, and in our main event, the exciting Ganzo Bomb battles the number one contender for the Heatz!!1 Championship, Jay Carroll!

*Amigo is talking to himself, backstage*

In all honesty, I couldn't care less about this match, but hey, a chance to crack skulls, I guess.

Amigo V. Cage King

The following contest is scheduled for one fall.

*Souls of Black*
Introducing first, from Tempe, Arizona, weighing in at 208 pounds, Amigo!

Amigo enters, pushing a shopping cart full of assorted plunder.

A backbeat kicks in as Cage King appears on stage, rapping an original piece.

And his opponent-

Amigo charges Cage King on the ramp, hammering him with lefts and rights. Cage tries to fight back, but Amigo nails him with a blatantly low kick!

C’mon ref, disqualify him!

He can’t Gorilla!

Why not?!

The match hasn’t officially started yet.


Amigo grabs the shopping cart and runs Cage King over with it, then pulls out a Kendo stick and damn near knocks his brains out!

Cage King may be knocked out!

Amigo calmly picks Cage King up and rolls him in the ring, as the bell sounds.

And the match is underway!

Amigo covers Cage King.

Amigo pulls Cage King off the mat.

Now what? Hasn’t he done enough?!

Amigo stands his opponent up and locks in the Iron Claw! He drives him to the mat, as the ref calls for the bell.

Ladies and gentlemen, your winner via knockout, Amigo!

What a match!

Yeah, all 35 seconds of it!

Amigo climbs up on the top rope, taunting the fans, when Sparks runs out and nails Amigo from behind, then powerbomb’s him to the mat! Sparks pounces on him before he has time to recover and pummels Amigo with lefts and rights. Spud pulls Sparks off and Amigo immediately rolls to the outside.

Sparks wants a piece of Amigo bad!

Sparks turns to acknowledge the cheers from the crowd, but Amigo clubs him from behind with a barbed wire baseball bat! He hit’s Sparks with it a few more times, then tosses him out of the ring. He follows and assaults Sparks with more items from the shopping cart, before picking the whole thing up and dropping it on his former partner.

Sparks wanted a piece and he got it alright! Amigo finally get’s a measure of revenge after Sparks cost him two big matches in the last few weeks!

Amigo may have the upper hand right now, but it looks to me like this is far from over between the two. Up next, KCB looks to get back on track when he takes on Relegate Hunter!

Relegate Hunter V. KCB

This following contest is scheduled for one fall!

(My Way)
Introducing first, from Chicago, Illinois, weighing 235 pounds...KCB!

(Smile Like You Mean It)
And his opponent, from Brighton, England, weighing 190 pounds...RELEGATE HUNTER!

- Both men trade blows in the centre of the ring, with KCB gaining the advantage. He hits a shoulder knockdown, before posing to the crowd. Hunter leapfrogs KCB as he comes off the ropes, and misses with a wild swing. KCB takes control with a back suplex and goes for an early cover, which Hunter squirms out of. A frustrated Hunter slaps KCB in the face, which angers his opponent. He charges at Hunter, but receives a drop toe hold which sends him face first into the second turnbuckle. Hunter goes for a schoolboy roll-up while holding the tights, but KCB escapes the pin attempt.

- KCB reverses a whip into the corner, but misses with a charge, smacking his shoulder into the ringpost. Hunter hits a few Flair-esque chops, and then scores with a monkeyflip out of the corner. He again tries for a pinfall, but KCB kicks out at 1. Hunter goes for a running senton, but KCB avoids the contact. KCB hits a couple of right hands and goes for a powerbomb, but it is reversed into a hurracanrana, which generates a close near-fall for Relegate Hunter.

- Hunter tries to hit a split-legged moonsault off the top rope, but KCB moves out of the way. As both men stagger to their feet, KCB swats away a Hunter dropkick attempt, before hitting a belly to belly suplex for a 2 count. He locks in a Boston Crab as the referee asks Hunter if he wants to tap. Hunter doesn't, and eventually reaches the ropes. Once KCB releases the hold, he turns around and is hit by a stun gun, which drops him throat first across the top rope.

- Hunter goes for The Relegation lionsault, but KCB moves. Hunter lands on his feet. He charges at KCB, but is hit by a huge spinebuster. KCB drops an elbow, and gets a 2 count. He prepares to cinch in the Killer Instinct submission, but Hunter is alert to the danger and wriggles free of the move. He goes to the apron and tells the referee to keep KCB away from him.

- As KCB moves towards Hunter, he is hit by a swift right hand. Hunter then goes for a springboard maneuver back into the ring, but KCB catches him on his shoulders, and then hits the TKO! He makes the cover and gets the 1...2...3.

Here is your winner....KCB!

- KCB wildly celebrates his first win in a while.

KCB finally getting a win here tonight on Heatz!!1

Good for him. Now if he can just keep the momentum going!

Up next, Inspector Shetty battles the Boiler Room Brawler!

The Boiler Room Brawler V. Inspector Shetty

"Wannabe In L.A." by Eagles of Death Metal hits the speakers as Inspector Shetty points to himself and then to the crowd to display his superiority.

Your challenger for this evening, weighing in at 265lbs, Inspector Shetty!

Shetty walks to the ring, Y2J style, his music eventually subsiding.

And his opponent...

"You Asked For It" by Mercyful Fate hits the speakers.

Weighing in at 350lbs...

Boiler Room Brawler comes running to the stage.

Boiler Room Brawler!

BRB runs to the ring and walks up the steps, pointing at Inspector Shetty, who appears to be unimpressed.

Referee John Creed starts the match with the bell ringing as the two men circle each other.

Inspector Shetty dives at BRB, delivering a flurry of punches.

He backs BRB up to the ropes and Irish whips him.

BRB runs against the ropes and runs to the other side as Inspector Shetty backs up and gets ready for impact.

The two men meet in the center of the ring, but BRB successfully knocks Inspector Shetty to the mat with a shoulder block.

BRB observes his work and jumps up in the air for a leg drop, but Inspector Shetty rolls out of the way.

Inspector Shetty returns to his feet as BRB rolls to his side from the shock of the impact.

Shetty stomps on BRB a few times before BRB blocks his foot and manages to return to his feet, but he quickly descends upon him with more punches.

BRB is more up to snuff this time, giving as much as he's taking.

Shetty winds up for a haymaker and delivers a hell of a punch to BRB's chest.

BRB clutchs his chest, winds up, and chops Shetty in chest with his free hand.

Shetty clutches his chest in turn, but then bitch slaps BRB right in the face.

BRB clutches his face from the sting, but he then turns around and palm strikes Shetty straight to the face, knocking him down.

BRB, still clutching his face as it subsides, drops down for an elbow drop straight to Shetty's chest.

BRB remains in place for a pin.

John Creed begins the count.


Shetty kicks out.

BRB stops clutching his face and returns to his feet, as does Shetty.

BRB runs at Shetty, who moves out of the like a matador and thrusts his foot at BRB's rear, making him lose his footing and falling onto the ropes throat-first.

As BRB recovers while propped up on the ropes, Shetty backs up to the other side of the ring and runs for BRB, leaping in the air for a leg lariat to the back of BRB's neck, but BRB rolls out of the way, making Shetty land on the rope, balls-first.

BRB hooks his arm between Shetty's legs and goes for the pin.

John Creed begins the count.



Inspector Shetty kicks out.

BRB returns to his feet, as does Inspector Shetty, if a little clumsily.

BRB runs at Shetty, leaping in the air for a body slam, but Shetty catches BRB and delivers a spinebuster to BRB with a thunderous impact to the mat.

Shetty drives forward to pin BRB and John Creed begins the count.


BRB kicks out.

Shetty returns to his feet and grabs BRB's leg, kicking it in the knee several times.

Shetty starts to climb the top rope as BRB hobbles his way back to his feet.

Inspector Shetty leaps off the top rope, but BRB catches him and delivers a painful-looking Manhattan drop straight to Shetty's already injured balls.

Shetty clutches his balls as BRB positions himself, leaps into the air, and delivers a 350-lb leg drop to Inspector Shetty's head.

BRB reaches over and hooks a leg for the pin.

Referee John Creed goes for the count.




The bell rings as Boiler Room Brawler celebrates.

"You Asked For It" by Mercyful Fate hits the speakers.

Here is your winner by pin fall: Boiler Room Brawler!

And BRB continues his streak of victories on Heatz!!1

Indeed he does. Up next is our main event, as “Champagne” Jay Carroll faces off against Ganzo Bomb!

Main Event: “Champagne“ Jay Carroll V. Ganzo Bomb

The following contest is your Heatz!!1 main event!

*Panic Switch*
Introducing first, from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, weighing in at 215 pounds, “Champagne” Jay Carroll!

*BlackHole Sun*
And his opponent, from Connecticut, weighing in at 220 pounds, Ganzo Bomb!

The two lock up, and Jay immediately shoves Ganzo to the mat. Ganzo pops back up and runs at Jay. Jay throws him into the ropes, but Ganzo comes running back with a clothesline. Jay doesn’t go down though, and he instead nails Ganzo with a knife edge chop, followed by a running knee, which knocks Ganzo to the mat. Jay picks him up and hit’s a suplex, followed by a cover.


Jay picks Ganzo up for a slam, but Ganzo slides out and rolls Jay up!


Both men back up, but Jay sends Ganzo to the mat with a lariat! With his opponent in a bad way, Jay lays in with stomps, before hitting a big knee drop. Cover.


Jay yanks Ganzo off the mat and ties him up in the tree of woe. He steps back and goes for a dropkick, but Ganzo pulls himself up and Jay hit’s the bottom turnbuckle! Ganzo pulls himself to the top rope and, as Jay is getting up, comes off the top rope with a moonsault into a pin!


Both men get to their feet. Ganzo charges, but Jay sidesteps, only for Ganzo to spring off the ropes with a Lionsault! Ganzo quickly grabs Jay and hit’s a brainbuster, then goes to the top rope. He goes for a frog splash, but Jay rolls out of the way. Ganzo rolls through to his feet and nails a charging Jay with a super kick! He pulls Jay to the corner, climbs up top, and hit’s a Shooting Star Press! Cover!


Here is your winner, Ganzo Bomb!

This is incredible, Gorilla!

Indeed it is. Ganzo Bomb has now pinned both participants in the Heatz!!1 Championship match. One would have to assume that would put him in line for a future shot at the title.

As Ganzo celebrates, TTS runs out and attacks the upstart. Jay get’s to his feet and joins in on the attack. The two put the boots to Ganzo. They shoot him into the ropes, but as he bounces back, they miss a double clothesline and Ganzo springboards off the ropes with elbows to both men! They angrily charge him, but he ducks between them and slides out of the ring! When he get’s to the top of the ramp, he stops and raises his arms in the air, with a big smile on his face, as TTS and Jay remain in the ring, fuming, as Heatz!!1 closes out.

Credits: Amigo, Evil M, Boiler Room Brawler and Headbanger Man

Monday Niteraw - November 9, 2009

Monday NiteRaw November 9th, 2009

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Monday NiteRaw! I’m Gorilla Tim Hoss calling all the action at ringside, along with my partner Jesse King!

Gorilla, what a show we‘ve got!

Absolutely! Tonight, we‘ll find out who‘s joining King Motor-Colt and Jazzman in the World Championship match at In Your Apartment!

But first, we’ve got Yellow Jacket standing by backstage!

It seems as if D-Day Dave has declined my challenge. Or should I say dodged my challenge. I came here tonight in expecting to avenge our glorious CEO Mr. Drakin. Instead, just like at Night of the Wrestling Zombies, Dave spit in my face.

Taking his place is King Motor-Colt. Why he insists and is proud to be King of such a repugnant federation such as this, I'll never know. What I do know, is that he'll play as a pawn in my message to Jonathan Michaels, D-Day Dave and Amigo. All of you will cross my path in the future, so I wanted to give you three cads a little preview of what to expect.

Once I'm finished with King Motor-Colt, I hope that D-Day Dave abdicate his cowardice and face me next week on NiteRaw. If not, then any moronic soul who is willing to step into the ring with me next week, I'll be glad to make an example out of you.

Then, come In Your Apartment, I will fulfill my objective and retire the Hardcore Championship.

King Motor-Colt V. YellowJacket

This following contest is scheduled for one fall!

(It's Hard To Speak Without A Tongue)
Introducing first, from The Daily Story in Adelaide, Australia, weighing in at 247 pounds...KING MOTOR-COLT!

(Going Down In Flames)
And his opponent, from Lancaster, Pennsylvania, weighing 224 pounds...YELLOWJACKET!

- Both men lock up in the centre of the ring. Yellowjacket applies a waistlock, but Colt counters with a side headlock. He springs Yellowjacket off the ropes, and connects with a shoulder knockdown. Colt leapfrogs Yellowjacket as he comes off the ropes, and hits a hiptoss, followed by a deep armdrag. He applies pressure on the arm.

- Yellowjacket gets to his feet and delivers a couple of elbows to the midsection, followed by a couple of forearm shots. Colt reverses a whip into the corner, but misses with a Stinger splash. Yellojacket then hits a dropkick, and executes a headlock takeover. Jacket badmouths his opponent, who eventually counters with a back suplex. Colt then clotheslines Jacket out of the ring. Visibly frustrated, Jacket starts to walk off down the aisle. Colt catches up with him and delivers a straight right hand to the face, before throwing him back into the ring, as the referee's count reaches 8. Colt scores with a Russian leg sweep, but only gets a 1 count.

- Colt hits a European uppercut, before scaling the ropes. He goes for a big splash, but Yellowjacket manages to get his knees up. Jacket takes advantage with a snap suplex into a floatover, but the pin attempt only garners a 1 count from the ref. Yellojacket buries a couple of knees into the back of Colt, before cinching in a chinlock. The crowd rally behind Colt, who manages to get to his feet and escape the situation, but he gets taken down again by a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. After another unsuccessful pin attempt, Jacket again applies the chinlock, again jawing with the fans and berating his opponent as he does so.

- Again, Colt eventually gets to his feet, this time backing Jacket into the corner. Colt goes for another avalanche, and although Jacket evades the contact, Colt lands on feet-first the second turnbuckle, and connects with a crossbody block, which gets a close 2 count. Jacket puts a stop to Colt's momentum with a swift belly to belly suplex. He again goes for the cover.

Colt kicks out. Jacket admonishes the referee for what he believes to be a slow count. After a few kicks to his downed adversary, Jacket utilises another submission maneuver, the Boston Crab. Again the crowd wills Colt on - after about 90 seconds he manages to reach the bottom rope. Jacket doesn't release the hold immediately, finally releasing the hold at the count of 4. Jacket badmouths the official, and goes to grab Colt's right leg to inflict more punishment, but Colt kicks him away with his other leg.

- Jacket goes for a running lariat, but Colt ducks out of the way and hits a german suplex. Colt picks up Jacket and tries to finish it with The Story On Page One, but Jacket escapes. Jacket tries to hit his own finisher - The Sting, however Colt ducks the kick, and rolls up YellowJacket.

- He just about kicks out. Jacket gets in a knee to the gut, and goes for a backhand chop, but Colt moves and lands a Jawbreaker, followed by a Million Dollar knee lift! Colt urges his opponent to get to his feet, and as he does so Colt hits the running neckbreaker! He signals towards the turnbuckle, and the fans respond enthusiastically! Colt gingerly scales to the top floor. He goes for his patented flying forearm, but Jacket thinks on his feet and counters the attempt into a Crossface submission!

- Colt screams in agony as Jacket cranks up the pressure. Just when it seems like Colt has to tap out, he gets one last second wind and pulls himself towards the ropes, finally managing to wrap his foot around the bottom rope! Jacket is seething by this point as he finally releases the hold. He goes out of the ring and grabs a chair from ringside, before sliding it into the ring. Jacket looks as if he is about to nail Colt with it, however the referee takes it out of his hands! As Colt slowly gets to his feet, Jacket simply hits a blatant low-blow in front of the ref, who demands that the bell be rung.

Ladies and gentlemen, the referee informs me that the winner of this match as a result of a disqualification....KING MOTOR-COLT!

- While the referee tends to Colt, YellowJacket has his head in his hands, annoyed that he couldn't put the King away. As the referee gets up, Jacket nails him with The Sting! As more referees and WWCF officials hit the ring, some of whom check on their colleague, others simply admonishing Jacket. He walks up the ramp with a smug grin on his face, as Colt challenges him to get back into the ring. Jacket thinks about it, but instead walks off down the ramp.

What a blatant lack of respect by Yellow Jacket!

Gorilla, Colt cheated throughout that entire match, Yellow Jacket was just fighting fire with fire!

Regardless… up next we have the debut of the Heavy Metal Headbangers as they take on The General…. And Bongo the Gorilla!

The Heavy Metal Express V. The General of the Monkey Army and Bongo the Gorilla

The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall!

(King Kong 2004 theme)
Introducing first, accompanied by Tinker, at a combined weight of 525 pounds...THE GENERAL OF THE MONKEY ARMY, AND BONGO THE GORILLA!

- General comes out piggybacking Bongo. The gorilla slaps the hands of the fans at ringside. Bongo climbs over the top rope and beats his chest, while General poses on the turnbuckle.

(We're Not Gonna Take It)
And their opponents, at a combined weight of 498 pounds, they are D-Day Dave and The Headbanger Man...THE HEAVY METAL EXPRESS!

- Dave comes out playing air guitar, while Headbanger air drums. They both get into the ring and throw the devil horns, while General restrains Bongo in the corner.

- General starts the match with Headbanger, by hitting a Thesz Press and nailing several punches, clearly seeking retribution for last week. General whips him hard into the corner, and hits a running forearm, before executing the Monkeyflip out of the corner. Bongo starts pounding the apron, and the crowd claps along with him. General goes for an early cover, but only gets a 1 count. General hits a snap suplex on Headbanger, and points towards Bongo, which again gets a rise out of the crowd. He tags in Bongo, who gets in the ring, but before he can do anything Headbanger crawls out of the ring to escape the predicament. The Heavy Metal Express try to regroup on the outside, but General uses Bongo as a springboard to execute a plancha on both men.

- The referee starts his count, as Bongo pulls his tag team partner back into the ring. Headbanger gets on the apron, and Bongo pulls the top rope, causing Headbanger to somersault back into the ring and land hard on his back. Headbanger gets to his feet and charges at the gorilla, but the impact causes the drummer to hit the mat. He tries again with the same result. He then gives up and tags in D-Day Dave.

- Dave gets in the ring and ducks a swing by Bongo. He starts to kick Bongo in the legs to try and chop him down. He hits a couple of drop kicks which rock the gorilla, and proceeds to leap from the top rope, however he is caught. Bongo simply drops down with Dave in his arms, landing hard on him. The referee starts to count the pin, but Headbanger breaks it up with a legdrop to the back of Bongo's head. Both the Heavy Metal Express stomp away at Bongo, until General flies in with a clothesline to Headbanger. Both go tumbling out of the ring.

- In the ring, Dave drops a few swift elbows and goes for a cover, but Bongo powers out of it, sending Dave flying across the ring. On the outside, Headbanger reverses a powerbomb attempt by General, and throws him into the steel steps back-first. Dave runs into a clothesline by Bongo. The ape then hits the ropes and goes for a splash, but Dave avoids being flattened beyond recognition, before tagging in The Headbanger Man.

- Headbanger again drops a leg onto Bongo, and starts to gouge at the eyes of the gorilla, causing the referee to admonish him. Headbanger tries to go back to the attack, but Bongo nails him with a huge paw to the head. Bongo then tags in General, who had only just got back to the apron. General is favouring his back, but he instantly tries to pin Headbanger, but only gets 2.

- As Headbanger gets to his feet, General tries to hit a running kneelift, but it is avoided. Headbanger then hits a reverse DDT on General, before locking in a Camel Clutch. General eventually gets to his feet and elbows Headbanger in the gut, but gets hit with a clothesline. Headbanger hits an alley-oop powerbomb, and then tags in D-Day Dave.

- Dave hits an uppercut on General, followed by a full nelson slam. He goes for the pin, but gets a 2-count. Dave then goes for a submission of his own, utilising a Boston Crab. After a struggle, General reaches the ropes. Dave breaks the hold at the 4 count, before getting in the referee's face. He turns around and ducks the Monkey's Paw, but both men get the same idea, and hit simultaneous clotheslines on each other.

- Dave makes the tag to Headbanger, but much to his chagrin, General manages to tag Bongo in before he can stop him from doing so. Bongo lands some huge punches on Headbanger, and then...hits THE GORILLA PRESS SLAM! Just as it seemed he would pick up the victory, Dave just about breaks up the pin. General hits a spinebuster on Dave, as Headbanger rolls out of the ring. The referee tries to control General, who is hammering D-Day Dave.

- Bongo looks around for Headbanger, who appears to pull something from under the ring. As the referee is distracted, Headbanger shoots Bongo in the neck with a tranquiliser dart! Bongo stumbles around the ring before collapsing. As Dave takes out General with a double axe handle, Headbanger pulls out the dart and pins the prone Gorilla, and gets the 1...2...3.

Here are your winners....THE HEAVY METAL EXPRESS!

- D-Day Dave hits the Dead End on General post-match, and then celebrates with the Headbanger Man outside the ring. Headbanger ensures the tranquiliser gun is out of the referee's view, and both men leave through the crowd, playing their air instruments.

And a huge win for the Heavy Metal Headbangers in their debut as a team!

Gorilla, you complained about Yellow Jacket cheating in the first match, what about this?! They used a freakin’ tranquilizer gun!

Win at all costs, as they say. Up next, Jonathan Michaels runs the Corporate Gauntlet!

Jonathan Michaels vs. Corporate

“Original Prankster” by The Offspring hits the speakers as Jonathan Michaels is greeted by cheers from the audience.

As Michaels heads through the smoke, Corporate is in back playing Rock, Paper, Scissors to determine who goes first, which Cthulhu wins.

Cthulhu comes out as Nikopol hits the speakers.

He plays his guitar and disappears when the lights turn off.

He then reappears in front of Jonathan Michaels, to which Referee John Creed tells both men to start their match.

Cthulhu runs at Jonathan Michaels, locking arms with him.

Michaels wins over and arm drags Cthulhu towards the ropes.

Cthulhu jumps up on the second rope and springboard dropkicks a charging Michaels.

Michaels is down, and Cthulhu jumps up in the air and knee drops Michaels in the back of his head.

Michaels rolls around from the pain, but Cthulhu keeps up the pressure as he climbs to the top rope and leaps for a diving headbutt, but Michaels rolls out of the way, making Cthulhu eat mat.

Michaels returns to his feet and waits for Cthulhu to stand up.

As Cthulhu returns to his feet, Michaels spears him through the ropes and Cthulhu hits the guard rail.

John Creed begins the count.


Jonathan Michaels breathes a sigh of relief.



The General of the Monkey Army’s main squeeze, Tinkers, enters the arena eating a banana, confusing Michaels.


Cthulhu starts to recover as Tinkers closes in on him, almost finished with the banana.


Tinkers finishes the banana and puts the peel on the ground.


Cthulhu is back on his feet as Tinkers enters the ring.


Cthulhu takes a few steps and slips on the banana, hitting his head back onto the guard rail.

Tinkers hands a message to Jonathan Michaels.


Jonathan Michaels reads the message and nods to Tinkers.


Cthulhu starts to recover again.


Cthulhu has been eliminated by way of a Count-Out!

And his next opponent is…

Corporate is in back, playing Rock, Paper, Scissors again.

Boiler Room Brawler wins, pounds his fist into his palm, and grabs his trusty pipe wrench on his way to the ring.

“You Asked For It” by Mercyful Fate hits the speakers as Boiler Room Brawler points at Michaels with his pipe wrench.

John Creed tells BRB that he cannot use the wrench in the match, to which BRB puts the wrench safely outside the ring, walks up the steps, and enters the ring.

John Creed tells the two men to start as Michaels runs to BRB and ducks under one of BRB’s mighty chops.

BRB turns around and is met with a springboard moonsault from Michaels, making him back up a few steps, but not falling.

Michaels quickly returns to his feet and runs up to BRB for a clothesline, backing him up a few more steps.

Michaels backs up, runs to BRB, and lands a spear, backing BRB up to the ropes, which BRB becomes entangled in.

Michaels stomps on BRB’s stomach, pulls on him, and pushes forward for leverage, forcing BRB through the ropes and to the outside.

John Creed begins the count.


Michaels takes a breather, sitting in the corner.


BRB starts to recover.


BRB starts to return to his feet.


Michaels gets up.


BRB goes to his pipe wrench.


Michaels circles around the ring, following BRB and on the ready to attack him.


BRB grabs the pipe wrench and twirls it around in his hand.


BRB walks up the steps.

Michaels runs to BRB, but BRB thrusts his pipe wrench into Michaels’s face, knocking him down.

John Creed disqualifies BRB.

The Referee has disqualified Boiler Room Brawler on account of a foreign object!

BRB goes up to Michaels and smashes him in the face with his pipe wrench.

John Creed tells him to leave the ring because of his loss.

BRB sadistically smiles at him and leaves the ring.

Starshine and Tyfo flip a coin, which Tyfo wins.

The New Blackjacks Theme hits the speakers as Tyfo comes out to arguing with the fans and more that boo him besides.

Michaels is still out as Tyfo enters the ring.

Tyfo looks around at the crowd, throws up a pair of Texas longhorn hand salutes, and goes for the pin.

Referee John Creed drops down for the count.



And Michaels kicks out!

The crowd picks up as Tyfo looks disappointed.

He gets back up as Michaels begins to stir.

Tyfo shakes his head and grabs Michaels by the legs and applies the Texas Cloverleaf.

Michaels can barely even refuse to submit when he seems to pass out.

Referee John Creed lifts up Michaels’s arm.

It falls once.


He lifts it up again.

It falls a second time.


He lifts it up one last time.

It falls.


Here is your winner by submission, Tyfo!

The New Blackjacks theme hits the speakers as Tyfo celebrates his victory to a booing crowd.

He fought until he just had nothing left.

I gotta give Michaels credit, Gorilla. He’s one tough kid!

Indeed he is.

"Too black, too stong... Damn right!"
Bring Tha Noise - Public Enemy

Ladies and Gentlemen, please allow me to introduce to you at this time... DR "Damn Right" Jackson.

DR Jackson walks out in a white suit with $300 Sunglasses, smoking a cigar. The crowd give him hell and he walks up and blows smoke in their face. He puts out the cigar when he gets in the ring and gets a mic instead.

I've been here for a month now and I've accomplished more than a lot of people here can say. In my debut match I defeated King Colt, I gave him his first official Submission loss in his career! Secondly I defeated some of the best names in this business, even the current World Champ Jazzman in a battle royal. That same night I took Aaron Enigma to the very limit and made him experience a new world of hurt, regardless of the result...

The crowd start a "You tapped out!" chant, but Jackson more or less ignores it.

I've now earnt the right to fight for the WWCF Inter-Forum Championship against M.O.P. A fact that LittleNaitch has a problem with, he also doesn't see anything impressive about my decisive win over Colt and also doesn't seem to care for me EARNING my shot at the title in that Battle Royal. Maybe he doesn't want to see success come to a minority such as myself...

However I'm sure I know why he's like this. Watching over the current Colt and Jazzman feud sparking, it seems the last generation of Main Eventers are getting more and more insecure about their position here in the WWCF. Both Colt and Naitch have failed in their title quests recently and now their jealous of the new wave here getting their shot, a shot they still hunger for, a shot they're losing grip on with each passing match...

The current New Wave of Superstars here are the real deal, we are not the future... We are THE PRESENT! We don't need to "Pay our dues", it's time that the dues pay us.

And out of this current wave of superstars, I can confidently say that I am the man who stands above the rest. Don't believe me? I've been champions, taken "the future" star to the limit. And last week I completely dominated, embarrassed and more or less bullied around another superstar in my "generation".

M.O.P., hold on to that title closely, cherish every last second you have with it. Come In Your Apartment, that title will be where it belongs, around the gorgeous waist of The Black Dynasty. I am going to be your toughest opponent yet. You know why? Because I'm bigger, stronger and hungrier than anyone else you've ever had to face.

Neither Enemy nor Friend... Just your worst nightmare... Damn right!

Well, after comments from the challenger, how will the Champion react? M.O.P. in action, next!

Little Naitch V. M.O.P.

The following contest is set for one fall.

*New Blackjacks Theme*
Introducing first, from Las Vegas, Nevada, Little Naitch!

*Days of the Phoenix*
And his opponent, from Bergen County, New Jersey, he is the WWCF Inter-Forum Champion, M.O.P.!

They lock up at the bell. M.O.P. applies a waistlock, but Naitch counters via a standing switch. Naitch takes M.O.P. to the mat and transitions into a front facelock. From there he starts laying into M.O.P. with knees to the head. M.O.P. manages to block one of the knees by hooking Naitch’s leg. He tries to push himself up, but Naitch drives him back to the mat with a modified DDT. Cover.

Kickout. Naitch pulls M.O.P. off the mat and chops him. He chops him again, as the crowd yells “WOOO!!!” with every hit. He backs him up in the corner and charges, but M.O.P. moves! Naitch hit’s the corner hard and M.O.P. rolls him up!

Kickout! Naitch staggers to his feet, but M.O.P. catches him with a kick to the midsection and hit’s the Jersey Driver! Cover!

Naitch get’s the shoulder up at the last second! Thinking quick, M.O.P. pulls him up and locks on the Jughandle! Naitch struggles, but can’t escape! He taps out!

Here is your winner, M.O.P.!

And M.O.P. getting the win over the former World Champion!

With the roll he’s on Gorilla, I don’t like Damn Right Jackson’s chances at In Your Apartment.

Well, we’ll just have to wait and see what happens, Jess.

*In the back, Amigo is gearing up.

Among his weapons is a barbed wire headband, steel-toothed grill, spiked shoulder pads, grappling gloves with thumbtacks glued on, a armor-renforced cup, elbow pads and knee pads with steel plates loaded in, his shins covered in barbed wire, and his shoes with a chain wrapped on the toes*

Hey, they never said this battle royal has rules.

*Amigo the hoists a golf bag loaded with clubs, batons, sticks and such over his shoulder, and pushes a cart filled with crap ala New Jack to the ring*

Fans, that match is next!

Number One Contenders Battle Royal

Cage King, Relegate Hunter, KCB, Buck Futter, Ganzo Bomb, Inspector Shetty and the Deadly and the Sinful are all the ring.

The following is a battle royal to determine the third participant in the WWCF World Championship match at In Your Apartment.

*Safety Dance*
Introducing Stryker and Viva Los Bio Dome, The Resistance!

*King Kong 2004*
The General of the Monkey Army!

*New Blackjacks Theme*
Tyfo and The Boiler Room Brawler!

*I Don’t Care*

*Souls of Black*

*Pull Me Under*

*Wild Child*
D-Day Dave and The Headbanger Man, The Heavy Metal Express!

The bell rings and everyone starts fighting. Square brawls with Shetty, while the Heavy Metal Express slug it out with The Deadly and The Sinful.

The General trades punches with Tyfo, as The Resistance work together to try and dump BRB, but the Brawler is just to strong for them. Amigo works over KCB, but Sparks makes a beeline for his former partner and tackles him to the mat. Amigo easily throws Sparks off of him and through the ropes to the outside.

In the corner, Ganzo Bomb and Buck Futter go at it, while on the other side of the ring, Headbanger and D-Dayve dump Koda and Legion.

Koda has been eliminated! Legion has been eliminated!

Cage King works over Shetty, while Square tries to eliminate Brawler, but the big man still won’t go out. Relegate Hunter suggests he and his brother doubleteam the Brawler. They both charge, but Brawler swats Square out of the way and picks Hunter up and dumps him over the top.

Relegate Hunter has been eliminated!

The Heavy Metal Express go after Brawler, but BRB once again fights off his attackers. Amigo rolls to the floor and grabs a chair. Sparks tries to attack him again, but Amigo knocks him to the floor with a chair shot. He rolls back in and attacks BRB with the chair, but the Brawler still fights off the assault. Buck Futter tries coming off the top rope, but Brawler catches him and drops him over the top rope.

Buck Futter has been eliminated!

KCB targets Ganzo in the corner, while Shetty tries to go toe to toe with the Brawler, only to be tossed to the floor.

Inspector Shetty has been eliminated!

Amigo sees Sparks crawling back in the ring and grabs him, punches him a few times, then flings him over the top rope.

Sparks has been eliminated!

Ganzo and KCB stop fighting and try to double team Brawler, but once again, the big man simply overpowers them and tosses them both, KCB first, then Ganzo Bomb, to the floor.

KCB has been eliminated! Ganzo Bomb has been eliminated!

Brawler laughs at how dominant he’s been, but when he turns around, he finds himself surrounded by The Resistance, The Heavy Metal Express, Cage King, The General, and Square. All seven men attack at the same time, only to be thrown back. Amigo charges Brawler, but he is also thrown aside. D-Dayve get’s back to his feet and is about to go after BRB, but Tyfo ambushes him and tosses him out!

D-Day Dave has been eliminated!

Tyfo and BRB start beating down Headbanger Man, but Viva, Stryker, Cage King, The General, and Square attack them both. Cage King, Viva, and Square work on BRB, while The General and Stryker help Headbanger Man against Tyfo. Brawler knock’s Viva back, then as Square throws a dropkick, he steps back, causing Square to miss. Cage King fires off a barrage of punches, but Brawler deflects them and chucks Cage King to the floor.

Cage King has been eliminated!

The General, Stryker, and Headbanger Man all take turns working on Tyfo, but Brawler comes over to help. He throws Stryker to the mat, then begins pounding on Headbanger Man. Tyfo goes after Stryker, as the General waits for an opening, only for Amigo to come up behind him and toss him over the top.

The General of the Monkey Army has been eliminated!

Amigo leans over the top rope, laughing at the General, but Sparks runs back out and shoves Amigo over the ropes to the floor!

Amigo has been eliminated!

Amigo goes crazy and tries to get at Sparks, but the referees hold him back, as Spark escapes through the crowd, taunting Amigo the whole time. Back in the ring, Tyfo whips Stryker into the corner, then as he stumbles forward, clothesline’s him out.

Stryker has been eliminated!

Headbanger clubs Tyfo from behind and tries to toss him out, but Brawler makes the save and together, the stablemates dump Headbanger Man.

Headbanger Man has been eliminated!

Brawler and Tyfo turn around, only to be met by stereo dropkicks from Viva and Square! Tyfo goes down, while Brawler falls against the ropes! Viva and Square nail BRB with a double clothesline, which sends him over the top to the floor!

The Boiler Room Brawler has been eliminated !

Square and Viva highfive, then Square sucker punches Viva! The two trade punches, but as Tyfo charges them, they back body drop him to the mat! Viva stomps Tyfo, but Square grabs him and tosses him over the top!

Viva Los Bio Dome has been eliminated!

Tyfo runs up behind Square and shoves him over the top rope!

Tyfo’s done it! He’s goin’ to In Your Apartment!

Tyfo starts celebrating, but Square skins the cat and flips back in the ring. Tyfo turns around right into the SquarePlosion!

I wouldn’t be so sure about that Jess!

Square picks up Tyfo and tosses him over the top rope and to the floor.

Tyfo has been eliminated! Your winner, Square!

Square is going to In Your Apartment!

But will Aaron Enigma be joining him? We’ll find out-

A demonic laughter fills the arena as the CrapTron lights up.

Strike down the wicked.
No one will stand in the way.
You shall fall at my feet.
I will conquer.


The laughter stops as the CrapTron goes black.

….What the hell was that?!

I have no idea Jess. Our main event is next.

Aaron Enigma V. Jazzman

The following contest is set for one fall. If Aaron Enigma wins, he will be added the WWCF World Championship match at In Your Apartment.

*Make A Move*
Introducing first, residing in Chicago, Illinois, Aaron Enigma!

*Lilac Lane*
And his opponent, from Upstate New York, he is the WWCF World Heavyweight Champion, Jazzman!

Aaron and Jazzman start the fight with a lock up. Aaron gets the upperhand on Jazzman and locks in a chin lock. Jazzman is able to push Aaron off him, but Aaron hits a shoulder block and knocks Jazzman to the ground. Aaron quickly goes for the pin.

1...Jazzman easily kicks out.

Aaron lifts up Jazzman, but Jazzman surprises him with a quick chop to the chest. He follows up with a right hand and fights Aaron into a corner. The ref breaks up the contact and the two men move back to the center of the ring. The two lock up again and Jazzman twists into an arm wrench. Aaron flips through it and locks in an arm wrench of his own. Jazzman drops to the ground and flips Aaron over him, locking in a hammerlock on him. Aaron grabs Jazzman's head and drops down, hitting a jawbreaker on him. Aaron gets to his feet and goes to clothesline Jazzman, but Jazzman ducks it and hits a dropkick on Aaron after he bounces off the ropes. Jazzman goes for the pin.

1.....2.Aaron gets his shoulder up.

Jazzman decides to slow the pace down and locks Aaron in an abdominal stretch. Aaron struggles to get to his feet in the hold, but eventually does. He manages to break the hold on him and kick Jazzman in the stomach before hitting a quick DDT on him. Aaron goes for the pin but can't put a lot of strength into it due to the previous submission hold.

1.....2...Jazzman kicks out!

Aaron lifts up Jazzman and attempts to go for the Brilliant Deduction. However, Jazzman is able to counter, and instead delivers an enziguri that sends Aaron into the corner stomach first. As Aaron lies there, Jazzman attempts to make Aaron Take The A Train. Aaron however ducks at the last minute and Jazzman crashes into the corner and stumbles backwards to the ground, grabbing his knees in pain. Aaron climbs to the top rope and attempts to go for a senton, however Jazzman holds up his knees and Aaron's back crashes into his knees. Aaron flips onto his stomach and screams in pain as does Jazzman. The ref begins to count.

1.....2.....3.....4.....5.....6.....7.....8.....9..Jazzman gets to his feet using the ropes!

Jazzman goes to grab Aaron. He throws him into the corner. Jazzman runs at Aaron and jumps for a corner splash, but Aaron catches him and slams him to the ground with an STO. Aaron falls on Jazzman, attempting to pin him.

1.....2....Jazzman gets his foot on the ropes!

Aaron look frustrated but goes to pick up Jazzman. Jazzman however kicks him away and jumps up, hitting a big clothesline on Aaron. He goes to lift up Aaron and hits him with a vertical suplex as well, before throwing him into the ropes. Jazzman lifts Aaron to the top rope and attempts to hit him with Such Sweet Thunder. However, at the last second Aaron wiggles a bit and changes the trajectory. Jazzman hits the move on Aaron, but the angle of the landing sends Aaron sliding out of the ring. Jazzman gets up and looks amazed at how Aaron was able to counter at the last second to avoid getting pinned. Jazzman gets out of the ring and picks up Aaron before throwing him back into the ring. He gets in and goes for the pin on Aaron.

1.....2.....Aaron grabs the ropes with his hand!

Jazzman can't believe it. Aaron kicked out after being hit by his finisher. He lifts Aaron up and throws him into the corner. He sets up to make Aaron Take The A Train once more. However Aaron moves out of the way and Jazzman is able to stop himself before crashing like last time. However he turns around and Aaron hits a reverse STO. Aaron moves to grab the legs of Jazzman and locks him in Extreme Interrogation. Jazzman yells in pain and squirms towards the ropes. Aaron applies as much pressure as he can but his injuries prevent him from using full strength. Jazzman eventually grabs the rope with his free arm and Aaron breaks the hold. Jazzman climbs to his feet, completely exhausted and looks at Aaron, who is also visibly tired. The two smile, knowing the match is coming to and end.

The two charge at each other and begin to trade right hands. Jazzman gains the upper hand on Aaron and pushes him back into the ropes. Jazzman moves to whip Aaron sends him bouncing off the ropes. Aaron ducks a clothesline from Jazzman and hits a jumping neckbreaker on the rebound. He picks up Jazzman and attempts a vertical suplex but Jazzman twists Aaron around and hits a back suplex before going for the pin.

1.....2.....Aaron just kicks out!

Jazzman sits there for a second and wonder just what it will take to keep Aaron down. He lifts up Aaron and tries to hit another back suplex, but Aaron manages to flip through the move. Jazzman turns around to be met in the face with a reverse roundhouse kick from Aaron. Aaron grabs the staggering Jazzman and lifts him up, hitting the Brilliant Deduction! Aaron pauses for a moment to smile, before falling on top of Jazzman as the ref counts.


Here is your winner, Aaron Enigma!

The ref helps Aaron to his feet, and raises his hand as the crowd goes wild! Aaron finally realizes that he won, and has earned himself a title shot. He helps Jazzman to his feet. He holds his hand out and Jazzman takes it and shakes hands with Aaron. The two show respect for each other as the crowd goes nuts. Jazzman leaves the ring and let's Aaron have his moment with the fans and Aaron leaves the ring and starts shaking hands and hugging the fans who supported him.

Well there you have it. At In Your Apartment, it’s going to be a Fatal 4-Way match for the WWCF World Heavyweight Championship.

Now in addition to Motor-Colt, Jazzman also has to prepare for Square and the guy who just beat him, Aaron Enigma!

Can the Champion overcome the odds and retain at In Your Apartment? We’ll find out on November 30th.

For Jesse King, I’m Gorilla Tim Hoss. We’ll see you next week. Goodnight.

Credits: YellowJacket, Headbanger Man, Boiler Room Brawler, “Damn Right” Jackson, Evil M, Amigo, and Aaron Enigma

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