
The Smokin' Vokoun


Name: The Smokin' Vokoun

Height: 6'4

Weight: 275 ibs

Hometown: Chicago, IL

Alignment: Heel

Gimmick Description: The simple description of him is that he is psycho. But, he's not your average psycho. He's a man who has been tormented all his life and he wants to get back at the world and the wrestling ring is the best place to do it. In a sense, he walks alone in the world, with no friend or allies, and that's why he likes it. He is a brawler/hardcore wrestler, but has the smarts to have technical knowledge and takes alto of risks. He is extremely unorthodox and unpredictable, which will make him dangerous.

Appearance: White, tall, kinda chunky but also muscular. He has long brown shaggy hair and brown goatee. (Basically a copy of Mick Foley/Cactus Jack clone)

Apparel: He usually wears dark clothing, like blue and gray flannel. He also wears blue jeans to the ring and cowboy boots.

Theme Music: Sinner man by Nina Simone (Link)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bn5tiuZU4JI

Entrance Description: The theme starts for a few seconds then with the lyrics..."Oh Sinner man, where you gonna run to..." out I come out. My body language and my eyes are what sells the entrance. My movements to the ring is slow yet also deliberate. I glare to the crowd with not only "crazy" eyes but with eyes that shows a person that has been hurt many times before, almost sad as well as crazy. It will almost make the crowd fell sorry for me and scared of me. When i get into the ring, I go to my corner and slump and just glare at my opponent.

Fighting Style: Hardcore/Brawler but has technical abilities as well.

10 to 20 moves:
Hangman Clothesline
Belly to Belly Sup lex
Pulling Piledriver
Running Neck breaker
Drop Toe Hold
Samoan Drop
Eye Rake
Running Bulldog
German Suplex
Bionic Elbow

Finishing Moves
Smoke Bomb (Sitout full nelson atomic drop sometimes from the top rope)
Mandible Claw

Masked Hero X(formerly Cthulhu)


Wrestler Name: Masked Hero X
(formerly Cthulhu)

Height(anything below 7'0):

Weight(anything under 400)


Alignment(heel or face):

Gimmick Description:
Mysterious masked hero burning with justice. Wears a mask.

Appearance(what does your wrestler look like?)
...slightly same build as Cthulhu.

Apparel(what does your wrestler wear?):
Black jeans, black boots, red mask... kinda like a Sentai hero, or Red Ranger.

Fighting Style(such as brawler, hardcore, ect.):
Brawler with a bit of technical.

Theme Music- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-VL0GXqtDcs&feature=player_embedded

Entrance Description:
Entrance with lots of pyro at the start, then runs toward the ring, and slides into it. Poses, followed by several more pyro explosions from the four corners of the ring.

10 to 20 Moves your wrestler uses:
-Vertical Suplex
-German Suplex
-Inverted Suplex
-Dragon Suplex
-Tiger Suplex
-Japanese Ocean Cyclone Suplex
-Sleeper Hold
-Camel Clutch
-Yakuza Kick
-Leg Drop
-Elbow Drop
-Single knee facebreaker
-Boston Crab
-Airplane Spin

Finishing Moves(you can do up to 2):
Blazing Lariat/Jumping Lariat
Blazing Hammer/(over-the-top)Brain Chop

Masked Hero X's WWCF Championship History

  • WWCF 24/1 Hardcore Championship on 9/8/2008

Masked Hero X's WWCF Match by Match and Storyline History

Cthulhu aka Providence- The Beginning
  • 9/1/2008-Monday Niteraw First Episode: The Iron Giant defeats Cthulhu aka Providence in the first round of the WWCF World Championship Tournament
  • 9/8/2008-Monday Niteraw: Cthulhu aka Providence defeated Starshine in a No Count Out Match
  • Later in the night Cthulhu became the WWCF 24/1 Hardcore Champion

Xavian Gunn

Wrestler Name:Xavian Gunn(Wrestlecrap forum name: Ripthesys7em)

Height 5'11"

Weight 245 lbs

Hometown: Seattle, WA

Alignment(heel or face): Heel

Gimmick Description: Xavian is what you would call a Rivet-Head (He is associated with the Industrial sub-culture). He sees society as being asleep and lulled into a false sense of security. To him, society is slowly being conformed into a unquestioning sheep-like conscious, with no real individualism left.He is angry at the world and at popular culture.

Appearance:He has long black hair and a black devil's goatee. His skin is more on the pale side and his body is similar to someone like John Morrison or maybe Criss Angel.

Apparel:His entrance apparel is a black cowboy hat, dark black sunglasses that completely hide his eyes, long black leather trench-coat, band t-shirt with the sleeves cut-off, black jeans, and black combat boots. When he wrestles, he takes off the jacket,glasses,and hat, and wrestles in the shirt, pants and boots.
(Basically he has a look like Al Jourgesen, Rob Zombie, etc. The guys from Industrial bands back in the late 80s/early 90s.)

Fighting Style:He's a combination of brawler,technician,and submission

Theme Music:"Blitzkrieg" by Excessive Force

Entrance Description: The arena goes completely dark. Seizure inducing strobe lights begin flashing wildly. Smoke arises from the entrance ramp. Xavian appears from behind the ramp. He stops to leer out at the crowd and raises his fists into the air. As he walks toward the ramp the screen shifts with glitches and stutters as if being ran through a crappy movie player on a computer. Speckles of dust and noise are present as well. The screen is black and white as well. When he makes his way to the ring, he slides underneath the ropes and walks confidently toward the corner, where he stands atop the ropes and glares into the crowd, as the image of him shake violently, as if the shutter speed of the camera went out of wack.

10 to 20 Moves your wrestler uses:
4.German Suplex
5.Boston Crab
7Mexican Surboard
10.Fujiwara Armbar
11.Shining Wizard
13.Poison Mist
14.Swinging Neckbreaker

Finishing Moves:1.The Juke Joint Jezebel-Wrist Clutch Exploder

Warrior 2099

Wrestler Name: Warrior 2099(wrestlecrap forum name: cernex)

Height: 5.91

Weight: 220

Hometown: Monterrey (on Mexico)

Alignment(heel or face): Heel, of course!

Gimmick Description: A swearing (ergo, constantly bleeped) Mexican with very thick accent and that is annoyed of stereotyping and is a bit anti-american (think Bret Hart), but not that much. Secretly, though, he loves american fast food. Loves mexican beer (based on real life, this last one, :P)

Appearance(what does your wrestler look like?): Buffed, like an ex-american football player that has drank one too many beers and is no longer THAT fit. Standard looks, straight, short hair, brown eyes... young-ish, around 26.

Apparel(what does your wrestler wear?): Leather jacket with Mexico's flag on the back, red bandana, no shirt, standard jeans and black tennis shoes.

Fighting Style(such as brawler, hardcore, ect.): Brawler, with a bit of standard holds here and there.

Theme Music: EASY! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QqYRWoPHy7o (The song is called "XxX"... I think)

Entrance Description: Running to the arena, running around the arena once, then jumping up behind the rops, rises his arm and signals "no. 1", and finally jumps a top the third rope.

10 to 20 Moves your wrestler uses: Vertical suplex, Rotating vertical suplex, vertical suplex, knee-drop, cobra clutch, catapult, DDT, pointed elbow drop (never on the top rope), cobra clutch bulldog, one-handed buldog, shoulder claw, Stomp to the opponent's abdomen, Headbutt, Dropkick and snap suplex.

Finishing Moves(you can do up to 2): Bodyscissors and Clawhold

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