Wrestler Name: JC Green
Height(anything below 7'0): 6'4"
Weight(anything under 400): 227lbs
Hometown: The United Kingdom
Alignment(heel or face): Heel
Gimmick Description: Has aspects of Jackie Boy from Sin City and Lt. Stansfield from the movie Leon - The Professional, including aspects of the Big Bossman's heel gimmick. He was a police officer for a couple of years but got fired after his conduct came into question one time to many (this included rumors about drugs and violence). For a few months after this he attempted to become a bounty hunter of some kind and actually had a team but he ended up being outlawed from working in the justice system once again due to bad conduct. Following this he entered the world of wrestling in order to feed his lust for control and success. He's incredibly smart and manipulative but has a hot temper and does not shy away from getting his hands dirty (or using excessive violence to get what he wants). In ring he can alternate from being calm and calculating (like Orton, Jake Roberts or heel Triple H) to being psychotic and unbalanced (like Edge...or Orton actually).
Appearance(what does your wrestler look like?): Medium-long light brown hair (not quite reaching shoulder length) with dirty blonde highlights, a thin goatee beard, stubble and hair style vary depending on how stressed out he is (he's prone to grabbing his hair a lot during matches, sort of like Edge's whole psycho shtick), he's pretty lean thanks to his police work although his tendency to manipulate people into doing his work for him does leave his figure less toned than most, has sleeve tattoos covering both arms and linking on his back and chest (the designs are a mixture of nature imagery, such as plants, vines, etc., colliding with technology imagery, such as machinery, etc. There is an image of a globe made of both the elements linking on his chest and wings on his back. It's alleged that he got this impressive design as a bribe from a convict, but it's unproven). Often looks spaced out or exhausted.
Apparel(what does your wrestler wear?): If he's backstage, he likes to wear formal suits (no tie) much like the Stansfield character in Leon (http://www.movievillains.com/images/stansfield.jpg) or he'll wear a leather jacket and jeans for any form of street fight. In ring, he has Tyson Kidd/Hardcore Holly length trunks with a similar design pattern to his tattoo on. The initials "JC" are located on the trunks also in the right corner (ala Ric Flair, Cody Rhodes, etc.). These trunks have various colour schemes, mostly following combinations of gray/silver, lime and dark green, black, white and occasionally dark blue. He wears kneepads that link to his padded boots (ala Rob Van Dam) and usually tapes up his wrists and hands (ala CM Punk).
Fighting Style(such as brawler, hardcore, ect.): His police work has given him a hard-hitting brawling style but he also uses a lot of technical work in ring as he likes to use psychology to manipulate his opponent and catch them off guard. Although speed is not his strongest point, his training has given him pretty strong quick kicks to depend on.
Theme Music: N.A.S.A. - Money (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44jr_Igu2L8)
Entrance Description: "Money" hits the PA and, as David Byrne's vocals kick in, JC Green saunters out onto the ramp with a cigarette in his mouth. He stops at the top of the ramp and stares into the ring briefly, before flicking the cigarette down to the stage and stomping it out. A smirk appears on his face as he begins to walk down toward the ring. He stops briefly to stare at the crowd, who are booing him heavily. He mocks them by making the yapping gesture with his hand then continues to the ring. Wiping his hair back with his hand, he slides into the ring and pauses to have another look around at the crowd. Smirking again, he heads into the corner and sits down, patiently waiting for the match to begin.
10 to 20 Moves your wrestler uses:
- Green Out (Yakuza Kick)
- Powerbomb
- Sitdown powerbomb
- Chemical Burn (Sitout rock bottom, Lance Cade's old WWE finisher)
- European uppercut
- Green Mind (Rude Awakening neckbreaker)
- Various roundhouse/spin/super kicks
- Diving twisting elbow from the top rope (like Doug Williams is using in TNA currently)
- Roaring elbow
- Dragon sleeper
- Various eye rakes/pokes/low blows/chokes/other illegal moves
- Front suplex onto the ropes
- Running hotshot onto the top rope (JC dives over the top rope and lands outside, landing the opponent throat first)
- Twisting vertical suplex
- Torture rack backbreaker
- The Changeover (Mr. Perfect-style seated neck twist)
- Green Screen (Zack Ryder's current finish, the Zack Attack)
- Butterfly lock with added knees to the chest/mid-section
Finishing Moves(you can do up to 2):
The Green Mile (Guillotine choke, can be hit out of nowhere while the opponent is standing our sitting. Much like the Tazmission, the opponent can just easily pass out as be forced to tap).
Fade To Green (Mt. Cook, see clip here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oflc5zb9Mi8)