
Major America


Wrestler Name: Major America

Height(anything below 7'0):6'9

Weight(anything under 400):377

Hometown: United States of America

Alignment(heel or face): Heel

Gimmick Description: 1/4 Hulk Hogan, 2/4 John Cena , 3/4 A Crazy old guy and 4/4 Ric Flair.

Appearance(what does your wrestler look like?)
A balding , orange skinned mountain of muscle with a blonde mustache.

Apparel(what does your wrestler wear?): Red , White and Blue trunks.

Fighting Style(such as brawler, hardcore, ect.):80s Powerhouse

Theme Music: Born In The USA By Bruce Springteen

Entrance Description:
Major America rides out on a Harley Davidson motorcycle with a shotgun across the handlebars and a sick child sitting on one of his shoulders and Oh Yeah he has an American flag draped over him.

10 to 20 Moves your wrestler uses:
Running Powerslam
Scoop Slam
Bear Hug
Running Leg Drop
Sleeper Hold
Clothesline from Hell
Gorilla Press Slam
Stinger Splash
Tombstone Piledriver
Mounted Punches
Mandible Claw
Package Piledriver

Finishing Moves(you can do up to 2):
America Punch , Hell Yeah!!!!!!!!! - Superman Punch
American Spirit!!!!! Hold - STFU


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