
Monday Niteraw - November 3, 2008


Opening Singles Match
Koda89 DEFEATED Disco Stu

Singles Match
Starshine DEFEATED Square

Uncle Seth's Neighourhood: Cthulhu interviews Wordlifeecw inside a steel cage

Singles Match
General of the Monkey Army DEFEATED One Doley Nation

Singles Match
Legion DEFEATED "La Parka"

The Story Presents: Above Averages InterForum Championship Presentation

Uncle Seth Drakin won the WWCF 24/1 Hardcore Championship

Tag Team Match
"The Story" Motor-Colt and Above Average DEFEATED Justice and Providence

Singles Match
TromboneMan DEFEATED Evil Masked wordlifeecw

WWCF Tag Team Championship Match
StrykerDuckSilence DEFEATED The Southwest Connection(Champions)

"Evil La Parka"

Wrestler Name(Wrestlecrap Forum name): "Evil La Parka"(not actual forum name but a fake name since he is under a La Parka mask)

Height(anything below 7’0): 6'0

Weight(anything below 400): 225

Hometown(where you are really from or you can put parts unknown): Mexico City, Mexico

Alignment(heel or face): heel

Gimmick Description: A mysterious wrestler(wrestlecrap forum member) who no one knows the identity of. He wears a La Parka costume to hide his identity. He carries a steel chair around with him where ever he goes.

Appearance(what does your wrestler look like): No one knows.

Apparel(what does your wrestler wear?): Red and Black La Parka Costume. the bones are red and the rest of the costume is black.

Fighting Style(such as brawler, hardcore, ect.): Lucha Libre and Hardcore

Theme Music: La Parka's old WCW theme

Entrance Description(be detailed because this is what I will use for shows):

10 to 20 Moves Your Wrestler Uses(this will help with match roleplay and writing):
spinning back kick
back breaker
swantan bomb
suicide dive
side ways spin over rope
running summersault dive to the outside
scoop slam
frog splash
lionsault on a standing opponent outside the ring
boston crab
modified boston crab
tequila sunrise

Finishing Moves(can do up to two): The X-Ray(spinning moonsault)

Bio and History: No one knows who is behind the "Evil La Parka" mask. All we know is that he showed up at Night Of The Wrestling Zombies 2008 to be in the Costume Battle Royal and has chosen not to take off the costume since.

At Family Reigns he competed against WWCF Hardcore Champion General of the Monkey Army in a Chairs, Chairs, and Chairs Match. The match was brutal but in the end "Evil La Parka" did not succeed.

Lately "Evil La Parka" has been wrestling on the new WWCF show Sunday Night Heatz!

Little Naitch

Wrestler Name(Wrestlecrap Forum name): Little Naitch

Height(anything below 7’0): 6'2

Weight(anything below 400): 235

Hometown(where you are really from or you can put parts unknown): Las Vegas

Alignment(heel or face): heel

Gimmick Description: a modern day 1980's Ric Flair

Appearance(what does your wrestler look like): blonde hair, clean shaved, in great shape

Apparel(what does your wrestler wear?): long tights

Fighting Style(such as brawler, hardcore, ect.): brawler/technical wrestler

Theme Music: The New Blackjacks

Entrance Description(be detailed because this is what I will use for shows): Comes down wearing a stylin robe with the lights flickering.

10 to 20 Moves Your Wrestler Uses(this will help with match roleplay and writing): chop, belly-to-back suplex, knee drop, elbow drop, atomic knee drop, body slam, hip toss, back drop, thumb to the eye, half boston crab, leg lace

Finishing Moves(can do up to two): figure four

Little Naitch's WWCF Championship History

  • WWCF Tag Team Champion w/Tyfo defeating Providence and Justice(J is Justice and Cthulhu aka Providence) (Night of the Wrestling Zombies, 10/27/2008)
  • WWCF Hardcore Champion (Monday Niteraw, 11/17/2008)
  • WWCF Tag Team Champion(2) w/Tyfo defeating Stryker Duck Silence(Stryker and MiLo Duck), Providence and Justice(Cthulhu and J is Justice), and Motor-Colt and Above Average (Monday Niteraw, 11/24/2008)
  • WWCF World Heavyweight Champion defeating King Motor-Colt (Smurf The World, 4/27/2009)
  • WWCF Tag Team Champion(3) w/Tyfo defeating The Resistance(Stryker and Viva Los Bio Dome) (Sunday Night Heatz!!1, 1/3/2010)

Little Naitch's WWCF Match by Match and Storyline History
  • 9/29/2008- Gookermania: Evil Masked wordlifeecw(Evil M) defeated Littlenaitch and Motor-Colt [Triple Threat TLC Inferno Match]

Little Naitch's old look


Wrestler Name: Jazzman

Height: 6'1"

Weight: 236

Hometown: Upstate New York

Alignment(heel or face): Face

Gimmick Description: A young man who found jazz waiting for him in his teens. He has combined his love of music with his love of wrestling in an attempt to become the best in both worlds.

Appearance: Brown hair, well built, but not super defined

Apparel: Grey and Black pinstripe trunks

Fighting Style: A grappler with a lean toward submission skills

Theme Music: Hurricane Season by Trombone Shorty

Entrance Description:Music plays for 23 seconds. Then I hit the stage, wearing an old school fedora and a pinstripe jacket and cane. Then I hit the ring get up on the second rope and point to the fans. After word, I get out of the ring and give my fedora a young kid in the front row (Bret Hart style)

10 to 20 Moves Your Wrestler Uses: Yakuza kick to the face, shoot kicks, Handspring Enziguri, Heel Hook, Tilt a whirl backbreaker, Single Leg Boston crab, Reverse bodyslam, Kimura, Butterfly Suplex, Triangle Choke, Judo throw, Mutliple German suplexs, Flying Armbar, Double Underhook Suplex, Overhand Chops, Hurricanrana, Running Neckbreaker

Finishing Moves(can do up to two):
Takin' The A Train (Snapmare Driver)
Mercy Mercy Mercy (La Mistica)

Jazzman's old look

J is Justice

Wrestler Name(Wrestlecrap Forum name): J is Justice

Height(anything below 7’0): 5'10

Weight(anything below 400): 220

Hometown(where you are really from or you can put parts unknown): Japan (Actually England)

Alignment(heel or face): Heel

Gimmick Description: Insane Anime fan who claims he's Japanese, but it's obvious he isn't with his thick Barnsley accent. Does whatever Providence tells him. Stays by his side at all times like a sick puppy dog. Rarely speaks.

Appearance(what does your wrestler look like): Dyed long red hair, innocent face.

Apparel(what does your wrestler wear?): Eyepatch over left eye, torso covered in blood stained bandages, jeans, no boots.

Fighting Style(such as brawler, hardcore, ect.): Technical.

Theme Music: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=NvE8XO6YH6o Animation "Higurashi no naku koro ni" Opening

Entrance Description(be detailed because this is what I will use for shows): Lights go out, entrance video plays, I walk out while lights are off, lights come back on 14 seconds into the video and I stand there at the top of the ramp grinning, once video gets to 33 seconds I start towards the ring, once in the ring I go to the corner and wait. (unless my opponents already in.)

10 to 20 Moves Your Wrestler Uses(this will help with match roleplay and writing): European uppercut, vertical suplex, back breaker, belly to belly suplex, underhook suplex, gutwrench suplex, T-Bone suplex, flying elbow drop, flying clothesline, half crab, armbar.

Finishing Moves(can do up to two): The CLAW! and Impaler DDT.

J is Justice's Championship History

J is Justice's Match by Match and Storyline History

  • 9/1/2008-Monday Niteraw First Episode: J is Justice defeated Tyfo
  • 9/8/2008-Monday Niteraw: J is Justice defeated Disco Stu in the second round of the WWCF World Championship Tournament

The Sam

Name - The Sam

Height - 6'1 (according to his expired drivers license)

Weight - 150 lbs (according to his drivers license)

Hometown - The Samville, USA

Finishing Move - Whatever it takes for his clients to win.

The Sam Manages - Little Naitch, Tyfo, Boiler Room Brawler, and "Champagne" Jay Carroll

Past Wrestlers The Sam has managed- TTS

The Sam's WWCF Match by Match and Storyline History

  • 9/1/2008-Monday Niteraw First Episode: Longtime wrestling manager The Sam comes to the ring holding tons of applications for wrestler who want to be managed by him. He says most of them stink except for two that stand out. He says that he will reveal those two wrestlers next week on Monday Niteraw
  • 9/8/2008-Monday Niteraw: Fred G. Neric interviews The Sam and The Sam reveals that he is starting a faction called The Family. He reveals that TromboneMan is the first member of The Family. He also reveals that the tag team of The Southwest Connection(Little Naitch and Tyfo) are also apart of The Family. Later in the night The Sam, Little Naitch, and Tyfo come out to cut a promo in the ring. All of a sudden fire pyro shoots off from the entrance and Evil Masked wordlifeecw(Evil M)'s music hits and he comes down to the ring and says he is tired of hearing about The Sam's plans. The Southwest Connection and The Sam rush wordlifeecw but he double chokeslams Tyfo and Little Naitch. wordlifeecw grabs The Sam and gives him a tombstone. wordlifeecw takes replicas of his masks and puts it over the faces of all three men before setting off the fire pyro with his arms and leaving.

The Sam's old look.


Wrestler Name(Wrestlecrap Forum name): Colt

Previous Names: Motor-Colt, King Motor-Colt, King Colt

Previous nicknames (most self addressed): The Story on Page One, The One True Constant, The King of the WWCF Kingdom, WWCF's Hero, The White Knight.

Height(anything below 7’0): 5'11"

Weight(anything below 400): 247 LBS

Hometown(where you are really from or you can put parts unknown): The Daily Story, Adelaide, Australia

Alignment(heel or face): Face

Gimmick Description: Essentially an old school face. After returning from retirement, the gimmick is really picking up where it left off. The sort of face who fights for what's right.

Used to be a reporter, then slowly lost touch with reality after donning a Phantom mask, then became King. And finally became "the good guy".

Appearance(what does your wrestler look like): Brown hair, hobo beard, tad pale. Tribal tattooed short-sleeve on right arm. Map of South Australia over his left pec. Scar across his right eye (coverd by mask)

Apparel(what does your wrestler wear?): Tights are long and black with the words The Story on one leg and Page One on the other in white writing and in the Old English font. Booker T style boots with the words Colt. Phantom of the Opera mask covering half the face. When not in a match he wears an old reporters fedora and a trenchcoat.

Fighting Style(such as brawler, hardcore, ect.): Brawler with a bit of technical, alot of head/neck based offence.

Theme Music: Starts off witht he narrative "You know that time in your life, that single moment that defines exactly who you are? Well that only stings for a second..." before Smoke 'Em If You Got 'Em by Parkway Drive kicks in.

Entrance Description(be detailed because this is what I will use for shows): Lights go dark as the narrative kicks in. When the very heavy intro of he song starts Batista style pyros go off, when the smoke settles Colt, in his fedora and trenchcoat is seen standing at the top of the ramp with his finger stretched out to the sky. He then energetically "hops" down to the ring, greating the fans at ringside along the way. He rolls right into the ring and throws off his hat and coat before taking tothe top rop and again points his finger high to the sky.

10 to 20 Moves Your Wrestler Uses(this will help with match roleplay and writing): Snap suplex, arm drag, armbar, running DDT, european uppercut, Superplex, kick to the gut/uppercut combo, German suplex, Reverse DDT, Russian Leg Sweep.

Momemtum shifters: Shining Wizard, jumping neckbreaker.

5/6 Moves of Doom: Jaw breaker (usually a counter to a move), running to the ropes while they're groggy and hit a Million Dollar Knee Lift, as they get back up I bounce off of the ropes and hit a Running Neckbreaker, I then go up on the top rope and connect with a flying fore-arm off of the top rope, then I follow that up with one or both of my finishers.

Finishing Moves(can do up to two):
The Story on Page One (A delayed Vertical Suplex into a Stunner)
The Final Thought (Dragon Sleeper)

Colt's WWCF Championship History

•WWCF King of WrestleCrap 2009 defeating Evil Masked wordlifeecw(Evil M) in the finals of the King of WrestleCrap Tournament (King of WrestleCrap, 1/26/2009)
•WWCF World Heavyweight Champion defeating MiLo Duck (Ernest Goes To Wargames, 2/23/2009)
•WWCF Tag Team Champion w/Above Average defeating The Southwest Connection(Tyfo and Littlenaitch), Starshine and TTS, and Doley and Legion (Special Wednesday Night Heatz!!1, 6/24/2009)

Motor-Colt's WWCF Pay Per View Match Results

Colt's look back when he was King Motor-Colt


Wrestler Name(Wrestlecrap Forum name): TromboneMan

Height(anything below 7’0): 6'2

Weight(anything below 400): 240 Pounds

Hometown(where you are really from or you can put parts unknown): Melbourne, Australia

Alignment(heel or face): Heel

Gimmick Description: TromboneMan is an arrogant, cocky trombone player who came to the WWCF not only to fight and prove he is the best wrestler of all time, but also to earn respect as WWCF's #1 Trombone Player. TromboneMan will also play his music at certain WWCF events from time to time.

Appearance(what does your wrestler look like): TromboneMan can be described looking like a bigger, buffer Johnny Devine. With the same flowing blonde hair and facial features.

Apparel(what does your wrestler wear?): TromboneMan will wear and wrestle in his usual attire combination of denim jeans with a black spikey belt. Not usually one for fashion or decorations, TromboneMan will also comedown to the ring with a plain black shirt which he usually will not wrestle in.

Fighting Style(such as brawler, hardcore, ect.): Mainly a dirty brawler who'll do everything he can to keep his opponent grounded.

Theme Music: "In The Mood" - Glen Miller

Entrance Description(be detailed because this is what I will use for shows):

The familiar tune of "In The Mood" by Glen Miller hits the PA system. The fan's don't even need an introduction as TromboneMan instantly leaps out of the curtains with his trombone in his hand. He wastes no time in heading to the ring as he badly dances his way down the ramp to the tune of his theme music. After making his way into the ring, TromboneMan puts his trombone down in the corner and prepares himself for his opponent.

10 to 20 Moves Your Wrestler Uses(this will help with match roleplay and writing):

Snap Suplex
Spear Takedown
Belly-to-belly suplex
Samoan Drop
Teardrop Suplex
Fujiwara Armbar
Koji Clutch
Assisted Neckbreaker - (Rob Conway's Ego Trip)
Emerald Fusion

Finishing Moves(can do up to two):

The C Note - (CradleShock)

Rusty Trombone - (LionSault)

TromboneMan's WWCF Championship History

TromboneMan's WWCF Match by Match and Storyline History

  • 9/1/2008-Monday Niteraw First Episode: TromboneMan defeated Zlpempleh in the first round of the WWCF World Championship Tournament
  • 9/8/2008-Monday Niteraw: At the beginning of the show The Sam announces that TromboneMan and The Southwest Connection(Little Naitch and Tyfo) are his new clients and their new faction will be known as The Family.
  • TromboneMan w/The Sam defeated One Doley Nation in the second round of the WWCF World Championship Tournament


Wrestling Look

Wrestler Name(Wrestlecrap Forum name): MolotovMocktail

Height(anything below 7’0): 5'6

Weight(anything below 400): 160

Hometown(where you are really from or you can put parts unknown): Petaluma, CA

Alignment(heel or face): heel

Gimmick Description: veteran who is disgruntled at receiving a perceived lack of respect, and angry that he is being overlooked in favor of less-experienced stars.

Appearance(what does your wrestler look like): Long, brown hair, blue eyes, muscular but wiry

Apparel(what does your wrestler wear?): Ring gear: black and dark blue tights with shooting cannon over the crotch area and silver angels on the legs. Out of ring: teal polyester leisure suit, black shirt, blue sunglasses, chain with medallion, lots of cologne

Fighting Style(such as brawler, hardcore, ect.): Technical mixed with high flyer

Theme Music: I Hope You Die by Bloodhound Gang

Entrance Description(be detailed because this is what I will use for shows): Runs to ring, hands out for high fives that nobody gives, play air guitar in the ring, yell at fans when I get no response. For interview segments, will walk to the ring slowly, pausing in the aisle to spray my mouth with bonaca.

10 to 20 Moves Your Wrestler Uses(this will help with match roleplay and writing):

Spinning crescent kick (can fire up to 20 in succession in less than 10 seconds, can also do one off the top rope)
Swinging neckbreaker
Dive over ropes, hit opponent with flying dropkick on outside
Ankle lock
Sliced Bread #2
Sweet Chin Music
Shooting Star Press
Walls of Jericho

Finishing Moves(can do up to two): Wheel in the Sky (450 splash), top rope powerbomb

Backstage Look

The General of the Monkey Army

Wrestler Name(Wrestlecrap Forum name): The General of the Monkey Army

Height(anything below 7’0): 6 feet

Weight(anything below 400): 225 pounds

Hometown(where you are really from or you can put parts unknown): Lansing, Michigan

Alignment(heel or face): Heel

Gimmick Description: A general that has a pet monkey that causes distractions.

Appearance(what does your wrestler look like): Col Debeers, but more hairy

Apparel(what does your wrestler wear?): camouflage and army boots

Fighting Style(such as brawler, hardcore, ect.): Brawler

Theme Music: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gam7zkmVuoQ King Kong 2004 Theme

Entrance Description(be detailed because this is what I will use for shows): I'm come out with my pet monkey on my shoulder. When I approach the ring my monkey will jump off and sit by the ring post and I will go into the ring.

10 to 20 Moves Your Wrestler Uses(this will help with match roleplay and writing): Monkey flip, monkey toss, armbar, suplex, standing clothesline, DDT, diving headbutt, superplex, running knee lift, and spinebuster.

Finishing Moves(can do up to two): Monkey Wrench (A reverse Texas cloverleaf)

Monkey's Paw (a massive right hand)

Bio and History-
The General was born in a little town in Michigan in 1988. After graduating high school the General entered the armed forces and was shipped to Africa. After getting lost from his platoon he was soon captured by platypus until an army of monkeys saved his life.

The monkeys then told the General that there has been a great war between the monkey's and the platypus for over a 100 years and no end in sight. So the General decided to help them out and after a bloody battle the platypus army was defeated and the General was made into The General of the Monkey Army.

After the war The General decided to join the WWCF and he has made his mission to become the greatest wrester in WWCF history.

The General now lives in Lansing, Michigan with his wife Koko the monkey and is expecting his first child.

Evil M

Wrestler Name(Wrestlecrap Forum name): Evil M (formerly Evil Masked wordlifeecw)

Height(anything below 7’0): 6'6

Weight(anything below 400): 311

Hometown(where you are really from or you can put parts unknown): Rockland, Massachusetts

Alignment(heel or face): Heel

Gimmick Description: One time monster who now fights with “Honor”, as he puts it. He claims he is paying tribute to his injured ex-partner, Yellow Jacket.

Apparel: Same style singlet as Yellow Jacket wore.

Fighting Style: Wrestles a surprisingly technical mat based style for a guy his size. Is known for throwing in some cheap shots when the ref isn’t watching.

Theme Music: Man on the Silver Mountain by Rainbow

Entrance Description: Walks out wearing an letterman jacket with a “YJ” in the corner. On the back, it reads “DO IT FOR YELLOW JACKET”. Jogs down to the ring, singing his own praises, often times oblivious to the crowd’s boos. Once he’s in the ring, he poses on the top turnbuckle, before adopting a wrestler’s stance as he awaits his opponent.


Single leg takedown
Double leg takedown
Rear waist takedown
Side headlock
Wrist lock
Boston crab
Rear chinlock
Guillotine choke
Snap suplex
Double ax handle off the middle rope
Running elbow drop
Anaconda vice
Triangle choke
Mounted punches/choking
Running splash
Splash off the middle rope

Finishing moves:
Standing Crowbar: Stands behind opponent and forces him forward, then hooks the arm. Wrenches the arm, while keeping the opponent’s chest pressed against knee.
Do It For Yellow Jacket!: Butterfly suplex, usually proceeded by pointing the hornet emblem on the singlet, then to the heart

Evil M's WWCF Championship History

Evil M's WWCF Match by Match and Storyline History

Evil Masked wordlifeecw- The Beginning

  • 9/1/2008-Monday Niteraw First Episode: John S. Amigo defeated Evil Masked wordlifeecw(Evil M) in the first round of the WWCF World Championship Tournament
  • 9/8/2008-Monday Niteraw: Part of the new faction The Family consisting of The Sam, Little Naitch, and Tyfo come out to cut a promo in the ring. All of a sudden fire pyro shoots off from the entrance and Evil Masked wordlifeecw(Evil M)'s music hits and he comes down to the ring and says he is tired of hearing about The Sam's plans. The Southwest Connection and The Sam rush wordlifeecw but he double chokeslams Tyfo and Little Naitch. wordlifeecw grabs The Sam and gives him a tombstone. wordlifeecw takes replicas of his masks and puts it over the faces of all three men before setting off the fire pyro with his arms and leaving.

Evil M's old pics

Ryan Starshine

Wrestler Name: 'The Technical Professional' Ryan Starshine

Height: 5'11

Weight: 200 and something lbs

Hometown: Star City, Australia

Alignment(heel or face): Face

Gimmick Description: WWCF's self proclaimed 'Technical Professional.' A flamboyant technical wrestler who exudes confident. His confidence eventually won over the fans in a big way.

Appearance: Long brown, feathered hair. Short brown facial hair.

Apparel: Long tights, usually a combination of purple or pink. Knee pads matching the tights and white boots. Enters wearing aviators and some sort of jacket usually in loud colours.

Fighting Style: Mainly a technical approach, but is also known to take liberties with the rules every now and then. Can brawl a little when required to.

Theme Music: 'Supermassive Black Hole' by Muse

Entrance Description: Walks out to the top of the entrance stage, pumps his fists in front of him and loudly says "Yes!" Confidently alks down, with a bright grin and occasionally talks to some of the fans. Gets in the ring, climbs a turnbuckle, places his left leg on the top rope and raises his right arm.

10 to 20 Moves your wrestler uses:
Starshot (Twisting Brainbuster)
Second Rope Elbow Drop
Kick to the midsection
Arm Wrench
Blind Spot (Thumb to the eye)
Sits opponent up and teases a running kick off the ropes. Instead locks in a chinlock.
Sits opponent up and climbs to the second rope. Jumps down and locks in a chinlock.
Side Headlock
STO Backbreaker
Swinging Neckbreaker
Chin Lock
School Boy (sometimes w/ feet on the ropes/holding tights/both)
Low Blow
Plancha to the outside
Russian Sweep Backbreaker

Finishing Moves:
Starblind (Pedigree)

Ryan Starshine's WWCF Championship History

Ryan Starshine's WWCF Match by Match and Storyline History

  • 9/1/2008-Monday Niteraw: MiLo Duck defeated Starshine in the first round of the WWCF World Championship Tournament
  • 9/8/2008-Monday Niteraw: Cthulhu aka Providence defeated Starshine in a No Count Out Match

Starshine's original look


Wrestler Name(Wrestlecrap Forum name): Tyfo

Height(anything below 7’0): 6'3

Weight(anything below 400): 245

Hometown(where you are really from or you can put parts unknown): Dallas, Texas

Alignment(heel or face): Heel

Gimmick Description: Cocky heel, does whatever it takes to get what he wants. On occasion can have cowardly heel tendencies. Is a mat technician and a brawler. Member of The Sam08 Family.

Appearance(what does your wrestler look like): In great shape, but not a roid monster. Short, spiked brown hair.

Apparel(what does your wrestler wear?): Long black tights, fingerless red and black gloves. Wears a black and white Southwest Connection vest during ring entrance.

Fighting Style(such as brawler, hardcore, ect.): Mainly a technical wrestler, but an above average brawler as well. Occasional high flier.

Theme Music: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QBtq2v_U5rY The New Blackjacks WWF Theme

Entrance Description(be detailed because this is what I will use for shows): Walks slowly to the ring while arguing with fans, has a fire ball pyro, does the Texas Longhorn salute on all 4 corners in the ring.

10 to 20 Moves Your Wrestler Uses(this will help with match roleplay and writing): Piledriver, Double Underhook Bomb, Butterfly Suplex, Reverse STO, Running Bulldog, Sleeperhold, Drop Toe Hold, Running Lariet, Suicide Dive through the middle rope, Hammerlock, Snake Eyes, Sharpshooter, Double Axe Handle off the top rope, Top Rope Fist Drop, Twist of Fate, Powerslam, Running Clothesline into the corner, Double Arm DDT

Finishing Moves(can do up to two): Texas Cloverleaf, and 2nd Rope Brainbuster (The Tumbleweed).

Tyfo's WWCF Championship History

Tyfo's WWCF Match by Match and Storyline History

  • 9/1/2008-Monday Niteraw First Episode: J is Justice defeated Tyfo in the first round of the WWCF World Championship Tournament
  • 9/8/2008-Monday Niteraw: The Sam, Little Naitch, and Tyfo come out to cut a promo in the ring. All of a sudden fire pyro shoots off from the entrance and Evil Masked wordlifeecw(Evil M)'s music hits and he comes down to the ring and says he is tired of hearing about The Sam's plans. The Southwest Connection and The Sam rush wordlifeecw but he double chokeslams Tyfo and Little Naitch. wordlifeecw grabs The Sam and gives him a tombstone. wordlifeecw takes replicas of his masks and puts it over the faces of all three men before setting off the fire pyro with his arms and leaving.


Wrestler Name(Wrestlecrap Forum name): Square

Height(anything below 7’0): 6'3

Weight(anything below 400): 210

Hometown(where you are really from or you can put parts unknown): Preston, England

Alignment(heel or face): Heel

Gimmick Description: Cocky, arrogant, brat

Pic Base(pick a real wrestler or celebrity for your character to look like): Gerrard Butler

Appearance(what does your wrestler look like): straight longish brown hair, tattoo of "Made in England" on the back of neck

Apparel(what does your wrestler wear?): black teashade sunglasses, black and gray tights, and black jacket.

Fighting Style(such as brawler, hardcore, ect.): brawler

Theme Music: "I Don't Care"- Fall Out Boy

Entrance Description(be detailed because this is what I will use for shows): When the song gets to the first chorus Square appears and poses on the stage, making a S shape above his head, while a sparks fly down and a whole bunch of fireworks fly over head. Square walks down, ignoring the fans until he gets to the corner where he chats up a woman and gives the middle finger to her boyfriend. Square climbs the stairs and poses on the ring apron doing the S shape whilst more fireworks happen in the ring.

10 to 20 Moves Your Wrestler Uses(this will help with match roleplay and writing):
Stalling vertical suplex
Running Neckbreaker
Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex
Flying Cross Body
Towers Of London
Fisherman Suplex
Dropkick Suicide Dive (Running Dropkick through the ropes)
Finishing Moves(can do up to two):
Squareplosion: Roaring Spinning Elbow

Square's old pics

Stryker Dark Silence

Wrestler Name(Wrestlecrap Forum name): Stryker Dark Silence

Height(anything below 7’0): 5'11

Weight(anything below 400): 240

Hometown(where you are really from or you can put parts unknown): Depths of the soul

Alignment(heel or face): Tweener? Face if it needs to be one or the other

Gimmick Description: Slightly split personality. Calm, silent person most of the time, but can snap and switch to very aggressive with little notice. Likes to intimidate and always pushes the boundaries with referees.

Appearance(what does your wrestler look like): Like Roddy Piper in 1992.

Apparel(what does your wrestler wear?): Short black and white tights with the StrykerDuckSilence logo, black kilt worn to the ring and removed for matches. Nothing on top half, decent physique, Sting-like facepaint. Leather jacket worn during ring entrance. Black long boots.

Fighting Style(such as brawler, hardcore, ect.): Explosive style, aggressive mix of brawler, high flier and submission.

Entrance Description(be detailed because this is what I will use for shows): Lights go down during the drum roll intro, UV lights catch the facepaint and then slow but purposeful walk down the ramp. Walk up to the ring steps, stop and kick them derisively, then one knee up onto the apron. Wiped feet and then enter. Arms out for a turning pose, jacket comes off and chest slapped. Drop and roll out of ring and take off kilt as opponents music starts OR go right up nose to nose with the ref as I undo it if second to ring for the intimidation.

10 to 20 Moves Your Wrestler Uses(this will help with match roleplay and writing): Lock up and aggressive arm ringer/ Vicious palm strike flurry/ Double leg takedownand headbutt/ Single leg takedown into heel hook/ Overhead belly to belly suplex/ Flying crossbody/ Springboard DDT/ Springboard crossbody/ MMA Elbow strikes/ Seated full nelson/ European Uppercut flurry/ Thesz press with punches/ Forearm ground into face/ Stomp flurry/ Throw opponent to outside and tope over the top rope onto them/ Knife edge chops/ Green mist/ Guillotine legdrop/ Top Rope Crossbody/ Half Boston crab/ Front facelock.

Finishing Moves(can do up to two): Cyclone Cutter and Sleeper.

Stryker's WWCF Championship History

Stryker's WWCF Match by Match and Storyline History
9/1/2008-Monday Niteraw First Episode: The Tank defeated StrykerDarkSilence

Seth Drakin

Wrestler Name(Wrestlecrap Forum name): Seth Drakin

Height(anything below 7’0): 5'11

Weight(anything below 400): 265

Hometown(where you are really from or you can put parts unknown): Surburbia

Alignment(heel or face): Heel

Gimmick Description: He is a moral nut who believes in cleaning the world of the wicked.

Appearance(what does your wrestler look like): A white guy with the middle of his beard shaved.

Apparel(what does your wrestler wear?): Black Pants with Gold Crosses on the side as well as a black shirt Gray Trench Coat with Red Wings on the back during entrance.

Fighting Style(such as brawler, hardcore, ect.): Technical

Theme Music: Master of Puppets by Metallica

10 to 20 Moves Your Wrestler Uses:
* Clothesline'
* Suplex
* Slap
* Abdominal Stretch
* Sleeper Hold
* Drop Toe Hold
* Belly To Back Suplex
* Bodyslam
* Single Leg Takedown
* Knee Stomp
* Oklahoma Slam
* Power Slam
* Rest Hold
* Kick To The Stomach
* Eye Rake
* Eye Poke
* Armbar
* Headlock Takedown
* Arm Wrench
* Leg Drop

Finishing Moves:
* The Tale's End (Canadian Destroyer)
* The Inquisition (Steiner Recliner)

Seth Drakin's WWCF Championship History

Seth Drakin's WWCF Match by Match and Storyline History

Your Uncle Seth Drakin- The Beginning

  • 9/1/2008-Monday Niteraw First Episode: Your Uncle Seth Drakin defeated StevieRichardsFan Babyface in the first round of the WWCF World Championship Tournament
  • 9/8/2008-Monday Niteraw: Your Uncle Seth Drakin defeated The Iron Giant in the second round of the WWCF World Championship Tournament

Seth Drakin's Old Look

In Your Apartment Results


The In Your Apartment theme "This Old Apartment" by the Bare Naked Ladies plays
*The camera pans into the arena located in Parts Unkown City. It goes down to ringside at the announce booth where we are joined by WWCF announcers D-Day Dave and Madman Szalinski

D-Day Dave- Welcome everyone to IN YOUR APARTMENT. We have a packed card for you tonight. First off we have a singles match for the Forum Championship between two former tag team partners Above Average and Legion.

Madman Szalinski- It's usually the most fun when you're kicking the snot out of your former friend.

D-Day Dave- Later on we have a big grudge match between Evil Masked wordlifeecw and TromboneMan. A deep and heated grudge has developed between wordlifeecw and the Sam08 Family going back weeks.

Madman Szalinski- I don't see one man taking down a family, but then again I am going blind...

D-Day Dave- We also have a huge WWCF Tag Team Championship 4 corners match involving the tag champs Stryker Duck Silence MiLo Duck and Stryker facing Above Average and Motor-Colt facing The Southwest Connection and Sam08 Family members littlenaitch and Tyfo facing J is Justice and Providence aka Cthulhu of the Neighborhood Watch Committee.

Madman Szalinski- Four corners, three losers, two belts, and one lucky tag team. It's a pyramid of verbal destruction!

D-Day Dave- And then we have the big one. MiLo Duck will be defending his World Championship for the first time against Uncle Seth Drakin in a good old fashion Good House Keeping Match. Now at our first Pay Per View Gookermania1 Seth Drakin wrestled in the same type of match and came out victorious against General of the Monkey Army. Do you think that will give him an edge in this match Madman?

Madman Szalinksi- I hope so. Experience in a certain match type can make all the difference. It's like asking if the guy who went to college for working on automobiles has an edge over Ed the butt scratching mechanic.

D-Day Dave- Okay and with that lets take it down to the ring where we have are first match for the Forum Championship between the champ Above Average and Legion.


Opening Singles Match for the Forum/InterForum Championship Match
Above Average(Champion)

*Above Average and Legion stare each other down at the start. Legion shoves Above Average, who retaliates with a shove of his own.*

Dave- They seem to be feeling each other out right now. Being a former tag team they are both very familiar with each other so I’m sure they are wondering if the other is going to throw in something new to throw them off.

Madman Szalinski- Or just throw something.

*Legion goes to slap Above Average, who blocks it and punches Legion right in the mouth.
Legion charges Above Average, who ducks it and hits a back body drop.
Above Average picks Legion up by the hair and takes him over to the corner where he delivers some big chops. Above Average follows up the chops with a big right fist but Legion blocks it and punches Above Average with his own right fist. Legion whips Above Average into the ropes. Above Average comes off the ropes, ducks under Legion's clothesline and bounces back with a devastating flying forearm. Above Average looks at the crowd and yells out "OLE!"*

Madman: Above Average is living up to his name. Champions can't be average, so he has expectations to fulfill. And Legion tastes the LARIAT-O!!!

Dave: You are the most cracked out individual I've ever had the pleasure of working with. And I've done high school assemblies for D.A.R.E. with Bobby Brown.

Madman: LARIAT-OOO!!!!!!!

Dave: We get it. He knocked his block off.

*Legion comes up from behind Above Average and shoves Above Average into the corner and then flexes.
Above Average comes running out of the corner with a big knee to Legion’s head.
Above Average goes for the pin!!!*

Dave- NO Legion kicks out right at the last second!!!!!!!!

Madman- Lariat-o?

*Above Average pulls Legion up but Legion does a chop right into the throat of Above Average making him back up to the ropes. Legion irish whips him into the other rope and as Above
Average comes back Legion kills Above Average with a straight kick ala Shelton Benjamin.
Legion locks an ankle lock onto Above Average.*

Dave- The ref is asking Above Average if he wants to quit but it doesn’t look like he is giving up anytime soon.

Madman- If he's ready to sacrifice his ankle bones for a little bit of pride, then I say let him.

*Above Average reaches the ropes and the ref counts for Legion to break the hold
Legion picks Above Average up and delivers the Shock Treatment!! Legion picks Above Average back up again and irish whips him into the ropes and as Above Average comes running back Legion hits a huge Black Hole Slam!!!!*

Dave- Wow that was amazing. I don’t see how Above Average is ever going to kick out of that.

*Legion goes for the cover*


NOOOO!!!!!! Above Average gets his foot on the rope.

*Legion picks up Above Average and goes for a DDT but Above Average grabs onto the rope and blocks it delivering a suplex on Legion. Legion gets up and Above Average hits a spin kick knocking Legion back into the corner. Above Average comes charging at Legion and Legion gets out of the way just in time. Legion socks Above Average with some rights and then throws him outside of the ring.*

Dave- Legion now taking this match to the outside of the ring. That can be some dangerous territory.

Madman- Between tables, railings, and midgets lying in wait under the apron...

*Legion comes out after Above Average who is up now. Legion waits and stalks Above Average waiting for him to get up. Once Above Average makes it to his wobbling feet Legion charges at Above Average trying to spear him into the steel steps of the ring but Above Average does a fast drop toe hold and sends Legion face first into the steel steps. Above Average throws Legion back into the ring. Above Average goes up to the top rope and waits for Legion to get up. *

Dave- Above Average going high risk here. Lets see if it pays off.

*Legion makes it to his feet and Above Average hits a huge double axe handle. Above Average sets Legion back up on his feet and hits THE GIMMICK BUSTER!!!!!!!!!!!




Dave- And Above Average shows why he is the InterForum Champion and holds onto the belt!

Madman- Well, that was more fun than I expected...

Ring Announcer- And here is your winner and still InterForum Champion…………..ABOVE AVERAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Above Average is celebrating in the middle of the ring when all of a sudden Legion comes up from behind him and hits Above Average with a big steel chair shot. Legion spits on Above Average and drops the steel chair on him. The Story stable members Motor-Colt and Evil Masked wordlifeecw come running into the ring chasing off Legion who escapes through the crowd.*


A PPV Monday NiteRaw commercial runs.

Dave- I’m getting word from backstage that the 24/1 Hardcore championship is being fought over as we speak. Lets get some cameras back there to see what is going on.

Madman- Ouch!

* Cthulu hits Littlenaitch with a brick and gets the 123.
Legion comes up from behind Cthulhu and delivers a Chokeslam for the 123.
J is Justice seeing his partner getting beat from down the hall jumps in and hits a Mighty Dick Punch Of Justice ala John S. Amigo and gets the 123.
J is Justice and Cthulhu run away with the Hardcore Belt.*

Dave- Man they are they going crazy over that Hardcore Championship or what?

Madman- Yeah I just might go back there myself.

Dave- Hey I need you here.

Madman- Hmmm...yeah, you're right. I'm retired, for God's sake.

Dave- Well next up we have Ravishing Rob Rude taking on RX-78-2


Singles Match
Ravishing Rob Rude

*Rob Rude and RX hook up and Rude over powers RX into a corner. He starts whaling on RX with a combination of punches. Rude irish whips RX to the other corner and Rude comes running after RX but RX comes out of the corner with a big clothesline onto Rude.*

Madman: What kind of name is RX-78-2? It's like he's a robot or something. See? He's actually doing the Robot!

Dave: Yes, yes he is...

Madman: And Rob Rude just reached up and hit the shutdown button. I guess this robot's shutdown switch is located behind his left eye, where Rude just punched him.

*Rude grabs RX and gives him a headlock takedown. Rude still applying the headlock drags RX up and rams his head right into the turnbuckle.*

Dave- Wow he just used his head as a battery ram! Either Rude really doesn’t like that turnbuckle or he really wants to win this match.

Madman- Or he could be actually pulling on the wires connecting RX's central computing unit to his body.

*Rude steps over the fallen RX and starts swaying his hips with his hands on his head.*

Dave- What is he doing? That isn’t going to win him the match.

*Rude waits for RX to get to his feet and Rude hits the Rude Awakening!!!*

Madman - That might!



Ring Announcer- And your winner………….RAVISHING ROB RUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!


Singles Match

*Koda and grbjazzman hook up and grbjazzman gets Koda in a headlock. Koda pushes off grbjazzman into the ropes and Koda hits an Oklahoma Stampede on grbjazzman*

Dave- Devastating move by Koda!

*Koda picks up grbjazzman and Koda backs up into the rope running off of it into a grbjazzman with a headbutt. This knocks grbjazzman out of the ring. Koda tries to go out after him but the ref stops him and Koda and the ref start arguing in the middle of the ring. Once Koda moves the ref he goes for grbjazzman but grbjazzman is already off the floor and on the top rope and hits a huge jumping top rope clothesline on Koda!!!*

Dave- Very nice move by grbjazzman don’t you think Madman? Madman...?

Madman- Huh? Oh yeah. Great.

Dave- What the hell?

Madman- I'm not slurring my words, am I?

*grbjazzman hits Koda with a Jazz Stinger.
grbjazzman picks Koda back up and hits Koda with a bodyslam*

Dave- grbjazzman is on a roll now.

Madman- RickRoll?

Dave- No, a...just watch the match, dude.

*grbjazzman goes up to the top rope and goes for a leg drop but Koda gets out of the way right at the last minute. Koda picks up grbjazzman but grbjazzman hits a left jab right into Koda’s face. Koda gets mad and shoves grbjazzman into the ropes……

Madman- Koda slides between his legs with the baseball slide...and kicks 'em in the ass! Nice!

*Koda hits a big bulldog from behind grbjazzman. Koda picks up grbjazzman and uses a springboard tornado ddt to take grbjazzman down.
Following that, Koda then hits the Otaku Buster on his opponent.*



Ring Announcer- And your winner………….KODA89


*J is Justice is walking around backstage and enters a bathroom. Unbeknowest to him Above Average is waiting inside and Above Average hits J is Justice with the 3.0 and captures the title.
Littlenaitch was inside a stall the whole time and comes out and hits Above Average with a crowbar from behind to capture the title.
MiLo Duck busts out of another stall and hits littlenaitch with a frying pan to get the title.

Dave- And those hardcore maniacs are still going at it backstage. Remember whoever has the title at 9:00 tonight will become the new Hardcore Champion.


Dave- Next up we have a triple threat match between Disco Stu, Metalyrca, and General of the Monkey Army.

Madman: Atten-hut! Listen up, you primate bastards!

Dave: Huh?

Madman: I'm just trying to be the General's lieutenant. OOH!

Dave: I'm proud of you for not making the obvious private joke.


*camera pans into Metylerca, in the basement of the Arena. It is dark and you can only see him through the fire from the two lighters he holds in his hands to illuminate the room*

Metylerca: Tonight is my first ever PPV and It's time to make a statement. If I fail tonight, my career will be Trapped Under Ice. I will go out there and show my two opponents why I am the Phantom Lord. Disco Stu, Mister General Man...... you will both see why I am Holier than Thou, why when you wrestle me, you enter the Frayed Ends of Sanity.... and most importantly......why Metylerca will make you Ride The Lightning.

SEEK......... AND..... DESTROYYY!!!!!!


Triple Threat Match
Disco Stu
General of the Monkey Army

*General and Disco Stu battle it out to start, while Metylerca sits idly by. Seeing this, Disco Stu lariats Metylerca to the outside, where he lands funny on his right leg. General hits a german suplex on Stu. General hits a backbreaker for anothe. On the outside Metylerca is stirring, but not injured. General goes for a super brain buster off the top, but it gets reversed into a Top Rope Disco Kick by Stu!. Metylerca slides into the ring and nails Disco Stu with the Whiplash. Angry, Metylerca hits Stu with right side kick to the face.
General of the Monkey Army bites Metalyrca with a devastating monkey bite from behind.*

Dave- Wow and the General comes out with a very scientific wrestling move.

Madman- Yes, Dave, the monkey bite to the gluteus was first used in some parts of lower Mesopotamia in the 2000 BC era, by Jewish captives against their Babylonian captors.

Metylerca because of the bite hits the General with a spear. Metylerca hits Disco Stu who just stood up with a flying body press. Bingo the General’s Monkey jumps into the ring, drawing the referee's attention.

Dave- Oh my gosh!!!! There is a monkey in the ring!!!!!

Madman- Oooh oooh aah aah! Monkeys are much cuter in person.

*The General capitalizes on the distraction by hitting Metylerca with a loaded banana.
The General then hits a monkey flip on a charging Disco Stu. Metalyrca recovers from the banana shot and slaps Bingo the Monkey and throws him out of the ring.*

Dave- Ahhh he just slapped the General’s monkey.

Madman- Spanked him?

*As Metalyrca and the General are trading punches and while the ref is out checking on Bingo the Monkey Disco Stu hits both men with a bottle of Ouzo as it's Ouzo-for-twozo time.
Disco Stu hits General with a swinging neckbreaker.
Disco Stu drops Metylerca with a single leg takedown into an ankle lock.
The General is laying unconscious but Bingo jumps in and shakes him up to wake him and the General gets up and comes up from behind Disco Stu and hits a devastating clothesline kocking Stu right out of the ring. The General sees Metalyrca laying there and applies THE MONKEY WRENCH. Metalyrca fights and fights to get to the ropes but realizes he must submit before he is injured.*

Ring Announcer- And here is your winner…………….GENERAL OF THE MONKEY ARMY!!!!!!!!!!!

*The General celebrates with Bingo the Monkey inside the ring.*

We go to another NiteRaw commercial

*grbjazzman hits MiLo Duck with the frying pan that MiLo Duck had earlier to win the Hardcore Championship in the catering area.
Grbjazzman runs away out the back to escape with the Hardcore Title.
Cthulhu comes running out from the darkness of the night and pulls out an old buddy…….his big metal CHAIN and swings it at grbjazzman wrapping it around grabjazzman’s head. He reels in grbjazzman and hits a huge DDT and gets the pin RIGHT BEFORE 9:00.

*we can now hear the announcer announcing the new Hardcore Champion as Cthulhu celebrates.*

Ring Announcer- And here is your NEWWWWWWWW Hardcore Champion………….CTHULHU AKA PROVIDENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!


*The camera goes to a dark room in the locker room area where the red and black dressed “Evil La Parka” is getting dressed.*

“Evil La Parka”- Tonight I will be taking on One Doley Nation. Now Doley I don’t know much about you but I know I can beat you. You see the identity of myself is such a deadly secret that no one in the WWCF will ever see it coming just like you won’t be seeing this defeat coming. Now most of you keep bothering me and asking me when I will be revealing who I am but all I can say is……….it will be in good time…….and it will shock the world!!

*The camera goes back to the arena where they are setting up for the next match*

Singles Match
One Doley Nation
"Evil La Parka"

“La Parka” ties up with ODN and ODN overpowers La Parka into the corner. “Parka” shoves ODN back but ODN runs back into the corner and smashes “Parka”.

Dave- Man that La Parka guy will be feeling that one tomorrow morning.

*Doley Warrior power slams “Evil La Parka” and then bounces off the rope and delivers a body splash. ODN goes for the pin.*




*Evil La Parka kicks out. ODN picks La Parka up and sets him against the ropes. ODN bounces off the ropes on the other side and comes running at La Parka but La Parka gives him a back drop over the rope.*

Dave- Uh oh I think we are going be seeing some Lucha action now!

Madman- Arriba la raza!

* Evil La Parka then launches himself over the ropes and hits a twisting corkscrew plancha onto Doley. Parka throws ODN back into the ring. La Parka works the arm with the armbar on ODN. ODN counters into an armbar of his own, and they roll out for the stalemate. ODN goes for a suplex, but it gets countered into another armbar from La Parka. ODN escapes and runs against the ropes, only to be caught with a shin kick to the face! La Parka goes upstairs for what looks to be a flying cross body, but ODN catches him with a chest breaker!*

Dave- Oh man what a huge counter by One Doley Nation .

Madman- No more lucha! Go America!

*Doley picks up “Parka” for the DOLINATOR but “Parka” shakes out of it and pushes ODN right into the ref knocking the ref down. “Parka” follows that up with a spinning back kick knocking Doley down. “Parka runs outside to get his patented steel chair. He gets back into the ring and waits for ODN to get up. ODN gets up and “Parka” swings the chair at him but ODN ducks at the last second and kicks “Parka” right in his mandhood. Doley picks up “Parka” and sets him on the top turnbuckle.*

Madman: ODN is on fire tonight, he just put the malevolent skeletal costumed one on the top turnbuckles...and it's the dreaded ten count nutsack punch!

Dave: 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...I'm not watching anymore. My balls are starting to hurt!

Madman: 8...9...10! And I think we can afford to take a break, he's not gonna just break loose with anything for a few minutes.

*ODN picks “Parka” up from the turnbuckle and hits the DOLINATOR right onto the steel chair and goes for the cover right as the referee is coming to.*




*ODN stands over the fallen “Evil La Parka” and sits him up and starts to unstrap the mask of “Evil La Parka”. “Parka” comes to and realizes what happens and takes the chair that is still sitting beside him and wacks it up across ODN’s head. ODN falls back with the mask in his hand and “La Parka” immediately covers his face with the chair so no one can see and runs to the back.*


Dave- Next up we have the big grudge match between Evil Masked wordlifeecw and TromboneMan of the Sam08 Family.

Madman- One's evil and masked, one was probably in band in high school. Together, they're your next match. Enjoy.

Grudge Match
Evil Masked wordlifeecw
TromboneMan w/The Sam08

*TromboneMan’s old time band music plays*
*TromboneMan makes his way to the ring, pushing TheSam08 in a wheelchair. They look extremely smug and confident*

*Evil Masked wordlifeecw’s “original kane theme” music plays*

*Evil Masked wordlifeecw comes down the aisle, but a bunch a armed security guards rush down ahead of wordlifeecw, blocking his path to the ring*

The Sam08- Evil Mask, I was taking action against you and the WWCF, and I meant it! I went and got a court order, banning you from being in the ring or at ringside anytime I'm involved in a match! These nice men are going to escort you back to your locker room now, and they're going to make sure you stay there and don't come out while I'm managing the Southwest Connection.

*The guards escort wordlifeecw to the back*

The Sam08- Don't worry though, you'll be allowed to wrestle. Just not tonight, or anytime I'm at ringside. You know when I won't be at ringside? At the next Pay-per-view, when you face Cthulhu in an Iron Maiden match!

Now Mr. referee, I want you to do your job and count Evil Mask out of this match! *The referee reluctantly makes the ten count*

Now Mr. Announcer, declare TromboneMan the winner of the match!

Ring Announcer- Here is your winner, TromboneMan!

*TromboneMan raises his hands in victory before wheeling TheSam to the back*

Dave- What a low thing to do! That isn’t fair.

Madman- Yeah, that was pretty cheap. Even I will admit, I couldn't do that to a guy. I'd at least get one or two shots in before I pulled the protective order card.


Tag Team Championship 4 Corner Tag Match
Justice and Providence VOTES-1
Stryker Duck Silence(Champions) VOTES-2
The Southwest Connection w/The Sam08 VOTES-5
Motor-Colt and Above Average VOTES-4

*Before the match starts we see that Seth Drakin has made his way out to the ring with his Neighborhood Watch Committee stable mates Justice and Providence.*

Dave- I wonder what Seth Drakin is doing out here? You think he is scouting out MiLo before there big Championship match later in the main event tonight?

Madman- He could be. Or, maybe this match is going to be so good he wanted to see it in person.

*Tyfo and Cthulhu start out in the ring. Cthulhu pops Tyfo in the forehead with a left jab but Tyfo recovers and kicks Cthulhu in the gut. He twists Cthulhu’s arm into an armbar and tags in littlenatich who comes in and punches the armbarred arm of Cthulhu. Littlenaitch shoves Cthulhu into the Southwest’s corner and starts delivering beautiful flair chops.*

Dave- Man Cthulhu’s chest is turning red!!!

Madman- If he had boobies, they would be ready to fall off.

* Littlenaitch irish whips Cthulhu into Stryker Duck Silences corner and littlenaitch comes in with a big splash. Then he slaps MiLo duck across the face tagging MiLo in. Milo runs into the ring and charges after littlenatich giving him a huge lou thez duck press and starts slamming fists into littlenaitch.*

*While this is going on Cthulhu tags in his partner J is Justice and J is Justice comes up form behind MiLo and delivers three german suplexes. Justice covers MiLo but it is broken up at two when Motor-Colt jumps in and breaks up the count. Justice tackles Motor-Colt for breaking up the count letting MiLo get a tag to Strykerdarksilence. Justice throws Motor-Colt onto the outside and Strykerducksilence delivers a huge clothesline to Justice. Stryker picks up Justice and gives him a big scoop slam. He bounces off the ropes and does a big knee to the face of Justice. Stryker gets back up and is about to do another one but gets too close to The Story corner and Above Average slaps Strykers back tagging himself into the match. Above Average punches Stryker and throws him out of the ring and goes for a cover on Justice. The pin is broken up by Cthulhu who comes in and throws Above Average out of the ring right onto Styker!!*

Dave- Uh oh looks like this thing is about to break loose.

Madman- Hey, hey, have you heard the news?

*littlenaitch runs into the ring and superkicks Cthulhu right outside of the ring. Justice runs into the ring and clotheslines littlenaitch to the outside. MiLo Duck runs into the ring and dropkicks Justice to the outside. Tyfo comes in and grabs MiLo about to throw him outside the ring but decides not to and delivers a scoop slam. Littlenaitch starts chopping everyone in sight on the floor lighting everyone up like a Christmas tree. Littlenaitch takes out Cthulhu with a neckbreaker and then back body drops Justice. Motor-Colt comes from behind littlenatich and delivers an atomic drop which sends littlenatich back in the ring. Stryker comes up from behind Motor-Colt and levels him with a huge body shot. Stryker gets in the ring and Tyfo is whaling on MiLo Duck so Stryker pulls him off of MiLo and checks on MiLo while Tyfo sees littlenaitch recovering from an atomic drop and tries to help him recover. The four men finally see that they are the only ones in the ring. MiLo and Stryker charge for the Southwest Connection but Your Uncle Seth Drakin grabs MiLo Duck’s leg and pulls him to the outside not within the ref’s view. Tyfo and littlenatich meet Stryker with a double clothesline*

Dave- Oh no Stryker is all alone in the ring now. Seth Drakin has just pulled out MiLo! The Story and The Neighborhood Watch Committee are brawling with each other on the outside not noticing what is going on intside!!!

Madman: If somebody doesn't settle this down the crowd might start fighting too! Then the stagehands, then the janitors and before you know it, Dave, you and I might have to brawl!

Dave- Chill out. Take one of your precious Xanaflex.

Madman- Oh, no thank you. Tonight's show is brought to you by Cisco. Remember, kids, this is not a wine cooler. It WILL get you drunk. Cisco. It takes you by surprise!

Dave- That's not their slogan anymore. The federal government made them stop using it.

Madman- Why? It's true...

*Tyfo sets Stryker up for a pile driver as littlenaitch gets on the second rope in the corner. Tyfo goes for the pile driver while littlenatich comes down and pushes the feet of Stryker. Tyfo makes the cover as littlenaitch chop The Story and The Neighborhood Watch Committee off the apron.*




Ring Announcer- Here are your winners and NEWWW WWCF Tag Team Champions………..Littlenaitch and Tyfo The Southwest Connection!!!!!

*Tyfo and littlenaitch quickly grab the WWCF Tag Team Championship belts and wheel TheSam08 up the ramp. Motor-Colt and Above Average run after them but TromboneMan comes out of the entrance way with trombone in hand and threatens them as they back up.*

*Meanwhile Seth Drakin throws MiLo into the ring and hits MiLo with End Of The Story(Canadian destroyer). Commissioner Amigo comes running out with security to pull Seth off of MiLo Duck. As Seth is being pulled off and taken to the back he has a huge smirk on his face.*

Dave- Oh man I have no idea how MiLo is going to recover from a four corner tag team match and Seth’s huge finisher before tonight’s main event after the next match between Starshine and Square.

Madman- Okay, we're continuing with the cheap theme here tonight. If Uncle Seth wins the World title tonight, he should cut the belt up into pieces and give each man in that four corners tag team match a piece of it.


*Shown sitting backstage holding a sports bag next to him. Looks up at the camera.*

Well, here we are again. Stage one. *holds up finger* Establishment. Tonight I'm facing Square. He's apparently English or so I hear, which I think makes this the most international match in the history of this company. Now, with that in mind I've decided to introduce the WWCW Super International North American World Ultra Heavyweight Title.

*Pulls out a cheap looking leather belt covered with various empty Australian beer cans strapped to the sides from the bag*

I will only defend this belt against the most international of contenders. That basically means... Square, and I'll only defend it once. You only get once chance against this jewel.
So, knowing this match is so prestigious and historic in the grand scheme of things I messaged Mr. D-Day Dave on Facebook this morning, asking him to make our match the main event. Well I didn't get a reply, and even worse I checked my sent messages and saw that he'd even read it and still not replied. So in I texted Madman this morning and said; "WTF bro?". He actually replied minutes later and allowed this once in a lifetime opportunity to take place. So for the first and only time ever in the WWCF you will witness the greatest title match in the history of this sport between two great men. And win or lose.. or draw, this'll be one for the record books

Singles Match

*Starshine and Square hook up and Square pushes Starshine away. Starshine goes for a right handed punch but Square blocks it and punches Starshine across the face knocking him back to the corner. Square comes running after Starshine but Starshine instinctively goes through the ropes and nails Square with a forearm. Starshine launches himself over the ropes back inside the ring and nails a huge dropkick on Square.*

Dave- Starshine showing some impressive skills here tonight.

Madman- Lot of shapes in this match, don't you think?

*Starshine picks Square up but Square rakes Starshine’s eyes and kicks him in the gut. Square delivers a beautiful suplex on Starshine. Square picks up Starshine and hits a standing drop kick on Starshine. Square goes off the rope off the other side and comes back around and hits a huge summersault into a jumping leg drop. Square goes for the cover.*




*Starshine kicks out. Square picks Starshine up and irish whips him from one rope to the other and Starshine comes back and hits a huge spinning back kick sending Square to the outside. Starshine waits for Square to get up on the outside and launches himself over the top rope with a beautiful hurricanrana sending Square into the crowd!!*

Dave- Man both these men are bringing it tonight!

Madman- Let's see that replay! Look...oh...what? We can't do live replays? Man, this production team sucks!

*Starshine jumps up onto the guard rail and jumps off right on Square. Starshine starts delivering devastating blows to Square as he heres the ref is almost to the count of 10

Ref- 8, 9, 10

*Starshine makes it back in just in time to pick up the count out victory!!!!!*

Ring Announcer- And here is your winner by count out………………STARSHINE!!!!!!

Monday NiteRaw Commercial

Dave- And we are back and the crew is setting up the ring for the Good House Keeping Match MAIN EVENT between WWCF World Champion MiLo Duck and number one contender Uncle Seth Drakin. In this match house cleaning supplies will be laying all over the ring and at ringside. The two opponents may use anything that is house cleaning equipment.

Madman- I've been hit with a vacuum cleaner at a party, and I'll tell you now it's not fun. We got brooms, mops, vacuum cleaners, all kinds of toxic cleaning chemicals, I even thought I saw some steel wool! The heck with a cheese grater, that would be some pain!

Dave- Well, if you're tired of waiting then wait no more. Main Event time!


MAIN EVENT: GOOD HOUSE KEEPING MATCH WWCF World Heavyweight Championship(Rules for this match is that they can use house cleaning products such as brooms and stuff like that.)
Your Uncle Seth Drakin(Challenger)
MiLo Duck(Champion)

*Seth makes his entrance and awaits MiLo Duck as he still has a huge smirk on his face from earlier*

*For a while nothing happens and there is no sign of MiLo.*

Dave- Well this isn’t a good sign.

Madman- Maybe he couldn't recover in time...

*MiLo comes out of the crowd from the back with Seth not noticing still looking at the ramp waiting. MiLo has a broom in his hand and comes up from behind Seth and cracks it over the skull of Seth Drakin!! MiLo picks up Seth and tosses him into the corner sending Seth right over the top rope!!*

Madman- Or maybe he could!

Dave- Man is MiLo out for revenge for what happen to him earlier!

*MiLo picks up an ironing board and throws it out onto Seth. Seth takes the blow hard and is out on the concrete floor. MiLo comes out onto the floor and grabs a vaccum cleaner. MiLo takes the cord and wraps it around the throat of Seth choking the life out of him. MiLo picks up Seth by the cords and swings him into the steel steps. MiLo picks up Seth and throws him into the ring.*

Dave- Man MiLo is really taking it to Seth Drakin. I never knew ducks could be so violent!

Madman- Quack quack. Don't you remember the Bash Brothers?

Dave- Eh?

Madman- Mighty Ducks!

*MiLo gets on the apron to get back in the ring but Seth recovers quickly and delivers a shoulder blow to MiLo knocking MiLo onto the floor. Seth follows and bangs MiLo’s head onto the apron several times and then throws MiLo into the ring violently. Seth picks up a small kitchen table on the outside of the ring and throws it into the ring. He goes under the ropes real quick and sets the table right side up while giving boots to MiLo. Seth picks up a mop and gets MiLo into a camel clutch with it. The ref asks MiLo if he wants to quit but MiLo keeps yelling NO!!!!! Seth finally lets go and picks up some Comet cleaning stuff. He poors some out onto his hand and waits for MiLo to slowly get up.*

Dave- Oh no he isn’t going to throw that into MiLo’s face is he?

Madman- Well, he doesn't have any salt.

*MiLo gets up and Seth is about to throw the Comet powder into MiLo’s face but MiLo hits Seth’s hands and knocks it into Seth’s face!!! Seth takes a Dust Buster and turns it on full blast. He sticks the sucking side to Seth’s head and delivers a big DDT as Seth’s face smashes into the dust buster!!!*

Madman: And MiLo's got the Pine-Sol! And a mop! He wouldn't...he would! A mop to the head! And now...he's going to make Seth Drakin's back hair lemony fresh! He's pouring it all over his back and mopping it up! Dave, can I ask you something?

Dave- Sure.

Madman- Why would someone take time in the middle of a wrestling match to give their opponent a bath?

Dave- No clue. I always thought Seth kept himself really clean being a neat freak and all.

Madman: Just wondering. Oh, much better! The duck rubs Pine-Sol in Uncle Seth's eyes with the mop! Now that makes sense! He's trying to shine up his retinas!

Dave- Man that mixed with the Comet can’t be good for Seth Drakin’s eyes!!

*MiLo picks up Seth and goes for the QUACKERJACK but Seth blocks it and shoves MiLo into a corner. Seth quickly grabs a plunger and sticks it to MiLo’s face.*

Dave- Okay now I know that isn’t hygienic!

Madman- Especially if that's not brand new.

*Seth holds onto the plunger stuck to MiLo’s head and starts shaking it back and forth while he kicks MiLo in the gut. Seth then grabs a vaccum cleaner and spreads MiLo’s legs and lays the head of the vaccum cleaner in the middle.*

Dave- Oh no!!! Don’t tell me he is going to do what I think he is going to do!!!

Madman- He's going to sweep his carpet for him.

*Seth goes to the opposite corner and comes running over to where MiLo is and delivers a huge hesitation dropkick right into the vaccum cleaner going into MiLo’s manhood. Seth recovers from the dropkick fall and goes for the cover!







*Seth is very upset now and grabs a lighter from out of his pocket. He takes some Clorox cleaner and sprays the table kitchen table he threw into the ring earlier. He takes the lighter and SETS THE KITCHEN TABLE ON FIRE!!!!!!!!!!*

Dave- Hey since when was fire a housecleaning appliance?

Madman- Since Andre Rison and Left-Eye Lopez.

*Seth grabs the last thing beside the kitchen table that hasn’t been used yet in this match……………….THE KITCHEN SINK!!! MiLo is laying back first on the ground looking up at Seth and Seth holds the sink up about to bring it down on MiLo.

Dave- Oh my gosh he wouldn’t!!!!!!!!!!

*As Seth is about to bring it down onto MiLo’s face MiLo kicks Seth right in the nuts.*

Dave- Well that was payback for that devastating vaccum dropkick move from earlier.

Madman- No, it's really not...

*Seth drops the sink and MiLo moves out of the way before it can hit him. MiLo grabs Seth and sets him up right by the BURNING KITCHEN TABLE!!!! MILO DUCK HITS THE QUACKERJACK THROUGH THE BURNING KITCHEN TABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Madman- THAT's payback.





Madman- Give that duck a piece of bread!

Ring Announcer- And here is your winner and STILLL WORLD WRESTLECRAP FEDERATION CHAMPION……………………..MILOOOOOOOOOOOOO DUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Stryker runs down to the ring and celebrates with MiLo as the crowd goes wild. Justice and Providence come out and pull the fallen Seth Drakin out of the ring and carry his lifeless body to the back.*

Dave- Well congratulations to MiLo Duck for being the first person to ever defend the WWCF World Title successfully. For Madman Szalinski I’m D-Day Dave goodnight everybody!!! Man was that wild!!!

Madman- Don't drink WD-40, kids!

*Credits run and the show fades to black*

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