Evil M
Wrestler Name(Wrestlecrap Forum name): Evil M (formerly Evil Masked wordlifeecw)
Height(anything below 7’0): 6'6
Weight(anything below 400): 311
Hometown(where you are really from or you can put parts unknown): Rockland, Massachusetts
Alignment(heel or face): Heel
Gimmick Description: One time monster who now fights with “Honor”, as he puts it. He claims he is paying tribute to his injured ex-partner, Yellow Jacket.
Apparel: Same style singlet as Yellow Jacket wore.
Fighting Style: Wrestles a surprisingly technical mat based style for a guy his size. Is known for throwing in some cheap shots when the ref isn’t watching.
Theme Music: Man on the Silver Mountain by Rainbow
Entrance Description: Walks out wearing an letterman jacket with a “YJ” in the corner. On the back, it reads “DO IT FOR YELLOW JACKET”. Jogs down to the ring, singing his own praises, often times oblivious to the crowd’s boos. Once he’s in the ring, he poses on the top turnbuckle, before adopting a wrestler’s stance as he awaits his opponent.
Single leg takedown
Double leg takedown
Rear waist takedown
Side headlock
Wrist lock
Boston crab
Rear chinlock
Guillotine choke
Snap suplex
Double ax handle off the middle rope
Running elbow drop
Anaconda vice
Triangle choke
Mounted punches/choking
Running splash
Splash off the middle rope
Finishing moves:
Standing Crowbar: Stands behind opponent and forces him forward, then hooks the arm. Wrenches the arm, while keeping the opponent’s chest pressed against knee.
Do It For Yellow Jacket!: Butterfly suplex, usually proceeded by pointing the hornet emblem on the singlet, then to the heart
Evil M's WWCF Championship History
Evil M's WWCF Match by Match and Storyline History
Evil Masked wordlifeecw- The Beginning
- 9/1/2008-Monday Niteraw First Episode: John S. Amigo defeated Evil Masked wordlifeecw(Evil M) in the first round of the WWCF World Championship Tournament
- 9/8/2008-Monday Niteraw: Part of the new faction The Family consisting of The Sam, Little Naitch, and Tyfo come out to cut a promo in the ring. All of a sudden fire pyro shoots off from the entrance and Evil Masked wordlifeecw(Evil M)'s music hits and he comes down to the ring and says he is tired of hearing about The Sam's plans. The Southwest Connection and The Sam rush wordlifeecw but he double chokeslams Tyfo and Little Naitch. wordlifeecw grabs The Sam and gives him a tombstone. wordlifeecw takes replicas of his masks and puts it over the faces of all three men before setting off the fire pyro with his arms and leaving.
Evil M's old pics