


1. To be an active member of the WWCF Roster you must roleplay/promo at least once a week and vote on the results for every show. If anyone fails to do this they will not be booked for the next show until they do both. If someone doesn't do either for three weeks in a row then they will be taken off the Active Roster.

2. We have two weekly shows called Monday Niteraw and Sunday Night Heatz!!1. Monday Niteraw is every week except for the end of the month in which we have a pay per view which will also be posted on Monday. Sunday Night Heatz!!1 is every Sunday except when there is a PPV the following day. Evil M will post the cards a day or two after Monday Niteraw. Then Evil M will send the card to every roster member and they can PM me back their vote for who they want to win in every match. Evil M will count up the votes and the wrestler to get the most votes in their match wins.

3. Whoever gets the majority vote wins. If it is a tie I will call it either a double count out or draw.

4. All Niteraw promos and run-ins should be sent to me or Evil M with your Niteraw votes in a PM every week. Please note though that other roster members will vote for you more often if you roleplay or at least just talk in the WWCF Forum Thread and are an active member.

5. People are allowed to have managers(other members of the wrestlecrap forum or a created fake character).

  © World WrestleCrap Federation 2008-2010

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