
Ryan Blood


Wrestler Name: Ryan Blood

Height(anything below 7'0): 5' 11"

Weight(anything under 400): 208

Hometown: Baltimore, MD

Alignment(heel or face): Heelish

Gimmick Description: A guy who's determined to become champion at any cost and not be overlooked, which means he'll be trying to make a name for himself at the expense of established stars.

Appearance(what does your wrestler look like?) Build similar to that of Austin Aries, skin almost too pale for television, black hair that he'll usually keep in a ponytail, full beard. Tattoo of a red cross-hairs over his heart.

Apparel(what does your wrestler wear?): Long black tights with trails of red blood drawn down the legs, red boots. Wears a black jacket to the ring.

Fighting Style(such as brawler, hardcore, ect.): High flyer/brawler with a little technical wrestling thrown in

Theme Music: Pistol Grip Pump by Rage Against The Machine http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SHXZdDIkwWI

Entrance Description: Walks slowly to the ring, ignoring the fans. If his opponent's waiting for him, he'll be staring the guy down the entire time. If not, he'll just make his way down focusing on the empty ring. At the bottom of the ramp, he'll jump from the floor onto the apron and then jumping from the apron onto the top rope, diving into the ring from there and rolling to his feet in the center of the ring.

10 to 20 Moves your wrestler uses:

Swinging neckbreaker
Release German suplex into the turnbuckles (setup move for either finisher)
Missile Dropkick
Round kick
Top rope elbow drop
Arabian press
Corner splash
Discus clothesline
Shoulder blocks to an opponent in the corner
Rolling elbow
Hip toss
Suicide dive
Tilt-a-whirl backbreaker

Finishing Moves(you can do up to 2):

A.D.H. ("Assisted Diving Headbutt". An elevated DDT delivered to an opponent sat on the top turnbuckle, bringing him down to the mat headfirst. Executed against people light enough for him to lift to the top turnbuckle or who have climbed up there only to get knocked silly before they can jump off)

Dragon Sleeper (Used against anybody too heavy for him to lift to the top turnbuckle, or just whenever the opportunity presents itself)

Major America


Wrestler Name: Major America

Height(anything below 7'0):6'9

Weight(anything under 400):377

Hometown: United States of America

Alignment(heel or face): Heel

Gimmick Description: 1/4 Hulk Hogan, 2/4 John Cena , 3/4 A Crazy old guy and 4/4 Ric Flair.

Appearance(what does your wrestler look like?)
A balding , orange skinned mountain of muscle with a blonde mustache.

Apparel(what does your wrestler wear?): Red , White and Blue trunks.

Fighting Style(such as brawler, hardcore, ect.):80s Powerhouse

Theme Music: Born In The USA By Bruce Springteen

Entrance Description:
Major America rides out on a Harley Davidson motorcycle with a shotgun across the handlebars and a sick child sitting on one of his shoulders and Oh Yeah he has an American flag draped over him.

10 to 20 Moves your wrestler uses:
Running Powerslam
Scoop Slam
Bear Hug
Running Leg Drop
Sleeper Hold
Clothesline from Hell
Gorilla Press Slam
Stinger Splash
Tombstone Piledriver
Mounted Punches
Mandible Claw
Package Piledriver

Finishing Moves(you can do up to 2):
America Punch , Hell Yeah!!!!!!!!! - Superman Punch
American Spirit!!!!! Hold - STFU

Monday Niteraw - July 19, 2010


Monday Niteraw - July 19, 2010

Tim Hoss: Folks, welcome to Monday NiteRaw!

Jesse King: Just one week away from Botch at the Beach, tonight, Champion and Challenger meet face to face in the Boiler Room!

Hoss: Not only that, but both Jonathan Michaels and DR Jackson will be in action tonight, plus Sparks has a chance to earn a shot at the Championship of Honor, and much more!

King: Then enough talkin’! Let’s get to our first match!

”Damn Right” Jackson V. Little Naitch

Muffer - Ladies and gentlemen, this opening contest is set for one fall, with a twenty minute time limit!

Too black…
Too strong…

*I Made It*

Muffer - Introducing first, from West Philly, “Damn Right” Jackson!

*New Blackjacks theme*

Muffer - And his opponent, from Las Vegas, Nevada, Little Naitch!

Referee Spud Johnson calls for the bell.

Naitch and Jackson tie up, Jackson throws Naitch into the ropes. Naitch bounces back with a flying forearm, which stagger’s Jackson, but doesn’t knock him off his feet. Naitch hit’s another forearm, but Jackson stays standing! Naitch goes to the second rope for a third forearm, but Jackson catches him with a lariat! Cover!


Jackson pulls Naitch up and whips him into the corner, running splash! Naitch staggers out of the corner, where Jackson meets him with a DDT! Cover!


Jackson drops a leg on Naitch! Cover!


Jackson runs the ropes and goes for an elbow drop, but Naitch rolls out of the way! As Jackson get’s to his feet, Naitch tackles him at the knees and forces him to the mat! He mounts him and hammers him with punches, then covers him!


Naitch drops a knee across Jackson’s leg, then goes for the Figure Four, only for Jackson to kick him off! Naitch tries again, with the same result. Jackson back up, Naitch charges, but Jackson stands his ground. Naitch throws some chops, then goes for a suplex, but the larger Jackson blocks it and hit’s a suplex of his own! Naitch struggles to his feet, but Jackson kicks him in the gut and locks on the Anxiety Adjustment, but Naitch refuses to submit! Jackson then suddenly transitions and hit’s the High Attitude! Cover!


Muffer - Here is your winner, “Damn Right” Jackson!

Jackson raises his arms in victory.

*Backstage, we see Seth Drakin smiling.*

Seth: I am sure all of you know that apparently, Viva told me he quit. However, because I never received his letter of resignation.....he is still officially on the roster. However, he has stated that I wont be hearing the end from him and while he may be able to his money-hungry lawyers that he has been wronged, the WWCF Galaxy knows that is all full of crap.

Viva is getting exactly what he deserves for his insolence and in fact, I have decided that Viva should be competing at the ppv. Against who, you ask? Well......I have a certain person in mind who would love to get in the ring with you, but you will have to find out that answer for yourself or when he decides to reveal himself as your opponent.

Come to Botch At The Beach and wrestle, or the opportunity to discuss your grievance with me will be forever closed.

*After Seth finishes, the screen fades to black.*

Caleb Fourchon V. Dream Warrior

Muffer: The following match is set for one fall with a fifteen minute time limit! First, from Memphis, Tennessee, weighing 200 hundred pounds, Dream Warrior!

*Default’s “The Memory Will Never Die” plays as Dream Warrior comes down from the rafters to the crowd’s applause.*

Hoss: Dream Warrior had an excellent showing last week against the seemingly unstoppable Man in Black but still came up short. Maybe tonight-- what’s wrong?

*DW’s descent stops leaving him hanging several feet above the ring. He looks up and gives the rope holding his harness a tug.*

King: Some kind of technical difficulty. Hope it doesn’t delay things too much.

*Suddenly, Caleb Fourchon slides out from under the ring wielding a length of rebar. He jumps into the ring and attacks Warrior from behind, smashing the weapon into his legs!*

Hoss: Good God! Caleb Fourchon is attacking Dream Warrior while he’s still suspended above the ring! Dream Warrior is helpless to stop him!

King: Its an ambush, Gorilla!

*People in the crowd start to scream as CF begins to hack at Warrior’s knees with the rebar. Finally DW is able to release the line attached to his harness and falls painfully to the mat. Fourchon throws the rebar over the ropes and tells Referee Lloyd McFloyd to start the match. McFloyd runs over to the downed Dream Warrior, who is still clutching his legs. The two converse, with DW nodding. He slowly gets to his feet. The ref tells Muffer to get out of the ring and signals for the bell.*

Hoss: They are actually going through with this match?! Fourchon should be immediately disqualified for attacking Dream Warrior!

King: Why? He wasn’t technically in the ring and the match hadn’t started yet. Besides, Dream Warrior wants to continue.

Hoss: That boy has more guts than brains!

*Dream Warrior launches himself at Fourchon, hitting him with a flurry of punches and elbows, knocking the bigger man back. The fans cheer, but grow concerned as DW’s legs give way. Fourchon beats at Warrior’s back and neck with his forearms, then drags him to his feet and puts him in a front facelock.*

King: Speaking of brains.... do you think Fourchon set up this whole thing? He had to, right?

Hoss: Probably. How could he have known Warrior’s harness was going to malfunction otherwise?

*Still holding onto DW’s head, Fourchon bends down and spins his own body, causing Warrior to pinwheel and hit the mat violently face first. CF grabs his legs and goes for the pin. One.. Two... Dream Warrior kicks out.*

Hoss: Dream Warrior able to survive that nasty spinning neckbreaker.

King: Maybe, but he’s just delaying the inevitable. Fourchon took out Warrior’s best weapon, his agility, when he hobbled the high flyer.

Hoss: Before the match even started!

King: Give it a rest, Gorilla.

*Caleb Fourchon glares down at Dream Warrior. He stands and begins kicking at his legs until Warrior rolls to the ropes, then walks away to catch his breath. Looking to the crowd he smirks and taps his temple with his finger, causing them to boo.*

Hoss: That smug sonuvabitch!

King: He’s a man desperate for his first victory in the WWCF. Who’s to say you wouldn’t do the same thing if you were in his place?

Hoss: Me! I’m saying it right now!

*CF watches Dream Warrior slowly pull himself up by the ropes. When he turns he gets a big boot to the face from Fourchon, who then scoops him up, slings him over his shoulder, and drops Warrior head first onto the mat with a back to belly piledriver. He goes for the pin. One, Two, Three!*

King: And its done.

Muffer: Here is your winner, Caleb Fourchon.

*The crowd boos as Fourchon taps the side of his forehead again. He hooks his arms over the top rope then flips backwards out of the ring.*

Hoss: Fourchon may have gotten his first win in the World Wrestle Crap Federation tonight, Jesse, but he sure didn’t earn it!

*Fourchon picks up the rebar he used to assault Dream Warrior with and rests it across his shoulders. He walks up the ramp, smiling broadly. In the ring McFloyd is helping Dream Warrior to his feet. DW grabs Muffer’s mic.*

Dream Warrior: Fourchon! I swear this isn’t over! I’ll be out for your blood next time we face off. You can come after me with all the cheap shots and ‘langiappe’ you want, but you will never be able to kill my dream!

*The crowd cheers DW’s words as Fourchon stops at the top of the ramp to look at Dream Warrior, his grin slipping slightly.*

Colt V. Whitey Fats

Muffer - The following contest is set for one fall, with a fifteen minute time limit!

Classy southern music plays over the speaker as Whitey Fats enters, accompanied by a confused looking Boiler Room Brawler.

Hoss - The Boiler Room Brawler looks like he doesn’t have a clue, Jess!

King - Probably because he doesn’t, Gorilla!

Muffer - Introducing first, from Starke, Florida, weighing in at 280 pounds, Whitey Fats!

"You Know That Time In Your Life, That Single Moment That Defines Exactly Who You Are? Well That Only Stings For A Second..."
Smoke 'Em if You Got 'Em - Parkway Drive

A loud cheer goes up as Colt makes his way to the ring.

Muffer - And his opponent, from Adelaide, Australia, Colt!

The bell rings and the two lock up. Whitey pushes Colt back into the corner, but Colt charges back out and tackles Whitey to the mat! He throws some punches, then a headbutt! Whitey clutches his forehead, as Colt backs up. As Whitey get’s to his feet, Colt hit’s him with a dropkick, taking him off his feet once more! Cover!


Both men back up, Whitey with some punches, but Colt blocks them with a jawbreaker! As Whitey stumbles around, Colt runs the ropes and hit’s a Million Dollar Kneelift! As Whitey tries to pull himself up, he gives BRB some sort of instructions. Whitey back up and Colt hit’s a running neckbreaker! Colt goes to the top rope, but BRB shoves him off! Colt yells at BRB, who tries to stammer a response. Jazzman runs out!

King - What is Jazzman doing out here?!

Hoss - Well, Colt asked Jazzman to be his tag team partner last week, so maybe this is Jazzman’s way of giving an answer!

Jazzman get’s in BRB’s face, while BRB tries to explain himself. In all the confusion, Whitey rolls Colt up!


Muffer - Here is your winner, Whitey Fats!

Whitey quickly rolls to the outside and goes after Jazzman! Colt makes the save, as Whitey escapes through the crowd, yelling for BRB to follow.

Jazzman and Colt angrily watch the two leave.

Hoss - Whitey get’s the upset win, but this looks far from over, Jess!

King - No doubt, Gorilla! This is not the last we’ve heard of this issue!

Square and The Hangman V. HME Security

Micheal Muffer: The following contest is set for one fall, coming to the ring first they are Vince Hetfield and Axl Roth The Heavy Metal Hollywood Security Guards!

Saints of Los Angeles plays as Hetfield and Roth, both wearing HMH t-shirts and jeans, walk to the ring

Gorilla Tim Hoss: The heavies of Heavy Metal Hollywood Roth and Hetfield taking on there employer's opponents come Botch at the Beach Square and Hangman

Jesse King: Or HangSquare as I've dubbed them, in all serious though has Roth and Hetfield ever wrestled before?

Micheal Muffer: And there opponents, at a combined weight of 510 pounds they are representing the Human Hate Machine Square and The Hangman!

I Don't Care hits and Square and Hangman appear on stage both making belt signals and then sprint down to the ring, with the Gaurds jumping out of the ring

Hoss: The HMH Guards do not seem to want any of the Hate Machine

King: They have there orders and are just sticking to it, they do not want to get involved in a brawl with these two because Square and Hangman are two of the toughest sons of bitches this company has ever seen

Hetfield and Hangman start of for both teams, with Hangman getting the advantage quickly with a series of hip tosses and then a double arm suplex. Roth gets tagged in, and sprints at Hangman but gets greeted with a boot in the face. Roth gets dragged over to the Machine corner and Square, already on the top rope, gets tagged in and delivers a elbow drop then covers

Hetfield breaks the pinfall

Hoss: Strong start from the Hate Machine, trying to end this match early

King: The sooner they can end this, the less chance of being hurt before the tag title match simple really.

Square throws Roth into the Hate Machine corner, and Hetfield tries to jump Square but follows his partner into the same corner. Square walks to the opposite corner and then lands a running hip attack, tagging in Hangman afterwards who delivers a vicious body splash onto both men who stumble out of the corner.

Hoss: Hangman grabs Roth and pulls him up into the suplex postion, Square's got Hetfield on his shoulders. L7 and Slash Buster! Goodnight!

Hangman covers Roth

Muffer: Here are your winners Square and the Hangman!

Square and Hangman get there hands raised, and then climb the turnbuckles to pose.

Hoss: The Human Hate Machine have just disposed of the security guards, but what about there employers?

King: We may not have to wait for the PPV, look who just entered the ring.

Hoss: Dave and Headbanger have jumped into the ring from the crowd, what the hell are they gonna do?

Dave, carrying his eletric guitar, and Headbanger, with a cymbol in hand, strike the obvlious foes in the back with a mighty thud. Square falls headfirst off the turnbuckles onto the apron and Hangman falls into Headbanger who hits the Double Bass DDT onto the cymbol whilst Dave places the uncounious Square onto the ring steps and smashes the eletric guitar over his head.

Hoss: The Human Hate Machine have just been left bloodied and battered after a vicious attack from the tag team champions. Will the man of 1000 nicknames and the real life horror movie be able to make it to Botch At The Beach?

Sparks V. an Opponent Chosen by Evil M

Muffer - The following contest is a Rules of Honor match, set for one fall. If Sparks wins, he will earn an opportunity to challenge for the Championship of Honor at Botch at the Beach!

*Caught in a Web*

Sparks enters, carrying Scar in a cage.

Muffer - Introducing first, Sparks!

Sparks enters the ring, holds up Scar, then hands the cage to a ring attendant, who carries it to the back.

Muffer - And his opponent…

Evil M appears on the CrapTron.

M - So Sparks. I see you’re out here, all ready to go. Well that’s great. I’m glad to see you have no fear of the unknown. Because your opponent could literally be anyone. It could be Jonathan Michaels, that dishonorable degenerate. It could be that vile, sinister lowlife, Amigo. Hell, it could be my good friend Yellow Jacket. But it’s not. Because he’s injured.

However Sparks, your opponent is someone you’ve faced before. Someone who’s beaten you before. I know, that’s a lot of people, but still. This person made you TAP OUT.

As M taunts Sparks, we see him sneaking up behind Sparks in the ring!

Hoss - Wait a second! That’s Evil M coming up behind Sparks!

King - Hahaha, brilliant plan by Evil M!

M - In fact, Sparks. This opponent is someone you-

The feed cuts off as Sparks suddenly spins around and cradles M! Spud Johnson calls for the opening bell!


Muffer - Here is your winner, Sparks!

M sits up, slapping the mat in frustration as Sparks quickly rolls to the outside, celebrating.

Hoss - Ladies and gentlemen, this means Sparks will now challenge Evil M for the Championship of Honor next week at Botch at the Beach!

King - I can’t believe it! I can’t believe Sparks pinned the Champion!

Hoss - So much for do it yourself, huh Jess?

Mad Man Mulligan is backstage.

Silly General! I was never going to eat that blithering slobbery primate you call a friend! NO MONKEY EATER AM I! It says in my Book of Madness that to truly destroy one's enemies you must confuse them. The Book is all, and it shall guide me to my salvation. I shall walk the path of Madness to achieve my ends. That path leads through you General, through Botch at the Beach and onward to glory and salvation. What's say you and me have a little ......STUFFED MONKEY ON A POLE MATCH! If.....nonono WHEN I win.....I shall lead my crusade against sanity and begin to show the WWCF the true salvation that only the Book of Madness can provide. Oh yessss.......only in madness can one find the truth......BWA-HAHAHAHAHA!

Mad Man Mulligan V. Kris Kobain

Gorilla Tim Hoss: It’s an exhibition match between Mad Man, The Prophet of Madness, and Kris Kobain.

Jesse King: You got that right, Gorilla, it should be an interesting matchup for the fans.

Michael Muffer: Our next match is scheduled for one fall…

*They’re Coming to Take Me Away – Napoleon XIV*

Mad Man walks out with pamphlets, handing them out to random audience members.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Mad Man is one of the latest recruits to the WWCF.

Michael Muffer: Now entering the ring, hailing from W-S, NC, weighing in at 250lbs, he is the Prophet of Madness, Mad Man!

Mad Man enters the ring, the Book of Madness in hand.

Jesse King: Mad Man is here to preach the word of madness, Gorilla. He claims that salvation can only be attained by reaching a state of insanity.

Michael Muffer: And his opponent…

*Siva – Smashing Pumpkins*

The crowd pops as Kris Kobain enters the arena, raising his arms as pyro explodes behind him.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: But Kris Kobain is probably of little faith in what Mad Man has to say.

Kris Kobain walks down the ramp to the ring as Mad Man stands with the Book of Madness in hand.

Michael Muffer: Now entering the ring, hailing from Seattle, WA, weighing in at 200lbs, Kris… Kobain!

Kris Kobain stands at the apron, back to the ropes, and extends his arms for his signature pose. Mad Man takes the Book of Madness, runs up behind Kobain, and bashes him in the back of the head, knocking him to the arena floor.

Jesse King: And Mad Man begins preaching his word!

Referee John Creed starts the match as MM slides under the bottom rope to kick KK.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: The Book of Madness seems to have no texts on honor.

KK stands back up just in time to meet a few of MM's punches. KK is backed up to the guardrail as Creed counts one.

Jesse King: Kris Kobain's cockiness allowed him to be cold cocked, Gorilla.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: In a manner of speaking Jesse.

MM winds up, spins around, and delivers a discus clothesline to KK, sending him over the guardrail. Creed counts two.

Jesse King: That was a mighty discus clothesline from Mad Man, TH.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Hm...

MM slides back into the ring as Creed counts three.

Jesse King: What?

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Well, I can't help but wonder...

KK slings one arm over the guardrail and begins standing up as Creed counts four. MM paces about in the ring.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Our Inter-Forum Champion, the Man in Black, also has used a discus clothesline...

Jesse King: And what? Lots of people have used a discus clothesline. It maximizes impact potential by utilizing extra velocity with the spin.

MM stops and looks out as KK climbs over the guard rail and heads for the ring. Creed counts five.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Well...

Jesse King: Well nothing! Mad Man has only been around for about a month. The Man in Black has been around since last December...

KK slides into the ring and is met with stomps from MM. He slides back out of the ring, snatching MM by the boot and toppling him onto his back.

Jesse King: There's no way that our CEO Seth Drakin would have wittingly let a "Man in Black" into the company without ID...

KK poses to the crowd, and then drops an elbow onto MM's ankle. MM retracts his leg back into the leg and clutches it in pain as KK slides back into the ring.

Jesse King: If Mad Man really was the Man in Black, then he would have been in this company as an unofficial employee for over six months.

KK climbs to the top rope. MM stands up just in time for KK to turn around, and leap off with a moonsault, toppling him back to the mat.

Jesse King: Your little theory is patently absurd.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Well excuse me, King.

KK covers for the pin. Creed counts one, tw-MM kicks out. KK stands up and squats down, waiting for MM to stand back up. MM stands back up, shaking his head a little, and then turns around as KK delivers a super kick. MM catches it and drives it over the second rope, impacting with KK's groin. KK hops away, clutching his groin from the impact. MM capitalizes with a mafia kick to KK's head, knocking him to the mat.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: That was quite the exchange between Kris Kobain and Mad Man. Mad Man is fresh. What skill and experience he may lack he can make up with his potentially fresh skill set.

MM drops down to his knees over KK and starts blatantly choking him.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Mad Man is blatantly choking Kobain!

Creed gives MM a warning but he is ignored. KK tries to reach for the ropes but he's in the middle of the ring. Creed counts one, two, thr-MM lets go of KK and walks away.

Jesse King: The Book of Madness has taught Mad Man well. It has taught him to stretch the rules just far enough that they don't snap.

KK crawls to the ropes and starts getting up. MM runs behind him and starts forcing KK's neck over the ropes, choking him out.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: And Mad Man is back to strangling Kobain! Creed should disqualify him!

MM continues to lean over and choke KK over the second rope as Creed counts one, two, thr- MM lets go of KK again and walks away.

Jesse King: I'm liking Mad Man's style here. He's bashed Kris Kobain in the back of the head and choked him twice in a row now and boy is Kris Kobain looking worse for wear. And the match continues!

KK climbs his way back to a standing position with help of the ropes. MM grabs the Book of Madness.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: What the hell is Mad Man doing? The match is going on now, he'll be disqualified if he uses the book now!

Jesse King: Well, he is named, "Mad Man."

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Being mad doesn't mean being stupid.

KK throws a kick at MM, who holds onto the book. KK uses the ropes to pull himself up and then to rebound off the second rope to kick MM in the face, knocking him to the mat, the Book of Madness tumbling out of his hands. KK collapses back into the ropes to breathe.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Good moves by Kris Kobain. This match hasn't treated him very well tonight but he appears to be fighting his way back into controlling the match against Mad Man.

MM clutches his face as KK climbs onto the turnbuckle and poses for the crowd.

Jesse King: It's that same hubris of Kris Kobain that was getting him thrashed throughout this match tonight. The General of the Monkey Army ought to take notes.

KK leaps forward for a swanton bomb, landing squarely onto MM. The crowd pops.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: The General is a no nonsense man. Mad Man even threatened to consume monkey flesh...

KK covers for the pin. Creed counts one, two- MM kicks out.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: The General uses Tinkers and Bongo to their full potential. He proved last month at Wheel of Misfortune that he may lose a battle, but he will win the war...

KK and MM get up. KK, his back to the ropes, leans into them and uses the rebound for momentum to leap into the air for a flying forearm strike but MM sidesteps him.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: And at Botch at the Beach, Mad Man and The General of the Monkey Army will face off in a Stuffed Monkey on a Pole Match. I cannot wait to see how that match goes down.

MM stomps on KK, who quickly scrambles back to his feet. MM Irish whips KK but retracts him and locks in a sleeper hold.

Jesse King: Mad Man does appear to have some real skill. He is rather unpredictable. I'm kinda curious as to what he was planning to do with the Book of Madness earlier.

KK struggles within MM's grip and manages to lunge a foot out to reach the ropes, latching on. Creed tells MM to let go, but MM maintains the hold.

Jesse King: Mad Man knows a good strategy and he's gonna choke out Kobain!

Creed counts one, two, thr-MM releases KK, who takes a few steps before MM locks in a full nelson and then slams him face first onto the mat.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: The Brain Scrambler! The Brain Scrambler, King!

Jesse King: It's over now! You watching this, General?

MM turns KK over and goes for the pin. He puts his forearm over Kobain's throat as Creed counts one.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Mad Man is choking Kris Kobain!

Creed counts two.

Jesse King: If he can't breathe, he might not kick out!

Creed counts three.

*They're Coming To Take Me Away! - Napoleon XIV*

Gorilla Tim Hoss: No! That was treachery!

Michael Muffer: Here is your winner as a result of a pinfall: The Prophet of Madness... Mad Man!

Jesse King: Mad Man stuck to a good strategy and it paid off. BRB oughtta read that pamphlet and look into conversion.

Mad Man grabs the Book of Madness and leaves the ring as Kris Kobain remains on his back, gasping for breath.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Creed didn't see Mad Man sneak in one more act of treachery!

Jesse King: Hey, they fought pretty well but Mad Man is a new breed of crazy, probably only rivaled by our Hardcore Champion, the Smokin' Vokoun.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Well I can only hope that The General teaches Mad Man a lesson in cold, effective sanity!

Main Event: Jonathan Michaels V. Amigo

Muffer - The following contest is set for one fall and it is your NiteRaw main event!

*Welcome to Hell*

Muffer - Introducing first, from Tempe, Arizona, weighing in at 214 pounds, Amigo!


Muffer - And his opponent. Being accompanied by Sara Nakatomi. From Los Angeles, California, weighing in at 240 pounds, Jonathan Michaels!

John Creed calls for the bell.

Hoss - And away we go!

Michaels and Amigo tie up and jockey for position. Michaels shoots behind and takes Amigo to the mat! He quickly scoots around for a front chinlock, but Amigo fights out of it with elbows and a knee. Both men back up, Amigo charges, Michaels catches him with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex! Cover!


King - Big move there, but it’s too early in the match!

Michaels quickly clamps on a headlock! Amigo fights free, but Michael picks him up and hit’s a modified atomic drop! Amigo stumbles forward and Michaels hit’s a diving lariat, knocking Amigo through the ropes to the outside! Jonathan follows as Creed begins his count.

Amigo and Michaels trade punches on the outside.
Amigo throws Jonathan into the side of the barrier and throws some chops!
Jonathan reverses it and hits some chops of his own!
Jonathan tries to whip Amigo into the ringpost…
…but Amigo reverses it and Michaels goes face first into the post!
Amigo pulls up Michaels, who is busted open, and tosses him back in the ring!
Amigo also rolls back in, breaking the count.

Amigo slams Michaels, then backs up, before dropping a knee across the face of the prone former Champion of Honor! Amigo then climbs to the middle rope and drops another knee!

Hoss - Jonathan Michaels is in a bad way, Jess!

King - I’d be shocked if he can even finish the match!

Amigo picks Jonathan up and hangs him upside down in the corner.

Hoss - Amigo with bad intentions in mind here, Jess!

Amigo backs up, then runs at Michaels, catching him with a knee to the midsection! Michaels falls to the mat, where Amigo sits him up.

King - Uh-oh, Gorilla! We all know what’s comin’ next!

Amigo goes for the Bom-Ba-Ye…


Hoss - KEYGRIP!!! Michaels locks on the Keygrip!

Amigo tries to grab the rope, but Michaels quickly pulls him back to the middle of the ring! Amigo screams, but tries to get to the ropes again! Michaels again pulls him back, but this time Amigo flips him over into a rollup!

Amigo grabs the bottom rope!

Muffer - Here is your winner, Amigo!

Amigo quickly rolls to the outside, but Michaels follows him! Jonathan rams him into the ringpost, then goes for a stinger splash, but Amigo moves! Jonathan eats the ringpost, as Amigo beats a quick retreat, passing DR Jackson on the ramp. Jackson walks over to Michaels and pulls his head up by the hair. He says something to Michaels that the mic can’t pick up, then drops his bloodied soon to be opponent. He goes to leave, but Michaels clutches his leg! Jackson kick’s him off and continues up the ramp, but Michaels suddenly shows life and tackles Jackson from behind!

Hoss - Unbelievable! Jonathan Michaels has been battered, beaten, and bloodied, yet he still fights!

Michaels and Jackson brawl on the ramp until referees and security run out to break it up! They get the two separated, but this is obviously not over.

King - Gorilla, these two will meet at Botch at the Beach in a number one contenders match! If this is any indication, we are in for one hell of a match!

The Boiler Room

BRB is counting cash when Tyfo walks in.

BRB: Uh... who-

Tyfo: The Pain Train, BRB; Tyfo. Mister Money in the Bank. The man who's gonna challenge our fellow Family member Jay Carroll for the World Championship. Remember?

BRB blinks.

BRB: You're facing a fellow Family member?

Tyfo: You know what, Don't worry about it right now. I know your kind of....not all there at the moment, so just let me handle this...

Last week I came on Niteraw and said I was tired of sitting around waiting for Botch at the Beach to come. I didn't want to just lay back and relax anymore. Mr. Drakin, I appreciated the time off, but I'm ready to go now. So I decided to come to the Boiler Room, and I invited my opponent, the WWCF Champion Jay Carroll to join me.

Well, I haven't heard a thing out of Jay in the last seven days, nothing. And as you can see, he's not here in the Boiler Room with BRB and myself. Because of my respect for my fellow Family member and our World Champ, I'm going to assume that he's intensely training for his upcoming title defense against yours truly. Because I know your not afraid to come out here this week, and I know if you could be here, you would be.

But for all the respect that I have for you Jay, you are going to have to respect the fact that at Botch at the Beach, your WWCF Championship will become mine!

I've been in this company since day, hour, minute, second number one! I'm a patient guy and I've waited for my chance to come. I've watched people come and go, and come back and go again, but I've been right here the whole time. Last year when I won Money in the Bank, I knew that the wheels were finally in motion and that when the time was right I would take that final step up the ladder and become World Champion. And that is exactly what I intend to do at Botch at the Beach. I've climbed the ladder to the very top, and that top step has your name on it Jay.

Friend, Family member, whatever. It doesn't matter to me anymore who's standing in front of me. Because after 3 years of preparing for this moment, nobody..........NOBODY is going to slow down this runaway Pain Train.

Jay Carroll, wherever you are right now, just know, your about to step right in the middle of the tracks, and I'm the Train that's gonna run you down! Your championship is coming home to me and after Botch at the Beach, finally, finally, FINALLY! Tyfo will be the WWCF Heavyweight Champion of the WORLD.........with all due respect.

BRB: Okay, well. Good luck with that.

Hoss: Folks, next Monday night, live from Parts Unknown Beach, it’s Botch at the Beach!

King: I can’t wait, Gorilla! Tyfo and Carroll for the World Title, Metal Express defend the Tag belts against the Hate Machines, and Jackson/Michaels!

Hoss: Plus, some new additions to the show. First off, we have a special non-title match between Hardcore Champion The Smokin’ Vokoun and Inter-Forum Champion The Man in Black!

King: After what’s happened to BRB at The Man in Black’s hands, what kinda war are we gonna see?!

Hoss: As a result of Sparks’ win earlier tonight, he will now challenge the Champion of Honor Evil M!

King: Sparks has gotten a few over M recently, Gorilla, but The Evil One isn’t the Champ for nothin’!

Hoss: Announced earlier tonight, Mad Man Mulligan will battle the General of the Monkey Army in a stuffed monkey on a pole match!

King: We’ve seen some bizarre matches Gorilla, most involving the General, but this one has the potential to be the craziest yet!

Hoss: And just announced, a big tag team encounter! Following the controversial ending to the Colt/Whitey match, we have just learned that Colt and Jazzman will team up to face Whitey and BRB!

King: This match will be very interesting Gorilla, partly because we haven’t seen BRB compete since his accident at Wheel of Misfortune!

Hoss: Plus, will Viva Los Bio Dome show up, and if so, who is this opponent Seth has promised?!

King: I can think of quite a few people who’d like a piece of Viva, so I can’t wait to see who it is!

Hoss: Folks, next Monday night. Call your cable providers. Botch at the Beach. Don’t miss it. Goodnight, folks!

Credits: Evill M, Seth Drakin, Caleb Fourchon, Square, Mad Man Mulligan, BRB, and Tyfo

Monday Niteraw - July 12, 2010

Monday Niteraw - July 12, 2010

Tim Hoss: Folks, welcome to Monday NiteRaw!

Jesse King: What a show we've got, Gorilla! Three rankings matches, the Inter-Forum Champion, and a Rules of Honor match?! I can't wait!

Hoss: Then let's not wait any longer! To the ring!

Caleb Fourchon V. Jonathan Michaels

Muffer: The following match is set for one fall with a fifteen minute time limit. First, from Dulac, Louisiana, weighing 248 pounds: Caleb Fourchon.

*There is some booing as Caleb comes out to REM’s “Circus Envy.” He slides under the ropes, rolls to his feet, and makes a circuit around the ring staring out at the crowd. When he gets to his corner he squats down on his haunches and waits.*

Hoss: Caleb Fourchon is not your ordinary big man. One of the tallest competitors on the roster, but under 250 pounds. Still strong though, and very quick.

King: Not ordinary when describing this man is an understatement. Do you really think Fourchon wrestled alligators before coming to the WWCF?

Hoss: Given his raw style it wouldn’t surprise me in the least, Jesse.

Muffer: His opponent is from Los Angeles, California and weighs 240 pounds. Accompanied by Sara Nakatomi, he is the Hardcore Hearthrob: Jonathan Michaels!!!

*The crowd cheers loudly as “DOA” by The Foo Fighters starts up. Michaels and Nakatomi walk out through the smoke while film of dangerous stunts appear on the video tron.*

King: Its always a pleasure seeing Jonathan Michaels walking to the ring, because it means we also get to see Sara Nakatomi. Yowza!

Hoss: Michaels is just two weeks away from what may be the biggest match of his career: a fight at Botch at the Beach against “Damn Right” Jackson-

King: Ugh. That guy.

Hoss: - to determine who will be Number One Contender for the WWCF Heavyweight Title.

*Referee John Creed calls both men to the center of the ring and goes over the rules. He takes away Caleb’s gator teeth necklace and calls for the bell. The two lock up, with Michaels getting the early advantage, putting Fourchon in a side headlock. Fourchon powers his way out and slips behind Michaels trying for a full nelson. JM wriggles free before he can tighten his grip. The two square off and again go for elbow and collar tie ups. CF pushes Michaels to his corner, earning a warning from Creed when he refuses to break the hold.*

Hoss: Fairly tame match so far. I expected both men to come out swinging.

King: JoNo may usually be more of a brawler, but he’s got some technical skill. Maybe he’s experimenting with a new style in preparation for his fight with Jackson.

*The ref continues to tell Caleb to get off Michaels. He finally complies, but knees JM in the stomach first. Taking hold of his arm, CF tries to Irish whip Michaels into the opposite corner, but the tables are turned when the move is reversed.. JM follows that up with a charging clothesline that slams Fourchon against the ringpost. On the outside Sara takes a few steps back as Michaels climbs the second rope and starts punching CF in the face. The crowd counts along. One! Two! Three! Four! Finally Creed comes over and hollers at Michaels to stop. Fourchon uses the distraction to grab JM and pitch him over the ringpost towards Nakatomi. Michaels makes an awkward twist midair to avoid hitting her, but lands solidly on the back of his head as a consequence.*

Hoss: Did you see that?! Fourchon deliberately threw Michaels at Sara Nakatomi! He could have seriously hurt her.

King: You’re making assumptions, Gorilla! I’m sure it was just an accident.

Hoss: An accident my foot!

*Fourchon rubs his jaw and turns to look down at Michaels who is still on the ground. Both Nakatomi and Creed are checking on JM. With a smirk Fourchon steps between the ropes to the outside apron, waits for Michaels to get on his hands and knees, then jumps down on top of him. Creed pulls Sara away as Fourchon lands feet first on Michael’s lower back, forcing him to the mat and sending himself sprawling. The crowd gasps, then boos.*

Hoss: Another dangerous, reckless move by Caleb Fourchon!

King: Maybe so, but if Fourchon wants to be able to beat the former Hardcore Champion and Champion of Honor, he’s going to have to take some risks.

*Fourchon slowly gets up as Creed goes over to tell him to get back in the ring. CF nods then goes over to Michaels, who is again trying to stand. He grabs Michaels by the hair and yanks him to his feet, then slams him face first into the ring post. Lifting Michaels he pushes him under the ropes, positioning him in the corner while he stays on the outside.*

King: That was dumb. Fourchon should have left Michaels outside and hoped for a count out win.

Hoss: I think its pretty obvious by now that this Caleb Fourchon does not have even the basic understanding of the rules of wrestling. Why he was hired by the WWCF I’ll never know.

*Fourchon reaches on either side of the ring post and hooks an arm around JM’s head and legs. Then he pulls backwards, putting his foot on the post, bending Michaels around it painfully.*

King: He might not know the rules of wrestling, but he’s got some of the moves down. That is a nasty modified bow and arrow hold.

Hoss: One that’s about to get him disqualified!

*Creed yells at Fourchon and tells him to let go. He starts counting. CF releases Michaels after four. He walks towards Sara, stares at her, then rolls under the ropes back into the ring. Michaels writhes in pain on the mat. Fourchon pantomimes filming Michaels then reaches down to grab JM by the hair again. This time Michaels takes hold of his arm and pulls him forward into the turnbuckle. CF hits it hard and goes staggering back, tripping over Michaels who rolls him up for the pin. Fourchon pushes him off after one.*

Hoss: What unbelievable instincts by Jonathan Michaels! Even after those shots to the head he’s still savvy enough to go for a quick pin.

King: It still failed, Gorilla.

*The crowd cheers as Michaels gets to his feet. Fourchon is up as well, and JM goes after him, hammering away with a series of punches, forcing Fourchon to the middle of the ring. CF throws a wild haymaker that misses, leaving him vulnerable for a spinebuster that puts him on the mat. Michaels again goes for a pin. One, two, Fourchon kicks out. JM exhales and drags Caleb to his feet, whipping him to the ropes to try and spear him on the rebound. CF leapfrogs over Michaels, hits the ropes on the opposite side and comes back at him with a running crossbody that flattens him.*

King: Did you see that?

Hoss: An incredible move by Fourchon.

King: The man has some big ups, Gorilla.

Hoss: Big Ups?!

*Fourchon lays acoss JM for the pin, but Michaels raises an arm up after two. Fourchon gets up holding his stomach and then kicks at JM’s hands and arms to keep him from rising. He turns away from both Michaels and Creed and fishes something out of his jeans pocket.*

Hoss: What’s he got there?

*Fourchon produces a gator tooth that he tries to hide between the fingers of his closed fist. Sara Nakatomi springs up onto the apron and begins pointing at CF’s hand. Creed comes over and demands to see what he has. Fourchon throws the tooth across the ring. When the referee goes to retrieve it CF turns and aims a kick to the groin of Michaels, who is now just standing, hunched over. With a burst of sudden energy JM knocks the kick aside and then hits Fourchon square in the jaw with the Fade to Black! Creed turns just in time to see Caleb topple over and Michaels fall on him for the pin. One, Two, Three!*

Hoss: The Fade to Black! One of the most dangerous moves in all the WWCF! Capable of ending any match at any time!

King: Then why doesn’t he just start out with it, Gorilla? It would have saved him all this hassle.

Muffer: Here is your winner, Jonathan Michaels!

*Michaels lets Creed raise his hand and then accepts a hug from Sara, who has entered the ring. They warily watch Fourchon lumber to his feet and step between the ropes to leave, rubbing his jaw and glaring at the cheering crowd.*

Hoss: Really an impressive victory tonight for JoNo. Caleb Fourchon may be a novice, but he’s athletically gifted, and as we saw is willing to fight very dirty. Just like Michaels’s opponent at Botch at the Beach, DR Jackson. Could this be a harbinger of things to come for the Hardcore Heartthrob?

*We see Tyfo sitting on a couch in his living room*

Hello to all the great fans out there tonight. As you may know, after officially cashing in the Money in the Bank briefcase I've been carrying around for nearly a year, Seth Drakin gave me some time off. I must say, it was much needed, especially after being involved in very physical matches in back to back weeks with The Metal Express and Square and Hangman.

But over the last week or so, I've grown tired of sitting around at home. I feel good, I feel prepared for the championship match that I've waited all my life for, and I don't feel like waiting around until Botch at the Beach.

So today, I had a little talk with my friend and fellow Family member The Boiler Room Brawler. After 20 minutes of trying to explain who I was, I got to my point. I made sure he was aware that he is the host of a show known as The Boiler Room, and he has agreed to be here next week to host his show, with me as a guest.

But, I don't plan on being the lone guest. I am inviting Jay Carroll to join me next week in The Boiler Room. So Jay, buddy, if it all sounds cool to you, I'll see you next week. Brawler may or may not know who we are next week, but we'll give it a shot. I hope to see you next week, just as I will at Botch at the Beach.

Rankings match(For number three spot): Sparks V. Colt

*Man on the Silver Mountain*

Evil M walks out, mic in hand.

M - Once more ladies and gentlemen, it’s time for the part of the show where the one and only true Champion, a Champion who fights with Honor, graces you all with his presence!

Boos, as M makes his way to the announce table.

M - Tonight, a treat for the viewers at home! Instead of the gabbing and yapping from these two dishonorable spin-doctors, you will instead get to here well-thought-out, insightful commentary by myself and my new friend…

Jerry Fish!

Jerry Fish stands up from his seat at the timekeeper’s table, looking surprised.

M - Now, could someone in the truck please be so kind as to cut Hoss and King’s audio?

M hands Jerry a mic.

M - Well Jerry, this should be quite the match coming up!

Fish - Um… yeah, right. Absolutely!

Muffer - The following contest is set for one fall, and it is a Rankings match for the number three spot!

*Caught in a Web*

Sparks enters, eying Evil M warily.

M - First we got Sparks. Now this guy, he is nothing but a liar and a cheat! He says he beat me last week, but he didn’t! He CHEATED!!!

Fish - I’m not really sure he did, M. I mean, he didn’t do anything illegal or anything-

M - Didn’t do anything illegal?! What about that spider?! That repulsive, vile insect interfered! Not only that, he was brought in by Sparks! It was both outside interference AND an international object! That’s a double violation right there!

Fish - Arachnid.

M - What?

Fish - The spider. It wasn’t an insect. It was an arachnid.

M - …I KNOW THAT! Why don’t you just do your job?! You’re the play-by-play guy! Call the play-by-play!

Sparks watches and listens to all this, shaking his head in disgust.

Fish - Sparks shaking his head in pure disgust right now..

M - What are you doing?!

Fish - Play-by-play?

M - Not yet! The match hasn’t even started yet!

"You Know That Time In Your Life, That Single Moment That Defines Exactly Who You Are? Well That Only Stings For A Second..."
Smoke 'Em if You Got 'Em - Parkway Drive

M - Ah, now here we go. My former associate, the man I MADE A STAR!!!

Colt glares at M as he walks to the ring.


Colt walks over and get’s in M’s face as referee John Creed intercedes. Colt backs up and enters the ring.

M - That’s right! He doesn’t want any part of me!

Fish - The bell just rang. Can I talk now?

M - No!

Colt and Sparks shake hands and tie up. Sparks with a side headlock, but Colt shoves him into the ropes. Sparks comes back, Colt leapfrog’s him, Sparks back the other way, Colt with a flapjack!

Fish - Colt with the early advan-

M - Shut up! I don’t care!

Colt rolls Sparks over, cover!


Fish - Sparks kicks out at one!

M just stands at ringside, staring a hole through Sparks.

Sparks glances over at M, then bounces off the ropes, only to be caught a in a sidewalk slam by Colt! Cover!


M - Keep your eye on the ball, Sparks!

Sparks gives M the finger!

M - Now that’s just plain uncalled for!

M drops the mic and jumps on the ring apron. Sparks and M exchange words, but Colt charges Sparks from behind! Sparks moves and Colt knocks M to the floor! Sparks with a rollup!


Fish - So close right th-

Fish’s mic goes silent.

Hoss - Ha, we’re back!

Colt grabs Sparks, who fights free and dropkick’s Colt into the ropes! Sparks charges with a clothesline, but M pulls Colt out of the way! Colt shoves M aside, as Sparks dives over the top onto both men!

King - What a move!

Sparks rolls Colt back in, cover!


Sparks drags Colt to the corner and goes up top, 450 spl-Colt rolls out of the way! Sparks lands on his feet and catches Colt with a reverse elbow, then bounces off the ropes again, but M grabs his leg! Sparks kicks at M, who jumps back, but as Sparks turns back to the match, Colt catches him with a Million Dollar Kneelift, then hoists him up and connects with the Story on Page One! Cover!


Muffer - Here is your winner, and the new number three ranked Superstar in the WWCF Rankings, Colt!

Hoss - Colt wins his way into the rankings!

King - But credit the assist to Evil M!

M enters and grabs Sparks by the throat. He yanks him up then goes to apply the standing Crowbar, but Colt chases him off! Colt then shakes Sparks’ hand and raises his arm for the crowd.

Hoss - Well, it was not a welcome assist, at least.

M grabs his belt and backs up the ramp, not taking his eyes off Colt or Sparks.

The Boiler Room

BRB is wandering about in the Parts Unknown Arena boiler room when Whitey Fats walks up to him.

BRB: Whoa, you scared me. This place is kinda creepy. Uh… who are you?

Whitey Fats: I am known around here, by the fans and the boys in the back, as The Wrestling Messiah, Whitey Fats, and I have returned to save this company and return it to financial solvency.

BRB: Wait, why are you talking to me?

Whitey Fats: We are on your talk show, son.

BRB looks around.

BRB: So wait, this is a talk show? And it's hosted by me, BRB?

Whitey Fats: Yes. Yes, it is.

BRB: Uh, okay. So, uh, who are you again?

Whitey Fats: Wrestling Messiah? The Only True WWCF Legend? The Southern Dandy?

BRB: Do we have some sort of past history? Gosh it's hot in here...

Whitey Fats: Well, you used to work for me, son. My personal assistant and such. And I have come here to ask if you would be interested in working for me again. See, here at Whitey, Inc., we are always interested in hiring dynamic up and comers to assist me. Full medical, full dental, 401(k), the works. Hell, on Fridays we have strippers come. Would that be a good situation for you?

BRB: Uh, sure. Sounds like a plan… I guess. I could probably use the money until I remember who I am.

The camera remains on BRB and Whitey Fats.

BRB: Uh… Show over?

Square w/ The Hangman V. Headbanger Man w/ D-Day Dave

The following contest is scheduled for one fall with a 20 minute time limit!

(I Don't Care)
Introducing first, accompanied by The Hangman, from Preston, England and weighing 210 pounds...SQUARE!

- Both men jaw with fans at ringside, before they pose in the ring.

(Saints Of Los Angeles)
And his opponent, accompanied by D-Day Dave, from Kent, England and weighing 263 pounds - he is one half of the WWCF Tag Team Champions...THE HEADBANGER MAN!

- The Metal Express come out with their groupies, play their air instruments and lift their titles high. The crowd is split on who to cheer for.

Tim Hoss: Here we go folks, another sneak preview of what we might see in the upcoming tag title match between these two teams.

Jesse King: Indeed, Apeboy. Last week, Hangman defeated a distracted D-Day Dave, and now Square hopes to keep that momentum rolling here.

- Both men trade insults in the centre of the ring. Square slaps Headbanger in the face and grins, but Headbanger responds in kind. Then they start to throw a flurry of punches at one another, and eventually Headbanger gains the advantage. He whips Square off the ropes and hits a clothesline, and then throws him back out of the ring. He high-fives Dave as Hangman gives Square a pep talk.

Hoss: Headbanger with the early advantage here, but you got to believe he is still feeling the effects of the brutal matches he has had of late.

King: Even though he didn't compete last week, you have to believe he is not 100%.

- Square gets on the apron and drapes Headbanger's neck across the top rope. He then comes in and hits a dropkick, followed by a swift elbow. He makes an early cover.


- Headbanger powers out. Square tries to keep him on the mat with a series of soccer-style kicks, and then hits a flip neckbreaker. He takes time out to taunt the crowd, but misses with another elbowdrop attempt. Headbanger then takes advantage with a couple of scoop slams and a running senton. He goes for his first cover of the match.


- Headbanger whips Square into the turnbuckles, and lands a few right hands. He then places Square on the top floor, and looks for a superplex, but gets knocked down again via a shot to the gut. Square then hits a flying crossbody from the top rope!


- Kick out. Square gets in the referee's face.

Hoss: What a great high impact move from Square! He almost won it right there.

King: He can't afford to get frustrated here though. That's what happened last time he challenged for the tag belts with Amigo, and they ended up getting DQ'd.

Hoss: That was actually a resonably good point. Well done.

King: Don't patronise me, banana breath.

- Square hits a facebuster on Headbanger, and goes to the top rope again. He tries to hit a flying clothesline, but Headbanger ducks out of the way, and scores a big boot. He slowly gets to his feet, and swings at Square, who avoids the contact, and kicks him in the leg. Square lifts him into a suplex position, but Headbanger reverses it and lands on him in a pinfall position.


- Again, Square escapes.

Hoss: A nice reversal there by Headbanger. He needs to use his size adavntage to be successful in this contest.

- Headbanger picks up Square, and hits a reverse DDT. He threatens to go to the top rope for a Blockbuster, but Hangman makes his presence felt. However, before he can interfere, Dave gets in his face, and both men start to jaw at one another. Square tries to pull Headbanger down, but he kicks him away, and then he manages to hit the Blockbuster! However, the referee is momentarily distracted by Dave and Hangman's antics on the outside. Headbanger tries to divert the official's focus, and eventually he goes to pin Square, but he gets caught in a small package!


- 2.9! Headbanger kicks out, and is taken aback. He knocks Square down with a clothesline.

Hoss: Square was half a count away from pulling out the victory there. That must've been pure instinct there.

- Headbanger hits a belly to back suplex, and then does some air drumming. He tries to hook up the Double Bass DDT, but Square gets to the ropes and avoids being hit with the move. He then gets a thumb to the eye as Hangman again distracts the ref. He lifts up Headbanger for the L7, but this time Dave gets on the apron. Headbanger hits Square with the Holy Driver!

Hoss: That was a devastating piledriver there. This could be it.

- But after that moment, Whitey Fats runs down to the ring and starts talking to Lexxxie Houston. Dave gets in his face, as Hangman hands Square a tag belt. Headbanger heads outside and knocks Whitey Fats down, but when he returns to the ring he gets nailed by a belt shot! Square makes the cover.


Here is your winner...SQUARE!

Hoss: By hook or crook, the man of 1000 nicknames gets the win, and increases his team's momentum at the right time here!

King: And the issue between Dave and Whitey Fats continues as well. How will this affect the Metal Express going into the tag title match?

- Hangman and Square hit a powerbomb/neckbreaker combo on Dave after the match, and then hold the belts up, before draping them over the fallen champs.

*Mulligan is backstage with Fred G. Neric, in his hand he has a cage with an OBVIOUSLY stuffed Monkey*

Last week......on NiteRaw......I FACED A man with a damn MONKEY!
OOOK OOOK! MONKEYMAN! That poo-flingin' fleabag didn't save you did it General? WHERE'S YO MONKEY NOW! I'mma take your primate compadre!

I'mma filet him! I'mma Friccasee 'im! I'mma eat me a monkey! OOOOOK OOOOOOOOK!

Mad Man's eatin him a monkey General! Ain't nothin you kin do to stop me! If'n I see yer mangy monkeyman carcass I'mma steal yo monkey! I'mma make you watch as I make monkey stew! Yummmmmm.......mighty good eatin' on a monkey.

*Opens the cage and rips open the monkey doll with his teeth, batting and cotton fly everywhere*

Rankings match(For number two spot): The General of the Monkey Army V. Amigo

Muffer - The following contest is set for one fall, with a ten minute time limit, and it is an official WWCF Rankings match!

*Welcome to Hell*

Amigo walks out to a chorus of boos.

Muffer - Introducing first, from Tempe, Arizona, weighing in at 214 pounds, AMIGO!!!

And now, his opponent…

*King Kong 2004*

The General emerges, followed by Bongo and Tinkers.

Muffer - From Lansing, Mic-

Hoss - What’s this?!

Mad Man Mulligan runs out and grabs Tinkers! The General goes to chase him, but Bongo stops him and grunts at him. The General nods, then heads to the ring as Bongo runs after Mulligan!

King - What the hell just happened?!

Hoss - Jesse, Tinkers has just been…


Dramatic music plays over the house speaker. The entire arena goes silent as everyone, the fans, the announcers, referee Will Alphonzo, the timekeeper, The General, all look around, confused. Suddenly, Amigo slides out of the ring and club’s The General from behind, bringing the arena back to life!

Hoss - Amigo starting the match his own way, Jess!

Amigo rams The General’s back into the apron of the ring, then goes for a clothesline, but The General moves, causing Amigo to slam into the side of the ring! The General rolls Amigo in and makes a cover as Alphonzo starts the match!


The General pulls Amigo up and shoots him into the corner! He runs over and monkey flip’s Amigo into the center of the ring, then catches him with a roaring elbow! Cover!


Amigo fights the General off, then grabs him by the collar and slams him headfirst into the turnbuckle! He does this a few more times, then props him up on the top turnbuckle! Amigo goes up for a back suplex, but the General knocks him down with an elbow, then comes off the top rope with a twisting body press! Cover!


Amigo to his feet, but The General pounds him with lefts and rights, then runs the ropes. He starts to go for another monkey flip, but stops, as he sees Bongo and Mulligan brawl out to the ring, Tinkers following in a frenzy!

Hoss - Bongo did it, he saved Tinkers!

The General rolls out of the ring and runs over to help Bongo. The two force Mulligan to retreat. Bongo scoops up Tinkers as The General heads back to the ring. He climbs up on the apron, only to be nailed with the Bom-Ba-Ye! The General goes down as Amigo rolls him under the bottom rope and makes the cover!


Muffer - Here is your winner, and the NEW Number 2 ranked Superstar, Amigo!

Amigo raises his arms, then rolls to the outside, as Bongo and Tinkers enter to check on The General.

DR Jackson appears on Nakatomi Plaza

Avril Lavigne - Girlfriend

Hi, everybody and welcome to Nakatomi Plaza, my guest tonight will be facing my Jonny at Botch at the Beach to determine the Number One Contender to the World Title, ladies and Gentlemen, he's Too Black, Too Strong, he's "Damn Right" Jackson!

"Too Black, Too Strong... DAMN RIGHT!"
I Made It - Kevin Rudolf

DR Jackson makes his way to the ring.

So, hi, Damn, my first question for you is this, why exactly did your mother name you Damn?

DR Jackson: Heh, so simple... Cute, but simple. I can see why Jono chose you...

"Damn Right" isn't my name, it's a symbol, it's a state of mind. What I do, what I represent... what I fight for, it's not about names or labels... It's about sending a message and leaving your mark. "Damn Right" is simply to the point, and 100% truthful. There's no subtlety and there are no lies. When "Damn Right" is all said and done, you don't stand around scratching your head in confusion, you know exactly what is going on...

So what's your real name?

DR Jackson: Jackson... It's all you deserve to know. Infact it shouldn't matter what my name is, all a name is is a label. How I'm viewed, should be by my actions... You may as well call me John Jackson.

Okay then, last week you said you were'nt worried about beating my Jonny at Botch at the Beach, but he is a former Hardcore Champion and Champion of Honor, don't you think you're selling him a bit short?

DR Jackson: Look missy, I when it comes to Jonny boy, I have nothing to worry about. I mean sure he's won some gold... But so have I, much more prestigious gold... And besides the last two times, that's right... Two times, that we've stepped in the ring together... You're little Jonny boy was left laying before me.

[color=Pink]Okay, last question, are you Team Edward or Team Jacob?

DR Jackson: Team Jackson, Neither Enemy nor Friend... DAMN RIGHT!

Alright, thanks for taking time to sit down with me, and we'll see you next time in Nakatomi Plaza.

Dream Warrior V. The Man in Black

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Well King, it's been a couple of weeks since we last saw him. The Man in Black makes his first appearance since he captured the Inter-Forum Championship from Boiler Room Brawler in a grueling Boiler Room Brawl Mercy Street Match.

Jesse King: Brutal indeed, Gorilla. Boiler Room Brawler took the A train from Jazzman and then was fried in the electric chair. BRB's back, but as we've seen he has amnesia. BRB may never be the same.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: And we still do not know who the Man in Black is!

Jesse King: And his opponent is Dream Warrior?

*Memories Will Never Die*

Dream Warrior drops down from the rafters, landing feet first in the ring as the crowd pops.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Dream Warrior may be out of his element against the Man in Black here, but all it takes is one upset.

Dream Warrior and referee Will Alphonso pace about in the ring.

Jesse King: Right now the only upset might be that the Man in Black doesn-

*When The Man Comes Around*

The crowd starts booing. Dream Warrior goes to a corner and stands at the ready, as does Alphonso.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: The Man in Black at his usual tricks, King.

Jesse King: Why does he do this? Why can't he just show up like normal people?

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Dream Warrior did drop down from the rafters.

Jesse King: Shut up.

A sudden explosion of pyro
goes off,
smoke filling the ring,
but Dream Warrior stands his ground.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Dream Warrior must stand up for this crowd.

Jesse King: Yeah, well he's going to fall for them soon too.

As the smoke clears, The Man in Black stands in the center of the ring, the Inter-Forum Championship belt adorned around his waist which makes the crowd boo even more.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: It's incredible to think of the kind of despicable men who have worn the Inter-Forum Championship belt, King. Earlier this year it was Damn Right Jackson and now it is worn by the sinister Man in Black.

Jesse King: Upon reflection though, they both legitimately won the belt. They both got results.

The Man in Black removes the Inter-Forum Championship belt and hands it off.

Jesse King: Y'know, Gorilla? Muffer hasn't said a peep yet.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: No normal entrances.

Alphonso signals the match to begin. DW walks around MiB, who stands still and follows him.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: The Man in Black is taller and clearly heavier than Dream Warrior.

DW leaps at MiB who spins around and delivers a lariat that takes DW down to the mat.

Jesse King: That was a damn find discus clothesline!

DW rolls away from MiB and returns to his feet, backing up to the ropes. MiB is on the move now, walking about, side to side.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: The Man in Black's greatest asset is that he's so mysterious, so unpredictable.

DW throws a kick at MiB, who catches it. MiB goes throw another lariat at DW, but DW counters with an enzuigiri kick. MiB ducks the enzuigiri kick. DW reaches behind himself, latches onto MiB's head and drops down for a cutter. The crowd pops.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: The Man in Black is quick witted and quick moving, but Dream Warrior is all about getting the best of any exchange.

Jesse King: But is Dream Warrior working on his athletic talent or does he have real strategy?

DW gets up, poses to the crowd, and then executes a rolling thunder to MiB, who raises his knees. DW is on his back, clutching his midsection as MiB stands back up and poses at the crowd.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: We don't know which will matter though. The Man in Black is a mysterious fellow who can get the better of Jazzman and BRB in the same match.

MiB stands DW up and Irish whips him to the ropes. MiB runs to the other side and rebounds from the ropes towards DW, who leapfrogs him. MiB rebounds from the ropes and comes for DW again. DW drops down as MiB runs over him.

Jesse King: Dream Warrior is athletic, I'll make no mistake about that. But the Man in Black wrestles like a veteran.

MiB rebounds from the ropes again and DW reacts by leaping into the air and delivering a huricanrana to MiB. MiB is slammed onto his back and DW locks a leg for the pin.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Could this be an upset?

Alphonso counts one-MiB powers out and pushes DW off of himself.

Jesse King: Nope.

DW gets up and runs up to MiB to deliver a Pele kick to his head but MiB suddenly drops down and rolls away from DW, causing him to miss and collide with the ropes. DW falls backwards from the rope rebound and MiB goes for a school boy pin.

Jesse King: Nice move by the Man in Black!

Alphonso counts one, two, thr- Alphonso notices MiB's legs on the ropes and gives him a warning. MiB stands up and circles around DW as he stands up. MiB locks his arm around the front of DW's head and drops down to the mat.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: A well-executed inverted DDT from the Man in Black.

MiB stands back up and climbs onto the top rope.

Jesse King: Oh no, it's all over now...

MiB waits for DW to stand up before leaping. DW turns around and just manages to react with a standing dropkick, drawing a pop from the crowd.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Maybe not, King. Maybe not!

MiB rolls away from DW to the ropes as DW poses for the crowd again.

Jesse King: Now's not the time to showboat though. If Dream Warrior defeats the Man in Black he'll be a superstar in this company!

MiB stands back up to which DW turns around to face him.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: If the Man in Black is worse for wear we could only tell by his body language.

Jesse King: He might know a few dialects for all we know though.

DW backs up to a corner and gets up to the top rope as MiB closes in on him.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Who'll make the first move?

DW leaps off the top rope at MiB, who catches him with a sit-out spinebuster.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: No!

MiB goes for the pin. Alphonso counts one, two, three! The bell rings.

*When The Man Comes Around*

Michael Muffer: Here is your winner as a result of a pinfall, your Inter-Forum Champion, The Man... in... Black!

The Man in Black gets his Inter-Forum Championship belt back and puts it on to the crowds booing. Dream Warrior is still laid out from the spinebuster.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Dream Warrior gave it a good try tonight, Jesse, but the Man in Black is made of sterner, more experienced stuff.

Jesse King: Right you are, Gorilla. I cannot tell if the Man in Black was playing Dream Warrior like a fiddle or if he was making it up along the way...

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Like it or not, the Man in Black might be a very strong champion.

Rankings match(For number one spot): Smokin' Vokoun V. Whitey Fats

Michael Muffer: Ladies and gentleman...the following contest is set for one fall.

- Classy southern music is played to a HUGE chorus of boos.

Muffer: Coming down the aslie, from Starke, FL.....weighing in a 280 pounds.....WHITEY FATS!!!!!

-Whitey walks out as smuck as ever. He waves to the crowd who gives him a rude reception. He pulls out hundred dollar bills. He acts like he's gonna hand them out, but pulls them away and laughs. This makes him even more hated. He gets to the ring and takes off his hat and his southern jacket and gives it to the time keeper.

King: Just listen to these idiots in the crowd.... they should have respect for the rich and well off. Because Whitey could easily own their poor asses.

Muffer: And....his opponent.....
Sinnerman by Nina Simone plays to a giant pop.

Muffer: Representing The Family....from Chicago,IL....weighing in at 280 pounds....he is the WWCF World Hardcore Champion.....SMOKIN VOKOUN!!!!!!

-Vokoun walks out to a huge pop. He doesn't look at the fans but straight at Fats with those crazy eyes.

Hoss: King, who would have thought that this man, who debuted in February would have caught on as much as he has.

King: I'm not shocked that he has risen so fast...but I'm more shocked that the fans seem to like this nut job

Hoss: Well when you have the backing from on of the biggest stars in the WWCF, Boiler Room Brawler, people know that he's the real deal. But Whitey Fats is also the real deal King, he's a former Tag Team Champion.

-Before Vokoun can get to the ring, he see's Whitey Fats Hat. Smokie looks at Fats,smiles and steals hat. Fats screams Vokoun to not touch his hat but Vokoun doesn't listen. In fact, he puts Whitey's hat on and mocks Fats. This makes Whitey very angry and leaves the ring. Fats and Vokoun are staring each other down on the outside. Whitey is yelling for Vokoun to take off the hat, which Vokoun does. BUT VOKOUN RIPS IT APART AND CHEWS IT UP!!! Fats is distraught, and runs at Vokoun. Smokie ducks however, and starts laying in some right hands on Fats. The bell rings.


Hoss: Oh please, Fats can buy another one. But right now, Vokoun is laying heavy rights on Fats.

-Vokoun throws Whitey in the ring. Fats crawls to the corner while Vokoun follows him. Whitey is begging for mercy, but Vokoun has none. Smokie kicks Fats in the mid section, and hits him with more right hands. Then Vokoun kicks Fats square in the head. Fats holds his in pain. Vokoun picks him and irish whips him to the ropes and hits a STIFF lariat.

-Smokie starts screaming for Whitey to get up, but Fats is slow getting up. Vokoun picks him up and throws Fats to the corner. Vokoun charges forward for a clothesline but Whitey moves out of the way. Fats then starts hitting Vokoun with lefts and rights. He then pulls Vokoun out of the corner and picks him up for a suplex. Whitey then applies an armbar on Vokoun.

Hoss: Fats is doing something smart here. He knows that one of Smokin Vokoun's most dangerous holds is that Mandible Claw. He has to damage that right arm and hand of Vokoun in order to lessen the Claw's affect.
King: Well Gorilla, Fats is not only a rich wrestler, but a smart one. He could be the one to end Smokin Vokoun's luck here tonight.

-Fats gets up and hits a Running Knee Drop on Vokoun's right arm and applies the arm bar again. Vokoun stands up to try and gain control. Fats tries to keep control by wrenching the arm. But Vokoun gains control by wrenching Fat's arm. Vokoun then hits an arm drag on Fats and applies an armbar of his own.

King: Do my eyes lye to me....did Smokin Vokoun excute a techincal wrestling move?
Hoss: I'm heard that Little Natich and Tyfo really has been training Vokoun on the mat the last few months.

-Smokie picks up Whitey and tries to throw him to the corner, but Fats reverses it. Fats then charges at Vokoun, but Vokoun moves out of the way. Vokoun goes behind Smokie and is about to hit a German Suplex, but Whitey mule kicks Vokoun in the groin.....knocking Vokoun down in pain.


King: Well the ref didn't see it. Or he may have been paid off....either way SMART MOVE!!!

-Fats looks at Vokoun and taunts him. He kicks Vokoun in the head a few times, knocking Vokoun down face first. Fat then runs the ropes and hits a RUNNING KNEE DROP RIGHT ON VOKOU'S HEAD. Fats goes for the cover.




-Fats gets on top of Smokie and just lays into him with lefts and rights...until Smokie is busted wide open. Fats gets up and lets Vokoun try to get to his feet. When he does, Fats grabs Vokoun and hits a stiff DDT. Fats goes for the cover again.




-Fats yells at the referee for counting too slow. He then applies a sleeper hold on Vokoun. The crowd is yelling for Vokoun to make a comeback, but Whitey has the sleeper on tight. It appears Smokie is fading. The ref checks Smokin Vokoun's arms....



- Vokoun gets an arm raised and the crowd erupts. Vokoun starts to get up slowly. Fats still has the sleeper locked in. Vokoun elbows Whitey in the gut three times and is free from the sleeper. Fats tries to gain control again by putting the sleeper back on but Vokoun counters by picking up Whitey on his shoulders and HITS THE SAMOAN DROP. Vokoun goes for the cover.




Hoss: What strength and guts Vokoun has. He simply will not stay down.

King: I love Whitey Fats...BUT COME ON A SLEEPER HOLD??? How cliched. Geeze.

- Vokoun gets up and sees his own blood. He gets that same crazed look in his eye. He looks at Whitey Fats trying to get to his feet. Vokoun just slumps in the corner waiting for him. The crowd screams at Fats..."SMOKIES GONNA KILL YOU....SMOKIES GONNA KILL YOU". Whitey gets to his and Vokoun sprints at Fats and hits a real stiff lariat.

Hoss: I don't know how much more Fats can take King.

- Vokoun signals that he's gonna end this thing. He throws Fats to the corner. Vokoun gets on the apron and climbs to the top rope. He then picks up Fats. HE FLYS AND CONNECTS WITH THE SMOKE BOMB!!!! Fats is not moving. But Vokoun just looks down at Whitey and smiles. His hand is in the Mandible Claw position. But then....THE LIGHTS GO OUT!!!!


- The arena is completely dark. Until there is a flaming light in the middle of the ring. The lights turn back on AND IT'S THE MAN IN BLACK WITH A FLAMING CHAIR!!!! Vokoun turns around and gets hits in the back with the flaming chair, right in the ref's view. The referee calls for the bell.

King: Smokin Vokoun was yapping his mouth that he wanted The Man in Black, and it looks like he got more than he bargined for HAHAHAHA!!!!

Hoss: Somebody get some help...NOW!!!!

- The ring bell keeps ringing as The Man in Black keeps hitting Vokoun with the flaming chair. Smokie is screaming in pain as The Mani in Black turns his attention to Whitey Fats, who takes his two fingers and gives a whistle.

King: What's this?

- Just then BOILER ROOM BRAWLER walks out, unsure of himself, to face The Man in Black. The MIB just walks out of the ring. BRB walks up the steps to enter the ring. Whitey gives him a thumbs up.

The Man in Black raises the Inter-Forum Championship belt over his head and then he leaves the arena.

Vokoun struggles to get up when BRB helps him up, if not apprehensively. Vokoun then starts screaming at the entrance for the Man in Black to come back. All three men walk out of the ring together and back to the dressing room, Whitey stroking his chin in contemplating the last few minutes.

Main Event: Rules of Honor match: Jazzman V. Little Naitch

King - And now it's main event time!
Hoss- I've been waiting all night for this, let's go to the ring!

Muffer - The following match is scheduled for one fall and it is your Nite-Raw main event of the evening. Introducing first, from The City of Sin, Las Vegas Nevada, weighing in at 235 pounds... Representing The Family, this is LITTLE NAITCH!!

Naitch comes down the ramp while the new Blackjacks theme plays behind him.

Muffer- and his opponent, hailing from Upstate New York, weighing in tonight at 236 pounds, this is JAZZMAN!!!

Hurricane Season plays as Jazzman makes his way to the ring.

The two men meet in the center of the ring before moving to a collar and elbow tie up with Naitch pushing the Jazzman back into the corner. Naitch holds him in the corner in the collar and elbow as the ref administers a 5 count with Naitch breaks cleanly from at 3. Jazzman walks slowly out to the center of the ring as the two tie up again with Naitch gaining the advantage throwing on a side headlock.

Jazzman sends Naitch into the ropes and drops down, while Naitch runs over him, A leapfrog by Jazzman greets Naitch's next pass and then Jazzman takes Naitch over with a Japanese arm drag and throws on a arm lock. Naitch counters the arm lock and applies a head scissors which Jazzman nips out of. The two men make it back to their feet when Naitch takes Jazzman over with a arm drag, which leads to Jazzman's head scissors counter and a nip up by Naitch, as the crowd roars in approval!

Hoss- This is a masterclass of mat wrestling between this two men so far King!

The two men meet again at the center of the ring with the two of them trading chops. Jazzman kicks the upper hand with a stiff kick that echos throughout the arena as the crowd lets out a collective 'ooooo'. One more kick is all it takes before Naitch is forced to roll outside of the ring.

King - Don't look now gorilla, but Jazzman is going to fly!

Jazzman hits the ropes and goes for a suicide dive which is successful as the crowd goes nuts!

Hoss- High risk, High reward there for Jazzman, and this time it paid off!

Jazzman and Naitch begin to crawl up onto the ring apron and Naitch begins chopping Jazzman, who counters with kicks backing Naitch up toward the ring post. Jazzman swings his leg one more time, but catches all of the ring post!

King - Big mistake by Jazzman there Gorilla, that's the opening Naitch was looking for.

Naitch gets back in the ring as does a limping Jazzman and Naitch hits a chop block before locking in a high angle single leg crab.

Hoss- Naitch knows that Jazzman's leg is killing him right now, and he's going to take advantage of it.

Jazzman screams out in pain as he crawls toward the bottom rope. Naitch drags him back toward the center of the ring and looks to get him in the figure four, but is rolled up for a two count!

King - Even a wounded Jazzman is a dangerous Jazzman, Gorilla!

Jazzman fights his back up to his feet and hits some forearm shots on Naitch before bouncing off the ropes for his Yakuza Kick, but his foot is caught by Naitch who whips him down with a leg whip, before locking in the figure four!

Hoss- The pain must be excruciating for Jazzman here King!

Jazzman tries to reach the ropes but Naitch won't budge. The pain becomes too immense for Jazzman as he taps out!

Muffer - Ladies and Gentlemen your winner.... LITTLE NAITCH!

Naitch get’s to his feet and raises his arm victoriously as Jazzman tries to pull himself up. Naitch walks over and offers a hand to Jazzman, who takes it. Naitch pulls Jazzman up and the two shake hands. Naitch raises Jazzman’s arm. They shake hands once again, then Jazzman leaves, allowing Naitch to celebrate his win as NiteRaw concludes.

Credits: Caleb Fourchon, Tyfo, Evil M, BRB, Whitey Fats, Headbanger Man, Mad Man Mulligan, DR Jackson, Jonathan Michaels, Smokin’ Vokoun, and Jazzman

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