Monday NiteRaw - June 21, 2010
*Before NiteRaw, we see Seth Drakin the back, who looks extremely unhappy about being there.*
Seth: As a Result of the WWCF's partnership with Disney and due to several requests from them....until further notice, the ''Voodoo Lawyer'' TTS is suspended without pay.
The NiteRaw opening begins, but suddenly cuts to the locker room…
DR Jackson spears Colt into a locker, he then goes on to whip Colt into a 50" LCD TV, smashing it on impact. Colt's face is covered in blood. Jackson stands over the fallen Colt and starts stomping away at him, he begins to shout;
He picks up the beaten Colt and holds him up by the jaw and hits him with a hard right. He then places a limp Colt between his legs and picks him up, before hitting a running Powerbomb right into the wall. Jackson kneels down and gets right in Colt's face...
"You think you're better than me? You think you're better than my people? You think we don't deserve YOUR GLORY?"
Jackson then takes off his belt and starts whipping the fallen Colt with it, Colt screams out in pain as he writhes around the ground. Jackson turns to throw the belt away, as he turns back he see's Colt is trying to get up, he's on one knee. Jackson quickly turns back and boots Colt right in the face. Jackson then opens up one of the broken lockers and pulls out a long black bag, he opens up the bag to reveal a baseball bat. The same bat Colt used last week.
Jackson hits Colt across the back with the bat before forcing Colt to his feet. Jackson holds Colt up against the wall with the Bat across his throat...
"You wanted my attention? You could've avoided this if you stayed out of my life, now I have your career in the palm of my hand. Learn to stay out of my life! DAMN RIGHT!"
Jackson then quickly takes a swing with the bat right to Colt's ribs. Jackson then walks away satisfied, whilst Colt remains a laying heap on the ground, coughing up blood...
Hoss - ….Wow. Folks, welcome to NiteRaw. A shocking turn of events we’ve just witnessed.
King - Gorilla, as if Seth Drakin’s out of nowhere announcement wasn’t enough, DR Jackson attacks Colt backstage?!
Hoss - And Colt’s supposed to be in tag team action later tonight!
King - Well, I seriously doubt that match’ll happen now, Gorilla.
Smokin Vokoun vs Jonathan Michaels
Michael Muffer: The following set for one fall....
Sinnerman plays over the loudspeaker to a big pop. But gets some boos from some of Jonathan Michael's fans.
Muffer: Making his way to the ring....representing The Family....from Chicago, IL. Weighing in at 280 pounds....he is the WWCF Hardcore Champion.....THE SMOKIN VOKOUN!!!!!!
-Vokoun walks slowly to the ring and screams at some hot girls who have Jonathan Michael's t-shirts on. He holds his Hardcore belt in the air as he walks to ringside. He looks under the ring to make sure Headbanger isn't under there. He gets into the ring and slumps to the corner,waiting.
Muffer: And his opponent...
-DOA by the Foo fighters plays. There is smoke at the enterance as the crowd pops even louder.
Muffer: From Los Angeles, Califorinia. Weighing in at 240 pounds......he is the WWCF Champion of Honor......ladies and gentleman....the one and the only....JONATHAN MICHAELS!!!!!!!
Hoss: King, this matchup should be very very interesting. These are two men that are almost complete and utter opposites. Michaels is from the giltzy and glamourous LA.
Vokoun is from the gritty streets of Chicago. Michaels is good looking and Vokoun is....not. Michaels has a hot girlfriend...Vokoun probably never even kissed a girl.
King: But there is one thing that both men have in common....they are amoung the very toughest in the WWCF. This match is going to be a HUGE test for both me.
-The bell rings as both men meet in the center of the ring. Michaels and Vokoun stare each other down. Vokoun then starts jawing with Michaels, who can only smirk. Michaels then slaps Vokoun across the face. Vokoun also smirks and slaps Michaels right back. The two men then start trading rights and lefts. Michaels gains control and tries to Irish whip Vokoun, but Vokoun revearses him into the ropes, which end up with Michaels running right into Vokoun's shoulder, and he goes down like a shot. Vokoun grins and starts screaming at Michaels to get back up. Michaels looks up and stands.
-The two men then circle eachother and lockup in the center of the ring. The two men try to battle for position, but Vokoun just shoves Michaels into the turnbuckle. Vokoun starts grinning again, as does Michaels. The two then circle each other one more time and lockup. Vokoun gains control and Irish whips Michael and goes for a Lariet but Michaels ducks. Michaels runs at Vokoun with a Flying Body Press and covers Vokoun.
- Michaels gets right back up and grabs Vokoun with a three fast armdrags and then applies an Armbar. Vokoun starts yelling about hairpulling, but Michael isn't. Micheals then lays Vokoun's arm on the mat and drops a few knees on it and goes right back to the armbar. Vokoun stand up to get leverage and pushes Michaels into the turnbuckle. He Headbutts Michaels to break the armbar and then hits some LOUD chops to Michael's chest. Vokoun grabs Michaels and hits a Belly to Belly Suplex out of the corner. He goes for the cover.
-Vokoun picks up Michaels and shoots him into the ropes and picks him up for a Samoan Drop, and hits. Vokoun starts glaring at the crowd. He picks up Michaels and throws him out of the ring. Before John Creed can start counting, Vokoun just stares at him and lifts him and sits him on the top turnbuckle and pats him on the head.
- Vokoun sees Michaels laying flat on his back on the outside. He starts measuring him up and he goes for a FLYING ELBOW OF THE APRON......AND MISSES!!!!. Vokoun writes in pain as Michaels seems to have new life. He picks up Vokoun and starts throwing right hands at Vokoun's head. He then throws Vokoun into the guardrail. Michaels then takes a steel chair and takes several loud wacks at Vokoun's skull. Michaels then takes the padding off, exposing the concrete floor....and hits Vokoun with a Snap Suplex. Vokoun's back is pain, as Michaels celebrates with the crowd.
-Vokoun tries to get away to regroup but Michaels is hot on his trail. Michael grabs Vokoun by the hair and throws him head first on the steel post. He tries to shoot Vokoun back into the guard rails but Vokoun reverses. Vokoun then tires for a Lariet, but Michaels counters with a BACKBODY DROP INTO THE CROWD!!! Michaels celebrates, but Vokoun gets right back up and grabs Michaels WITH A GERMAN SUPLEX INTO THE CROWD!!!
- The two men brawl into the crowd, with referee John Creed trying to get there and get both men back into the ring. Vokoun takes an old man's crutch and just wacks Michaels on the head with it and also chokes him with it. Vokoun then lifts up Michaels and drops him head first on the steel guardrail. Vokoun throws Michaels back to ringside, while getting scolded by John Creed. Vokoun just laughs and grabs Creed and holds him up in the air. As Michaels stands up, Vokoun THROWS CREED AT MICHAELS AS MICHAELS CATCHES HIM. Vokoun leaps over the guardrail and pushes over Michaels and Creed.
Hoss: MY GOD!!!! What else can Vokoun do!!! And we all know Creed isn't going to Disqualify him.
King: The sad part is that the crowd is cheering him for it.
- A crazy look Vokoun screams to the crowd and gets a big pop. Michaels gets up and stalks Vokoun from behind. When Vokoun turns around, BAM A FADE TO BLACK ON THE OUTSIDE!!! The Michael's fans go crazy over this as Michaels throws Vokoun into the ring. Vokoun is very dazed from the kick. Michaels waits for the ring moment and grabs Vokoun with THE KEY GRIP!!!
- Vokoun is screaming in pain as he is trying to reach the rope. Vokoun slowly crawls to the ropes and is able to break the hold. Michaels picks up Vokoun and nails him with a DDT. Vokoun gets up and Michaels hits another DDT. Vokoun gets up a again and hits a third DDT. Vokoun is laying flat and Michaels goes for the cover.
- Michaels picks up Vokoun and shoots him into the rope and picks him up for a vicious Spinebuster. He goes for the cover again....
- Michaels gets very frustrated and yells at Creed. He picks up Vokoun and hits a Side Walk Slam. But instead of going for the cover, Michaels signals to the crowd that he is going to the top rope. He gets there, stands up and connects with a BEAUTIFUL MOOSAULT!!! But Michaels still doesn't go for the cover. He decides to slump in the corner waiting for Vokoun to get up. Michael measures up Vokoun as he gets up and BOOM...A STIFF FADE TO BLACK!!! Michaels slowly looks down at Vokoun and is about to go for the cover. BUT VOKOUN GRABS MICHAELS WITH A SMALL PACKAGE!!!!
-Michaels looks on with a stunned look in his eye.
Hoss: Was Vokoun playing possum the whole time? I've never seen anyone do that before!!! Michaels is stunned. After all that punishment and Vokoun still has something left!!!
King: Maybe he's not as dumb as I thought he was.
-Vokoun seems to have new lift as he throws lefts and rights at Michaels head. He then kicks Michaels in the stomach and picks him up for the Pulling Piledriver. Vokoun goes for the cover.
- Vokoun picks him up and shoots him into the rope and hit's another Samoan Drop. He goes for the cover.
King: Gorilla, don't forget that Michaels is also one of the toughest guys in the WWCF. He did hold the WWCF hardcore title the longest you know.
Hoss: There is no way I could take away Michael's talent and toughness. He is one of the best the WWCF has to offer.
-Vokoun then fires Michaels into the ropes. He signals he's going for the Smoke Bomb. He gets to the top rope, picks up Michaels and leaps and HITS THE SMOKE BOMB OFF THE TOP ROPE!!! But Vokoun can't make the cover. The impact took pretty everything out of Vokoun. He drapes his arms on Michaels.
Hoss: MICHAELS KICKEDOUT!!!!!! MICHAELS KICKEDOUT!!!!!! HE'S THE FIRST ONE TO KICKOUT OF THE SMOKE BOMB!!!! Vokoun waited to long to make the cover. That took alot out of Vokoun that's for sure.
-John Creed starts counting both men.
- Michaels gets up and is crawling to the corner. He gets up and starts climbing. Vokoun slowly starts to get up as well. Michaels is on the top rope measuring up Vokoun. Michaels goes FOR FLYING BODYPRESS AND CONNECTS.....BUT VOKOUN REVERSES IT FOR A COVER....
Muffer: Ladies and gentleman, here is your winner.......JONATHAN MICHAELS!!!!!!
Hoss: GOOD GOD ALMIGHTY!!! Vokoun revesered one cover, but Michaels was able to reverse it back again and gets the pin in an outstanding match!!! Both showed why they are both champions in the WWCF
-Vokoun gets up, and hides his face in the turnbuckle and starts pounding on it in frustration. Michaels slowly walks up behind him and taps him on the shoulder. Vokoun jumps at it and puts his fists up. Michaels claims him down by offering his hand in a hand shake. Vokoun is heisitant at first but then shakes Michael's hand out of repsect and to a HUGE pop from the crowd.
King: Gorilla, for once I have to agree, both men showed why they are champions in the WWCF. That was a great match.
Hoss - Well, at the top of the show, we saw DR Jackson attack Colt backstage in a particularly brutal assault.
King - Colt is supposed to team with Jay Carroll later tonight to face Amigo and Jackson, but after what we saw earlier, I’d say that match is very unlikely.
Hey everyone, this is new WWCF backstage reporter Sara Nakatomi, here with Jonathan Michaels, who just defeated Smokin Vokoun in a Champion Vs. Champion match, Tell us, Jonny, how do you feel?
Since when are you a backstage reporter?
Since I found this microphone.
Jonathan shrugs.
Well, Sara, I feel damn good, I'm ready to destroy Evil M at Wheel Of Misfortune.
Now, Jonny, Evil M has challenged you to make your Championship Of Honor match a Submission match, what do you have to say about that?
Jonathan turns to the camera.
Evil M, have you finally lost that final shred of sanity in that thick skull of yours?
You think you can actually beat me in a Submission match?
You think that little move you stole from Yellow Jacket is a match for the Key Grip?
Well, I obviously accept your challenge, as if it wasn't going to be easy enough to begin with, we both know you won't be able to function under such strict rules when the pressure of a championship match is in the air.
Jonathan turns back to Sara.
Besides, I have plenty of experience with submission, as you know, Sara, I mean, just last night you and I . . .
Sara grabs Jonathan by the hair.
The mistress specifically told you not to talk about that.
Sorry, mistress.
Thank you for your time, Jonny, now let's go back to the action.
Jazzman and The Boiler Room Brawler V. Square and The Hangman
Muffer - The following contest is set for one fall, with a 20 minute time limit.
*I Don’t Care*
Muffer - Introducing first, they represent the Human Hate Machines, Square and The Hangman!
*Feeling Good*
Muffer - And their opponents, first, Jazzman!
Hoss - Well, it will be interesting to see what goes down here, considering that not only is Jazzman set to challenge for BRB’s title next week, but also, last week the other challenger in that match, The Man in Black turned in an amazing performance in beating Jazzman right here on NiteRaw!
*You Asked For It*
Muffer - And his partner, he is the WWCF Inter-Forum Champion, The Boiler Room Brawler!
King - This Man in Black has been haunting BRB for months, and in one week, he has a chance to take BRB’s title away! Can BRB even focus on this match tonight?!
Jazzman and Square start off the match. Jazzman with a wristlock, into a side headlock, when…
Hoss - Who turned out the lights?!
King - Uh-oh Gorilla! You think this means what I think it means?!
*The Man Comes Round*
Hoss - Jess, that’s the Man in Black’s music!
The music plays, as we can hear slams and yells coming from the ring. Suddenly, the lights come up, revealing Jazzman and BRB standing over the fallen Square and Hangman.
King - What just happened?!
BRB and Jazzman look confused, but still cover their opponents.
The lights go out again!
King - Oh c’mon!
They quickly come up again and Jazzman is laid out, with BRB holding his pipe wrench. Brawler looks shocked, as referee John Creed calls for the bell.
Muffer - Ladies and gentlemen, the referee has disqualified Jazzman and The Boiler Room Brawler and awarded this match to Square and The Hangman!
Hoss - Jess, The Man in Black has apparently struck twice in one match, laying out not only Square and The Hangman, but also Jazzman!
Brawler angrily argues with Creed when the lights go out a third time!
King - Are you f***in’ kiddin’ me?!
When the lights come up, The Man in Black is in the ring, with BRB in piledriver position!
Hoss - The Man in Black! He’s in the ring!
MiB piledrive’s Brawler, then goes up top.
King - Uh-oh, we saw this last week, Gorilla!
MiB dives off the top rope with a Guillotine Legdrop onto BRB!
Hoss - The Man in Black has struck one last time in this match! Jess, this man could be the next Inter-Forum Champion!
King - What a frightening thought, Gorilla!
The lights go out one last time and when they come up again, The Man in Black is gone. EMTs run out to check on all four men.
Once in a great while, a Superstar comes along who can change the face of a company forever.
Many months have gone by since he was last seen in the World WrestleCrap Federation, but finally, the day is almost upon us.
He will ride once again.
A major Superstar will be making his return soon.
And he will change the WWCF forever.
Hoss - What a crazy night we’ve had already, folks. Between Colt being attacked, TTS being suspended, the unbelievable actions of the Man in Black, and now we’ve just learned that a big name from the past will be returning soon!
King - What’s more Gorilla, I think I know who it is.
Gorilla - Care to share with the class, Jess?
King - Nope. This is one enigma that’ll have to unravel itself.
Submission Match: Sparks V. Evil M
Muffer - The following contest is a submission match!
*Man on the Silver Mountain*
Evil M walks out, wearing Yellow Jacket’s signature ring jacket, and carrying a mic.
My friends, I have good news! As seen earlier tonight, Jonathan Michaels has accepted my challenge for a Submission match next week! But Jono, one thing you said really stuck with me.
I stole my submission from Yellow Jacket? Hardly! Yellow Jacket gave me his blessing to use the move and I have made it my own! Think about it. This move put me out of action for two whole months! Is a move like that a joke to you?!
I’ll tell you what. I don’t need just the Crowbar to beat you. In fact, during this match, I will show you FIVE different holds I could beat you with next week!
*Caught in a Web*
Sparks runs down to the ring, not waiting for Michael Muffer to introduce him. He dives in the ring and tackles M at the legs, but sits back and applies a triangle choke! Sparks quickly loops his leg under the bottom rope, forcing a break. M grabs the mic.
That’s one move, for those keeping score at home!
M grabs Sparks, who fires some punches at the big man’s solar plexus, but M absorbs the hits, then takes Sparks down and applies the Boston Crab. While he has the hold locked in, he orders referee Spud Johnson to get him a mic.
Move number two, the Boston Crab!
Hoss - What arrogance from Evil M, Jess!
King - Shhh! I wanna hear what move number three is!
Sparks get’s to the ropes, and M releases the hold once again. He grabs the mic from Johnson.
This next move, I’ve been on the receiving end of it many times and it’s a surefire match-ender when properly used!
M grabs Sparks’ leg and wraps one of his legs around it.
King - Uh-oh, we’ve seen this a million times, Gorilla! Only one move he could possibly be using here!
M falls back, locking Sparks in the Figure Four!
Move number three! The Figure Four Leglock!
M cranks back on the hold, taunting the crowd the whole time, but then Sparks turns M over, reversing the pressure!
Hoss - Sparks has turned the tables on Evil M!
M screams in pain and Sparks sits up, tying M in the Sharpshooter! M quickly pushes towards the ropes and grabs on, forcing a break. Sparks releases, but pulls M back to the center of the ring. He grabs the leg, but M kicks him back with his free foot! He gets to his feet as Sparks charges, and catches him in a Dragon Sleeper! He picks up the mic.
For move number four, I thought I’d pick one of the most devastating submissions in WWCF history, the Dragon Sleeper. Or as it’s better known around here, The Final Thought!
King - Remember, Gorilla, M and Colt were in the Story together, and M has felt the Final Thought before, so he knows what kinda damage this move can do!
M hammers Sparks with the mic while keeping the move locked on.
Hoss - Now come on! Is that really necessary?!
Just wait until you see the final move I have in store. Unless of course this is too much for my training pal he-
Sparks swings his legs up to escape the move and lock on the crossface!
Hoss - Sparks once again catches the Evil One off guard!
Thinking fast, Sparks grabs the arm and wrenches back!
King - No fair! Sparks is using M’s own move against him!
Sparks wrenches back with the Crowbar, as M struggles desperately to escape.
Hoss - Nobody knows better than M what this move can do!
M tries for the ropes, but Sparks uses his legs to grapevine M in place! With no other way out, M grabs the mic and bashes Sparks in the head, causing him to let go!
Hoss - Oh c’mon! That was uncalled for!
King - Hey, you can’t be disqualified in a submission match, Gorilla!
M picks up the mic.
Well, Jono. Rather than keep you in suspense, here is move number five that I could beat you with next week.
M turns Sparks over on his stomach and locks on…
King - Brilliant! This is Jonathan Michaels’ own submission! How clever!
Groggy, Sparks tries to fight out, but M grapevine’s him, making escape impossible. Unable to go anywhere, Sparks reluctantly taps out.
Muffer - Here is your winner, Evil M!
So Jono. I hope you’ve enjoyed this little exhibition. Be prepared, pal. Next week, I’m coming for your title.
Hoss - Well, Jess. Evil M definitely showed he’s versatile with that moveset right there.
King - If I were Jonathan Michaels, I’d start thinking about kissing that title good bye.
Colt and Jay Carroll V. “Damn Right” Jackson and Amigo
We cut to the footage of earlier in the night, when DR Jackson had beaten Colt to a bloody pulp in the lockerroom...
Gorilla Tim Hoss: After a savage beating like that, we're not sure on the condition of Colt...
Jesse King: We have heard no update on how he's going, we're not even sure he's capable of competing tonight...
Gorilla Tim Hoss: This doesn't bode well for the Champion Jay Carrol. If Colt is unable to compete, he must face off against "Damn Right" Jackson AND the number one contender Amigo in a two on one contest...
Paparazzi (Metal Version)
"Hollywood" Viva Los Bio Dome walks down to the ring with his King of Wrestlecrap crown and cape on. He saunters down to ringside, and sits down lazily next to Hoss and King.
Viva Los Bio Dome: What's up, bitches? King, long time no see bro!
Gorilla Tim Hoss: *Sigh* Hello, King Viva.
Viva Los Bio Dome: Did somebody fart? I could have sworn I heard a fart noise!
Gorilla Tim Hoss: Oh, so that's how it's going to be. Okay.
Michael Muffer: The following contest is a tag team bout scheduled for One Fall!
"Too Black, Too Strong... DAMN RIGHT!"[color]
I Made It
DR Jackson confidently walks out to a loud chorus of boos from the fans. He simply stands at the top of the ramp smiling...
[color=green]Jesse King: This man disgusts me!
Viva Los Bio Dome: If you guys remember, I kicked this little underachievers ass during my climb up the latter to my King of Wrestlecrap crown, and eventual title win. He talks big, and he damn sure is big, but he's relatively harmless.
Michael Muffer: Introducing first, from West Philadelphia, born and raised, weighing in tonight at 300 pounds... The Black Dynasty, "Damn Right" Jackson!
Jackson then smugly struts down to the ring whilst the fans continue to boo him.
Welcome to Hell
And his partner, from Tempe, Arizona. Weighing in tonight at 215 pounds, representing the Human Hate Machines... He is the number one contender to the WWCF Championship... Amigo!
Amigo then steps out to heavy boos, but completely blows them off as he walks right straight into the ring, he stares a hole through Jackson...
Gorilla Tim Hoss: If Jay Carrol has to fight this alone, this is looking really good for Amigo!
Viva Los Bio Dome: You know, I have no respect for this guy. He talks, and he talks, and he talks. It's all he does. When he thought I was fired, he f***ing celebrated! Who would celebrate one of their strongest adversaries being fired? A pussy, that's who. I hope he wins on Sunday just so I can demolish him to get my title back. Wait, no I don't.
Gorilla Tim Hoss: Viva, if we sit here and listen to your life's story with every one of these opponents, we're gonna be here all day. Shut the hell up already.
Viva Los Bio Dome: One day, 'Rilla man, you're going to learn that words can hurt.
Michael Muffer: And their opponents...
Well Thought Out Twinkles
The crowd quickly explode into applause as the WWCF Champion steps out of the ring, however he has a look of concern on his face...
First, from Philadelphia, weighing in tonight at 215 pounds... He is the WWCF Champion, Jay Carrol!
Jay slowly walks down the ring constantly looking from Jackson, to Amigo, to the top of the ramp, anxiously.
Gorilla Tim Hoss: A rather rare look of concern on the face of the usually happy-go-lucky champion...
Jesse King: Can you blame him!
Viva Los Bio Dome: Happy-go-lucky? More like boring-go-sucky!
*Jesse King laughs*
Gorilla Tim Hoss: HAR HAR HAR SO FUNNY. Not.
Master of Puppets
Seth Drakin: Before we find out if Colt is going to aid Jay Carrol in tonight's match, I wanted to notify both participants in next weeks WWCF World Championship match of a stipulation that will be in place. There will be a special guest referee in your match, and that man will be none other than the King of Hollywood himself, Viva Los Bio Dome.
*Seth Drakin stands on the ramp and laughs and smiles as Jay Carrol and Amigo are both in the ring throwing fits.*
What? I lose the title because of some bulls*** exploited stipulation, lose my chance at the title at Wheel of Misfortune because I thought I was fired, and then Seth Drakin lays this s*** on me? What the f*** is he thinking? Why the f*** would I want to aid either of these two turd sandwiches in winning my belt?
Jesse King: Talk about unfortunate! I've never seen you in ref stripes, Viva! It's not a far cry from what you wear now, I tell you that much!
Oh, and Viva... You better call it fair and balanced, because if you don't, I'll make sure you don't get another shot at that title for a long, long time.
*Master of Puppets hits again, and Seth laughs and walks backstage*
Michael Muffer: And now, Jay Carrol's partner...
Michael Muffer: Uhh... from The Daily Story, Adelaide. Weighing in tonight at 250 pounds, The Story on Page One... Colt!
Jay Carrol looks up at the ramp concerned... until out of nowhere Amigo jumps him from behind and starts laying into him... the referee has no choice but to ring the bell.
Gorilla Tim Hoss: Looks like we have a handicap match...
Jesse King: This does not bode well for the champ, these two men are two of the most ruthless men in this company's history...
Viva Los Bio Dome: Looks like "Champagne" is finally going to get the beating he deserves for pilfering my title.
Amigo quickly gets off of Jay Carrol and starts stomping away at him, he picks up Carrol and hits a powerslam before once again mounting him and hammering away with punches. The referee tells Amigo to get off, so he does so and tags in Jackson.
Jackson runs in and boots Carrol in the face, Jackson picks Carrol up for a scoop slam and goes for the pin.
Jay kicks out.
Jackson picks Carrol up again, but Carrol counters with a European Uppercut, followed by a Dropkick sending Jackson to the ropes. Jackson bounces back and Jay connects with a Snapmare and locks in a headlock. After a brief struggle, Jackson uses his size to power out.
Viva Los Bio Dome: The fact that Jay is even getting any offense at all in here is a testament to how terrible his competition is. If it was me? He'd be locked up in The Bedtime Story and getting ready to go to sleep for good.
Jesse King: That's why I've always got your back, Viva. Not only do you tell it like it is, but you put your money where your mouth is as well. Not like these chumps in the ring.
Gorilla Tim Hoss: You know these guys are taping the match for studying later, right King?
Jesse King: On second thought...
Jackson shakes the cobwebs out of his head, and Jay uses this delay to run in and hit a Russian Leg Sweep. Jay goes for the pin...
Jackson quickly powers out. Jackson gets to his feet, and Jay hits a low dropkick to the knees of Jackson, making Jackson fall to one knee. Jay then runs to the ropes to attempt another, but Jackson gets up and catches him and takes him out with a One Arm Uranage.
Jackson then hits Jay with a scoop slam, before hitting an elbow drop and goes for the pin.
Jay kicks out. Jackson drags Jay to their corner and tags Amigo back in. Amigo springs in with an elbow drop of his own. He picks Jay up and knocks him right back down with a Lariat.
He goes to do it again, but Jay ducks out of it and hits Amigo with a quick Gutwrench Suplex. Jay then starts walking around stomping on every one of Amigo's limbs...
Jesse King: Jay Carrol channeling Ronnie Garvin!
Viva Los Bio Dome: I'm not surprised to see "Champagne" stealing things that rightfully belong to legends. First my title, and now the Ronnie Garvin stomp? What's next? He gonna pull out a Stone Cold Stunner?
Jay then picks Amigo up and takes him down with a backbreaker. Jay goes for the pin.
Amigo powers out.
Jay attempts another Gutwrench, but Amigo rolls out and drops Jay with a Lariat to the back of the head. Amigo then lays Jay out with a Piledriver. Amigo goes for the pin...
Jay just gets the shoulder up.
Gorilla Tim Hoss: A tremendous amount of fight and resolve shown by our champion, Jay Carrol. You don't have to like him, Viva, but you know first hand that you can't take the guy lightly.
Honestly, I can take him lightly, I'm just that much better. And let's face facts, 'Rilla man. He beat me strictly because he chose a cop out stipulation. Who the hell fights in submission matches anymore? Is this the UFC? f*** no. Is it 1978? f*** no. Be a man, fight me like a man, and I'm confident I'll come out on top.
Gorilla Tim Hoss: Wow. You know you expect ignorance from fans, but to see a student of this great sport show such a lack of respect for not only our history, but the submission style... that's just downright astounding.
Amigo the arrogantly walks away and tags Jackson back in. Jackson measures Jay up for a Spear, the moment Jay gets to his feet, Jackson begins the dash, but Jay quickly catches him and lays him out with an Even Flow DDT! But Jay is also down...
The referee begins the count...
Jay slowly begings to stir, Jackson is still out.
Jay is crawling to the ropes...
Jay uses the ropes to gradually pull himself up...
Jay finally makes it to his feet, then uses the ropes to spring foward and land onto of Jackson into a pinfall...
Amigo runs in and boots Jay in the head, breaking up the pin.
Amigo then starts to stomp away at Jay again and again , the referee is trying to hold him back, but Amigo keeps stomping.
The referee threatens to Disqualify Amigo, so Amigo stops as the referee escorts Amigo to the ropes...
Gorilla Tim Hoss: You've got to wonder just how much Jay has left in the tank. To say he's taking a merciless beating at the hands of two of the largest guys in the WWCF would be an understatement. You aren't pushing either of these guys around easily, and they both hit like a truck.
Jesse King: I was thinking the same thing, Gorilla. This is starting to get hard to watch.
Viva Los Bio Dome: If I was Jay, I'd just stay down. He's risking his health at the expense of being a hero, and he's got a title match to fight next week. He should take this loss on the chin, heal up, and fight to keep my belt. He's much easier to beat than Amigo.
Gorilla Tim Hoss: The smartest damn thing you've said all evening, Viva.
Viva Los Bio Dome: What? That he's easier to beat than Amigo?
Gorilla Tim Hoss: No. That he should just cut his losses.
Jackson used this distraction to grab out a Baseball Bat from under the ring, he measures Jay up as Jay gradually gets to his feet. Once Jay is on his feet Jackson uses the baseball and swings it right at Jay's ribs. Jackson quickly throws the bat away before the referee turns around.
Viva Los Bio Dome: Jackson's speaking my kind of language. That's exactly what he needs is to lay some hurt on the *grumbles* Champion. I can't believe I just said that.
Jackson then places Jay's head between his legs and uses the time to catch his breath. Jackson then prepares to pick Jay up for the powerbomb...
"You know that time in your life, that single moment that defines exactly who you are? Well that only stings for a second..."
Smoke 'Em If You Got 'Em
Gorilla Tim Hoss: WHAT?
Jesse King: He is here!
Viva Los Bio Dome: Why are you two excited? If I was Jay, I'd be pissed off. Colt's just hung him out to dry for this entire match. I find it highly unlikely he couldn't have been out here 20 minutes ago.
The crowd erupt into a frenzy as Colt painfully runs out from the back into the ring, his ribs are bandages up and his face is still bleeding.
Colt slides right into the ring and takes Jackson out with a Shining Wizard, now called the .45 Caliber. Amigo then runs in and tackles Colt. Amigo and Colt are going at it on the ground, punch for punch.
Suddenly Jay gets to his feet and pulls Amigo off and starts punching away at him, Amigo gains the advantage after the beating Jay had taken, so Colt then gets invovled and Jay and Colt take turns punching Amigo into the corner.
Out of nowhere, Jackson springs to his feet and lays Colt out with a Spear, the referee is trying to separate Jackson and Colt, and Amigo uses this opportunity to his Jay with a big low blow. Jay stumbles back and falls to his knee... Amigo then runs with an lays Jay out with the Bom-Ba Ye!
Viva Los Bio Dome: There Amigo goes again, sucker punching people when they're at their most vulnerable. And this guy thinks he'd make a worthy champion. He can't even beat anyone legit. Has to hit them when their back is turned.
The referee then orders Amigo out of the ring, and Jackson quickly goes to pin Jay.
I Made It
Michael Muffer: Here are your winners... the team of "Damn Right" Jackson and Amigo!
Viva Los Bio Dome: Awesome. I've got to babysit two douchebags next week. Hey, Jesse, it's always a pleasure. Gorilla? Kiss my ass you bitter little troll. I'll see you two turds around.
Viva Los Bio Dome takes off from behind the announce table and up the ramp. Amigo glances and then laughs.
Jackson and Amigo confidently stand tall over the fallen Colt and Jay, laughing, however suddenly out of nowhere a flood of Security run in and stand around Jay and Colt, not allowing Jackson and Amigo to continue the damage...
Steel Cage Weapons Match for the WWCF World Tag Championship: The Metal Express V. The Southwest Connection
Gorilla Tim Hoss: Folks up next is our huge main event as the Heavy Metal Express defend the WWCF World Tag Team Championship against the former three time champions Southwest Connection.
Jesse King: And folks, this is a steel cage match with weapons inside the cage!
GTH: That's right Jesse. As you fans at home can see, inside that cage we have chairs, barbwire bats, trash cans, a tool box, a wooden baseball bat, an aluminum baseball bat, a golf club, fire extinguisher and a whole lot more.
JK: Gorilla, don't forget that these two teams absolutely hate each other and will do anything to destroy one ano....
GTH: Sorry to interrupt you partner but I am getting word that these two teams aren't waiting to get into the cage as the fight has already started backstage!
JK: I told you Tim that these two teams can't stand each other.
GTH: Yes you did and fans we're getting a camera backstage right now to catch the action and I'm told that we're ready so let's go now!!
Tyfo is exchanging punches with Dave and Naitch is brawling with Headbanger Man. Dave rams Tyfo into the wall as Headbanger Man is hit in the head with a trash can lid. WWCF referees and officials try to break the fight up but nobody is listening!
GTH: This is complete chaos Jess!
JK: Yes it is Tim.
Both teams fight through the curtain and are brawling down the aisle way. Tyfo and Naitch get the upper hand and throw both members of the tag champs face first into the steel cage as the fans errupt. Tyfo grabs a hold of Headbanger Man and walks around ringside with him and throws Headbanger Man over the guard rail!
GTH: What a wild brawl we have here early on Jess.
JK: So much for the cage containing these four men.
GTH: Yes indeed.
Naitch has a control of Dave but Dave rakes Naitches eyes. Dave punches Naitch right between the eys. Dave then rams Naitch head first into the cage as Tyfo and Headbanger Man are brawling in the crowd. Tyfo charges at Headbanger Man and HBM nails Tyfo with a clothesline that knocks Tyfo down.
Finally things are in the favor of the champs.
GTH: Yes they are.
HBM grabs a cup from a fan and throws it in Tyfo's face! Dave grabs Naitch and throws the former World Heavyweight Champion in the cage.
GTH: Wow Dave actually putting Naitch inside that cage filled with weapons. Meanwhile, Headbanger Man is stomping away on Tyfo.
Dave climbs into the cage and shuts the door behind him. Dave then picks up a trash can and waffles Naitch in the head with it. Tyfo low blows Headbanger Man and then lock in a front facelock and the ddt's Headbanger Man on the CEMENT FLOOR!!
JK: I can't believe Tyfo did that! Headbanger has to be out of it!
Tyfo walks away from an out cold Headbanger Man and makes his way toward the cage. Inside the cage Dave is stomping away on Naitch. Dave picks up Naitch and throws him face first into the side of the cage!
GTH: Dave in firm control here right now of Naitch.
Tyfo jumps over the guard rail and makes his way to the door of the cage but Dave sees Tyfo and kicks at the door to keep Tyfo out.
JK: Smart move here by Dave to keep Tyfo out as he knows that if Tyfo enters the cage that the Southwest Connection will have an advantage.
Naitch is slowly getting to his feet as Dave continues kicking at the door. Naitch gets up and is behind Dave, he turns Dave around, kicks him in the gut and throws Dave face first into the cage as Tyfo walks through the door as the fans cheer. Tyfo picks up a guitar and plays it a bit as Naitch picks Dave up and throws him at Tyfo who then smashes the guitar over Dave's head.
GTH: Now that's playing a tune!
JK: That was original.
Tyfo picks Dave up and slams Dave down to the mat. Naitch walks over and grabs the left leg of Dave and stretches it out. Headbanger Man starts to get up and make his way to the cage and is bleeding heavily.
GTH: Headbanger Man was busted open badly from that ddt on the floor but can he make it back to the cage before the Southwest Connection beat Dave?
JK: Do the challengers want to beat Dave yet though? Remember Gorilla, Naitch said earlier in the week that he and Tyfo were gonna punish the champs.
GTH: Good point Jess, I forgot about that.
Tyfo drops an elbowacross Dave's chest as Naitch drops an elbow across Dave's left leg. Headbanger Man is slowly making his way to the cage. Naitch picks Dave up and throws him hard into the lower left turnbuckle as Dave crumbles to the mat in pain. Tyfo grabs a steel chair and awaits Dave to get up as Headbanger Man finally gets to the cage. Naitch tries to stop Headbanger Man from getting into the cage but Headbanger Man slams the door into Naitch's face as Tyfo blasts Dave in the head with the chair!!
JK: Did you hear that Hoss?
GTH: That was absolustely sick and Dave is busted open.
Headbanger Man enters the cage and is met right away by a drop kick from Tyfo. Naitch gets to his feet holding his head as Dave slowly gets up and knees Naitch in the back. Dave picks Naitch up from the side and executes a side back breaker as Tyfo is wearing Headbanger Man out with the chair to the back.Dave walks over and clips Tyfo to stop the assault.
GTH: Dave coming to his partners aide here.
Dave walks over to the right upper corner, grabs a trash can and places it in the middle of the ring. Dave whips Tyfo off the ropes and on the rebound back body drops Tyfo onto the trash can. Dave walks over to Naitch and stomps him in the face. Dave grabs a piece of barbed wire and wraps it around Naitch's forehead and is cutting the forehead.
GTH: Fans this is now getting really graphic as Little Naitch is now bleeding pretty badly!
JK: It looks to me Gorilla that this rivaly is ending tonight one way or another.
GTH: I think I have to agree with you Jesse as Dave is grinding that piece of barbed wire across LittleNaitch's forehead and the blood is pouring out.
Dave drops the barbed wire and finally goes to pin Naitch but the referee can only count one as Naitch still has a lot left. Dave goes over to Tyfo as Headbanger Man who is a bloody mess gets to his feet. Dave and Headbanger Man drape an arm over their head and execute a doble suplex on Tyfo. Dave gets up, walks over to a table that is laying down in the upper right hand corner. Dave sets it up as he then grabs Naitch and places him on top of the table. Dave then goes over to the upper right turnbuckle, climbs up but Naitch is off the table, runs over to Dave and slams Dave off the top rope.
GTH: Little Naitch is back in this thing Jesse.
JK: It sure looks like it Gorilla.
Naitch goes over to Headbanger, turns him around and nails Headbanger Man with a huge knife edge chop! Tyfo gets to his feet, walks over to Dave who pokes Tyfo in the eyes. Naitch meanwhile grabs the fire extinguisher, points it at Headbanger Man and shoots it off as white smoke flares out of it.
GTH: Naitch blinding his opponent for the moment.
Dave runs over to Naitch and nails Naitch with a clothesline and the fire extinguisher lands on Naitch's stomach. Dave picks Naitch up, sends him off the ropes and on the rebound catches Naitch with a powerslam! Dave picks Naitch up, has a hold of Naitch's right arm and then grabs the left arm. Dave then crosses the arms as he walks behind Naitch. Dave then jumps up and nails THE ENCORE!
Referee Spud johnson counts
Tyfo breaks it up!!
GTH: This isn't over yet!
There is some fight left in the Southwest Connection.
Headbanger Man is up and has a hockey stick in his hand and as Tyfo turns around Headbanger Man waffles him over the head and face with thet stick!
GTH: That was extremely brutal and it now looks like Tyfo is bleeding!!!Tyfo is out of it here folks.
Headbanger Man walks over to Naitch and picks him up. Headbanger Man walks over to the corner where the table is setup. Headbanger Man climbs to the top rope while holding Naitch and pulling Naitch up with him.
GTH: What do you think Headbanger Man is planning on doing here?
JK: I think he is trying to put an end to the Southwest Connection.
Headbanger Man puts Naitch's head between his legs while Naitch is on the second rope. Headbanger Man grabs a hold of Naitch's arms in a double underhook. Headbanger Man jumps off the top rope and lifts Naitch up and drops through a table into a TIGER BOMB THROUGH A TABLE!
GTH: I CAN'T BELIEVE WHAT I JUST SAW! Both men are injured here no doubt.
Dave goes over to where Headbanger Man and Naitch are. Dave pulls Naitch out of the table rubble and then places Headbanger Man on top of Naitch as referee Spud Johnson makes the count.
GTH: It is OVER! THE HEAVY METAL EXPRESS RETAIN THE WORLD TAG TEAM TITLES in what will no doubt be talked about for ages! They defeat the Southwest Connection in a very brutal steel cage match. Let's go to Michael Muffer for the official word.
Michael Muffer: Here are your winners and STIIIIIIILLLL World Wrestlecrap Federaion World Tag Team Champions, D-Day Dave, Headbanger Man, THE HEAVY METAL EXPRESSSSSSSSSSS!!!!
GTH: Folks, what a match we just witnessed. Both teams are badly injured but in the end the tag team champions pulled it out and defeated their arch rivals.
JK: I can't believe the carnage that is in the ring right now Tim. I also can't believe Headbanger Man delivered the Blastbeat through a table!
GTH: Neither can I Jesse. I think we might have seen the end for awhile of the Southwest Connection and the Heavy Metal Express might have just became the greatest tag team champions of all time!
JK: I am going to have to agree with you Jesse. The Heavy Metal Express pulled out all the stops tonight and they beat the Southwest Connection on their own right in the middle of that ring.
GTH: Folks we are out of time, check out throughout the week as we hope to get comments from both teams and for updates on the condition of both teams. Also don't forget that next Monday, live on pay-per-view is Wheel of Misfortune! See ya!!
Credits: Seth Drakin, DR Jackson, Evil M, Viva Los Bio Dome, and Little Naitch