Sunday Night Heatz!!1 - June 20, 2010
TTS vs. The General of the Monkey Army
Gettenpill: Hello, and welcome to Sunday Night Heatz!!1 We're going to jump right in to our first match of the evening, TTS vs The General of the Monkey Army!
This match is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first weighing in at 225 pounds from Lansing, Michigan. The General of the Monkey Army!!
King Kong 2004 Theme plays as The General makes his way down to the ring. Sitting on his shoulder is his pet monkey. As The General climbs the ring steps the monkey jumps off his shoulder and sits in the corner.
Gettenpill: Are we in a zoo now? What's with all these animals? Dogs and monkies and kittens....
Fish: And his opponent weighing in at 290 pounds hailing from Davie, Florida. The Voodoo Lawyer T..T..S!!
Kelly: Speaking of animals..
Gettenpill: I'd like to hear you say that to his face,
Kelly: What? I wasn't talking about him. I was talking about his wife.
Gettenpill: Be nice!
Kelly: I'm always nice.
*Down on Me begins to play as TTS makes his way down to the ring.
*Both men are in the ring and the referee rings the bell to start the match. The monkey runs over to TTS's corner and starts trying to open his briefcase. The distraction is enough to allow The General to attack TTS from behind and the monkey runs back to his corner and claps.
Gettenpill: They ought to put that thing in a cage.
Kelly: I've been saying that about TTS forever.
Gettenpill: Get real I wasn't talking about TTS I was talking about the monkey.
Kelly: Hoss is here?
*Both men are in the center of the ring and tie up. Niether man can get an edge over the other and they break the tie up. The General challenges TTS to a test of strength. TTS reluctantly accepts and they lock hands. The General kicks TTS in the stomach and hits him with a clothesline.
Kelly: What a great move!
TTS gets to his feet and challagnes The General to a test of strength. They lock up again and this time TTS kicks The General in the stomach and hits him with a clothesline.
Kelly: What a cheater!
Gettenpill: You just said it was a great move when The General did it.
Kelly: But that was different.
Gettenpill: Different how?
Kelly: Do your homework. I can't sit here and explain every little detail to you.
Gettenpill: Especialy when you don't know the answer.
Both men trade punches until TTS staggers The General. TTS bounces off the ropes and acts like he's going to do a clothesline but instead wraps around and catches The General in a sleeper hold. The General clears his head and tries to escape the sleeper. He can't get out of the hold and runs towards the rope ducking under the top rope and causing TTS to go over the top.
Kelly: Did you see that? TTS tripped.
Gettenpill: Tripped my foot.
Kelly: No it was his foot. He's the one who tripped
*TTS slides back into the ring and is met by boots to the body from The General. TTS grabs The General by the ankles and forces him to the mat then jumps on him pummeling him with lefts and rights. The General is slugging back with lefts and rights of his own.
Gettenpill: No one said this was going to be pretty.
*Both men get to ther feet and continue to slug it out until The General pokes TTS in the eye with his thumb. TTS takes a step back and The General runs forward with a running knee lift followed by a ddt on the way down. The monkey starts trying to untie the turnbuckle and the referee walks over to stop him. The General begins to choke TTS. The monkey drops down from the corner and The General breaks the choke as the referee turns around.
*The General lifts TTS from the mat and hits a suplex on him.
Kelly: Hits him with a sue play. That's the proper way to say it thank you very much.
Gettenpill: Don't pat yourself on the back too hard. You might hurt yourself. Actually on second thought..
TTS is on his feet and both men lock up. TTS whips The General to the ropes and catches him with a spinebuster on the way back. TTS climbes the top turnbuckle and the monkey runs over to The General and sits on his chest with his arms in front of his face. TTS signals for him to move but he holds his ground. TTS climbs down from the top rope and chases him off. The General sneaks up behind TTS and does a school boy rollup.
Both men are to thier feet and hit a double clothesline
The ref starts the 10 count and gets to 7 before both men are back up. They size each other up for a mnute and begin to trade lefts and rights. TTS gets the upper hand and gets in two suplexes followed by an inverted ddt. TTS whips The General to the ropes and catches him on the bounceback
Gettenpill: Pileup! It looks as though he isn't done yet though. TTS climbs to the top and there's that damn monkey again. TTS doesn't seem to care Doctor's Note! Dcotor's Note! TTS covers. 1! 2! 3! It's all over. That little monkey got out of the way just in time but The General wasn't so lucky as TTS hit the doctors note. You can write this one up as a win for The Voodoo Doctor.
Fish: Ladies and Gentlemen here is your winner The Vooddoo Doctor T...T....S!!
*TTS poses for the cheering crowd before making his exit.
Kris Kobain vs. Blackout
Fish: Ladies and Gentlemen making his way to the ring hailing from London, England by way of Seattle, Washington
Gettenpill: I don't even want to know.
Fish: Weighing in at 200 lbs The reigning champion of Mexico, champion of Japan and newly crowned champion of Great Brtian Sir Kristian Kobain
*A reagal sounding version of Siva by The Smashing Pumpkins plays. Kristian walks out with two guardsmen in front of him. He is dressed like The British Bulldog with long tights and a cape as well as his hair in braids. He is wearing his new title around his waist and has a title on each arm . He is walking a bulldog down to the ring.
Gettenpill: I s this really happening?
Fish: And his opponent. Wighing in at 295 pounds from Los Angeles, California. Blackout!!
*Blackout comes out rapping.
Blackout:Stop with the games cuz I ain't playin. Consider that ring hell. You can call me Satan. You bounced your last check, I'm here to collect. I'll beat you down b**** and leave you with a broken neck. You call yourself a champ you ain't nothing but a chump. You think you can beat me? You better run n gun. When I my hands on you I'll leave you flat on the mat. Covered in blood there ain't no coming back.Twisted and crooked with an alter ego, I'm number one. You're just a zero.
Kelly: How has this man not won an oscar?
Gettenpill: Oscar are for acting.
Kelly: Well he should win all the awards. He's a talented guy. Oscar, Larry, Moe. All of them.
*Before the ref is able to ring the bell Neo Het comes down to ringside. Kris's "soilders" are standing in his way preventing him from getting to the ring. He is trying to get around them saying he want's to pet the doggy. He yells "wizard power" and points. The guards look behind him and he runs around them. They are chasing him around the ring and Kris yells for them to let him pet the dog. Neo Het sits indian still on the ground and starts playing with the dog. Blackout hits Kris from behind with a forearm shot and the ref signals for the start of the match.
Gettenpill: What is going on around here. You have wizards and vampires and all sorts of freaky things going on.
Kelly:And that's just one guy.
*Blackout transitions behind Kris to attempt a german suplex. Kris Kris elbows him in the face to escape and appears as if he is going to run towards the ropes. He instead stops and hits Blackout with jumping backick in the head. Blackout is staggered against the ropes. Kris runs to the other side bounces back and hits Blackout with a flying cross body sending both men crashing to the outside.
Kelly: Does this guy's matches ever take place inside the ring?
*Both men are up and Blackout whips Kris into the steel ring post. Blackout picks up a chair and swings it at Kris but misses and connects with the steel post droping the chair.
Gettenpill: Not a smart move at all. You'll get yourself disqualified that way.
Kelly: I think he just wants to shut this Kobain guy up once and for all.
*The camera cuts to Neo Het still playing with the dog. Kris gets in the ring first and Blackout climbs the apron. Kris hits a dropkcik as Blackout is still outside the ropes which sends Blackout back down to the floor. Blackout walks around another side of the ring and Kobain won't let him in. Kobain takes a step back and motions for Blackout to come into the ring. Blackout tries and Kobain cuts him off again. This happens two more times before Blackout gets mad and kicks the steps over. Kris jumps over the top rope and is caught by Blackout who rams his back into the steel post. Blackout picks Kris up and rolls him in the ring then enters the ring himself.
Gettenpill: I have a feeling business is about to pick up.
*Blackout picks Kris off the mat and hits him with a backbreaker. Blackout lifts Kris up again and sizes him up for a big boot. Kris ducks and Blackout hits the ref instead. Kris slides between Blackout's legs and tries a dropkick but is swated down by Blackout. Blackout mounts Kris and starts landing punches on him and choking him. Blackout leaves the ring and grabs the chair that he tried to use earlier. Kobain slowly gets to his feet and slingshots over the top rope. Blackout swings the chair and connects with Kobain's head sending him crashing to the floor.
Gettenpill: Somebody beeds to stop this. Get some help out here!
*Blackout takes the chair and hits Kris over the back as he is laying on the ground. Two British guards come over to assist Kris and Blackout takes both of them out with chair shots. Blackout then walks around the corner to the other side of the ring and pulls out a table from underneath and slides it in the ring. He gets in and sets it up. Kris pulls himself to his feet and tries to get in the ring but is kicked by Blackout. Blackout goes outside the ring and powerbombs Kris on the floor then picks him up and tosses him into the ring.
Gettenpill: This carnage needs to be stopped. Where are the other officials? Where's security?
Blackout goes over to the time keeper's table and throws the time keeper from his chair into Neo and the dog. Blackout grabs the ring bell while Neo gathers himself and goes over to the dog. Blackout picks up the bell hammer and takes the bell and the hammer into the ring. He places the bell over Kobain's head and hits the back of it with the hammer.
Kelly: Well he sure got his bell rung.
Gettenpill: Oh ha ha. Very funny. How can you joke at a time like this?
*We see Neo Het outside tending to the dog who is clearly hurt. Neo is screaming for the dog to talk to him. Meanwhile in the ring Blackout now has the chair and places Kris's head on the ring bell and hits him with the chair. The camera is on Neo again who looks at the dog and then at the ring and gets a scowl on his face. He tells the dog to stay then enters the ring behind Blackout. He taps Blackout on the shoulder and Blackout ignores him. He taps Blackout againa and Blackout ignores him again. He slaps Blackout's shoulder and Blackout turns and is caught by the throat in the grip of an angry Neo Het. Neo lifts him up and chokeslams him through the table. Neo picks Kris up off the mat by his waist and throws him in the air causing him to do a shooting star press on Blackout. Neo slides out of the ring and grabs the dog and runs to the back. The referee wakes up and
1! 2! 3!
Fish: Ladies and gentlemen here is your winner the champion of Mexico, Japan and Great Britian...Sir Kristian Kobain!
Kelly: What just happened here?
Gettenpill: I don't know.I..
Kelly: Did you see that? Somebody needs to put him on a leash!!
Gettenpill: Oh I saw it. I don't know what to say here folks. That may have been one of the most unique finishes I have seen in all my years of broadcasting. Nonetheless Kris Kobain picks up the win in a hard fought battle.
Mysth vs. Neo Het
Kelly: Tonight's Heatz!!1 Main Event features a showcase of two promising new talents in the WWCF. They're sure to put on a show for the fans tonight and prove their worth to this awesome federation.
*The camera zooms in on the ring where Jerry Fish is standing as “Boys Don’t Cry” starts playing.*
Jerry Fish : Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is a singles match scheduled for one fall! Introducing fi…
*Before he can finish, a puff of smoke appears and out of it comes Neo Het. And his calico cat, of course. Fish takes a few seconds to recover from the coughing fit caused by the smoke then continues*
Jerry Fish : Ahem… as I was saying… hailing from the Hot Topic, standing 6’6” and weighing in tonight at 266 lbs… He is KAWAAAIIIIIII DEEEESSSSUUUUUUU NEOOOOOO HEEEEEEEET!!
*Het hands the cat to a young girl in the crowd who seems very happy about it and starts stroking the adorable animal. He then gets back inside the ring and points up to the sky as his music fades.*
Jerry Fish : And his opponent…
*”Otherworld* starts playing and after a few seconds, Mysth appears on the stage, getting mentally ready for his first match. He poses for the crowd as pyros go off behind him.*
Jerry Fish : From Strasbourg, France, standing 5’7” and weighing in tonight at 218 lbs, he is the Darkness In The Light, THIIIISSS IIIIIIIS MMMYYYYYYSSSSSTH!!
*While the crowd is still unsure about him and waiting for him to prove his worth, a few former EWT fans cheer him on as he high-fives them. He then climbs the apron, clutches the ropes and takes a good look at the crowd as pyros go off in each corner of the ring. He gets inside it… and before he can do anything, Het glomps him.*
Neo Het : You’re so Desu! And kawaii too!
*Mysth can only react with intense confusion as John Creed has to step in to separate them, and reminds Het that they’re here to fight. And the match officially starts as the bell rings.*
Gettenpill:This is the debut of Mysth. He may be a newcomer here but don't mistake that for inexperience. He is a very talented wrestler with plenty of experience under his belt.
Kelly: I hope he beats up this weirdo Neo Het.
*The size difference between the two men is highly noticeable. Mysth starts circling around Het, trying to find an opening to take an adventage over his big foe, who seems very relaxed and apparently finds Mysth’s movements very kawaii indeed. Mysth eventually decides to go for a side kick to the thigh, which connects. He follows with another one. Then a third one. But this time, Het catches it, but Mysth counters with an Enzuigiri, bringing het to one knee.*
Gettenpill: Brutal kicks by Mysth send the big man down!
*Mysth continues by grabbing his opponent’s arm for a Short-Handed Clothesline. He then goes for an elbow drop, but Het rolls out of the way and gets back up, countering with a punch that connects. Het takes advantage of the temporary dizziness of his opponent to go for a Snap Suplex, but Mysth manages to slide behind het and strikes with a Dropkick to the back that makes Het crash head first into the turnbuckle.*
Whhen you're facing a much larger opponent you've got to take every advantage you can get. Let's see what this newcomer can do with the big man here.
Kelly: Maybe he should shine some tinfoil at him. That oughta distract him.
*Mysth seizes the opportunity and gets on the top rope, going for a Tornado DDT… but Neo Het shoves him away midway through the move! Mysth goes rolling on the mat and manages to regain his balance, only to see Het dashing at him. However, the Frenchman quickly reacts by trapping Neo Het with a Drop Toe Hold. Het starts getting back up, and Mysth runs towards the ropes for a Springboard Clothesline. Het starts getting up but Mysth hits him with a Buzzsaw Kick! Mysth takes a moment to pose for the crowd but as he turns back, he is caught for an amazing Tornado DDT from Het! As the big man gets back to his feet, we can see he has the same look on his face as he did during his match against the General of the Monkey Army.*
Gettenpill: Neo Het appears to be in the zone!
Kelly: Yeah the twilight zone.
Gettenpill: Will you behave yourself?
*Mysth is getting back up, still in shock to have been caught with a lucha libre move from an opponent bigger than he is. Het approaches and immediately hits the masked man with a Double-Knee Facebuster. He keeps hold of Mysth and follows with a Running Bulldog! And he’s not done yet as he hits the Impaler DDT! And he goes for the pin.*
Gettenpill: A close call but only a two count.
Kelly: Close doesn't count for anything.
Gettenpill:You have to give credit where credit is due.
Kelly: Yeah well don't give him too much credit. He might decide to stick around. Of course you would like that wouldn't you?
Gettenpill: I have no problem with the guy. He's a little eccentric but entertaining.
Kelly: Eccentric is puting it nicely. He's a total weirdo.
*Mysth managed to get a reflex kickout and Het wastes no time with a Fireman Carry Slam, but Mysth actually manages to roll over Het. He quickly takes a run-up and strikes with a Shining Wizard! He follows up with a Lionsault and tries to cover but Het immediately throws him away.*
Gettenpill: You're going to have to do more than that to keep the man down.
*They both get up and Mysth is faster, rushing at Neo Het, who counters with an Armdrag, he then runs at Mysth, who uses an Armdrag of his own. He rushes towards Net, who takes him down with a Clothesline, and follows with a Springboard Senton Bomb. He waits for Mysth to get back to his feet and runs for the Kawaii Kick, but Mysth ducks and runs to the ropes at the other side of the ring. Het starts running as well and throws a Clothesline. Mysth ducks and keeps running for a Springboard Headscissors Takedown. As Het gets back up, Mysth springs up with a Hurracanrana for the pin!*
Gettenpill: Great exchange and another near fall.
Kelly: Why's he keep hitting him the head? This idiot isn't going to feel it.
*That’s still not enough to take out the giant wizard. Mysth grabs the ropes and attempts a Springboard Crossbody, but Het catches him in mid-air and slams him back down! He then grabs him by the head and slams him into a corner. Het then props up his opponent before performing a huge Frankensteiner off the top rope! Following this, Het runs to the ropes and hits a Lionsault! Mysth is lying motionless but Neo Het is not done yet! He points up to the sky, signalling for his finisher!*
Kelly: See? I told you he's an idiot. Why isn't he covering his man?
*He climbs the nearest turnbuckle and he goes for it! Desu Drive! But Mysth managed to roll to the side! The two men, exhausted, slowly get back up. Mysth quickly runs to the turnbuckle and dives for a Dragonrana! But Het counters it into a Powerbomb! And he covers!*
Gettenpill: Another near fall! The crowd is really behind these guys here tonight and I can't blame them!
Kelly: A bunch of morons cheering for a bunch of idiots? Where are we? Mississippi?
Gettenpill: Will you stop?
Kelly: Look that guy has moonshine.
*This match is still going on and Neo Het grabs Mysth by the head again, but Mysth starts throwing elbows in Het’s stomach and frees himself. He runs at Het and grabs him for an Irish whip, but het counters and whips Mysth into a corner. Het then runs at his opponent and uses a Monkey Flip that sends Mysth flying and crash in the center of the ring. Het concentrates as Mysth slowly gets back up, then dashes like a madman and goes for the Kawaii Kick again! But Mysth slide under Het, who turns around and is caught with the High Scream! Het is down and Mysth covers!*
Gettenpill: That's all for this match. Mysth picks up the win in his debut. What an impressive showing by both of these men. Say what you want about them....
Kelly:Ok, they're both morons.
Gettenpill: As I was saying. Say what you want about them but they both showed tonight they deserve to be here in the WWCF and I anticipate they won't be going anywhere soon.
Jerry Fish : Here is your winner… the Darkness In The Light, MMMMYYYYYYSSSSTH!!
*Mysth celebrates, but he is weary and covered in sweat. It’s obvious Neo Het’s assaults took their toll on him and he was pushed to his limits. Mysth leaves the arena, but not before greeting the crowd and posing for the last time of the evening.*
Writing credits: Ssnakebite, Kris Kobain