
Wheel of MisFortune - June 28, 2010


WWCF Wheel of Misfortune, June 28th, 2010

"Wheel of Misfortune" by the Dropkick Murphys starts to play on the PA

Hoss - Welcome to Wheel of Misfortune!

King - Tonight, six of our seven matches will be decided by the spin of the wheel!

Hoss - We have four Championships on the line, plus some hot rivalries that will boil over!

King - It’s a virtual melting pot just waiting to explode and I can’t wait!

Neo Het V. The General of the Monkey Army

Gorilla Tim Hoss: And now it's time for our first match, WWCF Galaxy, let's join Michael Muffer...

Michael Muffer: And now, our first match of the evening!

*King Kong 2004 Theme*

The General of the Monkey Army enters with Tinkers in his arms and Bongo following behind him.

Jesse King: The General has had quite a rocky relationship with the new "Kawaii Desuperstar" Neo Het.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Please don't say that again, King.

Michael Muffer: Now entering the ring, hailing from Lansing, MI, weighing in at 225lbs, he is The General of the Monkey Army!

The General crosses the ropes and stands in his corner.

*Boy's Don't Cry - The Cure*

Jesse King: You know, I'm really not sure what to make of this Neo Het, but he's made waves from the beginning.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Some say that he'll go far in this company.

Michael Muffer: Now entering the ring, hailing from Hot Topic, and weighing in at 266lbs, he is your... "kuh-why-ee dess-soo" Superstar, Neo Het!

Neo Het appears in a puff of smoke with a calico kitten in his hands which he loving pets. Tinkers grabs The General and forces a smooch out of him.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Neo Het was raised by hobbits and is the vampire son of wizards. He's apparently one magical guy.

Jesse King: I think that I prefer the cold efficiency of The General.

Michael Muffer: And now, Fred G Neric will spin the Wheel... of... Misfortune!

Fred G. Neric appears on the Craptron with a wheel next to him.

Fred G. Neric: That's right, WWCF Galaxy. I, Fred G. Neric, will spin this wheel to determine the stipulations of the match. Michael Muffer will explain the rules of the match after it has been determined. Here we go.

Fred G. Neric spins the wheel. The General crosses his arms while Neo Het hands off the calico kitten to a little girl in the audience.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: What will it be for Neo Heta and The General? I'm hoping for a Submission match myself.

The Wheel of Misfortune keeps spinning but it begins to slow down.

Jesse King: Nah, The General in a Submission match? I say First Blood.

The Wheel of Misfortune passes First Blood, it passes Last Man Standing, it passes Submission... it passes Lumberjack... it passes Ladder... and it lands on... General Hospital Supermarket Brawl.

Fred G. Neric: Well there you have it, WWCF Galaxy, this match is going to be a General Hospital Supermarket Brawl! Take it away, Muffer!

Michael Muffer: The match will be a General Hospital Supermarket Brawl!

The audience has mixed reactions.

Jesse King: The heck kinda match is this?

Michael Muffer: In this match, the contestants will compete in a supermarket, where any and all items are legal weapons. At the front of the store is a stretcher, in which the opponents must battle to put their opponent onto the stretcher, load it into the ambulance, and drive it to the hospital!

A graphic appears on the Craptron explaining the rules.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Well that's... different.

Jesse King: But they're not at the supermarket yet!

Michael Muffer: The General of the Monkey Army and Neo Het will now be driven to the local Kroger!

The General looks at Neo Het, and they along with Bongo and Tinkers head out of the arena.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: I guess that we'll be checking in on this match later, King.

Jesse King: Oughta be really exciting when they get there, TH. My money's on The General.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: I'm going for Neo Het. I don't think that we have truly seen the extent of his abilities yet.

He’s had the entire WWCF Galaxy talking.

It could be anybody.

Who is he?

A Legend returns…


Hoss: Who is this returning legend, Jess?!

I dunno Gorilla, but apparently we’re gonna find out tonight!

WWCF Hardcore Championship: The Smokin’ Vokoun V. Headbanger Man

Tim Hoss: Before we go to the Hardcore Title match, lets go to Fred G. Neric, who is at the WHEEL.OF.MISFORTUNE!!!! Gosh, I like doing that.

Fred G.Neric: Well Gorilla, I'm here backstage at the Wheel of Misfortune. Along with the current WWCF Hardcore Champion, Smokin Vokoun. Smokie, before I spin the wheel, do you have any final thoughts on Headbanger?

Smokin Vokoun: Fred....I DON'T HAVE ANY THOUGHTS AT THE MOMENT!!! THIS IS HARDCORE WRESTLING, YOU DON'T HAVE TO THINK!!! All I need to think about is beating someone up...AND THAT PERSON IS YOU HEADBANGER MAN!!! I know your shaking in your snake skin boots, hoping to God that you can get out of this match alive. You say your gonna show me how hardcore you are? Well I'm the King of Hardcore in the WWCF. I'M THE KING AND LORD OF THE HARDCORE DIVISON!!!! You are gonna find that out tonight. All my freaks in the crowd will GET WHAT THEY WANT WHILE I KILL YOU IN COLD BLOOD!!!!!
- Fred nods and walks to the wheel. He spins the wheel and it spins fast. As it slows down, we see Vokoun glaring at the wheel. The wheel stops and Fred goes to look at it. Fred is stunned by the match while Vokoun has a sick smirk on his face.

Fred G.Neric: Ladies and gentleman....it looks like this Hardcore match will be a.......INFERNO TLC HELL IN A CELL DEATHMATCH!!!!!!!!! BACK TO YOU GORILLA.

Hoss: Oh.....my.....god. King, I'm actually scared for both men. This can NOT end well.
King: Well, I know Headbanger may not like it. But by looking at Vokoun's face, he's gonna love this match.

The Smokin Vokoun vs The Headbanger Man

Michael Muffer: Ladies and gentleman the following contest is set for one fall....is for the WWCF HARDCORE CHAMPIONSHIP.....AND IT IS A INFERNO TLC HELL IN THE CELL DEATHMATCH.!!!!

Crowd pops huge for this.

Muffer: The rules are simple. The ring will be surrounded by a steel cell. Along ringside, there will be tables, ladders and chairs set up along the ringside area. At atop the cell there is a blowtorch attached. The first man who can climb the ladder and grab the blowtorch CAN USE IT TO SET HIS OPPONENT ON FIRE TO WIN THE MATCH!!! THEREFOR HE WILL BECOME THE WWCF HARDCORE CHAMPION!!!!!!

*Saints of Los Angeles by Motley Crue*

Muffer: Introducing first.....representing the Heavy Metal Hollywood....from Kent, Englad....weighing in 263 pounds....he is one half of the WWCF World Tag Team Champions....THE HEADBANGER MAN.

- The Headbanger Man comes out to a chorus of HUGE boos and chants of "Smokies Gonna Kill You". He yells at fans for booing him. He walks to the ring with caution. It is clear that he is really nervous. He gets in the ring and starts jawing with Muffer.

Muffer: And his opponent.....

*Sinnerman by Nina Simone*

Muffer: Representing The Family....from Chicago, IL....weighing in at 280 pounds....he is the WWCF HARDCORE CHAMPION.....SMOKIN VOKOUN!!!!!!

- Smokie walks out to a HUGE pop. He doesn't scream or glare at the fans, he's only staring at Headbanger Man. He gets in the ring and scares Headbanger out of the ring.

Hoss: Well King, this is put up or shutup time for Headbanger. I'm actually scared for both men here. If any of you out there watching are afraid of blood...then please don't watch.

King: But if you love matches like this....THEN HELL YEAH YOU BETTER WATCH IT...BECAUSE IT'S GONNA BE AWESOME.

-The cell is slowly coming down. Headbanger is looking all around looking real nervous. The crowd keeps chanting "Smokies Gonna Kill you" "Smokies Gonna Kill You". Headbanger can't take it anymore and runs out of the ring. Vokoun starts to follow him, but Headbanger just runs. He gets to the enterance until Vokoun grabs Headbanger from behind and drags him back to the ring. The steel cage surrounds the entire ringside area. The bell rings.

Hoss: Looks like Headbanger isn't gonna run away like he did a few months ago. HBM has to fight this battle in order to become the Hardcore Champ.

- Headbanger tries get away from Vokoun, be he has no where to go. So he goes under the ring and picks up a lead pipe. Vokoun goes under the ring and gets a barbwire baseball bat. The two men slowly get into the ring with their weapons.

King: I'm guessing these men are gonna duel it out. I like some good man to man combat. .

- The two men circle the ring stare at each other. The two men then start yelling at the each and they both run towards each other. The two men are using there weapons like swords and dueling it out. They fight back and forth until Vokoun is able to knock HBM's lead pipe out of his hands, and he hits HBM with the barbwire bat. HBM keeps getting up, but Vokoun keeps knocking him down.

- Vokoun then drops his weapon and charges at Headbanger and hits the Hangman Clothesline and both men go out of the ring. VOkoun gets to his feet first and picks up HBM. He picks him up and throws him head first into the cage. Vokoun then grabs HBM's head and grinds it into the steel mesh. HMB collapses and Vokoun rears back, charges, and KNEES HBM'S HEAD. Headbanger has been BUSTED WIDE OPEN.

- Vokoun grabs the steel steps and starts pounding it on HBM's back. Headbanger is really in pain. Vokoun goes under the ring and gets a Ladder. He slides it into the ring. Vokoun sets up the Ladder while Headbanger recovers. Vokoun starts climbing the ladder to get the blowtorch, but Headbanger gets on the top rope and uses a Flying Clothesline to knock Smokie and the Ladder down.

- Headbanger picks up the ladder and starts pounding Vokoun on the back with it. He lets Smokie get to his feet and then hits Vokoun's ribs with the ladder. Vokoun writes in pain as Headbanger laughs. Vokoun gets up again and HBM then hits Vokoun in the head with the ladder. The impact shoots Vokoun out of the ring. Headbanger then sets up the ladder and gets ready to climb.

-While HMB is climbing, Vokoun finds his barbwire bat and climbs back into the ring, via climbing the turnbuckles. Vokoun gets the tope rope, while Headbanger is near the blowtorch. Smokie flies of the top rope and hits Headbanger on the back with the bat and falls off the ladder.

- Headbanger is lying on the mat and Vokoun has the bat. He then RIPS OFF THE BARBWIRE AND WRAPS IT AROUND HIS KNUCKLES. He lays in some fist drops right into Headbanger's head, making him bleed even more.The blood is just poaring from HBM's head. Vokoun sees this and starts biting Headbanger's bloody forehead. Smokie spits out the blood just for show and the crowd loves it.

Hoss: As much as I admire Smokie's courage and toughness....I will never get over how blood thirsty he is.

King: Don't worry Gorilla, pretty soon Headbanger will prove just how blood thirsty HE is.

- Vokoun picks up a dazed HBM and shoots him into the ropes and then drop toe holds him FACE FIRST ON THE LADDER!!! Headbanger is really taking a beating. Vokoun starts screaming at the top of his lungs. He throws Headbanger out of the ring. He goes to set up the ladder. Headbanger Man goes under the ring and gets a table. Vokoun is starting to climb the ladder. HBM sets up the table and then slowly gets into the ring without Vokoun knowing. Vokoun is almost to the top but Headbanger gets back to the apron jumps and hits the Springboard dropkick on the ladder, knocking it and Vokoun down. With HBM dazed from the fall, Vokoun gets up angry and starts pummling HBM somemore. Vokoun then shoots Headbanger into the corner. He is going for the Smoke Bomb. He gets to the top rope and picks up Headbanger. He is about to hit the Smoke Bomb, but Headbanger hits Smokie with an elbow. He changes directions and hits THE BLAST BEAT BOMB OF THE TOP ROPE ONTO THE TABLE ON THE OUTSIDE!!!!!


King: The smartest man is gonna win this match, and that man is Headbanger.

- Vokoun is layed out from the table shot. HMB, picks up Vokoun throws him face first into the cage. Vokoun is laying there in a heap. HBM picks up a steel chair and CRACKS Smokie's head WITH A REALLY LOUD SHOT, sandwhiching him between the steel chair and the steel cage. Vokoun is BUSTED WIDE OPEN. HBM just laughs and evil laugh and HITS HIM AGAIN!!!! Vokoun slumps to the crowd and isn't moving.


King: It's about time....he was starting to bore me.

-HBM takes Vokoun's bloody hand and takes off the barbwire. He then WRAPS THE BARBWIRE AROUND VOKOUN'S NECK AND STARTS TO CHOKE!!!

Hoss: I realize this is a hardcore match, but Headbanger is trying to kill VOkoun with that barbwire!!! THIS

-Headbanger drops Vokoun. Vokoun's neck is bleeding. HBM then gets in the ring, grabs the ladder and then slides it out of the ring. Vokoun is trying to hold himself up by grabbing on to the steel mesh. HBM squares up the helpless Vokoun and rams the ladder into his ribs. Vokoun is now coughing up blood.


King: I'm about to agree with you, I don't really want to see a man really die in the ring.

-HBM starts laughing as the crowd boos him loudly. He kicks Vokoun in the ribs as Smokie coughs up some more blood. Headbanger then grabs the ladder and shoots it back into the ring. Vokoun is trying his best to crawl to the ring. Headbanger is setting up the ladder and starting to climb. Vokoun is slowly getting back into the ring. Headbanger sees Vokoun getting into the ring and is shocked.

King: I got to say this Gorilla, I'm so so shocked that Vokoun is able to even move after all that punishment.
Hoss: I think it's impossible to kill this man,no matter what.

-Headbanger gets off the ladder and kicks Vokoun in the head. He then quickly leaves the ring and grabs a steel chair. He slides it in the ring and CRACKS IT OVER VOKOU'S HEAD HARD!!! He then drops it and picks up Vokoun and hits THE HOLY DRIVER ON THE STEEL CHAIR. Vokoun is now motionless and Headbanger is free to climb the ladder.

Hoss: Pretty soon, this will end. Unfortunetly for Vokoun's "Freaks"....it won't end with Vokoun retain the WWCF Hardcore Title.

King: Well Headbanger better not waste anymore time, Vokoun loves to play Michael Myers.

- HBM starts climbing the ladder. Vokoun starts to recover a little bit, looks up and sees Headbanger climbin up the ladder for the blowtorch. He grabs on the ladder to hold himself up AND THEN STARTS CLIMBING!!!!

King: SEE I TOLD YOU!!! Headbanger was too slow getting up the ladder. He better hurry!!!

-Headbanger sees him and waits for him to climb up to meet him. The two men slowly start throwing punches at eachother. Vokoun rakes HBM's eyes gets to the top and picks up Headbanger...AND HITS A SAMOAN DROP OFF THE LADDER!!!!!!! Both men are laying face first on the mat.

Hoss: Ladies and gentleman, my jaw has literally dropped. Smokin Vokoun has comeback once again!! There is no stopping him!!!

King: Don't sell Headbanger short, he's been nothing short of amazing tonight as well.

-Vokoun is the first one up. He screams at the top of his lungs. He starts climbing up the ladder once again. Headbanger sees him and starts climbing as well. However, Vokoun gets to the top first and GRABS THE BLOWTORCH!!!!

Hoss: Oh no....this doesn't look good for Headbanger.

-Headbanger purposely falls of the ladder and sees Vokoun with a sick grin on his face. The crowd explodes and chants once again, "SMOKIES GONNA KILL YOU" "SMOKIE'S GONNA KILL YOU!!!!" Vokoun jumps down from the ladder and screams at Headbanger. Headbanger is running around the ring and Vokoun is giving chase. HBM see's the door and runs towards it, jumps on it and the door opens.

Hoss: Wait a minute, I thought the door would be locked. I guess Lloyd McFloyd forgot to lock the door.

King: I don't blame him, he probably isn't paid enough.

-Headbanger escapes the cell as Smokie is following him the blowtorch. Headbanger tries to find something that will protect him. He finds a steel chair and then starts climbing up the steel mesh to the top of the cell.

Hoss: Desperate men do desperate things, King. Headbanger knows that he's in a life or death situation and he needs to stay away from being set on fire.

-Vokoun stares up at Headbanger who made it to the top of the cell. Vokoun starts climbing up to get him. He holds the blowtorch in his teeth as he climbs. When he gets up there he is met with a stiff chair shot to the head. Both men are on the top of the cell Then actually pulls up the dazed Vokoun and takes the blowtorch. Headbanger drops the blowtorch hits some more stiff chair shots to Vokoun's skull. Vokoun drops face first on the cell. HBM drops the chair and grabs the blowtorch. He walks slowly to Vokoun. The taunts to the crowd who boos him. However, Vokoun sees this and drop toe holds HBM FACE FIRST ON THE STEEL CHAIR!!!! Headbanger drops the blowtorch, Vokoun picks it up and waits for Headbanger to get up.

-Headbanger gets up and sees the blowtorch and runs to the the edge of the cell. Vokoun follows him and gives him a sick grin and giggle. Headbanger tries to beg of Vokoun but Vokoun just screams...I'M GOING TO KILL YOU. HE SHOOTS THE A FIRE BALL FROM THE BLOWTORCH ON THE HEADBANGER WHO THEN FALLS 25 FEET FROM THE TOP OF THE CELL ON TO THE ANNOUNCERS TABLE!!!!!!!


Michael Muffer: Ladies....and gentleman....the winner.....AND STILL WWCF HARDCORE CHAMPION....THE SMOKIN VOKOUN!!!!!!!!!!!

The crowd gives both men a standing ovation for that match. Vokoun celebrates on top of the cage but just collapses. Paramedics go to ringside to pick up Headbanger who is barely moving. He is being carried away in a stretcher. But before he leaves the area, he signifies that he's ok, not by a thumbs up, but a middle finger.

King: Well....I must say, I'm super impressed with Headbanger. He survived almost everything Smokin Vokoun could dish out and he's still alive.

Hoss: lets not forget that Vokoun was amazing as well. He made a huge comeback to retain his hardcore title. That was one of the most brutal matches in the history of the WWCF. Both men deserve a standing ovation. Both men are big time stars in my book.

-Vokoun gets off the cage and limps away. Lloyd McFloyd gives Vokoun his hardcore belt and he walks away to a loud ovation.

General Hospital Supermarket Brawl: Neo Het V. The General of the Monkey Army, Take II

Gorilla Tim Hoss: That was quite the match we had there, WWCF Galaxy, but let's check in on Neo Het and The General of the Monkey Army!

The General, Neo Het, Bongo, Tinkers, and Referee "Spud" Verne Johnson quietly sit inside of a limo which appears to be stuck in traffic.

Jesse King: Oh no, they must be in a traffic jam, Gorilla!

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Well, we'll have to check in on them later, so let's move on to our next match!

Still wondering who it is?

Not long now.

The returning Legend will reveal himself…


Gorilla Tim Hoss: Well that was a good match and the matches should only get hotter tonight, King.

Jesse King: Speaking of heat! Look at the Craptron!

The Boiler Room

BRB sits in a foldup chair, his pipe wrench resting at his side while he handles the mic.

BRB: Welcome, WWCF Galaxy, to The Boiler Room, Wheel of Misfortune edition! Tonight we have the latest star to join our ranks. He calls himself Mysth, and we’re gonna find out what he’s all about!

The camera zooms out and pans to show Mysth sitting in another foldup chair, sweating from the heat while BRB appears to be dry as a desert.

BRB: So, uh… Mysth… You’ve made a fairly big deal of your past down south in the EWT, the former official e-fed of the WrestleCrap forums. What was it like for you back then?

BRB sticks the mic in Mysth’s face.

Mysth: I couldn't possibly have hoped for a better proving ground. Seriously, I started off slowly but once I got my first taste of success, I couldn't stop and always aimed higher and higher and higher! And eventually I made my way to the main event spot, and believe me that was no easy task considering the quality of the competition. Either way, it really helped me hone my skills, and hearing the cheers from the crowd and have fans backstage tell me that I would make a great World Champion was a blast. Too bad their encouragement never materialized to an actual reign.

BRB yanks the mic away.

BRB: Wait, you spent years in that e-fed without winning a single title? Not one?

BRB points at his WWCF Inter-Forum Championship belt. Mysth begins to respond but BRB is slightly late in getting the mic to his face.

Mysth: BRB, I have nothing but respect for you and all, but YOU go fighting an insane Irishman, YOU square off one-on-one against a zombie pirate in a cage, YOU go in a match where you face seven other opponents inside a 66,6 tons of steel cage that can only be won by knocking everyone else out, and then we'll talk about my lack of gold.

Besides, I achieved things no-one else did. I single-handedly stood against not one, but TWO of the most dangerous factions in the federation, Team Ireland and the Ministry of Peace, I defeated Liam O' Neill in his signature match while his manager tried to screw me over, I beat Ferhago Crow who had literally annihilated every other man he had ever faced, and that's just a small sample of my EWT career. So it may have not been made official by making me show up with gold around my waist, but I like to think I can take pride in what I did.

Of course, that doesn't mean I am not going to give all I have for this federation. This is a whole new World and I do realize that what I did elsewhere doesn't mean much until I show I can take on the competition, and that's what I intend to do against Kris Kobain tonight.

BRB: Oh, you seem pretty confident in your
chances of success against Kobain -and in the WWCF as a whole- for someone who has only been in one match so far.

Mysth: Don't get me wrong, I know Kobain is a very skilled man and he has what it takes to make it big, but like I already told him, he acts like he has already proved everything and that he should be admired now for what he is, instead of setting himself new goals and trying to get himself admired for new achievements. He is still a young man and a young wrestler, yet he thinks of himself as a grizzled veteran. And that's what gives me an edge.

I KNOW I am far from having proved myself, and I know everything may well fall apart right away if I am not careful. And that's why I am way more motivated and willing to win than he is, and that's why I am confident I will win, because I keep in mind that there is a possibility I might lose, and I must avoid that at all cost.

As for the WWCF, well, I like to think that I am not going to go very far if I base my gameplan on the assumption that I'm going to fail. Don't get me wrong, I do realize the WWCF roster is... amazing, filled to the brim with awe-inspiring talents. But I'm no pushover, and I don't see any reason to doubt my chances.

BRB: Got any last words before you enter the squared circle?

Mysth: I already told Kris everything I needed to tell him, so I don't have much to add, but I will say that I hope that whatever the outcome of the battle is, it will make him come back to his senses and make him give his Kobainites what they really want. Or else they will rightfully support someone else, maybe even... the Darkness in the Light.

BRB: Well then get out there and show the WWCF Galaxy what you’re all about. Just be on the lookout for me, BRB, if you make it at all and try reaching the top, cuz I’ll knock you back down to the dark matches with one swing of my big, massive, pipe wrench.

Mysth sternly nods. BRB turns to the camera.

BRB: I’m BRB and this has been a special Wheel of Misfortune edition of the Boiler Room. Take it away!

Jesse King: Mysth thinks pretty highly of himself but I’ll be damned if his battle hasn’t just begun here in the WWCF.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: EWT was a proud e-fed and I for one am glad to see a veteran from there putting on boots to entertain the WWCF Galaxy. I think that Mysth is one of those guys that we’re going to look back and realize that he had main event written all over him from the beginning.

Jesse King: Yeah? Well let’s move on.

General Hospital Supermarket Brawl: Neo Het V. The General of the Monkey Army, Take III

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Well let's check back in with Neo Het and The General.

Jesse King: Oh jeez, I almost forgot about that match!

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Remember, folks-

Graphic explaining rules of General Hospital Supermarket Match appears.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: They are going to fight at the local Kroger to put their opponent onto a stretcher to haul them into an ambulance and then drive them to the hospital.

Jesse King: I think that this is going to be one brutal match, TH.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: As do I, Jesse. As do I.

The limousine arrives at the local Kroger and Neo Het, The General, Bongo, and Tinkers get out and enter.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: We may be seeing history tonight, WWCF Galaxy. This match may very well go down as a legend.

Referee "Spud" Verne Johnson has both men walk five paces and then he begins the match. The General directs Bongo to go left and Tinkers to go right while he runs for Neo Het.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: The General is directing the troops.

Jesse King: Every match is a war for The General.

The General throws a punch at Neo Het, who gets angry and throws a kick. The General catches it and goes for a dragon screw but Neo Het jumps with the twist and delivers an enzuigiri kick to The General and both men fall to the ground. Tinkers emerges a twelve-pack of Barq's root beer.

Jesse King: Uh oh, Barq's has bite, Gorilla!

Tinkers rips open the twelve pack and picks up a pair of cans and throws them at Neo Het, who rolls out of the way while The General gets up.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: This might be a journey through the supermarket, King. We've already started on pop.

Jesse King: It's called soda, Gorilla.

Neo Het kips up, is pelted with a can to the chest, and stumbles back a step.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Not where I come from, King.

Neo Het finds a two-liter bottle of Sunkist and throws it at Tinkers who moves out of the way and scampers off. Neo Het grabs another two-liter bottle of Dr. Pepper and bashes The General over the head with it once... twice... the bottle ruptures and explodes, soda pop spilling all over The General and Neo Het. The General throws a punch at Neo Het, who catches him with an arm drag into a table covered in pastries.

Jesse King: This is going to be a food fight, Gorilla!

The General gets up as Neo Het goes over to bash him over the head with another two-liter bottle of Sunkist but he whips out a broken half of the table and blocks it.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: The General, resourceful as ever.

The General slams the table down on Neo Het's foot, making him stumble back on one foot. The General capitalizes with a standing lariat, knocking Neo Het over and back into a table with cakes.

Jesse King: I really hate seeing any cake go to waste, Gorilla. I really do.

Tinkers returns with a pair of twelve-oz bottles of Coke Zero and starts bashing Neo Het with them. The General walks over to start stomping on him but Neo Het catches him with a drop toe hold into a broken table half.

Jesse King: Whoa!

Gorilla Tim Hoss: That had to heard, King!

Neo Het rolls away from Tinkers, who pursues him but then decides to throw the bottles at him, both making contact to the back. Neo Het rolls around from the pain.

Jesse King: This is war, Gorilla, and The General clearly is clearly winning the numbers game.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: But does Neo Het have any magical comebacks for us?

Neo Het gets up as does The General. Neo Het runs behind The General and Irish whips him into a fresh vegetable stand. The General falls over from the impact but Neo Het chases after him. Tinkers runs up too, but Neo Het throws potatoes at her to drive her off, and she goes around the next corner.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Well, Tinkers may be gone, but where is Bongo?

Jesse King: All I know is that Neo Het is taking it to The General now.

Neo Het grabs a couple of plastic bags and ties them around The General's mouth.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: A plastic bag gag from Neo Het. Let's see The General bark out his orders now.

Neo Het locks his arm around The General's neck from behind and starts bashing him in the head with a potato.

Jesse King: Those potatoes aren't soft, Gorilla!

Gorilla Tim Hoss: The General may have quite the bruises to show for this for weeks to come!

The potatoe breaks against The General's head. Neo Het puts a potato sack on the ground and DDT's The General into it.

Jesse King: Brutal!

Gorilla Tim Hoss: These men are brutalizing each other and the supermarket, King.

Neo Het stands The General up and hoists him onto his shoulders.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Neo Het with a standard fireman's carry.

Neo Het starts walking back towards the entrance.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: It may be over already, ladies and gentlemen.

Jesse King: C'mon General. You've been through all of those Hardcore Challenges through the years. You've got to get through this one too!

Neo Het comes around the corner when he a Heineken keg rolls into his leg. He falls forward onto his face.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: It's Bongo!

Jesse King: He must have been in the liquor department!

Bongo stands by the stretcher with a shopping cart full of Heineken kegs. The General starts getting up and knees Neo Het in the head.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: The General is not quite out of this yet, King. Bongo saved him with that barrel of Heineken.

Jesse King: Well, keg.

The General stands up and picks up Neo Het. He controls him and drives him headfirst through a checkout aisle blocker and starts choking him out.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: How much more punishment can either of these two men take?

Neo Het elbows The General in the stomach, making him back up a step or so. Neo Het pulls his head out and slips underneath and stands up, back to The General. The General runs to him, but Neo Het jumps up and delivers a cutter attack to the aisle blocker.

Jesse King: The General's throat might have been smashed in right there, Gorilla!

Neo Het picks The General back up onto his shoulders and starts heading for the stretcher. Bongo picks up another Heineken keg and throws it at Neo Het, who just manages to side step it as it rolls down the way.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Looks like Bongo's tactics are not working here, King.

Jesse King: Yeah, but Bongo's a freakin' gorilla, Gorilla!

Gorilla Tim Hoss: That he is.

Neo Het keeps heading for the stretcher, limping along the way when Tinkers suddenly throws a banana peel in the way. Neo Het slips on the banana and inadvertently Samoan drops The General to the floor in the process.

Jesse King: And there's Tinkers with a trick of her own.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: She would do anything to please her husband.

Neo Het's butt is injured from the fall, but The General is hurt from the inadvertent Samoan drop, so neither man gets up. Bongo picks up another Heineken keg to throw at Neo Het.

Jesse King: No, Bongo, now's not the time!

Bongo throws the keg at Neo Het, who rolls out of the way, and it impacts with The General's side.

Jesse King: Bongo, you dumb idiot!

Gorilla Tim Hoss: The General still has the plastic bag gag on his mouth, King. He can't issue any intelligible orders until he removes it!

Neo Het starts standing up, but his injuries are taking their toll on him. Neo Hte limps and is delicate with how he stands up, when Bongo picks up one last Heineken keg to throw at him.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: This isn't good for Neo Het. If he can't move, then The General takes this match.

Bongo throws the keg at Neo Het. It skips along the ground, but Tinker pulls The General out of the way as Neo Het jumps out of the way.

Jesse King: He missed!

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Yes, but I think that the damage has been done.

Jesse King: On the other hand, Neo Het is still standing, while The General has to be saved by Tinkers.

Neo Het limps over to find The General. He crosses past a 10 items or less aisle and starts looking around. Bongo suddenly comes rushing behind him with the shopping cart. Neo Het is toppled and he falls backwards into the cart.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Bongo is putting Neo Het on express!

Bongo backs up the card and then rushes for the stretcher. Neo Het is in no position to quite do anything about it. Tinkers emerges from another checkout aisle, dragging The General behind her.

Jesse King: Neo Het seems to have won the battle, Gorilla, but he appears to have lost the war!

Bongo collides with the stretcher, rocking Neo Het. He reaches down at Neo Het, who sprays a sparkly dark brown mist into his eyes. Bongo is temporarily blinded and he starts wildly gesticulating about and heads away from Neo Het.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Not quite yet, it appears.

Neo Het stands back up out of the cart and goes to a checkout aisle, grabs a Brisk Ice Tea, guzzles down some, and then waits for Bongo to regain sight. Tinkers is homing in on the stretcher. The General no longer has the plastic bag gag over his mouth.

Jesse King: It's a battle just to get a man onto the stretcher, Gorilla.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: The suspense is killing me, Jesse. Who will win?

Bongo recovers from the previous mist when Neo Het spits more mist into his eyes. Bongo reels again but this time Neo Het delivers a Kawaii Kick to his chest, knocking him into the shopping cart. Neo Het pushes the cart past a checkout aisle and forces it to go all of the way to other end of the local Kroger.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Good work there by Neo Het!

The General starts getting up by himself, he points outside and Tinkers runs out. The General and Neo Het exchange glares and go for each other. Neo punches The General, The General chops Neo. Neo Irish whips The General into the stretcher and The General falls over the stretcher onto the other side.

Jesse King: Just when you think that this is over, Gorilla...

Gorilla Tim Hoss: I thought that this was over at least five minutes ago.

Neo Het pulls the stretcher away from The General and stands up on it.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: I'm not so sure about this, King. From that height?

Neo Het leaps off for a Desu Dive onto The General. The General looks like he's completely out.

Jesse King: Damn, Gorilla. Just damn.

Neo Het picks up The General and puts him onto the stretcher and then pushes him outside and into the ambulance.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: It's all but over now, WWCF Galaxy.

Neo Het closes the ambulance doors and hops into the ambulance and drives off. Referee "Spud" Verne Johnson hops into a limousine to follow them.

Jesse King: Now we enter the final phase of the match, TH. Neo Het has to deliver The General to the hospital so that he may win.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Well, we'll catch up with them later, Jesse King, but it seems that the match is all but won by Neo Het. Let's move on.

Official IF Title Rankings Match: Kris Kobain V. Mysth

Neric: Well folks, coming up is the Rankings match between Kris Kobain and Mysth! Let’s give the wheel a spin and see what type of match it’ll be!

Neric spins the wheel and it lands on…

Neric: A Pillow Fight on the Roof!

King: A pillow fight? That’s kinda lame.

Hoss: Not this one, Jess. Right now, both men have been given pillowcases and they are filling them up with all the weapons they can hold!

The camera cuts to the back where Kobain stuffs a giant toolbox into his pillow case.

King: And what is this about the match being on the roof?

Hoss: As our fans know, Jonathan Michaels fancies the roof as a second home of sorts. He keeps all his weapons up there and tonight, both our competitors may use those weapons in this match, plus the ones they bring along!

King: Wow Gorilla! I guess this match isn’t so lame after all!

Hoss: I understand both men are on their way to the roof, so let’s get up there!

Sara Nakatomi is already on the roof, wearing a referee’s shirt.

Muffer - The following contest is a pillow fight on the roof!

Kris Kobain climbs up the side of the roof, while Mysth enters from the stairwell.

Muffer - Introducing first, Kris Kobain! And his opponent, Mysth!

Sara walks over a shoves Muffer.

Muffer - Um.. Ladies and gentlemen, your special referee for this match, Sara Nakatomi!

Sara smiles, waves for the camera, then signals for the match to begin.

Kobain immediately reaches into his pillowcase and pulls out a can of RC. He downs the soda, then bashes Mysth in the head with the can. Mysth reaches into his own pillow case, pulls out a ping pong paddle, and breaks it over Kobain’s head!

Hoss - And there’s the initial exchange!

Kobain tackles Mysth and the two brawl, trading punches in the middle of the roof. Kobain wins the exchange, knocking Mysth to his knees.

Down on the ground, we see ring crew members scurrying to lay crash mats around the building.

King - What’s goin’ on down there, Gorilla?!

Hoss - As I understand it, Seth Drakin has ordered that mats be placed around the outside of the arena, in the case of any “accidents” during this match.

Kobain continues to hammer Mysth, knocking him to the floor. He goes over to a small alcove and pulls out a 2x4. He lifts it overhead, then cracks it across Mysth’s skull! Cover!


Kobain grabs the toolbox out of his pillowcase, opens it, and retrieves a hammer. He goes to bash Mysth with it, but Mysth blocks with a low blow! He quickly rolls over and pulls out a baseball bat! With Kobain nursing his extremities, Mysth grabs the bat and swings for the fences!

King - C’mon! That was a foul ball!

Hoss - Looked like a homerun to me, Jess!

Kobain, in a world of pain, manages to pick up a stop sign and nail Mysth across the face with it! He then goes up to Sara and asks her to massage his “sore spot”. Sara replies with a slap across the face.

King - That was uncalled for! She’s the ref!

Hoss - She was just calmly reminding Kobain that she’s not the masseuse.

Kobain rubs the side of his face, then walks towards Sara, backing her up to the edge of the roof! He grabs her, but Mysth rolls him up!


Kobain drops Mysth with a right hand, then starts digging through the weapons stash for something.

Hoss - Now what is Kobain looking for?

Suddenly, he stops digging and pulls out…

King - Look Gorilla! The tack chair!

Kobain holds the chair up, looking at it with a malicious grin.

Hoss - Nothing good can come from this, Jess.

Kobain cradles the chair like a newborn as Mysth slowly get’s to his feet. Kobain lines him up, swings…

Hoss - And nobody home!

Sara snatches the chair away and tosses it off the roof, where it gets stuck to a member of the ring crew!

King - Damn, that’s gotta hurt!

Mysth hit’s a DDT on Kobain! Cover!

Sara is still looking down at the ring crew guy, who is gushing blood while EMTs rush to his aid. She hear’s Mysth shout at her and runs over!


Mysth lifts Kobain for the Mysthsterious Ways, but Kobain counters with a falling forearm! He quickly climbs to the top of the elevator and performs the Afterburn!

King - Whoa!



Muffer - Here is your winner, Kris Kobain!

Down on the ground, the ring crew member Sara hit is being loaded onto the ambulance.

Hoss - A thrilling match, but it was not without casualties!

King - Caused by Sara Nakatomi of all people!

General Hospital Supermarket Brawl: Neo Het V. The General of the Monkey Army, Conclusion

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Well, King. It's time to finally bring our first match to its close, let's join a live remote.

The ambulance arrives at the hospital. EMT's arrive to open the doors and out comes Neo Het, pushed by Tinkers. Neo Het has a nasty bruise right in the face.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: What?

Jesse King: The General!

The driver's door opens and out comes The General, cigar in mouth and a plastic bag full of potatoes in hand.

Jesse King: He did it!

Gorilla Tim Hoss: I cannot believe this King! The General made it through in the end.

Referee "Spud" Verne Johnson raises The General's arm. Tinkers climbs into his other arm.

Michael Muffer: Here is your winner, The General of the Monkey Army!

*King Kong 2004 Theme*

Jesse King: The General had a hell of a battle and a hell of a war with Neo Het, but his superior tactics and stategy won out. He must have pocketed a couple of potatoes earlier and then used the paper bag gag to make a blackjack.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: It's another one for the record books for The General. If I were our Hardcore Champion, I'd watch out.

Jesse King: Damn right, but let's move on to our next match.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Wheel of Misfortune is already one for the record books tonight, and up next we join Fred G. Neric as he takes another spin on the Wheel of Misfortune!

Fred G. Neric: Thank you Gorilla. I am standing here with the WWCF Inter-Forum Champion Boiler Room Brawler and one of the challengers for the belt, future WWCF legend Jazzman.

Jazzman: Spin us something good tonight, Fred.

BRB: Something good, something bad, I don't give a damn, Fred. In fact, shouldn't it be me, BRB, who gets a spin?

Fred G. Neric: Well, no. I'm sorry Mr. Brawler, but Commissioner Morton has charged me-

BRB shoves Fred G. Neric out of the way, tightens his grip on his pipe wrench, and swings it down on a peg, making the Wheel of Misfortune spin so quickly that it threatens to fall over.

Jesse King: He could have smashed the Wheel of Misfortune, Gorilla!

The Wheel of Misfortune continues spinning.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: A mighty swing from our Inter-Forum Champion. Tonight could be his last night with the belt.

Jesse King: Not exactly, Gorilla. He still gets his rematch.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Well he's still due for his Hardcore Championship match, so that could take a while.

Jesse King: Not his fault that he became a double champion.

The Wheel of Misfortune starts to slow down.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Need more lipstick, King?

Jesse King: What do you mean?

Gorilla Tim Hoss: For kissing BRB's ass.

Jesse King: Hey!

The Wheel of Misfortune starts to come to a stop. It passes by Hardcore Match... it passes by Hell in a Cell...

Gorilla Tim Hoss: What's it gonna be tonight?

The Wheel of Misfortune passes by Three-Way Dance... but it lands on Boiler Room Brawl Mercy Street Challenge.[/color]

Fred G. Neric: Tonight's Inter-Forum Championship match will be a Boiler Room Mercy Street Challenge!

Jazzman has a confused look on his face and he looks to BRB, who looks only slightly less confused.

Jesse King: The heck kinda match is that?

Fred G. Neric: Yes, a Boiler Room Mercy Street Challenge, in which all contestants are locked into the Parts Unknown Arena boiler room...

BRB grins and nods.

Jesse King: Be in his element tonight.

Fred G. Neric: All weapons found within are legal for use. In the boiler room there will be an electric chair...

Gorilla Tim Hoss: What?

BRB and Jazzman exchange looks.

Fred G. Neric: To win, a contestant must strap one of their opponents into the chair and pull the switch to win.

Jazzman: You know what Fred, I'm gonna say something now. I've never wrestled a match like this before. But if you-

Jazzman points to BRB then sweeps his finger across the air, looking around himself.

Jazzman: -or the Man in Black think that I'm gonna be scared off then you've got another thing coming. You can bring that big, massive, pipe wrench of yours BRB.

Jazzman points around the air again, looking around.

Jazzman: And you can bring your darkest sorcery, Man in Black, but you should both get ready for a whole new tune tonight!

Fred G. Neric: Strong words from Jazzman tonight. We'll get to this match later tonight while officials set it up downstairs, take it away Gorilla and Jesse![/color]

Jesse King: Wow! I-just- Wow!

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Can Boiler Room Brawler live up to his namesake tonight and retain the gold over his shoulder? Find out tonight, WWCF Galaxy.

Jesse King: Well, let's move on to our next match, but I'll be damned if I am not impatient for the Inter-Forum Championship match tonight.

Submission match for the WWCF Championship of Honor: Jonathan Michaels V. Evil M

Hoss - Well folks, now it’s time for Evil M V. Jonathan Michaels, a match we’ve seen countless times before.

King - But tonight Gorilla, a whole new element has been added!

Hoss - Indeed. Unlike their past encounters, where the Hardcore title was at stake, this time, it’s about the Championship of Honor!

Muffer - The following contest is a submission match and it is for the WWCF Championship of Honor!

*Man on the Silver Mountain*

Evil M walks down the ramp, sporting a Yellow Jacket t-shirt and a hat that reads “DO IT FOR YJ!”

Muffer - Introducing first, from Rockland, Mass, weighing in at 300 pounds, Evil M!

Hoss - M insisted on this match being made a submission match, Jess.

King - And last week on NiteRaw, he showed that he is more than capable when it comes to submission wrestling.

Hoss - But keep in mind, he needed the aid of a weapon to win that match, Jess. He can’t do that here, due to the Rules of Honor being in effect.

King - Hey, M didn’t NEED to hit Sparks with the mic to win! He just felt that Sparks deserved it!


Jonathan Michaels enters through the smoke, holding the Championship of Honor up high,

Muffer - And his opponent, from Los Angeles, California, weighing in at 240 pounds, he is the reigning and defending Champion of Honor, Jonathan Michaels!

Hoss - At first glance, Michaels doesn’t look like your typical poster boy for Rules of Honor, but he’s done that title right, Jess!

King - He has definitely done a lot to make the belt mean something, Gorilla. But this match, I dunno.

Hoss - What do you mean?

King - These two hate each other, Gorilla. Can they really stick to the Rules of Honor?

Hoss - Well, we’re about to find out.

Referee Floyd McLloyd calls both men to the center of the ring. Michaels offers his hand and M takes it.

Hoss - Well, so far, so good. Show of sportsmanship by both men.

King - More like a test of strength, Gorilla!

M and Michaels keep a tight grip, each trying to out muscle the other one! M leans forward, trying to back Michaels up, but Michaels fights back, sending M towards his corner. Michaels gets M in the corner and McLloyd forces a break.

Hoss - Well, Michaels wins the first confrontation of this match, Jess.

King - Yeah, but as he knows better than anyone, he’ll need to do way more to keep Evil M down!

Michaels and M tie up in the center of the ring. Michaels with a wristlock, but M counters it and forces Michaels to the mat.

Hoss - M trying for an early submission with a jujitsu hold!

Michaels breaks the hold and tries to lock M’s arm, but M pushes him back with his free hand! Another tie up and M tries to pull Michaels into a triangle choke, but Jonathan blocks it and counters into the Boston crab!

King - Whoa! Michaels tying M up with one of his own signature moves!

M uses his size advantage to pull himself to the ropes. Michaels let’s go, but holds on to M’s ankle. He tries to pull him to the center of the ring, but M kicks him back! Michaels tries to grab him again, but M pulls him in and applies a triangle choke!

Hoss - This time he locks it on!

M tries to cinch in the hold, but Michaels pushes forward, forcing a break! M get’s to his feet, but Jonathan meets him with a snap suplex! Michaels grabs M’s leg and hooks on a spinning toehold! M tries to break free, but Michaels voluntarily relinquishes the hold, then slaps on a Figure Four!

Hoss - Jess, this is one of the moves Evil M showcased on NiteRaw last week!

King - Michaels has stolen it as his own!

Michaels leans back, putting pressure on M’s legs, as the challenger cries out in pain!

Hoss - I can’t believe it, Jess! Evil M is actually crying!

King - The man’s in pain, Gorilla!

Hoss - Well he better man up if he wants to escape this hold!

M struggles and makes it to the ropes, forcing a break. McLloyd has to pull Michaels off of M. M rolls to the outside, holding his leg in pain. McLloyd forces Michaels to his corner, then warns M he has to return to the ring or he’ll forfeit the match. M slowly crawls back in, still favoring the right leg. Michaels pounces on him, trying to pull him to the center of the ring, but M reaches up, grabs the arm, and pulls him down into the Crowbar! Michaels grabs the bottom rope, forcing a break. M releases the hold, then pops up with no problem.

Hoss - M was playing possum that whole time, Jess!

King - Brilliant move!

Michaels gets to his feet and lunges at M, who blocks and goes for the Crowbar again, but Michaels cuts behind him and attempts to lock on a chicken wing! M breaks free, elbowing Michaels in the face, then takes out Jonathan’s legs and applies a Boston Crab!

King - Evil M is showing Jonathan Michaels how it’s done!

Michaels uses his upper body to inch towards the ropes, but as he grabs for the bottom rope, M pulls him back and transitions into an STF! Michaels fires off some elbows with his free arm, loosening the grip, then pulls M down into a modified crossface!

Hoss - Their just trading holds and counter holds now, Jess!

Michaels tries to lock up M’s arm to fully apply the hold, but M get’s to his knees, forcing Michaels to his feet, still trying to lock in the hold. M elbows out of it, however, and hooks the arm, trapping Michaels in the Crowbar while standing, with M still on his knees!

King - Look at this Gorilla! M trying to apply the Crowbar one way or another!

M keeps the hold locked in and uses the leverage to get to his feet. Michaels refuses to be brought to his knees, but the pain is obvious in his eyes. M cranks back, causing the Champion to yell out.

Hoss - Evil M is showing us just how resourceful he is and just how dangerous the Crowbar is!

M continues to wrench back until finally, Michaels taps!

Muffer - Here is your winner, and the NEW Champion of Honor, Evil M!

Hoss - That was an unbelievable effort by both men, Jess, but Evil M has shown us just how versatile he is, and just how deadly the Crowbar is!

M clutches the belt to his chest and grabs the Yellow Jacket t-shirt, holding them both to his chest.

M - For you, YJ! For you!

M stands up and turns to acknowledge the crowd, but…

King - Fade to Black!

Michaels stands over M and points to the belt.

Michaels - Enjoy it while it lasts.

Michaels turns to leave, but Sparks runs in from behind and nails him with the Coup-de-Grace!

King - What is Sparks doing out here?!

Hoss - He promised to get even with both Michaels and M, Jess!

King - But he’s ruining the new Champion’s moment!

Sparks stands over M, who sits up and grabs him by the throat! Sparks kicks him in the nuts, then hit’s the Spinnerette! He then picks up the Championship of Honor and holds it up, before dropping it across M’s chest and leaving.

Hoss - Sparks has made an impact here tonight, Jess!

King - Yeah, at the expense of the new Champion! It’s not fair, Gorilla!

Hoss - Regardless, we must move on.

Square and The Hangman V. The Southwest Connection

Neric: Well, folks, up next is the Southwest Connection taking on The Hangman and Square! Let’s find out what type of match these two teams will be competing in!

Neric spins the wheel and it lands on…

Neric: A falls count anywhere but in the ring Singapore Cane match!

Hoss - Well this should be most interesting. Singapore canes will be scattered all around the ringside area, and those canes may be used as weapons by the combatants!

King - And the best part is falls count anywhere!

Hoss - Except for in the ring, Jess. Who knows where this match could end up!

Micheal Muffer: Coming to the ring first, at a combined weight of 510 pounds representing the Human Hate Machine Square and The Hangman!

*I Don't Care*

Square and Hangman walk down the ramp, Square carrying a briefcase with "HHM" written upon the side. Square slides into the ring, whilst Hangman walks to the side of the ring, grabbing a cane.

Muffer: And there opponents, at a combined weight of 480 pounds Little Naitch and Tyfo, The SouthWest Connection!

*New Blackjack's Theme*

The SouthWest Connection appear on stage for a thunerdous appluse, both men run down to the ring with Tyfo diving into the ring and Naitch running around ringside

Gorilla Tim Hoss: And this match is on! Tyfo is squaring up against the smaller Square, who had some controversal things to say about him during the buildup to this match.

Jesse King: The weak link of the SWC chain can't go up against the bigger and stronger Hangman, so leaves Naitch to deal with him it seems

Hoss: Or that Tyfo wants to shut Square up and get that $25,000.

On the outside of the ring Naitch and Hangman are swinging wildly with Signapore canes dualing like Medevil knights, where as Tyfo has a strong headlock on Square in the centre of the ring. Tyfo hip tosses Square and floors him with a closeline as he gets up, Tyfo goes for it again but Square ducks and takes Tyfo down with a back suplex.

Naitch feigns for a cane shot to the head, only to smash him in the side and then into the unproteced head of the Jamacian. Naitch goes for the cover



Kick out

Hoss: Naitch got the big man off his feet, and went straight for the win whilst his partner was busy in the ring. Remember you can not pin your opponent in the ring.

As Naitch locks in a half boston crab to Hangman, Tyfo reverses a belly to belly suplex by Square with a vicious kick downstairs. Tyfo throws the now infertile Square over the ropes and starts to clap. Tyfo starts his run up as Square gets to his feet, not noticing the cane in Square's hand. As Tyfo dives through the ropes, Square cracks him in the centre of the skull with a bloody impact. Naitch, on the other side of the ring, sees this and turns his back on the Hate Machine big man and gets a double axe handle to the back for punishment. Hangman knocks over a trashcan of canes, and picks up Naitch for a eletric chair drop but despite Naitch trying to tear his eye out Hangman connects with the electric chair drop into the can.

King: That has got to hurt! Naitch has been dropped back first from over six and a half foot into a metalic and wooden mess.

Hangman covers



Naitch somehow gets a shoulder up

Hoss: How did Naitch kick out of that? I was almost certain that the Human Hate Machine had the win

Square and Hangman stand over the fallen Naitch, both with wicked intentions in mind. Square starts to place Singapore canes onto Naitch, whilst Hangman climbs onto the top rope calling for the Guillotine. Square boots Naitch in the face as Hangman gathers his balance.

King: It's taking a little longer than normal for Hangman to get his balance, he wants to make sure that he gets full contact with this

Hoss: Square's just let go of the pile of canes Hangman is ready to fly. GuilloNO! Tyfo just saved his tag team partner. The bloodied Tyfo throwing wild punches.

Square runs around to stop Tyfo, but the Dallas native meets him with a double axe handle and starts choking him with a cane. The blood pouring down his head, Tyfo grabs hold of Square's legs and locks in the texas cloverleaf

Hoss: It's the cloverleaf! Will Square tap?

King: Square looks in absolute agony, it's only a matter of when

Square's hand goes up to tap, but thanks to a big boot by Hangman the Human Hate Machines are still in the match.

King: Square has had serious leg injuries before, that has had to have taken it's toll.

Hangman covers



Naitch breaks up the pin and keeps the momentum by rolling Hangman up




Hoss: Hangman almost won and lost the match in 5 seconds then. Naitch and Hangman are trading blows, Square is using our table to help stand up and Tyfo is out it seems. Hangman with the irish whip,SUPERKICK! SQUARE JUST SUPERKICKED THE TASTE OUT OF NAITCH'S MOUTH!

Square falls down beside Naitch, clutching his knee, whilst Hangman dives over to cover Naitch




Muffer: Here are your winners, Square and the Hangman THE HUMAN HATE MACHINE!

Hoss: Hangman has just pinned a former world champion, and won $25,000 in the process

King: Not only that but The Hangman has proved that he can hang with the big stars of WWCF, and showed why Amigo has called him the future of WWCF.

Hangman stands tall inbetween the two fallen SouthWest Connection members, soaking in the boos of the crowd.

Boiler Room Mercy Street Match: WWCF Inter-Forum Championship: The Boiler Room Brawler V. Jazzman V. The Man in Black

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Well, that was quite a match we just saw, but Wheel of Misfortune continues as we finally arrive at the Inter-Forum Championship match.

Jesse King: Can you believe that this story of treachery all began at A Very Special Wrestle Crap Christmas last year?

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Hard to believe yes, but so are many of the things that happen in the WWCF.

*Craptron Video Package*

*Rigorous Vengeance - Municipal Waste*

A Very Special Wrestlecrap Christmas - BRB slams M.O.P. to the mat with the Boiling Point and stands victorious when the lights go out. The come back on and BRB turns around to see the Man in Black, who lays out BRB with his own pipe wrench.

Monday Niteraw - BRB, DR Jackson, M.O.P., and Aaron Enigma stand in the ring as The Man in Black speaks from the Craptron.

*Bring Tha Noize - Public Enemy feat. Anthrax*

Monday Niteraw - BRB and DR Jackson exchange words.

Monday Niteraw - Jackson crushes Jesse King's back with the High Attitude.

Saved By the Bell - BRB leaps off the ring apron onto DR Jackson who is covered by a chair. He goes for the pin to win the Inter-Forum Championship.

*When A Man Comes Around - Johnny Cash*

Monday Niteraw - The Man in Black swings BRB's pipe wrench into BRB's gut.

WrestleCrapocalypse - The Man in Black and The Hangman leap off the top rope and land guillotine leg drops onto Boiler Room Brawler and the Smokin' Vokoun.

Monday Niteraw - Square unmasks himself and BRB becomes livid.

Championship Heatz!!1! - The Man in Black clobbers Square. BRB tosses Square out of the ring and puts his hands on his hips as Square is counted out.

*Hurricane Season - Trombone Shorty*

Monday Niteraw - Jazzman defeats TTS for the Number One Contendership.

Sunday Night Heatz!!1! - Jazzman appears on The Boiler Room with BRB and challenges the Man in Black.

Monday Niteraw - The Man in Black appears in the ring in a puff of smoke. He piledrives Jazzman. He top rope guillotine leg drops Jazzman. He pins Jazzman.

wwcf.com - Jazzman requests that the Man in Black be in the IF Championship match. Seth Drakin seeks BRB's approval and gets it.

Wheel of Misfortune - BRB spins the Wheel of Misfortune with his pipe wrench and it comes up Boiler Room Brawl Mercy Street match.

*End Craptron Video Package*

Gorilla Tim Hoss: That was a hell of a video package. A sweeping saga covering nearly seven months of action, suspense, and even some drama.

Jesse King: But it all comes to this, Gorilla. Tonight, all three men show what they are truly made of in this... Boiler Room Brawl Mercy Street match?

BRB, Jazzman, and Referee John Creed stand in the Parts Unknown Arena boiler room. Creed speaks with BRB and Jazzman but the Man in Black is nowhere to be seen.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Looks like the Man in Black is going to make another fashionable entrance.

The lights in the boiler room flicker and then go out.

Jesse King: That better be him, cuz if all the lights go out the match will have to be postponed.

The lights come back on, and the Man in Black stands across the way from BRB and Jazzman, forming a triangle. Referee John Creed has to stop BRB from attacking and BRB respects his orders. Jazzman looks both ways.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: The winner of this match is gonna look like a million, hard-earned bucks.

Creed turns around in a circle to keep track of all three men as he explains the rules to them.

Jesse King: Remember, folks at home. This match takes place in a locked boiler room here everything is a legal weapon.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: But to win, a contestant must pull the lever on an unluckily strapped in opponent in that there electric chair. This match is merely exacerbated by the presence of three men rather than two.

Creed finishes explaining the rules to BRB, Jazzman, and MiB. He looks up the stairs and sees the door shut and lock.

Jesse King: This brawl should settle it all, Gorilla. Each man has something to gain and something to lose.

Creed signals the match to start and he quickly runs out of the way as BRB runs for the Man in Black, who runs to the stairs and climbs up them. Jazzman takes this cue and runs to a set of stairs on the opposite wall to the Man in Black.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: This will be like a game of chess. Jazzman and the Man in Black have taken opposite sides along the boiler room walls.

Jesse King: It's BRB's choice here, but I think that it's an easy one.

BRB runs for the Man in Black, who leaps over the guardrail, keeps a hold of it, and then drops down the floor. Jazzman runs down the stairs for the Man in Black, who runs up to the Man in Black and throws a kick at him.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Jazzman is one of the best students of the game, Jesse.

MiB Irish whips Jazzman into BRB as he comes back down the stairs, BRB slams himself into Jazzman, who stumbles back a few steps and uses a pipe to keep his footing.

Jesse King: Hey, look, Gorilla!

Creed is sitting in a foldup chair as the match progresses. MiB ducks under one of BRB's chops and throws a punch to the ribs. Jazzman stands back and waits for an opening.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: John Creed is probably the toughest referee in the business after "Spud" Verne Johnson, but he knows when to stay out of the action.

BRB locks his arms around MiB and goes for a belly-to-belly suplex but Jazzman jumps on MiB's back and keeps him grounded. BRB is surprised by this, giving MiB enough time to deliver a headbutt to BRB's face and then escape the hold.

Jesse King: Jazzman is getting interesting, TH.

Jazzman hoists the Man in Black from behind and reverse body slams him to the concrete floor.

Jesse King: He probably trained more for MiB than BRB.

BRB front kicks the vulnerable Jazzman and knocks him over. He stands over MiB and goes for an elbow drop but MiB rolls out of the way and BRB drives his elbow into the concrete floor.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: That has to hurt, Jesse.

Jesse King: It had to hurt even more when the Man in Black was reverse body slammed facefirst into the concrete floor by Jazzman.

All three men return to their feet and gauge each other.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Apparently not enough. They look like they're just getting started.

BRB throws a chop at MiB, who ducks it just as Jazzman throws a Yakuza kick aimed for his head. Jazzman ends up kicking BRB in the hand as a result, and BRB quickly retracts his hand, wincing. The MiB twists around while still ducking and hooks his arm underneath Jazzman, lifting him up and hoisting him onto his shoulders.

Jesse King: Excellent timing by the Man in Black.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Quick thinker too.

MiB starts spinning around with Jazzman still on his shoulders until he collides one of Jazzman's feet into BRB's head. BRB backs up, still recovering from the kick to the hand.

Jesse King: More airplane spinning for Jazzman.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: As well as being used as a weapon.

MiB keeps spinning as he heads for a nearby table.

Jesse King: Uh-oh, this isn't going to be good for Jazzman.

MiB stops suddenly and winds up for a new maneuver but Jazzman locks in both of MiB's arms and pulls him backwards, crashing him through the table with a crucifix pin.

Jesse King: Holy crap, Gorilla! Did you see that?

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Jazzman is a freeform catch-as-catch-can grappler. He dances to his own tune and it might win him the Inter-Forum Championship if he plays well enough tonight.

BRB returns to the fray, standing above both Jazzman and MiB. He pats both of his elbows, and then drops down for a double elbow drop.

Jesse King: And BRB capitalizes.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Looks like that table crushing crucifix pin hurt Jazzman some too.

BRB gets up and looks between the two men.

Jesse King: Who's going into the chair?

BRB grabs MiB and drags him towards the chair.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: It's finally payback time for BRB.

Jazzman stirs as BRB props MiB into the chair but then he's met with a punch across the face.

Jesse King: Not over yet.

MiB hooks BRB from underneath into another fireman's carry, but with some slight strain.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Look at the strength of the Man in Black.

MiB starts spinning around and backs BRB into a wall. Jazzman approaches MiB, but waits for him to finish.

Jesse King: Jazzman wants a second shot at the Man in Black, but he's a man of honor. Big mistake if you ask me.

MiB, BRB still on his shoulders, rolls forward, slamming BRB onto his back, and he himself landing on his back.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: What a hell of a slam by the Man in Black to Boiler Room Brawler!

Jesse King: And that's hard concrete flooring there, TH!

Jazzman offers his hand to MiB, which is accepted. MiB stands up and immediately spins around for a lariat but Jazzman catches him when his back is facing him and hooks MiB's arms, and then pulls forward, slamming his head into the electric chair with a loud THUD!

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Jazzman being creative tonight with mere pins.

BRB stirs as Jazzman stands back up, MiB's arms still hooked, and stands the MiB up, supporting him with his own body. He unhooks MiB's arms, grabs MiB's head, and drops down for a neckbreaker.

Jesse King: The Man in Black is taking a beating tonight from Jazzman.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: No doubt about it. Jazzman is dominating this match right now.

BRB starts getting up. Jazzman takes notice and gets back up himself. He faces BRB and throws a kick to BRB's face. BRB takes it and charges forward, shoulder blocking Jazzman into the electric chair.

Jesse King: BRB is a friggin' juggernaut, Gorilla.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: He's one tough son of a bitch, that's for sure, King.

Jazzman falls forward but BRB catches him and Irish whips him into a pipe.

Jesse King: Oh!

BRB grapples Jazzman from behind with a full nelson and lifts him into the air.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: A flying full nelson from Boiler Room Brawler to Jazzman.

Jesse King: A pretty basic hold, but BRB's size makes it really potent.

BRB carries Jazzman up the stairs while the MiB recovers.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: BRB is taking Jazzman to the other side of the boiler room, where he cannot affect the match.

Jesse King: Right you are. BRB wants to defeat the Man in Black by himself.

Jazzman struggles in BRB's grip, so BRB turns and slams Jazzman belly-first into a guard rail.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Everything in that boiler room is a legal weapon.

Jesse King: If you think about it, that entire boiler room is a weapon!

BRB lifts Jazzman up again, slidesh is arms into a rear waistlock, and belly-to-back suplexes Jazzman into the metal grated floor with a loud CLANG!

Jesse King: I think that Jazzman is out of the match, Gorilla.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Well, he is the Boiler Room Brawler after all. I'd almost feel pity for the Man in Black if he wasn't such a despicable son of a bitch.

BRB returns to the floor to find the MiB waiting for him.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: The Man in Black is back up, but is he ready for Boiler Room Brawler?

They run at each other. MiB leaps into the air and takes BRB down with a leg lariat.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: He's strong, he's fast, he's smart, and he's dangerously athletic for his size, King.

MiB is up first and starts stomping on BRB but BRB eventually catches a foot to which MiB jumps with his free foot and knee drops BRB straight into the belly.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: It's a real brawl tonight for the Inter-Forum Championship.

MiB pounds his fist into BRB's belly until BRB lets go, to which he steps away as BRB gets onto one knee and recovers.

Jesse King: They're taking it to each other but poor Jazzman is nowhere to be seen.

MiB returns to BRB, who stands up to meet him. MiB pulls back and punches BRB. BRB winds up and throws a chop at MiB.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: One of BRB's big knife edge chops; like a meat cleaver to the chest.

MiB waistlocks BRB and headbutts him in the face. BRB responds by locking his arms around MiB's upper torso. Both men struggle to get the upper hand on the other.

Jesse King: I think that BRB's going to win this one.

MiB headbutts BRB again, to which BRB lifts him up and drops him groinfirst onto his knee.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: A Manhattan Drop from BRB!

MiB falls backwards into the electric chair. BRB runs at him and drives a front kick to the chest, making him collapse into the chair.

Jesse King: BRB's got this one in the bag, TH!

BRB secures MiB and heads for the switch, only to find his pipe wrench has been tightly fastened onto the lever so that it cannot be lowered.

Jesse King: What?

Jazzman jumps over the railing, missile dropkicking BRB in the head and knocking him over.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: It's Jazzman! Jazzman is back in the match!

Jazzman starts unfastening the pipe wrench from the lever when the Man in Black starts getting out of the electric chair.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Smart move by Jazzman there. He used the pipe wrench so that the lever could not be lowered.

Jesse King: Too bad the Man in Black is getting back out of the chair!

MiB runs up to Jazzman, who spins around and throws a kick to MiB's chest, making him stumble back but not fall over. MiB looks to his side to see BRB on the ground, to which he looks at Jazzman, who looks between MiB and BRB, and he nods.

Jesse King: Looks like they're taking the big man out of this match, Gorilla.

MiB begins standing BRB back up, to which Jazzman helps out. Both men to his side, BRB suddenly headlocks both men and runs forward, bulldogging them to the ground.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: BRB is still in the game too!

BRB takes a rest while MiB and Jazzman are out.

Jesse King: I've seen few matches fought so hard for the Inter-Forum Championship, Gorilla. At this point, I say let the best man win.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: The best man appears to be Boiler Room Brawler at this point.

BRB gets up and recovers on his feet while MiB and Jazzman stir.

Jesse King: But as the saying goes, TH, "It ain't over 'til it's over."

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Right you are, King. Especially in the WWCF.

BRB walks over to the lever and starts unfastening the pipe wrench some more. MiB and Jazzman continue stirring, both starting to recover from the double bulldog.

Jesse King: Think of all of the people that have been laid out with that pipe, Gorilla. I know I once was by Damn Right Jackson and he knew how to swing that sucker hard.

The pipe wrench is almost loose as MiB and Jazzman start to get up. BRB looks behind himself and tries to hurry.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Jazzman played a pretty good gambit by tightly fastening that pipe wrench around the lever.

MiB and Jazzman are back on their feet when BRB manages to remove the pipe wrench.

Jesse King: The deadliest weapon in that entire room is in the champ's hands now.

BRB makes wide horizontal sweep with the pipe wrench which MiB and Jazzman narrowly dodge and then run for BRB.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: A near miss from BRB.

BRB swings the pipe wrench upwards with the current momentum to which Jazzman throws a kick at BRB's arm. MiB responds by running behind BRB and grabbing onto the pipe wrench.

Jesse King: That pipe wrench could be the end of either man; it is priority numero uno, Gorilla.

BRB lets go of the pipe wrench and turns around to be met with a pipe wrench jab to the gut, making him bend over. MiB raises his pipe wrench to BRB's face and bashes him upwards. BRB dazily stumbles away, turning around towards Jazzman.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: This double team may work yet.

BRB stumbles towards Jazzman, who turns around and ducks down. MiB drops the pipe wrench and goes behind BRB, lifting him up as Jazzman locks his arm around BRB's head and pulls him overhead.

Jesse King: Oh no!

MiB keeps lifting and Jazzman completes his snap mare and drives BRB's head to the floor with a driver.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: BRB took the A Train! The champ is down! The champ is down!

BRB is not even stirring. Jazzman and MiB pick up BRB and move him into the electric chair.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: That's three hundred and fifty pounds of dead weight there, but luckily Jazzman is strong and the Man in Black is a big guy.

BRB is put into the electric chair and is strapped in. MiB spins around and lariats Jazzman to the floor.

Jesse King: I knew it! I knew that MiB would get Jazzman after that team-up!

MiB runs for the switch as Jazzman starts getting back up, rubbing his jaw.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: No! It can't happen! No!

The Man in Black pulls the lever and BRB is electrocuted, spittle foaming from his mouth. Referee John Creed gets up from his chair and calls the match.

Jesse King: Unbelievable!

Michael Muffer: Here is your winner and NEW World WrestleCrap Federation Inter-Forum Champion: The Man... In... Black!

Jazzman sneers at the Man in Black as Referee John Creed hands the Man in Black the Inter-Forum Championship belt.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: This is a miscarriage of justice, King! This is not what was supposed to happen! The Man in Black won! The Man in Black is the Inter-Forum Champion!

Jesse King: I said, "May the best man, win," Gorilla, and the best man won: the Man in Black.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: We don't even know who he is yet, and he's champion!

Jesse King: And Boiler Room Brawler and Jazzman have only themselves to blame.

The Man in Black walks up the stairs, the Inter-Forum Championship belt secured around his waist.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: He gets to walk out of that boiler room with that belt, King. It's just wrong.

Suddenly from the lights go out in the boiler room and from the speakers:

Jesse King: Making his fashionable exit...

You spent all of last week guessing.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: What?

Even tonight, you're still in the dark.

A legend returns... NOW!

The lights come back on and the boiler room door opens to reveal...

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Whitey Fats! Whitey Fats has returned!

The Man in Black stands confused as Whitey holds a trashcan lid and slams it into his skull, making him stumble back.

Jesse King: Whitey got the drop on the Man in Black!

Whitey capitalizes on the stumbling Man in Black by grappling him and slamming him to the metal grated floor with the Burning Hammer.

Jesse King: And Whitey even tosses in his Burning Hammer!

Jazzman and Referee John Creed stand at the foot of the stairs as Whitey stands over the Man in Black and points down at them and then leaves.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Incredible, King! Whitey Fats has made a triumphant return by laying out the already weakened Man in Black!

Jesse King: I can barely believe half of what I just saw with this match. Definitely one for the record books, TH. And yet we still have two more matches as the Wheel of Misfortune continues.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Right you are, King. Unbelievable Inter-Forum Championship match but I'll bet that this is far from over. That said, let's move on to our next match.

Colt V. “Damn Right“ Jackson

Gorilla Tim Hoss: This upcoming match is one I simply cannot wait for Jesse.

Jesse King: Me neither, one of the nastiest, hated and simply most downright evil superstars in this industry finally gets what's coming to him as DR Jackson takes on the White Knight, Colt.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Both men have proven they'd do almost anything to prove to eachother who is the better man, and it finally all comes to a head tonight!

Two Months Ago...

DR Jackson has Little Naitch set up for the Spear... suddenly he is cut off by a returning Colt. Colt runs in and brawls with Jackson, Colt gets the upperhand and lays Jackson out with the Story on Page One. A week later Jackson gets the upperhand and lays Colt out with the High Anxiety. The following week the two argue back and forth and ends with an all out brawl.

Survivor Team Challenge Series...

Colt/Seth Drakin/LittleNaitch take on Jackson/Yellow Jacket/Evil M. Jacket eliminate Drakin, Naitch eliminates Jacket and then Colt eliminate Evil M, leaving Colt/Naitch vs Jackson. Jackson and Naitch continue their long feud, busting eachother open in the process, Jackson eventually puts Naitch away. Jackson starts off dominating Colt, but Colt fights back and defeats Jackson with the Story on Page One.

Last month...

Jackson vs Naitch vs Square, the winner advances in a Triangle Tournament. Jackson comes out on top, once again defeating Naitch. Colt vs Viva Los Bio Dome vs Jonathon Michaels is next, Colt has it under control, however Jackson runs in and lays Colt out, costing him the match. The following week Jackson takes on Viva and Amigo in the finals. Viva is taken out early and Jackson has a commanding advantage over Amigo, Amigo gets locked in the Altitude Adjustment, however Colt runs in and clubs Jackson with a Baseball bat, giving Amigo the win.

Last week...

The show opens with DR Jackson attacking Colt in the lockerroom, busting him up the hard way and finishing him off with a baseball bat. Jackson and Amigo take on Jay Caroll in what is now a handicap match, they dominate until Colt runs in for the save, however Jackson cheapshots Colt and lays him out with a Spear. After the match, security run and and stop Jackson from doing anymore damage.

As you can see, these guys want to simply hurt the other man... Now lets see what match type it's going to be...

The wheel spinds and lands on a Bed of Nails...

Gorilla Tim Hoss: You want to hurt your opponent? A Bed of Nails is the best way to go!

Michael Muffer: The following contest is the Bed of Nails Match and it is scheduled for One Fall. The four corners of the ring will have a "Bed" of Nails propped up against the Turbuckle. There is no Disqualification and No Count Out, the only way to win the match is be first throwing your opponent through a bed of nails, and then by Pinfall or Submission after that.

Jesse King: You mean these guys actually have to be put through one of those things!?

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Disney, enjoy!

"Too Black... Too Strong... DAMN RIGHT!"

I Made It - Kevin Rudolf

The crowd erupt in boos as "Damn Right" Jackson steps out of the curtain in his trademarked white suit. He has a very confident look on his face as he walks down to the ring, ignoring the fans. He rolls into the ring and stares at the Tables coated in nails. He continues to look confident.

Introducing first, from West Philadelphia, born and raised. Weighing in tonight at 300 pounds... The Black Dynasty "Damn Right" Jackson!

"You know that time in your life, that single moment that defines exactly who you are? Well that only stings for a second..."

Smoke 'Em if you Got 'Em - Parkway Drive

The boos quickly turn to cheers as Colt steps out behind the curtain in his mask, hat and trenchcoat combo, he has minor bruising on his ribs but he doesn't let that bother him. He stands on the top of the ramp with his finger pointed to the sky as the fans cheer him on. He then sprints down to the ring and gets right in Jackson's face.

And the opponent, from The Daily Story, Adelaide, Australia. Weighing in tonight at 246 pounds, The Story on Page One... Colt!

The referee seperates the two men and Colt quickly takes off his hat and coat, as Jackson goes to take off his jacket. The ref calls for the bell, but Jackson quickly throws his jacket right in Colt's face, blinding him. Jackson then quickly lays Colt out with a huge Spear in the opening seconds.

God! What won't that man do to get an advantage!

The right thing? However in the end, he's done nothing wrong, it's No DQ, he's smart!

Jackson quickly picks Colt up (still with the Jacket over his face) and goes to whip him into the Bed of Nails, but Colt quickly reverses the whip and pulls Jackson in and manages to hit a Russian Leg Sweep, despite being blinded. Colt then uses the time to take the Jacket off, he takes a look at it and puts it in, to the crowds delight.

Now that's just teasing!

I'd argue that it looks much better on him!

Yeah you would!

Jackson sees this and jumps right to his feet and gets in Colt's face, screaming "Who do you think you are?", Colt simply responds with a slap. Jackson is fuming, he goes for a punch, but Colt blocks it and responds with another slap. Jackson responds to that with a Big Boot. He then picks Colt up and drops him down with a Scoop Slam, followed by an elbow drop. He goes to pick Colt up again, but Colt counters by poking Jackson in the eye. Jackson stumbles back and Colt runs at Jackson with a diving Clothesline, taking both Jackson and himself to the outside.

Colt willing to put it all on the line to put an end to Jackson's yammering!

The two men land hard on the floor, but both manage to get up at the same time. They spring towards eachother throwing lefts and rights. The start brawling up the ramp, until Colt double legs Jackson half way up the ramp. Colt mounts Jackson and starts hammering away, but Jackson manages to roll over, throwing Colt off. Jackson gets to his feet and takes Colt down with a hard Lariat. Jackson then hits Colt with a body slam on the hard ground. Jackson then picks Colt up and holds him up high with a Gorilla Press...

Oh my, this does not look good for Colt here!

That man is a ruthless bully! A monster!

Jackson goes to drop Colt backwards, but Colt counters it into a huge Reverse DDT!

My god! That could cause a severe concussion!

Colt then stands over the fallen Jackson and takes off his White Jacket, Jackson slowly starts to stir, and the moment he sits up. Colt begins to strangle Jackson with the jacket!

What the? Disney are not going to like this at all!

After all that Colt has had to suffer at the hands of Jackson, I'm sure Me, Colt and the whole WWCF Galaxy can agree, Disney can shove it!

Jackson is flailing in agony and he struggles to break free. Colt continues to wrench back, even applying a leg grapevine, making escape futile.

Jackson is about to fade away! Colt might already have this one won!


What was that? What did you say?


What on earth is going on with your headset?

Jackson continues to flail, however after a breif struggle, he falls limp. Unconscious. Colt then lets go, and rips the Jacket in half, to the crowds delight. Colt then begins to drag Jackson into the ring. Colt rolls Jackson into the ring and gets in there himself.

Colt then takes a look at one of the bed of nails.

He's going to do it!


Colt then picks up the much heavier, dead weighted Jackson, he attempts to whip him to the corner, but Jackson just falls right back down. So Colt drags him towards the bed. He once again gingerly picks Jackson up. He goes to push him into the bed, but Jackson quickly fires back with a huge lariat!

Jackson's alive!


Jackson then quickly picks Colt up and lifts him high with a Gorilla Press, and drops him down onto Jackson knee, hitting a huge backbreaker onto Colt's bruised ribs. Jackson also falls down...

And Jackson's second wind has been blown out...

*garbled...* -structed to issue an apology for what I had said early. I... Jesse King, Colt and the WWCF Galaxy do NOT indeed believe that Disney should "Shove it", infact we fully support their wishes and also strongly believe that after the airing of this Pay Per View Event, you should all go out and see Toy Story 3! I know we all will!

Well that explains that then.

Colt and Jackson struggle to their feet, Colt grasping at his ribs and Jackson grabbing at his throat trying to regain composure. Colt gets to his feet first and runs at Jackson, but Jackson counters with a Back Body Drop. Jackson then follows up with another Elbow Drop. Jackson then sets Colt up for a Powerbomb, he picks Colt up, but Colt counters into a Jawbreaker. Colt then runs to the ropes and follows up with a Million Dollar Knee Lift, Colt then runs to the opposite ropes and attempts his Neckbreaker, however Jackson has it telegraphed and coutners that with a one armed Uranage!

Jackson quickly puts a stop to Colt's famous finishing combo!

You can tell these two men have studied eachothers moveset vigorously!

Jackson picks Colt up and sets him up for a Oklahoma Slam, he changes his direction so he's facing one of the Bed of Nails. He runs towards it with the intention of Slamming Colt through it, but Colt quickly wriggles out at the last second and dropkicks Jackson right through the Bed of Nails!

Oh my god! What a counter!

Finally! Justice has been served!

Jackson has lost it yet, however this puts him at a great disadvantage!

Jackson is rolling around, screaming in agony, his back is covered in scratches and scars and they start to bleed. Colt stands over him, smiling sadistically. He drags Jackson into the middle of the ring and taunts for him to get up. Jackson struggles to get to his knees, and Colt quickly run in and clocks him with a Shining Wizard.

And there's Colt with the .45 Caliber!

Colt stands triumphantly over Jackson, he holds his finger high in the sky as the crowd cheer him on. He falls to his knees and covers Jackson, the referee goes for the pin.



Jackson kicks out! The Colt and the crowd are shocked!


Colt quickly climbs up to the turnbuckle with the broken bed and taunts for Jackson to get up. Jackson struggles to his feet and Colt dives off with a flying forearm.

And there's Colt signature Quick Draw!

This has to be it!

Colt goes for the pin...



Jackson again kicks out! Colt quickly makes no delay and and puts Jackson in a front facelock. Colt hoists Jackson up to attempt a Story on Page One, but Jackson wriggles out and quickly reverses it into a High Anxiety! Jackson immediately makes the cover...

Jackson is still in this!

The ref doesn't make the pin.


Jackson gets in the refs face and asks why he didn't make the pin... "Are you a racist!?", the referee simply explains that he cannot go for a pin until Colt goes through a bed of nails. Frustrated, Jackson picks Colt up and simply attempts to whip him through one, but Colt quickly rolls out of the ring. Colt ducks down to the apron skirt. Jackson walks over to the apron, but Colt pops up and hits Jackson in the jaw with the Baseball Bat. Jackson collapses backwards. Colt rolls into the ring and applies a Dragon Sleeper!

And here's a move Colt calls the Single Action Army!

Jackson is knocked out! Colt has this!

The referee quickly goes to check on Jackson, he raises his hand once... it drops.

He raises it a second time... it drops.

He raises it a third time... it dro- NO! Jackson keeps it up, Colt quickly transitions the move into a Dragon Clutch...

And there is his Finisher we've been longing to see since his return... The Final Thought!

Colt wrenches back hard on the move and the referee asks Jackson if he gives up... Instead of replying, Jackson fights to his feet, however Colt keeps the move locked in. Jackson then stumbles backwards, deliberately sending himself and Colt crashing through another Bed of Nails!

Oh the humanity!

It still counts! Jackson allow to pin Colt or make him submit.

Jackson fights to his feet but quickly stumbles back to one knee. The crowd are showering him with dueling "Asshole!" and "He's Hardcore!" chants. He slowly turns his attention to a Colt writhing in agony. He slowly approaches his prey, like a killer. And slowly picks him up. Jackson then sets Colt up for a Powerbomb, he points to the Sky, mocking Colt. He hoists him up, turns him around and lays Colt out with a huge Powerbomb in the centre of the ring. Jackson then makes the cover.



Colt gets the shoulder up! The crowd explode and Jackson is bewildered!

He's alive!

How did Colt have the where-with-it-all to kick out?

Jackson wastes no time and attempts to set Colt up in the Altitude Adjustment, but Colt counters it into a reverse snapmare. Both men are down... Jackson rolls to the outside.

How both men are able to move, let alone continue to fight is beyond me.

It's a testament to their passion, it's this same resolve that allowed Colt to capture the hearts of us all and ultimately become THE guy of this company.

And whether you like him or not, it's that same resolve that's going to make "Damn Right" Jackson a legend in this industry.

Colt uses the ropes to get to his feet, the crowd begin a loud "Let's go Colt!" chant, Jackon is seen holding the Baseball Bat, and he uses it as a crutch to get to his feet, a small portion of the crowd being "Let's go Jackson!"

Colt throws his mask to the ground and tells Jackson to get in the ring. Jackson cautiously slides into the ring and gets to his feel, holding the Bat up high. Colt tells him to bring it.

Jackson takes a Swing, but Colt sidesteps it and dropkicks Jackson's cut up back. Jackson staggers forward, still with the Baseball Bat in his hand. Colt attempts a Russian Leg Sweep, but Jackson catches Colt and drives the bat into his gut. Colt bends over in pain, and Jackson hits Colt across the back with the bat, snapping the bat in half. Colt simply drops to the mat. Jackson goes for a pin.



Colt somehow manages to get his shoulder out!

Unbelievable, even after having a Baseball Bat smash across his back, he's willing to fight on!

Jackson frustratedly goes to the other side of the ring and measures Colt up for a Spear. He makes the run, but Colt counters with a Drop Toe Hold, making Jackson crash through another Bed of Nails!


Jackson rolls around with his face covered in blood. Simply screaming in agony. Colt goes for the pin right away.

This has to be it.

Why would you want to go on!



Jackson still kicks out! Colt cannot believe it.

How much more can these guys have?

Colt desperately picks Jackson up and kicks him in the midsection, he then applies a front face lock and quickly picks Jackson up, without delay he transitions the Suplex into a Stunner.

And there it is! The Story on Page One! Good night Black Dynasty!

Colt makes the cover.



Jackson STILL gets a shoulder up! Shockingly, "Let's Go Jackson!" chants begin to get louder and louder.

I... I can't believe it. All I can say is, win or lose... Tonight, Jackson made it!

Colt then, with no other option rolls out of the ring and goes to grab something out of the apron. He pulls out a ladder! The crowd go nuts!

No way, what else could these guys have instore for eachother?

I'm afraid to find out.

Colt sets up the ladder in the middle of the ring, and he begins to climb it. He turns his back to Jackson and the crowd begin to chant "Story!". Colt dives off with a Moonsault onto Jackson! The crowd burst into a "Holy S***" chant.

Colt rolls around, also in pain.

I'm now convinced, these guys care wayyyy more about their pride than their own well being!

However Colt's own damaged midsection lead to that Moonsault doing alot more damage to him than he had expected!

Rolls to Jackson, but instead of going for a pin, he picks him up and attempts another Story on Page One. Jackson lands on his feet and hits a quick High Anxiety! Jackson makes the pin...



Colt also kicks out!

I cannot believe, both these guys have survived the other mans biggest moves, their finishing moves and submissions! What will this take!

Jackson, visibly upset and in agony bangs on the mat, constantly yelling "What do I have to do?". Jackson goes to pick up Colt, but Colt quickly pushes Jackson away and Colt connects with a Running Neckbreaker!

Colt then stands over Jackson and stares right at the Bed of Nails, then to the ladder, then to Jackson then back to the ladder.

I think Colt has an idea...

I wouldn't want to be Jackson position right now, this looks lethal!

Colt picks up the limp Jackson and places him up against the Ladder. Colt then climbs up to the top of the ladder and grabs Jacksons arm, and he beings to pull Jackson up the ladder. Colt then places Jackson in a front facelock and points his finger to the sky.

No, it can't be?

Story on Page One off the ladder, through the Bed of Nails?

Colt goes to lift Jackson, but Jackson quickly breaks free and slams Colt's face right onto the top of the ladder. Jackson then jumps off of the ladder, Spearing Colt off of the ladder and right onto the final Bed of Nails!

Holy Sh**!

A loud "You sick f***" chant breaks out as both Colt and Jackson lay in the Bed of Nails, writhing in pain. Jackson rolls his arm over Colt...




Ladies and Gentlemen, the winner of the match, by pinfall... "Damn Right" Jackson!

I Made It - Kevin Rudolf

Half the fans explode in ovation, and the other half in boos, as EMTs and Referees run down and assist the two men.

King, I am speechless, completely speechless to what we just saw...

We just saw two of the very best give it their absolute all, and it all came down to who had that final ace up their sleeve...

The EMTs help Jackson to his feet, he struggles to stay up, but he raises his hand in triumph, the crowd begin a "That was Awesome!" chant. They carry Jackson to the back.

And what a huge victory by that young superstar, whether you don't like his methods or his beliefs or how he usually carries himself in the ring. No one can take what a phenomenal victory that was for him... No one.

The EMTs then help Colt up, the crowd pop for him big time, starting a "Thank you, Colt!" chant. Colt painfully raises his finger to the air, with a smile, before collapsing in pain. They help him to the back.

And you can't take anything away from Colt either, he fought as hard as he did when he was in his prime. Despite coming up short, he has nothing to be ashamed for that his performance, every match needs a winner and unfortunately for Colt they also need a loser. Tonight was simply Jackson's night...

WWCF World Championship: Jay Carroll V. Amigo

Special Referee: Viva Los Bio Dome

Hoss - Well, now it‘s time for our main event! Let‘s go to Fred G. Neric for the final spin of the wheel!

Neric: Ladies and gentlemen, here we go!

Neric gives the wheel a spin and it lands on…

Neric: A No-Ropes Barbed Wire Sickle Chain Deathmatch!

King - Wow! What a crazy match this is gonna be!

Hoss - Folks, the ropes are replaced with barbed wire, creating an already dangerous environment. Add to it a bullrope, with a sickle in place of the cowbell, and you‘ve got a recipe for mayhem!

King - Well what‘re we waiting for?! Let‘s send it down to Muffer!

Michael Muffer: From Hayward, California! He is your special guest referee for the WWCF Heavyweight championship. Vivaaaaaaaaaa Los BYE-OHHHHHHHHHHH DOMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

*Paparazzi (Metal Version) hits the speakers, and the red carpet rolls out. Viva Los Bio Dome appears at the top of the ramp with Lisa Garcia and Marissa Logan. The Paparazzi is shooting his picture at a feverish pace, and since he has little physical work to do, he camps it up for the camera men. He walks down the ramp and lets the ladies bend the ropes before entering and posing on every corner with his referee's shirt.*

"Gorilla" Tim Hoss: You see, this is exactly what I'm afraid of, frankly. I just have the disgusting feeling that Viva Los Bio Dome is unable to do anything without making it about him. This match is about Amigo and Jay Carroll. But no, it's going to be Viva's night, and I have no idea why.

Jesse King: Hey, I know why, Timmy. It's because he's the greatest entertainer this world has ever seen. The fans DESERVE this.

"Gorilla" Tim Hoss: You should really look in the mirror before you come out here, King. Your nose is covered in Viva's brown right now.

Jesse King: Don't hate the player, hate the game, buddy.

Michael Muffer: Hailing from Tempe, Arizona! He's your number one contender for the belt. Coming in at a weight of 214 lbs and a height of 6 foot even... AHHHH-MEEEEEEEEEEEE-GO!

*Welcome to Hell hits the speakers loudly, and Amigo walks out with The Human Hate Machines not far behind. He's got a sickle chain in hand, and since he was pushing for this match, he's quite stoked.*

"Gorilla" Tim Hoss: Now here's a guy that is a jerk, much like Viva Los Bio Dome, but the guy comes by it honestly, and if you don't like it, he's got a couple of fists that will make you come around. A lucky guy, as well, as he was actively pushing for this match, and the wheel spun in his favor!

Jesse King: You know, if you ask me, this guy is just jealous of Viva. Here's a guy who never has anything nice to say about anybody, and if you say something he doesn't like, you're delusional, an assclown, etc. The pot's continually calling the kettle black with this guy, and I'd just like the see Amigo, just once, show a sign of respect for ANY competitor he faces.

"Gorilla" Tim Hoss: Keep dreaming, pal. Amigo doesn't want respect and he sure as hell isn't going to start showing respect any time soon.

Michael Muffer: And last but certainly not least. He is your WWCF World Heavyweight Champion. Coming out of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at a weight of 215 and a height of 6 foot even, Jayyyyyyyyy CARE-OLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!

*Well Thought Out Twinkies hits and Jay runs out to the ramp all smiles. He's clearly enthused to compete, even if it means getting sliced open with a sickle. Out comes The Family, and it looks like this won't just be a Championship match, but also a turf war.*

Jesse King: Uh oh, it might just become stable vs. stable out here!

"Gorilla" Tim Hoss: I remember earlier in the week, Viva made quite clear that he was going to banish both The Family and The Human Hate Machines from ringside, lets see if he holds true to his promise.

Jesse King: Viva is a man of his word, 'Rilla. Why even question it? Done deal, these guys won't be here when the match starts.

*Viva takes the microphone and sends Michael Muffer out of the ring.*

Viva Los Bio Dome: Hey! I'm glad you guys are all here in one place. Not to show off, but I've got some news. You didn't really think I was going to come out here with my tail between my legs and ref the match without incident, did you? I mean, it's like you people don't even know me.

Seth Drakin, I'd like to see that pretty little face of yours up on the Crappertron, please. I've got time to wait, as I'm the one that calls for the bell around here.

*Both Amigo and Jay Carroll look around puzzled, also a little irritated. The three men in the ring and the stables outside of it both wait patiently, until about 30 seconds later, Seth appears on the Crappertron.*

Seth Drakin: What do you want, Viva? What is SO important that you would deny our fans the match of the night?

Viva Los Bio Dome: Well, hey camera man, you see that guy sitting between Lisa and Marissa? Pan over there, show Seth.

*Viva waits until the cameraman obliges. On the screen appears a man in a nice suit, sitting quietly and showing no emotion whatsoever.*

Viva Los Bio Dome: You see that guy, Seth? That's my lawyer, Jack Thompson. You see, when I told you that I wanted to prove my worth and fight in the triple threat tournament, I never really gave up my rematch clause. I never ripped apart my contract, and it is still here, intact.

*Jack Thompson holds up the contract.*

Viva Los Bio Dome: As such, I would expect you to honor your half, and grant me my rematch.

Seth Drakin: Jay, Amigo, I'm sorry, but my hands are tied here. This man does deserve a rematch.

*Both Jay Carroll and Amigo both look at each other and are livid at the idea of a triple threat match.*

Viva Los Bio Dome: Woah, woah, woah. Slow down, Seth. I don't want to fight tonight. After all, I've got a refereeing job to do.

But I do want my rematch next Monday night on Niteraw, and I want Amigo, The Family, Heavy Metal Hollywood, and The Human Hate Machines all banned from interfering. I'm taking my title back.

Seth Drakin: So be it, Viva. Now, will you please start the match?

Viva Los Bio Dome: Yes sir. Woah, wait a sec. Hold on. Now that I've made all you useless bastards jealous, vacate ringside. Now.

*The Human Hate Machines and The Family all yell terrible things at Viva before walking slowly up the ramp and exiting.*

Viva finally calls for the bell and Amigo and Jay lock up. They start off with a tug of war, pulling the rope back and forth, both trying to gain possession of the sickle. Amigo gives a firm yank and grabs the sickle. He immediately clocks Jay with it, then tries to drive it into his throat. Jay grab’s Amigo’s hand and forces it back, then kicks Amigo off. Jay kips up and charges, but Amigo backdrop’s him into the barbed wire ropes! He walks over and begins choking Jay with his boot, as Viva stands back, looking disinterested.

"Gorilla" Tim Hoss: Get your head in the game, Viva! You have a job to do! This isn't a boring match, this is two men in a deadly game of chess!

Amigo pulls Jay up and throws him into the corner, then charges, hitting a forearm smash. Jay slumps down, as Amigo picks up the sickle chain. He approaches Jay and holds the chain up high, but before he can use it, Jay kicks Amigo low, causing him to drop the chain! Jay tackles Amigo at the knees, driving him into the mat. He mounts Amigo and starts hammering him with punches, as Viva just watches.

"Gorilla" Tim Hoss: Viva, he's supposed to have a 5 count there! You can't just let a man beat another man into ground beef!

Jesse King: It's a friggin' No Rope Barbed Wire Sickle Chain DEATHMATCH, 'Rilla! You really think Viva's gonna pull a guy off with a SICKLE CHAIN in his hand?!

"Gorilla" Tim Hoss: You know what, King? That's actually a fair point. I really hadn't even thought of that.

Amigo knocks Jay off of him and get’s to his feet. The two lock up again and Amigo tosses Jay towards the barbed wire ropes. Jay reverses it, though, and Amigo hit’s the ropes hard!

Jay pulls Amigo out of the wire and we can see blood dripping from his back. He set’s Amigo in position for a piledriver, but Amigo back body drop’s him into the wire!

Jesse King: These men are a mess, physically. Good god, there is blood everywhere, and no end in sight. I'm starting to get physically ill.

"Gorilla" Tim Hoss: What's a matter, King? Never seen a little blood before?

Amigo pulls a bleeding Jay out and DDT’s him! Cover!

Viva takes his time going down for the pin and Jay is able to kick out before one.

"Gorilla" Tim Hoss: What's your excuse for that, King? There is NO EXCUSE for being a poor sport and not doing your job to the fullest. He doesn't have to be happy he's a ref instead of being a participant in the match, but he should have enough respect for the sport to do his JOB!

Jesse King: I agree with you, Timmy, but the truth of the matter is that Viva stands to gain a lot more by letting these two rip each other in to pulled pork. I don't like it, and I agree, he should be calling the match fair, but I understand it.

Amigo pulls Jay up and suplex’s him into the wire! He then picks up the sickle chain and drives it into Jay’s forehead!

Jay begins gushing blood as Amigo continues to work him over with the sickle chain. Viva continues to watch, not caring one way or another what happens.

"Gorilla" Tim Hoss: Okay, King. I'm starting to feel queasy too. You like to watch two men battle, but this is borderline snuff film. I just hope these two survive.

Amigo takes the rope and chokes Jay with it, then covers him! Viva slowly goes down and makes the count.




"Gorilla" Tim Hoss: Man, Viva is really giving Amigo the shaft here. He needs to quicken his pace and give him a fair shake.

Amigo glares at Viva, before kicking Jay in the head! He picks up the sickle chain and wraps it around his hand, then waits for Jay to get up. As Jay get’s to his feet, Amigo levels him with a hard shot, assisted by the chain!

Jay is a bloody mess now, as Amigo sit’s him up. He backs up, going for the Bom-Ba-Ye, but then he stops and grins. He takes the sickle chain and wraps it around his knee, then backs up again. He goes for the Bom-Ba-Ye, but Jay ducks the shot! Amigo spins around and Jay rolls him up! Viva slowly goes down to count, but Amigo kicks out before Viva starts counting!

Jesse King: Say what you want, 'Rilla, but at least he's lethargic for the both of them. We may not like his way of officiating, but I can't say it's been unfair either way.

"Gorilla" Tim Hoss: I guess I can agree with that.

Amigo drives his knee into Jay’s gut, then lifts Jay up and hit’s a brainbuster! Amigo covers him, making sure to place his elbow across Jay’s face! Viva goes down very slowly and begins counting.



Thr-Jay shoots his shoulder up!

"Gorilla" Tim Hoss: Are you kidding me, Viva?! Amigo was robbed! He had this match won! This is a disgrace! A DISGRACE!!

Amigo get’s in Viva’s face, yelling at him about the slow counts. He shoves Viva, then turns back to Jay. He picks the Champion up, but Viva grabs the World Title belt and nails Amigo in the back of the head with it! Jay quickly cradles him! Viva goes down to make the count!




Jesse King: Jay wins! Jay wins! The rematch of the century next week on Niteraw!

"Gorilla" Tim Hoss: Everyone within a 50 mile radius of this building knows that Amigo was absolutely pilfered of a second title reign tonight, and now he's left in the dust. No rematch clause, no chance for revenge during Viva's rematch next monday. This is sick. This is disgusting, dispicable, and a dark day in the WWCF.

Michael Muffer: Here is your winner, and STILL WWCF World Champion, Jay Carroll!

Viva stands above Amigo and begins talking trash.

Viva Los Bio Dome: An eye for an eye, my friend. Now, you have no chance but to go ahead and watch me win the belt you covet next week. It's nothing personal, man. You cost me my shot in the Triple Threat Tournament, and now I cost you your shot. The world wants to see me put Jay to sleep, man. They don't want to see me beat up a sad little man like you.

"Gorilla" Tim Hoss: You see, this is why I hate Viva. He stuck his nose all up where it didn't belong. He cost Amigo a legitimate chance at the title, and now he's got his own match next week in which Amigo cannot exact his payback. He's just a total, and I'm sorry for the language, folks. He's just a total asshole, and I'm really getting tired of him.

Jesse King: The guy is amazing, man. Why can't you respect him for his genius? Seriously! Until next week, I'm Jesse King with "Gorilla" Tim Hoss. Thank you for watching Wheel of Misfortune. See you next week, everybody!

Credits: BRB, Smokin’ Vokoun, Mysth, Jazzman, Evil M, Square, Colt, and Viva

  © World WrestleCrap Federation 2008-2010

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