
Sunday Night Heatz!!1 - February 14, 2010


Sunday Night Heatz!!1 February 14, 2010

Sean Kelly - Welcome to WWCF Sunday Night Heatz!!1

Michael Gettenpill - We have a big show for you tonight! I’m Michael Gettenpill.

Sean Kelly - And I’m Sean Kelly. Tonight on Heatz!!1, the rookie Smokin‘ Vokoun battles the Cage King in what is sure to be a knockdown dragout brawl!

Michael Gettenpill - The heroic Masked Hero X will battle Warrior 2099.

Sean Kelly - And in our main event, the war between Inspector Shetty and The General of the Monkey Army will continue, as Shetty teams with Mr. Quintana Roo to face Sparks and The General!

The Smokin‘ Vokoun V. Cage King

Michael Muffer: Ladies and gentleman...the following contest is scheduled for one fall.

*Sinnerman by Nina Simone*

Michael Muffer: Introducing first...from Chicago, IL weighing in a 275 pounds...SMOKIN VOKOUN!!!

Smokin Vokoun walks out to the ring. He walks with a Valentine heart shaped candy box. He looks around the arena and glares at the crowd. He rises the candy box over his head and gives a sick smile. He enters the ring and slumps in the corner.

Michael Muffer: And his opponent...from Los Angeles California...weighing in at 295 pounds....CAGE KING!!!

Cage King comes out and starts rapping to the crowd about his love of Valentines Day. He gives a rose to a woman in the audience who screams with joy. He gets into the ring and stares down Vokoun. But Vokoun grabs a mic...

Smokin Vokoun: (Mocks Cage King) Yo Yo YOO homeboy!I really want you think about this match..G!! Because last week was a just a taste of what I can do any WWCF superstar. Last week it was Fishmonger, and this week it could be you. And the reason I say could be...and since it is Valentines Day...I'm gonna give you...my brand of love. I'm gonna spare your life and your career tonight. Because, I know your not stupid. So why don't you just walk out of this ring tonight and go home.

Cage King shakes his head no as the crowd cheers him.

Smokin Vokoun: (he starts giggling] I knew you were gonna do that. So here, I want you to have this Valentines Box as my gift to you.

Cage King opens the box and it's empty except for a little note that reads..."I'M GONNA KILL YOU". King is confused and turns his back, which prompts Vokoun to attack Cage King from behind.

Vokoun starts punching hitting forearms on Cage King. He then irish whips him into the rope, he ducks his down but telagraphs it enough until Cage King can counter and kicks Vokoun in the head. This stuns Vokoun, which lets Cage King hit a Spinning Heel Kick on Vokoun and he goes down. Cage King tries to go for a pin.

Vokoun kicks out with force and Cage King goes flying. King goes for the Rolling Thunder which connects and Cage King goes for the pin again.

Vokoun powers out of the pin again and Cage King again goes for the Rolling Thunder, but this time Vokoun gets his knees up when it's about to connect. King holds his ribs in pain and Vokoun starts taunting the crowd with a ton of boos (and a few cheers).

He picks up Cage King and throws him to the turnbuckle. Vokoun runs at him and connects with a elbow smash and starts hitting King with stiff chops to the chest.And then starts biting and only stops when the ref almost counts to five. This busts King wide open which makes Smokin Vokoun go nuts.

He shoots King into the ropes and hits a Samoan Drop. Vokoun goes for the cover.

King kicks out as Vokoun then picks him up and goes for a Pulling piledriver. He picks up King and then goes for a German Suplex but King blocks it, he revearse it into a waist lock and King but then Vokoun reverses it again and this time he does hit the German Suplex. He goes for the cover
King kicks out again, this actually frustrates Vokoun. Who then picks up King and throws him to the ropes goes for a lariat...misses and King comes back with an HURRICANRANA. The crowd erupts with this and King signals he's going to the top rope. He goes for a moonsault but Vokoun moves out of the way.

Vokoun signals that he's gonna end the match. He picks up King throws him to the turnbuckle. Vokoun then goes to the top rope, carries King up with him and hits THE SMOKE BOMB on King and goes for the cover.

Michael Muffer: Here is your winner...SMOKIN VOKOUN!!!

But Vokoun isn't done yet. He goes out of the ring and grabs a table and throws it in the ring. The ref tries to stop him, but Vokoun punches the Ref in the face and gives him a DDT. He sets up the table in the middle of the ring. He picks up Cage King throws him to the turnbuckle once again. He does the same thing as he did before...except he hits The SMOKE BOMB THROUGH A TABLE. After this Vokoun get the mic and talks to an unconscience Cage King.

Smokin Vokoun: Yo...Cage King...HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!!

Vokoun drops the mic and walks out of the ring to a HUGE chorus of boos. Even people throwing garbage at him. But all he can do is laugh and smile his sick and twisted smile.

Michael Gettenpill - Smokin’ Vokoun with the win, but his post-match actions were inexcusable!

Sean Kelly - This guy is messed up, Michael! Who knows what he’ll do next!

Michael Gettenpill - We’ll be right back.

*Commercial Break:
Papa Johns
Best Buy*

Sean Kelly - And we’re back!

Masked Hero X V. Warrior 2099

Michael Muffer - The following contest is set for one fall, with a 15 minute time limit.

*Evil Rugal Theme*
Michael Muffer - Introducing first, from Monterrey, Mexico, weighing 220 pounds, Warrior 2099!

Michael Muffer – And his opponent…

Lots of pyro goes off, as Hero X appears on stage. He runs to the ring and rolls in. As he poses, more pyro goes off, coming from the turnbuckles.

Michael Muffer – Ladies and gentlemen, standing a virtuous 5’8, and weighing in at a heroic 201 pounds, Masked Hero X!

The bell rings and both men lock up. X applies a wristlock, which is countered into a hammerlock. Warrior takes X down to the mat, but X uses his “super strength” to power out. Both men back up, Warrior charges at X, but is back body dropped to the mat. X runs off the ropes for an elbow drop, but Warrior drop toe hold’s him, then moves into a crossface-like maneuver. X struggles, but makes it to the ropes. Warrior stays on him, choking him in the ropes, as the ref warns him to stop.


Warrior breaks and get’s in the ref’s face. The ref backs up, but as Warrior turns around, he’s met with a series of punches, then a bodyslam! Warrior get’s up, but walks into another slam, then a chokeslam! X picks Warrior up and hit’s the Blazing Lariat! Cover!


Michael Muffer - Here is your winner, Masked Hero X!

Sean Kelly - Hero X picks up the win, as Warrior is left to wonder where he went wrong!

Michael Gettenpill - Warrior will bounce back. This is just a minor setback.

Sean Kelly - Well, we’ll just have to wait and see. Our main event is up next!

*Commercial Break:
Nintendo DS*

Main Event: The General of the Monkey Army and Sparks V. Inspector Shetty and Mr. Quintana Roo

Michael Muffer - The following tag team contest is set for one fall, with a half hour time limit!

*Wannabe in LA*

Inspector Shetty walks out, carrying his remote control. He pushes a button cueing up canned “SHETTY!” chants.

Michael Muffer - Introducing first, from Bombay, England, weighing in at 265 pounds, Inspector Shetty!

"Strike a pose"

Michael Muffer - And his partner, accompanied by his manager Mr Leon Sharpe, from Your Wildest Dreams, weighing 215 pounds....

-"Vogue" by Madonna plays as Mr. Quintana Roo walks through the curtain followed by Leon Sharpe. Roo occasionally stops and gets photographed by Sharpe. Roo rolls into the ring.

*King Kong 2004*

The General marches to the ring, pushing a shopping cart full of plunder. Tinkers the monkey is riding along in the cart.

Michael Muffer - And their opponents, first. Being accompanied by Bongo the Gorilla, from Lansing, Michigan, weighing in at 225 pounds, The General of the Monkey Army!

*Pull Me Under plays on the PA as Sparks makes his entrance*

And his partner. Accompanied by Scar, coming to us from Sevierville, TN and weighing in tonight at 216 pounds. This is Sparks.

The General and Shetty start the match. Shetty locks on a headlock, but The General shoots him into the ropes. Shetty bounces back, knocking The General to the mat with a shoulder tackle, then charges, but is monkey flipped to the mat! The General back up now, meets Shetty with a kick to the gut, then a snap suplex. Shetty get’s to his feet, The General goes for the Monkey Paw, but Shetty rolls to the outside. The General follows, but Roo meets him on the arena floor. The two trade punches, until Shetty clobbers The General from behind. Sparks runs over to break it up, but Shetty and Roo roll the General back in the ring. Shetty tags Roo.

Roo leaps over the top rope and goes right after the General, whipping him into the corner, then hitting a running corner clothesline! The General stumbles out of the corner and into a scoop slam! Cover!


Roo pulls The General into a sitting position, then dropkick’s him in the back of the head! Instead of going for the cover though, he stops to pose, as Sharpe snaps a picture. Shetty yells at Roo to pin him. Cover.


Roo runs the ropes, but Shetty tags himself in. Shetty and Roo exchange words, as the General moves towards his corner. Roo and Shetty quickly cut him off and double suplex him! Shetty with the cover!


Shetty grabs the General by the back of the neck(just like a monkey), and goes for a neckbreaker, but the General catches him in a small package!


The General makes a run for his corner, but Roo runs in to break it up. Shetty drags the General back to his side of the ring and tags Roo. Roo enters and goes to the middle rope. He launches into the Snapshot, but the General hit’s him with a desperation clothesline! Both men down, crawling towards their corners! Roo get’s there first and tag’s Shetty! Shetty goes to stop the General, but he lunges into his corner at the last second and makes the tag!

Sparks runs in a house of fire, decking both Shetty and Roo with punches, slams, and dropkicks! Sparks grabs Shetty for the Spinnaret, but Sharpe distracts the referee! Roo grabs Sharpe’s cane and cracks Sparks in the back of the head with it! The General grabs the cane away from Roo and nails him with the Monkey Paw! The ref turns around, as Shetty feigns being hurt, and sees the General with the cane!

“That’s it! Ring the bell!

Michael Muffer - Here are your winners as the result of a disqualification, Inspector Shetty and Mr. Quintana Roo!

Shetty pops up and begins celebrating, as Sharpe tends to Roo on the outside. The General angrily watches Shetty’s celebration, before realizing that he has the cane. He smiles, then comes up behind Shetty. As the Inspector turns around, the General nails him with the cane! Shetty drops to the mat, but the General continues to lay on the beating! Roo rolls back in and grabs the cane, but Sparks tackles him from behind! The two brawl to the outside, while in the ring, The General is sizing up Shetty. As Shetty get’s up, The General goes for the Monkey Paw, but Shetty ducks and responds with the Calcutter! Shetty stands over The General and cues up the canned cheers. While he poses, Bongo enters the ring. Shetty turns to see Bongo and quickly backs up and rolls to the outside, where he resumes his celebration. Bongo helps the General to his feet and the two watch as Shetty makes his way up the ramp, smiling all the way, as Heatz!!1 comes to a close.

Credits: Smokin’ Vokoun and M

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