
Sunday Night Heatz!!1 - February 28, 2010


Sunday Night Heatz!!1 February 28, 2010

Sean Kelly - Welcome to WWCF Sunday Night Heatz!!1

Michael Gettenpill - We have a big show for you tonight! I’m Michael Gettenpill.

Sean Kelly - And I’m Sean Kelly. Tonight on Heatz!!1, Voodoo Champagne will be in action, as they go up against the Nightflys in our opening contest!

Michael Gettenpill - Titanothere makes his Heatz!!1 debut as he battle KCB in his first WWCF singles contest!

Sean Kelly - And in our main event, the Starshine-Quintana Roo rivalry continues on as they battle it out in a WWCF Official Rankings match!

The Nightflys V. Voodoo Champagne

Jerry Fish - The following tag team contest is set for one fall, with a 15 minute time limit!

*God’s Gonna Cut You Down*
TTS and Jay Carroll make their way to the ring, accompanied by a bevy of valets and models.

Jerry Fish - Introducing first, the team of TTS and “Champagne” Jay Carroll, Voodoo Champagne!

*Salmon Dance*
Double H runs down the aisle slapping hands with the fans, as the Fishmonger flops around the ringside area like a fish.

Jerry Fish - And their opponents, The Fishmonger and Double H, the Nightflys!

Referee Verne Johnson calls for the opening bell as Double H and Jay Carroll start off the match for their teams.

Carroll applies a standing hammerlock, which H reverses into a side headlock. Carroll shoots H into the ropes and catches him coming back with a shoulder block, knocking him to the mat. H back up, but he runs right into a scoop slam. TTS tags in and suplex’s H, then follows up with a Boston crab, but H grabs the bottom rope. TTS stomps on H’s back, then picks him up for a release German suplex. Cover.


H tries to get to his corner, but TTS pulls him back and tag’s Carroll. Carroll goes to work on the legs and back of Double H, applying a half crab, then hooking the neck for a modified version of the STF. H again reaches the ropes. Carroll pulls him back to the center of the ring and goes for an Indian deathlock, but H catches him in a small package!


H nails Carroll with a dropkick and moves towards his corner, but TTS runs in and knocks Fishmonger off the ring apron! Carroll and TTS nail H with a double suplex and Jay makes the cover.


Carroll pulls H up into a sitting position, then tags TTS, who dropkick’s H right in the face! Cover!

Fishmonger makes the save!

TTS tosses Fishmonger to the outside, then clothesline’s Double H to the mat! Carroll tags back in and hit’s a swinging neck breaker! Cover!

H get’s his shoulder up!

Carroll pulls H up into position for the Hangover, but H reverses it into a release belly-to-belly suplex! Both men down! Carroll rolls towards his corner, as H slowly starts to crawl towards his own! Carroll there first and TTS charges in, but H literally dives into his corner and tag’s Fishmonger! Fishmonger comes in a house of fire, hitting a series of punches on the Voodoo Lawyer, then scoop slamming Carroll as he tries to help his partner! The fishy one then delivers a spinning fishtail to TTS, followed by the Hook, Line, and Sinker!

Carroll breaks it up!

Fishmonger turns his attention to Jay, nailing him with a running forearm, then release Fisherman’s suplex! Fishmonger then grabs TTS again for the Hook, Line, and… TTS holds on to the top rope, sending Fishmonger rolling backwards! Double H springboard’s onto TTS, but get’s caught, Pile-no, Fishmonger dropkick’s his partner, knocking him on top of TTS! Cover!


The Nightflys shoot TTS into the ropes, but as they go for the double back elbow, Carroll knocks H out of the ring! Fishmonger is distracted, allowing TTS to stop himself and catch Fishmonger with the Pileup! Cover!


Jerry Fish - Here are your winners, Voodoo Champagne!

Michael Gettenpill - Well, Voodoo Champagne pick up the win in our opening contest here tonight on Heatz!!1

Sean Kelly - Yeah, but to give credit where it’s due, that was a hell of a fight by the Nightflys!

Michael Gettenpill - Indeed it was. Both teams definitely looked impressive in that one.

Sean Kelly - We’ll be right back.


VO: Hey kids! Wanna create your own WWCF shows? Now you can! It’s the new WWCF action figure line, from Jakks Pacific!

*We see a kid playing with figures of Square and Aaron Enigma*

VO: Aaron has the Extreme Interrogation locked in…

*Another kid brings a Boiler Room Brawler figure into the frame*

VO: Oh no! It’s the Boiler Room Brawler!

*We see figures of TTS and Jay Carroll*

VO: Uh-oh! What’s that dastardly Voodoo Champagne up to now?

*A kid brings Tyfo and Little Naitch figures into frame*

VO: It’s the Southwest Connection!

*We see “Damn Right” Jackson and M.O.P. in a toy ring*

VO: Get in the official WWCF ring! Bounce off the ropes! Oh, he hit the mat!

*Jackson hit’s the mat and bounces.

Now we see the full figure line:

Square, Aaron Enigma, “Damn Right” Jackson, M.O.P., Jazzman, and The Boiler Room Brawler, plus the tag team line:

Voodoo Champagne, The Southwest Connection, and The Heavy Metal Express, as well as the WWCF Slinky ring.

Disclaimer: Voodoo Champagne set does not include sacrificial chicken.

VO: The WWCF action figure line! Available only at wwcfshop.com, from Jakks Pacific!

Sean Kelly - And we’re back!

Michael Gettenpill - The Boiler Room Brawler has sent us a new edition of the Boiler Room, so let’s roll the footage!

The Boiler Room

Boiler Room Brawler is sitting in a foldup chair with a microphone in hand, his pipe wrench resting to his side along a furnace.

BRB: Welcome all to another edition of The Boiler Room. Tonight we are joined with Sparks, an up and comer in this business who has something to say. Welcome Sparks!

Sparks: Glad to... uh.. be here.

Sparks is clearly sweating like a pig while BRB looks stone dry.

BRB: Over the last few months you and Amigo have attacked each other on a daily basis, but there has been no match between you two yet. Will there be, or is this all just a waste of our time?

Sparks: I can guarantee you that there will be a match between myself and Amigo. It's natural really that such a match should take place. I can also guarantee that this particular match will be one of the most brutal, violent, and cringe-worthy that this company has ever seen.

Amigo states that he went off somewhere looking for me to sign my contract, which is complete BS. Well, contract or not, I can say that Sparks v. Amigo will happen.

BRB: Well that's good to know for the fans out there but Sparks, he has overpowered you at times as well. What makes you think that you have what it takes to defeat the very first WWCF World Champion? How do you plan to defeat him?

Sparks: You know, BRB...sometimes when people are pushed over the edge...they can do amazing things. I hate to sound like a broken record, but Amigo knocked me out and forced me into slavery. He treated me like a dog in a cage. After he was through with me, he kicked me to the curb like a piece of trash and, quite literally, threw me into the water.

To this very day--no. To this very SECOND, I still don't and will never forgive him for what he did to me. Not even if he is battered, bloodied, and on his knees begging for mercy. He'll just get kicked in the face. To be honest, he deserves every second of punishment that I will deal him. Amigo is nothing but a lowlife, selfish, disrespectful coward. Once I get my hands on him, it will be an ass-whoopin' like he's never experienced.

BRB: But yet fans have lost faith in you altogether. How do you react to that?

Sparks: I have to admit, it hurts me a little. I don't wish to disappoint the fans at all... But that doesn't stop me one bit. There is NO ONE in that locker room or behind that crowd barricade that can stop me from destroying him. I will get that match, and win or lose, I WILL demolish Amigo. When the time comes, the sparks...WILL...fly.

BRB: Well it looks like you're a man on a mission, Sparks, but we are running out of time for tonight. Thanks for attending The Boiler Room!

Michael Gettenpill - We’ll be back right after this.


VO: It’s the official Fishmonger rod and tackle box! Next time you go out to the lake, go in style!

*We see the tackle box, which has Fishmonger’s face illustrated on the front.*

VO: With this stylish set, you’re sure to be the life of the fish fry!

The Fishmonger rod and tackle box, available only at wwcfshop.com!

Titanothere V. KCB

Jerry Fish: Our next match is scheduled for one fall.

"Godzilla" by Blue Oyster Cult hits the speakers. Titanothere emerges, lowering his head and pawing at the ground with both of his feet. He then proceeds to run down the ramp and to the ring.

Jerry Fish: Now entering the ring, weighing in at 366lbs, he's the monster from the Mesozoic Age... Titanothere!

Titanothere crosses the ropes and starts to remove his black studded shoulderpads.

Jerry Fish: And his opponent...

"My Way" by Limp Bizkit hits the speakers as KCB emerges, cockily smiling and working his way down the ramp.

Jerry Fish: Hailing from Chicago, IL... weighing 235lbs... KCB!

Titanothere stands at his corner, eyeing KCB as he strikes a pose to the crowd.

Referee Lloyd McFloyd starts the match and KCB approaches Titanothere who stands still. KCB reaches out to gauge his distance from Titanothere.

Titanothere raises one arm. KCB places his hand against it and they clasp. Titanothere reaches his other hand out, and KCB clutches it too and they have a contest of strength. Titanothere easily dominates KCB, pressing him down to his knees.

Titanothere slams his head down onto KCB's head, knocking him to the mat. Titanothere picks up KCB, hoists him onto his shoulders, and starts spinning around.

Titanothere finishes up spinning, and then Samoan drops KCB to the mat. Titanothere goes for the pin. Referee Lloyd McFloyd counts 1... 2... 3!

"Godzilla" by Blue Oyster Cult hits the speakers.

Jerry Fish: Here is your winner by pinfall... Titanothere!

KCB dazedly gets up and clumsily leaves the ring, dizzy from the airplane spin.

Michael Gettenpill - Titanothere with a dominating victory over KCB.

Sean Kelly - The Chicago native never saw it coming!

Michael Gettenpill - We’ll be right back with our main event.


VO: Now YOU can be a superhero, with the official Masked Hero X superhero kit!

*We are shown a mask and cape*

VO: When you put on this special and official mask and cape, you too can run like the wind and leap over tall buildings and all the other fun stuff Masked Hero X does!

Disclaimer: There is no scientific proof that the Masked Hero X superhero kit can actually allow you to do any of those things. For safety and legal purposes, the Masked Hero X superhero kit is intended for recreational use only.

VO: The Masked Hero X superhero kit, available only at wwcfshop.com!

Main Event: Ryan Starshine V. Mr. Quintana Roo

Michael Gettenpill – Alright fans, before we get to our main event tonight we have a recap showing the events that led to this match.

*A quick video recap covers the first match between Starshine and Roo which ended via countout in favour of the former. It then shows the post match attack from Roo. It continues on showing Roo defeating Sparks to keep his rankings spot as well as Starshine being defeated by Inter-Forum champion DR Jackson at the EGTWG ppv.*

Michael Gettenpill – As it currently stands, Quintana Roo is ranked number 9 and Ryan Starshine at number 6. That means if Mr. Quintana Roo defeats Ryan Starshine tonight, he’ll move up to sixth place, causing his opponent to fall down a place. If Ryan Starshine prevails, then no changes will be made toward the rankings places.

Sean Kelly – And only one of the two was destroyed by our Inter-Forum champion Michael.

Michael Gettenpill – I don’t know if you can compare Mr. Quintana Roo to our Inter-Forum champion… in any way really. Now on to you Jerry Fish.

Jerry Fish – The following contest is an Inter-Forum Championship rankings match. It is scheduled for one fall and has a 20 minute time limit.

*Vogue plays on the PA as Mr. Quintana Roo makes his way out, along with his manager Leone Sharpe.*

Michael Gettenpill – Is Leon Sharpe seriously trying to sell those custom shirts to our ringside fans?

Sean Kelly – Well he’s selling them at the right place, the boss makes a mint from sales at shows.

Michael Gettenpill – He’d probably make more if he at least went through proper channels. As it is he’s stuck selling them on Home Network through Dan East.

Sean Kelly – Shhh! Don’t use the competitions name Michael.

*Roo and Sharpe present and hustle the shirts to the ringside fans who don’t look too interested. One hand pokes out through the masses holding cash. Roo and Sharpe take the money and hand over a shirt. They begin counting and the shirt is flung back in Roo’s face.

Michael Gettenpill – Sean look! It’s Ryan Starshine.

*Starshine leaps from the crowd barrier and decks Roo. Leon Sharpe raises his cane. Starshine turns toward him and Sharpe makes a b-line away toward the ring. Starshine pounces on Roo and lays a series of fists on him.*

Leon Sharpe *vocally, somewhere off screen* – CLOSED FISTS ARE ILLEGAL! DISQUALIFY HIM!

Michael Gettenpill – That’s kind of hard when the match hasn’t even officially started.

Sean Kelly – Well maybe it’s time to make a change on that rule. Roo hasn’t had a fair chance, he was taken by surprise.

*Starshine continues his beating on Roo, only stopping to take back his cash, rolls him in the ring and follows suit*

*The referee signals for the bell and the match is on.*

Starshine is still in control early on as Roo is prone on the mat. He works him into the corner and pushes him with the sole of his boot. The referee counts him down and has manually breaks the hold. He verbally reprimands Starshine for not listening. Leone Sharpe, takes this opportunity to crawl by the same corner, and hide from view. Starshine goes back to Roo and tries to pull him up. Sharpe with a camera in hand “flashes” Starshine, temporarily blinding him. Roo lunges forward and connects with a stiff elbow to his head. Roo, showing slight wooziness from his earlier beating, is in control as he drops Starshine with a side backbreaker. He goes for a cover.
Starshine kicks out.

Michael Gettenpill – A little early to try to end it there.

Sean Kelly – I don’t think he expected it to Michael. He’s just trying to make a statement.

Michael Gettenpill – And what would that be?

Sean Kelly – “Look how good I am. Now look how good I look doing it.”

Michael Gettenpill – …I’m sure that in another lifetime, these two would be as close as brothers.

Roo looks toward Sharpe who makes a motion to him while holding the camera. Roo, drags Starshins up and holds him in a gutwrench. He looks towards Sharpe, who holds the camera up and gives him a toothy grin as the photo is taken. Roo tries to lift Starshine up to no avail. He tries again, but Starshine instead grabs his legs and trips him to the mat. He steps one leg through Roo’s attempting his Sharpshooter.

Sean Kelly – Sharpshooter! It could be over already!

Roo fights, but Starshine still forces him over into the hold. Sharpe climbs the apron, camera and cane in each hand, trash talking Starshine. Starshine holds on in defiance and spits toward him. Shapre is fuming, but quickly regains his composure. He points the camera toward Starshine. Starshine breaks the hold and rushes Shapre, who ducks his attack, while also falling to his ass on the floor. He walks back to Roo, now crouched near the ropes and picks him up. Roo grabs his tights and tosses him outside. He follows and whips Starshine back first into the crowd barrier. He tosses him into the crowd and rolls back inside. The referee starts his count.





Starshine is seen trying to crawl back over the barrier through the sea of fans.



Starshine drapes himself over the barrier and tries to get a solid footing.


He drops over and hits the floor.


He stumbles to his feet and lunges toward the ring. Roo stops him with a sudden baseball slide. Starshine hits the barrier again and slumps to the floor.



*The bell rings*

Jerry Fish – The winner of this match via countout, and now ranked #6 for the Inter-Forum Championship, Mr. Quintana Roo.

*Sharpe celebrates outside, and takes numerous pictures of Roo as he poses. Starshine sits outside by the crowd barrier, favouring his back and visibly disappointed. Roo looks out towards him and holds up six fingers as Starshine merely stares back. Roo exits the opposite side and helps his manager up the entrance ramp.*

Sean Kelly – Michael, I’m getting a sense of dejavu.

Michael Gettenpill – That would be because this is the same result we saw last time these two met up. Only the other guy won last time.

Sean Kelly - Wow, who’da thought it would happen again.

*Ryan Starshine enters the ring again, mic in hand.*

Ryan Starshine – Mr. Quintana Roo. I want you to enjoy this moment. I hope you savor this win. I almost hesitate to call it that because technically you didn’t beat me. But at the same time, I technically never beat you. So with that said, as far as I’m concerned, you and I, we’re not through yet.

Michael Gettenpill – Strong words from the Technical Professional, and with that I’m Michael Gettenpill.

Sean Kelly – And I’m Sean Kelly.

Michael Gettenpill – Goodnight folks, see you next week.

Credits: M, BRB, Sparks, and Starshine

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