
Dream Warrior


Wrestler Name: Dream Warrior

Height 6ft

Weight 200


Alignment Face

Gimmick Description: A young Baby Face who grew up in Memphis He worked his way through the minor Leagues after the death of his best friend in a car accident He Is now dedicating his carrer to the life his best freind who dream was to make it to the big leagues now with that in his head Dream warrior is ready to take on all commers and to rid the evil of wcwf and to prove dreams due come true and that memories will never die

Appearance(what does your wrestler look like?)Tall Black hair skinny

Apparel Black and white face paint Black pants with green design on the sides and Green Cape

Fighting Style(such as brawler, hardcore, ect.): High Flyer Technical

Theme Music:Memories Will Never Die

Entrance Description:Descends from the rafters and lands feet first in the ring

10 to 20 Moves your wrestler uses:
Flying Dropkick
Spinning Heel Kick
German Suplex
Pele Kick
Frog Splash
Tornado DDT
Spring Board Flying Dropkick
Springboard flying forearm smash
Brain Buster
Stinger Splash
Top Rope Frankensteiner
Standing Shooting Star Press
Rolling Thunder
corkscrew senton
Flying Leg Drop
Flying Head Scissors

Finishing Moves(you can do up to 2):
Dream From The Sky(Swanton)
The Dream Ender(Styles Clash) Main Finisher)

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