
Kris Kobain


Wrestler Name: Kris Kobain

Height: 6' 2"

Weight: 200 lbs

Hometown:Seattle, Washington

Alignment: Tweener

Gimmick A very arrogant young wrestler Kris sees himself as the greatest star in the history and future of the business. Kris prides himself on his in ring work and believes he can elevate any wrestler he faces. He tends to insult not only his opponents but everyone in the company. His goal is to be the best and make sure everyone knows he's the best. He sometimes relies on cowardice and underhand tactics to win matches but always maintains innocence. He's willing to put his body on the line to put on a good match. Fans love him for his ring work but hate him for his arrogance. Kris has dubbed his "followers" as Kobainites. In Kris's mind everyone he sees is a Kobaintie.

Appearance: Multi colored long hair, has the build of a young Chris Jericho. Likes to wear costumes/props during his promos and will sometimes wear props out to the ring such as hats or items mocking his opponents.

-Enterance: Black leather jacket w no shirt underneath or a sleeveless t-shirt or vest.
-Upper: Shirtless in ring.
-Lower: Long wrestling tights (pants) various colors/designs and various colored boots, kneepads and wrist tape.

Fighting Style: High flyer. technical is willing to hit big spots and take big bumps

Theme Music: Siva by The Smashing Pumpkins

Entrance Description:Siva starts to play as Kobain walks out onto the stage area. He surveys the crowd then tilts his head back extends his arms as fireworks shoot behind him. He walks to the ring scaning the crowd for Kobanite signs. When he gets to the ring he walks up the steps to the apron and stands with his back against the ropes extending his arms again. He then enters the ring.

10 to 20 Moves your wrestler uses:
1. 450 Splash
2. Enzeguri
3. Standing Moonsault to down opponent
4. Moonsault off the top to standing opponent
5. Jumping kick off middle rope
6. Runing top rope crossbody to the outside
7. Flying head sciscors
8. Frankensteiner
9. Lionsault
10. Spinging wheel kick
11. Frog splash
12. Super Kick
13. Sharpshooter
14. Reverse flying head sciscors (done from behind oppomemt)
15. X-Factor
16. Bridging german suplex
17. T-Bone suplex
18. Twist of Fate
19. Swanton Bomb
20. Flatliner

Finishing Moves(you can do up to 2):
Afterburn (Shooting Star Press)-Main FInisher
Kobain's Walls (Walls of Jericho)

Kris Kobain's Old Pics

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