
Monday Niteraw - April 19, 2010


Monday NiteRaw April 19, 2010

Jesse King - Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Monday NiteRaw! I’m Jesse King!

Tim Hoss - And I’m Gorilla Tim Hoss.

Jesse King - We are one week away from Wrestle-CrApocalypse! Tonight, the final spot in Thunder Dome will be filled, as Jonathan Michaels takes on “Damn Right“ Jackson in our main event!

Tim Hoss - We also have a big six man tag team match between Heavy Metal Hollywood and Jazzman, Smokin‘ Vokoun, and a mystery partner!

Jesse King - Participants in the Thunder Dome will face off as Yellow Jacket takes on Jay Carroll and Evil M battles the champ himself, Viva Los Bio Dome!

Tim Hoss - Next week, Square, TTS, and Titanothere will meet up in a number one contenders match, but tonight, TTS and Titanothere will go one on one!

Jesse King - And the six man tag is our opening match, Gorilla!

Tim Hoss: Lets go to Fred G. Neric who is with The Smokin Vokoun.

[cut to locker room area]

Fred G. Neric: Ladies and gentleman, I'm here with the WWCF's resident crazy man, The Smokin Vokoun. Smokie, later on tonight you, Jazzman, and a mystery partner will square off against The Heavy Metal Express and Sparks, all of which represent Heavy Metal Hollywood in a 6 man tag. I think everyone around the world wants to know...how are you gonna co-exist with Jazzman?

*Vokoun just stares him down*

Smokin Vokoun: I have a question for you....HOW CAN YOU ASK SUCH STUPID QUESTIONS??? The reason that I can co-exist with Jazzman is because of my undying hatred of Heavy Metal Hollywood. You see, two weeks ago, I beat D-Day Dave...LIKE A RED-HEADED STEP CHILD ALL AROUND THE RING!!! But he couldn't take defeat like a man and hit me over the head with a guitar. And then Dave and Headbanger Man tucked your tail between your legs AND RAN LIKE THE PUSSIES THAT THEY TRULY WERE!!! AND THEN LAST WEEK....not only did Sparks fail to beat Jazzman, but he had D-Day Dave WHACK JAZZMAN WITH A GUITAR...and beat him down with every inch of his life. You see Fred, in my world, men who use guitars as a weapon...ARE NOT REAL MEN!!!

*He lifts up his barbwire baseball bat*

But this....THIS IS A REAL WEAPON OF MASS DESRUCTION!!! This right here is all I need to take all of you out. But even though I don't like Jazzman personally, I respect him enough to tag with him and give him the chance to get revenge for the cowardly attacks that were brought apon him. And as for our mystery partner....OOOOOOOHHHHHH BOY, HEAVY METAL HOLLYWOOD....YOUR IN FOR A VERY BIG SURPRISE!!!!

BECAUSE SMOKIN VOKOUN.......isn't jokin.

*Vokoun walks out*

Neric: Well.....back to you, Gorillia....

Heavy Metal Hollywood: Headbanger Man, D-Day Dave, and Sparks V. Jazzman, The Smokin‘ Vokoun, and a mystery partner

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Ladies and Gentleman, our opening contest is a huge six man tag match featuring Heavy Metal Hollywood against Jazzman, Smokin Vokoun and some mystery partner. Who do you think the mystery partner is Jess?

Jesse King: I honestly don't know Gorilla but I can't wait to find out!

Gorilla Tim Hoss: I'm looking forward to it to partner. Let's go up to Michael Muffer!

Michael Muffer: The following contest is a huge six man tag team match scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, they are the WWCF World Tag Team Champions, D-Day Dave and Headbanger Man! Their tag team partner is SPARKS and collectively they are known as HEAVY METAL HOOOLLLLLLLYYYYYYWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!

(HMH come down to the ring rocking out and don't seem to have a care in the world.)

Michael Muffer: Their opponents, first from Fulton, New York, JAAAAAAAZZZZZZMAAAAAAAAAAANNN!!!

(Sing, Sang, Sung by Gordon Goodwin hits as Jazzman appears at the top of the ramp wearing an old school fedora and a pinstripe jacket with his trusty cane. He does a quick spin around as he then walks to the ring staring a hole in Heavy Metal Hollywood. Jazzman then climbs to the second rope and points to all the fans to a tremendous ovation. Jazzman climbs down and goes over to a kid at ringside and gives a young girl his fedora.)

His tag team partner hails from Chicago, Illinois, THE SMOKIIIIIIIIN VOOOOOOOOKOUUUUNNNNNNNN!!!

(SINNER MAN by Nina Simone hits as Smokin Vokoun walks to the ring looking all around the ring.)

Michael Muffer: The final member of the team is.....

(The lights go black as Days of the Phoneix hits and the crowd goes NUTS!!)


Jesse King: I didn't think he was ever coming back Gorilla.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: I don't think anybody did Jess but somehow Jazzman must have talked Mop into coming back and it looks like MOP is gonna kick things off against Sparks.

Sparks and MOP tie it up in a collar and elbow tieup as Sparks knees MOP in the gut to take an early advantage. Sparks then throws a punch right in MOP's face. Sparks then takes MOP over to HMH's corner and tags in Dave who kicks MOP in the gut while Sparks hangs onto MOP.

GTH: Heavy Metal Hollywood in control early on here Jess.

JK: Yes they are Gorilla and MOP might have some ring rust here.

Dave again kicks MOP into the midsection and then bounces off the ropes but on the rebound MOP catches Dave with a clothesline that knocks the former owner and current tag team champion down! MOP then goes over to his corner and tags in Smokin Vokoun and when Dave sees Vokoun in he bails to the outside to a chorus of boos.

GTH: Dave with actually a smart move here by getting away from Smokin Vokoun.

JK: You're damn right it's a good move as Vokoun is a crazed lunatic!

Vokoun walks over to the ropes near HMH's corner and goes to grab Dave but Headbanger Man clubs Vokoun in the back of the neck as Dave then slides back in, gets up, charges at Vokoun and nails Vokoun with a running forearm. Dave starts punching Vokoun and then pokes Vokoun in the eye and then bodyslams Vokoun to the mat. Dave then drops a couple elbows and then grabs Vokoun by the legs and drags him to the HMH corner in which then Dave tags in his normal partner Headbanger Man.

JK: I like this strategy here by Heavy Metal Hollywood.

Headbanger Man starts stomping on the legs of Smokin Voukon and then runs over and knocks both Jazzman and MOP off the apron and then drops a knee across the forehead of Vokoun. Headbanger Man then starts playing air drums as Dave and Sparks join in jaming.

GTH: What the hell are they doing Jess?

JK: They are wasting valuable time here is what they are doing.

As Heavy Metal Hollywood rock out, Smokin Voukon gets up and as Headbanger Man turns around, Vokoun charges and nails Headbanger Man with a running clothesline! Vokoun then drops a huge knee to the chest of Headbanger Man and then starts to choke him out!! The referee tries to start a count but before he can Dave and Sparks run in and start punching him.

GTH: I think these punches by Dave and Sparks are just making Vokoun angrier Jess.

JK: I believe you are right Gorilla but Vokoun has finally stopped choking Headbanger Man but is now chasing Dave and Sparks around the ring as Jazzman sneaks in a tag as Vokoun continues the chase.

Jazzman goes over to Headbanger Man, picks the head up and applies a dragon sleeper but doesn't hold it in very long. Jazzman picks Headbanger Man up, whips him off the ropes and on the rebound back body drops the tag team champion.

GTH: Well Jess things are back under control as Jazzman is in complete control of Headbanger Man.

Jazzman bends down to pick Headbanger Man up but Headbanger Man pokes Jazzman in the eye and follows it up with a leg sweep that knocks the former World Champion down.

JK: You spoke too soon Gorilla as Headbanger Man now has control.

Headbanger Man picks Jazzman up and throws him to the outside where Sparks and Dave try to double team him but Smokin Vokoun and MOP come to the rescue which send Dave and Sparks around the ring. Jazzman rolls back into the ring as Headbanger Man picks Jazzman up and nails him with a huge right hand that knocks Jazzman down. Headbanger Man now starts stomping away on Jazzman as Dave and Sparks again start to rock out. Headbanger Man lifts up Jazzman, whips him off the ropes and on the rebound catches Jazzman in a huge tilt a whirl backbreaker.

GTH: Huge backbreaker right there by one half of the World Tag Team Champions.

Headbanger Man again picks Jazzman up and grab Jazzman around the waist but instead of a bear hug headbanger Man excutes a picture perfect belly-to-belly suplex but refuses to cover.

GTH: Headbanger Man is making a mistake here in my opinion Jess by not pinning Jazzman.

JK: Normally I would agree but I think Heavy Metal Hollywood wants to send a message to the entire locker room that they are the very best.

GTH: Could be a mistake.

Headbanger Man goes over to the legs of Jazzman and tries to apply a boston crab but Jazzman pushes Headbanger Man off who ends up hitting hard into the top turnbuckle on the lower right hand side and Headbanger Man crumples to the mat!

GTH: Huge break here for Jazzman as Headbanger Man is down in pain and now not pinning Jazzman comes back to hurt Heavy Metal Hollywood!

JK: Headbanger Man will learn not to mess around with his opponents and this place is going bonkers and I can barely hear ya Gorilla!!

The fans are cheering Jazzman on as he slowly crawls his way over to the corner and is very close but Headbanger Man makes the tag to Sparks who tries to stop Jazzman from making the tag but Jazzman rolls onto his back and spits in Sparks face which allows Jazzman to tag in MOP who gets a thunderous ovation!!

GTH: The crowd is on its feet here as MOP koncks Sparks down with a drop kick! Dave comes in and is also met with a drop kick!

JK: MOP taking it to Heavy Metal Hollywood!

MOP is posing to the crowd as Headbanger sneaks up behind him but before he can do anything Smokin Voukon comes in nails Headbanger Man with a HUUGE LARIOT!!! Headbanger rolls out of the ring as Smokin Vokoun follows.

GTH: Vokoun comes to the aide of his partner Jess as it seems like Vokoun, MOP and Jazzman are on the same page.

JK: It sure looks that way Gorilla.

MOP turns back around and when he does he is met with a boot to the gut by Sparks who then executes a swinging neck breaker.

GTH: Sparks buying himself sometime here to regain his composure.

Sparks stands up and is calling for Dave to come in but Vokoun grabs Dave by the legs and pulls him to the outside. Sparks is distracted by this as Jazzman is now in the ring, ducks down and picks Sparks up between the leg onto his shoulders and walks backwards as MOP is perched on the top rope.

GTH: Things don't look good here for Sparks!

Jazzman stops in the right spot as MOP then jumps off the top rope and delivers a flipping face plant (Cena's throwback)!

HOLY CRAP!! MOP from the top rope with what looked to be a move called the throwback and Sparks is out of it!

JK: I don't believe what I just saw Gorilla!!!

MOP covers Sparks as Jazzman protects and referee Spud Johnson gets down for the count.




MICHAEL Muffer: The winners of the match are the team of Smokin Vokoun, Jazzman and MOP!!!

GTH: Huge victory here by the team of Jazzman, Smokin Vokoun and MOP here. I can't believe MOP is back and looks to be back with a vengeance.

JK: You're damn right about that partner as that double team move by MOP and Jazzman was crazy.

GTH: Yes it was Jesse and fans we will be right back.

(New Blackjacks theme hits as LittleNaitch walks down the aisle to a tremendous ovation from the capacity crowd. He slaps hands with the ringside fans as he walks up the stairs, climbs into the ring and is handed a microphone.)

LN: Well last Monday night I came up just short in my quest to become the first ever two time World Heavyweight Champion.

Fans boo loudly.

LN: Ya I know, I'm not very happy either but what can ya do. Anyway, Viva did pin me last week even though it was controversial since Headbanger Man stuck his nose in the match but Viva took advantage and pinned me right in the center of this ring.

Fans boo some more.

LN: I am a man of my word and since I am the one that took the fall I have no excuses. Viva, you pinned me and I am admiting defeat like I said I would. I will no longer get another shot at your belt as long as you are champion unless I earn it. Now I strongly feel Viva that your time as champion is coming to an end because I took you to the limit in both our encounters and I believe that you will be losing that belt inside Thunderdome.

The fans start chanting "Viva Sucks" extremely loudly which brings a smile to LittleNaitch's face.

LN: Now I am here to announce that I have an open contract and I will step into this ring against anyone and everyone. I will not back down from any challenge and my goal is still to regain the World Heavyweight Title so whoever wants a shot at me then step up and accept my open challenge because I am again hearing whispers that I am washed up which could not be further from the truth!! So WWCF locker room, be ready because this quote old man, is ready to dish out a ton of punishment!! O ya, one more thing, THE FAMILY IS ALIVE AND WELL!!!

LittleNaitch drops the mic as the New Blackjacks theme hits as the fans go bonkers as Littlenaitch then leaves the ring.

Titanothere V. TTS

Michael Muffer: Ladies and gentlemen, The Revolution of Evolution Square!

(I Don't Care hits as Square walks down to the announce desk wearing a suit.)

Tim Hoss: The Revolution of Evolution, the Human Sun, the REAL Non American Hero and God's Greatest Gift to Pro Wrestling it is a pleasure to have you hear Square.

Square: Pleasure all yours lads

Jerry King: Well even if Hoss is marking over our guest, we do have a number one contenders match now

Michael Muffer: The following match is for the number one contendership for the WWCF Inter Forum Title and has a twenty minute time limit. First, from La Brea, California, weighing 366 pounds: Titanothere, the Monster of the Mesozoic Age!

(Blue Oyster Cult’s “Godzilla” plays and Titanothere emerges from the back. He paws the floor, lowers his head, and trudges down the ramp. After walking up the steps he enters the ring and removes his helmet and shoulder pads.)

Tim Hoss: The monster lives up to his name, just look at him. 366 pounds, 6 foot 4 and just scary

Square: The guy is a monster when it comes to strength, but a veteran like his opponent tonight can use that to his advantage

Muffer: And his opponent, from Davie, Florida, weighing 290 pounds; he is the Voodoo Lawyer, TTS!

(“Down On Me” plays as TTS walks out on stage and does his traditional chicken sacrifice, then makes his way to the ring.)

Square: Seriously, PETA hasn't protested yet?

Jerry King: Yeah, but Drakin doesn't listen.

(Referee Lloyd McFloyd gets both men to the center of the ring and gives his instructions. The two wrestlers nod at each other, and then lock up as soon as the bell rings.)

(TTS grips Titanothere’s hand and slowly lifts it up before yanking it down, trying to use an arm wringer to put him on the mat. His opponent stumbles but stays on his feet, and manages to get behind the Voodoo Lawyer and put him in a hammer lock. After some struggling he slips out of the hold and floats over Titan putting him in a side head lock. Again the bigger man powers out and Biel throws TTS across the ring. TTS quickly rolls to his feet and the two start circling each other.)

Jerry King: Not something that we expect from either men, going for the more technical style instead of the brawling we expect.

Square: Why would TTS go toe to toe with Titan when he could wear him down first?

(Titanothere charges forward. The Voodoo Lawyer jukes out of the way and catches him in a drop toe hold, taking his opponent to the mat. While Titan is still down TTS stands over him and puts him in a chin lock. The Monster of the Mesozoic Age struggles to get to his feet. After finally doing so he grabs his opponent’s wrists and slowly pries them from around his head, until he has TTS’s arms fully extended. Titan spins around suddenly and cracks the Tag Team Specialist in the side of the head with an elbow. TTS counters with a punch to the face, and then it’s on, as both men exchange a flurry of blows in the center of the ring.)

(Eventually Titanothere gets the worst of it and lumbers back, turning and clutching his mouth. TTS goes after him, yanks his head backwards in an inverted face lock, and then executes a reverse DDT. He makes the cover, but gets thrown off before he can attempt a pin. Both men get up. The Voodoo Lawyer spins and tries for a discus clothesline, but Titan ducks underneath, grabs him around the waist, and throws him up and back in a release German Suplex that sends TTS sprawling.)

Tim Hoss: Theres very little for TTS to do when Titan has a hold, he's getting thrown wherever Titan wants

(The two slowly stand. TTS tries to Irish whip Titan into the ropes but the Monster of the Mesozoic Age reverses it and leans forward for a back body drop. The Voodoo Lawyer caroms off the ropes but halts his momentum and kicks Titanothere in the chin, straightening him up. TTS goes back to the ropes again, rebounds and leaps, smashing his thigh into Titan’s chest with a leg lariat to the delight of the crowd.)

(Titanothere goes down and TTS scrambles to cover. McFloyd gets in position and hits the mat once before Titan kicks out. TTS pulls him up and tries for a belly to belly suplex, but the heavier man blocks it with his leg. The Monster of the Mesozoic Age rears back and hits a huge head butt that sends both men staggering. TTS grabs Titan again in a front face lock, gets hold of his tights and pulls him off his feet before falling backwards with a lifting DDT.)

Jerry King: TTS is on fire, can he put the big man away?

(TTS rolls his opponent onto his back and tries for a pin. One! Two! Titan gets his shoulder up. The Voodoo Lawyer stands and hits an elbow drop, then hooks Titan’s leg for another cover, but he powers out at one. When TTS tries for a second elbow drop he crashes to the mat as Titanothere manages to roll away. Both men struggle to rise, with the Voodoo Lawyer clearly favoring his arm.)

(Titanothere is up first and begins hammering TTS’s back with a series of clubbing forearms. He then leads his hunched over opponent to the corner closest to the announce table and whips him shoulder first into it. The Voodoo Lawyer winces in pain and grabs his shoulder. Titanothere kicks at his wounded arm and then grabs it, dragging TTS back towards the middle of the ring. He stands over the Tag Team Specialist and puts him in an armbar.)

Square: That is a beautiful armbar locked in, very little space for TTS to move and to get free.

Tim Hoss: There's no way that TTS can get out of this it's been locked in too good and his arm is already wrecked.

(TTS writhes in pain and punches the mat with his free hand, but shakes his head when McFloyd asks him if he wants to submit. Titanothere wrenches the Voodoo Lawyer’s arm further, continuing to put pressure on his opponent’s shoulder. Slowly, TTS manages to get to his feet and twists his way out of the hold. He gets behind Titan and puts his head under one of his arms. He wraps his uninjured arm around the big man’s waist and lifts up before driving him onto his knee with a huge atomic drop. Titanothere clutches his tailbone and writhes in pain on the ground.)

(The effort of lifting Titan puts TTS on the mat as well. Still holding his hurt shoulder, the Voodoo Lawyer limps back to the ring post he struck earlier and climbs to the top. He signals to the cheering crowd that he’s going for the Doctor’s Note and moves into position.)

Jerry King: TTS is looking for the win with the Doctor's Note, can he become the number one contender

Square: And thats the Revolution of Evolution's cue

(Square quickly removes his headset and rushes to the turnbuckle. He pushes TTS just as he’s about to make his leap. The Voodoo Lawyer pitches forward and falls headfirst onto the mat. McFloyd immediately calls for the bell to be rung, awarding the match to TTS by disqualification.)

(Square climbs up on top of the turnbuckle and smirks at both men who are still down. He raises both arms over his head as the crowd boos. After hopping off the apron he walks around the ring taunting the fans, then goes up the ramp, walking backwards, jawing at the now recovering TTS and Titanothere, both of whom watch him go angrily.)

Yellow Jacket V. Jay Carroll

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Welcome back WWCF Galaxy. Up next is sure to be a clinic as Yellowjacket takes on The Family's Jay Carrol.

Jesse King: Tonight will be wrestling Darwinism between two up and coming stars.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Interesting analysis, King. Let's join Michael Muffer at ringside...

Michael Muffer: Our next match is scheduled for one fall... Entering first, the challenger.

"Rainbow" by Man On A Silver Mountain hits the speakers as the fans boo.

Yellowjacket slowly walks out with an air of confidence and conceit.

Jesse King: I think that Yellowjacket will be the breakthrough star between these two. Jay Carroll is a dead end.

Yellowjacket blows off shaking the fans hands as he makes his way to the ring.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Is that so? Let's compare their title histories.

Michael Muffer: Now entering the ring, hailing from Lancaster, PA, weighing 224lbs... Yellowjacket!

Jesse King: Forget title histories, Gorilla. Do either of them hold a belt right now? No.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: There is no doubt that Yellowjacket is brimming with talent, but he has been an anti-hardcore Drakin sycophant for most of his tenure here in the WWCF.

Yellowjacket is in the ring, soaking in the jeers from the audience as he stands on the top turnbuckle with his arms raised.

Jesse King: Pish posh, TH. Jay Carroll is not much to talk about either. He is nothing but a boozehound with delusions of grandeur.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Who won the Heatz! Championship on his very first outing.

Michael Muffer: And his opponent...

"Well Thought Out Twinkles" by Silversun Pickups hits the speakers to audience cheers.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: And furthermore he was part of a successful run with TTS as Voodoo Champagne, what with holding the WWCF Tag Team Championship belts.

Michael Muffer: Hailing from Philadelphia, PA, weighing in at 215lbs... Jay... Carroll!

Jay Carroll walks down the ramp and finds a random kid and hands him a $100 bill.

Jesse King: Where's the "Champagne?"

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Has Jay Carroll turned over a new leaf?

Jesse King: First Sparks, now this.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: The winds of change continue to blow in the WWCF.

Jesse King: You can say that again.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: ...

Jay Carroll locks his arms around the top rope and takes a look at the audience as Yellowjacket observes from the other side of the ring. Carroll flips backwards over the top rope and lands on his feet, and then walks to the other end of the ring and stands up on the top turnbuckle, soaking in the cheers of the audience some more.

Jesse King: Look at Jay Carroll, wouldja? He's so confident that he can take on Yellowjacket.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Considering Yellowjacket's record, I'm not surprised.

Referee Lloyd McFloyd starts the match and both men reach out with their arms.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: They're sizing each other up now...

Carroll and YJ clasp right hands together and then raise their left arms.

Jesse King: A contest of strength from the looks of it.

YJ and Carroll clasp their left hands together and begin their contest of strength, with neither man conceding.

Jesse King: Yellowjacket has the advantage here. He's heavier.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: But where does that weight come from? He's two inches shorter and nine pounds heavier than Jay Carroll.

Neither man budges.

Jesse King: Are you meaning to imply that Yellowjacket, who prides himself on his athleticism, is fat?

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Just stating the facts for conjecture.

YJ starts to win out over Carroll, pressing him down to his knees.

Jesse King: Yellowjacket is clearly of a slightly stockier build than Carroll. He has more muscle and it is winning out right there.

Carroll is down to his knees as YJ continues pressing, a self-satisfactory grin emerging on his face through strain.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: You may be right here.

Carroll throws himself backwards and lifts YJ overhead, throwing him off.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Jay Carroll with a monkey flip!

Both men return to their feet. Jay Carroll leaps up for a dropkick, but YJ sidesteps him and darts for Carroll's leg as Carroll tries to stand back up but Carroll rolls out of the way.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Look at them go!

Carroll kips up and throws a high kick at YJ, who ducks it and thrusts his hand at Carroll's stomach and clamps down.

Jesse King: Ha! YJ wins the exchange with a stomach claw!

YJ tightens his grip as Carroll throws a punch at him, but YJ drops down with his grip maintained. Jay Carroll attempts to do sit down on YJ but YJ rolls out of the way onto his stomach. Jay Carroll stands up and YJ darts for his legs again, taking him down from behind.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Are you watching this, Jesse? Back and forth between these two men.

Jesse King: You're damn right I am. Yellowjacket is dominant!

Gorilla Tim Hoss: But only barely.

YJ quickly crawls over and locks his arm around Carroll's head and applies pressure. Carroll reaches out for the ropes and manages to latch his foot onto one, to which Referee Lloyd McFloyd tells YJ to release him, which YJ obeys.

Jesse King: Yellowjacket keeps on being thrown into matches that place him out of his element. This namely means bigger guys or else hardcore matches. Toss him into a regular match with an appropriately sized opponent though, and you'll see a clinic.

Both men stand up and look at the crowd, after which they lock arms. Carroll wins out, lock his arm around the back of YJ's head, locking his leg behind YJ's leg and making him fall over.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: A front russian leg sweep from Jay Carroll...

Carroll goes to stomp YJ in the head, but YJ rolls over onto his front. Carroll pursues, going for stomping YJ on the arm, but YJ rolls over again onto his back. Carroll raises his leg and goes for a stomp to YJ's head again, to which YJ sits up, then drops down again behind Carroll's leg, throws his arm up and goes for a school boy pin. Referee Lloyd McFloyd counts 1... Jay Carroll grabs the rope and both men return to their feet.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: I'm really enjoying this match, King.

Jesse King: Is that all that you can say tonight?

Carroll and YJ trade glares. YJ throws a backhand chop at Carroll's chest.

Audience: Woo!

Carroll twists around and throws his elbow at YJ, who ducks it and gets behind Carroll, waistlocking him from behind. YJ lifts up and suplexes Carroll behind himself.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: A well-executed german suplex from Yellowjacket.

Jesse King: Wait, are you admitting that Yellowjacket is good at something?

Gorilla Tim Hoss: I give credit where credit is due. I've never said that Yellowjacket has no talent. I merely compared his record to Jay Carroll's.

YJ goes for the pin. Referee Lloyd McFloyd counts 1... 2... Carroll kicks out. Yellowjacket stands up and catches Carroll as he stands up. YJ goes for an Irish whip but Carroll reverses, pulling YJ towards himself and then pushing him up to the ring corner. Carroll slaps YJ in the chest and walks away, posing to the crowd.

Jesse King: Look at that cocky attitude. Who does Carroll think he is?

YJ runs behind Carrol, but Carroll catches him, sweeps YJ off his feet, rotates him in the air, and drives YJ spinefirst into his knee. He lets YJ roll off onto the mat.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Jay Carroll with a well-timed pendulum backbreaker.

Carroll stands up and stomps YJ in the head. He takes a step and stomps YJ in the arm. Carroll makes his way all around YJ, stomping every extremity along the way. Carroll follow it up with a pose to the crowd.

Jesse King: How can people cheer for such cockiness?

YJ sits up. Carroll throws a kick to YJ's back, and then another kick to YJ's chest. He finishes up with a dropkick to YJ's neck, after which YJ falls back to the mat.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: After a rough start, Carroll has taken control of this match. Yes he is cocky, King, but then... so is Yellowjacket.

Carroll gestures to the crowd and then runs up to the ropes, jumps up, and hits a lionsault on the rebound.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: And Jay Caroll with a lionsault!

YJ raises his knees just before Carroll lands, and Carroll rolls around on the mat from the shock of it. Both men lay on the mat.

Jesse King: Ha! Wait to go, Yellowjacket!

Referee Lloyd McFloyd counts one as neither man gets up.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: And the count begins. Can either man get up?

Jesse King: I cannot say how often that I've seen a knockout finish in a standard match.

Referee Lloyd McFloyd counts two as both men begin to move.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: This has been a pretty good match so far and I'd hate to see it end with neither contestant able to continue.

Referee Lloyd McFloyd counts three as both men start to stand up with rope assistance.

Jesse King: I agree. Yellowjacket needs to win this to take The Family down a peg and bring the Truth Coalition up one.

Both men are standing again, to which they approach each other again. Carroll throws a punch at YJ, who locks his arm under Carroll's arm and slams him over.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Yellowjacket with a hip toss...

Carroll quickly stands back up and dropkicks YJ, connecting with the head, knocking him down. YJ returns to his feet as Carroll goes to Irish whip him towards the corner. Carroll runs up behind YJ, but YJ suddenly thrusts his foot out and connects with Carroll's head, knocking him down.

Jesse King: Yes! The Sting! The Sting!

Yellowjacket locks in Carroll's leg and goes for the pin. Referee Lloyd McFloyd counts one... two... thr- He stands up and sees that YJ has his legs on the ropes and tells him to get off of them. Yellowjacket concedes and goes for the pin again, but Carroll suddenly grabs YJ by the legs and arms and rolls YJ onto his back.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Jay Carroll with a small package!

Jesse King: Yellowjacket, get out of there!

Referee Lloyd McFloyd counts one... two... three!

Jesse King: Oh come on!

Michael Muffer: Here is your winner by pinfall: Jay Carroll!

"Well Thought Out Twinkles" by Silversun Pickups hits the speakers as Carroll takes a breather. YJ leans over the ropes, clearly angry.

Jesse King: Oh, Yellowjacket...

YJ stands up, still leaning on the ropes as Jay Carroll stands up, leaning back onto the ropes.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: It was a heck of a match. I can only imagine what these two men can pull off if they were on a bigger stage with bigger stakes. They deserve this brea-

YJ suddenly attacks Carroll with another Sting, knocking him over the top rope. The crowd boos Yellowjacket as he crosses the ropes and leaves the arena.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: What poor sportsmanship by Yellowjacket!

Jesse King: I don't blame him. Sure he didn't get the victory but I'd be a little peeved too if I had a well-conceived strategy and I simply lost by a last-second hold.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Still not very sportsmanlike. Maybe we'll see more from these men in the future, but let's get to a word from our sponsors.

Viva Los Bio Dome V. Evil M

*Paparazzi (Metal Version) hits and Viva Los Bio Dome is making his way out to the ring.*

Jesse King: There's our guy! The WWCF Champion is here! A monumental victory for him this week, and if you hate the guy, you hate him now more than ever. He's backed up his words and he's proving to be much more of a champion than CEO Seth Drakin gives him any credit for.

"Gorilla" Tim Hoss: Meh. This guy is a total asshole and that unfortunate pinfall on Littlenaitch last week has done nothing but feed his insatiable ego. I can't wait until the day an up and comer steps up and puts this guy in his place.

*Viva makes his way to the ring. He quickly paces down the red carpet, before any photographers could snap any pictures, he climbs up the ring steps, and quickly moves under the top rope. He walks to the other side of the ring and beckons for a microphone before standing in the center of the ring.*

If you guys could do me a favor and hold your raucous applause, I have something important to get off my chest. Last week on Niteraw, I secured what was my most significant win yet. I beat Littlenaitch to retain my title and get the undeserving former number one contender off of my back. And before you guys all ask, it was awesome. Well worth the price of admission, and I would definitely pay to see it again.

Unfortunately, Seth Drakin has found it necessary to take out my victory on two women who had nothing to do with the match or the interference. I'm speaking of course of my lovely valet Lisa Garcia, and the very beautiful Marissa Logan. Now, I warned Seth Drakin that he was playing with fire and breaking the law. Unfortunately, he refused to heed my advice, while saying that the company would back his criminal offenses to the hilt.

That simply wasn't a smart choice. I have a special guest here today, and he has some important news for Seth. Come on out, sir.

"Gorilla" Tim Hoss: If the people at home have been paying attention, Viva has been threatening legal action towards Seth for what he considers to be workplace discrimination. Unfortunately for Viva, his words hold no water. Seth has ignored his calls for reversal of suspension.

Jesse King: He sure has, Tim, and if you ask me, Seth's clearly in the wrong here. He acted out of pettiness because he couldn't shoulder the burden of the loss he cost Littlenaitch last week, and now he's grasping at straws trying to find a way to take it out on Viva. Unfortunately, I think Viva knows what he's doing here, and he's not going to take Seth's unfair treatment lying down.

*At the top of the ramp appears a man in a suit. He quickly shuffles down the ramp with a sheet of paper in his hand. He enters the ring, and Viva hands him the microphone.*

Capt. Donald Morrigan: Hello, fans. I am Captain Donald Morrigan of the Parts Unknown police department. Earlier this week, we received reports of workplace discrimination. Viva Los Bio Dome has supplied us with all of the evidence we need. We have looked over the match in question, the promos issued after, and the suspension. We have come to the conclusion that due to Jessica Morton's initiation of violence, she is at fault for the altercation. Thus, the Parts Unknown Police Depeartment feel that we do have sufficient evidence to prosecute Seth Drakin. In my hand I have a warrant for the arrest of the CEO. Now, I am not a man of no compassion. After speaking with Viva Los Bio Dome, Lisa Garcia, and Marissa Logan, they are totally content to drop all charges if the suspensions are reversed.

"Gorilla" Tim Hoss: That is a bombshell if I've ever heard one! These are serious allegations and unfortunately for Seth, he might want to comply! I can see this doing one of two things in either getting Seth some jail time or costing the company a lot of money!

Jesse King: I agree, 'Rilla! This is big news, and it seems that Viva is a little smarter than even I thought! The tables are truly turned, and the very officers Seth have hired to protect the building from Lisa and Marissa are now going to be on the look out for Seth himself!

Sorry Seth, but when you're wrong, you're wrong. You say you're the king of mind games, but unfortunately, you've played yourself into a corner. I have the law on my side, and your hand is now forced. I'm willing to forget this ever happened if you are. Just reinstate my ladies and give them contracts, and this will all go away. Thank you for your help, Capt. Donald Morrigan. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a match to win.

Evil M walks out, looking confident as he approaches the ring.

Michael Muffer - And his opponent, Evil M!

M rolls in the ring and Viva backs up. M goes to set off his pyro, but Viva nails him from behind! The bell rings as Viva stomps M on the mat, then kicks him in the head when he tries to get to his feet. The World Champion then starts choking the Evil One, throwing a few punches in as well. Finally, he goes for the cover.



You ever see someone who you just didn't like instantly?
Just something about them makes you want to hurt them and let them know that you dislike them intensely?

Well it's like that with me and the Brawler
I don't like Brawler but it's more than just wanting to hurt him

I want to destroy his life
I want to see him lying facedown in a pool of his own shattered dreams and illusions
Just because I can
And just because of that I will


Hoss: What the -

King: The Masked Man strikes again Gorilla, in the middle of this match!

Viva looks furious at his pin being interrupted, but he doesn’t see Evil M sit up! Viva turns around and is grabbed by the throat! M lifts Viva up, but Headbanger Man and D-Day Dave run in and attack M from behind! The ref calls for the bell!

Muffer: Here is your winner, by disqualification, Evil M!

The Metal Express hammer M, but Yellow Jacket runs out and chases them off! YJ helps M up and they both staredown Viva as he backs up the ramp, the World Title belt in tow. M and YJ both make the belt around the waist gesture, then shake hands, reminding the other that next week, it’s every man for himself, as we go to a break.

*Welcome to Hell" starts up, Amigo casually walks down the aisle, and enters the ring*

*Looks around*

I invited Seth and Sparks to show. Seth got the info and approved it, so he's not needed, but I guess Sparks is still a coward.

Anyways, I've been thinking of all sorts of stipulations. How about a Chain match with a Sickle in place like a evil counterpart to a Texas Bullrope match? Or maybe some cacti on the corners, and we have to stick eachother into a tub of Scorpions? Maybe a huge-ass Bottle that doesn't break even after 11 shots to the head, on a pole? Or perhaps we have a bunch of bricks wrapped in Barbed Wire for us to beat eachother to death with?

Well, you'd be in for a shocker: None of them is happening. See, I found a loophole in the contract. Of all the match stipulations out there, one of the most dreaded is..............the Handicap match.

*Shock, and then boos*

Oh f*** off, it is. So, Square will be busy at the PPV, but I have a fourth man in place.

You see, in this era, the man with the most men wins. Now, I got four, and now I have nearly two more. I struck up a deal with Smokin' Vokoun and co. And now, I got Xavier Gunn to be my fourth man.

So then, it will be Sparks versus myself, Hangman, Blackout, and Gunn in a 4-on-1 Texas Tornado Handicap match! Yes, sir, ALL of us are in there. Sparks, crossing me was the worst mistake of your life, and when me, Hangman, Blackout, and the other guy grab one of your limbs each, and rip them out, while you lay there bleeding and screaming, you shall finally know how bad of a idea it was to even come to the WWCF.

Peace, bitches.

*Leaves to a hail of boos*

ThunderDome Qualifier: “Damn Right“ Jackson V. Jonathan Michaels

Muffer: This match is your main event and it is for the final spot in the Thunder Dome!

Too Black…
Too Strong…

*Bring Tha Noise*
Damn Right Jackson walks out to a chorus of boos.

Muffer: Introducing first, “Damn Right” Jackson!

Jonathan Michaels and Sara Nakatomi emerge through the smoke to a loud ovation.

Muffer - And his opponent, accompanied by Sara Nakatomi, he is the Champion of Honor, Jonathan Michaels!

Michaels rolls in the ring and the bell rings. The two lockup, Michaels with a go behind waistlock, taking Jackson to the mat. He moves to the head and applies a crossface-like move, but Jackson breaks out of it and get’s to his feet. Michaels charges, but Jackson levels him with a clothesline! He then picks him up, Northern Lights Suplex! Cover!


Jackson pulls Michaels up and whips him into the corner, running clothesline! Michaels stumbles forward and Jackson goes for the High Attitude, but Michaels manages to slip free, Fade to Black! Cover!

Jackson’s foot is on the rope!

Muffer: Here is your winner, Jonathan Michaels!

Michaels and Sara celebrate, as another referee runs out. He converses with the original referee, then with Michael Muffer.

Muffer: Ladies and gentlemen, DR Jackson’s foot was on the bottom rope during the pin, therefore, the referee has ordered this match to be restarted!

Michaels’ face drops as the bell rings. As Jackson get’s up, Michaels goes for the Fade to Black again, but Jackson ducks! Michaels leg get’s caught on the top rope, and Jackson takes advantage, hooking him in for…




Muffer: Here is your winner, “Damn Right” Jackson!

Hoss: Jackson did it!

King: I hate to say it, but he just qualified to compete for the WWCF World Championship next week at Wrestle-CrApocalypse.

Hoss: Folks, what a show the PPV next week will be and what a show we’ve had tonight.

King: For Gorilla Tim Hoss, I’m Jesse King. Goodnight!

Writing Credits: Smokin’ Vokoun, Little Naitch, Titanothere, Square, BRB, Evil M, and Amigo

  © World WrestleCrap Federation 2008-2010

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