
Sunday Night Heatz!!1 - April 11, 2010


Sunday Night Heatz!!1 - April 11, 2010

Inspector Shetty vs. Blackout

The following contest is scheduled for one fall with a 20 minute time limit!

(Wannabe In L.A.)
Introducing first, from Bombay, England, weighing 265 pounds...INSPECTOR SHETTY!

- Shetty walks purporsefully to the ring, stopping occasionally to insult members of the audience.

(Freestyle rap)
And his opponent, from Los Angeles, California, weighing 295 pounds - represnting the Human Hate Machines...BLACKOUT!

Sean Kelly: This should be an interesting contest here. Both men have had something of a change in attitude recently, becoming a lot more focused and aggressive.

Michael Gettenpill: Absolutely. Shetty no longer has his chant device, and last week we saw the man formerly known as Cage King officially join the Human Hate Machines!

Kelly: You gotta believe Amigo, Square and Hangman will be watching this one closely.

- Shetty attacks Blackout at the bell, with a flurry of punches. He lands a European uppercut which sends Blackout into the corner, and then chokes him with his boot. He turns around to antagonise the audience, but ends up receiving a huge clothesline.

Gettenpill: Shetty needs to ignore the fans and focus on his larger opponent if he wants to succeed here.

- Blackout whips Shetty off the ropes and hits a spinning heel kick. He goes for a cover.


- Kick out. Blackout throws Shetty into the turnbuckles, and nails an avalanche. He goes for another, but Shetty manages to get a boot up. He then unloads with a series of kicks to the hamstring, before hitting a DDT to take Blackout to the mat. Shetty then makes a cover of his own.


- Blackout powers out. Shetty tries to prevent him from getting to his feet with an elbowdrop. He goes to the apron and hits a slingshot splash.


- Again, Blackout escapes. Shetty complains to the ref about the count.

Kelly: Shetty showing us something new there. Now he needs to keep his attention on Blackout, and try and neutralise him.

Gettenpill: He doesn't want to allow this man to recover, because he's proved in recent weeks how dangerous he can be.

- Blackout mounts a comeback with a punch to the gut, and a kneelift. Shetty tries to respond with a clothesline, but misses, and its countered into a northern lights suplex by Blackout.


- This time Shetty kicks out. Blackout hits an impressive standing moonsault, but decides against going for another pinfall. Instead he picks up Shetty and hits a huge powerbomb, but he holds on. He goes for another, but Shetty manages to counter with a rake to the eyes. As Blackout stumbles, he is hit by a big spinebuster.


- Blackout escapes again.

Kelly: Both men trading pinfall attempts here. They've obviously been doing their homework before this one.

Gettenpill: That was an impressive spinebuster by Shetty there. This would be a big win for him should he manage to pull it out of the bag.

- Shetty drives Blackout into the corner, and then tries to set up for the Bollywood Destroyer. He gets Blackout in place for the piledriver, but the rapper escapes with a backdrop, which sends Shetty crashing to the mat. Blackout then nails an elbow from the top rope, but isn't able to capitalise straight away. He eventually crawls into a cover.


Kelly: Oh man, that was close!

Gettenpill: Shetty showing tremendous resiliance here. That was an awesome elbow drop.

- Both men get to their feet. Shetty throws a punch, but Blackout blocks it and hits one of his own. He goes for a big roundhouse kick, but Shetty ducks. The Inspector goes for a Calcutter, but Blackout pushes him off. He goes for the similar Overnight Celebrity, but that is countered too. Shetty slaps the taste out of his mouth, and then hits a big superkick.

Kelly: Both men tried to finish it off, but weren't able to! But Shetty has the advantage again. Can he finish this one off?

- Shetty looks at the crowd with disdain, and then scales the turnbuckles. He waits for Blackout to get up, and goes for a big crossbody, but he gets caught. Blackout then transitions into the Flashing Lights!


Here is your winner....BLACKOUT!

Kelly: A big win here for Blackout. That's sure to impress his stablemates!

Gettenpill: Shetty just got a little too over-confident there. He put forth a great effort, but Blackout's power proved too much there.

- Blackout grabs the mic post-match and starts to freestyle again..but then nails Shetty with the mic! He grins at his handiwork, and then leaves to a chorus of boos.


The Boiler Room w/ Special Guest Jonathan Michaels

The Boiler Room

BRB: Welcome WWCF Galaxy to another edition of The Boiler Room!

Tonight I am joined by none other than the man who I won this-

*BRB prods his Hardcore Championship belt with the microphone.*

BRB: Hardcore Championship from, and your Champion of Honor, Mister Jonathan... Michaels!

So, Michaels, first let me ask you: How does it feel to prove Uncle Seth wrong by winning his precious Championship Of Honor?

Michaels: Well, Brawler, it feels good, and I love having gold around my waist, but this is only the beginning, I hear people like YellowJacket "promising" they will become World Champion before the end of the year, but as far as I'm concerned right now, the line starts behind me.

BRB: That's a bold statement, Michaels, really.

You seem to forget that I'm a double champion right now; What's to stop me, BRB from beating you to the punch?

Michaels: No disrespect, Brawler, but you wouldn't be a double champion if I didn't save the Hardcore division. I admit that you are someone who is also due for a world title opportunity but you have to understand that there is nothing that will stop me from getting to the promised land.

BRB: We'll just have to see about that for another time, Michaels. Right now though, I have to know, why have you decided to focus on my fellow Family member, the Pain Train Tyfo?

Michaels: Let me put it to you like this: There was a great book about Saturday Night Live, and someone said that in the early 80's whn Eddie Murphy was blowing up, Joe Piscopo latched on to him and soaked up unearned glory. I believe the exact quote was, "Eddie Murphy's fame went to Joe Piscopo's head," and I believe that you could say the same thing about Tyfo. Yes, he is a Three-time WWCF Tag Champ but that's largely because his partner is Little Naitch. Hell, Little Naitch and Gary Coleman could have been Three-time Tag Champs - that's just how talented he is.

BRB: So, you're saying, that Tyfo wouldn't be where he is without Naitch?

Michaels: You know, it may sound like that, but the truth is that I believe it's time for Tyfo to step out of Naitch's shadow and prove he has what it takes to be World Champion. He may have that little briefcase guaranteeing him a title shot but in my opinion he needs to step up his game and prove to the fans that he has the stuff to EARN the title, not just run out when someone's hurt and get lucky. This is the opportunity I'm providing him with tomorrow night.

BRB: Well, Michaels, clearly you had a lot to say and unfortunately, we're out of time, but thanks for stopping by The Boiler Room!

Michaels: My pleasure.


The Hangman vs. Kris Kobain

*Jerry Fish is in the ring to make the introductions.

Jerry: Ladies and gentlemen. This match is scheduled for one fall

*Siva by The Smashing Pumpkins hits

Introducing first from Seattle, Washington. Weighing in at 185 lbs. Kris.....Kobain!

*Kris comes out to a mixed chorus of cheers and boos. He stops at the top of the stage, smiles and walks to the ring.

And his opponent hailing from Port Royal Jamaca weighing in at 300 lbs

*"Ballad of a Hangman" by Grave Digger hits

The Hangman!

*The Hangman runs down to the ring weilding his chainsaw. As he gets to the ring Kobain flings himself over the top rope and is caught by The Hangman who then thrusts him down to the ground.

Michael Gettenpill: What a stupid move that was!
Michael Muffer: You have to admire his tenacity.
Gettenpill: Only a moron would admire an idiot. Of course look who I'm talking to.

*The Hangman picks Kobain up and rams him into the steel post. Kobain slides to the ground in a heap. he tries to stand up leaning against the post and The Hangman runs towards him and dioes a ring post avalanche.

Muffer: Come on! The bell hasn't even rung yet!
*Just before Muffer can finish the sentence the bell rings.
Gettenpill: Wrong again. Maybe you should just be quiet and let me do the talking from now on.

*The Hangman picks Kobain up and rolls him into the ring.

Muffer: Irish whip to the corner followed by a huge corner avalanche

*Kobain crumbles down to the mat in agony. The Hangman steps back to the center of the ring. Kobain crawls towards him and tries to make it to his feet.

Muffer:Huge buzzsaw kick from The Hangman! Come on! End the match already!
Gettenpill: Why would he take advice from a wimp like you?
Muffer:We're talking about the welfare of another human being.
Gettenpill: You're going to be on welfare if you don't quit talking.

*The Hangman stands Kobain on his feet.

Muffer: Big boot to the side of the head! The Hangman pins him 1! 2! No! He pulls him up! This is sick!
Gettenpill: I love ths! A great match between two great wrestlers!
Muffer: I don't know what match you're watching. I don't see a great match. I see a vicious attack by a heartkess moonster.
Gettenpill: Don't pretend you like Kobain all of a sudden Muffer.
Muffer: It's true the guy is obnoxious but nobody deserves this.

*The Hangman hits a DDT. As he goes to pick Kobain up we hear You Asked For It start to play.

Muffer: What? It can't be!

*The Hangman watches the stage in anticipation. The music continues to play and then stops as no one comes out. Frusterated The Hangman leaves the ring and heads towards the back.

Muffer: Where do you supose he's going?
Gettenpill: Where does it look like genius? Do I have to spell it out for you?

John Creed: 1!....2!.......3!.........4!...

Muffer: The Hangman is going to lose if he doesn't get back out here.
Gettenpill: Way to state the obvious Muffer. What are you going to tell us next? That matches take place in a ring?

Creed: 5!.......6!........

*Kobain stands up dazed and takes a second to gather himself.

Creed: 7!......8!

*Kobain lays back down on the mat as if he is prone. The Hangman runs back out to the ring.

Creed: 9!....te....

The Hangman slides in and starts to threaten Creed

Muffer: I'm suprised he made it in before the 10 count.
Gettenpill: I'm suprised you or this idiot ref can even count to ten.

Hangman then walks over to Kobain who tries to roll him up in a small package. Kobain gets a 1 count the gets up and runs to the rope to do a lionsault. He is caught by The Hangman, The Hangman hits the hangmans neckbreaker and pulls Kobain to the corner.

Muffer: We know what he's going for here.
Gettenpill: Why don't you tell us smart guy? Since you're so smart.
Muffer: He's setting up for the
*The Hangman hits the guillotine
Muffer: Guillotine
Gettenpill: Wow! Anybody could call a move that just happened!
1! 2! 3!
Gettenpill:Now are you going to call a 3 count after the ref just finished it?

Fish:The winner of the match.The Hangman![/quote]


Hardcore Match for No.1 Contendership to the WWCF Hardcore Championship: The Smokin’ Vokoun VS. Titanothere

Sean Kelly: Michael, I think we are gonna see quite a battle here tonight. The WWCF Galaxy has been hotly anticipating this Hardcore match between these two. Both men hate each others guts. And tonight, it could end tonight.

Michael Gettenpill: And don't forget Sean, the winner of this match will become the number one contender for the WWCF Hardcore Championship. Currently held by The Boiler Room Brawler.

Sean Kelly: Quite right, Michael. Lets go to the ring. Take it away Jerry!

Jerry Fish: The following contest, is a HARDCORE MATCH, set for one fall....


Jerry Fish: From Chicago, Illinois.....weighing in at 280 pounds....THE SMOKIN' VOKOUN!!!!

-The crowd pops for his music, but then settles down to a mixed reaction. Vokoun walks out slowly glares at the crowd as normal...;but with even more determination. He screams at a few kids and even scares an old lady in the crowd. He gets in the ring, but is so anxious that he doesn't slump into the corner and starts pacing.

Michael Gettenpill Boy, Smokin Vokoun really looks like a caged animal tonight.

Sean Kelly: Well Michael, while Vokoun always looks like caged animal...there's something different about tonight. I think he knows the importance of this match.


-The crowd pops HUGE at the first note of the song.

Jerry Fish: And his opponent....from La Brea, California, weighing in at 366 pounds...TITANOTHERE!!!

-Titanothere walks out to the ring, but doesn't show boat. He walks straight to the ring. However, Smokin Vokoun is there to greet and the two start brawling on the entrance ramp and the bell sounds.

-Titan and Smokie trade punches back and forth until Vokoun gains control and throws Titan into the guard rail. Vokoun then goes for a clothesline but instead gets back body dropped into the sea of fans by Titanothere. Titan follows Vokoun into the crowd and the two start trading punches again.

-Smokin Vokoun then takes a fan's chair and starts whacking it on the back of Titan. Titan takes a fan's beer and throws it Vokoun's face. Titan gains control of the chair and starts whacking Vokoun on the head with it. Titanothere high fives the fan after this and apologized for taking his beer. With Titan distracted, Vokoun takes another chair and whacks Titan on the back. Vokoun then pushes another fan down and takes his popcorn box. Vokoun then stuffs Titan's head into it and starts whacking Titan some more on the head. Vokoun starts screaming to the crowd. Some cheer him,most boo him.

-While a dazed Titan tries to get the popcorn box off his head. Vokoun charges at hits a lariat, which makes both men go over the guard rail and back at ring side. Vokoun then picks of Titanothere and throws him the ring. He then goes underneath the ring and finds, a trash can lid, a trash can, a shovel, and for some reason, a stop sign. Vokoun throws all of these things in the ring. But Titanother recovers and before Smokie can enter the ring, Titan smacks Vokoun with the Stop sign, This dazes Vokoun on the apron. Titan hits Vokoun again, this makes Vokoun almost lose his balance. Titan then runs the ropes and hits Smoke for a third time. This makes Vokoun lose his balance and does a Nesta Plunge all the way to the concrete floor. Titan runs to the outside and goes for a cover.


-Titan then throws Vokoun into the ring. Vokoun is dazed and tries to get up. Titan shoots Vokoun into the turnbuckle, Titan then runs and hits Body Avalanche. Titan then grabs a steel chair. He then gets a sly smile on his face and then hits Vokoun with a LOUD chair shot. Vokoun crawls to the turnbuckle and pulls himself up. Titan sets himself up for the spear. Titan runs, but Vokoun moves and Titan hits the steel post with his shoulder and goes down in pain.

- Seemingly with some new life Vokoun then grabs the steel shovel that was in the ring and starts hitting Titan over and over and over again. He hit Titan TEN TIMES with a shovel. Titan writhes in pain as Vokoun taunts the crowd.

- Vokoun then sets up a trashcan in the middle of the ring. He picks up Titan and then sets up for a pulling pile driver. Amazingly, he's able to get him up and drives Titanother with the Pulling Pile driver ON TO THE TRASH CAN!! Vokoun goes for the cover.


- Vokoun starts yelling at the ref to count faster. He then leaves the ring and finds a baseball bat...covered with Barbed wire. Vokoun sees this and get's this sly smirk and starts giggling. He then goes back into the ring. Titan gets to his feet, but Vokoun is there with the Barbed wire bat. Smokie hits Titan in the stomach with the barbed wire bat, then his back...and then his forehead. Titan is know face first on the mat,and has just been BUSTED WIDE OPEN!!

-Vokoun sits on Titan's back and drives the barbed wire bat right in Titanothere's face. Titan is screaming in pain with blood dripping down his face, while Smokin Vokoun is screaming with delight. The fans try and get Titan going. But Vokoun keeps digging into Titan's forehead with the bat. Titan's face is completely covered in the crimson mask. Vokoun goes for the cover.


-Vokoun picks up Titan, he leaves the barbed wire on the mat. He then shoots Titanothere into the ropes and tries to Drop Toe Hold him but it blocked by Titan.Vokoun tries to Drop Toe Hold him, but Titan won't let him. Vokoun then goes for a Lariat but Titan ducks. Titan then picks up Vokoun for a Samoan Drop, and drops Vokoun, back first on the Barbwire bat.

-Vokoun writes in pain and Titanothere gets a second wind and starts wailing on Vokoun. Titan shoots himself into the ropes and hits a big body splash on Vokoun. He covers.


- Titanothere picks up Vokoun, hits a few uppercuts. Titan then hits one more stiff uppercut that actually knocks a tooth out of Vokoun's mouth. He Irish whips him into the ropes and catches Vokoun with a Scoop Slam....he goes for the cover.


- Titan then goes to the outside and from the bottom of the ring,he pulls out a table.He slides it in the ring and returns. He picks Vokoun and puts him on the table. Titan then goes the top rope. He goes for a Big Splash of the top rope and hits it. Vokoun goes through the table. Titan goes for the cover...


-Titan is shocked that Vokoun was able to kickout of that. He signals for the end. He then picks up Vokoun and grapevines his arms. Titan then hits Vokoun with three headbutts. This Busts Smokie WIDE OPEN! Titan then tries to go for the The Extinction Event, however Vokoun fights. He then throws a few punches at Titanothere's head which rocks him. Vokoun then shoots Titan into the ropes, goes for a Lariat, but Titan ducks. On the rebound the two men clotheslines each other and both men are down. Referee Will Alphonzo counts on both men and the crowd loudly follows along...


- Vokoun gets up, he sees the blood on his forehead and gets the weird glint in his eyes. He rolls out of the ring and gets another table....and a LADDER!!! He rolls back into the ring. He then picks up the table and sets it up. He then picks up the Ladder and sets that up. Smokie then picks up Titan and puts him on the table. The crowd pops like crazy as Vokoun starts climbing the ladder. He is indicating that he wants to drop a FLYING ELBOW. But when Vokoun gets to the top, Titan recovers and climbs up to the top. The two men are trading punches back and forth, until Vokoun rakes Titan's eyes. Vokoun then grabs Titan and he JUMPS OFF THE LADDER TAKING TITAN WITH HIM AND HITS A SMOKE BOMB, OFF THE LADDER THROUGH A TABLE!!!!

- The two men seem out. But Vokoun is able to recover, but just barely. He drapes his arms on Titanothere.


The bells rings and the crowd pops. The crowd gives both men a standing ovation for the that match.

Jerry Fish: Ladies and gentlemen, here is your winner...AND THE NUMBER ONE CONTENDER FOR THE HARDCORE CHAMPIONSHIP....THE SMOKIN VOKOUN!!!!

Sean Kelly: Michael, I don't think we have ever seen such a brutal match in the history of Sunday Night Heatz.

Michael: Sean, these two men proved that they belong in WWCF. Smokiin Vokoun really deserved that win. He put everything he had to putting Titanothere away. Put don't take anything away from Titan....he put his heart and soul into this match.

-Vokoun gets up to celebrate his win. Titan is still on the mat, still out cold from the impact. Vokoun kneels down, he smiles and shakes Titanothere's limp hand out of respect.

Sean Kelly: Well if I know Boiler Room Brawler, he had to have been watching this match and thinking that he will have his hands full with The Smokin Vokoun. For Michael Gettenpill and myself....see you next week!

Writing credits: Kris Kobain, Boiler Room Brawler, Headbanger Man, Smokin' Vokoun

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