
Sunday Night Heatz!!1 - May 9, 2010


Sunday Night Heatz - May 9th, 2010

TTS vs. Jazzman

Muffer: “The following contest is scheduled for one fall.”

“Down on Me” blasts over the PA as TTS makes his way to the ring.

Muffer: “Introducing first, from Davie, Florida, weighing in at 290 pounds, “The Voodoo Lawyer” TTS!”

The first 23 seconds of “Sing, Sang, Sung” play over the PA, as the crowd awaits for TTS’ opponent. Wearing an old school fedora, a pinstripe jacket and a cane, Jazzman arrives on the scene. He does a spin on the ramp, then follows that up by strutting to the ring, shaking his hands along the way.

Muffer: “His opponent, from Fulton, New York, weighing in at 206 pounds, Jazzman!”

Jazzman enters the ring and throws his fedora into the crowd. He gets into a stare down with TTS. Referee John Creed breaks it up and checks both men for any foreign objects. They are both clean. He signals for the bell, officially starting the match.

Both men slowly circle the ring, staring intently at each other, making their first decision(s). Slowly, they approach each other and lock up. A test of strength is initiated, with Jazzman narrowly winning. He quickly transitions this into a headlock. Wasting no time, TTS backs him up against the ropes and irish whips him off. On his return, Jazzman knocks TTS down with a shoulder block. He runs towards the ropes, but has to jump over TTS who laid flat on the ground. He bounces off the ropes again, but TTS leaps over him. On his third attempt, his plan is thwarted by a hiptoss. TTS quickly goes for the pin.

One, Two…

Jazzman kicks out!

TTS gets to his feet as Jazzman gets on his knees. TTS taunts his opponent by signaling that he was “this close” to winning. Jazzman brushes this off and gets back to his feet. Both men lock up again. Jazzman looks to start another test of strength, but TTS quickly locks in a headlock. Jazzman, mimicking TTS from earlier, backs him into the ropes and irish whips him off. On his return, TTS goes for a shoulder block, but Jazzman sees this coming and catches him with a knee to the mid-section, flipping TTS onto the mat. JM goes for the cover.

One, Two…

TTS kicks out!

Jazzman gets to his feet as TTS gets on his knees. Jazzman taunts his opponent by signaling that he was “this close” to winning, returning the favor from earlier. Both men lock up again, but Jazzman rapidly pushes him into the corner. He throws a hard knife-edge chop, which echoes throughout the arena. He follows this up with another one, this time with the crowd “Woo”ing along. He delivers another two chops, but is blocked on the third. TTS reverses him and Jazzman’s positions, and starts delivering chops to a corner-enclosed opponent. Jazzman tries to chop his way out of the corner, but he is evenly matched by the voodoo lawyer. JM breaks up the chopfest by kicking TTS in the gut. He pushes him away, just to get some distance and connect with a yakuza kick to the face! Jazzman hooks the leg.

One, Two, Thr…

TTS gets his shoulder up!

Jazzman picks his opponent up and sets up for a running reverse STO. TTS tries to fight him off, but JM delivers a few hard elbows to the head to sedate him. Now in position, he begins to run. He reaches TTS, but is unable to hit the maneuver, as TTS thrusts him away. JM is sent back first into the turnbuckle. The intensity slings him back towards TTS, who hit’s a belly to belly suplex.

TTS uses this time to regain his energy. Unfortunately, he wastes a bit too much time, as Jazzman gets to his feet before him. JM starts slugging at the back of his head. He goes for a reverse body slam, but TTS slithers over him. He attempts an inverted DDT, but Jazzman elbows him off. Following a kick to the midsection, he sets up for a butterfly suplex. TTS wants none of this, however, as he wriggles his arms free and kicks JM in the midsection. He runs towards the ropes and shoots back at his opponent, only to eat a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Jazzman hooks the leg.

One, Two, Thre…

TTS gets his shoulder up, just in the nick of time!

Jazzman goes to the cover and ascends the second rope. He sizes up TTS, making sure he has enough reach. When confirmed, he leaps off of the second rope and goes for an elbow drop. TTS moves out of the way just in time, leaving Jazzman hitting nothing but mat. JM holds his elbow and writhes in pain. TTS takes this time to recover. Learning from his past mistake, he doesn’t waste too much time in getting to his feet.

He approaches Jazzman, who is halfway to his feet. He helps him up by hoisting him over his shoulder, only to drop him on his knee, connecting with an atomic drop. This sends JM crashing face-first into the ring post. The impact sends him flying back into TTS, who connects with a back body suplex. Instead of releasing the hold, he bridges it into a cover.

One, Two, Thre…

Jazzman kicks out!

TTS applies a chinlock on a downed Jazzman. JM tries to elbow him off, but he doesn’t get enough strength in the strikes to daze his opponent. TTS cranks up the pressure, draining more energy from JM. With all of his strength (of what’s left of it), Jazzman starts to get to his feet. Sensing danger, TTS releases the hold and hits an inverted DDT. He hooks the leg.

One, Two, Thr…

Jazzman gets his shoulder up!

TTS starts to lock in the chinlock again, but changes his mind and releases the hold. Instead, he lifts his opponent to his feet and hoists him into a fireman’s carry. He transitions this into a spinning sideslam. Jazzman, however, lands on his feet and quickly hit’s a double arm brain buster. This sudden flurry of offense takes a lot out of Jazzman, leaving both men lying dormant on the mat. Referee John Creed begins the ten count.




TTS begins to crawl towards the turnbuckle, while Jazzman is using the ropes on the opposite side of the ring to hoist him up.


TTS is still crawling, while Jazzman is almost to his feet.

Jazzman gets to his feet, breaking the ten count. TTS, however, is still struggling to get to the turnbuckle. JM waits patiently, catching his breath. TTS finally makes it to the turnbuckle. He slowly starts to hoist himself up, as Jazzman is still catching his breath. TTS, slowly but surely, gets to his feet. He staggers a little, still showing signs of the brain buster. Jazzman stops in mid-breath and charges at TTS. He hits Takin’ the A Train! He hooks the leg.

One, Two, Three!

Muffer: “Here is your winner, Jazzman!”

John Creed lifts the hand of the exhausted Jazzman, who simply smiles. He takes his team getting back to his feet, catching his breath along the way.


Gettenpill - Now ladies and gentlemen, let’s take you to WWCF Headquarters, with Fred G. Neric!

Neric - Good evening WWCF Galaxy! Fred G. Neric here to bring you all the latest updates on upcoming events here in the WWCF!

Coming up on Monday, May 31st, is Survivor Team Challenge Series! And as announced earlier this week by Seth Drakin, two matches are already lined up for this show!

First we have a special number one contenders match, pitting the top two ranked competitors in the Top Six Rankings against each other. But to make things more interesting, Mr. Drakin has ruled that Titanothere and TTS must face different opponents in rankings matches first, with the winners going on to the PPV!

Then we have the big main event, the Stables Warz II! The Family, Heavy Metal Hollywood, and The Human Hate Machines, in the first ever triple threat Survivor Series elimination match! The rivalry has simmered for months, before exploding into a full blown war at Wrestle-CrApocalypse! With twelve men battling it out, we can be certain that we will find out which stable rules over WWCF!

But the night before the PPV, we have a special Championship edition of Heatz!!! Every title will be on the line at this landmark event!

The Champion of Honor, Jonathan Michaels, will be defending his title at this show, against an opponent to be decided tomorrow night during NiteRaw!

We’ll see the Inter-Forum Championship at stake when, one night before the Stable Warz match, The Family’s Boiler Room Brawler defends against the Human Hate Machines’ Square! Already, these two have engaged in a nasty war of the words, and with the title on the line, things can only escalate from there!

Next, the Hardcore Champion, Smokin’ Vokoun, will defend his newly won gold against The Hangman! Hangman has made it clear that he wants gold here in the WWCF, but Vokoun has shown himself to be completely unpredictable! This is the proverbial clash of the titans, folks!

Then, we have the Tag Team Championship match, pitting the reigning Champions, The Metal Express, against the Truth Coalition. The Coalition have had some big wins recently, while the Express have had some hard times. Can The Coalition capitalize and capture the gold? Or will the Express find a way to survive yet again?

Finally, the WWCF World Heavyweight Championship will be up for grabs, when Viva Los Bio Dome battles the man he personally challenged, Jay Carroll! Carroll more than held his own against Viva in the Thunder Dome and nearly walked out with the gold! At Championship Heatz, can he pull off the biggest win of his career and capture the WWCF World Heavyweight Championship?

Ladies and gentlemen, we are just three weeks away! Stay tuned to WWCF Programming and keep checking wwcf.com as more information is disclosed! This is Fred G. Neric signing off!

Kelly - Thanks Fred. We’ll be right back!


Main Event: Titanothere vs. Dream Warrior

Jerry Fish: This match is for one fall and is set for a fifteen minute time limit. First, from La Brea, California, weighing 366 pounds, the Monster of the Mesozoic Age, Titanothere!

(“Godzilla” by Blue Oyster Cult plays as Titan comes from the back. He lowers his head, paws the ground with both feet, and trudges down the ramp. Going up the steps he enters the ring and removes his helmet and shoulder pads before folding his arms and waiting for his opponent.)

Fish: And his opponent, weighing 200 pounds, from Memphis, Tennessee, Dream Warrior!

(“Memories Will Never Die” plays as the house lights dim. Dream Warrior descends from the rafters to land feet first in the ring.)

Michael Gettenpill: This is a rematch from last week’s Heatz!, requested by Titanothere. The big man said he didn’t think he saw Dream Warrior at his best last time, and is demanding the high flyer demonstrate to him and everyone else in the WWCF locker room that he belongs here.

Sean Kelly: Either that or Titan’s just trying to improve his won-loss record by crushing his tomato can a second time.

Gettenpill: Why must you be so cynical, Sean?

(John Creed calls both men to the ring to give instructions. Suddenly “Siva” by Smashing Pumpkins begins to play.)

Gettenpill: What the-? That’s Kris Kobain’s music!

(Kobain’s entrance video shows on the CrapTron, and then the wrestler himself appears on stage wearing street clothes, lugging a folding chair under one arm and holding up a ‘Fire Dream Warrior!’ picket sign with the other. He walks halfway down the ramp before setting up the chair to watch the match.)

Gettenpill: Kris Kobain, showing his displeasure at WWCF management for rehiring Dream Warrior.

Kelly: I don’t blame the Grunge Grappler one bit. I heard he had hundreds of tee shirts made for his fans advertising the fact he had personally ended Dream Warrior’s career. For WWCF to hire the guy back is a slap in Kobain’s face!

Gettenpill: Oh, and I suppose you agree with him that Seth Drakin should be fired as CEO too? Did you sign his petition?

Kelly: Uh, no comment.

(After both Titanothere and Dream Warrior glare at Kobain, the bell rings and each wrestler grabs the other in elbow and collar tie ups. There is a brief struggle before Titanothere slams Dream Warrior to the mat with a side headlock takedown. He tries for a quick pin but Warrior gets an arm up before referee John Creed can start his count.)

Gettenpill: Titanothere trying to end this early.

Kelly: For the benefit of the fans, no doubt.

(Titanothere rises and drags DW to his feet, then connects with an elbow smash that sends the smaller man staggering. Grabbing Warrior by the wrist Titan Irish whips his opponent to the ring ropes. He lowers his head, hoping to catch the rebounding Dream Warrior with a back body drop, but Warrior manages to halt his momentum and kick Titanothere in the jaw, straightening him up. He strikes Titan in the face with a spinning heel kick, then retreats back to the ropes for a springboard dropkick that knocks the Monster of the Mesozoic Age onto his backside.)

Kelly: At last, some offense by Dream Warrior. An impressive series of kicks that dumped his bigger opponent to the mat.

(DW scrambles to his feet and begins to kick at Titan, first his shoulders and chest, then concentrating on his left leg as the bigger wrestler rises. The Monster of the Mesozoic Age tries for a clothesline but Dream Warrior ducks it, then nails Titan in the back of his head with a Pele kick! When Titanothere lurches forward Warrior dives down and chop blocks his left knee. Titan falls to the mat. DW rises and drops an elbow onto the same knee, then bounces up and does it again. When he tries for a third time Titanothere rolls out of the ring.)

Gettenpill: Warrior is now targeting Titanothere’s left leg.

Kelly: Excellent strategy. If Dream Warrior can weaken the Monster’s foundation, his chances for winning will improve dramatically.

Gettenpill: Still think he’s a tomato can, Sean?

(Grabbing onto the apron Titan begins to limp around the outside, clutching his knee as he makes his way back toward the ring steps. Dream Warrior sprints to the turnbuckle closest to the lumbering Titanothere, then jumps and hits him with a corkscrew senton!)

Crowd: Gasps, then cheers!

(The camera shows Kobain in his seat looking grim)

Gettenpill: Oh My! Corkscrew senton to the outside!

Kelly: The Nocturne Knight took a huge chance there! Will he be able to capitalize?

(Both men are down on the floor. Referee John Creed starts his count. One… Two…. Dream Warrior stirs. Three…. Titanothere flops over onto his stomach… Four…. DW gets up. Five…. Titan is on his hands and knees. Six….. Warrior rolls back into the ring. Seven…. Titan gets to the apron and heaves himself up by the ropes. Dream Warrior runs at Titanothere and attempts a baseball slide, but Titan grabs his legs and flings him to the ground. He rolls in and gets to his feet, limping noticeably. Warrior gets up and grabs the ropes. Pulling himself up to the top rope, he launches himself at Titanothere, connecting with a flying leg drop to the back of his neck!)

Crowd: Oohs

Gettenpill: Dream Warrior has Titan down! He goes for the pin-!

(Another shot of Kobain, this time muttering to himself)

(Titan goes down, and DW flips him over for the cover. Creed hits the mat once before Titanothere gets his arm up. Dream Warrior grabs his opponent’s left leg, wrapping his own legs around it before falling back to hyperextend the Monster’s knee with a knee bar.)

Kelly: The high flyer demonstrating some of his mat skills with a knee bar to Titanothere’s already weakened leg. Very smart. Either he gets the big man to tap or further weakens his base.

(Titanothere roars in pain and tries to power out of the hold. He clubs the back of DW repeatedly, but Warrior hangs on. Titan twists and finally manages to pry Dream Warrior off his leg by pushing at his rear with his free foot. He lumbers to his feet and grabs the ropes. Warrior stands and begins stalking the Monster of the Mesozoic Age, trying to get onto his left flank. He scoots in to lands several Muy Thai style kicks at Titan’s leg, but before he can dart away Titan grabs him by the hair and levels him with a huge head butt. Staggering back, Warrior recovers in time to see Titanothere launch himself and connect with a lariat that sends the smaller wrestler pinwheeling!)

Crowd: Oohs

(Kobain is shown smirking and golf clapping at the lariat)

Gettenpill: What a lariat by Titanothere! Even with only one good leg he nearly took Dream Warrior’s head off!

(Titan pins Warrior’s shoulders, and Creed goes down to make the count. One…. DW kicks out. Titanothere gets to his feet and pulls DW up to try a scoop slam, but the Monster’s knee buckles and he falls backwards with his opponent on top of him!)

Kelly: Titanothere’s leg gave way! Dream Warrior’s working of the knee is paying off! Can he keep the Monster down long enough for a three count and earn his first victory in the WWCF?

Gettenpill: I’m betting right now Titan is rethinking his decision to call DW out!
(Creed counts One… Two… Titan bucks Dream Warrior off, clutching his knee. Dream Warrior stands up and kicks at Titanothere’s leg. Titan lumbers to his feet and decks his opponent with an uppercut, then a punch, then a head butt that knocks Warrior to the mat. The big man hops up and hits a big splash. He hooks Warrior’s legs for the pin. One…. Two…. Dream Warrior kicks out!)

Gettenpill: Warrior, showing incredible resilience in coming back from that big splash!

Kelly: Both men have given it there all tonight, Mike.

Gettenpill: Both men have a lot to prove!

(The Monster of the Mesozoic Age shakes his head in disbelief and slowly gets up. He grabs Warrior by the arm and drags him to the corner turnbuckle, still favoring his left knee. He slowly climbs to the second rope, putting most of his weight on his right side as he bounces on the ropes for another big splash. DW scrambles to his feet and kicks at Titan’s right knee, causing him to fall. Warrior scurries up to the top of the turnbuckle and flips backward, hitting Titanothere in the stomach with a moonsault!)

Crowd: Ooohs!

(Kris Kobain lowers his sign and facepalms)

Gettenpill: A beautiful moonsault from Dream Warrior. He goes for the cover-!

(Dream Warrior covers and goes for the pin. One… Two…. Titan gets a leg on the ropes!)

Gettenpill: And Titanothere stays alive, barely!

(Both men pull themselves up, each grabbing the other as they stand. Warrior punches Titan, Titan punches back. Warrior punches Titan again, then puts him in a front chancery and leaps onto the ropes to attempt a Tornado DDT. The Monster of the Mesozoic Age counters by holding the ropes, leaving Dream Warrior dangling from his neck! He wraps his arms around DW in a bear hug and drags him away from the turnbuckle.)

Kelly: Wow! Titan still has enough strength to counter that DDT. The man’s a beast.

Gettenpill: For him to do that on one leg is incredible!

( Rearing back, Titanothere connects with three quick headbutts, then puts Dream Warrior in a waistlock. With a shout Titan lifts his opponent up and slams him to the mat with a gutwrench powerbomb! Titan falls to the mat as well, clutching his injured knee.)

Gettenpill: The Extinction Event!!

Kelly: That should put Dream Warrior down, but Titanothere still needs to hurry and make the pin!

(After several seconds Titanothere rolls over to the supine Dream Warrior and drapes an arm across his chest. Creed makes the count. One…. Two… Three!)

Fish: Here is your winner, Titanothere!

(Titanothere slowly rises and lets John Creed hold up his hand. Kobain is shown on the CrapTon standing and clapping sarcastically, the picket sign held in the crook of his arm. Dream Warrior manages to sit up and get to his feet. Holding his back, he walks over to Titan. The Monster of the Mesozoic Age, still favoring his knee, glares at DW for a moment, then holds out his hand. Warrior accepts it and the two shake hands as the crowd cheers appreciatively.)

Gettenpill: An excellent showing by both men that continues after the match with a display of good sportsmanship.

Kelly: I have to admit, I didn’t have much faith in Dream Warrior going into this match, but he’s made a believer out of me, even in defeat.

Gettenpill: I wonder if Kris Kobain feels the same way, or if he’ll continue his one man crusade to have Dream Warrior fired from the WWCF?

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