Wrestler Name: Koda
Height(anything below 7'0): 6'1"
Weight(anything under 400): 223
Hometown: Los Angeles, California
Alignment(heel or face): Heel
Gimmick Description: A cocky hair metal bass player
Appearance(what does your wrestler look like?): Long black hair, well built.
Apparel(what does your wrestler wear?): Red leather jeans style pants, spiked red and black wrist bands.
Fighting Style(such as brawler, hardcore, ect.): All styles, can even change styles mid match, but prefers brawling, high flying, hardcore, and submission.
Theme Music: Saints of Los Angeles by Motley Crue
Entrance Description: Rock concert strobe lights start illuminating the stage entrance and pyro goes off as Koda walks to the ring holding his bass guitar.
10 to 20 Moves your wrestler uses:
Arkham Straighjacket(Straightjacket Lung Blower)
Joker Venom(Red mist sprayed into the eyes of opponent, blinding them and causing them to laugh uncontrollably and usually done right before hitting The Killing Joke)
Split-legged corkscrew moonsault
Shining Wizard
Elevated DDT
Wrap-around Neckbreaker
Springboard guillotine legdrop
Arkham Round Up(run up an opponent in the corner, giving them a moonsault kick, then once landing immediately give them a drop kick, and once they stumble out of the corner, a pele kick)
All Choked Up(use the neck tie he removed to choke the opponent)
Gaggle of Gifts(Grab a random object from within the pockets of his outer jacket that he removed pre-match, includes things such as brass knuckles and his Joker Venom)
Finishing Moves(you can do up to 2):
Heavy Metal Neckbreaker(Corkscrew Neckbreaker)
The Long Death(Tazzmission)
Koda's WWCF Championship History
Koda's WWCF Match by Match and Storyline History
- 9/1/2008-Monday Niteraw: Koda defeated SuperSweet in the first round of the WWCF World Championship Tournament
Koda's old pics