
Doc Sivana


Name: Doc Sivana

Height- 5'4 (Hunched to 5'0)

Weigtht- 98-105lbs (Whether he's carrying a Weapon)

Hometown- Science Island

Alignment- Heel Manager

Gimmick Description: Megalomaniacal Scientist bent on Fed Domination. Obsessed with finding the perfect "specimen" to manage to achieve that end. When confronted is a COMPLETE Coward unless he has a distinct advantage

Appearance- A Short, frail looking Man, completely Bald with thin almost elongated features. His hands are Bony but eerily strong, he has a pronounced Overbite and Large Full-Moon Spectacles. He is nearly always hunched over and wrings his hands as a nervous tic.

Apparel: Scrubs (Hospital Green), and a White Labcoat, modified with numerous pockets in the lining

Fighting Style: None/Flailing Madly

Theme: Night on Bald Mountain

Enterence Description: Slow Walk to ring stopping to threaten the fans, numerous looks back to the entrance ramp to make sure he isn't being followed.

Yell For Help
Wet Self
Kick To Groin
Hit with Carbon Rod
Thumb To Eyes
Nerve Pinch (Tongan or Vulcan)
The Cobra

Choke with Carbon Rod
Crossface Chicken Wing

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