
The General of the Monkey Army


Wrestler Name(Wrestlecrap Forum name): The General of the Monkey Army

Height(anything below 7’0): 6 feet

Weight(anything below 400): 225 pounds

Hometown(where you are really from or you can put parts unknown): Lansing, Michigan

Alignment(heel or face): Heel

Gimmick Description: A general that has a pet monkey that causes distractions.

Appearance(what does your wrestler look like): Col Debeers, but more hairy

Apparel(what does your wrestler wear?): camouflage and army boots

Fighting Style(such as brawler, hardcore, ect.): Brawler

Theme Music: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gam7zkmVuoQ King Kong 2004 Theme

Entrance Description(be detailed because this is what I will use for shows): I'm come out with my pet monkey on my shoulder. When I approach the ring my monkey will jump off and sit by the ring post and I will go into the ring.

10 to 20 Moves Your Wrestler Uses(this will help with match roleplay and writing): Monkey flip, monkey toss, armbar, suplex, standing clothesline, DDT, diving headbutt, superplex, running knee lift, and spinebuster.

Finishing Moves(can do up to two): Monkey Wrench (A reverse Texas cloverleaf)

Monkey's Paw (a massive right hand)

Bio and History-
The General was born in a little town in Michigan in 1988. After graduating high school the General entered the armed forces and was shipped to Africa. After getting lost from his platoon he was soon captured by platypus until an army of monkeys saved his life.

The monkeys then told the General that there has been a great war between the monkey's and the platypus for over a 100 years and no end in sight. So the General decided to help them out and after a bloody battle the platypus army was defeated and the General was made into The General of the Monkey Army.

After the war The General decided to join the WWCF and he has made his mission to become the greatest wrester in WWCF history.

The General now lives in Lansing, Michigan with his wife Koko the monkey and is expecting his first child.

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