


Wrestler Name: Jazzman

Height: 6'1"

Weight: 236

Hometown: Upstate New York

Alignment(heel or face): Face

Gimmick Description: A young man who found jazz waiting for him in his teens. He has combined his love of music with his love of wrestling in an attempt to become the best in both worlds.

Appearance: Brown hair, well built, but not super defined

Apparel: Grey and Black pinstripe trunks

Fighting Style: A grappler with a lean toward submission skills

Theme Music: Hurricane Season by Trombone Shorty

Entrance Description:Music plays for 23 seconds. Then I hit the stage, wearing an old school fedora and a pinstripe jacket and cane. Then I hit the ring get up on the second rope and point to the fans. After word, I get out of the ring and give my fedora a young kid in the front row (Bret Hart style)

10 to 20 Moves Your Wrestler Uses: Yakuza kick to the face, shoot kicks, Handspring Enziguri, Heel Hook, Tilt a whirl backbreaker, Single Leg Boston crab, Reverse bodyslam, Kimura, Butterfly Suplex, Triangle Choke, Judo throw, Mutliple German suplexs, Flying Armbar, Double Underhook Suplex, Overhand Chops, Hurricanrana, Running Neckbreaker

Finishing Moves(can do up to two):
Takin' The A Train (Snapmare Driver)
Mercy Mercy Mercy (La Mistica)

Jazzman's old look

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