
Saved by the Bell - March 29, 2010


Saved by the Bell - March 29, 2010

(super)Earlier today

The Truth Coalition, both dressed in suits, enter the school. Screech runs up to them.

Screech: Oh my gosh! You guys are the Truth Coalition! Can I have an autograph?!

Evil M: You sure you’re ready for tonight, YJ?

Yellow Jacket: Never been more ready in my life, M. Square and Amigo are going down.

The two keep on walking, ignoring Screech.

Screech: Guys! Guys? Aww shucks!

The “Saved by the Bell” theme song plays as a video plays:

*We open with Viva winning the WWCF World Championship. Cut to him and Seth arguing. Seth announces Little Naitch as the next challenger, in a Towel match. The announcement of D-Day Dave and Tyfo as the towel-bearers. Finally, we see the conclusion of last week’s NiteRaw main event, with the brawl between Heavy Metal Hollywood and The Southwest Connection.

Next, we see the history between “Damn Right” Jackson and The Boiler Room Brawler, dating back to their first match back in December. We see Brawler winning the Hardcore Championship, then Jackson winning the Inter-Forum Championship. The many verbal wars. Brawler beating Evil M to retain the Hardcore Championship and Jackson defeating Yellow Jacket to retain the Inter-Forum Championship. Jackson’s assaults on Jesse King, and the aftermath of the tag team match on NiteRaw.

Cut to highlights of the online war between Yellow Jacket and Amigo. The sneak attacks and the brawls. The formation of the Truth Coalition and The Human Hate Machines. The debut of the Hangman, as well as Amigo’s ongoing war with Sparks. Seth Drakin announcing the Double Dog Collars match, with Square chained to Evil M and YJ chained to Amigo.

Highlights play, showing the Tournament of Honor. Clips of each match are shown, ending with a split screen shot of Jazzman and Jonathan Michaels celebrating their respective Semifinal wins.

Clips of every Superstar on the roster play, as the following appears on the bottom of the screen.


(super)IT’S ALL RIGHT…


Pyro goes off as we cut to Jesse King and Gorilla Tim Hoss at ringside.

Hoss - Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to sunny Bayside, California! Welcome to Bayside High! Welcome to Saved by the Bell!

King - Jesse King and Gorilla Tim Hoss here at ringside to bring you what looks to be one of the biggest pay-per-view events of the year!

Hoss - As we saw in that opening package, a lot of issues to be settled here tonight.

*Wannabe in LA*

Hoss - And by the sounds of things, we’re ready to kick things off, so let’s send it over to Michael Muffer!

Official WWCF Rankings Six Pack Challenge Match: Cage King V. “Champagne” Jay Carroll V. Inspector Shetty V. Kris Kobain V. Titanothere V. The Smokin’ Vokoun

Inspector Shetty makes his way into the gymnasium as his music blares over the Radio Bayside speakers.

Muffer - Ladies and gentlemen, tonight’s opening contest is a six pack challenge! In this match, two Superstars will start in the ring. Anyone can be tagged at any time. The first person to score a pinfall or a submission will be the winner and claim the number ten spot in the WWCF Rankings!

On his way to the ring, from Bombay, England, weighing in at 265 pounds, Inspector Shetty!

The crowd boos, but Shetty seems nonplused by it all, simply holding up his special remote and cueing up the “SHETTY!!!” chants.

*Panic Switch*

“Champagne” Jay Carroll, along with his manager, The Sam, make their way to the ring, greeted by a mixed reaction from the crowd.

Muffer - From Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, weighing in at 215 pounds, “Champagne” Jay Carroll!

The Sam and Jay stop halfway to the ring. Jay whispers something to Sam, he nods, then returns to the back as Jay continues the walk to the ring.

Hoss - I wonder what that was about, Jess?

King - You got me, Gorilla. Maybe Carroll feels he doesn’t need Sam’s help to win tonight.

*Sinner Man*

The Smokin Vokoun slowly makes his way through the curtain, glaring at the fans, who boo loudly.

Muffer - From Chicago, Illinois, weighing in at 275 pounds, The Smokin’ Vokoun!

*Smokin Vokoun grabs a mic. The crowd boos him loudly*

Smokin Vokoun: You know, as I look at this crowd tonight....I can't help but remember what it was like back when I was in High School....THE WORST TIME I'VE EVER HAD IN MY ENTIRE LIFE!!!

*some boo some cheer*

Smokin Vokoun: High School, was filled with preppy, arrogent, pompus JERKS!!! And hot women who were
nothing but shallow, brainless...WHORES!!!

*the good looking people boo and the ugly people cheer*

Smokin Vokoun: People who treated outcasts like ME like pieces of gum stuck on the hallway floors. I was BULLIED by captains of the Football team and made of by the President of the Student Body. And I was also rejected by some of the prettiest girls in school...WHO TURNED OUT TO BE BLACK AND EVIL AND UGLY ON THE INSIDE!!! These are the people that turned me into the monster you see today. And judging by the looks of all of you out there...NOTHING MUCH HAS CHANGED!!! So tonight, I'm gonna take my frustrations out on YOU Kris Kobain, YOU Cage King, YOU Inspector Shetty. YOU WORTHLESS PRETTY BOY JAY CARROLL....and of course you...TITANOTHERE!!! YOU ARE ALL GOING DOWN!!! BECAUSE SMOKIN VOKOUN.....

*the crowd boos loudly but some are cheering*

Smokin Vokoun: ....isn't jokin.

*He slams the mic down*

Vokoun crawls into the ring and slumps down in the corner, as both Shetty and Carroll keep their distance.


The fans cheer as Titanothere emerges from the back.

Muffer - From La Brea, California, weighing in at 366 pounds, Titanothere, the Monster from the Mesozoic Age!

Hoss - We’ve seen quite a rivalry develop as of late between Titanothere and The Smokin’ Vokoun, Jess.

King - Gorilla, these are two huge men who don’t like each other. If I were one of the other four guys in this match, I’d use that knowledge to my advantage here.

Cage King emerges from backstage, performing a new rap piece, but during the rap, he doesn’t refer to himself as Cage King, but instead, as Blackout.

Hoss - Did he say, “Blackout”?

Muffer - From Los Angeles, California, weighing in at 295 pounds, Cage-

Cage King grabs the mic.

Cage King - My name is NOT Cage King!




Everyone stares at Blackout…

A blue sign reading “KOBAIN” flashes, then suddenly shatters as Kris Kobain shooting star press’s his way through. Walking behind him is Bayside Cheerleader Kelly Kapowzki. Kobian picks up a mic.

Kobain: "Only one man will walk out of the six pack challenge match the winner. Only one man will be a single man highlight real. Only one man will leave you begging for more. That man is Kris Kobain."


Muffer - And, from Seattle, Washington, weighing in at 185 pounds, Kris Kobain!

Hoss - And here’s the wildcard in all this, Jess. Kris Kobain, the newcomer among these six men.

King - He may be new, but already he’s gotten himself involved with some of the men in this match, Titanothere and Cag- er, Blackout, among others.

Kobain and Blackout start the match as the other four each take a spot on the apron.

Kobain and Blackout lock up, Kobain locks on a headlock, takedown. Blackout scissors out of it, both men up, Kobain with an arm drag, Blackout back to his feet, charges Kobain, clothesline, Kobain rolls back to his feet and dives at Blackout with a body press for the first cover of the match!


Both men backup to the ropes, where Carroll and Shetty tag themselves in.

The two tie up, and Shetty tries to take Carroll down with a leg sweep, but Carroll stays up and hiptosses Shetty to the mat. Shetty get’s back to his feet and rushes Carroll, who catches him with an arm drag! Shetty slap’s the mat in frustration before getting back to his feet. The two lockup again. Shetty applies a hammerlock, but Carroll sweeps the leg out. He holds on, but Shetty kicks Carroll back, then monkey flip’s him over when he charges in. Vokoun reaches over and tag’s Carroll, while Titanothere get’s the tag from Shetty.

King - Here we go, Gorilla! The two big men about to go at it!

Titanothere and Vokoun get in each other’s faces and look ready to lock up, when Kobain reenters the ring. He shoves both men, then turns to see Kelly’s reaction. She smiles. Kobain turns back to Titanothere and Vokoun, who stand there with angry looks on their faces. Kobain starts trash talking them, but the two quickly lay him out with a tandem punch to the face! Blackout, Shetty, and Carroll enter the ring and the whole thing breaks down.

Hoss - Well, it didn’t take long for this one to turn into a free for all, Jess!

Blackout and goes at it with Vokoun, while Shetty and Carroll try to doubleteam Titanothere, to no avail, as the big man sends both to the outside. Vokoun dispatches Blackout with a lariat, then turns his attention back to Titanothere. The two lockup, but the tussle is shortlived, as Kobain, back on his feet, launches himself off the top rope with a shooting star press onto both men! Kobain get’s back to his feet and surveys the carnage, as the only man left standing. On the outside, Kelly cheers for Kobain, but the cheer turns to a scream as Blackout grabs her arm! Kobain goes to help her, but Carroll beats him to the punch, nailing Blackout with a running forearm! Kobain grabs Jay by the hair and pulls him up on the apron. He tries to suplex him into the ring, but Jay blocks it and drops Kobain throat first across the top rope! Kobain staggers back, into Titanothere’s waiting clutches! Chokeslam! Shetty comes up behind Titanothere and spins him around into a DDT! Vokoun quickly swoops in and locks the Mandible Claw on Shetty, but Carroll breaks it up and nails Vokoun with the Hangover! Cover!


Muffer - Here is your winner, “Champagne” Jay Carroll!

Kelly enters and kisses Jay on the cheek, then raises his hand, but he shoves her aside and exits on his own.

Hoss - Jay Carroll get’s the win and the number ten spot in the rankings, Jess!

King - But he could’ve had the girl, too! What’s wrong with him?!

Hoss - Jess, she’s way too young for him! She’s still in High School!

King - Good move, Jay! Keepin’ yourself outta trouble! Rock on, man!

"Too Black, Too Strong... DAMN RIGHT!"
Bring Tha Noise - Public Enemy Feat. Anthrax

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Hey, look who it is!

Jesse King: Oh great, what the hell is he doing here now?

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Well he's our Inter-Forum Champion Jesse, and he does have a match tonight.

Jesse King: Yeah but not till later tonight, I think he wants to grace us with his presence just so we can hear him babble.

"Damn Right" Jackson steps out onto the ramp in his trademark white suit, he smugly looks left and right before opening up his jacket to reveal the Inter-Forum Championship to a shower of boos.

Michael Muffer: Ladies and Gentlemen, introducing the Inter-Forum Champion... "Damn Right" Jackson!

Jesse King: Soon to be FORMER...

Gorilla Tim Hoss: I don't know about that...

Jesse King: So you're on his side this week?

DR Jackson gets into the ring and just takes in all the boos with a big smile; he takes a mic.

DR Jackson: HELLO BAYSIDE! Can you believe it? Can you believe your eyes? You guys are experiencing, first hand The Era of Attitude, you can go home and tell your friends and family that you saw The Black Dynasty, in person! Oh I am so jealous!

*The crowd's booing gets louder*

Come now, don't be hating, I like it here. I love Bayside. I mean where else can I go and have hear Run DMC without being chastised? I mean believe it or not, but everywhere else in the world thinks that you guys are wayy behind the times, as if you were all 20 years in the past. It's like that, and that's the way it is!

However that isn't the only reason why I like it here, after all the staff and administration of this place is amazing!


The teachers are hip and cool *What?* The cafeteria is amazing! *What?* And most of all, you have without a doubt the coolest, most understanding principle of all time! *WHAT?* That's right! Mr. Richard Belding is a true visionary *What?* He's a fair man *What?* And most of all he doesn't advocate racism!

You've seen it, you walk down the halls and you see brothers hanging out with you whities, actually getting a chance to succeed, believe me, where I grew up in West Philly that was but a luxury. You all should learn from Mr. Belding, if there were more people like him in the world... people might actually give a damn about you people here in Bayside!


And this is why no one ever comes here! You guys are given some life lessons by a celebrity success story and this is how you treat them! Like the trash you think they are! However I don't blame the staff for your ideals... clearly you silver spooners are simply too think to learn any better. Maybe I should talk to Mr. Belding and see if he can work you guys harder so you can actually better yourselves.

*The booing gets louder*

I don't get why you guys boo me, I was once like you. I grew up with people like you, slimy pathetic people who expect to be handed everything, people who think that anyone who isn't as rich or as fortunate as them are beneath you! But no! You guys need to learn, people "beneath" you are what make you who you are. You need them, you need to appreciate them... You need help and accept them. Most of all you need to listen to them!

*"Asshole!" chants begin*

You guys really expect to get far in life what that sort of language? I am the Black Dynasty, I am your dynasty!


This is why I wish we had a show over at Valley High instead-

Bayside High Glee Club Song

The music cuts DR Jackson off, as Mr. Belding appears at the top of the ramp to even more boos, he smiles as he makes his way down to the ring.

Michael Muffer: And now introducing the Principle of Bayside High... Mr. Richard Belding!

Mr. Belding gets into the ring and grabs a mic, after a smile, Mr. Belding shakes DR Jackson's hand. The booing gets louder.

DR Jackson: Nice to finally meet you, sir.

Mr. Belding: Thank you for inviting me down here Mr. Damn, it's nice to meet you too.

DR Jackson: Although I did invite you out here tonight, you came out a little too early there.

Mr. Belding: I'm sorry for that, but as much as I like you. I would not tolerate you talking about my school like that, and really? Valley High?

DR Jackson: Don't get me wrong Dick-

Mr. Belding: That's MR. Belding to you! Or at least Richard, but please, no profanity in my school.

DR Jackson: Look, I wasn't talking bad about your school, I love what you're doing here. But it's just these students of yours are disrespectful ingrates! We come out of our way to put a show on for these guys and this is how they treat the Black Dynasty?

Mr. Belding: No, you look. The way I see it's these aren't just students of the school, they are part of Bayside! Which means that are a big part of my life! And by badmouthing them, you're badmouthing me!

*The crowd begins to cheer Mr. Belding*

However don't get me wrong, I know how disrespectful these guys are, it's just if anyone has anything bad to say about them... it's me!

*They go right back to boos*

DR Jackson: I'd watch who you're talking to!


DR Jackson: And I am THE INTER-FORUM CHAMPION! What's the worst you're going to do to me? Suspend me? Just imagine what I can do to you...

Mr. Belding: What am I going to do to you?... I'm going to give you this!

Mr. Belding goes to punch DR Jackson, but stops and hands him a plaque from his Jacket.

DR Jackson: *reads* Honorary Bayside Student of the Year... I'm touched.

To two men start to laugh

Mr. Belding: This is for simply being the best "Damn Right" Jackson you can be, and for being a true visionary and inspiration to our youth. If anything, they world would be a better place if they were more like you, DR Jackson. And with that I really do hope you kick that Boiler Room Brawlers butt, all he does is represent everything that is wrong with the youth today.

Violence, depression, obesity...

DR Jackson turns to the crowd.

DR Jackson: And there you have it folks, Neither Enemy Nor Friend... Just Two people you should all learn to take after! To make the Era of Attitude a thing of beauty and respect!

Mr. Belding: DAMN RIGHT!

The two men shake hands in the ring again and the crowd shower the two men in boos.

Hoss - What a moment that was, Jess! “Damn Right” Jackson honored by Bayside’s Mr. Belding! I had chills there, Jess!

King - Gimme a break. Can we please just go to the next match?

Winner Pick's His Opponent: Sparks V. The Hangman

King - Thank you.

Muffer - The following contest is set for one fall, with a 20 minute time limit. The winner will have his choice of an opponent, between either member of the Truth Coalition for The Hangman, or either member of the Human Hate Machines for Sparks.

*Pull Me Under*

Sparks emerges from the lockerroom, a look of determination on his face as the crowd meets him with a mixed reaction.

Muffer - Introducing first, representing Heavy Metal Hollywood, Sparks!

*Sparks gets out of the ring and grabs a mic. He gets back in and speaks*

Sparks versus Amigo... I can see it now. This... is an ultimate opportunity. A chance for all those attacks from behind to actually mean something. And what a more fitting way by taking out one of his cronies. Allow this to be a mental statement, Amigo; for it will be your future. Take some notes, if you want, because there is no way that you are going to stop me from catching you in my web. Read my lips: no escape.

*Sparks throws the mic out of the ring and waits for his opponent*

*Ballad of a Hangman*

The Hangman walks down the aisle to a chorus of boos, but there are a few scattered cheers from the corners of the gym.

Muffer - And his opponent, representing The Human Hate Machines, The Hangman!

The bell rings. Sparks cautiously and watchfully walks forward. He stops in the middle of the ring and notices that Hangman stands in his corner. Unmoving. Like stone. Sparks then begins to wonder how in the world he is going to take this big man down. Sparks runs at him and gets nailed with a standing big boot! Hangman covers.



Hangman suddenly is animate and grabs Sparks by the hair. Sparks gets out of it and starts giving CM Punk-like kicks to the hamstrings. Hangman buckles a bit, but does not drop. Sparks goes for an enziguri, but Hangman catches him and tosses him into the middle of the ring. He drags Sparks into a corner then goes the the opposite corner. He runs at full speed and leaps off the corner and connects with Sparks’s torso and covers.




Hangman mounts Sparks and hammers him repeatedly in the temples. Sparks tries to protect himself with his forearms, but it does not help at all. Hangman lifts Sparks up into the torture rack. Sparks has a grimace of pain on his face as Hangman has a sadistic look on his. The crowd is clapping for Sparks for him to get out of it. Sparks slowly lowers himself of the submission onto his feet, but Hangman is still tourqing. Sparks punches Hangman to get out of the hold. He runs the ropes towards Hangman and tries to hit a clothesline. Hangman is unaffected. He runs the ropes and tries a clothesline again. No effect. He grabs Hangman’s head and tries to deliver a cutter to him, but Hangman turns it around into a Hangman’s neckbreaker. He hooks the leg.




He picks Sparks up and tosses him out to ringside. Hangman follows and starts kicking and stomping Sparks. The referee starts the count.



Hangman picks Sparks up and battering rams him into the ring post and the steel steps.


He stomps and kicks Sparks once more and gets back in the ring.



Sparks grabs the cloth of the apron for leverage. He slowly starts to get onto the apron as Hangman stands there with his hands on his hips.


Sparks regains composure and springboards off the ropes. Hangman hits a buzzsaw kick onto him out of mid air! He covers.




Hangman can't believe it. Sparks is in obvious pain. Hangman shakes his head disapprovingly and lifts Sparks up for an Electric Chair, but Sparks lands behind him and gets him in position for a Coup-De-Grace. He then realizes that Hangman has about 100 lbs. on him so he drops him into a reverse DDT. He covers Hangman.



Sparks goes outside to the apron and springboards into a frog splash onto Hangman. Cover.



He sits up Hangman and tries to hit a running boot to the face, but Hangman grabs his leg, stands up, and locks him into an Argentina leg lock. Sparks it grunting in pain as Hangman has a wild look in his eyes. His teeth grints as he torques on the leg of Sparks. He has nowhere to go and it appears to be all over. All of the sudden…

“We’re Not Gonna Take It”

The crowd pops loudly as Headbanger Man with a drumset runs out. Hangman lets go of the leg lock and runs to the side of the ring to look. HBM quickly sets up the drums as Hangman looks on scratching his head in confusion. The lights go dim and a spotlight is shown on HBM. He then starts shredding the drums. This goes on for 3 minutes. While Hangman is distracted, Sparks quickly School boys him.




Winner: Sparks

The crowd pops as Sparks runs to the outside and celebrates with HBM and the fans while Hangman starts to throw a fit and kick the steel steps in frustration.

Hoss - Sparks did it! Somehow, someway, he did it!

King - Hangman was absolutely dominant, Gorilla! But Sparks pulled it out! And now, as a result, he can pick his opponent between Square and Amigo!

Hoss - Gee Jess, I wonder who he’ll pick?

King - Haha, yeah. No real secret who he wants to get his hands on, and I personally cannot wait for that match!

Hoss - But now, for something completely different, it’s time for our special mixed tag team match, as Quintana Roo and Leon Sharpe take on The General and Bongo!

Mixed Tag Team Match: Mr. Quintana Roo and Leon Sharpe V. The General of the Monkey Army and Bongo the Gorilla

Muffer - This match is the mixed tag team contest and it is set for one fall!


Quintana Roo and Leon Sharpe, clad in a wrestling singlet and the official Leon Sharpe t-shirt, make their way down the aisle.

Muffer - Introducing first, the team of Mr. Quintana Roo and Leon Sharpe!

*King Kong 2004*

The General and Bongo walk out, with Tinkers riding on the General’s shoulder.

Muffer - And their opponents, the team of The General of the Monkey Army and Bongo The Gorilla!

The bell rings as The General and Roo lockup. Roo locks in a hammerlock, but The General counters out of it and into a standing side headlock. Roo hoists The General up for a backdrop, but The General flips out of it, lands on his feet, and goes for the Monkey Paw, but Roo backs up to his corner!

Hoss - Roo bit off a bit more than he could chew right there, Jess.

Roo goes back to the middle of the ring and locks up with The General again. Irish whip, leapfrog, General drops down, Monkey Flip! Roo back up, the General catches him off a charge, release belly to belly suplex! Roo rolls over to his corner and much to Sharpe’s chagrin, makes the tag.

King - And now it looks like we’re going to see Leon Sharpe and Bongo enter this match!

The General tag’s Bongo. Bongo enters and walks over to the corner, grabs Sharpe, and lifts him into the ring! Sharpe backs up, terrified of the gorilla. Roo comes up behind Bongo, but the gorilla simply swats him away. Sharpe uses the distraction to try and bail, but The General catches him and throws him back in! Bongo picks Sharpe up over his head and slams him down to the mat! Cover!


Muffer - Here are your winners, The General of the Monkey Army and Bongo the Gorilla!

Hoss - Well, that was quick.

King - Well, you get in the ring with a gorilla and see how long you last! Actually, Gorilla V. a gorilla, that could be interesting. Maybe Ms. Morton can make it happen!

Hoss - Um, I don’t think so Jess. Let’s just move on. A very personal match coming up, as The Human Hate Machines take on The Truth Coalition in a double dog collars match!

Double Dog Collars Match: The Truth Coalition V. The Human Hate Machines

Muffer: “The following contest is the Double Dog Collars scheduled for one fall. The only way to win is via pinfall or submission inside the ring, with no count outs or disqualifications. If any man takes off his dog collar, his team will be disqualified. ”

“Men on the Thunderstruck Mountain” blasts over the PA as The Truth Coalition, Evil M and Yellow Jacket, sternly make their way to the ring. They bypass the crowd and the boos and head straight into the ring, both looking intently serious.

“Welcome to Hell” blasts over the PA as the Human Hate Machines, Amigo and Square, cockily approach the ring. They both have huge grins on their faces, as they lock their attention on their opponents. They waste no time in getting into the ring and stare down the Truth Coalition. Referees John Creed and “Spud” Verne Johnson separate the teams. They chain Square to Evil M and Amigo to Yellow Jacket.

The bell rings, signaling the beginning of the match.

Yellow Jacket charges at Amigo, tackling him and knocking him off his feet. Both men roll around the ring trading blows, eventually rolling out of the ring. Inside the ring, Evil M and Square exchange fists and chops. Yellow Jacket slams Amigo’s head against the steel steps on the outside, while M bashes Squares head into the turnbuckle. He exposes the steel turnbuckle and attempts to bash his opponent’s head into it, but Square blocks it and sends Evil M’s head crashing into the exposed steel.

On the outside, Yellow Jacket is choking Amigo with the dog collar. He drags him to the steel ring barricade and smashes his head onto it. He bench-presses him over his head and drops him chest-first onto the steel barricade.

Back inside, Square is mounted over Evil M in the corner, delivering blow after blow. The crowd starts to count along. As they reach eight, M low blows Square. He walks a few feet away from the turnbuckle, then drops Square headfirst onto the exposed steel. Square falls to the mat and quickly rolls to the outside. Evil M catches his breath before getting onto the apron, while his partner chokes Amigo out with the dog collar. M sizes Square up, but doesn’t follow up on his plan, as Square grabs the dog collar and chucks him off of the apron. M’s head collides with the announce table, seemingly hitting the monitor. It immediately busts him open.

On the other dog collar, YJ continues to choke Amigo. He stops to retrieve a steel chair underneath the ring, but gets it punched back into his face. Amigo hoists him over his head and drops YJ on his groin on the steel barricade. Amigo then grabs the chair and smacks YJ in the face with it, knocking him off of the barricade and into the crowd. Amigo hops over the barricade and starts brawling with YJ all through the crowd, as referee John Creed follows suit, trying to get them to come back to the ring.

Meanwhile, Square is clearing off the announce table. He grabs one of the monitors and sizes Evil M up. A bloody M staggers to his feet, only to be met with a devastating monitor shot. Square then lifts M to his knees and drags him over to the cleared announce table. He sets him onto it, and goes to ascend the top turnbuckle. Thanks to the dog collar, however, he cannot reach the turnbuckle. Disgruntled, he frantically searches under the ring.

In the back, a cameraman has caught up with Amigo and Yellow Jacket. They’re brawling throughout the hallways of Bayside High, as security holds back any patrons in the back, which include some Bayside High teachers. Amigo whips YJ back-first into a locker. He goes to follow up on this head, but has his head driven straight into a locker. YJ grabs a loose Masterlock and fidgets with it, trying to lock it onto Amigo’s collar. He eventually does, locking it into one of the holes, making it that Amigo cannot undo his collar.

Ringside, Square has retrieved a ladder and set it up next to the announce table. He tries to go to the top, but discovers he can only make it half-way up. As he turns around, Evil M rolls off of the table. He yanks Square off of the ladder and sends him crashing onto the announce table, which doesn’t break. Square falls back far enough that its force yanks M ribs-first into the announce table.
Backstage, Amigo and YJ are still brawling through the hallways. Amigo gets the upper hand after he hit’s a lowblow, and he drags YJ into an empty classroom. He chucks him into a bed of desks, sending him crashing and knocking over four of them. Amigo then starts laying in the fists. He stops to scan the room, as something spots his eye. He has an evil grin on his face. He picks YJ up and drags him to the windowsill, where we see a pencil sharpener. He tries to stick YJ’s pinky into the sharpener and sharpen it, but YJ fights him off. YJ pokes him in the eye and then wallops him over the head with a heavy, hardcover textbook. Amigo falls to his knees.

YJ grabs him by the mask and drags him over to the teacher’s desk. He grabs a stapler off of the desk and starts stapling Amigo’s forehead. He shortly runs out of staples, so he clocks him over the head with it and then chucks it away. He then drags Amigo outside of the classroom. As YJ walks out of the door, he is met with a steel chair shot to the head. The camera pans out to reveal the chair wielder to be Screech. He looks at the fallen YJ and says, “At least Amigo signed an autograph for me.” He then walks away. We get a close-up of a confused Amigo, who just shrugs his shoulders. He starts to drag YJ back to the ring.

Meanwhile, Evil M and Square start to make it to their feet. M goes to grab Square, but it met with a steel chair shot. He backs into the ladder, but stays on his feet. Square makes his way around the table and starts to approach M, but M pushes the ladder into him, cracking him in the skull. Evil M goes to pick Square up, but Square charges M into the turnbuckle/steel steps. He then rolls through the ring, to the other side of the turnbuckle, and starts pulling on the dog collar, choking Evil M on the turnbuckle.

Amigo and YJ make their way back down to the ring, once again brawling through the crowd. Amigo gets the upper hand following a stiff shot. He proceeds to irish whip YJ into the steel barricade, and then signals for a clothesline. YJ ducks and backdrops Amigo back into the ring mats. YJ turns around to see his partner being choked and hops over the barricade and darts for Square. He’s too far, however, as YJ gets whipped to the ground, cracking his skull onto the mats below.

Square cranks up the pressure, as Evil M slowly starts to fade away. His face starts to turn blue, as both referees try their best to pry Square off from choking. Just as it looks as if M is about to pass out, he summons the strength to grab the dog collar and tug Square forehead first into the turnbuckle. It opens up a huge gash on Square’s forehead, as M catches every breath he can.

Meanwhile, Amigo has started to heavily tape his fists. YJ stops him by crawling over and delivering a punch to the face, but Amigo responds with a huge right, knocking YJ for a loop. He finishes taping his fists and then searches under the ring. After a few moments, he pulls out a coil of barbed wire. He starts wrapping some of it around his fists. He crawls over to YJ and starts digging the barbed wire into his skull, opening him up. YJ screams bloody murder, which his partner hears. He pops his head above the apron to see his partner being ripped apart with barbed wire. He makes it to his feet and starts to approach them, but Square yanks on the collar, sending M crashing knee-first into the steel steps, flipping him over them.

Amigo digs a bit deeper into YJ’s skull, then finally stops with a devilish grin on his face. The referees plead with him to take it down a notch, but he threatens to hit them with his barbed-wire fists. He then proceeds to start pummeling YJ with his barbed-wire fists, adding salt to the wounds. YJ screams in agony. Amigo stops and starts to remove the barbed wire from his fists, as YJ drags himself to his feet via the aid of the barricade. As he gets to his feet, he challenges Amigo to bring it on. Amigo laughs and obliges, clubbing him with his barbed-wire fist, sending YJ careening over the steel barricade.

The refs argue for Amigo to stay ringside, and he surprisingly obliges. He gets rid of the rest of the barbed wire on his fists and starts searching under the ring. He eventually pulls out a bed of barbed wire. This sends the refs into a tizzy, but Amigo could care less. He sets it up on the middle of the floor and goes over to the barricade. He grabs YJ by the hair and hooks his arm. He hoists him into the air and suplexes him back into the ringside area, right onto the bed of barbed wire. YJ cries out in pain.

Evil M tries to crawl over to his partner, but Square holds him by the foot. Amigo is close-by, so he walks over and starts kicking in the back of the head. He then grabs the coil of barbed wire and slams it onto Evil M’s back. M starts to scream out in agony.

Square gets to his feet and starts stomping on Evil M. Meanwhile, Amigo picks YJ up and rolls him into the ring. He searches under the ring and retrieves a bag. He rolls into the ring and empties the bag, covering the ring with thousands of thumbtacks. He sets YJ up for a power bomb onto the tacks. YJ struggles to fight it off, eventually backbody dropping Amigo onto the tacks. Amigo screams in pain as the cameras get a good shot of the thumbtacks stuck in his back.

Outside the ring, Square is still stomping away at Evil M. M starts to push him off and crawl away, trying to get to his feet. He accidentally crawls straight into the bed of barbed wire, getting his beard stuck in the barbed wire. He valiantly struggles to get free, as Square starts to maniacally laugh. He sizes M up and goes for a curb stomp. Luckily, M is able to get free just in time to move out of the way. Unfortunately for Square, his foot is stuck.

Evil M now starts to maniacally laugh, as he gets to his feet. He starts hitting Square with lefts and rights, before seemingly walking away. Instead, he gets a full head of steam and charges at Square, hitting a running bulldog. This sends Square face-first into the barbed wire. He quickly rolls off and screams in pain. His foot, however, is still stuck.

Back in the ring, both Amigo and YJ make it to their feet. They start exchanging blows one after another. YJ eventually gets the upper hand and starts delivering lefts and rights. He runs to the ropes and charges at Amigo, but Amigo tosses him over the top rope. YJ goes a bit too far, yanking Amigo over the top rope as well, as he comes crashing into the steel barricade.

On the opposite side of the ring, Square is still struggling to free his foot from the barbed wire. Evil M is laughing at him, as he continually kicks him in the head. He retrieves two steel chairs from under the ring and places one under Square’s head. He hoists the other one over his head and gets ready to hit a conchairto, but Square grabs the chair underneath his head and low blows M with it. M falls to the ground in agony. The refs set Square’s foot free by cutting the barbed wire with pliers. Square slowly starts to crawl into the ring.

On the other side of the ring, Amigo grabs a fan’s chair and cracks YJ over the head with it. He starts to smile and laugh. He follows this up by pulling a Tatami needle out of his boot. As he approaches YJ, he stops and then chucks the Tatami needle to the side. He searches under the ring, only to pull out a bed of Tatami needles. He sets the bed up neatly on the ground and turns around. Out of nowhere, YJ hits him with the Sting, sending Amigo falling onto the bed of Tatami needles.

In the ring, Square sees this and his jaw hit’s the mat. He starts to walk over to the ropes, but is yanked backwards by Evil M. In one fluid motion, Evil M yanks Square back towards him, hoists him onto his shoulders and Tombstone Piledrives him. He goes for the cover.

1, 2, 3!

Muffer: “Here are your winners, Evil M and the Yellow Jacket, The Truth Coalition!”

The crowd starts to boo, though some cheers do come through. The referees unhook Evil M and Square’s dog collar. They go outside to do the same for YJ and Amigo, but YJ shoves them away. He asks M for a mic, and M retrieves him one.

YJ (breathing heavily) “The reason I asked for this dog collar match tonight, was so that Amigo could no longer run away from me. Thanks to this match, he wasn’t able to. But, I’m not the only person you’ve been ducking and dodging for the past few months. There’s another man who has wanted nothing more than to beat the living hell out of you. Tonight, he gets that chance.”

“Pull Me Under” blasts over the PA as Sparks makes his way to the ring to the delight of the crowd. He looks intense and won’t take his eyes off of Amigo. He approaches YJ, who has taken his collar off. He hands it to Sparks and tells him, “Do your worst.” Sparks puts the dog collar on as the Truth Coalition holds the referees back. Amigo is enraged that Sparks has shown up and charges at him and they roll on the ground going tooth and nail for a minute spilling outside of the ring. YJ and Evil M start to walk away, giving the refs a chance to pry Sparks and Amigo apart.

They do, but Sparks pushes them away and jumps on Amigo who the refs are still holding and mounts Amigo as he pounds on him. More referees come to the ring, but they all can’t keep Sparks off of Amigo. Eventually, security gets involved and handcuff Sparks. This doesn’t even stop him, as he breaks free and starts stomping on Amigo. It isn’t until the refs and security hoist Sparks onto their shoulders and carry him out that they can get him away from Amigo. They try to help Amigo to the back who is bleeding now, but he breaks away from the refs and EMTs and tackles Sparks who is still handcuffed and starts pounding on him as Sparks yells at him. The two are finally pulled apart both bleeding.

Hoss - Jess, how do you describe what we just saw?

King - Brutal Gorilla. Just brutal.

Hoss - Well, Yellow Jacket got his revenge on Amigo, and Sparks got a taste of what’s to come.

King - Well, Sparks and Amigo will meet in a match in the very near future, but right now, we move on to the Championship portion of tonight’s show, beginning with the WWCF World Tag Team Championship.

WWCF World Tag Team Championship: The Metal Express V. TTS and a Mystery Partner

The following contest, scheduled for one fall, is for the WWCF Tag Team Championships!

(We're Not Gonna Take It)
Introducing first, at a combined weight of 498 pounds, they are the WWCF Tag Team Champions - Headbanger Man & D-Day Dave...THE METAL EXPRESS!

- The Metal Express come down to the ring flanked by their groupies and bodyguards. They play their air instruments and pose in the ring and eventually the entourage leaves.

(God's Gonna Cut You Down)
And introducing their first opponent, from Davie, Florida, weighing 290 pounds..."The Voodoo Lawyer" TTS!

- TTS waits at the bottom of the ramp, before gesturing towards the entranceway.

And introducing his mystery tag team partner...

(Sinner Man)
...from Chicago, Illinois, weighing 275 pounds...SMOKIN' VOKOUN!

- Vokoun walks down to the ring staring at the audience. He meets TTS at ringside and they look at each other, before nodding. Both men then enter the ring as the Metal Express bail.

"Gorilla" Tim Hoss: Wow! TTS' mystery partner has turned out to be the unhinged Smokin' Vokoun! I thought these two guys didn't get along, but I get the Voodoo Lawyer used his powers of persuasion here!

Jesse King: Vokoun pulling double duty here tonight! Can he capture his first title in WWCF?

- The Metal Express apprehensively enter the ring. Dave starts out with TTS, who throws him down to the mat after they lock up. They lock up again and TTS takes Dave to the corner, and hits a slap to the face. Dave pushes him away in anger, and grabs a side headlock, but TTS sends him off the ropes and knocks him down with a shoulderblock. Dave rolls out of the ring and expresses frustration, as TTS poses on the turnbuckles to cheers from the fans.

Hoss: TTS with the early advantage. Dave needs to regain his focus here.

King: The Metal Express have not been on a roll lately. It seems as if they might be losing confidence, Gorilla.

- Dave gets back into the ring and rakes the eyes of TTS. He then hits a few kicks to the leg, followed by a scissors kick, before tagging in Headbanger Man. The drummer hammers away with right hands, before hitting an elbow. He makes a cover.


- TTS kicks out with authority, sending Headbanger flying. TTS recovers and hits a back body drop, before tagging Vokoun into the match. The crowd isn't sure how to react, but they pop as he gets into the ring and bites Headbanger.

Hoss: Did I just hear the crowd cheering for Smokin' Vokoun?

King: Its only because nobody likes those Poison wannabes.

Hoss: You're still bitter cos you can't complete their game, aren't you?

King: ...yeah. I never knew Cinderella songs would be so damn difficult.

- Vokoun hits a big belly to belly suplex, and tags in TTS. The former Heatz! Champion hits a couple of big clothesline, and whips Headbanger into the corner. He goes for an avalanche, but Headbanger moves out of the way. He comes off the top rope with a clothesline of his own, which takes the 290-pounder down. He then scrambles to his corner and tags in D-Day Dave.

- Dave goes to work on the legs of TTS, dropping a couple of elbows into the knee joint. He places the leg on the bottom rope, and comes down with a couple of sentons, insulting Vokoun as he does so. He drags TTS to the centre of the ring as Vokoun tries to enter the match; and both members of the Metal Express take advantage of the situation, stomping away.

Hoss: Vokoun's notorious hotheaded-ness getting the better of him again there, as the champs both beat on TTS.

King: Is hotheaded-ness a word?

- The referee finally turns around as Headbanger takes over where Dave left off. He wraps TTS' leg around the ringpost, which draws the ire of the official. TTS tries to comeback with a punch to the gut, but Headbanger responds with a knee to the head. He then locks in a single leg Boston Crab, applying pressure to the weakened limb.

Hoss: The Metal Express clearly have a strategy in place here, and its working pretty effectively at the moment.

- TTS reaches for the ropes, as Headbanger tries to bring his larger adversary back towards the middle of the ring. Eventually TTS get his hands on the bottom rope, and the referee forces Headbanger to relinquish the hold. Headbanger tries to divert his attention back to TTS, but gets hit with a leg lariat out of nowhere. Both men are on the canvas, crawling towards their respective partners. Dave gets tagged in, and dropkicks Vokoun off the apron as TTS was about to reach him. He hits an axehandle blow to the back of TTS which keeps him on the mat, and goes to work on the leg again.

- An irate Vokoun grabs a chair from ringside and tries to get into the ring with it! The referee desperately tries to stop him from using it, as The Metal Express hit a double suplex behind the ref's back.

Hoss: They've really made Vokoun angry now! This will not bode well for the champions should TTS be able to tag him in!

King: Although he does have to be careful not to get himself disqualified here.

- Headbanger taunts the crowd by air drumming, and is met with a chorus of boos. Dave tries to execute a Texas Cloverleaf-like submission hold on TTS, but gets kicked away. TTS gets up to his feet, but Dave ducks a discus clothesline attempt, and brings him back to the mat with a chopblock. He then succesfully applies a Boston Crab of his own, as the crowd rallies behind TTS. Vokoun is screaming for TTS to get out of it and tag him in, as Dave does some smack talkin'.

- Finally TTS again gets himself to the ropes, as Dave moans at the ref. He threatens to hit the official, who covers up, but turns around into a massive boot to the face from TTS, who crumples to the canvas after hitting it.

Hoss: TTS just bought himself some valuable time there! Maybe now he can finally bring Vokoun into the match.

- Dave gets to Headbanger, but this time he cannot prevent TTS from making the tag. Vokoun comes into the ring with a purpose, laying into Headbanger with a series of punches, before taking down Dave with a bionic elbow. He throws Dave to the outside, and hits a pulling piledriver on Headbanger!


- 2.9! Vokoun then hits a lariat, and prepares for the Mandible Claw. He is about to put it on Headbanger, but he sees it coming and gets himself in the ropes. The ref gets in between them, but Headbanger manages to get a forearm shot in. He goes for a springboard move, but Vokoun catches him, and hits an overhead throw.


- Dave breaks up the pinfall. TTS then enters the fray, hitting an atomic drop on Dave, and then sends him back outside again. He follows him to the outside and throws him into the commentator's table.

Hoss: This fight is spilling out right in front of us, Jesse!

King: Times like this make me wish we had Spanish commentators!

- Vokoun places Dave on the top rope, and tries to negotiate the Smoke Bomb, but Headbanger elbows him in the head. He then tries to get Vokoun in place for his Blastbeat Bomb finisher, but Vokoun sends Headbanger crashing to the mat. On the outside, Dave reverses a TTS whip, and he hits the steel steps hard.

- Vokoun then gets ready to hit a move from the top rope, but Dave gets on the apron to distract him. Vokoun kicks him away, but Headbanger shakes the ropes, and Vokoun falls down! Headbanger then hits the Double Bass DDT!


Here are your winners, and still the WWCF Tag Team Champions...THE METAL EXPRESS!

Hoss: The Metal Express succesfully defend the belts here tonight, but it was an extremely hard-fought victory!

King: TTS and Vokoun put their past differences aside, but they just couldn't pull off the win here. Still, both men put up a great fight!

- The Metal Express stumble away with the belts, as TTS checks on Vokoun.

Hoss - Well, they came close, but TTS and Vokoun were unable to get the job done and the Champs retained.

King - Well, you have to think after a match like that, a rematch would be in the works.

Hoss - Perhaps, but next, we crown a new Champion of Honor. For the last month, a tournament to crown the new Champion has raged on and tonight, we’re down to the last two.

King - Jazzman and Jonathan Michaels. One of them will walk out the Champion of Honor. Let’s go to the ring.

Finals of the tournament for the Championship of Honor: Jazzman V. Jonathan Michaels

MM - Ladies and Gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall, and it is for the Championship Of Honor.


MM - Introducing first, from Los Angeles California, weighing in at 235 pounds, Jonathan Michaels.

Michaels makes his way to the ring alone, the crowd cheers.


MM - And his opponent, from Fulton, New York, weighing in at 205 pounds, Jazzman.

Jazzman walks down the ramp, glaring at Jonathan and adjusting his neck.

The ref checks the two men for hidden objects and the bell rings.

Jazzman tackles Michaels, driving him into the corner, he then starts repeatedly kneeing Michaels in the gut.

Jazzman pulls Michaels up to the top rope and puts him in positon for Such Sweet Thunder, but Michaels wriggles free and knocks Jazzman off the top rope, Michaels does a backflip off the turnbuckle but Jazzman moves away and Jonathan lands facefirst on the mat.

Jazzman flips Michaels over and covers.



Michaels kicks out, Jazzman turns Michaels over again and applies a crossface, Michaels slowly drags Jazzman towards the ropes, finally grabbing the bottom rope and forcing Jazzman to break the hold.

Michaels and Jazzman get to their feet and start trading blows, Jonathan swings, but Jazzman ducks and sweeps Jonathan's legs out from under him.

Jazzman climbs to the top and drops an elbow on Jonathan, then covers.



Michaels gets the shoulder up, Jazzman goes to the corner and waits for Jonathan to get up, as Jonathan gets to his feet, Jazzman charges at him with a clothesline, but Jonathan ducks and as Jazzman turns around, Jonathan hits the Fade To Black, but Jazzman is knocked to the other side of the ring.

Jonathan drags Jazzman to the center of the ring and covers.



Jazzman kicks out, Michaels is shocked, he grabs Jazzman's foot and attempts the Key Grip, but Jazzman kicks Jonathan away and Jonathan hits his head on the turnbuckle.

Jazzman pulls Michaels to the middle of the ring and applies a Boston Crab, Michaels looks to be unconscious, The referee raises his arm and it hits the mat, he raises it a second time and it hits the mat again, He raises it one last time, but Michaels' arm holds in the air, Michaels tries to reach for Jazzman's leg, but is in too awkward a position to do so, Michaels tries to drag himself to the rope, but Jazzman pulls him away.

Michaels tries again to reach for Jazzman's leg and grabs hold of his ankle, Jonathan tries to pull Jazzman's leg from under him, but Jazzman releases the hold and pulls Michaels off the mat.

Jazzman whips Michaels into the ropes, then tries a Yakuza Kick, but Michaels instead ducks and drives his shoulder into Jazzman's knee, bringing Jazzman down to the mat, Michaels grabs Jazzman's foot and applies the Key Grip, wrapping his legs around Jazzman to hold him in place.

Jazzman desperately grabs for the ropes, but Michaels has a solid grip on him and Jazzman has trouble pulling Michaels towards the ropes, Jazzman slowly makes progress towards the edge of the ring, but the strain is exhausting him, and he finally taps, the ref calls for the bell.

MM - Ladies and Gentlemen, here is your winner and the NEW Champion Of Honor, Jonathan Michaels!

Jonathan struggles to his feet and accepts the belf from the referee, Sara runs out to the ring to help an exhausted Michaels to the back.

Hoss - And there we have it Jess! Jonathan Michaels is the Champion of Honor!

King - Congratulations Michaels. I’d like to say more, but Gorilla, you know what’s next.

Title V. Title Match: Inter-Forum Champion “Damn Right” Jackson V. Hardcore Champion The Boiler Room Brawler

Gorilla Tim Hoss: The fans have been waiting for this for months, King, and it's finally here.

Jesse King: Boiler Room Brawler will finally put DR Jackson in his place!

Gorilla Tim Hoss: You tried to do that yourself last week, but Jackson got you with BRB's pipe wrench.

Jesse King: And that still hurts, TH! But Brawler is in his prime - Jackson has to take him out, and I'm not sure if he's up to the challenge!

Michael Muffer: Our next match is a Title for Title match!

"You Asked For It" by Mercyful Fate hits the speakers to cheers as BRB emerges with the Hardcore Title over his shoulder.

Jesse King: His face is boiling with rage, anticipation, and hope, King. He's a cocktail of emotion right now.

BRB heads down to the ring.

Michael Muffer: Hailing from Rockford, IL... Weighing 340lbs... Your WWCF Hardcore Champion: Boiler... Room... Brawler!

Gorilla Tim Hoss: BRB has the chance to be a double champion tonight. That is a rarity in this company.

Jesse King: Has it ever happened?

Gorilla Tim Hoss: I don't currently recall, but I'm sure that we'll know by next week if he's the first or not.

BRB holds up his WWCF Hardcore Championship up over his head to a crowd pop before handing it over to Referee John Creed.

Too Black...

Gorilla Tim Hoss: But this man stands -

Too Strong...

Gorilla Tim Hoss: -an equal chance of winning that glory.

Damn Right!

Pyrotechnics go off just before "Bring Tha Noize" by Anthrax & Public Enemy hits the speakers to a shower of jeering.

Jesse King: Boiler Room Brawler is all that stands in Jackson's way to attaining that glory.

DR Jackson has a smile on his face as he raises his WWCF Inter-Forum Championship Belt belt over his head and points at it. He sternly looks at BRB and BRB returns the glare.

Jesse King: Give him hell for me, BRB!

DR Jackson heads for the ring with a developing scowl on his face.

Michael Muffer: And his opponent... Hailing from West Philly, PA and weighing in at 296lbs... Your WWCF Inter-Forum Champion...

The fans' boos pick up steam again.

Michael Muffer: D... R... Jackson!

Gorilla Tim Hoss: DR Jackson has his work cut out for him tonight, King.

DR Jackson poses to the crowd before handing it over to Referee John Creed.

Jesse King: This is a title for title match; It's the Hardcore Title versus the Inter-Forum Title.

Referee John Creed explains the rules to Jackson and BRB as they stand mere feet away from each other, ready to strike.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: And as it is equally for the Hardcore Title as it is for the Inter-Forum Title, it will be a Hardcore Match.

Jesse King: Falls count anywhere, no disqualification, no mercy.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: This is a potboiler ready to blow.

Referee John Creed starts the match as Jackson leaps at BRB and lays punches to him as BRB swings for Jackson's ribs.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: And there they go, there they go!

Jesse King: Wasting no time with matwork, this one's gonna be a slugfest, TH!

Jackson irish whips BRB into the corner and then charges for him, but BRB swings his elbow behind himself, colliding with Jackson's chin.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Look at that impact!

BRB runs behind Jackson and slams him facefirst to the mat.

Jesse King: BRB with a bulldog, he's taken it to the ground!

Jackson rolls out of the ring as BRB poses to the crowd and gets a pop.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Jackson has to be smart tonight.

Jackson looks around, crouches down, and rummages under the ring.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: As Inter-Forum Champion, he is the number two man in this company, second only to our World Champion King Viva Los Bio-Dome...

Jesse King: You're right about the "number two" comment, Gorilla.

Jackson finds a table as BRB crosses the ropes to the outside.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Here comes BRB from around the corner. He is the Hardcore Champion, yet it is Jackson who went for the weapons first.

Jesse King: Hardcore is a misunderstood field of wrestling...

BRB throws a chop at Jackson, but Jackson blocks it and swings a punch right at BRB's head.

Jesse King: Hardcore isn't about the weapons, it's about the freedom to pursue victory at any cost.

BRB backs up and then runs for Jackson, going for a lariat, but Jackson ducks under his arm and then throws a legsweep from behind BRB, making him lose his footing.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Jackson is pulling some real skills on BRB tonight.

Jesse King: The thing is though, Gorilla, the fact that one is in an unrestrained environment such as a Hardcore Match makes weapons a shortcut to attaining victory.

Jackson jumps up in the air and drives his knee onto BRB's head as he rolls into a crouched position. BRB sits up as Jackson goes to punch him, but BRB kicks Jackson in the head to temporarily drive him off so that he can stand up.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Jackson is a former bouncer. He may know just a few things about bar brawling.

Jesse King: So you're saying that it's a contest of bar room brawling versus boiler room brawling?

BRB runs for Jackson and spears him, carrying him all of the way to the guardrail and knocking him over it.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: In a manner of spea-whoah!

Jesse King: What a power move by BRB!

Gorilla Tim Hoss: BRB has just speared Jackson halfway across the outside of the ring and toppled him over the guardrail!

Instant Replay

BRB spears Jackson over the guardrail.

Jesse King: BRB's been losing weight, but I think that he may have gained some muscle!

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Perhaps some agility as well, if only a little.

BRB unfolds the table and then turns it perpendicular to the outside perimeter.

Jesse King: Forming a temporary blockade I suppose. Could be handy later.

DR Jackson emerges from behind the guardrail as BRB slides into the ring to bypass the table blockade.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: DR Jackson is getting back up, and he looks like he still has more gas in the tank.

BRB slides under the ropes as Jackson crosses the guardrail. They run up to each other and exchange some more punches.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: And they're at it again, just back and forth punching.

BRB grapples Jackson and European uppercuts him, but Jackson returns a haymaker punch to BRB's gut, making him bend over.

Jesse King: Uh oh!

Jackson waistlocks BRB and lifts him up into the air.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Look at the strength of DR Jackson!

Jackson runs with BRB in the air and powerbombs him through the table, and then falls to the ground himself to catch his breath.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Bah gawd!

Jesse King: Damn you Jackson!

Gorilla Tim Hoss: He returned the favor to BRB, King! He's pretty much entitled to as the Inter-Forum Champion.

Jesse King: How can they take this kind of punishment?

DR Jackson crawls to BRB and hooks the leg. Referee John Creed drops down for the count. 1... BRB kicks out.

Jesse King: Whew!

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Nice try by Jackson, but it'll take a bit more than that to take out the Hardcore Champion! Let's look at the instant replay...

Instant Replay

Jackson runs with BRB in the air and powerbombs him through the table, and then falls to the ground.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: And watch as Jackson displays his own sheer power.

Jesse King: They may very well be the two most powerful men in this company.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: There's Evil M, there's the newcomer Titanothere, but neither of these men seem to measure up to the Boiler Room Brawler nor Damn Right Jackson.

Jackson gets onto one knee and grabs the apron as he recovers and BRB sits up and catches his second wind.

Jesse King: I like a good wrestling clinic as much as the next man, Gorilla...

Jackson stands up as BRB gets onto his first knee.

Jesse King: I am glad to see the return of the Championship of Honor...

Jackson rummages underneath the ring as BRB stands up.

Jesse King: I've even come around to Hardcore ever since BRB won the title...

BRB approaches Jackson as Jackson suddenly whips out a ladder and pulls it with enough force to strike BRB's knee and make him hop back a few steps.

Jesse King: But Gorilla, I'll be damned if I don't love a match between two titans.

Jackson brings up the ladder and shoves it forward into BRB, knocking him back to the guardrail.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Watching such "titans" makes me want to strap on the boots for a good tussle myself. To be young again...

Jackson runs up to BRB and knocks him over the guardrail with the ladder.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Jackson is taking it to BRB with that ladder.

Jesse King: He may even discover that he can climb it soon too!

Jackson sets down the ladder as BRB gets to his feet. He beckons to BRB to cross the guardrail.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Jackson is giving BRB berth to cross over...

BRB hops over the guardrail as Jackson smashes him in the back with a swing of his fist.

Jesse King: Of course he wouldn't give reasonable time to cross it though.

BRB elbows Jackson in the face, making him back up. He runs for Jackson, but Jackson narrowly dodges and redirects BRB into the ring post. BRB collides and falls down.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Nice redirection by Jackson. Both men seem to have been training up for this bout.

Jackson walks over and picks up the ladder.

Jesse King: Makes sense, it's been what? Almost five months in the making?

Jackson rolls over BRB onto his front and raises the ladder.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Something like that.

Jackson slams the ladder down on BRB's back as the audience winces.

Jesse King: Brutal.

Jackson slams the ladder down on BRB's back again.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: A ladder in the hands of DR Jackson seems to be a powerful weapon indeed.

Jackson slams the ladder down on BRB's back one more time and then lets it go.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: BRB may be out right here...

Jackson drops to his knees, hooks BRB's leg and goes for the count. Referee John Creed counts 1... 2... BRB kicks out.

Jesse King: Nope, nosiree!

Jackson pulls his hair in frustration as BRB sits up and recovers.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: How can BRB take this kind of punishment?

Jesse King: Jackson was afraid of this very thing, Gorilla.

BRB stands up, as does Jackson.

Jesse King: He knows that deep down, he has no actual victory over the Boiler Room Brawler.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: But he has legitimately attained each of his victories up to now.

BRB throws a chop at Jackson.

Crowd: Whoo!

Jackson winds up and punches BRB in the chest.

BRB throws another chop at Jackson.

Crowd: Whoo!

Jackson winds up again and punches BRB in the chest again.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Just look at them go! A lesser member of the roster would clearly be out by now.

BRB throws another chop at Jackson.

Crowd: Whoo!

Jackson winds up again, but BRB charges at him and spears him to the ground onto the ladder with a loud rattle. BRB lays into Jackson with punches.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Good timing by BRB.

Jesse King: And good thinking, using the ladder that Jackson used to beat up on his back.

BRB gets up with Jackson laid out on the ladder. He gets onto the apron and poses for the crowd.

Jesse King: Here comes another high risk maneuver by BRB; they never work.

BRB leaps off the apron to leg drop Jackson on the ladder, but Jackson rolls out of the way and BRB lands on his ass and falls backwards onto Jackson's back. Jackson narrowly rolls over underneath BRB and goes for a half-assed school-boy pin. Referee John Creed counts 1... 2... BRB kicks out.

Jesse King: Nice try, Jackson!

Gorilla Tim Hoss: But that has to have taken a toll on BRB!

Jackson gets up and leans against the ring post to recover. BRB rolls onto his front to recover. Jackson runs over and stomps on BRB, rolling him onto his back.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Jackson is on the warpath now...

Jesse King: He's had one over on BRB a couple of times now. BRB basically gave up his last advantage to showboating. If he would only learn...

Jackson helps BRB up and irish whips him back into the ring.

Jesse King: If Jackson cannot beat BRB at his game, then he'll have to beat him in his own.

Jackson rummages below the ring and brings out a chair which he slides into the ring.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: On the other hand, maybe not.

Jackson slides into the ring as BRB grabs onto the ropes for recovery.

Jesse King: I'd hate to say it but those ropes can't help you this time BRB!

Jackson tries to pull BRB away from the ropes but he is kicked away as BRB slides out of the ring.

Jesse King: BRB's not done recovering...

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Jackson must be making headway.

BRB walks over and grabs the broken table halves and tosses them in the ring to Jackson's confusion.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: What?

Jesse King: To be fair, who says that you cannot use the table after it's been broken?

BRB walks up the ring steps but Jackson runs over and big boot kicks BRB off of the apron and down to the outside.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Look at that impact!

Jesse King: That could have taken a man's head clean off!

Jackson grabs a table half and throws it at BRB with a loud impact.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: I've got to say that I am overall glad that I'm not wrestling anymore.

BRB dazily gets up as Jackson slides out of the ring. He approaches Jackson, but Jackson irish whips him down the way.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: The action is heading for us now!

Jesse King: I may have to jump in again if they get too close.

BRB manages to stop himself just as Jackson slams his palm onto the back of his head and bulldogs him onto the guardrail.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Whoah!

BRB is on his back as Jackson covers him for the pin. Referee John Creed counts 1... 2... BRB kicks out.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: What in the hell does it take to bring down BRB?

Jesse King: Jackson sure doesn't know it!

BRB is still dazed and his nose is bloody, but he throws a punch that knocks Jackson onto his back. BRB rests on his back again.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: This is a war of attrition at this rate. Jackson's clearly greater endurance has been crucial in keeping up with BRB's stamina.

Both men get to their feet, but BRB manages to clutch Jackson by the throat.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: BRB going for a choke, this is something we haven't seen in a while...

BRB places his hand behind Jackson, lifts up, and slams him backfirst onto the guardrail. Jackson falls over one hundred eighty degrees, landing face first behind the guardrail.

Jesse King: A chokeslam onto the guardrail!

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Haven't seen BRB use that since, well, ever. Much less in that way.

BRB crosses the guardrail and stands over the facefirst Jackson. He slowly brings his arms up as the fans' cheers reach a crescendo.

Jesse King: I think that this is it!

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Jackson has reached the boiling point!

BRB lifts up Jackson in an upside down waistlocked position with his legs behind Jackson's arms. He waits for the crowd, the crowd abides, and he slams his weight into Jackson, back down to the mat.

Jesse King: And there it is, Gorilla! The Boiling Point!

BRB rolls over and goes to pin Jackson. Referee John Creed counts 1...

Crowd: One!


Crowd: Two...

Jackson kicks out, much to the crowd's chagrin.

Jesse King: No!

BRB stands up and leans against the guardrail in consternation.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: As tough as BRB is, let's give Jackson a hand there. He's reached the boiling point and he's still going, and that's why he's the Inter-Forum Champion.

BRB helps Jackson up and irish whips him over the guardrail, making him land on his back.

Jesse King: At least the tables are turning now.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: BRB may have some catching up to do. He's spent a good chunk of this match on the ground and on the defensive.

Jesse King: His face shows it.

Jackson is starting to get up as BRB puts him into a full nelson.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: BRB is pulling out a submission hold?

Jesse King: It's not the first time, you know, but it has been a while.

BRB lifts up Jackson off the ground.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: BRB is really pulling all of the stops this match.

Jesse King: He doesn't often get a submission victory, but no time like the present...

BRB runs for the ring post and rams Jackson into it chestfirst. He turns from the post and then slams him facefirst into the mat.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Nice moves by BRB. While he cannot seem to keep a constant barrage of blows to Jackson, he does seem to be able to pull off some powerful attacks.

BRB rolls Jackson over for the pin. Referee John Creed counts 1... 2... Jackson kicks out.

Jesse King: Jackson is a monster tonight!

Gorilla Tim Hoss: It's a clash of the titans tonight at Saved By The Bell!

BRB gets up and starts walking around the ring. Jackson recovers in the meantime.

Jesse King: Leaving?

BRB circles around and crouches down. Jackson sits up.

Jesse King: Hey Jackson!

Jackson looks at Jesse King and scowls as BRB stands up with his pipe wrench.

Jesse King: Ah!

Jackson smiles as he stands up and BRB starts heading over.

Jesse King: Jackson, uh...

Jackson walks up to Jesse King and rips the headset away and puts it on.

Jackson: That's right you washed up old man! When I finish with that bag of milk I'm coming for you!

BRB comes around the ring with the pipe wrench.

Jackson: I'm the Inter-Forum Champion, and that three hundred fifty pound joke's Hardcore Championship is mine too!

BRB stands behind Jackson as he talks. The crowd starts cheering.

Jackson: I will be the first dual champion in this company's history, and you can be damn sure that I'm coming for you next, [Champion of Honor]!

Jesse King points behind Jackson, who turns around as BRB takes a vertical downward swing at him, narrowly missing and crunching a piece of the announce table away.

Jackson: Dirty pool, fat man!

Jackson rips off his headset and kicks BRB in the side. BRB budges a step or so and then takes a horizontal swing at Jackson, who narrowly dodges and then runs forward and grabs BRB from below, lifts him up, and scoop slams BRB onto the arena floor. He drops down for a fist drop and is met with a punch to the head. BRB and Jackson exchange punches and eventually stand up. Jesse King finally gets his headset back on.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: The action has leaked over to us, but I'd be wary if I were the Spanish announce table!

Carlos Cabrera: No queremos aquel accion en nuestra mesa de los anuncios!

Hugo Savinivich: Los championes son muy fuertisimos y piensamos que ellos pueden traigar el accion en a la circulo!

Carlos Cabrera: Esperamos pero nunca pasaba.

Jackson grabs BRB's pipe wrench and thrusts it into his gut. He drops the pipe wrench and lifts up BRB onto his shoulders.

Jesse King: Oh no!

Hugo Savinivich: El High Anxiety! Un tecnico muy doloroso!

Carlos Cabrera: Pero puede el BRB se fugaro?

Jackson tightens the pressure, gritting his teeth in the process.

Jesse King: Hold on BRB!

Gorilla Tim Hoss: He's got to hold on!

BRB seems to lose consciousness.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Oh no...

Jesse King: This may be it...

Referee John Creed lifts up BRB's arm once and it drops. He lifts it up again and it drops a second time.

Carlos Cabrera: Y ahora es el momento del verdad...

Referee John Creed lifts up BRB's arm a third time, but BRB starts to move again and the crowd starts cheering again.

Jesse King: Yes! He's not out of this yet!

Gorilla Tim Hoss: BRB's had time to recover since-

Jackson samoan drops BRB onto the Spanish announce table, breaking it.

Hugo Savinivich: Madre de Dios! Otra vez?

Carlos Cabrera: Por que? Mi Dios, por que?

Jackson sits up and goes for the pin. Referee John Creed counts 1... 2... Th-BRB kicks out.

Jesse King: Yes!

Jackson is noticeably pissed as he gets up and goes for BRB's pipe wrench.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: How? How does BRB keep going?

BRB rolls over and gets on all fours as Jackson walks over and raises the pipe wrench up on high.

Jesse King: Here it comes!

BRB rolls into Jackson's legs, knocking him over and making him drop the pipe wrench.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Whoah!

BRB grabs Jackson by the foot and drags him to the edge of the ring as Jackson fight it.

Jesse King: What's he going to do?

BRB jumps up and delivers a seated senton bomb to Jackson.

Jesse King: The Boiler Room Bomb!

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Stay down and pin him!

BRB stands up.

Jesse King: No! Don't do anything stupid!

BRB walks along the ring steps and crosses the ropes.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: What's he doing?

BRB grabs the chair, walks over, and drops it onto Jackson.

Jesse King: Uh...

BRB crosses the ropes and poses to the crowd.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Oh...

BRB jumps off the ring apron and lands on the chair with Jackson underneath.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: There we go! Now pin him!

BRB goes for the pin. Referee John Creed counts 1...

Crowd: One...


Crowd: Two!


Jesse King: He did it!

"You Asked For It" by Mercyful Fate hits the speakers.

Michael Muffer: Here is your winner, and still WWCF Hardcore Champion and your new WWCF Inter-Forum Champion: the Boiler... Room... Brawler!

Jesse King: He really did it!

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Boiler Room Brawler is finally the Inter-Forum Champion!

Jesse King: And he is still the Hardcore Champion!

Gorilla Tim Hoss: He is a double champion!

BRB adorns the belts on his shoulders and he grabs his pipe wrench.

Jesse King: Don't want to forget that either.

BRB heads to the ramp, high fiving fans along the way.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Jackson is still entitled to 30-day rematch clause for that belt. I have a feeling that this is not over yet.

Jesse King: But BRB has bragging rights from now until he loses one of those belts, he's on fire!

Gorilla Tim Hoss: This is undoubtedly going to stick in Seth Drakin's craw.

Jesse King: What an amazing match, Gorilla, and the night is not even over yet!

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Well why don't we move on to our main event match?

Towel Match for the WWCF World Heavyweight Championship: “King of Hollywood” Viva Los Bio Dome w/ D-Day Dave V. Little Naitch w/ Tyfo

*A black and white video package airs chronicling the Viva/Naitch feud . It shows the sacrifices each man has taken to get here. In there is Naitch’s title win, the rise of Viva, and the mind games over the last few weeks. The promo ends with Little Naitch uttering the words “I’m gonna break your leg.”

Tim Hoss: Well folks, it’s time for the match that everyone has been looking forward too. Naitch/Viva, one on one, no pinfall, no submission, no way out for either man. Let’s send it up to Michael Muffer for the introductions

Muffer: Ladies and Gentlemen, this is your… MAIN EVENT of the evening!! This match is for the WWCF title and can only be won if your second throws in the towel. Introducing first hailing from Las Vages Nevada and weighing in tonight at 235 pounds. Accompanied by his second Tyfo and representing The Family… I give you, the man trying to become the first ever two-time WWCF champion… LITTLE NAITCH!!!

*The New Blackjacks theme comes through the PA in the gym as Little Naitch comes out in his robe to the cheers of the crowd. Tyfo follows with a towel in one hand and the money in the bank briefcase in the other.*

Muffer: And his opponent, a man who is truly the poster boy for bad boys in the WWCF. Representing Heavy Metal Hollywood and accompanied by his second D-Day Dave. Hailing from your girlfriend’s bedroom, via way of Hollywood, California, I present to you The King of Hollywood and reigning, defending, and undisputed WWCF Heavyweight Champion of the World… VIVA LOS BIO DOME!!!!

*Paprazzi comes on, but can be barely heard over the boos raining down on the WWCF champion. Dave follows closely behind as the champ enters the ring. The ref checks both men as he takes Viva’s belt and shows it to all corners of the gym as he calls for the bell*

Naitch takes very little time rushing at Viva with a Thesz press and punches on the champion. He jumps off Viva and reaches for the legs to try and lock in the figure four, but Viva kicks him away and rolls outside of the ring. Viva walks toward the announce table and grabs a mic.

“Ya know what Naitch, I’m sick of this bulls***. I’m the champion here and I don't deserve to be treated that way.”

*The crowd boos*

“Come on Dave, I’m done with this joker. Let’s roll.”

Viva grabs his title belt and walks with Dave toward the entrance way, but Tyfo stops them. While Tyfo and Viva get into an argument, Naitch sneaks up behind Viva and taps on his shoulder before hitting him with a lariat and the crowd cheers.

King: “Looks like Viva though he’d get out of this easy, but Naitch isn’t done with this yet!”

Naitch rolls Viva gets back into his ring where he gives him a running knee drop. Viva stumbled to his feet where his chest was met with the thunderous chops of Little Naitch. The echoes of the chops were heard throughout the gym as the crowd chanted “Wooo!” with each one. Viva drops to his knees where he hit Little Naitch with a low blow.

Hoss: ”Viva with the low-blow and there isn’t a damn thing the ref can do about it!”

King: “C-C-C-C COMBO BREAKER!!! I call that knowing the environment Tim.”

Hoss: “I don’t care what you call it Jesse, it doesn’t make it right!”

As the two commentators argue Viva gets his wind back and begins working Little Naitch over. A few stomps by the champion leave Naitch writhing in pain on the mat while Viva looks to ringside to grab a weapon.

King: “Viva going for a weapon, It’s all legal Gorilla!”

Viva gets back into the ring with the chair and thinks of hitting Naitch with the chair, but instead sits down in it and applies a headlock. Naitch struggles to his feet and hits Viva with a belly to back suplex Both men struggle their feet where Naitch goes back to his chops, followed by a scoop slam onto the chair!

Hoss: God that had to hurt King!

Viva grabs his back and gets up while Dave looks to be ready to throw the towel in. Viva looks over at Dave and tells him not to. Naitch runs at Viva with a knee lift, but Viva moves out of the way and catches Naitch from behind with a set of running knees. He then sets him up for the Bio-Dome and connects with it!

King: BIO-DOME!!! That’s gotta be it. Throw in the towel Tyfo!

Tyfo looks concerned but Naitch looks at his partner and whispers “Don’t you ever throw that towel in this ring.” Viva picks Naitch back up and looks for the Purple Sticky Punch, but Naitch ducks it! He hits Viva with a chop block and looks evilly toward Viva’s leg. Naitch then looks across the ring and sees the chair and grabs it.

Hoss: Jesse you don’t think…

King: You know what’s coming Gorilla

Naitch picks up the chair and whacks Viva right in the ankle with it! He does it again and again and again as the crowd goes crazy with each smack. Naitch then locks in the figure four right in the center of the ring as the champ writhes in pain! The crowd cheers as Viva struggles and looks at Dave who looks like he’s gonna throw in the towel.

Hoss: This is it! Naitch is gonna do it King!!!

Dave looks to throw in the towel when Viva shoots up of the mat and hits Naitch with the Purple Sticky Punch before falling right back down with the hold still locked in!

King: God Gorilla! Both of these men appear to be in no shape to continue this match!

The ref looks down at both men at towels come flying in from each corner and the bell rings.

Muffer: Ladies and Gentlemen, both of the participants are unable to continue, therefore, the match is declared a draw!

Hoss - A draw?! But…

King - Neither man could go, Gorilla. There was no other call to make!

Hoss - I can’t believe this match has ended so unceremoniously, Jess.

King - Well it was a rather unusual ending to an unusual night. For Gorilla Tim Hoss, I’m Jesse King. Goodnight from Saved by the Bell!

Writing Credits: Evil M, Smokin’ Vokoun, Kris Kobain, DR Jackson, Sparks, YellowJacket, Headbanger Man, Jonathan Michaels, BRB, and Jazzman

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