
Sunday Night Heatz!!1 - March 14, 2010


Sunday Night Heatz!!1 - March 14, 2010

Sean Kelly - Welcome to WWCF Sunday Night Heatz!!1

Michael Gettenpill - We have a big show for you tonight! I’m Michael Gettenpill.

Sean Kelly - And I’m Sean Kelly. Tonight on Heatz!!1, we have two debuts.

Michael Gettenpill - First, we have Griffin Ward battling Inspector Shetty, which will be our first look at the self-proclaimed “Houdini of Hardcore“.

Sean Kelly - After that, we have The Hangman in his first in-ring appearance, battling Masked Hero X.

Michael Gettenpill - And in our main event, the developing rivalry pitting Titanothere against Xavian Gunn and The Smokin Vokoun heats up when the Monster from the Mesozoic Age battles Gunn one on one.

Sean Kelly - Last week on NiteRaw, Vokoun eliminated Titanothere from the Tournament of Honor, then with Gunn‘s help, laid a brutal beating on the up and comer.

Michael Gettenpill - Tonight, Titanothere looks to extract a small dose of revenge on the out-spoken pair.

Griffin Ward V. Inspector Shetty

Jerry Fish - The following contest is set for one fall, with a 15 minute time limit!

*Through the Fire and Flames*
Griffin Ward emerges from the back to a subdued reaction from the crowd, who are unsure what to make of the newcomer.

Jerry Fish - Introducing first, from Trenton, New Jersey, weighing in at 233 pounds, “The Houdini of Hardcore“ Griffin Ward!

*Wannabe in LA*
Inspector Shetty enters to a loud chorus of boos, but rather than acknowledge the boos, he simply cues up the “SHETTY!” chants and continues on his way.

Jerry Fish - And his opponent, from Bombay, England, weighing in at 165 pounds, Inspector Shetty!

The bell rings.

Shetty and Ward tie up. Ward immediately shoots in with a single leg takedown, then goes for a leglock, but Shetty kicks him away and rolls to the outside.

Gettenpill - Shetty seemed a little thrown off there, Sean.

Kelly - I don’t think he thought this newcomer would make the first move, Michael.

Shetty rolls back in and charges Ward, only to be caught with a double leg takedown! Ward on top, raining down with punches on Shetty! Shetty shoves him off and once again rolls to the outside! Ward calls for the mic.

“Hey, Shetty! We gonna wrestle or not?!”

Shetty cautiously rolls back in the ring. The two tie up once more and Shetty takes Ward down with a fireman’s carry. Cover.


Both men are back up, Shetty shoots Ward in to the ropes, but Ward reverses it and catches Shetty coming back with a dropkick! He pulls Shetty up, brain buster! Cover!


Ward stomps Shetty a few times, then goes for the Jersey Clover, but Shetty catches him in a small package!

3, just as Ward kicks out!

Jerry Fish - Here is your winner, Inspector Shetty!

Shetty rolls to the outside, holding the back of his neck as the referee raises his arm.

In the ring, Ward angrily kicks the ropes as the crowd applauds him for his effort. Ward looks out into the crowd, then flips them off. The applause quickly turns to boos as Ward walks away, a slight smirk on his face.


VO: Hey kids! Wanna create your own WWCF shows? Now you can! It’s the new WWCF action figure line, from Jakks Pacific!

*We see a kid playing with figures of Square and Aaron Enigma*

VO: Aaron has the Extreme Interrogation locked in…

*Another kid brings a Boiler Room Brawler figure into the frame*

VO: Oh no! It’s the Boiler Room Brawler!

*We see figures of TTS and Jay Carroll*

VO: Uh-oh! What’s that dastardly Voodoo Champagne up to now?

*A kid brings Tyfo and Little Naitch figures into frame*

VO: It’s the Southwest Connection!

*We see “Damn Right” Jackson and M.O.P. in a toy ring*

VO: Get in the official WWCF ring! Bounce off the ropes! Oh, he hit the mat!

*Jackson hit’s the mat and bounces.

Now we see the full figure line:

Square, Aaron Enigma, “Damn Right” Jackson, M.O.P., Jazzman, and The Boiler Room Brawler, plus the tag team line:

Voodoo Champagne, The Southwest Connection, and The Heavy Metal Express, as well as the WWCF Slinky ring.

Disclaimer: Voodoo Champagne set does not include sacrificial chicken.

VO: The WWCF action figure line! Available only at wwcfshop.com, from Jakks Pacific!

Sean Kelly - And we’re back!

The Hangman V. Masked Hero X

Jerry Fish - The following contest is set for one fall.

Pyro explodes in the arena as Masked Hero X appears on the stage. He runs down to the ring, but The Hangman nails him from behind with a steel chair!

Sean Kelly - Now c’mon! The match hasn’t even started yet!

Hangman hammers away on Hero X with the chair a few more times, then picks him up and slams him down on the ramp. He pulls him up again, suplex!

Michael Gettenpill - Enough is enough! The referee needs to step in there now!

The ref tries to get Hangman to back off, but quickly backs away when Hangman swings the chair in his direction. Amigo and Square appear at the entrance, laughing at Hero X’s plight. Hangman picks X up and tosses him in the ring. He rolls in as the ref calls for the opening bell, and makes the cover.


Jerry Fish - Here is your winner, The Hangman!

The Hangman pulls X off the mat once again and hit’s The Gallows! The ref once again steps in and this time, the Hangman backs away and exit’s the ring, as Amigo and Square look on from the entrance, looking very happy with the results.


VO: Hey kids! When you’re looking a cold treat on a hot day, look no further than the official WWCF Ice Cream Bars! Each bar features one of the top WWCF Superstars on the cookie!

*We ice cream bars showing Amigo, Evil M, Jazzman, Jonathan Michaels, The Boiler Room Brawler, and TTS*

VO: Order a box today! Available only at wwcfshop.com!

Main Event: Titanothere V. Xavian Gunn

Jerry Fish: The following match is scheduled for one fall with a fifteen minute time limit. First, weighing 366 pounds, from La Brea, California, the Monster of the Mesozoic Age: Titanothere!

("Godzilla" by Blue Oyster Cult plays. Titanothere trudges out, lowers his head, paws the ground with both feet, and charges to the ring. He removes his helmet and shoulder pads and then waits with his arms folded, glaring up the ramp).

Fish: And is opponent, from Seattle, Washington, weighing 245 pounds: Xavian Gunn!

("Blitzkrieg" by Excessive Force plays. The ring goes dark. Seizure inducing strobe lights begin flashing wildly. Smoke arises from the entrance ramp. Xavian appears from behind the ramp. He stops to leer out at the crowd and raises his fists into the air. As he walks toward the ramp the screen shifts with glitches and stutters as if being ran through a crappy movie player on a computer. Speckles of dust and noise are present as well. The screen is black and white as well. When he makes his way to the ring, he slides underneath the ropes and walks confidently toward the corner, where he stands atop the ropes and glares into the crowd, as the image of him shake violently, as if the shutter speed of the camera went out of whack. Walking behind Gunn with a huge Cheshire grin on his face is Smokin Vokoun, who points and waves at Titanothere while taking a position on the apron by Gunn.)

Michael Gettenpill: Xavian Gunn did not come alone to this match. His partner, Smokin Vokoun, is here as well.

Sean Kelly: No doubt for moral support.

Gettenpill: Moral support?! Last time these three men were together it ended with Titanothere receiving a post match beating so severe he was just cleared to wrestle by doctors earlier today! This is an obvious intimidation tactic designed to get Titan off his game.

Kelly: And it's clearly working.

(Titanothere is in the center of the ring, screaming and pointing at Vokoun while referee John Creed holds him back. Smokin Vokoun yells back and begins to climb through the ropes, prompting Xavian Gunn to get in his way)

Gettenpill: Referee John Creed needs to take control here, or this match will never start.

(There's a few more moments of arguing and posturing, and the crowd begins to boo. Then...)

("Unicron Medley" plays, and Jessica Morton appears on the stage flanked by the bodyguards Mr. E, U. N. Known, and four other WCCF security guards)

Kelly: It's the WCCF Commissioner!

Jessica Morton (speaking into her mic): Smokin Vokoun, in light of past events, it has been decided that for this match you will be barred from ringside!

(Vokoun flips out, hollering up at Morton as the crowd cheers)

Morton: Failure to comply means that Xavian Gunn will lose this match by forfeit, and you will be automatically disqualified from competing in your Tournament of Honor match tomorrow night against Evil M. (she gestures to the four men in "WWCF Security" shirts) Gentlemen, escort Mister Vokoun to the back!

(Vokoun continues to protest, but Gunn calms him down. Reluctantly Smokie leaves ringside surrounded by security, hollering at the crowd as they cheer his departure)

Gettenpill: I think Jessica Morton has had enough of Smokin Vokoun's and Xavian Gunn's recent antics.

Kelly: She isn't the only one. There's a long line of people looking to pay back those two, and it starts with the man in the ring with Gunn right now, the Monster of the Mesozoic Age!

( Referee John Creed brings both men to the center of the ring for instructions as Titan and Gunn continue to jaw at each other. Finally Creed calls for the bell. Titan rushes at Gunn, but Gunn backs away and puts himself between the ropes. The ref makes Titanothere step back. Gunn moves away from the corner and Titan charges again, only to have to stop when the smaller man goes to the ropes)

Kelly: Gunn's toying with Titan, and the crowd!

Gettenpill: Well, Xavian Gunn has shown a lot of contempt for the WWCF fans in the past. He calls them sheep and claims they are being lulled into a false sense of security by popular culture.

Kelly: Remember when wrestlers just wrestled instead of making everything into a statement on society? I miss those days.

(Finally the two wrestlers lock up. Titanothere rears back and delivers a huge head butt, causing Gunn to fall but also causing himself intense pain)

Kelly: Headbutting someone when you've just recovered from a concussion isn't the wisest of moves.

(Gunn gets up and goes after the still reeling Titanothere, hitting him with a flurry of rights to the head and face. Now it's Titan who backs into the corner, going down to one knee. Creed makes Gunn move away, and he does briefly, before he charges back and delivers a kick to the back of Titan's head)

Gettenpill: Shining Wizard in the corner! And Titanothere is down!

(Gunn gets up and tries to roll over Titan for the pin, but the big man pushes him away. Both men rise, with Gunn getting up first. He grabs Titan and puts him in a side headlock)

Kelly: Xavian Gunn has that hold in good and tight, Michael. He's being smart, continuing to work on Titanothere's head injury. Even if he can't get a submission out of this, he's softening him up for something else.

(Titanothere struggles to break free of the headlock. He hits Gunn with a couple shots to the abdomen and then with a yell manages to rise. Gunn still holds onto Titan's head, but now he's off his feet and draped across Titan's shoulders. Titanothere falls back and sends Gunn to the mat with a Samoan Drop!)

Gettenpill: Nice counter by the Monster of the Mesozoic Age!

(Titan stays on top of Gunn and tries for the pin, but Xavian gets his arm up after one. Both men slowly get up, but this time Titanothere strikes first, scoop slamming Gunn and then falling on him with an elbow. He tries again for a quick pin, but Xavian rolls his shoulder up before Creed can even get in position).

Kelly: The longer this match goes, the more it favors Xavian Gunn. If he can keep Titanothere off balance and wear him down, he should be able to topple the big man.

(The two rise again and exchange blows in the middle of the ring. Xavian gets the worst of it, and goes back to the ropes to bounce off them for a charge. Titan lowers his head to get into position for a back body drop, but Gunn stops himself, grabs Titan around the neck, and hits a DDT!)

Gettenpill: Xavian Gunn drives Titanothere to the mat with a DDT! This could do it!

(Gunn rolls Titan over onto his back and goes for the pin. Creed counts One, Two, kickout! Gunn gets up and slowly pulls Titanothere to his feet. He grabs Titan for a suplex and tries to lift him, but can't. Titanothere lifts Gunn instead and runs across the ring into the opposite corner, smashing Gunn into the ringpost!)

Gettenpill: Incredible display of power by Titanothere there! He carried a 250 pound man like he was a sack of groceries!

Kelly: It was, but Titanothere may want to conserve his strength for moves that will help him win instead of showing off for the crowd, Michael!

(Titanothere rams his shoulder into Xavian Gunn, forcing him up to the first then second rope. Gunn clubs the back of Titan's head and then vaults over him, trying for the sunset flip, but is unable to yank Titanothere off his feet. The big man waves his arms to keep his balance, then drops himself right on Gunn's stomach!)

Gettenpill: Ouch!

(After moving off Gunn, who¡¦s clutching his torso, Titanothere, reaches down and cinches his arms around Gunn's waist, lifting him up and putting him in a bearhug. Gunn yells in pain, but shakes his head when John Creed asks him if he wants to submit. He continues to shake his head as the Monster of the Mesozoic Age tightens his grip. Slowly, Xavian Gunn manages to get his arm up and hits Titanothere in the head with a series of elbows)

Kelly: Both men are targeting the other's injuries. Titanothere is focusing on the damage done to Gunn's stomach and lower back, while the Wrestling Rivethead takes shot after shot at Titan's already concussed skull.

Gettenpill: It's just a matter of who's going to give in first!

(Finally, Titanothere releases his hold and pushes Gunn back to the ropes. Gunn caroms off them and uses the momentum to charge at his opponent, only to be scooped up and thrown down in a spinning side slam. Gunn manages to wrap his arm around Titan's chest as he falls and drive his head to the mat! )

Gettenpill: Both men are down and are not moving!

Kelly: Let's hope we don't see a double count out here, after the performance both of these men have given. Titanothere demonstrating his sheer strength and power by sending Xavian Gunn pinwheeling to the mat, and Gunn showing incredible instinct with that modified STO!

(Creed checks both men and starts his count. One! Two! Three! Finally Gunn starts to stir. Four! Titanothere rolls over to the ropes. Five! Six! Gunn gets to his hands and knees. Seven! Titan pulls himself up by the second rope so he's crouching. Eight! Gunn is up and slowly walks towards Titan. Titanothere suddenly turns and launches himself at Gunn hitting him in the stomach with a spear! Gunn nearly bends double from the impact and crashes to the mat! Titan hooks Gunn's leg and the ref makes the count. One! Two! Three!)

Jerry Fish: Here is your winner: Titanothere!

(The crowd celebrates and Titanothere raises one arm in triumph while he holds his forehead. He bends down to say something to the still reeling Gunn, then exits the ring, grabs his gear and makes his way back up the ramp)

Kelly - What a match we just saw! Titanothere with a hard-fought win over Xavian Gunn!

Gettenpill - Well, that’s all the time we have tonight. I’m Michael Gettenpill.

Kelly - And I’m Sean Kelly. Goodnight!

Writing Credits: Evil M and Titanothere

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