
Griffin Ward


Wrestler Name:"Houdini of Hardcore" Griffin Ward

Height(anything below 7'0):6'2

Weight(anything under 400):233lbs.

Hometown:Trenton,New Jersey

Alignment(heel or face):Heel

Gimmick Description:Cocky Heel with extensive amateur wrestling background.

Appearance(what does your wrestler look like?):
To Ring- Black Shades, Grey Sweat Jacket
During match-Short Purple Trunks, Black Boots, Grey Knee and Elbow Pads

Apparel(what does your wrestler wear?): Short brown hair, 5 O;Clock shadow, Average Muscle Definition

Fighting Style(such as brawler, hardcore, ect.):Amateur Wrestling/ Grappler

Theme Music:Through the Fire and Flames by DragonForce

Entrance Description:

10 to 20 Moves your wrestler uses:ARMBAR,
Jawbreaker Lariat,
Double Leg Takedown,
Single Leg Takedown,
Roll up,
European Uppercut,
Eye gouge,
Low Blow,
Drop Kick,
Gibson Driver,
Slap Shot(Hero's Welcome),
Jersey Clover(Innovated Texas Cloverleaf),
Bridging German Suplex,
Brain Buster

Finishing Moves(you can do up to 2):The Crash and Burn (Small Package Driver)and The Highlight Real (Top Rope Steenalizer)

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