
Monday Niteraw - June 14, 2010


Monday NiteRaw 6/14/10

Sparks V. The Smokin Vokoun

Tim Hoss; Before we go to our first match, lets go to Fred G. Neric with The Smokin Vokoun.
Jesse King: Yeah....good luck with that Fred.

Fred G Neric: Well Smokey, just moments away from your big match against Sparks, a member of Heavy Metal Hollywood. However, it's clear to everyone that your main focus is on Headbanger Man. The man who is the number one contender to your Hardcore championship. How do you filter out all of those distractions and focus on this match with Sparks?

Vokoun: For once Freddy boy...YOU'VE ASKED A DECENT QUESTION!!! Which is rare to say the least. Anyway, the way I see it....it's not just Smokin Vokoun vs Headbanger Man or Smokin Vokoun vs Sparks....IT'S SMOKIN VOKOUN VS THE WHOLE DAMN HEAVY METAL HOLLYWOOD!!!! I see them all as one unit. A machine if you will. But as we all know, eventually machines break down. They won't run as well if you take out ONE PART AT A TIME!! Sparks... WRONG PLACE....WRONG TIME!!! YOUR THE FIRST PART THAT WILL BE DESTROYED TONIGHT....and Headbanger....your next on the hit list. And once those parts are destroyed...once those parts are no longer useable...then the whole stinkin Heavy Metal Hollywood...WILL CRUMBLE DOWN BEFORE YOUR VERY EYES!!!! And if you all think I'm jokin.....THEN YOU DON'T KNOW SMOKIN VOKOUN!!!!!!

G. Neric: Back to you Gorilla.

Sparks vs The Smokin Vokoun

Michael Muffer: Ladies and gentleman, the following contest is set for one fall...in a non title match.

*Pull me under - Dream Theatre*

Muffer: Coming down to the ring...representing Heavy Metal Hollywood...from Sevierville, TN....weighing in a 216 pounds....SPARKS!!!!

- The crowd boos him loudly as he walks to the ring.

Hoss: King, Vokoun mentioned in his interview..."wrong place, wrong time" for Sparks.

King: Don't worry Gorilla, Sparks is smart. He realized that Vokoun may be looking past him. And, mark my words, Vokoun will pay the price tonight.

Muffer: And his opponent......

*Sinnerman by Nina Simone*

Muffer: Representing The Family.....from Chicago, IL....weighing in at 280 pounds.....he is the WWCF HARDCORE CHAMPION.....THE SMOKIN VOKOUN!!!!

-He walks to the ring, staring a hole into Sparks. He starts screaming at the top of his lungs as the fans go crazy for him.

Hoss: No matter how hard Vokoun tries the fans continue to cheer for him.
King: Well certain people love freaks. And Vokoun is the freakiest of them all. And frankly its sicking that the WWCF Galaxy has taken to this weirdo.

-Sparks is on the outside while Vokoun runs into the ring. He yells for Sparks to get into the ring, but Sparks isn't too willing to get in the ring. Vokoun then loses patience and runs outside to get him. Vokoun chases Sparks around the ring. Sparks gets into the ring first, Vokoun goes after him, but Sparks takes advantage and starts laying in some knee drops as the bell rings.

King: Look at the moron. People like Vokoun always will fall for the trick. Sparks is a smart wrestler!

- Sparks picks up Vokoun, shoots him into the ropes hits, the diving clothesline and applys an armbar. Vokoun fights it by getting up, but Sparks still has control. Sparks wrings Smokie's arm. Vokoun then reverses it with an armbar of his own. Sparks reverses Vokoun. But then Vokoun pulls Sparks in for a short armed clothesline.

Hoss: That was an impressive exchange by the two men. Vokoun showing more wrestling smarts than we give him credit for.
King: Yeah....who knew that moron knows what an armbar is.

- Vokoun sees Sparks and goes for the Mandible Claw, but Sparks blocks Vokoun's right arm. But Vokoun uses the left arm to drop a Bionic Elbow on Spark's nose. Sparks holds his nose in pain as the ref tries to push Vokoun back. Sparks gets up and starts yelling at Vokoun. Sparks has a bloody nose

Hoss: I don't know if you can see King. But it appears that Vokoun may have broken Sparks nose with that elbow drop.

- Vokoun sees Spark's nose and shoves the ref away and sprints to Sparks and starts wailing on him and starts to bite his nose. Everytime he bites, he spits out blood. He does this four times.

King: Why doesn't the referee stop this!!! He's a maniac!!!

Hoss: King, I doubt any ref in the WWCF has any guts to disqualify Smokin Vokoun. These referees have families you know.

King: Yeah, but Sparks has a band image to maintain!!!

- Vokoun picks up Sparks and throws him to the turnbuckle. He then hits Sparks with some loud chops. And then goes for a Running bulldog. Vokoun goes for the cover.




- Vokoun picks up Sparks and throws him to the outside. Vokoun then throws Sparks into the steel steps and hits him on the back with them. Referee John Creed is counting both men out. Vokoun then holds Sparks head and screams..I'M GONNA KILL YOU!!!!! The crowd explodes after he says this and then starts to pull off the protective mats. He signals that he's gonna piledrive Sparks on the concrete floor. John Creed stops his count and gets outside to get Vokoun off Sparks. Vokoun then turns his attention to Creed. Sparks recovers and waits for Vokoun to turn around. As Vokoun turns around after jawing with the ref, Sparks nails Vokoun with a stiff Savate kick!! Sparks then shoves John Creed out of the way and grabs a steel chair. He measure up the shot and BAM!! He hits Vokoun hard with the steel chair. He then holds up Vokoun's head and starting grinding Vokoun's face right on the guardrail. He starts celebrating and the crowd doesn't like it.

King: YES! I told you Gorilla. Smokin Vokoun was gonna do something stupid and know Sparks has this match in control!!!
Hoss: Well King, no one ever said Vokoun was the sharpest tool in the shed.

- Sparks throws Vokoun into the ring. He then gets in and stalks Vokoun. Vokoun is sitting up and Sparks hits a Running Kick square into Vokoun's face. Vokoun is laid out on the mat as Sparks taunts to the crowd with a chorus of boos.

Hoss: Sparks not getting any love from this sold out crowd.

King: He deserves all the love in the world. It's even more prove that the WWCF Galaxy is a bunch of drooling simpletins. Just like Ol' Smokey!

- Vokoun is a bloody mess as he's fighting to get to his feet. Sparks is measureing him up for a Coup-de-Grace. But Vokoun grabs Sparks foot. But Sparks reverses it with an Enzugri!!! Sparks just laughs at Vokoun. Sparks then stands over Vokoun and then applies The Camel Clutch!!


- Sparks is really pulling back. The crowd is pleading with Vokoun to make a comeback. Vokoun starts to get some strength back. Creed is asking him he wants to quit. Vokoun tries to stand up with Sparks on his back. He gets up and reverse the Camel Clutch with a Samoan Drop!!!!


King: Hmm, I'm not the only one who screams for no reason.

-Vokoun and Sparks are laying on the mat as the ref counts both men.







-Sparks gets up first, with Vokoun still dazed on the mat. He points the corner and climbs up the top rope. He stands perched up there and then goes for a FROG SPLASH....AND CONNECTS!!!!Sparks goes for the cover....




- Sparks is really frustrated. He then picks up Vokoun and signals he wants to go for the, Coup-de-Grace. He kicks Vokoun in the stomach and tries for the suplex but Vokoun is blocking it. Vokoun then reverses it with a mighty Belly to Belly Suplex. Vokoun goes for the cover. Vokoun then shakes off his pain and sees his own blood and those crazy eyes of Vokoun emerge.

Hoss: Uh oh, Sparks is in trouble. Vokoun is signalling for the Mandible Claw!!

- Vokoun stalks Sparks as he slowly gets to his feet. Vokoun then grabs Sparks and applies THE MANIDBLE CLAW!!!! Vokoun screams loudly and yells "I'M GONNA KILL YOU!!!" Sparks tries to fight it.....until....HE PASSES OUT!!!!!!!! SPARKS IS OUT!!!!


Muffer: Here is your winner......THE SMOKIN VOKOUN!!!!

- After Muffer gives the announcement, Vokoun takes the mic out his hands.

Vokoun; Hey....Headbanger.....GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE!!!!

- The crowd pops huge and then starts chanting...."SMOKIE'S GONNA KILL YOU!!! SMOKIE'S GONNA KILL YOU!!!" Vokoun stares at the enterance ramp. But then Headbanger Man comes from underneath the ring with a steel drum. Vokoun is still looking the wrong way. Headbanger, sneaks up from the top rope and with steel drum in hand, flys off the top rope...RIGHT ON VOKOUN'S HEAD!!!

Hoss: What?! That no good son of a bitch!!! The only way Headbanger could do that to Vokoun was hitting him from behind!!!

King: Gorilla, all he has to do is out smart him. And that's exactly what Headbanger did. Your looking at the future WWCF Hardcore Champion right there!!!

Rules of Honor: Evil M V. M.O.P.

Muffer - The following contest is set for one fall, with a twenty minute time limit, and it is to be contested under Rules of Honor!

*Man on the Silver Mountain*

Evil M walks out, wearing a t-shirt that has a picture of Yellow Jacket on the front, and the words “DO IT FOR YELLOW JACKET!” written on the back.

Muffer - Introducing first, from Rockland, Mass, weighing 300 pounds, Evil M!

M grabs the mic.

M - Ladies and gentlemen, it has been one week since the announcement that my good friend Yellow Jacket would not be returning to the ring. In that time, I have done some thinking and some soul searching and come to a decision.

I have decided to dedicate my career to my friend! Yellow Jacket, everything I do from here on out is for you! Every match, every title I win, all for you, buddy! I’ve even decided to take your music as my own! And I’ve done away with the violent and vulgar Journey to Heck in favor of the Crowbar, the very same move that eventually brought us together!

From this point on, no matter what I do, I know one thing is for sure.

M turns around to show off the back of his shirt.

I’m gonna do it for Yellow Jacket!

*Days of the Phoenix*

M.O.P. walks out, shaking hands with the fans as he approaches the ring.

Muffer - And his opponent. From Bergen County, New Jersey, weighing in at 232 pounds, M.O.P.!

Referee Spud Johnson calls both men to the center of the ring. M.O.P. extends his hand and surprisingly, M takes it.

Hoss - A surprising show of sportsmanship from Evil M.

Johnson calls for the bell. M and M.O.P. lock up. M applies a headlock, but M.O.P. shoves him off into the ropes. M comes back with a clothesline attempt, but it’s countered into a drop toehold! M.O.P. quickly locks on a Crossface, but M pulls himself to one knee to break it. M.O.P. tries to keep the hold locked in, but M get’s to his feet, holding M.O.P. on his back! M.O.P. tries to transition to a sleeper hold, but M falls back, dropping all his weight on M.O.P.! M covers M.O.P.


M pulls M.O.P. up and tosses him in the corner. He gathers a running start and goes for an elbow, but M.O.P. moves and M hit’s the turnbuckle hard! M.O.P. rolls him up!


M.O.P. tackles M at the legs, but M falls forward, dropping all his weight on his opponent. M.O.P. drops to his knees and M again falls on him, driving him down to the mat! He rolls him over, cover!


M stays on M.O.P., hooks the arm, and drives his knee into the shoulder! He does this two more times, then pulls him up, only to shoulder block him back to the mat! He grabs the arm, looking for the Crowbar, but M.O.P. cradles him!


M grabs M.O.P. and drills him into the mat with a chokeslam, then locks on the Crowbar! M.O.P., the wind knocked out of him thanks to the chokeslam, taps out!

Muffer - Here is your winner, Evil M!

M grabs the mic once again.

M - Yellow Jacket, that was for you!

The crowd boos.

M - Jonathan Michaels. At Wheel of Misfortune, I will challenge you for the Championship of Honor. However, I don’t want just any old match. Seeing as how you have your Keygrip submission and I now have the Crowbar, why don’t we make this a submissions match? It’ll be all the sweeter when I make you tap out and take your title. I’ll be awaiting your answer Jono.

M drops the mic and celebrates to the boos from the crowd.

Tyfo V. Headbanger Man

The following contest is scheduled for one fall, with a 30 minute time limit!

(We're Not Gonna Take It)
Introducing first, from Kent, England and weighing 263 pounds - representing The Metal Express, he is one half of the WWCF Tag Team Champions...THE HEADBANGER MAN!

- Headbanger Man air drums on the way down to the ring. He is wearing a "VIVA IS INNOCENT" T-Shirt. He holds his belt in the air on the turnbuckles.

(New Blackjacks Theme)
And his opponent, from Dallas, Texas, weighing 245 pounds - he is one half of The Southwest Connection and Mr Money In The Bank...TYFO!

- Tyfo does the longhorns salute on each turnbuckle, while holding his briefcase high in the air.

Tim Hoss: This should be quite the contest, Jesse. These two men are no strangers to one another, and this is just a small preview of what to expect at Wheel of Misfortune.

Jesse King: That's right, two title belts on the line in one 6-man tag match - whatever the result, we're going to see a belt change hands on that night.

Hoss: Absolutely. Headbanger is gunning for Smokin Vokoun's Hardcore Title, while both Tyfo and Naitch seek to reclaim those tag belts that the Metal Express took from them.

- Both men lock up, and Tyfo grabs a side headlock. Headbanger sends him off the ropes and scores with a knockdown. Tyfo leapfrogs him, and hits a hiptoss, followed by another armdrag. Headbanger gets frustrated and charges at Tyfo, but gets lowbridged out of the ring. Tyfo then executes a suicide dive onto Headbanger on the outside, before posing in the ring for the fans.

Hoss: An explosive start from Tyfo here! Mr Money In The Bank is fired up tonight.

King: When's he gonna cash that thing in, Apeman? The suspense is killing me!

Hoss: All in good time, my friend. All in good time.

Tyfo rolls Headbanger back in the ring. Cover.


He pulls Headbanger up and goes for a suplex, but Headbanger blocks it, then hit’s a suplex of his own! He picks Tyfo up and slams him into the turnbuckle, then to the mat. Cover.


Headbanger pulls Tyfo up and levels him with a short-arm clothesline. Snap suplex, then a running senton, but Tyfo rolls out of the way! Headbanger gets up, holding his back, as Tyfo catches him with a dropkick, then goes for the Texas Cloverleaf, but D-Day Dave runs down the ramp. Headbanger pushes Tyfo back, as Dave climbs on the ring apron. Referee John Creed turns to deal with Dave as Tyfo again goes for the Cloverleaf, but Headbanger grabs the Money in the Bank briefcase and levels Tyfo with it! He slides the briefcase out of the ring as Dave jumps off the apron. Headbanger makes the cover just as Creed turns back to the match!


Muffer - Here is your winner, The Headbanger Man!

Dave and Headbanger continue to beat on Tyfo until Little Naitch runs out and chases them off. Naitch tends to his partner as The Metal Express head back up the ramp.

Jazzman V. The Man in Black

Gorilla Tim Hoss: And we're back with quite the match here.

Jesse King: That's right, Gorilla! Jazzman has called out the nefarious Man in Black, but what will the Man in Black do?

Gorilla Tim Hoss: The Man in Black is wrapped in mystery, always striking from the shadows, but will he put up or shut up tonight? Can Jazzman put him in his place for once and for all?

Jesse King: If he does, he'll definitely make BRB look bad.

The audience explodes into raucous cheers as "Hurricane Season" by Trombone Shorty hits the speakers.

Michael Muffer: Entering first,

Jazzman enters the arena, snapping his fingers. He spins around, then walks down the ramp, shaking hands on his way to the ring.

Michael Muffer: Hailing from Fulton, NY, weighing in at 236lbs, he is the Number One Contender for the Inter-Forum Championship: Jazzman!

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Jazzman has class, he has taste, and he has real wrestling skill.

Jesse King: But will that be enough to defeat the Man in Black?

Gorilla Tim Hoss: This should prove a true challenge for Jazzman. There are no tapes for him to have studied on the Man in Black. The Man in Black will be a test of Jazzman's adaptability.

Jesse King: If he shows up.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: If he shows up, yes.

Jazzman walks up the steps, takes a look at the crowd, and then crosses the ropes.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Jazzman is the longest reigning World Champion in the history of the WWCF. If he cannot defeat the Man in Black, then who can?

Jazzman paces about in the ring as the crowd stirs. Nothing happens.

Jesse King: Then who can? Then who can? You already said that Jazzman has never faced the Man in Black before. If Jazzman can't do it, then so far only Jazzman can't do it. For all we know, Neo Het can do it.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: They say that Neo Het will go far in this company you know.

Jesse King: Will you stop it?

Jazzman keeps pacing, removing his shirt to female fan cheers. Nothing happens.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: I think that Jazzman is proving his point right now.

Jesse King: More like the Man in Black is.

Jazzman takes off his hat and hands it away to the outside. Nothing happens.

Jesse King: How could the Man in Black do all of this only to-

The arena goes black and the crowd goes into mixed reactions.

A video package of the Man in Black beating down BRB on multiple occasions plays on the Craptron, but the Man in Black doesn't emerge onto the ramp.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Now he's just messing with us.

Jesse King: Don't look now, but I think that I heard someone behind us.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: It's called the fans, Jesse.

Jesse King: You're a laugh riot tonight, Gorilla.

The package ends, but the song continues as the lights begin strobing and smoke emits from the ring.

Jesse King: I think that he's trying to disorient Jazzman before the match even begins. Jeez, I'm closing my eyes.

The smoke billows in the ring to the point that Jazzman and Referee Lloyd McFloyd get out of it, coughing their way out. Just as the music finishes, pyro goes off from each corner and the lights come back on.

Jesse King: Whoah!

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Let's hope that Jazzman knows what he's doing here.

The smoke starts clearing up, and the Man in Black is in the center of the ring.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: This crowd is going bananas!

The Man in Black stares out at the crowd, then at Jazzman, who defiantly looks up to him.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: That's a hell of an entrance, King.

Jesse King: It sure would be a shame if the Man in Black lost and had to reveal himself so soon.

The Man in Black beckons to Jazzman and gets in his corner.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: This is the first time that I've gotten a real good look at the Man in Black, and he is very solidly built there. No wonder he's been able to do damage to BRB and others.

Jesse King: All the sweeter when we find out who he really is. And it better not be Old Man River.

Jazzman and Referee Lloyd McFloyd enter the ring. Jazzman heads to his corner. McFloyd looks at both men, and starts the match. Jazzman and the MiB stand across from each other. Jazzman starts circling the MiB, who stands still, following him with his eyes.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: You could cut the tension with a knife right now, King.

Jesse King: The Man in Black is so mysterious, Gorilla. What kind of style will he wrestle? What kinds of moves will he use?

Jazzman make a run for MiB's legs for a takedown but MiB uses the ropes for leverage and maintains his footing. MiB bends over, waistlocks Jazzman, and lifts him upside down.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: This is not a good position for-

The MiB jumps and lands on the mat, piledriving Jazzman headfirst into the mat. The crowd winces.

Jesse King: A man who opens a match with a friggin' piledriver is not to be messed with. I'm keeping my eye on this Man in Black. He's good.

MiB picks up Jazzman and hoists him over his shoulders and starts spinning him around.

Jesse King: A piledriver followed up by an airplane spin ought to make a lesser man puke, Gorilla.

MiB continues spinning Jazzman around when Jazzman locks an arm and a leg over each of the MiB's arms and then forces him to the ground for a crucifix pin.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: A crucifix pin reversal from Jazzman! McFloyd goes for the count!

McFloyd counts on- MiB powers out. Both men stand up but Jazzman is dazed. MiB spins around and clobbers Jazzman with a discus clothesline, knocking him to the mat.

Jesse King: Jazzman is quickly losing this match. That piledriver sure did a number on him, and the MiB is relentless.

The MiB kneels down over Jazzman and starts grinding his elbow into Jazzman's face.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Jazzman has taken down bigger men than this though. He won his Number One Contendership from Titanothere!

Jesse King: Then whoever this is behind the mask is something of a veteran. Someone who knows their way around the ring. He's ruthless, relentless. Why isn't he a part of the Human Hate Machines?

Gorilla Tim Hoss: For all we know, he already is!

MiB jumps up onto the second rope and poses to the crowd, soaking up the boos as Jazzman recovers.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: MiB might be making a mistake here. He has his back to a recovering Jazzman.

The MiB gets up onto the top rope and turns around to see Jazzman getting up. Jazzman is shaking his head and stumbling around some when the Man in Black sticks his thumb out and guides it across his throat.

Jesse King: It's over for Jazzman now.

The MiB leaps off the top rope and leg drops straight onto Jazzman's head, knocking him down to the mat.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: A guillotine leg drop from the MiB!

MiB covers Jazzman. McFloyd counts one, two, three!

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Unbelievable!

McFloyd calls the bell.

Michael Muffer: Here is your winner as a result of a pinfall: The Man in Black!

The lights go out and when they come back on, the Man in Black is gone.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Unbelievable, the Man in Black defeated Jazzman, our longest reigning World Champion ever, like it was nothing!

Jesse King: He had a couple of things going for him though. Jazzman had no idea how to engage him and his efforts were stymied by that piledriver.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: But the crowd still seems to be behind Jazzman, and we'll undoubtedly see more from the Man in Black as he haunts our Inter-Forum Champion: Boiler Room Brawler.

Jesse King: Let's go to commercial.

Triangle Tournament final: Amigo V. “Damn Right“ Jackson V. Viva Los Bio Dome

Jesse King: And now, our main event of the evening. The finals in the Triangle Tournament!

"Gorilla" Tim Hoss: This is particularly interesting, because with all of the news about Viva Los Bio Dome and his apparent firing, no one knows if he's going to be here or not! No one knows!

Jesse King: I've gotta believe that fired or not, Viva's going to make an appearance. He's proven not to care about what Seth Drakin says in the past, and I can't see him caring now! Plus, he has a title to go after, regardless! He was robbed by Jay Carroll!

"Gorilla" Tim Hoss: While I don't agree with the way Jay Carroll has carried himself as champion thus far, he definitely earned that belt fair and square. The issue I have, is that the guy hasn't proved himself. He snuck up on Viva with a stipulation he wasn't prepared for, and he's acting like a world beater. He's got a lot to prove before I give him the respect that he's expecting to get instantly.

Jesse King: You know what? I agree wholeheartedly. Viva was a better champion that Jay will ever be. He even gave Jay credit, and Caroll spit it right back into his face. The kid's a jerk, and he's going to get his taste of humble pie.

*Welcome to Hell*

Out of Tempe, Arizona! Fighting for a chance to be the number one contender for the WWCF Heavyweight Championship! Fighting at 6'0", 214 pounds, AMIGO!

Amigo walks to the ring with no emotion, and a purpose. He's angry, and he wants his shot at the belt.

*Bring Tha Noise"

West Philadelphia, born and raised!Coming in at 6'5" and 296 pounds! He's fighting for an opportunity to be the #1 contender for the WWCF Heavyweight Championship! "Damn Right!" Jackson!

Damn Right walks down to the ring with a smile on his face. He's confident, and he's ready. He looks anxious to put a fist in Amigo's face.

*Paparazzi (Metal Version)*

The red carpet rolls out and the paparazzi wait patiently on the ramp. The song plays, no Viva.

Jesse King: It looks like there may be something to Viva's firing. He's not here, and something like this happening is something that never crossed my mind. I'm as shocked as you are folks.

"Gorilla" Tim Hoss: I've got to say, I'm shocked too. This triangle match has seemingly turned into a one on one match for a shot at Jay Carroll's belt, and I don't think anyone wants that.

The ref calls for the music to be stopped, and checks both Amigo and Jackson for weapon. "Spud" Verne Johnson then calls for the bell.

The bell rings, and both guys start posturing each other up. The lock up, and Amigo kicks him in the knee. He follows up by hitting Jackson with a haymaker. Jackson's wobbling, and Amigo drop kicks him in the legs to get him on the ground.

Jesse King: What's this? Someone's coming through the crowd?

"Gorilla" Tim Hoss: I don't see anyone. I think you're seeing things. Are you really that far in Viva's corner? I certainly don't see anyone with his loud wardrobe. Just a couple of fans with white and black boas.

Viva Los Bio Dome emerges from the crowd in street clothes, runs into the ring and as Jackson is getting up he hits him with a Lou Thesz press.

Jesse King: I knew it! Not even the security outside could hold him back from getting his shot at the belt!

"Gorilla" Tim Hoss: No wonder I couldn't see him. The bastard was in his street clothes.

Viva is wailing away on Jackson. Amigo bounces off of the ropes and nails Viva with a devastating Bom-Ba Ye.

Jesse King: No! God damnit!

"Gorilla" Tim Hoss: Watch your language, idiot. Viva's apparent attempt at surprising his opponents has backfired! Amigo nailed him with a vicious Bom-Ba Ye!

Amigo instantly covers him.

"Spud" Johnson goes for the count!




"Gorilla" Tim Hoss: Viva's been eliminated, Jesse! How do you feel? The guy you covet has been beaten two times in a row!

Jesse King: Thank you, captain obvious. Honestly? This is the second time in a row that he has had an elaborate plan backfire right in his face! First with the "choose a stipulation" match with Jay Carroll, and now with the late entrance into this match! He's got to re-strategize.

Amigo kicks Viva out of the ring while laughing hysterically. Jackson starts laughing as well before Amigo stops and slaps him in the face. Jackson looks back with angry eyes and before kicking him in the gut and lifting him for a gorilla press slam. Jackson drops down to a knee and begins punching Amigo in the face before Amigo luckily gets a rake of the eyes in.

Amigo gets up, regains his composure and waits for Jackson to stand up before grabbing him and headbutting him right between the eyes. Amigo knees him in the gut and sets him up for a powerbomb. Jackson dead weights Amigo and reverses that, dumping Amigo over his shoulder. Jackson turns around and stomps Amigo a few times before picking him up off of the ground and lifting him up for a delayed vertical suplex.

Jackson panders to the crowd by flexing his muscles. He turns around, kicks Amigo, turns back around, and flashes a giant white smile. The crowd cheers.

Jesse King: It looks like the crowd is firmly planted in "Damn Right" Jackson's corner!

"Gorilla" Tim Hoss: I've found that as of late, Amigo is one of the most hated men in the WWCF. He sure is up there with Viva at this point, maybe even more hated.

Jackson turns back around and Amigo is up on his feet. Amigo throws a punch. Jackson takes it and throws another one. They're trading now. Jackson duck's Amigo's last punch and locks him into an arm wrench. He follows it up with a nasty lariat.

Jesse King: The momentum is in Jackson's corner now!

Jackson looks at the crowd and dusts his shoulders off.

Jackson: This ends now!

Jackson picks Amigo up, and lifts him up for the Anxiety Adjustment. He's got Amigo locked in tight, and he's jumping up and down.

Jackson has his back turned to the ramp, and Colt charges down the ramp with a baseball bat. He turns Jackson around with amigo still on his shoulders, and smacks him right across the chest with the bat. Amigo falls right on top of him.

Jesse King: Woah! What just happened?

"Gorilla" Tim Hoss: I think Amigo just found himself in the Championship Match at The Wheel of Misfortune, that's what happened!

Jesse King: I guess you could say that The Wheel of Misfortune has already spun for both Viva and Jackson tonight!

The ref drops down and starts counting.




Here is your winner, Amigo!

Colt is standing on top of the ramp and points his baseball bat at Jackson. Jackson gets up holding his chest and takes chase.

Amigo begins celebrating. He climbs up the top rope facing the crowd and begins cheering himself on.

The crowd boos.

Viva, still at ringside, has been playing possum all along. Under the ring, he finds a steel chair. He slides into the ring with the chair. As he slides in, Amigo steps off of the turnbuckle to walk cross corner to the opposite corner. He finds Viva, on his feet. Amigo throws a haymaker. Viva ducks. Viva jams the chair into Amigos midsection and follows it up with a shot to the back.

Viva stands Amigo up, and hits him in the face. Viva opens the chair and sits on it. He waits as amigo gets to his feet. Once he's there, Viva hits him with an explosive Purple Sticky Punch. Viva sits back down on the chair, and motions for a mic. The announcer tosses a mic to him, and he sets it next to the chair.

He picks Amigo up and lifts him high for the Bio-Dome. He slams him down and goes back for the microphone.

You talk a lot of s***, Amigo. You really do. You've got two weeks to heal before you lose your title match, you son of a bitch.

Viva drops the mic, and the crowd cheers.

Viva leaves via the crowd, and all cameras are left on Amigo decimated in the ring as Niteraw comes to a close.

Credits: Smokin Vokoun, Evil M, Headbanger Man, BRB, and Viva Los Bio Dome

Sunday Night Heatz!!1 -June 13, 2010

Sunday Night Heatz!!1 - June 13th, 2010

Neo Het vs. The General of the Monkey Army

Sean Kelly: Here is our first match of the evening...

Jerry Fish: Our opening match...

"King Kong 2004 Theme" hits the speakers to mixed reactions. The General of the Monkey Army walks to the ring with Tinkers on his shoulder and Bongo at his side.

Michael Gettenpill: The General is a unique character. Not many roster members can handle a veritable zoo like he can.

Sean Kelly: Well he has to be on his toes for the Platypus Army.

Jerry Fish: Now entering the ring, hailing from Lansing, MI, weighing in at 225lbs, he is The General of the Monkey Army!

The General enters the ring but tells Bongo to stay at ringside and then he places Tinkers in the corner as "Boys Don't Cry" by The Clash hits the speakers and the crowd goes silent.

Sean Kelly: Strange as The General is, his opponent seems to be making quite the impact based on his strangeness.

*Boys Don't Cry by The Cure plays on the PA*

Neo Het suddenly appears in the ring in a puff of smoke. The General and the crowd is surprised and starts reacting in confusion. Neo Het is holding a calico kitten, who he holds in front of his face and rubs his nose against his nose, lovingly smiling. The General looks at Tinkers, who puckers up her lips.

Jerry Fish: Now in the ring, hailing from Hot Topic and weighing in at 266lbs, Neo Het!

Michael Gettenpill: A calico cat? What is this? A zoo?

Bongo slides into the ring up to Neo Het but The General commands Bongo to stop.

Sean Kelly: This Neo Het looks like a tough guy, but why the kitten?

Michael Gettenpill: He must also have a sensitive side, ya know. Kittens are cute. Especially calicos.

Neo Het looks at Bongo and they have a staredown.

Sean Kelly: It is never wise to look a male gorilla in the eyes. Neo Het had better know what he's doing here.

Neo Het lovingly strokes the kitten, which Bongo starts staring at. Neo Het keeps petting it as Referee "Spud" Verne Johnson scratches his head.

Michael Gettenpill: This Neo Het seems to have the situation under control.

Neo Het softly smiles, nodding at Bongo as he hands him the kitten. Bongo starts petting the kitten and leaves the ring.

Audience: Aw...

Neo Het softly waves at Bongo and the kitten as he gets into his corner, as does The General, who sternly looks at him and gives him the evil eye.

Sean Kelly: Neo Het's already working The General's two aces in the hole. And he's a solidly built man to boot.

Referee "Spud" Verne Johnson looks at both sides, then starts the match. The General lunges at Neo Het, who backs up from him and puts his arms out to guard himself.

Michael Gettenpill: What is Neo Het doing? It's time to fight?

Sean Kelly: Well hopefully he will snap out of it soon. What kind of wrestler will Neo Het be?

The General goes for Neo Het again, landing a punch straight to the face. Neo Het leaps over the top rope to the outside and begins pacing around the ring, hands covering his face.

Michael Gettenpill: There's no crying in professional wrestling!

Sean Kelly: Well he's a sensitive guy. Judging from his build though, the General had better watch out.

Referee "Spud" Verne Johnson counts one as the General puts his hands on his hips and waits for Neo Het to reenter the ring. Neo Het looks up at him, then around to the crowd, which starts booing him.

Michael Gettenpill: Oh, don't boo Neo Het. Give him a break.

Sean Kelly: This is about the fans, Mike, and Neo Het's going to have to learn that.

Neo Het leans over onto the apron and appears to be weeping. The crowd continues its booing as Johnson counts two.

Michael Gettenpill: This is pathetic. Neo Het appears to be six feet, six inches and two hundred sixty-six pounds of sissy.

Neo Het uncovers his face and it is contorted with rage. He pounds on the apron, gritting his teeth as Johnson counts three.

Sean Kelly: Spoken too soon, Mike.

Neo Het slides into the ring. The General puts up his dukes.

Michael Gettenpill: Well let's see what Neo Het has in him.

Neo Het goes up to The General and throws a kick. The General catches it and throws a punch, which Neo Het catches. Neo Het leaps with his remaining leg and knocks The General over with an enzuigiri kick.

Sean Kelly: What a move from Neo Het!

Both men return to their feet, with Neo Het on the attack first. Neo Het runs up to The General, jumps up, and hooks his arm around the back of his head, spinning him around and driving him headfirst into the mat. Neo Het is quickly back on his feet.

Michael Gettenpill: Whoah!

Neo Het goes to the corner and leaps up to the top rope. He points up to the ceiling, when The General lifts him off of the turnbuckle and slams him onto the mat.

Sean Kelly: A good opening assault from Neo Het but The General is not one to showboat around.

The General gets onto the second rope and leaps off to attack Neo Het, who rolls out of the way and kips up. Neo Het goes to drop an elbow to The General's sternum but he rolls out of the way too.

Michael Gettenpill: I don't think that anyone expected Neo Het to be this athletic. I thought that he might be a technical powerhouse like our CEO Seth Drakin.

The General manages to get onto one knee before Neo Het picks him up and hoists him over his shoulders and starts spinning around. Neo Het still has a look of rage on his face.

Sean Kelly: I thought that he would be a power-brawler like DR Jackson...

Neo Het stops spinning and then slams The General backfirst into a corner. The General impacts with the corner, then falls onto his head.

Michael Gettenpill: Ooh...

Neo Het drags The General into the middle of the ring and turns him over. He points up to the ceiling again, uninterrupted, and then runs to the ropes and leaps against them for a lionsault onto The General. Neo Het follows it up for the pin.

Sean Kelly: Nice try Neo Het...

Johnson counts one.

Sean Kelly: ...But here's where Bongo and...

Johnson counts two.

Sean Kelly: ...Tinkers help The General.

Johnson counts three and calls the bell.

Sean Kelly: What?

Jerry Fish: Here is your winner by pinfall: Neo Het!

Neo Het starts jumping for joy and hugs Johnson, who is weirded out by the experience. The General goes over to investigate Bongo's situation.

Sean Kelly: Why didn't they help The General? They're always his ace up the sleeve.

Bongo is still petting the calico kitten when he looks up to see The General yelling at him. Bongo sulks and follows The General out of the arena.

[color-ff0033]Michael Gettenpill: Well, you have to admit: it was a cute kitten.[/color]

Neo Het remains in the ring, and points up to the sky when smoke fills the ring and pyro goes off. Neo Het is gone when the smoke clears.

Sean Kelly: That Neo Het sure is a magical guy, and we're sure to see more of him in the WWCF but let's move onto our next match, shall we Mike?

[color-ff0033]Michael Gettenpill: You got it, Sean.[/color]


Kris Kobain vs TTS

*Oriental music starts to play and a geisha girl walks out on to the stage. She stops and fans herself while looking at the enterance. Kris Kobain walks out with kabuki makeup and a Japanese robe. He has his "champion of Mexico" title draped over his shoulder.

Gettenpill: Oh come on! What is this now!?!

Kris and the geisha girl make thier way to the ring. The girl hands Jerry Fish a piece of paper.

Kris:Introduce me right!

Fish: Ladies and gentlemen. Introducing first. From Japan by way of Seattle, Washington. Weighing in at 200 pounds....

*Fish shakes his head and llooks at Kris
Introduce me! Now!

Fish (unenthusiatsticly): The reigning champion of Mexico and newly crowned champion of Japan.....Krisawa Kobainashi....

*The geisha girl unrobs Kris to reveal a new championship belt. Kris looks to the sky and raises his arms in victory.

Gettenpill: This is too much...

Fish: And his opponent hailing from Davie,Floridaand weighing in at 290 pounds...

Down On Me starts playing

The Voodoo Lawyer T..T...S!!!

*TTS walks calmly towards the ring with his eyes locked on Kris.

Gettenpill: Maybe The Voodoo lawyer will cast a spell on Kobain to bring him back to reality.
Kelly: Maybe he'll cast a spell on you to make you an unbiased announcer.
Gettenpill: You can't be serious.
Kelly: I'm always serious.

*TTS walks towards Kris who tells the referee to wait. Kris turns towards the geisha girl outside the ring and bows to her. Kris instructs TTS to do the same. TTS looks at the girl, then at Kris and then at the crowd. TTS turns back towards the girl and starts to bow but turns and big boots Kris in the side of the head. The ref signals for the bell and the match starts.

Kris gets to his feet holding the side of his head. Kris jawjacks TTS who charges after him. Kris ducks under TTS's arm and hits TTS with karate chop as they turn towards each other. TTS charges Kris again only to get yet another duck under karate chop. Kris strikes a karate pose and TTS clotheslines him. Kris is back to his feet and they lock up. TTS over powers Kris and hits him with a knee to the mid section. TTS goes to one knee and hits Kris with a shot under the chin. Kris drops to the mat. TTS rolls Kris over onto his back and drops a knee on his head.

Gettenpill:Kobain taking early damage here.

*TTS lifts Kris off the mat and hits him with a sidewalk slam. Kris rolls over to his stomach and TTS kicks him twice in the ribs. TTS locks on a camel clutch. Kris reaches out for the rope but it is just out of reach. The geisha outside the ring distracts the referee by trying to enter the ring. TTS breaks the hold and goes after the girl. The girl drops to the floor and TTS goes back to Kris who is still down on the mat. TTS reaches down to pick Kris up and Kris punches him in the back of the knee bringing him down to one knee. Kris gets to his feet and lands a dropkick on the downed TTS. TTS gets to his feet and charges Kris. Kris side steps TTS and hits him with a reverse crescent kick as TTS turns around.

TTS gets back to his feet and Kris springboards off the middle rope. TTS catches Kris on his shoulder but Kris slides down his back landing on his feet. Kris rolls TTS up with a school boy and then transitions to a figure four.

Gettenpill: Submission applied by Kobain here.

TTS slams his hand down on the mat. Kris jumps up yelling that TTS tapped out. The referee doesn't call for the bell and Kris walks to him stating that TTS tapped out and motioning with his hand. The ref looks over at TTS who is getting to his feet as Kris climbs the second turnbuckle in the corner. TTS walks over and grabs Kris from behind slaming him down to the mat.

Gettenpill:It looks like this one is going to continue!
Kelly: That's not fair! TTS tapped out. I know it, you know it, this poor excuse of a referee knows it and all these people know it.
Gettenpill: I don't know anythng and neither do these people or the referee for that matter.
Kelly: I've been saying that for years.
Gettenpill: Back to the action..

*TTS lifts Kris off the mat and hits him with a shoulder backbreaker. TTS lifts Kris off the mat again and drops him with an inverted ddt. TTS covers Kris

TTS confers with the ref over the count as Kris crawls towards the geisha girl in the corner. She slips something in his hand as they are talking. Then moves away and Kris lays on his stomach as TTS and the ref turn around. The geisha climbs on the ring apron again and the ref goes over to her as TTS walks towards Kris.

Kris hits TTS with a low blow and catches him on his way down hitting him with a flatliner. A small bag that was in Kris's hand falls to the outside of the ring. The camera zooms in on it and it is a tightly packed bag of rice.

Kris ascends to the top turnbuckle and hits The Afterburn.

1! 2! 3!

Gettenpill: And it's all over thanks to damn dirty tactics.
Kelly: What? They guy wanted a snack during his match and TTS tried to take it from him. What a bully this TTS is.
Gettenpill: Right

*The geisha hands Fish another note

Fish: The winner of the match....the champion of Mexico and the champion of Japan Krisawa Kobainashi!

Kris makes his way up the ramp with the girl and his titlles and looks into the camera smiling.

Kobain: Now that's what I call a rice ball!

*TTS stands in the ring looking very very angry.


The Boiler Room

BRB: Welcome to another exciting edition of The Boiler Room, where all of the hottest angles and stars only get

Tonight I am joined by the Family Pain Train Tyfo. Tyfo, we lost the Stable Wars match to Heavy Metal Hollywood, but Vokoun retained his Hardcore Championship against The Hangman and I retained my-

BRB shakes the Inter-Forum Championship belt.

BRB: Inter-Forum Championship belt.

But Jay Carroll winning the World Championship was the greatest victory of all. But lately, you seem to have been wallowing about in your spot. What's up with that?

Tyfo: Well, I've been a Family member since day 1. I've been in any and every incarnation that there's been. Hell, you've been there with me in a lot of them. But what I do know is that this current Family is without question the strongest, the most dominant, and most successful group that I've been a part of. If the WWCF Galaxy doesn't agree, if the boys in the back don't agree, just look at our collection of gold. A collection that's just going to get bigger when Naitch and myself finally get our rematch for the WWCF Tag Team titles.

BRB: All of that gold, yet Heavy Metal Hollywood won the Stable Warz match. And Viva snatched victory from Amigo no less.

You are a veteran of the original Stable Warz, Tyfo, what are your thoughts on the current landscape?

Tyfo: A veteran, a survivor, whatever you want to call it. The Family stood tall the last time around and I don't see a different outcome this time. We controlled this company, we hunted down what we wanted and we took it. That's what I see right now. I looked at Jay Carroll right before he walked out to the ring the night he won the title and I knew it was his. Because he had that look in his eyes. That look that told me that he wasn't accepting anything less. I look at you and what you've done. Whatever title you put in your sights, you went after it and you took it. I can see the same thing in Vokoun, and I know littlenaitch has the same desire. As for me, I've had that look in my eye for almost a year now. The look that says I'm ready to be the best. Right now it's getting our tag team titles back, but then, well, that's the main reason I'm here tonight. But I'll save that. Groups like Heavy Metal Hollywood, they're good, sure. But they aren't Family!

BRB: But you disappeared from the scene about a month ago, where were you?

Tyfo: Like I said the night I came back, it's no big deal. I just had to find what was inside me once again and I think that's what I did. I found that desire to be at the top. I've got nothing else to really say about that at this time.

BRB: Heh heh. Speaking of Heavy Metal Hollywood, you dropped D-Day Dave on his head with The Tumbleweed a few weeks ago. How good did it feel, Tyfo?

Tyfo: Gotta be one of the most satisfying moments of my career. You're talking about a guy who took this whole company, our little Corporate Family in particular, and tried to sell us down the river. A guy that promised us the world, and he left us to die more or less. I don't have to tell you, you were told all the same things that I was. But not only that, now he's part of a rival stable, he's one half of the team that took the Tag titles from Naitch and myself. Add all of that together and that match, that win, set about a year of frustration free. And it will probably be even more sweet, when we take those Tag Team titles back home.

BRB: Well let's get down to brass tacks, Tyfo. What's your plan for that briefcase there in your hand?

Tyfo: I've been carrying this thing around since Gookermania, just waiting until I felt the time was right. I don't need to sit around and stalk a weakened champion, and I don't need to jump him from behind. That's why right here tonight I am telling whoever the champion is at the time, and the whole world that I will be cashing in my shot at the WWCF Championship next month at Botch at the Beach.

It doesn't matter to me who the champion is. If it's still Jay Carroll, he's a Family member and he's a friend, but he knows that it's all about that title and he knows that it's about beating the best competition that there is. So I know he would have no problem at all facing me. If it's somebody else, that's fine with me. That's why I'm telling everyone now. I've known since this company began that one day I would take my final step up that ladder and claim the top prize. I've waited for almost a year, until I felt my moment was right. Right now, I feel like I'm ready to take on anybody. The Pain Train is going to rumble into Botch at the Beach and whoever is carrying the title is tied to the tracks. It is finally time that I fulfill my dream.

BRB: Well you heard it tonight, WWCF Galaxy! The Family Pain Train [color=Red]Tyfo is cashing in the Money In The Bank at Botch At The Beach! And you heard it all here on
The Boiler Room!
See you next time!


The Dream Chasers (Titanothere and Dream Warrior) vs. Human Hate Machines (Square and Hangman)

Gettenpill: Titanothere has never been known to not state his opinion, sadly for him Square has neither. So after the Human Hate Machine's tag team title lost and then that brutual attack on referee John Creed Titan called them freaks and the self proclaimed "revolution of evolution" got angry

Kelly: Rightfully mind you, Square got cheated out of the tag titles by a poor referee call and then some hairy giant called him a freak. Hypocricy at it's finest.

Gettenpill: Amigo knocked out the referee, and then they used the ring steps on Dave whilst the ref was looking! That is a fair disqualification in my book. Nevertheless, this is a tag team match with Square's fellow Hate Machine The Hangman joining him to take on Titan and Dream Warrior, the Dream Chasers.

Jerry Fish: The following match is set for one fall with a 20 minute time limit and is your main event of the evening. First, at a combined weight of 566 pounds Tittanothere and Dream Warrior THE DREAM CHASERS

Titan and Dream Warrior walk out onto the stage and as they pose for the crowd Square and Hangman attack from behind, and both teams start to brawl on the stage. Square starts to stomp the back of a fallen Warrior whilst the two big men start throwing punches wildly.

Gettenpill: The Human Hate Machines waiting no time to start fighting, and at least one member of the Dream Chasers knew that these underhanded tactics are Square's speciality.

Kelly: There not underhanded, it's a sign of experience. Square is a former tag team champion and was trained by WWCF legend StrykerDarkSilence, he is a tag team specialist. And the evilness of Amigo's protege, Hangman is scary

Gettenpill: But don't sell the Dream Chasers short, they have shown to be an excellent pairing and can be more than a match for the Machine.

Square goes to knee drop Warrior, but at the last second Warrior rolls out of the way and dropkicks the kneeling foe. Hangman and Titan have faught down to ringside, with referee Will Alphonzo demanding them to enter the ring to no response, Hangman rams the Titan headfirst into the ringpost and he drops to the floor. Hangman starts to walk away, but spins on the spot and squashes Titan with a vicious diving senton.

Gettenpill: This match hasn't even started yet!

Hangman goes under the ring and starts to pull out weapons, and as he gets out of under the ring Dream Warrior is there to great him with a hurracurna and a series of right hands. Warrior gets Hangman to his feet, rolls out of the way of a big boot and lands a picture perfect energuri to the top of the bigger man's skull. Warrior calls for Dream from the Sky and starts to climb onto the turnbuckles. As Warrior postions himself, Square viciously smashes a chair into the masked man, knocking him down and out in the middle of the ring. As the referee calls for the bell, Hangman cracks Titan over the back with a cane and Square levels him with a jumping chairshot. Hangman walks off, damage done as Square starts to scream into Titan's face "YOU'RE THE FREAK! YOU'RE THE FREAK!" repeatedly.

Gettenpill: The Human Hate Machines has just laid out the Dream Chasers, with a deranged Square standing tall over his Spin the Wheel Make The Deal opponent.

Kelly: I don't think Titanothere will even make it to Spin the Wheel after that vicious chair shot.

Gettenpill: Maybe we will find out tommorow on NiteRaw, where also Jazzman will take on the mysterious Man in Black and the final of the Triangle Tournament is held with "Damn Right" Jackson taking on King Viva and the first WWCF world heavyweight champion Amigo. For Sean Kelly, I'm Michael Getenpill goodnight!

Monday Niteraw - June 7, 2010

Monday NiteRaw, 6/7/10

Hoss - Welcome to Monday NiteRaw! Tonight, we will crown number one contenders for both the Hardcore Title and the Championship of Honor!

King - Plus, the Triangle Tournament to crown the next challenger for the WWCF World Heavyweight Championship will begin!

Hardcore Championship Number One Contenders match: Headbanger Man V. D-Day Dave V. The General of the Monkey Army V. TTS

The following contest is a Fatal 4-Way Hardcore match, and the winner will become #1 contender to the WWCF Hardcore Championship!

(Down On Me)
Introducing first, from Davie, Florida, weighing in at 290 pounds...he is "The Voodoo Lawyer" TTS!

(King Kong 2004 Theme)
From Lansing, Michigan, weighing 225 pounds and being accompanied by Tinkers...GENERAL OF THE MONKEY ARMY!

- General and Tinkers slap hands with fans on the way down. Tinkers eats a banana as General poses on the turnbuckle.

(We're Not Gonna Take It)
And finally, at a combined weight of 498 pounds - Headbanger Man and D-Day Dave...THE METAL EXPRESS!

- TME come out with actual instruments this time, and both men talk smack to the crowd on the way to the ring.

Tim Hoss: Here we go then, a 4-man hardcore match to determine the next challenger for Smokin Vokoun's coveted Hardcore Title. This one won't be scientific, and it definitely won't be pretty, but it should be entertaining.

Jesse King: A lot of interesting elements in the one, particularly the fact that The Metal Express will go against each other here tonight, as both men also would like to establish themselves as singles competitors.

Hoss: Absolutely. But don't forget that both General and TTS are veterans of hardcore bouts in this company, and would also like nothing more than to get back into the hunt for championship gold.

- The match starts off quickly, as TTS attacks Dave, while General and Headbanger slug it out. TTS clotheslines Dave out of the ring and follows him out. General hits a big back body drop on Headbanger, and drops a quick elbow, as simultaneously Dave reverses a whip from TTS and sends him into the barricade.

- In the ring, Headbanger recovers and drives a knee into the gut of General, and scores with a swinging neckbreaker. Dave slides back into the ring, and the Metal Express hit a double team suplex. TTS grabs a Singapore cane from under the ring and hits the ring, smacking Headbanger across the back with it, which sends him out of the ring.

Hoss: The weaponry has come into play already here! What a shot with that kendo stick by TTS!

- TTS swings at Dave, who avoids the contact. General dropkicks TTS into Dave, who again tumbles to the outside. General then rolls up the Voodoo Lawyer.


- TTS powers out. General attempts a crossbody, but TTS catches him and manages to hit a fallaway slam. Both members of the Metal Express get back into the ring, and hit stereo dropkicks on TTS, sending him to the canvas. Dave reaches outside the ring and finds a beer bottle within the Metal Express plunder.

Hoss: Is he gonna drink that or smash someone in the head with it.

King: I'd do 'em both. I'm hardcore.

- Dave takes a swig of the beer and spits it into the face of General. Headbanger grabs a drumstick, and tries to jam it into the eye of the General, but TTS meets him with a baseball slide. Dave then smashes the bottle over the head of TTS! He rolls him into the centre of the ring and makes a cover.


- General breaks it up with a double sledge to the back of Dave.

Hoss: That might have been all right there. That bottle shattered on TTS' face!

- General takes down Dave with a DDT. Headbanger comes back into the ring with a springboard clothesline, taking down the General. He signals for the Double Bass DDT, but Tinkers throws a banana skin at him. Headbanger turns around to confront the simian, but gets hit with a vicious low blow from the General.


- Dave makes the save with an elbow to the back of General's head.

Hoss: Another save, this time by D-Day Dave. General really connected with that low blow.

King: Tinkers getting involved here. He's my favourite monkey since that talking gorilla in 'Congo'.

Hoss: That movie sucked.

King: Whatever.

- Dave hits a full nelson slam on General, and tries to get Headbanger to his feet. However, TTS, busted open from the bottle shot, hits him in the back with a steel chair. He then brains Headbanger with it, as the crowd cheers loudly.

Hoss: Good grief! What a chairshot!

- TTS then goes to the outside and grabs a table from under the ring. He takes it back inside and sets it up. General gets to his feet and hits a few forearm shots to TTS, followed by a running bulldog. Dave uses the ropes to steady himself, and counters a charge by General by low-bridging him out of the ring. He then walks into a discus clothesline by the Voodoo Lawyer.

Hoss: TTS once again regains the advantage. He's had a grudge against D-Day Dave for quite some time now, and you gotta believe he's really enjoying this.

King: He's seen his former tag partner become World Champion, and perhaps its motivated him to go for some gold for himself.

- TTS places Dave on the table, and goes to the top rope. He attempts to obliterate the former CEO with a Doctor's Note, but Headbanger manages to pull Dave away from the table, and TTS goes crashing through it! Headbanger shoves Dave away and goes for an opportunistic cover.


- Dave drags Headbanger off, and hits him with a right hand. He goes for a pin of his own.


- This time Headbanger breaks it up. The Metal Express then exchange strong words in the centre of the ring.

Hoss: Uh-oh, we thought it might come to this. Headbanger and Dave couldn't co-exist the whole time, and maybe we'll see them square off here!

- However, just as it seems that they will come to blows, General gets back into the ring and takes them both out with a double clothesline. He then proceeds to apply his Monkey Wrench submission hold on Dave! Dave reaches the ropes, but it doesn't matter! Just as it seemed he's about to tap out, Headbanger nails General with a trash can! He goes for the cover.


- General kicks out!

Hoss: Great resiliance here from the General! That shot to the head would've kept a lesser man down.

- Headbanger whips General into the corner. He nails a few back elbows, and then places General on the top floor. He seems to set up for the Blastbeat Bomb, but TTS appears out of nowhere and hits him with the lid of the trash can. Dave takes down TTS with a spear, and at the same time General lands a superplex on Headbanger! All four men lay prone in the ring.

Hoss: These 4 men have taken so much punishment in this contest! That's what this match means to each of them.

King: I personally wouldn't wanna fight Vokoun one-on-one in a hardcore match, but each to their own.

- D-Day Dave rolls to the outside of the ring. General stirs and drapes an arm across Headbanger.


- Headbanger just about gets a shoulder up! TTS scrambles to his feet, and hits a Pile-Up on General! However, before he can do anything else, Dave gets back into the ring wielding his guitar, and smashes it over the head of TTS!

Hoss: Good lord, another guitar shot there! TTS has taken some serious punishment in this one.

King: He'll be alright. He's crazy anyway.

- Dave celebrates and turns around...and gets hit in the head with a snare drum by Headbanger! He makes the cover.


Here is your winner...THE HEADBANGER MAN!

- Headbanger raises his arms in triumph, but is seriously dazed! He tries to check on Dave, who is out cold. Headbanger shrugs his shoulders, and leaves the arena, with the remnants of his snare drum in tow.

Hoss: That's the first time we've ever seen Headbanger use a drum as a weapon here! What a brutal and physical match that was!

King: I can't wait to see him face Vokoun for that Hardcore Title. That's sure to be an absolute bloodbath!

Championship of Honor Number One Contenders match: Titanothere V. Evil M

Michael Muffer: The following contest is for one fall, and will be fought under the Rules of Honor. First, from La Brea, California, weighing 366 pounds: Titanothere!

(“Godzilla” by Blue Oyster Cult plays. Titan walks onto the stage, lowers his head, paws the ground with both feet, and trudges down the ramp. He walks up the steps and into the ring. He removes his helmet and shoulderpads and folds his arms across his chest).

Muffer: His opponent, from Parts Unknown, and weighing in at 320 pounds: Evil M!

(The opening chords to Kane’s old theme plays, and the arena goes dark. AC/DC’s “Thunderstruck” starts up and Evil M appears, accompanied by his pyro. He walks down to the ring and climbs over the ropes. He sets off his ring pyro and the house lights come back up)

“Gorilla” Tim Hoss: Two big men competing for a big opportunity: to be Number One Contender for the Championship of Honor. Last time these men faced Titan was able to pull out a victory.

Jesse King: Yeah, and this time the match will be fought under the Rules of Honor, which means automatic disqualification if you throw your opponent over the top rope or benefit from any outside interference.

Hoss: It also means the two wrestlers must shake hands at the start of the match, which should be interesting.

*M looks sad as he asks for a mic*

M: Ladies and gentlemen.

*Boos from the crowd*

M: Please people, this is important. Ladies and gentlemen, I have some bad news. Over the weekend, I received a phone call from my good friend and tag team partner, Yellow Jacket. At Championship Heatz, he suffered an ACL tear, which I had no idea about. The next night at Survivor Team Challenge Series, he further aggravated the injury. I had no idea he was even hurt!

Anyway, Friday night, he called me and informed me that effective immediately, he is no longer able to compete.

I- I just feel so guilty! If only I had known! I could’ve protected him at the PPV! I just…

*M starts to tear up, then composes himself*

M: Yellow Jacket, I’m sorry I let you down. You were my best friend and the best tag team partner I could ask for! I…

*M begins openly sobbing as the crowd boos and starts chanting “BORING!”*

M: YJ buddy, I will never forget how you rescued me from the hardcore scene and helped me become a respectable wrestler. So man, this is for you! I’m gonna win this match, then I’m goin’ on to win the Championship of Honor!

I’m gonna do it for you, YJ! I’m gonna do it for Yellow Jacket!!

Do it for Yellow Jacket!! Do it for Yellow Jacket!!

*The crowd boos as M drops the mic and prepares for action*

Hoss: What a bombshell! Yellow Jacket is out with a torn ACL!

King: Those are extremely serious, Gorilla. His career as a wrestler could be over!

Hoss: I just have to say, it will be a huge loss to the WWCF if that young man can no longer compete. Hopefully we can get confirmation on this news from the back as this match progresses.

(Referee Verne “Spud” Johnson calls Titan and M to the middle of the ring to go over the rules. He signals to the timekeeper to ring the bell. The two wrestlers get in a staredown. Finally, Titanothere extends his hand. Evil M slowly raises his and the two shake. Then Evil M snaps Titan’s head back with a throat thrust. He follows that up with a barrage of punches that drives Titanothere back to the corner. Johnson steps in and orders M back)

Hoss: Some brutal shots by the Hardcore Monster.

King: He needs to be careful if he doesn’t want to be disqualified. The referees tend to call COH matches conservatively.

(Evil M glares at Johnson but backs away from the corner. Titanothere comes out and the two get in an elbow and collar tie up. Evil M puts Titan in a side headlock, but the Monster of the Mesozoic Age powers out and pushes M away. Evil M pivots and connects with a big boot at the charging Titan, sending him staggering. He grabs Titanothere by the arm and whips him to the ropes, bends down and catches his opponent with a back body drop. Evil M goes down to make the pin, but Titan gets an arm up after one)

Hoss: An early pin attempt fails as Titanothere powers out. This match has been all Evil M so far.

King: You have to remember the last time these two faced Evil M was badly injured. This is his chance to show everyone who the real monster of the WWCF Galaxy is. And he has the added motivation of winning this for his injured tag team partner Yellow Jacket.

(Evil M pulls Titanothere up and tries to Irish whip him to the corner, but the heavier man doesn’t budge. He tries again, but the move is reversed, with M being sent into the corner. Titanothere rushes forward and hits Evil M with a body avalanche. M is knocked into the ring post. Titan follows that up with an elbow smash to the face before grabbing Evil M and pulling him out of the corner. M shakes Titan off of him and hits another throat thrust. He positions himself and delivers a sidewalk slam, then runs the ropes and comes back to connect with an elbow drop! Again he tries for a pin. Johnson counts One… Two… kickout!)

King: Another near fall for Titanothere. He has been Evil M’s punching bag tonight.

Hoss: You’re right, Jesse. Titan needs to step up his game or this will be yet another failed attempt to earn a title shot.

(Evil M pulls Titan up by the neck. With a burst of energy Titanothere shakes M off and head butts him. He follows that up with an uppercut. Titan pushes M to the ropes. The former Hardcore champ rebounds and charges at his opponent with a clothesline. Titanothere ducks under it, gets behind M, puts him in a waist lock, and hits a German suplex! The Monster of the Mesozoic Age clambers to his feet as Evil M rises. He clubs at M’s back with his forearm, leaving him hunched over, then grabs the bigger man and frog marches him shoulder first into a ring post!)

Hoss: Finally some offense from Titanothere.

(Titanothere takes the arm of the shoulder that was rammed into the ring post and bends it around the top rope. Grabbing the wrist with both hands, he puts his foot between Evil M’s shoulder blades and pushes, forcing M into the turnbuckle while simultaneously wrenching his arm. Johnson warns Titan to let go, then starts a five count. Titan releases his hold at five and punches M’s shoulder before walking away.)

King: Titanothere showing some real ruthless aggression there. I like it.

Hoss: People forget that once the Titan’s in the ring he can be as vicious as anyone else on the WWCF roster.

King: He’s going to need to be if he wants to beat Evil M tonight.

(Evil M comes out of the corner. Titan charges again, slamming a shoulder into Evil M’s injured side. M clutches his arm, and Titan scoop slams him to the mat! He goes for the pin but Evil M kicks out at One. Titan sits M up and starts to move behind him but gets a nasty forearm to the face that turns him away)

Hoss: It looks as though Titanothere was trying to go for the stump puller there.

King: I think you’re right Gorilla, but Evil M has enough sense not to sit still for that.

(Titanothere walks away from Evil M clutching his mouth. M stands and goes after him. He wraps an arm around Titan’s neck and jumps forward, driving Titan face first into the mat with a bulldog. M tries to turn Titanothere over for a pin but gets an elbow shot to the face and rolls away. Both men slowly stand. They circle one another in the middle of the ring. Finally Titanothere steps forward and throws a haymaker left at his opponent. M staggers but counters with a punch of his own, sending Titan back. Titanothere recovers and hits with another left. Evil M’s knees buckle but he fires back another shot to the face. The pair exchange punches a third time, then a fourth, the blows coming a bit quicker with each consecutive strike)

Hoss: These two have given up on wrestling and are now just trying to beat their opponent’s brains in. Who will be the first to fall?

(Evil M hits a punch that sends Titanothere flailing back, then another. He winds up and throws his arm forward in a wild haymaker, but Titan ducks underneath, puts M across his shoulders, and drives him to the mat with a Samoan drop. Both men lay sprawled on their backs, motionless. Johnson starts his count. One! Two! Three! Evil M sits up. He gets to his feet just as Titan rolls over and onto his hands and knees. M moves forward and aims a boot for Titanothere’s head but the downed man catches it and pushes him back. Titan gets up and charges at Evil M, who jukes out of the way. Titan stumbles forward, hits the ropes, and backs right into a reverse DDT! Evil M covers: One, Two, Titan gets a leg on the bottom rope!)

Hoss: And Titan saves himself! Or at least buys a little more time!

King: Both of these guys are running on fumes, Gorilla.

Hoss: You’re right, Jesse. I think the next big move will be the one that ends the match.

(M stands and drags Titanothere by one arm away from the ropes. Titan manages to get up and charges at Evil M, who scoops him up on his healthy shoulder and drops him to the mat with a running powerslam! Evil M hooks Titan’s arm and turns him on his stomach, then steps over him. Evil M squats down, still holding the arm, bending it back at a painful angle while driving his knee into Titan’s back!)

Hoss: The Crowbar! Evil M has Titanothere trapped in the Crowbar!

King: Heh. I guess Titanothere isn’t the only one with a “devastating submission move.”

(Titanothere screams in pain as Evil M twists his arm. “Spud” Johnson asks if he submits, but the big man says no. He struggles to escape, pulling himself towards the ring ropes. Just as he gets within a few inches, and reaches out to grab the bottom rope, Evil M drags him back towards the middle of the ring! He grinds his knee into Titan’s back and wrenches his arm. Johnson again checks on Titanothere, who shakes his head no, then changes his mind and begins nodding and slapping the mat with his palm! Johnson stands and calls for the bell. Evil M releases his hold on Titan’s leg and stands victorious.)

Muffer: Here is your winner, and the new Number One Contender for the Championship of Honor, Evil M!

King: He did it, Gorilla! Just like he said he would! He won it for Yellow Jacket.

Hoss: Evil M is able to reverse a run of recent bad luck with a victory here tonight, and now has the chance to face Jonathan Michaels and become the new Champion of Honor!

King: It should be an interesting rematch between two old foes. Michaels and M had their share of battles over the Hardcore Title.

King: You’re right there, Jesse. This time, though, the rules of the match will be much, much different.

Triangle Tournament First Round match: M.O.P. V. Amigo V. The Smokin’ Vokoun

Jesse King: All right, Gorilla! I'm looking forward to this next match because it has it all going in.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: The Triangle Tournament for the Number One Contendership continues with Amigo, -

"Welcome to Hell" by Venom hits the speakers as Amigo walks out to a chorus of boos.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: M.O.P., and our Hardcore Champion, The Smokin' Vokoun.

Michael Muffer: Now entering the ring, hailing from Tempe, AZ and weighing 214lbs, Amigo!

Jesse King: It has a former World Champion, a former Inter-Forum Champion, and our current Hardcore Champion.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Power, Technical, and Hardcore styles clash tonight...

Michael Muffer: And his first opponent...

"Days of the Phoenix" by AFI hits the speakers as the lights go out and the video plays. The audience pops as white pyro goes off and M.O.P. emerges, walking down to the ring.

Jesse King: My money's on Amigo, personally. The Human Hate Machines got hosed at Stable Warz II and he came close to redeeming them all.

Michael Muffer: Now entering the ring, hailing from Bergen County, NJ and weighing in at 232lbs... M... O... P!

M.O.P. slides in under the bottom rope and starts throwing his sign up while standing on the turnbuckle, to which the crowd cheers again.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: M.O.P. put up a good fight with his good friend Jonathan Michaels last week as well when he competed for the Champi-

Amigo comes from behind M.O.P. and hoists him over the turnbuckle. M.O.P. tumbles down, and lands backfirst onto the ring steps.

Jesse King: Nice move, Amigo!

Gorilla Tim Hoss: What a disgusting display! Amigo should be ashamed of himself!

Amigo leaps over the top rope onto the apron. Amigo is on the ring steps, wincing, as Amigo dives off of the apron and drops an elbow to M.O.P.'s sternum.

Jesse King: Amigo is the smallest man in this match; he's going to need every advantage that he can get.

Amigo starts stomping on M.O.P. as "Sinner Man" by Nina Simone hits the speakers to raucous cheers. Smokin' Vokoun runs out, Hardcore belt in hand, charging for Amigo.

Jesse King: Amigo, watch out!

Amigo turns around in time and narrowly ducks Vokoun's Hardcore belt.

Jesse King: Start the match, Alphonso, dammit!

The bell rings as Vokoun swings around again. Amigo ducks, raises his fists, and double axehandle smashes Vokoun on the back of the head. Referee Will Alphonso counts one.

Jesse King: They got to get back in the ring, quick!

Gorilla Tim Hoss: M.O.P. has been cheated in this match!

Vokoun goes for a lariat but Amigo ducks and smashes his elbow into Vokoun's head. Vokoun stumbles back as Amigo goes to hook punch him but Vokoun catches him with an Irish whip to the guard rail. Alphonso counts two.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Amigo is all about power but that's a hard style to work when you're smaller than your opponent.

Jesse King: But then, Amigo is clearly faster than Vokoun, so as long as he's faster and can still pack a punch, he's got a pretty good mix there.

Amigo stands back up and throws a Mongolian chop at Vokoun, who stumbles back again. Amigo grapples Vokoun by the head and butts him. Vokoun trips and falls backwards into M.O.P. as Alphonso counts three.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Amigo is relentless tonight. I think that Vokoun is getting the brunt of his wrath because he's still standing.

Jesse King: That was a perfectly worthless comment.

Amigo stomps on Vokoun and M.O.P. but Vokoun catches a leg and suddenly M.O.P. manages to thrust a foot out and sweep Amigo to the ground. Alphonso counts four.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: Nice move by M.O.P.!

Jesse King: But a legsweep is hardly a game winner. Too little too late.

Amigo and Vokoun stand back up and gauge each other as Alphonso counts five. Amigo darts for the ring but Vokoun catches him by the arm and whips him back and grabs him. Alphonso counts six as Amigo Mongolian chops Vokoun again, and then headbutts him. Vokoun lets go as Amigo clutches him by the neck and starts choking him. Alphonso counts seven.

Jesse King: You can do it Amigo!

Amigo hooks one of Vokoun's legs and pushes him backward onto M.O.P. as Alphonso counts eight.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: A chokeslam to Vokoun. Amigo sure is strong for his size. Wily to boot.

Amigo stomps on Vokoun as Alphonso counts nine and the boos start building up.

Jesse King: Good job, Amigo! Good job.

Amigo slides into the ring just as Alphonso counts ten and the crowd erupts into boos as "Welcome to Hell" by Venom hits the speakers.

Michael Muffer: Here is your winner as a result of a double count out: Amigo!

Gorilla Tim Hoss: What a despicable win for Amigo!

Jesse King: Well, he got his, that's for sure. The Human Hate Machines are fighting back.

Gorilla Tim Hoss: I just want to move on. Let's get this first round overwith then. This is making me sick.

Triangle Tournament First Round match: Square V. “Damn Right” Jackson V. Little Naitch

Muffer - The following contest is a first round match in the Triangle tournament and it is set for one fall.

*I Don’t Care*
Muffer - Introducing first, he is the Revolution of Evolution, Square!

Too black, too strong… DAMN RIGHT!
*I Made It*
Muffer - Next, he is the self-professed Black Dynasty, “Damn Right” Jackson!

*New Blackjacks theme*
[color=ffff66]And, representing The Family, he is one half of the Southwest Connection, Little Naitch!

The bell rings.

Square and Naitch tie up, while Jackson hangs back and watches. Naitch hiptosses Square, who get’s back to his feet and dropkick’s Naitch. The blow grazes him and he charges Square, who armdrag’s him. Naitch rolls under the ropes. Jackson clubs Square from behind and hit’s a full nelson slam! Cover!

Naitch pulls Jackson out of the ring!

Naitch chops Jackson a few times, then hit’s a snap suplex! Naitch rolls back in, where Square meets him with stomps and kicks. He picks Naitch up and shoots him to ropes, inverted atomic drop! He clothesline’s Naitch, then drops an elbow! He goes for the cover, but Jackson intercepts him and hit’s a gut buster! Cover!


Jackson hammers Square, then legdrop’s him. Cover!

Naitch breaks it up!

Jackson fires some punches at Naitch, who blocks them and hit’s some chops, followed by a single leg takedown. Naitch holds onto the leg and goes for the Figure 4, but Jackson rolls him up in a small package!


Jackson charges Naitch, who sweeps out his leg and goes for the Figure 4 again, only for Square to blindside him and toss him to the outside! He then picks Jackson up and hit’s the Square-Plosion! Cover!


Referee John Creed raises Square’s arm, then notices Jackson’s foot on the bottom rope! He waves off the decision, as Naitch nails Square from behind and hit’s a DDT! He stomps Square’s legs a few times, then locks on the Figure 4! Square struggles, but is about to succumb to the hold, when Jackson breaks it, picks Naitch up, and hit’s the High Attitude! Cover!


Muffer - Here is your winner, “Damn Right” Jackson!

Jackson celebrates as both Square and Naitch are helped to the back.

Triangle Tournament First Round match: Colt V. Viva Los Bio Dome V. Jonathan Michaels

Michael Muffler: This next match is scheduled for one fall, and is a part of the Triangles Tournament!

"You Know That Time In Your Life, That Single Moment that Defines Exactly Who You Are? That Only Stings for a Second!"

Parkway Drive - Smoke 'Em If You Got 'Em

MM: Introducing first, from The Daily Story, Adelaide, Austrailia, weighting in at 256 pounds... Colt!

Colt emerges from the back, wearing his trademark fedora, mask, and trenchcoat. The audience breaks out in cheers, screaming “Welcome back! Welcome back!” for the returning hero. Colt tips his hat, and makes his way into the ring.

Lady Gaga – Paparazzi (Heavy Metal Remix)

MM: Approaching the ring at this time, from Hollywood by way of Heywood, California, weighing in at 195 pounds.... “Hollywood” Viva Los Biodome!

Viva comes out in his haze of purple smoke, giggling and sauntering down to the ring. He stops once he sees a “Heavy Metal Hollywood Sucks” sign at ringside, and tears it up, tossing it in the fan's face to the delight of the smarks in attendance. He makes his way into the ring, stopping to laugh in Colt's face.

Foo Fighters – D.O.A.

MM: And finally, from Los Angeles, California, accompanied by Sara Nakatomi, he is the current WWCF Champion of Honor, Jonathan Michaels!

Jonathan Michaels arrives on the stage, engulfed in a ball of smoke, with Sara Nakatomi at his side. A montage of his stuntman work mixed with his in ring moves plays on the CrapTron as he makes his way down the ramp, Championship of Honor on his shoulder. He rolls into the ring, posing in the 4 corners, and looks at his opponents.

TH: All three of our participants are finally in the ring, let's get this thing started King.

The referee turns to signal for the bell when...

Silversun Pickups – Well Thought Out Twinkles

JK: Oh, what is HE doing here?!

Jay Carroll walks out to the top of the stage and soaks in the atmosphere, with his WWCF Title planted firmly on his shoulder and a microphone in one hand.

Jay: Oh, you thought you could have a Nite Raw without the champ? No! I'm going to sit at ringside for this one. I want to get a good look at each...

Jay points to Colt *
and every....

Jay points to JoMo *

one of my potential future opponents.

Jay points to Viva, then points to his title belt as Viva steps on the ropes as if to dare him to come in. Jay then takes a seat in the commentary booth. *

The referee wheels around and finally calls for the bell.

JC: Well, howdy Gorilla. I know you get tired of carrying that angry old man on commentary every week, so I figured I'd come out here and relieve you for a bit. Oh, hi King.

Viva ducks under the ropes and stands at ringside, while JoMo and Colt look at him. Both men shrug their shoulders, and go into a collar and elbow tieup. Colt gets the better of the power struggle, and grabs JoMo for a forearm to the face. He follows up with an Irish Whip, then a clothesline to knock JoMo off his feet. Viva slides in the ring, then slides back out when Colt turns around.

JK: This “angry old man” would thrash you in the ring even to this day. Don't forget it, chump.

JC: King, there's a perfectly good match going on in the ring, and you want to issue challenges? Meh.

TH: He's got a point, King. Any insight as to why Viva is just standing around ringside?

Colt prepares JoMo for a Russian Leg Sweep, but Michaels breaks out of it before Colt can utilize it, and picks up Colt for a sidewalk slam. He connects, and Viva slides into the ring again, almost sneaking up on Michaels. Michaels turns around and Viva quickly hops over the top rope, biding his time again. Michaels turns around to Colt, who is still prone on the mat and attempts an armbar.

TH: Michaels trying to apply an armbar here, and Viva is still lurking at ringside.

JC: Usually it's not good strategy to attempt a hold like that in a three way match, but if Viva doesn't want to participate then I'd go for it.

JK: Insightful commentary there champ. Next you'll tell us that Michaels shouldn't be trying to end this match so early.

Colt uses his other arm to prevent the armbar from being completely locked in, and Viva is back in the ring again, this time running in to kneedrop Colt. Michaels breaks the hold and eats a dropkick to the knee for his troubles, then a running lariat as he tries to get back to his feet. Colt is also back on his feet, and delivers a jawbreaker to Viva.

JC: About time that Viva manned up and actually got in this match.

JK: I don't see you on the card tonight, Carroll. Why don't you “man up” as well?

JC: Is he always this insufferable, Gorilla?
TH: Will you two stop? Nice counter by Viva!

Colt runs in for a shoulder block, but Viva sidesteps him and delivers a hellacious backcracker out of nowhere. Colt is rolling around on the mat, holding his back when Michaels spears Viva out of his boots, then attempts to turn it into a flapjack pin.


Viva punches JoMo in the ribs, breaking up the pin. Viva rolls to the outside and shows no intention on getting back in the ring. Michaels turns around Colt delivers a few punches to stumble the Champion of Honor, picking him up and holding him in the air for a delayed vertical suplex. As he finally drops Michaels, Viva rolls into the ring and torpedoes himself into Colt's knees, knocking him from his vertical base and sending both men crashing to the mat hard. Colt is holding his knees and rolls towards the side of the ring facing the ramp, and Michaels is also slow to recover. The referee admonishes Viva for his dangerous tactics, but Viva shrugs him off and bitchslaps him down to the ground.

JC: Really, Viva? Really?

JK: Viva with excellent strategy here! Nobody can win a match without a referee!

TH: Excellent strategy, King? Viva can't win the match at the moment either.

Viva looks around, then plays dead when Colt makes it back to his feet. Colt and Michaels are both back up at a vertical base, trading heymakers, with Colt getting the better of the exchange. Michaels is backed up, Colt hits the ropes and attempts to hit another lariat but Michaels ducks and Colt goes over the top rope. Suddenly, “Damn Right” Jackson appears at ringside after hopping over the barricades.

JK, TH, and JC: What the hell is he doing here?!

Jackson tosses something into the ring and spears Colt, then picks him up for the Anxiety Adjustment until Colt goes limp. He drops Colt on the ring apron, then pokes the referee a couple of times.

JC: I got to go.

Jay runs over to Jackson and gets in his face about interfering in the match, and the two men begin brawling at ringside. Viva picks up what Jackson tossed in the ring, puts it around his hand, and fakes being out again. Michaels comes over to him to pick him up, and ….

C-C-Combo breaker!

JK: I told you Gorilla, perfect strategy!

TH: Oh please! Viva is going to cheat his way into yet another victory!

…gets a swift kick in the nads for his efforts. Viva then throws a picture perfect Purple Sticky Punch with his loaded hand, as the referee finally gets to his feet. Michaels is in a world of hurt as Viva applies his reverse Dragon sleeper hold...

TH: He's got it locked in tight! Michaels please don't tap!

Michaels tries to break out of the hold but Viva slips in another punch, this time putting Michaels down for good. The referee sees Michaels go limp and calls for the bell, just as Jay is clotheslining Jackson over the barricades and away from ringside.

MM: Your winner of the match, “Hollywood” Viva Los Biodome!

Jay and Viva stare at each other, Viva pointing to the ring, daring Jay to hop in. Jay slides under the ropes and Viva begins stomping him. Jay fights back to his feet and it is ON!

TH: Carroll laying into Viva... Viva laying into Carroll....

JK: This is stupid on Jay's part, he's going to be shown up here...

Security runs in, pulling the two men apart to the dismay of the crowd. Jay and Viva try to break apart, and Jackson rolls back into the ring. Colt is back on his feet, however, and smacks Jackson with the Story on Page One, sending him packing. Viva and Jay are still trying to struggle to each other, with Jay finally being forced up the ramp and away from ringside. Sara Nakatomi tries to pull Jonathan Michaels away from the carnage as well.

Hoss - What a chaotic main event! Viva Los Bio Dome is one step closer to a rematch with Jay Carroll!

King - But to get there, he's gonna have to go through the sadistic Amigo and the dangerous "Damn Right" Jackson!

Hoss - Next week's main event should be an epic one, Jess! That's it for tonight, we'll catch you next week on Monday NiteRaw!

Credits: Headbanger Man, Titanothere, BRB, Evil M, and Jay Carroll

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