"Kawaii Desu" Neo Het
Name: "Kawaii Desu" Neo Het
Height(anything below 7'0): 6'6
Weight(anything under 400): 266 Lbs
Hometown: Hot Topic
Alignment(heel or face):Face
Gimmick Description: The main character of a pro wresting fan fic written by a sixteen year old girl.
Bio: He's the son of a magical wizard and a chef. When he was eight years old evil wizards burned down his house and his parents died during the fire. As a result of the accident , he spent a few years living on the streets before being adopted by a clan of evil vampires who bit him and turned him into a vampire but because he was also a magical wizard , He didn't become evil. After running away from the clan of evil vampires who bit him he moved in with a group of hobbits who lived under a bridge in mexico. Unfortunately bad luck struck again when the bridge he lived under was blown up by the evil wizard's who murdered After the bridge he lived under was destroyed , he decided to move to america and fufill his dream of being a pro wrestler.
Hobbies: Crying , Whimpering , blathering , whining , Tim Burton Films and Gerard Way because he's so DESU DESU!!! He also likes pandas because they're cute and listening because all nice guys like listening and chocolate cupcakes and rainbows and unicorns and magical pink ponies and cloud cars!
Appearance: Like Edward Cullen but more magical and sparkly and depressed.
Apparel(what does your wrestler wear?): He wears red face piant and tight girl jeans with no shirt.
Fighting Style(such as brawler, hardcore, ect.): High Flyer
Theme Music: Boy's Don't Cry by The Clash
Entrance Description: He appears in the ring in a magical puff of smoke because he's a wizard. Oh and he's holding a little calico kitten because he's tough but also sensitive and kittens are really cute. Then he hands the kitten off to a pretty young girl in the auidence before pointing up to the sky in remembrance of his dead magical wizard father , chef mother and adopted hobbit family who were all killed by evil wizards.
10 to 20 Moves your wrestler uses:
Dragon screw legwhip
Snap Suplex
Jumping Cutter
Tornado DDT
Frog Splash
Diving Crossbody
Impaler DDT
Running bulldog
Shooting Star Press
Float-Over DDT
Double-Knee Facebuster
Springboard Senton Bomb
Death Valley Driver
Firemans carry slam
Sparkly (Poison) Mist
Finishing Moves(you can do up to 2):
Desu Dive - Top Rope corkscrew moonsault
Kawaii Kick - Bicycle Kick