Monday Niteraw - May 24, 2010
Hoss - Welcome to Monday NiteRaw!
No Holds Barred Match: Jonathan Michaels V. Sparks
The referee calls for the bell and Michaels and Sparks circle eachother. As soon as they lock up, Michaels pushes Sparks into a corner. The referee breaks Michaels hold on Sparks and back him up. When the referee is out of the way, Michaels gives running sholder thrusts to Sparks in the corner. He tosses Sparks to the ground and goes to the outside for a weapon. Sparks rolls to the outside and tries to balance himself on the barricade. The referee goes to the outside distancing himself between these two men. Michaels comes back with a kendo stick! He whacks Sparks right in the face with it! Sparks clutches his face and goes down to the ground. Michaels makes a cover
Michaels roughly gets off of Sparks and takes up the kendo stick with evil intentions. He places it across the throat of Sparks. He gets on the ring apron just above Sparks and looks like he is going for a leg drop! He attempts it, but Sparks moves out of the way! Michaels lands right on his lower back onto the thin padding! As he writhes in pain, Sparks starts hammering Michaels with the kendo stick on his possibly injured lower back. The audience "oohs" after each hit. Sparks takes the stick end first and drives it into the back of Michaels! He makes a cover.
Sparks starts dragging Michaels by his arms up the entrace ramp and the referee follows. Michaels tries resisting halfway, but Sparks stomps on him. This match is already going backstage! The crowd pops as they realize this. Finally backstage, Sparks goes off-camera to look for some equipment. Michaels is still writhingly trying to get up. He is on his knees when Sparks comes back with a studio lamp. He distances himself from Michaels as if to run and it him with it. When Michaels is finally up, Sparks runs at him with the lamp! Michaels clotheslines the lamp right into Sparks's face much to his own pain! Some blood starts to trickle down the face of Sparks.
After a while, Michaels gets up clutching his arm he clothslined the lamp with. He starts to stomp on the bloody face of Sparks. He picks him up and throws him into a nearby garage-style door. Sparks goes down hard. Michaels signals for the referee to open the door, but he refuses. Michaels grabs the referee by the collar and demands him to open the door "or else." The referee presses the button and the door slowly opens. Sparks suddenly attacks Michaels from behind, knocking him down. The door is open and Sparks throws Michaels out into the back alley of the arena!
Michaels slowly writhes on the hard concrete ground as Sparks goes to pick him up. He takes Michaels by the head and bangs it against a production truck. Sparks still has Michaels's head as he climbs up a ladder on the production truck. Michaels staggeringly climbs up with him. When they are finally on top, Sparks starts giving hard lefts and rights to the face of Michaels. The referee is now on top of the truck as well. Sparks makes the cover.
Sparks is frustrated. Desperatly, he climbs back down the ladder, leaving Michaels on top of the truck. Sparks goes inside another truck. He throws a steel chair to the outside and comes back out with a table! He sets it up right behind the truck with Michaels on it. He takes the chair and throws it on top of the truck. He climbes back up the ladder and back on top. Sparks positions the steel chair over the face of Michaels. He lifts it up with a crazed look on his face and...
Michaels punches the chair into the bloody face of Sparks! Sparks staggers still with the chair in hand. Michaels gets up and Fade to Black's the steel chair into Sparks's face! Sparks somehow is still up and staggers to the edge of the backside of the truck, teetering. Michaels gets in postion and spears Sparks off the truck and through the table! The referee quickly gets down and sees Michaels covering Sparks. He makes the count!
Winner: Johnathan Michaels
The fans cheer as they see Johnathan Michaels on the CrapTron celebrating his win as Sparks lay motionless in between two pieces of a broken table. The referee calls for help as EMT's rush to the injured wrestler.
Jazzman and TTS V. The Truth Coalition w/ “Damn Right“ Jackson
Muffer - The following tag team contest is set for one fall with a 20 minute time limit.
*Men on the Thunderstruck Mountain*
Muffer - Introducing first, being accompanied by “Damn Right” Jackson, Yellow Jacket and Evil M, The Truth Coalition!
*Feelin’ Good*
Muffer - And their opponents, first, Jazzman!
*Down On Me*
Muffer - And his partner, TTS!
Yellow Jacket and TTS start the match. TTS with a hammerlock, forcing YJ to the mat, YJ escapes, side headlock, TTS powers out, both men back to their feet, lock up. YJ shoots TTS into the ropes, TTS bounces back with a shoulder block, YJ goes down, TTS charges, monkey flip, back up, YJ with a dropkick, knocking TTS to the outside! TTS quickly rolls back in and tags Jazzman. Jazzman and YJ lockup and Jazzman takes Jacket to the mat with a side headlock takeover. YJ get’s back to his feet, but runs right into a clothesline. He get’s up, but tags out to Evil M. Jazzman rushes M, who knocks him to the mat with a throat thrust. TTS runs in, but also get’s leveled with a throat thrust. Jazzman and TTS get up and both go after M, who fells them with a double clothesline. TTS is back up first, but he get’s dropped with a scoop slam. Jazzman catches M from behind with a dropkick, staggering the big man, then catches him with a bulldog! Cover!
M throws Jazzman off!
TTS tags himself in. He charges the big man with a flurry of punches, driving M back towards the ropes. TTS steps back then goes for a clothesline, but M moves. TTS hit’s the ropes, then bounces back into a chokeslam! Cover!
Jazzman breaks it up!
Yellow Jacket enters and goes after Jazzman, but get’s dumped to the outside. Jazzman then hammers away at M with closed fists, but the ref intervenes. Jazzman shoves him out of the way and charges, but M moves and Jazzman hit’s TTS with a forearm! Jazzman dropkicks M, knocking him to the outside, then checks on TTS. TTS shoves Jazzman, yelling at him for the mishap. Jazzman tries to explain, but TTS keeps yelling and shoving him. Jazzman shoves his partner back, but before they can come to blows, M reenters the ring. TTS tackles M low, while Jazzman dives onto him in an effort to drive the big man back. M throws the both off. They go to attack again, but Jackson pulls TTS out of the ring! Jazzman turns to go after Jackson, but YJ lays him out with The Sting! Cover!
Muffer - Here are your winners, The Truth Coalition!
*Backstage, we see Sparks being loaded into an ambulance and being taken away*
The Boiler Room Brawler w/ The Smokin Vokoun V. The Hangman w/ Square
Gorilla Tim Hoss: Up next our Inter-Forum Champion, the Boiler Room Brawler, finally squares off against the Hangman in a non-title match.
Jesse King: And speaking of Square, he's even accompanied by the Hero of Billions, Square.
Gorilla Tim Hoss: And speaking of accompaniment, Boiler Room Brawler is going into this match with our Hardcore Champion, the Smokin' Vokoun. Let's join Michael Muffer at ringside.
Michael Muffer: The next match of the evening is scheduled for one fall...
"Ballad of a Hangman" by Grave Digger hits the speakers and the fans begin booing as The Hangman emerges, running to the ring, swinging a chainsaw around.
Michael Muffer: Now entering the ring, weighing in at 300lbs, and hailing from Port Royal, Jamaica... The Hangman!
Gorilla Tim Hoss: The Hangman is an imposing opponent, a fitting match for our Inter-Forum Champion.
Jesse King: Hey, where's Square?
Michael Muffer: And his opponent...
The audience bursts into cheers before "Rigorous Vengeance" by Municipal Waste even hits the speakers. Boiler Room Brawler emerges, his Inter-Forum Championship belt over his shoulder, and his pipe wrench in hand. Behind him walks the Smokin' Vokoun with his Hardcore Championship belt over his shoulder.
Michael Muffer: Weighing in at 350lbs, hailing from Rockford, IL, your World Wrestle Crap Federation Inter-Forum Champion... Boiler... Room... Brawler!
Gorilla Tim Hoss: This match is something of a criss-cross as Boiler Room Brawler faces off against the Smokin' Vokoun's opponent at Championship Heatz!.
The Smokin' Vokoun goes up to a fan with a sign saying "The Smokin' Vokoun *IS* Jokin'" grabs it, and takes big bite out of it and starts scowling at the fan. BRB tugs on Vokoun's shirt and points to the ring, to which Vokoun follows him, looing about himself all along the way.
Jesse King: Hangman challenged the Boiler Room Brawler for his Hardcore Championship over a month ago now. BRB chickened out and hid behind the rankings. He also has mistaken The Hangman for a Brazilian.
Gorilla Tim Hoss: BRB ought to be careful tonight as The Hangman has been waiting for tonight to happen for some time.
Jesse King: Pity that it's not for a belt.
Hangman and BRB stand in the ring, BRB handing his pipe wrench and belt over to Vokoun. They walk up to each other, practically snarling at each other, but Referee "Spud" Verne Johnson tells them to break it up, to which The Hangman throws the first punch, but BRB is quick on the draw himself and they start exchanging punches.
Gorilla Tim Hoss: The brawl begins!
The bell rings as The Hangman Irish whips BRB into the ropes and then throws a big boot kick on the rebound. BRB slightly backs up but remains standing while Hangman hops back and nearly loses his balance.
Gorilla Tim Hoss: Boiler Room Brawler is quite possibly the sturdiest member of the WWCF roster.
Jesse King: But The Hangman is a big guy who could topple him.
BRB capitalizes by body splashing into Hangman, knocking him to the mat. BRB walks up to Hangman and drops an elbow into his back as he tries to get up and knocks him back to the mat.
Gorilla Tim Hoss: Just one of those elbow drops could crack your sternum, King!
Jesse King: Well it's a good think that he's going for the ribs then.
Both men stand up and exchange more punches, with BRB taking the fight into a corner. The Smokin' Vokoun circles around to the corner as BRB Irish whips the Hangman into the opposite corner and pursues him. Hangman stops his run by thrusting his leg out. Hangman then leaps with his next leg and pushes away from the corner and jams his elbow into BRB's face, making BRB back up and cover his face.
Gorilla Tim Hoss: Impressive move by the Hangman.
Hangman stands back up and runs behind BRB, grabbing him from behind and driving him towards the ring corner, bashing his head into the turnbuckle.
Gorilla Tim Hoss: Hangman has been a formidable opponent since he first started in this company.
Hangman grabs BRB, pushes him into the corner, and then pulls him away for the Irish whip into the opposite corner but BRB reverses it into another Irish whip but he stops the whip, pulls Hangman towards himself, grabs him by the sides, and lifts him up, making him land groinfirst into BRB's knee.
Jesse King: Ooh, something might not be hung after that!
Hangman stumbles away from BRB after the inverted atomic drop. BRB goes behind Hangman, waistlocks him, and hoists him into the air for an atomic drop, after which the Hangman falls to the ground.
Gorilla Tim Hoss: BRB is taking control of this match now.
BRB goes for the cover. Referee "Spud" Verne Johnson counts one... tw-Hangman kicks out. BRB bashes Hangman in the face with his elbow and grinds it in. Vokoun goes around the ring to be nearby BRB and Hangman.
Jesse King: I still have to give the Hangman credit for challenging BRB so early into his career. He's under the tutelage of our very first World Champion after all, so I believe that he's in good hands.
Gorilla Tim Hoss: Amigo is a sadistic bastard who is teaching Hangman to be dishonorable and ruthless.
Hangman rolls out of the ring, only to bump into Vokoun, who throws a punch, but BRB calls him out not to do so, and Vokoun backs off, snarling nonetheless.
Jesse King: I thought that Vokoun was supposed to be a brother of sorts but he's looking more like a dog right now.
Gorilla Tim Hoss: Humans have to be disciplined too.
Jesse King: And where the hell is Square?
BRB leans over the ropes to taunt Hangman, who darts up and pulls BRB over the ropes, but he holds out his knee, which BRB lands on. Both men fall to the ground.
Jesse King: Who took more damage there, Gorilla?
Gorilla Tim Hoss: I don't see a health bar, King:. I don't know.
Hangman starts standing up first as Vokoun backs up, ready to attack. Hangman limps over to BRB, who is still clutching his back, and stomps on him a few times as Referee "Spud" Verne Johnson counts one.
Jesse King: That was a lucky break for Hangman but thanks to Amigo he's smart enough to see an advantage when he sees it.
Hangman climbs up to the apron as Johnson counts two. He leaps off for a senton bomb onto BRB just as he's getting up.
Gorilla Tim Hoss: Hangman has been ruthless since his debut.
Jesse King: And Amigo knows how to refine that ruthlessness into true effectiveness.
Hangman gets up and takes a step when BRB grabs onto his injured leg and pulls, but Hangman manages to keep his footing and turn around to stomp on BRB as Johnson counts three. Hangman then slides into the ring.
Gorilla Tim Hoss: Well, it appears that BRB has certainly had the drop gotten on him by the Hangman tonight. Just imagine if this was an Inter-Forum Championship match right now King.
Jesse King: I know what you mean, TH. Hangman is really showing that he's learned from Amigo tonight.
Vokoun comes up to BRB and starts helping him up as Johnson counts four.
Gorilla Tim Hoss: Looks like Vokoun is helping BRB get up.
Jesse King: Hey, no fair.
BRB starts standing up with Vokoun's help, shaking his head out of a daze as Johnson counts five.
Gorilla Tim Hoss: Would have been the same if Square was there for Hangman.
Jesse King: Which he's not!
Gorilla Tim Hoss: Maybe Square is less confident in the Hangman's abilities than Amigo is.
Hangman comes from behind the standing BRB, reaches out from over the bottom rope, and locks in a sleeper hold on the standing BRB, lifting him off the ground as Johnson counts six.
Gorilla Tim Hoss: Look at the strength of the Hangman!
Jesse King: He's living up to his namesake, that's for sure.
BRB throws punches up at Hangman's arms but Hangman maintains his hold as Johnson counts seven.
Gorilla Tim Hoss: Hangman might make it against our Inter-Forum Champion tonight, King. He appears to be going for a count-out win.
Jesse King: Then he still has learning to do, because you don't win championships on count-outs.
Gorilla Tim Hoss: Championship of Honor not withstanding.
Jesse King: Yeah yeah...
Johnson counts eight as BRB reaches up over himself and grabs onto Hangman and pulls him through the bottom rope, then hoists him in front of himself, breaking the hold from positioning.
Gorilla Tim Hoss: BRB has saved himself there! Johnson has to restart the count!
Johnson restarts the count as BRB positions Hangman to his front. BRB steps over Hangman's arms while maintaining his rear waistlock.
Gorilla Tim Hoss: Here it comes!
BRB jumps forward and slams Hangman to the mat, crushing his back and front sides.
Gorilla Tim Hoss: The Boiling Point! The Boiling Point!
Jesse King: Oh no, Hangman's in trouble! Square, where are you at?
BRB gets up as Vokoun joins him. Johnson counts one when the Man in Black slides out from under the ring, BRB's pipe wrench in hand.
Jesse King: Ha! The Man in Black!
Gorilla Tim Hoss: Square may not be there to help the Hangman, but the Man in Black may be.
The Man in Black bashes Vokoun over the back of the head, knocking him over onto the Hangman as Johnson counts two.
Gorilla Tim Hoss: Boiler Room Brawler should look behind himself right about now.
Jesse King: Maybe he shouldn't. I still hate DR Jackson, but he has a point that turning around has never been one of BRB's lucky breaks.
BRB turns around to see the Man in Black, who stands and stares at BRB. BRB starts growing livid as the Man in Black bashes the Hangman with the pipe wrench. Johnson calls the bell.
Gorilla Tim Hoss: No! More treachery from the Man in Black!
Michael Muffer: Here is your winner, as a result, of a disqualification: The Hangman!
The crowd starts erupting into boos as the Man in Black slides into the ring. BRB pursues the Man in Black as he attacks Referee "Spud" Verne Johnson.
Jesse King: The Man in Black is one wily son of a bitch!
BRB slides into the ring and comes at the Man in Black, who bashes him in the head with the pipe wrench, knocKing: him down..
Gorilla Tim Hoss: This crowd is going bananas, Jesse!
The Man in Black stands over BRB and places the pipe wrench at his neck and grabs at his mask.
Jesse King: He's finally unmasking!
Gorilla Tim Hoss: Who has tormented and haunted BRB all of these months?
The Man in Black pulls off his mask to reveal...
Gorilla Tim Hoss: Square! Square was the Man in Black!
Jesse King: Now it all makes sense!
Gorilla Tim Hoss: Bah gawd! All this time! All this time!
Jesse King: But he attacked Hangman!
Gorilla Tim Hoss: Look, King:!
Hangman is back up. He grabs a dazed Vokoun and slides him into the ring.
Gorilla Tim Hoss: Of course! It was a ruse! Hangman is fine!
Jesse King: I almost have to applaud the Human Hate Machines for this! Good job!
Hangman positions Vokoun on top of BRB. Square sets BRB's pipe wrench on top of the pile while Hangman stands on the top rope.
Gorilla Tim Hoss: Oh no!
Hangman leaps off the top rope and leg drops on top of the pipe wrench, driving it into Vokoun's back.
Gorilla Tim Hoss: This is hideous! This is inhumane!
Jesse King: I'll tell you what it is! This is the Human Hate Machines throwing down the gauntlet!
Gorilla Tim Hoss: I can't take any more of this! Go to commercial!
Dream Warrior and Titanothere V. Dave Joseph and Kris Kobain
(NiteRaw returns from commercial with all four wrestlers already in the ring along with announcer Michael Muffer and Referee Will Alphonzo)
Muffer: The following tag team match is for one fall with a thirty minute time limit. First, at a combined weight of 566 pounds, Titanothere and Dream Warrior!
(The crowd cheers as both wrestlers play to the audience, with Warrior climbing a turnbuckle and pointing to supporters and Titanothere raising both fists over his head)
Muffer: And their opponents, weighing in at a combined weight of 404 pounds, Kris Kobain and Dave Joseph!
(The crowd boos, though there is a smattering of cheers for Kobain when he climbs a turnbuckle, tilts his head back, and extends his arms. Joseph does nothing to acknowledge the fans)
“Gorilla” Tim Hoss: This should be an interesting match up with four of WWCF’s newest stars going at it. Each one of these young lions is desperate for a win.
Jesse King: And none of them have ever been in a tag team match before, Gorilla. We’ll see how well they are able to work with a partner.
(Alphonzo calls all four wrestlers to the middle of the ring to go over the rules. Kris Kobain and Dream Warrior immediately begin jawing at each other, until Kobain slaps Warrior across the face)
Hoss: Already we see the animosity between Dream Warrior and Kris Kobain beginning to flare up.
(Both Titanothere and Referee Alphonzo grab Warrior to keep him from going after Kobain, who is ushered back to his corner by Dave Joseph. Joseph points to himself indicating he will start the match. After calming Dream Warrior down, both Titanothere and Alphonzo let him go, with Titan going outside the ring to stand on the apron. Alphonzo calls for the bell and DW rushes forward and begins punching away at Joseph. Joseph is forced back to his corner by the attack, and Warrior takes the opportunity to smash his elbow into Kobain’s face, to the approval of the crowd).
King: What a cheap shot by Dream Warrior there! Kobain wasn’t even the legal man!
Hoss: Warrior was paying Kris Kobain back for slapping him in the face.
King: For that love tap? That’s just Kobain’s way of saying hello.
(Alphonzo pulls DW out of the corner and warns him about being disqualified. Then Dave Joseph and Dream Warrior lock up, with Joseph taking control, slipping behind DW and putting him in a hammerlock. Warrior slaps his pinned bicep with his free hand then elbows Joseph repeatedly in the side of the head. Dave Joseph drops and tries for a roll up, but Warrior kicks out after One! Joseph picks up Dream Warrior and punches him several times before knocking him back towards the ropes with a dropkick. When DW rebounds Joseph trips him to the mat with a drop toe hold. Wrapping both of his legs around one of Warrior’s, he attempts to lock in a heel hook but Warrior squirms away and grabs the bottom rope. After Alphonzo orders Joseph to break the hold Joseph stands and stomps at Warrior’s arm and hand until he lets go. He grabs Warrior by the same leg to try and pull him to the middle of the ring but DW lashes out and connects with an Enziguri, forcing Joseph to release him. Dream Warrior limps across the ring to tag in Titanothere.)
Hoss: Some nice technical work by Joseph there, but Warrior was just too slippery to keep down. Now the grappler is going to be facing a much different type of wrestler in the Monster of the Mesozoic Age.
(Titanohere steps between the ropes and moves towards Dave Joseph. Joseph tries a double leg takedown, but the big man won’t budge. Titan clubs him several times in the back, then pulls him up to deliver a headbutt. Joseph staggers back to his corner and tags in Kobain. KK enters the ring slowly, yeling at Alphonzo to keep Titan away while he ‘limbers up’. Putting one hand on the middle rope for balance, he begins stretching his hamstrings, and as the crowd begins to boo he performs a few deep knee bends.)
Hoss: Kobain doesn’t seem too eager to start the match, Jesse.
King: Its all mind games. He’s going to lull Titanothere into a false sense of security, then attack!
Hoss: Oh yeah?
(Finally Titan has had enough stalling and yanks Kobain from the ropes and onto his shoulders, before putting KK to the mat with a Samoan drop! He pulls Kobain up and whips him to the corner, then hits him with a body avalanche. Titan steps away from the corner, then charges forward to try another avalanche, only to eat a pair of boots to the face as Kobain lifts his legs up! The Monster of the Mesozoic Age grabs his mouth and stumbles back.)
King: What did I tell you, Gorilla? Kobain’s strategy is paying off!
Hoss: Getting smashed into a ring post is strategy?
King: Just you watch.
(Kobain turns and jumps onto the second rope, using it as a springboard to leap at Titan and kick his head. When he drops to his knees Kobain measures him up and superkicks him in the jaw, knocking him flat on the mat. KK rolls him over for a pin. One! Titan throws him off. Both men get to their feet and Kobain goes to his corner to tag in Dave Joseph. Joseph rushes Titanothere and begins punching at him, connecting with a spinning back fist, and then knocking him down with a dropkick to the knee. Joseph stays on the mat and wraps his legs around Titan’s neck, going for the triangle choke!)
Hoss: Dave Joseph is trying to choke out Titanothere with the same move Jazzman used to beat him last week. Some nice scouting by the rookie!
King: I really like this guy Dave Joseph. With his mat skills, he should be able to go far in the WWCF.
Hoss: Let’s see him win a match first, Jesse.
King: Looks like he’s about to, Gorilla.
(Titanothere struggles to escape the triangle choke, then grabs Joseph and sloooowly stands. With Joseph still straddling his shoulders Titan falls back, slamming his opponent face first into the mat! Titan rolls Joseph over and tries for a pin. One! Two! Kickout!)
Hoss: Wow! What a display of strength by the Monster of the Mesozoic Age! He dead lifted a two hundred pound man and slammed him to the mat with a reverse electric chair drop!
King: Gorilla, your big man bias sickens me sometimes.
Hoss: My bias?! You’ve got a bias against half the wrestlers in the WWCF!
King: I’m just selective in my praise.
(Titanothere stands up and lifts Dave Joseph onto his shoulders to attempt a torture rack, but Joseph wiggles free and wraps his arms around Titan’s neck, going for a rear naked choke. Titanothere is successful in pulling the smaller man’s arms apart, but Joseph pushes him to the corner where Kobain is standing. With the referee’s view obscured, Kobain takes the opportunity to poke Titan in the eye. The crows boos in protest of the cheap shot. Joseph punches Titan repeatedly in the kidneys until he turns around, then tags in Kobain. Both men start to punch at Titanothere until he slumps against the ropes. When Alphonzo is distracted telling Joseph to exit the ring, KK puts Titanothere in a chinlock and uses his free hand to fishhook him!)
Hoss: This is terrible. Referee Will Alphonzo needs to restore order here!
King: Why? All I’m seeing is good tag team work by Kobain and Joseph. They’re performing like a well oiled machine.
(Warrior bolts from his corner and points at Kobain, forcing the referee’s attention away long enough so both men can kick and stomp at Titan until he’s flat on his backside. Joseph finally exits the ring, as does Warrior. With a cocky strut Kris Kobain marches to the middle of the ring, paws at the ground like Titan does in his entrance, and charges at the downed wrestler. Grabbing the second ropes on either side of the turnbuckle, he swings his feet into Titanothere’s gut! When Titan clutches at his stomach and falls to his side Kobain drops down to go for a pin. One! Two! Titan puts a foot on the ropes!)
King: Kobain almost had him there. You may not like his tactics, but there’s no denying Kris Kobain’s ability.
Hoss: Kris Kobain has future superstar written all over him, Jesse.
(Kobain grabs Titan and strains to pull him away from the ropes. He stands and stomps at him repeatedly. He turns and smirks over at Dream Warrior, then leaps into the air to hit Titan with a standing moonsault; flipping right onto the big man’s raised knees!)
Hoss: A much needed counter by Titanothere! Will it be enough?
King: He really needs to make a tag here, Gorilla.
Hoss: From the looks of Kris Kobain I’d say both men do!
(As Kris Kobain clutches his back and flops around in agony, Titan rolls onto his stomach and crawls to his corner. Dream Warrior has his hand stretched out, begging for the tag. Kobain, too, is making his way towards his partner. Just as he tags in Dave Joseph, Titanothere lunges forward to tag in Dream Warrior. As the crowd cheers, Warrior charges at Joseph, meeting him in the center of the ring. DW ducks under a clothesline, pivots, and then connects with a spinning heel kick! When Joseph is bent over from the impact of the blow, Dream Warrior puts him in a front facelock, lifts him up, then drops him headfirst onto the mat with a brainbuster! Warrior runs to the ropes and bounces off just as Joseph is staggering to his feet. Leaping forward he wraps his legs around Joseph’s neck and flips him over with a Hurricanrana pin! One! Two! Joseph kicks out!)
Hoss: A flurry of offense by the Dream Warrior. Dave Joseph can’t take much more of this! We could be seeing Warrior get his first win in the WWCF tonight!
(Warrior gets up and looks at the crowd. As they cheer him on he climbs to the top of the nearest turnbuckle. He stands and points to the sky. Joseph is still flat on the mat and Kobain, sensing what is happening, begins to stalk Warrior.)
King: What’s Dream Warrior doing?!
Hoss: He’s honoring the friend he lost in a car crash, Jesse!
King: Don’t waste your time with theatrics, kid! Finish him!
(Kobain sneaks along outside the apron to try and stop Dream Warrior. Suddenly, just as he nears the corner, Titanothere comes around from the other side and lays Kobain out with a spear! The crowd applauds as Dream Warrior leaps up high into the air and crashes down on Dave Joseph with a swanton bomb!)
Hoss: Dream From The Sky! Warrior hooks the leg, and –
(One! Two! Three! Will Alphonzo calls for the bell and raises Dream Warrior’s hand in victory)
Michael Muffer: Here are your winners: Dream Warrior and Titanothere!
(Titanothere climbs into the ring and grabs Warrior’s other hand, holding it up as the crowd cheers)
Hoss: Dream Warrior gets his first win indramatic fashion tonight. He’s got to be happy.
King: I’ll tell you who isn’t happy tonight, Gorilla, and that’s Kris Kobain. To lose to the man you’re demanding be fired doesn’t really help your case.
Hoss: Somehow, Jesse, I don’t think that’s going to stop Kobain though.
"Too Black, Too Strong... DAMN RIGHT!"
I Made It - Kevin Rudolf
DR Jackson's music kicks in as he comes out for the second time tonight, again the crowd litter him with boos. He completely ingnores them as he storms out to the ring and grabs a mic.
DR Jackson: You know what? I don't care. Keep booing. Keep cheering for Colt, do your worst. It's not going to make a difference.
Last week I proved to you all, that Colt has nothing on me! I proved that only way he can beat me is when he fights dirty, when I'm in no condition to go on!
You all remember two weeks ago when that fascist made his return at my expense, that was after my grueling match with LittleNaitch. Last week then, he tried to do the same... Only this time we were prepared for him and this is what happened!
Footage plays of last weeks main event, Yellow Jacket and Jackson team up to beat down The Southwest Connection. Colt runs in to the rescue and takes it to Yellow Jacket and Jackson. Evil M then made an appearence and The Truth Coalition lay out the Southwest Connection and Jackson lays Colt out with the High Attitude.
DR Jackson: You see what happens? You see what happens when you mess with the angriest member of the WWCF roster. You see what happens when you try to "make history" at my expense?
Colt, I know you're in pain. But if you even dare to step in the ring with me at Survivor Team Challenge Series, you'll be put back on the shelf, and this time you won't be coming back.
The crowd start booing Jackson fiercly, as loud "Colt!" chants start up.
DR Jackson: Go on, yell it louder. He's not going to come out, if he does he's just going to have to be carried out by E-
"You Know That Time In Your Life, That Single Moment That Defines Exactly Who You Are? Well That Only Stings For A Second!"
Smoke 'Em If You Got 'Em - Parkway Drive
The crowd explode as Colt sprints down to the ring, without stopping he slides right into the ring. However this time Jackson is ready for him and takes Colt out with a big Spear!
The boos come back as Jackson starts hammering away at Colt, he keeps punching and punching. Jackson eventually stops and gets up off of Colt. He then mockingly points to the sky, copying Colt's main taunt. Jackson then picks Colt and up puts him in a front facelock, he then lifts Colt up into a delayed Vertical Suplex, after spinning in a circle, he attemtps to drop down into a Stunner. However Colt coutners it into a Reverse DDT! Colt then starts stomping away at Jackson to the crowd delight, Jackson eventually rolls out the ring.
Jackson then grabs his mic: What do you think you're doing Colt? Do you want me to end you-
Jackson gets cut off, as Colt performs a suicide dive right at him, tackling him to the ground. Colt then starts punching away at Jackson over and over. Referees come down and pull Colt off of him, but Colt tries to break free. More referees come down and help Jackson to his feet, but Jackson immediately breaks free and tackles Colt right into the ring apron before unloading on him with more punches. The referees turn their attention to Jackson, trying to pry him off of Colt, but he's too strong for them.
After a bit of struggle they finally get him to stop, only for him to punch out a ref or two, Colt then uses this time to run at Jackson with a huge forearm, making Jackson swagger back up the ramp. Colt then runs at Jackson, leaving the referees behind. The brawl through the ramp into the lockerroom.
Colt keeps punching away at Jackson as they stumble through the Gorilla Position, but Jackson eventually grabs hold of Colt's arm and throws him into a wall. Jackson goes on to level Colt with a punch, making Colt fall back into the wall, stumbling into a seated position. Jackson then stomps heavily into Colt.
Jackson walks off to find something, like a chair or a pipe, but he can't seem to find anything. He turns around to bring his attention back to Colt, only for Colt to boot Jackson right into the face. Colt then looks down at the fallen Jackson, spits on him, then walks back out to the ring.
Colt walks down the ramp as the crowd cheer him on, only Jackson burst though and clubs Colt to the back of the head, making Colt fall down and roll to the ring. Colt goes to get back to his feet, but Jackson runs up and boots Colt to the ribs, which are still bruised from last week. Colt winces in pain and Jackson stands over Colt with a huge smile on his face. He then picks Colt up and throws him into the ring. Loud "Jackson Sucks!" chants begin and Jackson stalks the fallen Colt.
Colt slowly gets to his feet, and Jackson immediately hoists him up on his Shoulders for the High Attitude, but Colt wriggles out and lands on his feet. He attempts a Story on Page One, but can't seem to lift Jackson. Jackson then pushes Colt into the corner. Jackson charges at Colt but Colt gets his knees up and kicks Jackson in face, making Jackson stumble backwards. Colt then runs at Jackson and hits a Shining Wizard and starts punching away at Jackson.
This time even more referees, Road Agents and Security run out and seperate the two men, this time it's enough to hold them back. The crowd continue to chant "Colt" as they drag Jackson to the backstage area. Once Jackson is gone, they let go Colt. Colt picks up Jackson's microphone.
Jackson! You want a war? You want to make history? I've got just the thing! You think you're unbeatable with your team of The Truth Coalition and yourself?
Well I've got a team that has already made history together in the past, and we'll gladly do it again. This team has already been invovled in many, many "Stories on Page One". For you see, I will join forces with one half of the Southwest Connection, Little Naitch!
The crowd pop big time for that...
You all probably saw that one coming anyway, meanwhile... my second partner. The man who was a thorn in the side of mine and Naitch's career for a year... The man who actually brought me and Naitch together...The biggest asshole in WWCF history... SETH DRAKIN!
The crowd explode in a combination of ovation and shock.
Gorilla Tim Hoss: WHAT!?
That's right... The Greatest Feud in WWCF History, joining forces for the first time ever.
You guys may have youth and size on your side... but there you have no chance against Three Former World Champions!
You should've killed me when you had the chance Jackson. The writing's on the wall, DR Jackson/Yellow Jacket/Evil M vs Colt/Little Naitch and Seth Drakin!
How is that for your Story on Page One? DAMN RIGHT!
Jay Carroll V. An Opponent of Viva‘s Choosing
Jesse King: Up next we've got an opponent of Viva's choosing vs. Jay Carroll for the right to decide the stipulation in their main event match next week on a special Championship edition of Sunday Night Heatz!!1
"Gorilla" Tim Hoss: It's hard not to feel like Viva's got something up his sleeve with this, King. I know you have an affinity for the guy, but I haven't been able to read him at all throughout this little tussle with Jay Carroll. The guy's not stable.
Jesse King: Yeah, yeah, yeah. He knows exactly what he's doing, and I wouldn't be surprised if the opponent he has lined up for Jay rips him to shreds!
*Well Thought Out Twinkies*
*Jay Carrol makes his way out to the ring. He's ready for a fight, and he steps in under the top rope and begins warm ups.*
Standing at a weight of 215 pounds at a height of 6 feet even.He hails from Philadelphia, PA. Your number one contender, handpicked by Viva Los Bio Dome himself. Jay Carroll!
*The crowd pops loud, and are firmly behind Jay Carroll and his quest to end the Viva Los Bio Dome tenure as champion."
*The announcer speaks*
And now, Viva Los Bio Dome's hand picked opponent!
*Paparazzi (Metal Edition*
Viva's music hits, and the crowd anticipates which member of Heavy Metal Hollywood is going to come out from backstage.
Jesse King: Who's it going to be 'Rilla? I have it on high authority that the man who stands behind that curtain is none of other than Viva himself!
"Gorilla" Tim Hoss: Why would he...
*Viva Los Bio Dome steps out from behind the curtain, charges the ring, slides under the bottom rope, and motions for the ref to start the match.*
*Will Alphonso quickly rings the bell*
Jesse King: No time for introductions, we're gonna get a taste of Sunday night, Hoss!
"Gorilla" Tim Hoss: This guy is off his rocker!
*Jay motions for Viva, but Viva backs away. Jay eggs him to start the fight. Viva doesn't bite. Viva puts his dukes up, Jay puts his dukes up. They both walk forward.*
*Viva drops his dukes. He walks backwards towards the ropes, slides out of the ring, and waits for the count out.*
Here is your winner, Jay Carroll!
*Jay Carroll is standing in the ring fuming. Viva motions for a microphone.*
"Hollywood King" Viva Los Bio Dome: Pick your poison, kid.
*Viva drops the mic, and walks into the back. The camera pans to Jay Carroll who is seen breathing heavily. You can see him yelling, "Just wait until sunday, Viva." as NiteRAW comes to a close.*
Credits: Sparks, Evil M, BRB, Titanothere, DR Jackson, Colt, and Viva