Sunday Night Heatz!!1 - June 6, 2010
Kris Kobain vs The Hangman
Referee: Will Alphonzo
Jerry Fish:This match is scheduled for one fall and is an Interforoum Champinionship rankings match.. First making his way down the wei...
Kris Kobain: Whoa whoa whoa! Hold it. Stop right there.
*Kris walks out onto the stage wearing a luchadore mask and a title belt.
Gettenpill: Why must he always do thsi? Can't he just come to the ring like a normal person?
*Kris walks down to the ring and climbs in.
Kris: I'll handle this introduction
*Jerry Fish shakes his head and leaves the ring. Will Alphonzo looks on un amused.
Kobain:Senors and Senoritas intrroducing the numero uno luchadore Mexicano Championotshipato Wresstlingato championa and champion of all of Mexico El Kristoa Kobaino!!!!
* A goup of stereotypical mexicans come out and play Siva with mexican guitars and maracas as Kobain dances around the ring.
*There's a mixed reaction from the crowd.
Gettenpill: What is he talking about? None of that stuff even exists. What is wrong with this guy?
Sean Kelly: How do you know none of it exists? Are you calling the man in that ring right now a liar?
Gettenpill: Don't be ridiculous.
Fish: And his oppnent hailing from Port Royal, Jamica weighing in at 300 ounds. The Hangman!!
Ballad of a Hangman by Gravedigger starts to play as The Hangman runs down to the ring with chainsaw in hand.
*Kris walks over to the announcer's table and lays a piece of paper in front of each announcer.
Kris(without a mic):These are the names of my moves. Call them right!
*Kris heads back to the ring.
Gettenpill: Dropkickita, Huricanranao, Swantona Bombo. What? I'll have nothing to do with this. What I will say though is that Kris Kobain has never beaten The Hangman and pulling stunts like this is only going to anger the big man even more.
Kelly: This guy speaks fluid spanish. Look at this.
*The ref signals for the bell and we are under way. The Hangman charges Kobain and Kobain imediatly goes to one knee signaling for a time out. The ref asks why and Kobain signals that Hangman was going after his mask saying that masks are sacred to luchadores such as himself. The Hangman is annoyed and boots Kris in the side of the head. Kris rolls out of the ring holding his head and goes over to the time keeper's tabe. He picks up his title belt and points at it and The Hangman shouting that he is a champion and should be treated with respect. The Hangman comes out of the ring after him and Kris drops the belt on the table and runs. Kris slides in the ring and hits a baseball slide to The Hangman as he tries to enter the ring.Kelly: Baseballa Slido!! The Hangman is staggered and Kris hits a runing corkscrew splash over the top rope.Kelly:Runinga Corkscewata Divito!! Kris is to his feet and kicks The Hangman twice in the head before climbing up the apron.Kely:Dos kicka!! Kris hits a moonsault from the midde rope as The Hangman gets to his feet. Kelly: Moonsaulta!!!
The ref starts the ten count as both men are down.
Gettenpill: Well we certainly are seeing a more agressive Kris Kobain here tonight.
Both men are back in the ring as Kris continues his assault by throwing kicks at The Hangman.Kelly: Kicka!! Kicka!!! Kris tries to whip The Hangman to the corner but The Hangman pulls him back and hits him with a short arm clothesline. The Hangman picks Kris off the mat and hits a devestating shoulder breaker.
Gettenpill: For Kobain the fun and games are over.
Kelly: And for The Hangman they're just starting!
The Hangman lifts Kobain off the mat again and hits him with a juming piledriver then drags Kobain to the corner, climbs to the top and hits a top rope senton.
Gettenpill: Such arieal grace from such a big man. That's damn near 300 pounds dropping right on your upper body. Kobain may need to see an internal specialist after that.
*The Hangman gets down on one knee over the top of Kris and starts landing punches. The ref pulls him back and warns him about the closed fist. Meanwhile Kris is pulling himself towards the ropes to pull himself up. The Hangman charges Kris and Kris pulls the top rope down causing The Hangman to go over the top and out to the floor.Kelly: Ropeo Pulla!!! Kris climbs to the top rope and launches himself off the top and hits The Hangman with a vertical body splash just as The Hangman is getting to his feet.Kely:Vertica Bodio Splasha!! Kobain jumps on a guard rail and hits a moonsault on a downed Hangman then jumps to his feet to salute the crowd. Kelly: Guardraila moonsaulta!!Kris gets back in the ring demanding the ref (who is already making the count) make the ten count. The ref starts over from one. Kris is behind him counting but starting at five. The ref tells him to knock it off and starts the count over again. Kris starts counting from 7 this time. The ref turns around and tells him to quit or he will dq him. The ref starts the count again at 1. The Hangman gets to his feet and slides und the bottom rope and is hit with a runing dropkick from Kobain.
Kelly: A runingo dropkickata
Gettenpill: Will you knock that off!?!
Kelly: The man is the champion of Mexico. We have to honor his wishes.
Gettenpill: You're both delusional.
Kris puts The Seventh Wall on The Hangman.
Kelly: El Siete Wallatas!!!!! El Siete Wallatas!!!
The Hangman grags Kris's legs and holds him while he stands up and lifts him up in a facebuster position. Kris puts his weight forward and rolls Kelly: Victory rollata!!! The Hangman up for a two count then hits a standing moonsault Kelly: Standinga moonsaulta!!!followed by a leg drop.Kelly: Lego dropiata!!! Kris goes to the top and hits a 450 splash Kelly:CuatroCincoCero Splaso!!! follwed by The Afterburn. Kelly: El AfteraBurna!!!
1! Uno!!!
2! Kelly: Dos!!!!
3! Tres!!!!!
*Kris goes over to the ropes and leans out and demands Jerry Fish announce him the way it's written in the card.
Fish:Senores and Senoritas the winner of the match and still the numero uno luchadore, Mexicano Championotshipato Wresstlingato championa and champion of all of Mexico El Kristoa Kobaino!
Gettenpill: Oh give me a break. Now he's got poor Jerry Fish dragged into this.
Kelly: Stand and salute the champion of Mexico!
The Boiler Room
BRB: Welcome WWCF to another exciting edition of The Boiler Room, where all of the hottest stories and stars only get hotter!
Tonight, I have none other than the Number One Contender for my Inter-Forum Championship: Jazzman!
Camera zooms out to show Jazzman seated across from BRB.
Jazzman: Thanks for having me BRB. It's an honor to be here.
BRB: Jazzman, you are the longest reigning World Champion in WWCF history and you seem to be going after the Grand Slam now. But what makes you think that you can go toe to toe with me, BRB, the WWCF's very first double Champion?
Jazzman: Well, when I started out my first short at a title would be that one they you still have right now. I repsect the men who have held that title. Above Average was one of the best this company has seen. MOP had my respect from the get go once he showed up, and now it rests with you. If it gets me a step closer to that Grand Slam, I would love it, but more importantly I'm looking to continuly test myself against the best and I guess the biggest this company has.
BRB: But has it ever occurred to you just how much of a beast that I am? You're good, but you're too small for me Jazzman!
Jazzman: Yeah, you are big BRB. But I don't think I need to remind you that I just beat Titanothere a few weeks back to get the chance to face you and, even though this is well before your time, I defeated The Iron Giant at the end of a gauntlet match after going through multiple men before him.
Some people to believe that your size gives you an advantage, but I am always evolving my good sir. Jazz never stays static and neither will I. I'm becoming much better with my submission grappling and besides, if I take you to your knees, we are the same.
It will be no easy task toppling you BRB, but I know that I'll be able to do it.
BRB: Okay, let me ask you this if you're so confident: who in this company has ever got one over on me, BRB, and has yet to be paid back in spades?
Jazzman: Well, it's pretty obvious that you think there isn't anyone, but there is one man, The Man in Black.
Boiler Room Brawler pauses, eye twitching, nose crunching, but he returns to Jazzman.
Jazzman: Look BRB, I'm an honorable guy. You know that, I know that, and we both know that this Man in Black could be the one who could screw this match up from being one of the best in the history of this company. I say that I'm the measuring stick here, and you got a lot to measure.
So, I offer you this. Next Week, I'll wrestle The Man in Black, whoever he is. You and I will get to the bottom of this mystery together and once he's out of the picture, you and I can steal the show at Wheel of Misfortune.
BRB: I love the way you think, Jazzman. I love it so much that I'll be right in your corner next week. Book it, Drakin, or I swear that I'll turn up the heat in the locker room and take every man in there straight to the Boiling Point until I find out who the Man in Black is!
Jazzman: Well, I'll see you next BRB, until then, we'll be in touch.
BRB: I'm BRB, this is Jazzman, and you have just witnessed another edition of The Boiler Room!
Sparks vs. Blackout
Jerry: Ladies and Gentlemen! This is our opening match set for one fall!
*Caught in a Web*
Making his way to the ring from Sevierville, Tenessee weighing in at 216 pounds, one part of Heavy Metal Hollywood, SPAAAARRRRRRRKKKKKSSS!
Sparks plays to the crowd and gets a warm reaction, but does not have Scar with him. He taunts as the ring pyro goes off around him.
*Blackout rapping*
And his opponent, from Los Angeles, California, weighing in at 295 pounds, one part of the Human Hate Machines, BLLLLLLLACKOUUUUUUUUUUUT!
The bell rings. Blackout and Sparks immediately come at eachother and lock up. Sparks gets Blackout against the ropes and whips him to the other side. Blackout nails Sparks with a knee to the injured abdomen.
Sean: Oof! It's obvious that Blackout is already going straight to the weak spot of Sparks!
Michael: Exactly. If this keeps on, the young man is gonna have a long night ahead of him.
He picks Sparks up and gives him a fisherman's suplex. He goes for a cover.
Blackout picks Sparks back up and irish whips him. On the rebound, Blackout hits him with a spinning heel kick, knocking Sparks hard to the mat.
Sean: What an athletic kick from a 295 pound man!
He goes for another cover.
Michael: It is amazing how Sparks did not give in after that vicious knee to the gut.
Blackout picks Sparks back up, but Sparks slips out of the grip and hits a savate kick on Blackout. However, that wasn't enough to knock him down. Sparks runs the ropes only to be met with a flying elbow from Blackout, who quickly recovers from the kick.
Sean: Well, that didn't work!
Blackout looks like he is about to go for a cover, but decides something different. Instead, he lifts up Sparks face up into a tourture rack and wrenches his injured abdomen.
Sean: I can tell ya right now, this may be the curtain call for the spider man already!
Michael: I'm gonna have to agree with you on that one, Sean. This is definitely the deciding factor in this match.
Sparks wails from the pain as his pain receptors in the injured area become more and more inflammed. The nerves painfully tingle as Blackout pulls harder. Eventually, he lets go and lets Sparks fall off of his sholders and impact the mat, possibly causing even more damage. Blackout raises his arms taunting the crowd as they give him immense heat.
Sean: I'd go for the pin right now! It's obvious that he is in a great deal of pain. Just pin him and be done with it!
Sparks rolls around on the mat, trying to find a position that relieves the pain a little. Blackout turns around smuggly and goes for a cover.
Sean: Told ya that you should've went for the pin.
Michael: I still can't believe that Sparks is just fighting through this injury. You'd think that he'd give up, but no!
Becoming frustrated, Blackout gets up and begrudgingly stomps on Sparks's abdomen. As Blackout stomps, Sparks inches slowly to the edge of the ring and grabs the bottom ropes. The referee orders Blackout to stop, which he does. Blackout goes down to pick up Sparks, but gets caught in the left eye with an elbow. Blackout cups his eye and writhes as Sparks painfully tries to get up. When he is finally on his feet, he runs up behind Blackout and catches him with a running bulldog. He goes for a cover.
Michael: And the young man bounces back somehow, someway!
Sparks tries the best he can to get Blackout back on his feet. He hooks the head of Blackout and drops it with a cutter. Sparks is, too, affected by the impact. He clutches his injured abdomen as he crawls to hook the leg.
Michael: That move looks like it hurt Sparks as well!
Sparks goes to the ring apron and tierdly climbs the ropes.
Sean: Uh oh. I don't likes the looks of this!
Sparks is about to fly, but Blackout is back up and pushes Sparks off the top rope and into the ring barricades! The audience "Oohs!" loudly.
Michael: Oh my! Blackout may have won the match already!
Sean: Oh my god, Michael! Somebody turn on the windshield whipers 'cause this bug just got squashed!
Sparks convulses in the 1st row as Blackout slowly gets out of the ring and to Sparks. The ref starts the count.
Blackout grabs Sparks by the hair and slings him over the barricade back to ringside.
Blackout leads Sparks by his head to the announce table.
Michael: Hey wait a minute! This action is starting to get too close for comfort!
Sean: Ah can it, Michael! This is where things get awesome!
Blackout lifts Sparks's head and plants it on the edge of the table with authority!
Blackout lifts Sparks head and brings it down again!
Blackout lifts Sparks in the air as if to drop his abdomen onto the announce table, but Sparks breaks it and lands on his feet.
Blackout turns around and Sparks hits him with an enziguri!
Michael: VINTAGE Sparks!
Sparks forces himself back into the ring.
Blackout is still down.
10! The referee calls for the bell.
Here is your winner...SSSPPAAAAAAAARRRRRRKS!
Sparks is still laying flat in the ring as his theme blasts over the PA System. The crowd pops as Sparks slowly makes his way to ringside to play to the fans. Blackout gets up and is visibly groggy.
Michael: Wow! What an opener! Sparks is definitely a resiliant superstar and he has proved it here tonight.
Sean: Yeah, but he better hope he is healed enough for the rest of the rankings matches!
Main Event: Square and Amigo (Human Hate Machines) vs. D-Day Dave and Headbanger Man (Heavy Metal Express) for the WWCF World Tag Team Championship
Sean Kelly: And here we are at our main event, as Square and Amigo of the Human Hate Machines throw down with our reigning World Tag Team Champions, The Heavy Metal Express.
Michael Gettenpill: I like a good tag team main event, Sean. Something about it brings out the best in tag teams when the spotlight is truly on them.
Sean Kelly: Right you are, Mike.
Jerry Fish: Now for your main event of the evening…
“I Don’t Care” by Fall Out Boy hits the speakers as Square and Amigo walk out. Square hits his pose as Amigo stands, hands on hips waiting for him and the crowd boos.
Michael Gettenpill: The Human Hate Machines got hosed at Stable Wars II, Sean. Hangman lost to the Smokin’ Vokoun, Square lost to Boiler Room Brawler, and certain victory was narrowly snatched from Amigo’s hands against our former World champion “Hollywood” Viva Los Bio Dome.
Square and Amigo walk down the ramp.
Jerry Fish: Now entering the ring, weighing at a combined weight of 424lbs, they are the challengers, Square… and… Amigo!
Square and Amigo continue down the ramp when Square starts chatting it up with a hot woman in the crowd.
Sean Kelly: If I were the WWCF I would be on my toes, because the last thing I would want is the Human Hate Machines to have an actual motive to hate me.
The woman’s boyfriend confronts Square when Amigo suddenly smashes the guy in the face, knocking him into his chair and backwards onto the floor. The woman is shocked by Amigo’s actions and goes to console her boyfriend. Square sternly looks at Amigo, who sadistically sneers and points at the ring.
Michael Gettenpill: That was certainly uncalled for.
Sean Kelly: I have it on good authority that everything having to do with Amigo is uncalled for.
Square and Amigo enter the ring and Square hits his pose a second time.
Michael Gettenpill: Well, the Heavy Metal Express certainly have their work cut out for them.
“We’re Not Gonna Take It” by Twisted Sister hits the speakers to general cheers. Headbanger Man and D-Day Dave emerge, belts around their waists, Headbanger Man airdrumming, and D-Day Dave playing air guitar.
Sean Kelly: Having a good time while bucking the establishment, that’s the heavy metal way.
Michael Gettenpill: I suppose but I’m more of a rockabilly man myself.
The Heavy Metal Express walks down the ramp to a blastbeat-like pyrotechnical barrage while Square and Amigo hash things out.
Headbanger Man: Hello, Parts Unknown! [/color]
The audience cheers.
Headbanger Man: Now entering the ring, weighing in at a combined weight of 498lbs, we are your World Wrestle Crap Federation Tag Team Champions! [/color]
Headbanger Man raises the devil horns salute.
Headbanger Man: Headbanger Man! And…[/color]
D-Day Dave raises the devil horns as well.
Headbanger Man: D. Day. Dave! And we are… The Heavy. Metal. Express![/color]
Michael Gettenpill: And that’s why I’m a rockabilly guy, Sean. Clean vocals.
Sean Kelly: That’s it?
The Heavy Metal Express enters the ring. Referee John Creed takes the belts and hands them off to the outside and starts the match. D-Day and Square start circling each other before darting for each other and exchanging fists.
Sean Kelly: Starting right away with the brawling!
Square punches D-Day. D-Day punches Square. Square grabs D-Day by the arm and Irish whips him to the ropes. Headbanger circles the corner while Amigo begins unfastening the turnbuckle padding.
Michael Gettenpill: Amigo is wasting no time tonight.
D-Day rebounds and attempts a scissors kick but Square sidesteps him, grabs him by the head, and plants him into the mat.
Sean Kelly: Well-executed facebuster by Square.
D-Day is back to his feet in time for Square to run up and thrust his foot at him but he catches Square by the leg and twists him to the ground. Square rolls into a standing position as D-Day jumps into the air for a drop kick straight to the face, sending Square through the ropes to the outside.
Michael Gettenpill: D-Day is in good form tonight, and that’s what the fans came to see.
D-Day crosses through the ropes to fight with Square outside. Square gets up and throws a punch to D-Day, who returns the favor with a double axe handle smash that Square narrowly dodges and counters with a leg sweep, making D-Day fall onto his back as Referee John Creed counts one.
Michael Gettenpill: Both men need to be careful about being outside for too long.
Square mounts D-Day and starts laying into him with punches. Creed counts two in the meantime while Amigo moves on to another turnbuckle.
Sean Kelly: Not really. Only Square and Amigo need to be careful. The Heavy Metal Express could weasel their way out of this one with a count out loss if they so chose but that’s not very metal at all. Punk maybe, but not metal.
D-Day and Square exchange punches until D-day manages to slip out and stand up. Both men gauge each other as Creed counts three. Headbanger reaches his hand out to D-Day but no tag is made. Amigo starts removing the next turnbuckle padding.
Sean Kelly: Best get back into the ring for both of them.
Creed counts four just as both men slip into the ring. D-Day tags in Headbanger Man, who crosses the ropes just in time for Square to leap at him with a flying cross body splash, forcing him back into the corner. Square lands on his feet and uses Headbanger Man’s rebounding momentum to Irish whip him into the opposite corner. Headbanger Man collides with the corner and falls to the mat.
Michael Gettenpill: Amigo’s strategy is working out for Square. It’s a dastardly tactic but it’s all in Creed’s hands.
Amigo returns to his corner as Headbanger Man gets up and exchanges punches with Square. Square thrusts his foot out and backs Headbanger Man up to the ropes.
Sean Kelly: Huh. A muay thai foot thrust. Interesting move, Square.
Amigo hooks his arm over Headbanger Man’s head and pulls down while Square uses the leverage to lift him up and over the top rope and onto the arena floor.
Michael Gettenpill: Good teamwork by Square and Amigo.
Headbanger manages to land on his feet to a crowd pop.
Sean Kelly: But Headbanger Man has this handled.
Headbanger Man bangs his head up and down while Amigo sits down on the rope. Square backs up, then runs and dives through the ropes, drop kicking Headbanger in the face and knocking him back to the guardrail as Creed counts one.
Sean Kelly: I don’t know what kind of practice that Square and Amigo have gained so recently together, but it seems to be working. I think that we’re on our way to seeing our next WWCF World Tag Team Champions!
Amigo climbs to the top rope and dives off, landing an elbow straight onto Headbanger’s skull, eliciting a crowd wince.
Michael Gettenpill: That’s got to hurt, Sean.
D-Day crosses the ropes to help Headbanger but Creed stops him and D-Day argues. Meanwhile, outside, Square and Amigo stomp on Headbanger.
Michael Gettenpill: Creed seems to be a bit partial with reprimanding D-Day like that. He should take care of Amigo too.
Sean Kelly: Well, first things first. He needs to get the more reasonable man squared away first.
Square and Amigo pick up Headbanger Man and slide him under the bottom rope, Square soon after himself.
Sean Kelly: I hope that the belt isn’t lost this way, Mike. It would be pretty lame, quite frankly.
Michael Gettenpill: Lame but well played.
Square goes for the cover. Creed counts one, two- Headbanger powers out and the crowd starts cheering. Headbanger stands up and headbutts Square into the corner. Headbanger follows it up with a charge, and then Irish whips Square to D-Day, who sticks his boot out for Square to impact with, knocking him to the mat.
Michael Gettenpill: It looks like the Heavy Metal Express is turning this match around to their favor.
Sean Kelly: Well they are the champs for a reason.
Headbanger picks Square up and bends him over. He throws up the devil horns, then waistlocks Square, and lifts him into an upside down position that Square reverses with a hurricanrana.
Michael Gettenpill: Nice reversal by Square. Didn’t know that he could do that move.
Square lays into Headbanger with punches like he did with D-Day but this time D-Day crosses the ropes and pulls Square off of Headbanger, lifts him up with a waistlock, and slams him to the mat for a belly-to-back suplex.
Sean Kelly: This has been a pretty decently paced match so far, GP, with a nice back and forth rhythm. I really cannot tell who’s going to win.
Creed tells D-Day to return to his corner to which D-Day listens. Square and Headbanger Man return to their feet. Amigo moves around behind Creed but D-Day keeps his eye on him.
Sean Kelly: How will Square and Amigo turn this around to their favor?
Michael Gettenpill: I don’t know, Sean, but it ought to be interesting if they do.
Square backs up to a neutral corner and looks around himself. The crowd gets behind Headbanger, who bangs his head some before charging at Square, who slips out of the way. Headbanger impacts with the ring post and stands back up in a daze as Square backs up. Square then runs behind Headbanger, grabs onto the back of his head, and twists him by the neck, bringing him to the ground.
Michael Gettenpill: It’s pretty impressive how Square and Amigo have gone about taking on the Heavy Metal Express tonight. They are smaller but quicker, and much more dastardly. Amigo’s never even been tagged in yet.
Amigo slips through the ropes behind Creed, whose attention is on Square. D-Day crosses the ropes, but Creed stops him again. Square goes to cover Headbanger Man.
Michael Gettenpill: Look at this, Sean. They’re having a two-angled distraction by ways of a pin attempt and their opponents. Ingenious!
Creed drops down to count one, two- Headbanger Man gets his foot on the rope while Amigo begins furiously stomping Creed in the back.
Sean Kelly: But what is the meaning of this?
D-Day crosses the ropes and the crowd starts cheering. D-Day starts punching at Amigo, backing him up to the corner, but Amigo slips through the ropes and grabs onto the ring steps and slides them into the ring.
Michael Gettenpill: Maybe Amigo thinks that they need to play dirtier to win an otherwise losing match? I don’t know…
Amigo slides back into the ring as Square gets back up and confronts D-Day. D-Day throws a punch at Square but is met with an elbow to the chest from Amigo. Square kicks D-Day in the stomach, making him bend over.
Sean Kelly: This is not good for D-Day or Headbanger right now. But how are Square and Amigo going to get a win out of this? They’d have to be quick about this before Creed recovers and catches them redhanded.
Square and Amigo bend D-Day over and waistlock him, lift him up, and double powerbomb him into the ring steps with a loud impact.
Michael Gettenpill: This is devastating for the Heavy Metal Express, Sean!
Amigo and Square pick up the ring steps together when they notice Creed getting back up. They look at him. He looks at them. They look at each other. They look at D-Day. They smash D-Day with the ring steps. Creed calls the bell.
Michael Gettenpill: I guess you may as well finish the crime if you’re already getting caught. I was hoping for more out of Amigo and Square.
Sean Kelly: I’m thinking that D-Day was hoping for less right about now, actually.
The bell rings again as Square and Amigo toss away the ring steps and leave the arena to a shower of boos.
Jerry Fish: Here are your winners and still your WWCF Tag Team Champions: The Heavy Metal Express!
“We’re Not Gonna Take It” by Twisted Sister hits the speakers to lukewarm reaction as the crowd is a mess of cheers and boos.
Sean Kelly: A bittersweet victory, GP, but a victory nonetheless.
Michael Gettenpill: I guess that they get to be proud that they went for a straight match here, but that doesn’t fix bruises, cuts, and broken bones.
Sean Kelly: Maybe the Human Hate Machines were venting some frustrations tonight and it got the better of them.
Michael Gettenpill: More like they went overboard with their plan.
Sean Kelly: I’m just glad that I wasn’t in that ring tonight, Mike. But thanks for tuning in WWCF Galaxy. Join us tomorrow for Monday Niteraw. I’m [color=993333]Sean Kelly, this is [color=ff0033]Michael Gettenpill, and we’ll see you next week on Heatz!!1