Sunday Night Heatz!!1 - May 16, 2010
Sparks vs. Dave Joseph
The bell rings. Dave runs psychotically for Sparks, but is met with a strong clothesline. Sparks goes for the cover.
Surprised, Sparks goes to pick Dave up, but gets caught in a small package!
Dave quickly lets go and picks up Sparks quickly, wanting to get this match over with. He does measured punches to the head and sends Sparks in. Dave ducks down for a back body drop, but gets kicked in the face. Sparks rebounds himself off the rope and gets a Lou Thesz press followed by punches to the face.
Dave picks up Sparks and whips him into the corner. He goes over to Sparks and hoists him up on the top. He goes on to as well, teasing a superplex. He tries to lift Sparks up for it, but recieves resistance instead. Fustrated, Dave punches Sparks in the gut and tries again, but still can't get him off the ground. Sparks punches him repeatedly in the face until Dave falls off the top and lands sideways. Sparks gingerly turns around and lands a moonsault on Dave and stays for the cover.
Sparks is stunned by the near-fall. He picks up Dave and goes for a Spinerrete, but Dave lands behind him and catches him in a neckbreaker doing so. He goes for the cover.
Dave is getting more and more angrier. He stars punching Sparks in the face, periodically stopping to yell at him. The ref steps him and gets him off. Dave goes to ringside and demands a mic. He gets one and rolls back into the ring and speaks.
You see this? I have absolutely dominated this man! He is hard of breathing because he probably smoked one to many cigarettes!
Sparks stirs
You see, this is going to be a defining moment in his career. He is going to lose to me. It will be a true honor for him to be laid out and pinned by me. I am actually helping his career by doing this!
Sparks is on his hands and knees
Heavy Metal Hollywood is NOTHING more than a group of druggies looking for a fix. They don't deserve AT ALL to be in the same company as I am. I am abo--
Dave sees that Sparks is getting up. He brisks over to him and starts kicking and stomping him back onto the mat. He goes back over to facing the audience and speaks.
As I was saying...I am above HMH in every fescible way! Especially this piece of filth.
Sparks is back on his hands and knees.
If you think they are here to strictly wrestle, you are all WRONG! They are here to get a free fix!
Sparks is up, but stumbling.
Unlike them, I am here to dominate the WWCF, just like I did with Sparks. I am a TRUE athlete! I...AM...DAVE JOS--
Dave is grabbed from behind by Sparks. He lifts him up and hits the Coup-De-Grace! Cover!
Winner: Sparks.
Sparks goes out into the crowd and celebrates as Dave Joseph angrily stirs in the ring
Dream Warrior V. M.O.P.
Fish: The following contest is set for one fall.
*Memories Will Never Die*
Fish: Introducing first, from Memphis, Tennessee, weighing in at 200 pounds, The Dream Warrior!
*Days of the Phoenix*
Fish: And his opponent, from Bergen County, New Jersey, weighing in at 232 pounds, M.O.P.!
At the bell, the two tie up. M.O.P. goes for a waistlock, but Warrior fights out of it and applies a wristlock. M.O.P. reverses it into a hammerlock. He forces Dream Warrior down to the mat, but Warrior rolls him up!
Both men are back up, but M.O.P. catches Warrior with a clothesline! He picks him up for the Jersey Driver, but Warrior slides out and hits a dropkick! Cover!
Warrior pulls M.O.P. up, but is hit with a jawbreaker, then hooked in the Jughandle! Dream Warrior has nowhere to go and taps out!
Fish: Here is your winner, M.O.P.!
M.O.P. celebrates, as Dream Warrior get’s to his feet. He walks up to M.O.P. and extends his hand. M.O.P. takes it and the two embrace to a round of applause from the crowd.
Jonathan Michales vs Kris Kobain
*We see Kris Kobain standing in the ring with a microphone.
Michael Gettenpill: What's this about now?
Sean Kelly: If you'd shut up maybe you'd find out.
Kris: Over the past few weeks I've been trying to rid the WWCF of this annoyance known as Dream Warrior. The guy can't wrestle. He can't win a match. He's a nothing. He loses his matches and shakes guys hands afterward? What kind of joke is that. I mean you must be big loser to associate with this guy. Speaking of losers let's talk about the CEO of this company...
Kris's mic cuts out and we see him angrily yelling. The entrance way fills with smoke and we hear DOA by the Foo Fighters start to play. We see several big time Hollywood stunts playing on the screen.
Ladies and gentlemen. Making his way down the aisle. Weighing in at 240 lbs and hailing from Los Angeles, California.....Jonathan Michaels!
Well that was kind of just cut a guy off like that.
Oh please.
The bell starts and we get underway with a tie. Michales whips Kobain to the ropes and tries a clothesline. Kobain ducks under and hits a springboard back kick from the second rope. Michaels is back to his feet. Kris tries a kick to the mid section that Michaels grabs. Michaels spins Kobain around and hits him with a colothesline. Kobain is back to his feet and Michaels takes him down with an arm drag. Kris is to his feet again and gets an arm drag of his own. Michaels is up and Kris hits a dropkick. Michaels to his feet again as Kris tries a clothesline. Michaels takes him down with a belly to belly suplex. Kris is back up and whips Michaels to the ropes. Kris dows the splits on the return as Michaels leapfrogs over him. Michaels on the bouce back , Kris sets up for the monkey flip. Michaels stops and grabs Kris's legs picking him off the mat Michaels hits a face buster. Michaels gets up and Kris rolls away towards the turnbuckle. Kris gets to one knee as he and Michaels stare each other down. (Crowd pops.)
Jonathan Michaels show he can keep up with the quicker smaller man here.
Jonathan moves towards Kris to tie up and Kris ducks under the top rope. The ref steps between them and Michaels steps back. Kris ducks back in the ring and Michaels comes at him again. Kris ducks out again and the ref seperates them. Michaels starts to step back and Kris gives him a thumb to the eye.
That was a dirty move.
What happened? I missed it.
Would you watch the match please?
Kris hits a spring board dropkick followed by spring board moonsault. Kris drags Michaels to the corner and climbs to the top.
Uh oh. Looks like we could see The Afterburn here. No! 450 splash!
Kris hits a standing moonsault. Kris lifts Michaels off the mat and whips him to the ropes. Kris tries a flying head scissors but it's reversed into a power bomb by Michaels. Michaels whips Kris to the corner and Krips flps upside down on the turnbuckle, comes back down to his feet, turns around and
Spear! What a brutal spear by Jonathan Michaels!
I've seen guys do spears way better than that.
Name one.
I would but I'm trying to watch this match. Why do you always have to change the subject.
Oh will you be serious?
I am serious.
Snap suplex by Michaels. Michaels sets Kris up for the boston crab. Kris struggles but Michaels manages to get him turned over.
Get to the ropes!
Kris manages to get to the rope and Jonathan let's go of the hold. Kris tries to pull himself up and grabs the ref. Throwing him to the outside.
What was that about?
The ref lost his balance and Kobain was trying to be a nice guy and catch him.
Michaels is standing in the ring check on the ref as Kris slides out the other side and grabs a chair. Kris brings the chair in the ring and lines up his shot on Michaels.
Take him out!
Kris swings at Michaels with the chair but Michaels ducks under. Both men turn around....
Fade to Black with the chair!
The ref rolls into the ring
It's all over!
This is right! Jonathan Michaels cheated! He used a chair!
Yeah the chair that Kris Kobain brought into the ring.
It doesn't matter who brought the chair in. What matters is who used it and that the cheater Jonathan Michaels.
You know what they say live by the sword....
Yeah well we'll see what Seth Drakin has to say about this.
Ladies and gentlemen. Here is your winner.....Jonathan Michaels!
crowd pops
This makes me sick. Goodnight everybody. I hope you can all unsee what you've just seen.
Writing credits: Sparks, Evil M, Kris Kobain.