King Of WrestleCrap - January 25, 2010

King of WrestleCrap January 25, 2010
I Will Not Bow plays as a video recaps the Aaron-Jazzman feud, the M.O.P.-Jackson feud, the Michaels-Drakin feud, the Yellow Jacket-Evil M feud, and of course, the King of WrestleCrap tournament.
Tim Hoss - Welcome to King of WrestleCrap! Tonight, it’s about royalty and respect, as we have 9 huge matches for you, including the King of WrestleCrap finals.
Jesse King - For the last three weeks, 24 men have fought it out in a single elimination tournament and tonight, it comes down to three men.
Tim Hoss - Square, Little Naitch, and Viva Los Bio Dome will compete for the title of King of WrestleCrap, with the winner receiving a WWCF World Title match next month at Ernest Goes to Wargames!
Jesse King - Also tonight, Jazzman defends the WWCF World Championship against Aaron Enigma!
Tim Hoss - This feud actually kicked off two months ago at In Your Apartment and tonight, it culminates with this one-on-one match with the title on the line!
Jesse King - Another feud that has raged for months is M.O.P. and “Damn Right” Jackson. Tonight, M.O.P. defends the title against Jackson in a rematch from In Your Apartment!
Tim Hoss - Staying on the topic of feuds that have raged on for months, Seth Drakin returns to ring tonight for a match in which the fate of the Hardcore Championship hangs in the balance!
Jesse King - The CEO battles the longest reigning Hardcore Champion in WWCF history, Jonathan Michaels, with the current Champion The Boiler Room Brawler as the guest referee!
Tim Hoss - We also have the big Inferno TLC match between Evil M and Yellow Jacket!
Jesse King - Yellow Jacket has been trying to recruit Evil M to his side since the monster returned several months ago. And Evil M has agreed to join his rival should he lose this match tonight.
Tim Hoss - Several high stakes matches tonight, Jess.
Jesse King - Indeed, Gorilla. We have all that and much more, right here tonight!
Square walks down to the ring to a chorus of boos from the capacity crowd. Square steps into the ring and walks over to the far side of the ring as he is then handed a mic from a production assistant.
Square: Ok Naitch, your time is up. Get down here right now as I need to know whether or not you are accepting my offer to bow out of this match cause if you do then I will be able to take my rightful spot as the King of Wrestlecrap.
New Blackjacks theme hits as one half of the World Tag Team Champions Little Naitch walks to the ring to a tremendous ovation while wearing his half of the tag team championships. Naitch steps into the ring with a mic in hand as the crowd quiets down.
LN: So Square I have given this a lot of thought over the last few days and I have to say that one hundred thousand dollars is a lot of money. I could actually do a lot with that money you are offering me. That money could be used in a whole lot of different ways. Now before I give you my decision, do you have the check with you?
Square pulls out the check from his jacket pocket and hands it over to Little Naitch.
LN: Man that is a lot of zeroes on that check, wow. So all I have to do to get this check is to bow out of this match right?
Square nods in approval.
LN: Well in that case....
Little Naitch rips up the check and throws the pieces up in the air to a thunderous ovation.
LN: You see Square, to me that is dirty money as I have way more pride then you give me credit for. I am not a greedy person and I can NOT be paid off! By you offering me that money, I feel disrespected by you. After all the grueling tag team matches that we have had agains each other I would have thought that you would know better than that but guess not.
Everything I have got in this company I have earned and that is not stopping now. Later tonight Square I am going to win this match tonight and not only become the NEW King of Wrestlecrap but also will become the number one contender for the World Heavyweight title!!! See ya later buddy.
Little Naitch turns around to leave the ring but Square grabs Naitch and nails him with the Squareplosion!! A huge chorus of boos start as Square is yelling at Little Naitch for not taking the money as Square picks Naitch up and once again nails another Squareplosion as Tyfo comes running out with a chair to chase Square out of the ring. EMT's come out to check on Little Naitch as Square walks back up the ramp with a huge grin on his face as a stretcher comes out for Little Naitch.
Tim Hoss - I can’t believe this! The audacity of Square!
Jesse King - Gorilla, what does this mean for the King of WrestleCrap finals?
Tim Hoss: I don’t know Jess. I don’t know.
The Heavy Metal Express, Masked Hero X, and Ultimo Double V. Voodoo Champagne, Tyfo, Xavian Gunn, and Cage King
Michael Muffer - The following contest is a 10-man tag team match, scheduled for one fall!
(We're Not Gonna Take It)
Michael Muffer - Introducing first, at a combined weight of 498 pounds - Headbanger Man and D-Day Dave...THE HEAVY METAL EXPRESS!
- The HME hands out demo CDs, drum sticks and guitar picks to various crowed members, before playing air instruments in the ring.
(Our Hisou Tensoku)
Michael Muffer - Their partner, weighing in at 201 pounds, here is MASKED HERO X!
- Masked Hero X poses in the ring as pyro goes off from all four turnbuckles.
(The Salmon Dance)
Michael Muffer - And their partners, at a combined weight of 415 pounds...the team of DOUBLE H AND THE FISHMONGER!
- Fishmonger flops around the ring while Double H high fives their team-mates. Fishmonger sits on the turnbuckle and pretends to cast off.
(Down On Me)
Michael Muffer - Introducing their opponents, first at a combined weight of 505 pounds - "The Voodoo Lawyer" TTS and "Champagne" Jay Carroll...VOODOO CHAMPAGNE!
- Voodoo Champagne stand on the bottom of the ramp as TTS sacrifices a chicken.
(New Blackjacks Theme)
Michael Muffer - Their partner, from Dallas, Texas, weighing in at 245 pounds - he is one half of the WWCF Tag Team Champions and Mr Money In The Bank...TYFO!
- Tyfo stands with his partners, holding both his belt and briefcase aloft.
(Freestyle rap)
Michael Muffer - Their partner, from Los Angeles, California, weighing 295 pounds...CAGE KING!
- Cage King raps as he walks down the ramp, and then bumps fists with his partners.
Michael Muffer - And their final partner, from Seattle, Washington, weighing 245 pounds...XAVIAN GUNN!
- Gunn walks to the ring as his titantron starts to glitch. He slides into the ring and stares down the adversaries, as images of his flash violently on the video screen. He poses on the turnbuckle as the rest of his team join him in the ring.
- TTS starts the match off with Fishmonger. They lock up, and TTS throws him to the mat. He does this a second time. He whips Fishmonger into the ropes, but is leapfrogged, before being hit by a clothesline, which sends him reeling. Fishmonger follows up with a dropkick, and TTS falls outside the ring through the middle rope. TTS pounds the apron in frustration, and slides back into the ring.
- Fishmonger attempts a springboard move, but TTS catches him, and turns it into a spinning sideslam. He drops an elbow and tags in Jay Carroll. Jay rocks Fishmonger with a couple of kinfe-edge chops, and then executes a vertical suplex. He goes for a cover.
- Fishmonger kicks out. Carroll goes for a lionsault, but the fish merchant rolls out of the way. Jay lands on his feet, but runs into an armdrag. Fishmonger hits a series of right hands, and then knocks him down with a huge uppercut after doing the casting off motion. He then tags in D-Day Dave, who comes in with an axehandle. He throws Jay into the turnbuckle and throws some fists, before tagging in Headbanger Man.
- Headbanger hits a kick to the gut and a shoulder knockdown, before peeling off a belly-to-belly suplex on Jay. He makes a cover.
- Jay kicks out. Headbanger then tags in Double H, who elbows Jay in the head. Double H goes for a capoeira kick, but it is ducked. Jay then nearly decapitates Double H with a huge lariat. He stomps away on Double H, before bringing Cage King into the match. Cage scores with a boot to the face, and then lands a standing moonsault, flattening the Brazilian native.
- Double H barely gets his shoulder up. Cage King picks him up for the Flashing Lights, but Double H slips out of the predicament. He manages to hit a knee, but runs into a spinning heel kick. Cage King drags him into his corner, and then tags in Tyfo. The Southwest Connection member hits a reverse STO, and then comes off the top rope with a fist drop. He covers Double H.
- Another kickout. Tyfo takes him down with a drop toe hold, and starts to work over the leg of Double H. He seems to go for the Texas Cloverleaf, but Double H has enough strength to kick him away. Double H gets to his feet but runs into a sleeperhold. Tyfo locks it in tighter as it appears his adversary is fading. The crowd rallies behind Double H, as his tag partners give him encouragement. The referee checks his arm, and it drops down twice. However the third time Double H shows some resilience and gets back to his feet again, eventually countering the sleeper by flipping over Tyfo, and delivers the Buzzkiller! However he can't make the cover, and both men are down as the referee counts.
- Double H crawls towards his corner, and Tyfo does likewise. Tyfo manages to tag in Xavian Gunn, who grabs onto Double H's leg just as he is about to make the tag. However, Double H scores with an enziguri, and makes the tag to Masked Hero X!
- The man formerly known as Cthulu charges into the ring and delivers a couple of clothesline to Gunn, and then nails him with a single knee facebuster! He makes the cover.
- Gunn kicks out. Masked Hero X hits a bridging German suplex!
- Again Gunn kicks out. Hero takes him down with a dragon suplex, and goes for a splash, but Gunn manages to get his knees up. Xavian hits a swinging neckbreaker, and then hits a tiger bomb! He then goes for a pinfall of his own.
- Hero kicks out, and then begins to power up. Gunn hits him with a few punches, but Hero continues to psyche himself up. Gunn hits a boot to the midsection and goes for a brainbuster, but Hero counters it and hits a headbutt. Gunn reverses a whip into the ropes but misses with a boot. Hero then hits him with the Blazing Lariat!
- Jay Carroll breaks up the pin! He nails Hero with the Last Call, but Double H nails him with a springboard spinning kick! Jay falls out of the ring, and then gets hit with a corkscrew moonsault by Double H!
- TTS and Dave enter the fray, and exchange blows with each others. The referee tries to keep order but fails miserably at doing so. Dave throws TTS out of the ring, but Xavian Gunn and Tyfo hit the rocker with a double clothesline. In response, Headbanger Man and The Fishmonger fly in with dropkicks to both men. All 4 of them end up brawling outside the ring.
- Cage King picks up Hero and goes for the Overnight Celebrity, but Hero pushes him away, and hits a huge yakuza kick which sends the rapper tumbling to the outside!
- TTS throws Dave into the barricade and gets on the apron. He grabs hold of Hero. Gunn spits the poison mist, but Hero moves out of the way and it hits TTS in the eyes! Both Double H and Jay get to their respective corners and tag themselves into the match. Gunn hits Hero with the Juke Joint Jezebel, but Double H scores with a flying kick with sends Gunn to the mat.
- Jay clubs Double H from behind, and goes for a Tiger Driver '98, but Double H counters it into a hurracanrana! He goes to the top rope, and hits a shooting star press. He makes the cover, as Headbanger stops Tyfo from breaking up the pin.
Michael Muffer - Here are your winners - the team of Double H, The Fishmonger, Masked Hero X and The Heavy Metal Express!
- The winning team all climb into the ring and congratulate Double H on getting the pin. Jay rolls out of the ring, and calls for help for the blinded TTS. Gunn walks past them, and shows no remorse as he heads back up the ramp.
Tim Hoss - What a big win for Double H and company!
Jesse King - I’m worried Gorilla. TTS was blinded! I hope he’s OK.
Tim Hoss - As do I Jess. It’s never good when someone get’s hurt.
Jesse King - Well either way, the show must go on.
Official Rankings Match: Mr. Quintana Roo V. Warrior 2099
Michael Muffer - The following contest is scheduled for one fall with a 30 minute time limit. The winner of the match will earn a place on the Inter-Forum Title rankings list!
"Strike a pose"
Michael Muffer - Introducing first, accompanied by his manager Mr Leon Sharpe, from Your Wildest Dreams, weighing 215 pounds....
-"Vogue" by Madonna plays as Mr. Quintana Roo walks through the curtain followed by Leon Sharpe. Roo occasionally stops and gets photographed by Sharpe. Roo rolls into the ring
(Evil Rugal Theme)
Michael Muffer - And his opponent, from Monterrey, Mexico, weighing 220 pounds...WARRIOR 2099!
- Warrior runs down to the ring and Roo and Sharpe duck under the bottom rope. Warrior signals that he's No 1, and challenges Roo to get into the ring and fight him.
- Finally, both men lock up, and Roo executes a hammerlock. Warrior counters it with a standing switch into a hammerlock of his own, before taking Roo to the mat. Quintana gets to his feet and responds with a side headlock takeover, which Warrior escapes with a scissors. Both men then get to their feet and adopt fighting stances, as the crowd applauds, and Leon tells Roo to stay on his opponent.
- Roo whips Warrior into the ropes and misses with a clothesline. He leapfrogs over his adversary, but gets met with a flying reverse elbow. Warrior hits a snap suplex on the surprised Roo, and goes for a lateral press.
- Roo kicks out. Warrior applies a side headlock of his own, but Roo pushes him off into the ropes before scoring with a dropkick. He poses to the crowd as Sharpe applauds, and then drops a series of quick elbows. Roo thinks about going for a cover, but instead pulls Warrior up and whips him into the turnbuckles. He goes for a charge, but it is countered into a victory roll.
- A surprised Roo kicks out, however he slows any potential momentum for Warrior with a clothesline. He then gets Warrior into position for a gutwrench suplex while doing another pose. He then hits the move, and goes for a nonchalant pin.
- Kick out. Roo goes for a more forceful cover, griding his forearm into Warrior's face, but again he kicks out. Roo uses a scoop slam, and then ventures to the top rope. He goes for a big legdrop, but Warrior manages to move out of the way. Warrior then rolls Roo over into an amateur-style pin.
- Roo narrowly escapes. Roo swings wildly at Warrior, who ducks the attempted punch, before hitting a big headbutt, which rocks Quintana. Warrior then takes Roo down with a suplex, and hits a kneedrop. He stomps the abdomen and few times, and then locks in his bodyscissors submission hold, but Sharpe gets on the apron to prevent him from doing any real damage. As the referee chastises him for his antics, Roo hits Warrior from behind with a low blow. He then slowly crawls into a cover.
- Warrior kicks out! Roo is stunned. He hits a backbreaker, and then applies a hold of his own - a bow and arrow. Sharpe barks at Warrior to submit from the outside, but the man from Monterrey refuses to do so. Eventually, Warrior manages to crawl to the ropes, much to Roo and Sharpe's chagrin. Roo goes for the delayed vertical suplex, but Warrior manages to slide out of it, and he scores with a sudden DDT, driving Roo head first into the mat! He makes the cover.
- Roo kicks out! Warrior catapults his opponent into the turnbuckles, and then hits a one handed bulldog. He goes for another pin.
- Again, Roo kicks out. Warrior whips him into the ropes, but telegraphs a back body drop, as Roo kicks him with the shoulder. Roo elbows him in the head, and runs towards him, but he gets hit by a flapjack. Warrior signals for the Clawhold which got him the victory in his first match, but again Sharpe gets on the apron, which again serves as a distraction.
- Roo rolls out of the ring. Meanwhile, Sharpe is remonstrating with the official, when Warrior nails him with a right hand. Roo slides a chair into the ring, and gets ready to use it, when the referee turns around and spots it. However, as the referee throws the chair back outside the ring, Leon Sharpe blinds Warrior with a flash from his camera! Roo takes full advantage and hits a Snap Shot! He then scales the top rope and after posing, hits the Photo Opportunity frog splash!
Michael Muffer - Here is your winner...MR QUINTANA ROO!
- Roo and Sharpe celebrate together as Warrior rolls out of the ring, shouting that he has been blinded.
Jesse King - And another one goes down, Gorilla! I hope this isn’t a sign of what’s to come!
Tim Hoss - Something tells me Warrior will be OK, Jess. Moving on, up next is a special hardcore challenge!
5 Minute Hardcore Challenge: Inspector Shetty V. The General of the Monkey Army
Michael Muffer - The following is a special five minute Hardcore Challenge!
*King Kong 2004*
The General marches to the ring, pushing a shopping cart full of plunder. Tinkers the monkey is riding along in the cart.
Michael Muffer - Introducing first, from Lansing, Michigan, weighing in at 225 pounds, The General of the Monkey Army!
*Wannabe in LA*
Inspector Shetty walks out, carrying his remote control. He pushes a button cueing up canned “SHETTY!” chants.
Michael Muffer - And his opponent, from Bombay, England, weighing in at 265 pounds, Inspector Shetty!
Shetty slides in the ring and is met with a trashcan lid to the head! Referee John Creed signals for the bell and the clock appears on the Crap-Tron! The General continues to assault Shetty with the lid, then goes for a cover!
Tim Hoss - The General trying to end this early, but with no luck!
The General stays on Shetty, stomping his opponent mercilessly, stopping only to glance up at the clock, before resuming his attack. Shetty rolls to the outside, stopping(temporarily at least) the General’s assault. The General salutes the crowd, then rolls to the outside as well, but Shetty is ready for him, and brains him with a frying pan to the head! Cover!
Jesse King - That was a close one, Gorilla!
Tim Hoss - But close doesn’t count, Jess!
Shetty picks the General up and throws him into the steel steps! Cover!
Jesse King - How is The General kicking out of all this?!
Tim Hoss - It’s that military training Jess! He’s adapted to be able to take tons of punishment!
Shetty pulls the General up, only to met with a low blow! The General glances at the clock.
The General grabs a chair and cracks it over Shetty’s head! Cover!
Tinkers the monkey hops out of the shopping cart and hands The General a golf club!
He nails Shetty in the head with the club! Cover!
The clock appears in the bottom corner of the screen.
The General pushes the cart out of the way and begins rooting around under the ring for more weapons! While he’s doing this, Tinkers bumps the cart! Shetty is getting to his feet and sees the cart coming at him and dives out of the way! The General comes out from under the ring with (what else) a monkey wrench, but is immediately knocked down by the shopping cart! Shetty quickly moves in for the kill, grabbing the General and hitting the CalCutter! Cover!
Michael Muffer - With 3:13 left on the clock, your winner, Inspector Shetty!
Shetty smiles as he picks up Tinkers.
Jesse King - I don’t believe it, Gorilla! Inspector Shetty now has possession of The General’s wife, Tinkers!
Shetty walks up the ramp, carrying Tinkers by the back of the neck. At the top he stops and hit’s the button again, cueing the “SHETTY!” chants, before disappearing behind the curtain.
Tim Hoss - Well tough break for The General. You win some, you lose some.
Jesse King - Gorilla, that was his wife! Considering you’re a Gorilla and he’s a monkey, I’d think you’d be especially sympathetic!
Tim Hoss - Hey, alls fair in love and war, Jess. Now on to the next match!
Official Rankings Match: Koda V. Ryan Starshine
Michael Muffer: “The following contest is scheduled for one fall with a 20 minute time limit.”
‘Supermassive Black Hole’ by Muse blasts over the PA as Ryan Starshine comes out from the back.
Michael Muffer: “Introducing first. From Sydney, Australia, weighing in at 220 lbs, Ryan Starshine!”
Starshine struts his way to the ring, as the crowd drowns him with boos. This doesn’t faze Ryan, as he makes his way into the ring with a cocky, confident look on his face.
‘Raise Hell in Heaven’ by Lordi interrupts Starshine’s eagerness. Strobe lights illuminate the entrance and the pyro goes off. Koda walks out, singing his theme with bass guitar in tow.
Michael Muffer: “And his opponent, weighing in at 223 lbs., Koda!”
Koda makes his way to the ring as some of the crowd starts to sing along. He enters the ring and gives his guitar to the ref. He then approaches Starshine as the two have a staredown. The bell rings, signaling the beginning of the match.
They continue to stare at each other, trash talking one another. Starshine challenges Koda to a test of strength. They both back up a little and slowly start to lock up. Just as they’re about to lock up, Koda kicks Ryan in the gut. He throws some punches, staggering his opponent. He irish whips him, but Koda kicks him in the face upon return. He then hit’s a clothesline.
He picks him up and does his own irish whip. Just like Starshine, Koda kicks his opponent upon return. He goes for a clothesline, but Ryan ducks it and goes to apply an abdominal stretch. Koda punches him in the face, sending him back a few feet. Koda charges him, but is met with a drop toe hold. Starshine goes for the first cover of the match.
One, T…
Kick out!
Ryan sits Koda up and teases going for a running kick off the ropes. Koda, thanks to doing his homework, spots this coming and blocks the chin lock attempt. He head butts Starshine, which sends him stumbling through the middle rope. Koda rolls the outside and picks Ryan up by the hair. He slams him face first into the apron. He then irish whips him into the barricade. He does another irish whip, this time into the apron. He rolls him into the ring and goes for the cover.
One, Two…
Starshine gets his shoulder up.
Koda grabs his neck tie and applies his patented illegal move, All Choked Up. He refuses to let go, only doing so when the ref reaches the count of four. John Creed starts to argue with him, but is shrugged off. Koda signals for a shining wizard. He charges at Starshine, but Ryan moves out of the way. Starshine gets to his feet and hits Koda with a clothesline. He goes for a side headlock, but Koda reverses it into a small package.
One, Two, Th…
Kick out!
Both men get to their feet and start trading blows. It’s a pretty even battle, with Koda getting the upper hand after kicking Ryan in the gut. He goes for the suplex, but Starshine lands on his feet and hit’s a lungblower. He pins him.
One, Two, T…
Koda gets his shoulder up.
Starshine goes to apply a chin lock, this time successfully locking it in. He cranks up the pressure as John Creed asks Koda if he wants to give up. Koda refuses, so Ryan applies more pressure. Koda starts hitting some head butts. After the third one, Ryan releases the hold. Koda uses the ropes to pick himself back up. Starshine charges him, but Koda ducks and hit’s the Arkham Straightjacket. He pins him.
One, Two, Thr…
Starshine barely gets his shoulder up!
Koda signals for The Long Death. He goes to apply it, but Starshine fights him off. Ryan quickly rolls to the outside. He is followed by Koda, he grabs him by the back of the neck. Ryan elbows him in the face and smashes him face first into the steel steps. He rolls him into the ring.
Back inside, Starshine picks Koda up and goes for the Starshot. Koda blocks it, eventually pushing him into the ropes. Ryan bounces back and both men collide headfirst. They both crash to the mat, with each men grabbing their heads. They start to stagger, as both men start slugging each other whilst on their knees. Koda grabs Ryan by the hair and wrenches him face first into the mat. Referee John Creed yells at Koda for pulling of the hair, but is once again ignored. He starts to pick Ryan up and is met with a low blow, which went undetected by the ref. Ryan hit’s the Starblind. He goes for the cover.
One, Two, Three!
‘Supermassive Black Hole’ plays over the PA as Starshine celebrates his victory.
Michael Muffer: “Here is your winner by pinfall, Ryan Starshine!”
The crowd boos Starshine, who could care less. He goes to the back, celebrating and berating the fans.
Tim Hoss - Starshine picks up a big win, Jess!
Jesse King - What about that low blow, Gorilla?
Tim Hoss - The ref didn’t see it Jess.
Jesse King - Right. Well anyway, up next is the first of our featured matches.
Tim Hoss - The feud between Yellow Jacket and Evil M has raged on for months, ever since Yellow Jacket broke M’s arm in his debut match!
Jesse King - This one is gonna be personal, Gorilla. Let’s go to the ring.
Inferno TLC Match: Evil M V. Yellow Jacket
Michael Muffer - The following contest is the Inferno TLC match!
The camera pans up to show the blowtorch hanging above the ring.
Michael Muffer - To win, a competitor must climb the ladder to retrieve the blowtorch, then use it to set his opponent on fire!
Yellow Jacket walks out, looking apprehensive about the match ahead of him.
Michael Muffer - Introducing first, from Lancaster, Pennsylvania, weighing in at 224 pounds, Yellow Jacket!
*Thunder Struck*
Evil M walks out to a very mixed reaction. He confidently walks to the ring, a big smile on his face.
Michael Muffer - And his opponent, from Rockland, Massachusetts, weighing in at 315 pounds, Evil M!
Evil walks up to Yellow Jacket, a sadistic grin on his face. YJ backs up, but Evil raises his hands in the air, then forcefully drops them.
Jesse King - HOLY CRAP!!!
Yellow Jacket yells out in surprise and jumps away from the flames as Evil M cackles. Referee Spud Johnson calls for the bell as the flames die down.
Yellow Jacket hesitantly locks up with the Evil One and forces him to the mat with hammerlock takedown. YJ transitions to a headlock, but Evil stands up, holding YJ up and backdrop’s him to the mat! He then picks up his foe and whips him into the corner. Running clothesline, followed by a sidewalk slam! Evil then goes to the outside.
Tim Hoss - Evil M wasting no time going for the weapons!
M grabs a chair and tosses it in the ring. YJ slowly get’s up as Evil grabs a table and slides that in the ring as well. As Evil reenters the ring, Yellow Jacket picks up the chair, a look of disgust on his face, and slides it out of the ring. Evil just glares at YJ, as he does the same with the table. He then challenges M to a lockup. M accepts and they tie up again. This time, M overpowers YJ, then knocks him to the mat with a big throat thrust!
Jesse King - Evil M not taking kindly to Yellow Jacket trying to keep the weapons out of this match!
Evil picks YJ up and tosses him to the outside.
Tim Hoss - Evil M deciding if he can’t bring the weapons to Yellow Jacket, he’ll bring Yellow Jacket to the weapons instead!
Evil follows YJ to the outside and tosses him into the steel steps! He then picks up the chair and brings it down across Yellow Jacket’s back! As YJ clutches his back, Evil hoists him up and drops him throat first across the guardrail! YJ falls to the floor, grasping his throat!
Tim Hoss - For Evil M, revenge has never tasted so sweet!
Jesse King - Don’t you think he’s taking it a little too far, Gorilla?
Tim Hoss - It’s anything goes, Jess.
M grabs the table and slides it back in the ring. He then picks Yellow Jacket up and tosses him back in over the top rope! M rolls in the ring and sets the table up in the corner. YJ starts to get to his feet. M charges with a big boot, but Jacket ducks it and sweeps the other leg! With M down, YJ starts working over the leg, trying to soften him up for a submission hold!
Jesse King - What is Yellow Jacket doing? He can’t win the match by submission!
Tim Hoss - No, but if Evil M can’t use his legs, he can’t climb the ladder!
YJ continues to hold on to the leg and locks Evil M in the Figure 4!
Tim Hoss - Figure 4 locked in!
M struggles in the hold, but YJ cinches it in good!
Jesse King - M’s got nowhere to go, Gorilla!
YJ keeps the hold locked in and throws a few punches at M’s leg before releasing the Figure 4. M grabs his leg in pain, while YJ rolls to the outside. He goes over to one of the ladders and reluctantly grabs it and slides it in the ring. He set’s it up under the blowtorch and slowly, carefully, begins climbing.
Jesse King - Yellow Jacket climbing the ladder, but he’s going awfully slow, Gorilla!
Tim Hoss - Obviously, he does not like heights, Jess.
Jesse King - I don’t think it’s the height, so much as what’s at the top!
Jacket get’s to the third rung and tries to reach for the torch, but he’s not up high enough.
Jesse King - He’s gonna have to climb up higher than that if he wants the torch!
Tim Hoss - What makes you so sure he wants to reach it, Jess?
YJ climbs up to the fourth rung, but still can’t reach. Up to the fifth, but his fingertips just graze it! He goes up to the sixth rung and appears to be able to reach it, but Evil M sit’s up! YJ panics and ends up falling off the ladder! He quickly scrambles back to his feet and takes a defensive position! M charges, but Jacket throws a punch! M steps back, surprised. YJ throws another punch, followed by another and then one more! M is rocked by the punches, so YJ gets a running start and clothesline’s M, sending them both over the top rope!
Jesse King - Yellow Jacket taking it to Evil M, Gorilla!
YJ picks up a chair and as M get’s to his feet, levels him with it!
Tim Hoss - Chairshot by Yellow Jacket!
Jesse King - I didn’t think he had it in him!
YJ brandishes the chair as M sit’s up, looking a little stunned. YJ looks Evil right in the eye and grins, before bringing the chair down on his head! Jacket quickly grabs his foe and pulls him to his feet, then rams his head into the ring post! The crowd is in disbelief!
Jesse King - These fans are shocked Gorilla, and so am I!
Tim Hoss - Jess, this is a side of Yellow Jacket we have never seen before!
YJ rolls M back in the ring, then climbs to the top rope!
Tim Hoss - What is Yellow Jacket thinking here?
He comes off on to Evil M with a diving legdrop! He starts to go up for another one, but stops. YJ eyes the table in the corner and smiles.
Jesse King - Yellow Jacket with some bad intentions in mind here, Jess!
He pulls the table out of the corner and sets it up in the middle of the ring. He moves quickly to roll M on top of the table, then climbs up the ladder!
Jesse King - No way!
Jacket leaps off the ladder, but at the last second, M rolls out of the way and Yellow Jacket goes through the table!
Tim Hoss - What a match we are witnessing!
M get’s to his feet and picks YJ up by the throat and…
Locks on a headlock?!
Jesse King - What is Evil M doing here?!
M works the headlock for a bit, then shifts to a hammerlock and forces YJ to the mat. From there he changes his position so that he can put YJ in…
Tim Hoss - It’s the Crowbar! The same move that Yellow Jacket used to break Evil M’s arm!
Jesse King - M trying to return the favor here!
M leans back in the hold, causing YJ to cry out in pain! M starts laughing as he slowly, methodically, increases the pressure, savoring every second of the agony he’s putting Yellow Jacket through.
Evil M - How does it feel?!
How does feel to know that I could snap your arm if I wanted to??!!!
YJ whimpers, but tries to force M to relinquish the hold. M holds on, but YJ start’s ramming his free elbow into M’s side. M flinches and YJ sees his opening. He quickly turns his body completely opposite M’s and then climbs up him, breaking the hold, and locks M in a rear naked choke!
Jesse King - Yellow Jacket reverses it!
Tim Hoss - This issue is extremely personal Jess. Neither man is going to give it up without a fight.
YJ squeezes Evil M’s throat, trying to deprive him of precious oxygen. M struggles at first, but eventually succumbs to the choke. YJ sets the ladder up and starts climbing again, this time much more confidently than previously.
Jesse King - He’s going for the torch again, Gorilla!
Tim Hoss - And notice the lack of fear this time, Jess!
YJ climbs to the top and pulls down the torch!
Jesse King - Uh-oh! The torch is now in play, Gorilla!
Tim Hoss - And Evil M is out of it! This match is as good as over!
YJ walks over to M, and holds the torch near him, but suddenly, M grabs him by the throat! YJ drops the torch as M picks him up and chokeslam’s him to the mat! He rolls to the outside and grabs another table!
Jesse King - What’s he doing? He could’ve already had the match won!
M sets up the table in the ring and lights it on fire!
Tim Hoss - This doesn’t look good for Yellow Jacket!
M pulls Jacket up and goes for a powerbomb, but YJ slides out of it… THE STING!
Jesse King - Did you see that, Gorilla?! Out of nowhere!
YJ pulls M up and lifts him for a backdrop, but M squirms loose! He get’s YJ by the throat and holds him over the table! YJ starts pleading with M to think it over!
Tim Hoss - Yellow Jacket making one last ditch effort to avoid fate!
M set’s YJ down and considers it, only to be met with a poke to the eyes! YJ grabs the torch and goes to light M up, but M kicks the torch away! He grabs Yellow Jacket and without so much as a second thought, chokeslam’s him through the table!
Jesse King - That’s it! Evil M wins!
Tim Hoss - Not so fast Jess! Yellow Jacket’s not on fire! This match is still going on!
M celebrates, not realizing the match isn’t over. Spud Johnson pours water over Jacket, who kicks the referee away! Obviously in a lot of pain, Jacket reaches for the torch and get’s in back of M. As the Evil one turns around, YJ… hands him the torch?!
Tim Hoss - What is he doing?! He had the match won!
M looks at the torch, then at Yellow Jacket. Both men then smile, as M takes the torch and light’s his own arm on fire!
Jesse King - WHAT THE HELL?!
The bell rings as Spud Johnson frantically sprays M with the extinguisher!
Michael Muffer - Um… ladies and gentlemen… the winner of the match…
Yellow Jacket?!
Yellow Jacket victoriously raises his arms as M stands back, applauding.
Tim Hoss - Jess, I’m speechless. What just happened?!
M walks over and raises Yellow Jacket’s arm and the two embrace.
Jesse King - Gorilla, we just witnessed the ruse of the century. Evil M and Yellow Jacket were in cahoots all along! Who would’ve guessed it?!
The fans boo as Evil M raises Yellow Jacket’s arm once again before the two leave the ring.
Tim Hoss - Well fans, what we just saw was truly shocking, but now, the show must continue.
Jesse King - Up next, the fate of the Hardcore Championship hangs in the balance. It’s Seth Drakin V. Jonathan Michaels!
I Quit Match for the Fate of the Hardcore Championship: Seth Drakin V. Jonathan Michaels
Special Referee: The Boiler Room Brawler
Gorilla Tim Hoss: I've been waiting all day for this one, King.
Jesse King: Me too! I can't wait to see the return of the Championship of Honor!
Gorilla Tim Hoss: Well, that has yet to be decided, Jesse, but tonight our longest reigning Hardcore Champion, Jonathan Michaels, faces off against our CEO, Seth Drakin, for the fate of the Hardcore Championship match.
Jesse King: Not only that, but it's an "I Quit" match, TH!
Gorilla Tim Hoss: That's right, Jesse; All of this is courtesy of our current Hardcore Champion, the Boiler Room Brawler.
Jesse King: And he's even going to Special Guest Referee the match, Gorilla. That's why I like the guy - he has the kinds of ideas that will take him to the top.
Gorilla Tim Hoss: Well he certainly is doing well for himself now, King but let's turn our attention to the match.
"You Asked For It" by Mercyful Fate hits the speakers.
Michael Muffer: Now entering the ring: our World Wrestlecrap Federation Hardcore Champion; and our Special Guest Referee: The Boiler... Room... Brawler!
*BRB gets a mixed reaction with a noticeable smark pop as he heads to the ring.*
Gorilla Tim Hoss: The Boiler Room Brawler. He is our Hardcore champion. He told Seth Drakin that he would hand it over, and he didn't!
Jesse King: Well he had gold over his shoulder, TH! He finally had something to show for his efforts. Having a championship can change your perspective, you should remember that.
Gorilla Tim Hoss: You have a point there King, but a man should keep to his word.
Jesse King: Well he's promised that if Drakin wins, he hands it over in exchange for a shot at the Championship of Honor, so doesn't that fix things?
Gorilla Tim Hoss: Will Drakin be fooled again?
*The arena goes black and fills with smoke.*
*Jonathan Michaels comes out to a large pop.*
Michael Muffer: Now entering the ring, hailing from Los Angeles, California, weighing in at 240lbs: Jonathan... Michaels!
Gorilla Tim Hoss: This is the man of the hour in my eyes Jesse! Jonathan Michaels has waged a one-man war against Drakin that lasted for many months-
Jesse King: But it finally came to an end with Boiler Room Brawler!
Gorilla Tim Hoss: And while the Boiler Room Brawler may hold that belt, Jonathan Michaels is facing off against our CEO, Seth Drakin, to preserve its existence and if he wins he gets his rematch.
Jesse King: Michaels is good, I'll give you and him that, but he isn't "big leagues" good. Drakin is going to mop the floor with him tonight, Gorilla!
*Unicron Medley*
*The crowd is already booing.*
Jerry Fish: And the challenger; from Stafford, Virginia and weighing in at 265 lbs; our CEO, Seth! Drakin!
*Drakin emerges from the back with a grimace on his face and his eyes staring at both BRB and more especially at Jonathan Michaels.*
Gorilla Tim Hoss: Seth Drakin is stepping back into the ring tonight, King.
Jesse King: As the saying goes, "If you want something done right then you have to do it yourself!"
Gorilla Tim Hoss: And we'll see if Drakin can do it right himself.
Jesse King: His skills in the ring have this in the bag, Gorilla!
Gorilla Tim Hoss: But he has two disadvantages here: one is that weapons are allowed in this match and two, the Boiler Room Brawler could, at any moment, screw Drakin over.
Jesse King: BRB doesn't like either contestant, TH. I'm willing to bet that he'll call it down the middle better than our normal referees!
*Drakin, Michaels, and BRB converge in the center of the ring. BRB explains the rules of the match and both contestants nod.
He tells them to start.*
Gorilla Tim Hoss: And here we go, King.
*Drakin locks arms with Michaels while BRB gets a microphone.
Drakin slaps Michaels in the face and backs up.*
Gorilla Tim Hoss: What disrespect from our CEO!
*Michaels runs at Drakin for a spear but Drakin catches him and uses the momentum for a DDT.*
Jesse King: Nice catch by Drakin!
*Drakin kicks Michaels in the stomach as Michaels rolls over. Michaels rolls out of the ring.*
Jesse King: He's already resorting to weapons, Gorilla, I knew that it wouldn't take long!
*Michaels backs up to the ramp as Drakin gestures for him to return to the ring.*
Gorilla Tim Hoss: The fans are counting on Michaels tonight, King.
Jesse King: The fans don't always know what they really want. Six months from now they'll be cheering for the Champion of Honor.
*Michaels slides back into the ring as Drakin stomps on his back.
Michaels slips back out but hooks Drakin's leg and makes him fall over.*
Gorilla Tim Hoss: Nice feint by Michaels.
*Michaels drops an elbow to Drakin's leg, to which Drakin backs up afterwards, giving Michaels the time to slip back into the ring without being attacked.
Both men are now on their feet, and Drakin runs for Michaels, who arm drags him towards BRB, who backs up.
Drakin is back on his feet and he runs for Michaels again, who arm drags him a second time and locks in an armbar.*
Gorilla Tim Hoss: Michaels is taking it to Drakin!
*Drakin grabs the nearby ropes.*
Gorilla Tim Hoss: No, he's out!
*Drakin and Michaels return to their feet. Drakin beckons to Michaels, to which Michaels slides under the ropes.
Drakin stamps his foot to the mat.*
Jesse King: Michaels is stalling, TH. He wants to get to using those weapons because he cannot possibly contend with Drakin.
*Michaels rummages underneath the ring while Drakin runs to the ropes and vault presses from above onto Michaels.*
Gorilla Tim Hoss: And Drakin has had enough and is taking it to Michaels!
*Drakin rolls back into a standing position while Michaels turns over to gather his bearings.
Drakin does not relent and starts to stomp on Michaels, using the apron for leverage.*
Gorilla Tim Hoss: I think that we are seeing a lot of pent-up rage coming out of Seth Drakin tonight, King.
*Drakin drags Michaels out from under the ring and gets blasted in the face with a fire extinguisher.*
Gorilla Tim Hoss: And there's Michaels using his hardcore skills against Drakin!
*Michaels gets back up and sprays Drakin again as Drakin wanders over to a guard rail.
BRB is out of the ring following the two men.*
Jesse King: Yeah, BRB, you have to stay on top of this - either man could want to quit this match at any point!
Gorilla Tim Hoss: I think that we are just getting started, Jesse.
*Michaels pauses, waiting for Drakin to turn around, and with the fire extinguisher poised to bludgeon.*
Jesse King: Drakin look out!
*Michaels spears him with the fire extinguisher straight into the guard rail.*
Jesse King: Oh!
Gorilla Tim Hoss: That has got to hurt!
Jesse King: If Drakin didn't want the Hardcore Division dead before, he sure will now!
*Boiler Room Brawler puts the mic to Drakin.*
Boiler Room Brawler: So what'll it be, Drakin?
*Seth Drakin bats the mic away and gets up.*
Gorilla Tim Hoss: Drakin's only getting started I'm afraid.
Jesse King: I'm relieved.
*Michaels charges to Drakin, who drop toe holds Michaels, making him land face first into the fire extinguisher.*
Jesse King: Good move, by Seth Drakin!
Gorilla Tim Hoss: I'll give credit where credit is due, King. Drakin has turned one of Michaels's weapons against him.
*Drakin turns Michaels over and stomps on his arm.*
Gorilla Tim Hoss: Working on the arms I see.
*Drakin takes another step and stomps on Michaels's stomach. He takes another step and stomps on the leg. Then the other leg. Then the stomach again. Then the other arm. And then finally the face.*
Jesse King: He's spreading the hate all over Michaels's body, TH.
*Drakin kicks the fire extinguisher away.
Boiler Room Brawler puts the mic to Michaels's face.*
Boiler Room Brawler: Whaddaya say?
Jonathan Michaels: ... No!
*Drakin gives Michaels berth to get back up and beckons to him.*
Jesse King: Drakin is like a cat playing with a mouse by now.
*Michaels lunges at Drakin, but Drakin side steps him and slides back into the ring.*
Gorilla Tim Hoss: And Drakin wants to take it back into the ring.
Jesse King: Of course he does. Wrestling outside of the ring goes against Drakin's general philosophy.
*Michaels slides into the ring as Boiler Room Brawler walks up the steps and enters as well.*
Gorilla Tim Hoss: That's what this match is at its core, King. It is a battle of philosophies.
*Drakin locks up with Michaels and hooks his arm around his head and drags him over into a headlock takedown.*
Gorilla Tim Hoss: Drakin is wrestling a good game tonight, King.
Jesse King: You're damn right he is, Gorilla! Drakin is a true technical professional inside and outside of that ring.
*Michaels tries to escape Drakin's hold, but Drakin is locked in tight and Michaels is too far from the ropes to escape.*
Gorilla Tim Hoss: I thought that Drakin doesn't like wrestling outside of the ring, King.
Jesse King: But that doesn't preclude one's ability to wrestle outside of it. I'm good at calculus Gorilla, but I hate using it.
*Drakin takes jabs at Michaels's head.*
Gorilla Tim Hoss: Really?
Jesse King: Yeah. I changed careers after a single semester of teaching it and pursued my current career.
*Michaels starts to punch Drakin in the back and tries to push his way out of Drakin's headlock.*
Gorilla Tim Hoss: Do you have anything to show for this?
Jesse King: How about the ring design? Ever notice how it is just perfectly designed for running around in it? The turnbuckles are perfectly measured for optimal high flying?
Gorilla Tim Hoss: I think I'm questioning my faith, King.
Jesse King: You're damn right you are.
*Drakin takes another jab at Michaels's head but Michaels uses that to just slip out and back up to the ropes.*
Gorilla Tim Hoss: Good thinking on Michaels's part.
*The two men get to their feet and Michaels charges at Drakin.*
Jesse King: Another spear?
*Michaels lands the spear as Drakin is turning around.
Both men tumble through the ropes to the outside.*
Gorilla Tim Hoss: Three time's the charge, King! Michaels is taking this outside.
*Michaels lays punches into Drakin's face but he quickly gets off of him and goes for the apron.*
Gorilla Tim Hoss: Michaels has to keep the offensive on Drakin - this could be his last advantage.
*Michaels finds a chair as BRB gets outside of the ring.
Drakin gets up in a slight daze as Michaels tosses the chair at Drakin, who catches it.*
Jesse King: Not so fast, Michaels!
*Michaels runs up and dropkicks Drakin, knocking the chair into his face and knocking him over the guardrail.*
Gorilla Tim Hoss: And Michaels is taking it to the crowd! The audience is getting electric!
*Michaels stands up on the guardrail and poses for the crowd, which pops, and then he leg drops onto Drakin with the chair on top of him.*
Jesse King: Drakin has to get this match back into the ring, pronto!
*Michaels grabs the chair and starts to jab it into Drakin's legs.*
Gorilla Tim Hoss: That will be difficult at best if he has broken legs.
*BRB steps over the guardrail as Michaels starts to lay into Drakin's back with the chair.
He sticks the mic to Drakin's face.*
Boiler Room Brawler: Givin' up?
Seth Drakin: ... Get that out of my face!
*Drakin bats the mic away again and stands up as Michaels charges at him with the chair. Drakin catches Michaels, powerslamming him into the top of the guardrail.*
Gorilla Tim Hoss: By God, Jesse, Michaels could be out right there!
*Michaels is upside down. Drakin pulls a leg to make him face down with the ground.
He limps his way to the chair and chucks it over the guardrail.
Drakin locks in an STF on Michaels to which Boiler Room Brawler puts the mic to his face.*
Boiler Room Brawler: Give up, Michaels?
Jonathan Michaels: ... Hell... no!
Gorilla Tim Hoss: My god, King! These have to be two of the toughest men in all of the WWCF!
*Drakin releases the STF and stomps on Michaels but he backs up, hopping along the way.*
Gorilla Tim Hoss: Drakin's legs have taken some real punishment tonight, Jesse. He's probably going to have to try something else.
Jesse King: Michaels is already on the ground, Gorilla. Who needs to stand if Drakin can keep him down there?
*Michaels stands back up, but Drakin charges at him and clotheslines him over the guardrail and both men hit the floor.*
Gorilla Tim Hoss: Drakin is pressing his advantage tonight too but his legs, King. His legs are shot from all of that chair action earlier.
Jesse King: He ought to slide back into that ring and take a few minutes to recuperate them, Gorilla. They're probably not broken or sprained but just throbbing.
*Drakin limply returns to his feet and kicks Michaels in the stomach and Michaels rolls over to the guard rail.
Drakin keeps up and kicks him again, but he clutches his foot in pain again.*
Jesse King: Drakin's frustration might get the better of him tonight if he doesn't take care of his feet first, TH!
*Drakin grabs the chair again, unfolds it, and sits on it to give his feet some rest while Michaels tries to get back up.*
Boiler Room Brawler: Do you give up, Drakin?
Seth Drakin: No!
*BRB goes to Michaels.*
Boiler Room Brawler: You?
Jonathan Michaels: No!
Boiler Room Brawler: Then both of you get the hell up and keep going!
*The crowd pops as both contestants return to their feet.
Drakin gets up and folds up the chair.*
Jesse King: No... Drakin using a weapon?
Gorilla Tim Hoss: Desperate times call for desperate measures, Jesse.
*Drakin dangles it in front of Michaels, then chucks it to the ramp.*
Jesse King: Ha! He's just messing with Michaels now. And there I thought that Drakin would stoop to using weapons.
*Drakin kicks Michaels in the midsection, but Michaels catches his foot and shoves him backwards into the ring corner.*
Gorilla Tim Hoss: Michaels is back on the offense, King!
*Michaels Irish whips Drakin from the ring corner to the guardrail.*
Jesse King: And he's just whipping him around the place! Where's Drakin's technical know-how?
*Michaels grabs Drakin again and whips him towards the ramp. Drakin loses his footing, trips, and falls over.*
Gorilla Tim Hoss: Jonathan Michaels sure seems to have turned this one around really quickly, King.
Jesse King: But he's all beaten up, Gorilla. If Drakin can whip out one good move we'll back to Drakin dominating Michaels.
*Michaels stands over Drakin, picks him up and belly to back suplexes him to the ramp with a resounding clang of metal.
He grabs the folded chair and puts Drakin's foot in the middle and then gets up onto the guardrail.*
Gorilla Tim Hoss: And Michaels is going for a high risk but he's a stuntman and this is his domain.
*Michaels moonsaults onto Drakin's leg, crushing it with the chair and then rolls over and curls up into a fetal position..*
Jesse King: Wow! But Michaels looks like he's in pain too. All of those kicks from Drakin sure have taken their toll with that high-risk moonsault, Gorilla!
Gorilla Tim Hoss: It may have paid off though; Drakin must be crippled from that!
*BRB sticks the mic in Drakin's face.*
Boiler Room Brawler: Is it over, Uncle Seth?
Seth Drakin: ... ... Never!
Gorilla Tim Hoss: Impossible!
Jesse King: This is Drakin's last stand against the Hardcore Championship, Gorilla. He's going to continue as long as he is conscious.
*Michaels gets up and grabs Drakin by the leg and drags him to the ring.*
Jesse King: Michaels is taking this to the ring?
Gorilla Tim Hoss: Michaels represents the last stand for the Hardcore Championship, King. He's actually doing more for it tonight than the current champion.
*Michaels picks up Drakin and slides him back into the ring and then walks up the steps.*
Gorilla Tim Hoss: Maybe Michaels wants to actually face Drakin at his own game - show him that he has actual skill.
*Drakin gets up with the help of the ropes. He beckons to Michaels, who runs at Drakin and locks arms with him.
Drakin wins out and takes Michaels down to the mat.*
Jesse King: That's smart thinking by Seth Drakin there. If he cannot use his legs then he's going to have to stall until his legs feel better.
*Michaels punches Drakin in the back, making Drakin let go.*
Gorilla Tim Hoss: Michaels's work on Drakin's back seems to be taking its toll as well.
*Drakin and Michaels return to their feet and both men rest on the ropes, waiting for someone to attack.
Drakin, as before, beckons to Michaels.*
Jesse King: Drakin just can't take enough from Michaels to lose, TH.
*Michaels approaches Drakin, who suddenly lunges for Michaels, kicking him in the gut, making him bend over.*
Gorilla Tim Hoss: Uh-oh, here it comes!
*Seth Drakin uses The Tale's End on Michaels.*
Gorilla Tim Hoss: No!
Jesse King: Yes!
*Seth Drakin rolls Michaels over and heads for the ropes as BRB heads over to Michaels and sticks the mic in his face.*
Boiler Room Brawler: Michaels, what do you say?
Jonathan Michaels: ... ... ...
Boiler Room Brawler: Do you quit?
Jonathan Michaels: ... ... Nnn...
Boiler Room Brawler: Ooh, not good, Michaels-
Jonathan Michaels: Drakin!... You... Coulda pinned me there... But you cannot make me quit!
Gorilla Tim Hoss: Yes!
Jesse King: No!
*Drakin seems to be pulling hairs and looks around to assess the situation when he sees it: Boiler Room Brawler's trusty pipe wrench, and he heads for it.*
Jesse King: Drakin, you can't do it! You were doing so well without weapons!
Gorilla Tim Hoss: But he's using them agains the longest reigning Hardcore Champion in our company's history, King. Michaels is one tough son of a bitch!
*Drakin grabs it and looks at BRB, who nods and gives him berth to use it on Michaels, even kinda smiling.
Michaels starts to recover, leaning against the ropes.
Drakin takes an upward swing at Michaels but he misses, the pipe wrench bouncing off of the rope and he loses his balance and falls over.
Michaels sees his opportunity and locks in The Key Grip and the crowd goes wild as Drakin wildly flails about.*
Gorilla Tim Hoss: The Key Grip, Jesse! The Key Grip!
Jesse King: No!
*Drakin continues flailing about as Jonathan twists Drakin's ankle even harder and BRB sticks his mic to Drakin.*
Boiler Room Brawler: Whaddaya say, Drakin?
Seth Drakin: Yes! I quit! I quit! Goddamn you I quit!
*Boiler Room Brawler calls the bell.*
Gorilla Tim Hoss: By God, King! Michaels did it! He has saved the Hardcore Championship!
Jesse King: But... but...
*BRB props up Jonathan Michaels.*
Michael Muffer: Here is your winner: Jonathan... Michaels!
Gorilla Tim Hoss: Amazing match, King! Jonathan Michaels has finally, definitively defended the Hardcore Championship in the World Wrestlecrap Federation!
Jesse King: Drakin gave it his all, Gorilla, but if he is a man of his word then he will leave it alone for good. But none of this means that Michaels will actually regain the Hardcore Championship from Boiler Room Brawler.
Gorilla Tim Hoss: That we'll have to see, Jesse, but the night is hardly over as we move on to our next match!
WWCF Inter-Forum Championship: M.O.P. V. “Damn Right” Jackson
Michael Muffer: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and it is for the WWCF Inter-Forum Championship!
"Too black, too strong... Damn Right!"
Bring Tha Noise - Public Enemy feat. Anthrax
Michael Muffer: Introducing the challenger, from West Philadelphia weighing in tonight at 296 pounds, "Damn Right" Jackson!
Gorilla Tim Hoss: Hey King, it's your favourite man in the roster.
Jesse King: Oh, great... and I was enjoying the night so far.
DR Jackson walks out to a shower of boos that he more or less shrugs off as he walks down to the ring, all business.
Gorilla Tim Hoss: DR has been on quite a tear lately, making it very far into the King of Wrestlecrap Tournament, his momentum however was stopped last week after failing to defeat Viva Los Bio Dome. Does he still have any of that momentum left?
Jesse King: Any momentum left? Viva kicked his ass! Beat him from pillar to post, this walking giant of a joke has nothing! He lost last week, and if there is a god he's going to lose again now. Hopefully after this he can simply become an after thought.
The Days of the Phoenix - A.F.I.
The crowd erupt in applause as the Inter-Forum Champion, M.O.P. steps out of the curtain.
Michael Muffer: And his opponent, from Bergen County, New Jersey, weighing in tonight at 232 pounds... He his the Inter-Forum Champion... M! O! P!
Gorilla Tim Hoss: Listen to that crowd! It's clear to see whose side these people are on!
Jesse King: And how could you blame them? He's a great man, a great performer and an even greater champion. One who you can be proud to say, that he represents us.
Gorilla Time Hoss: I thought you hated him?
M.O.P. takes to the turnbuckle, holding is title up high, he then turns to DR Jackson and shows him the title in a cocky manner, DR Jackson advances towards him but the ref holds him back. The ref takes the belt and raises it up high in the air before calling for the bell.
Gorilla Tim Hoss: This is it, the long awaited rematch between M.O.P. and DR Jackson, they had their first match a few months ago and it was M.O.P. who came out the victor.
Jesse King: And if there's any justice it'll happen again.
M.O.P. and DR Jackson start circling the ring, never taking an eye off of eachother. M.O.P. calls for a test of strength and DR Jackson complies, however he quickly kicks M.O.P. in the guy and attempts to get him up for the High Attitude.
Gorilla Tim Hoss: DR Jackson attempting to end it here early!
Jesse King: The coward!
M.O.P. manages to get out of the hold and reverses it into a Jersey Driver attempt.
Gorilla Tim Hoss: M.O.P. now is trying to end it!
Jesse King: Magnificent!
But DR Jackson wriggles out and clubs M.O.P. in the back of the head. Jackson goes to pick M.O.P. up, but M.O.P. catches him ofgaurd with a vicious right. M.O.P. starts hammering away at Jackson till Jackson falls to one knee, M.O.P. runs back to the ropes and bounces back to Jackson, however Jackson catches him with a clothesline. Jackson begins to stomp away at M.O.P.
Gorilla Tim Hoss: Check this out, almost no wrestling here, just a straight out brawl. These guys don't want to beat eachother... They're out to hurt eachother.
Jackson picks M.O.P. up and sets him up for an Oklahoma Slam, but M.O.P. slides out and hits Jackson with a Back Suplex, he follows this up with a jumping elbow drop. He goes for the pin.
Jackson powers out and throws M.O.P. off of him. Jackson goes to punch M.O.P., but his hand is caught and M.O.P. catches him with a slap across the face followed by a snap suplex.
Jesse King: You can brawl all you want, but in the end this is a wrestling match, and few can do it better than Mr. Inter-Forum Champion.
M.O.P. picks Jackson up and goes for a second suplex, but he can't seem to life him this time. Jackson then reverses it and uses the suplex life to hit an Oklahoma slam, successfully this time.
Gorilla Tim Hoss: However alot of wrestling involves power, and few can match DR Jackson's strength.
Jesse King: I think he's a weenie...
Jackson picks up the weakened M.O.P. and simply throws him across the ring with a Fall Away Slam, followed by another. He picks him up for a third time, but instead hits a backbreaker.
Gorilla Tim Hoss: It looks like DR Jackson is really asserting his authority here over M.O.P.
Jesse King: The man's a bully, plain and simple. M.O.P. still has alot of fight in him though.
DR Jackson then attempts to Gorilla Press M.O.P., but counters it with a quick DDT.
Gorilla Tim Hoss: And once again the momentum has shifted!
M.O.P. quickly starts stomping on DR Jacksons shoulder before locking in an armbar, he begins to wrench but DR Jackson is able to quickly get to the ropes.
M.O.P. lets go, but he doens't let this slow his momentum down. He drags Jackson to the centre of the ring and hits a big elbow drop. He picks Jackson up and hits him with a knife edge chop that you could hear throughout the arena. Jackson tries to turn away but M.O.P. hits him with a Russian Leg Sweep. He goes for the pin.
Kick out. Jackson manages to get to his feet. M.O.P. approaches him, but Jackson catches him with a kick to the midsection followed by a Gut Wrench Suplex. Jackson the delivers hard knees into the spine of M.O.P.
Gorilla Tim Hoss: This is getting interesting King, both men appear to be wearing down particular body parts of their opponents, M.O.P. with Jackson's right shoulder and Jackson is wearing down the lower back of M.O.P.
Jackson picks M.O.P. up and locks on the Abdominal Stretch.
Jesse King: I hate to say it, but this could be it! Look at the pain across M.O.P.'s face.
Jackson continues to wrench as the ref runs in to check on M.O.P.
Gorilla Tim Hoss: Listen to this crowd will the champion on! It appears to be working.
M.O.P. starts to fire up trying to fight his way out, however Jackson leans back and grabs the ropes for leverage just out of the referee's line of sight, much to the crowd chagrin. M.O.P. begins to fade.
Jesse King: This is despicable! It can't end this way!
The referee goes to check M.O.P., he raises his arm once... it falls. He raises it again... it falls, he goes to raise it a third time... it falls. M.O.P. is out.
Gorilla Tim Hoss: That's it! It wasn't fair, but he did it.
The ref goes to call for the bell, but as he motions for it, he sees DR Jackson using the ropes. The referee quickly whisperes in Michael Muffer's ear.
Michael Muffer: Ladies and Gentlemen, it appears the Referee Lloyd McFloyd has discovered unfair practices in the final moments of the match and has declared that the match continues.
The crowd cheer the decision and DR Jackson is clearly pissed off. He started yelling at the referee, but Lloyd declares that the decision stands and that if DR Jackson keeps this up, he'll be disqualified. Jackson falls in line and then sees M.O.P. still laying motionless, he goes for the pin.
M.O.P. somehow gets his shoulder up. Jackson can't believe it. Jackson picks M.O.P. up and hits him with a Gorilla Press Slam, he goes for the pin.
M.O.P. again kicks out.
Gorilla Tim Hoss: I can't believe it! It's not over yet, M.O.P.'s heart keeps on beating!
Jackson then picks M.O.P. up and sets him up for a Powerbomb, however M.O.P. counters it with a big back body drop. Both men are down.
The referee starts the count.
Jesse King: Neither man is moving Tim. This could be it.
Both men begin to stir.
Gorilla Tim Hoss: Looks like you're right King, yet another M.O.P. defense ends in a draw.
M.O.P. suddenly kips up, the crowd explode.
[color=ff9933]Gorilla Tim Hoss: Check out M.O.P. just feeding off of the crowds support here.
Jesse King: Thankfully this crowd is giving none of that love to Jackson.
Jackson manages to get to his feet, but is quickly met with a flying shoulder tackle from M.O.P.. M.O.P. picks Jackson up and whips him into the rope and follows up with a big body splash into the corner. As Jackson stumbles forward M.O.P. hits him with a Samoan Drop, M.O.P. then locks in the Jughandle.
Gorilla Tim Hoss: And M.O.P. locks in the Jughandle, this doesn't look too good for D-
Jesse King: YES! YES! YES! YES! TAP!
DR Jackson starts flailing while suffering the dangerous hold. He tries to power out, but simply hasn't got enough energy. Instead DR Jackson starts rocking back and forth, before finally getting enough momentum to get to the ropes. M.O.P. releases the hold. M.O.P. drags Jackson into the middle of the ring and picks him up and again attempts the Jersey Driver. But Jackson wriggles out and counters with a kick to the midsection followed by a Powerbomb.
Gorilla Tim Hoss: And it looks like DR Jackson has a little bit of fight left.
Jesse King: Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!
Jackson goes for the pin...
M.O.P. still manages to get his shoulder up. Jackson can't believe it. Jackson goes to pick M.O.P. up again, but M.O.P. counters with another DDT laying Jackson out.
M.O.P. then takes to the top rope as he measures up DR Jackson.
Gorilla Tim Hoss: Looks like M.O.P. is getting ready to end this now.
Just as M.O.P. is about to jump, all of a sudden a heap of pyrotechnics go off throughout the arena. Stopping M.O.P. from making the jump out of shock.
Gorilla Tim Hoss: What the hell?
Jesse King: BRB has to be behind this! He's been oddly quiet during the lead up to this match!
M.O.P. tries to collect himself and makes his jump off at DR Jackson, however the distraction gave Jackson enough time to recover and catches M.O.P. mid-air with a huge spear!
Gorilla Tim Hoss: OH MY! What a spear!
Jackson then picks up M.O.P. and finishes him off with the High Attitude. Jackson goes for the pin.
Michael Muffer: The winner of the match, and the NEW Inter-Forum Champion... "Damn Right" Jackson!
Jackson is ecstatic and celebrates his huge title win. Taking the turnbuckles holding the Inter-Forum Title up high.
Gorilla Tim Hoss: I hate to say it, but M.O.P.'s title reign had to come to an end some day and it looks like it was today. However it wasn't without controversy.
Jesse King: It was the damned Boiler Room Brawler! He feigned his whole newly formed alliance with M.O.P. just so he can screw him out of the title!
Gorilla Tim Hoss: I'm not too sure, remember he has just as much reason to hate DR Jackson too, so why help one and hinder the other? Not even BRB can be that much of a turncoat.
Jesse King: Either way, the worst thing about this is now DR Jackson has even more reason to spout off his bullcrap about being the Black Dynasty and his Era of Attitude and everything else he bores us with every week...
Gorilla Tim Hoss: Damn right...
Jesse King: Damn it...
*A video plays, showing the highlights of the King of WrestleCrap tournament*
Jesse King - They’ve been fighting for weeks and now it’s down to three!
Tim Hoss - Who will be the 2010 King of WrestleCrap? We’re about to find out!
King of WrestleCrap Triple Threat Finals: Square V. Little Naitch V. Viva Los Bio Dome
Michael Muffer - This triple threat match, scheduled for one fall!
*The New Blackjacks Theme*
Michael Muffer - Hailing from Las Vegas, Nevada at 6'2" and 235 pounds, he is your current Tag Team Champions with Tyfo. One half of the Southwest Connection, Littlenaitch!
Littlenaitch enters the ring and poses. He sits on top of a turnbuckle and waits patiently for his opponents to arrive.
"Gorilla" Tim Hoss: He has the tag team titles, he's been the WWCF Champion TWICE. What can't this man do? Here he is, despite being a title holder already, in the finals of a tournament to decide who the #1 contender is for the most coveted belt in wrestling. And you know what, King? I'm not surprised. Not one bit.
Jesse King: If you were surprised, you'd be living under a god damn rock. This man is one of the most celebrated wrestlers in the history of the WWCF. A shoe-in for the hall of fame, and a favorite to win tonight, I'm honestly wondering if Square and Viva even have a chance.
*I Don't Care*
Michael Muffer - Out of Preston, England at 6'3" and 210 pounds, "The Revolution of Evolution" Square!
Square walks out to the ring looking pissed off. He stares 'Naitch down as if he's surprised to see him waiting in the ring.
Jesse King: We all know about the $500,000 offer Square made to Littlenaitch. But was there anybody in the world who ever thought that he'd decline it?
"Gorilla" Tim Hoss: I knew, King. 'Naitch is a winner. You cannot pay him to be a loser, it doesn't register. Square, however, now has $500,000 reasons to kick the crap out of Littlenaitch tonight. He may not have realized it, but in declining Squares offer, Naitch made things a hell of a lot harder on himself tonight.
Michael Muffer - Coming out of Hayward, California, at 5'11" and 195 pounds, He is the Paparazzi Primadonna, "Hollywood" Viva Los Bio Dome!
Viva looks very confident on his way to the ring. No paparazzi or red carpets tonight. He looks at both of the men and smiles. He then taunts both of them with his patented camera pose.
"Gorilla" Tim Hoss: You've gotta admit, King, even if we don't like Viva, he's become a man on a mission, and he's proving he has the ability to bring his A game. Night in, night out, he's become a fierce competitor in that ring.
Jesse King: Without question, 'Rilla. The guy has been unstoppable and what has surprised me is that he's beaten his opponents legitimately, seeming to have a chip on his shoulder, and something to prove to our WWCF Commissioner Seth Drakin. That he can do it without blatant use of excessive force.
Will Alphonso checks all three men for weapons, finds nothing, and motions for the bell to ring.
"Gorilla" Tim Hoss: Ladies and gentleman, get ready for a good old fashioned dog fight. We are in for quite a treat, and it's underway NOW!
Square immediately charges Littlenaitch, hits him with a clothesline, and starts stomping on him, using the ropes for leverage. Littlenaitch rolls to the outside to regain composure. Square, looking down at 'Naitch, catches a drop kick to the back he never saw coming by Viva. Viva drops his knee on Squares head. Littlenaitch crawls back in the ring and goes toe-to-toe with Viva. They trade punches, with Littlenaitch getting the best of Viva, eventually laying him out with a stiff right hand. 'Naitch turns around and walks right into a scoop slam to elbow drop by Square.
"Gorilla" Tim Hoss: These men have a ton of energy tonight! They're getting after it like a bunch of cruiserweights!
Jesse King: You said it, Timmy! These guys are delivering some SERIOUS action so far!
Naitch and Square begin arguing and shoving. Viva is watching the two of them puzzled. He bounces off of the ropes and dropkicks Littlenaitch right in to Square, sending Square over the top rope and to the outside. The momentum sends 'Naitch backpedaling right into a roll up by Viva.
Naitch kicks out easily. He whips Viva into the corner and hits him with a vicious chop. Viva hits the ground and writhes in pain. Naitch picks Viva up, turns him over, and hits him with a belly-to-back.
"Gorilla" Tim Hoss: The momentum is looking to be soundly in the corner of Littlenaitch. He is wearing Viva down systematically, and Square seems all too content to....
Littlenaitch turns around to find himself right in the crosshairs of a Lariat. It connects and Square goes for the pin.
Jesse King: Looks like Square finished that sentence for you, 'Rilla. The guy might be a low life, no good, jerk, but he wants to win this just as much as anybody else in that ring. He is NOT sitting around and watching the action unfold.
Viva breaks up the pin. Square gets up and slaps Viva. Viva rakes Square's eyes, whips him into the corner, and hits him with a flying knee. Square stumbles out of the corner backwards and Viva hits him with a back cracker. Viva turns around and walks into a big boot by Littlenaitch. Littlenaitch goes for the pin on Square.
Jesse King: Stand up move once again by Littlenaitch as he goes for the pin on Square.
Square kicks out, stands up, and kicks Littlenaitch in the gut. He lifts Littlenaitch up for a stalling vertical suplex, but as he took his attention off of Viva, Viva dropkicks Square right in the stomach.
"Gorilla" Tim Hoss: What a vicious dropkick from Viva! Not only does Square have to take the impact of that drop kick, but Littlenaitch landed on him as well!
Littlenaitch lands perfectly in position for a pin, but before the ref can start counting, Viva pulls 'Naitch off of him. They begin arguing and 'Naitch just pushes Viva out of the ring. He turns to Square, who's still shaken up by the impact of that dropkick. Littlenaitch climbs to the top rope, waits patiently, and right as he is ready to hit Square with a cross body, he's tripped up by Viva.
Jesse King: Woah! Littlenaitch had Square in his crosshairs but Viva spoiled those plans!
"Gorilla" Tim Hoss: All three of these guys are all offense, no defense. They each have their heads on a swivel and it looks like the first guy to make a catastrophic mistake is going to walk out of this place the loser!
Square meets Viva at the bottom rope and they start trading punches. Viva throws a Purple Sticky Punch, and Square ducks it. It hits Littlenaitch and the impact sends him to the outside.
"Gorilla" Tim Hoss: Littlenaitch ate all five fingers of that Purple Sticky Punch! Let's take a look at that on the Noxzema Impact Replay!
Jesse King: Square makes a great move here when he ducks the Purple Sticky Punch. Unfortunately, Littlenaitch was coming to hit Square from behind and BANG! He walked right into that one. The impact sent him FLYING over the top rope.
Viva stands there in shock for a second before shaking it off and walking right into a Squaresplosion.
"Gorilla" Tim Hoss: Squaresplosion! Squaresplosion! We're looking at your new #1 contender right here, King! The way he's held his own tonight, he more than deserves it!
Square immediately goes for the pin.
Viva gets his leg on the rope at the nick of time.
Jesse King: I can't believe it! Talk about being at the right place at the right time! A couple of inches to the middle and he's done for! Square should be the #1 contender right now! He had it all but won!
Square can't believe it, and he instantly gets in the referee's face and starts arguing the call before going back to Viva and stomping him a couple of times. As Viva falls to the outside, Littlenaitch rolls back into the ring. He's a little shaken up from the after effects of the Purple Sticky Punch, but he grabs Square and slams his head into a turnbuckle. Square shoves him off and they begin trading punches back and forth. Littlenaitch gains the upper hand before Square charges the turnbuckle and walks into a big boot.
Jesse King: Square had a plan there, but it backfired! Littlenaitch hit him with a stiff boot!
Littlenaitch looks down at Square, and before he can get back up, he locks him in the figure four.
Jesse King: This could be it, Timmy! 'Naitch has the figure four locked up in the middle of the ring, Viva's still shaken up on the outside, and Square's got nowhere to go!
Square starts struggling, but he's clearly trapped. Worried, he begins to lift his arm up. Naitch begins trying to apply more pressure. Square reaches his hand out for the ropes. He can't make it so he tries crawling but instantly runs out of energy and lifts his arm like he's going to tap again.
"Gorilla" Tim Hoss: Give Square credit, King. The man is fighting forward despite being locked in a very painful submission. I'd probably tap, I tell you what.
Jesse King: Absolutely, 'Rilla. This is an amazing display of strength and will.
Square is running out of time and he holds his hand up for the tap, but before he can tap out, Viva makes the save.
"Gorilla" Tim Hoss: Viva Los Bio Dome keeping his hopes alive with a save at the knick of time!
Littlenaitch gets up and walks into a drop kick. Square gets up and walks into a cradle Pile Driver. Viva has all the momentum.
Jesse King: Viva broke up the submission and has both men lying on the floor! Now is his chance to take advantage and become the King of Wrestlecrap for 2010!
Littlenaitch gets up from the drop kick, charges at Viva Los Bio Dome and once again walks into the Purple Sticky Punch!
"Gorilla" Tim Hoss: For the second time this evening, Littlenaitch has found himself on the wrong end of a Purple Sticky Punch! With the match steamrolling towards the end, does he have what it takes to shake off the effects of TWO Purple Sticky Punches before this match is done?
Jesse King: I don't know, 'Rilla. It's fair to say that he's going to have trouble making himself relevant for the time being.
Viva turns around and walks right into a fireman's carry. Square has Viva up on his shoulders.
Jesse King: Is this it? Is Square going to hit Viva with the L7?! Does "Her Majesty's Greatest Export" have enough in the tank? It's plain to see that if he can hit this, he will strike pay dirt and become the #1 contender!
Viva struggles off of Square's shoulders, pushes him off of the ropes, kicks him in the gut and lifts Square up for the BIO-Dome!
Before Square can stuggle out of it, Viva connects. He goes for the pin.
Michael Muffer - Here is your winner and the 2010 King of Wrestlecrap, "Hollywood" Viva Los Bio Dome!
Viva walks over to the announcer, and yells at him.
Michael Muffer - Excuse me, "King" Viva Los Bio Dome!
Paparazzi hits, and two men appear on the ramp. They are both holding a bag each. They walk to the ring, climb the stairs, hop into the ring, and hand Viva both bags. Viva opens the bags, and his face lights up.
He pulls out a giant cape out of the first bag and instantly puts it on. The cape is designed in black and white just like his wrestling attire. The second bag has a Crown in it, decorated with Black diamonds and white fur. He puts it on and grabs the microphone.
All hail King Viva! I have told each and every one of you infantile mouthbreathers that I AM THIS COMPANY.
Since the beginning of this tournament, and even a few weeks before, I told you all that it was the dawning of a new era. The beginning of a new age. The Age of Viva is finally upon us, and my star is now shining at the highest point this company has to offer. The NUMBER ONE CONTENDERSHIP for the WWCF World Heavyweight Championship! Aaron, Jazzman, There's nothing I could possibly say to take your attention away from each other. You two have your own personal hell to go through right after I leave this ring.
Just know, that whoever wins, your days are numbered. The time is NOW for the Paparazzi Primadonna. The brightest star in this company is fully prepared to take that belt, and he finally has the chance he derserved.
I'll watch my future opponents backstage with a broad on one arm and a huge bottle of Cristal in the other, baby!
Oh, and if you losers wondering why there aren't any paparazzi tonight, just purchase People Magazine next week, as my agent structured a 250,000 deal for exclusive coverage of the A-List Superstar's rise to power.
Long live the king!
Jesse King: A quality win from Viva. He is steadfastly becoming the fastest striking man in the WWCF. Blink and you could be caught with the Purple Sticky Punch. Just ask Littlenaitch.
"Gorilla" Tim Hoss: I'm more impressed with the exclusive deal with People Magazine. Perhaps I should get in touch with Viva's agent. The guy works magic, and People Magazine would look fantastic with my face on the cover.
*A video plays, showcasing Jazzman’s rise to the top, winning the World Title and his many title defenses since. We then see Aaron Enigma’s own rise, from his start on Heatz!!1 to his induction into the Story, to breaking out on his own, to winning the number one contendership. The final image is of the contract signing from two weeks ago, before we fade back to ringside.*
WWCF World Heavyweight Championship: Jazzman V. Aaron Enigma
Jesse: It's the moment we've all been waiting for Gorilla. It's finally come down to this. Jazzman vs. Aaron Enigma for the WWCF World Heavyweight Title!
Tim Hoss: These two men have a lot of hate for each other, let's see what happens when they collide for the third time.
Jesse: I'm glad you brought that up, Tim. This is indeed the tiebreaker match between these two stars.
Michael Muffer - Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is set for one fall and it is for the WWCF World Heavyweight Championship!
*Make A Move*
Aaron Enigma emerges from the back to a chorus of cheers from the crowd.
Michael Muffer - Introducing first, the challenger. From Chicago, Illinois, weighing in at 256 pounds… AARON ENIGMA!!!
Jazzman walks out on stage, smiling as he raises up the belt and the fans boo.
Michael Muffer - And his opponent. From Upstate New York, weighing in at 206 pounds, he is the WWCF World Heavyweight Champion… JAZZMAN!!!
The bell sounds and the two men in the ring have a staredown. Both men have a serious look as the two move to lock up. They do and Aaron powers Jazzman to the corner. The ref asks for a clean break and Aaron obliges and moves back to the center. They lock up again and Aaron once again pushes Jazzman to the corner. He breaks clean again, but Jazzman attacks with a kick to the stomach and an elbow to the side of the head. Aaron stumbles back and Jazzman hits a clothesline and goes for the cover.
Jesse: Jazzman going for a quick pin!
1...Aaron easily kicks out.
Tim Hoss: It'll take more than a clothesline to keep Aaron down though.
Jazzman locks Aaron in the headlock, but Aaron quickly gets to his feet and pushes him into the ropes. Jazzman attempts a shoulder block, but Aaron ducks under it and hits an arm drag on Jazzman. Jazzman quickly gets up but Aaron hits with another arm drag and transitions to an armbar. Jazzman looks pained, but gets to his feet and grabs Aaron's arm before turning into an armbar of his own. Aaron flips through quickly though and hits Jazzman with a kick to the stomach before bouncing off the ropes and hitting diving reverse elbow on him. He goes for the pin.
Tim Hoss: Now Aaron tries for a quick pin.
1....Jazzman gets his shoulder up with no problem.
Jesse: I like the strategy of these two men, Gorilla. Trying to keep each other on their toes with quick pins like this.
Tim Hoss: I don't think it'll work with two men of this caliber though, Jesse.
Aaron moves to grab Jazzman, but Jazzman grabs his pants and throws him into the second turnbuckle. Aaron is dazed for a second, which allows Jazzman to come from behind and nail him with a blow to the back. He turns around and Jazzman lifts Aaron up, hitting a vertical suplex before moving back to the headlock. Aaron is slower to get up this time, but he manages to get up. He pushes Jazzman off him and when he bounces off the ropes, Aaron locks in his own headlock, quickly flipping Jazzman down to the mat with it. Jazzman manages to get up, but Aaron quickly flips him back to the mat. Jazzman gets up yet again, and punches Aaron in the stomach. Aaron releases the hold and Jazzman backs up before running and hitting a big Reverse STO. Jazzman goes for the pin.
Jesse: Jazzman with a big move, can he win it here?
1.....2..Aaron kicks out!
Tim Hoss: That was pretty close. He must've really hurt Aaron with that move. Jazzman definitely has the advantage now!
Jazzman lifts up Aaron and throws him into the corner. He delivers a series of punches and kicks to Aaron, finishing by moving back and hitting a Yakuza kick to Aaron's head. Aaron seems limp in the corner and Jazzman moves across the ring. He charges Aaron and jumps for a splash but Aaron catches him before planting him with a big STO. Aaron goes for the pin.
Tim Hoss: Aaron Enigma with a huge counter!
1.....2...Jazzman kicks out!
Jesse: These two are pulling out all the stops in this match, Tim. They both want to win this more than anything.
Both men are slow to get up but Jazzman makes it first. He moves to Aaron but Aaron punches him in the stomach. Aaron gets up quickly and hits another punch in the face. He moves to whip Jazzman into the ropes but Jazzman reverses it. Aaron goes into the ropes and Jazzman falls to the mat. Aaron jumps over Jazzman and bounces off the opposite ropes. Jazzman attempts to jump over Aaron, but Aaron stops, waits for Jazzman to land and hits a big clothesline. Aaron picks up Jazzman and motions to the crowd for the Brilliant Deduction. He lifts up Jazzman but Jazzman stops it and kicks Aaron in the stomach before delivering a vicious DDT to him. Both men lay in the ring and Jazzman drapes his arm over Aaron to pin him.
Jesse: When will the string of counters end, Tim? Somebody has to lose!
1.....2....Aaron just kicks out!
Tim Hoss: Looks like Aaron won't be the one losing yet, King.
Jazzman moves to grab the legs of Aaron and twists him into a Boston Crab. Pulling Aaron to the center, Jazzman archs back, trying to make Aaron tap. Aaron writhes in pain but refuses to tap out, and starts pulling himself to the ropes. Jazzman yells at him to give up, but Aaron keeps pulling. The crowd gets louder and louder the closer he gets to the ropes. Aaron manages to eventually grab the bottom ropes and the ref starts counting for Jazzman to break the hold. Jazzman is reluctant to, and breaks it at 4.
Jesse: Aaron managed to get the hold broken, but how much damage did his sustain from that?
He stands over the downed Aaron, yelling at him that he can't beat him. He stomps on his prone opponent and couple times before lifting him up and throwing him into the corner chest first. He crosses the ring and signals to make Aaron Take the A Train. He charges and leaps but Aaron moves out of the way. Jazzman crashes and lands hard on his knees and back. Aaron takes the opportunity and climbs to the top rope. Motioning to the crowd, he jumps and hits Jazzman with the Moonsault Senton and goes for the pin.
Tim Hoss: Aaron with a big move on Jazzman. This match could be over, King!
Jazzman reverses it just like at In Your Apartment!
Jesse: Shades of In Your Apartment! Jazzman's gonna get him, Tim!
1.....2.....Aaron manages to kick out!
Jazzman is in shock as he looks at Aaron. Aaron gets up shakily and smiles before shaking his finger at Jazzman. Jazzman's faces turns to rage as he charges Aaron, who hits Jazzman with a drop toe hold. He moves quickly and locks Jazzman into Extreme Interrogation. Jazzman shakes in pain and screams as Aaron wrenches back on the hold. Jazzman lifts himself up on his arms and drags himself to the ropes. Aaron tries to put more pressure on it to stop him. Jazzman eventually makes it to the ropes though and Aaron breaks the hold. Both men lay in the ring, battered from the fight. The ref starts the count
Tim Hoss: Both men are down! Which one will get to their feet and have the advantage?
Both men start to stir, Jazzman grabs the ropes to help him up. Aaron manages to prop himself up on his arms.
Jazzman grabs the second rope and Aaron makes it on one knee.
Jesse: Aaron manages to get up first!
Aaron gets up and moves towards Jazzman, but Jazzman kicks him in the stomach and explodes with another yakuza kick. Aaron is visibly dazed, his eyes slightly glazed over. Jazzman takes the opportunity and grabs Aaron before moving to the corner. He climbs the turnbuckles, dragging Aaron with him. He gets to the top rope and sets up Such Sweet Thunder, but Aaron stops him with a blow to the stomach. Aaron looks to be fighting off the move but Jazzman counters with a big clubbing back blow. He sets it up again and leaps off the top, nailing Aaron with Such Sweet Thunder. Aaron looks to be out cold, but Jazzman is too tired to move!
Jesse: Aaron isn't moving King! Jazzman's got him right where he wants him!
Tim Hoss: But can he capitalize on it, Jesse? He's pretty worn out!
Jazzman moves towards Aaron, knowing if he pins him this match is over. Inch by inch he crawls to Aaron. After what seems like an eternity to him, he flips Aaron onto his back and goes for the pin.
Tim Hoss: I think this match is over, King.
1.....2.....Aaron kicks out!
Jesse: How did Aaron kick out! Look at the heart of this young guy, Gorilla!
Jazzman is in awe at the heart of his opponent. Kicking out of two perilous predicaments. Jazzman moves to argue with the ref. He stands there yelling at him while Aaron begins to stir. Aaron seizes the opportunity and moves behind Jazzman, grabbing him with a schoolboy pin.
Jesse: Aaron taking advantage of Jazzman being distracted. Does he have him?
1.....2.....Jazzman manages to kick out!
Tim Hoss: So close! Jazzman manages to keep the match going though.
Both men are exhausted. They stand up and move to the center. Aaron swings and Jazzman and hits a big right hand. Jazzman counters with a punch of his own. The great match has decayed seemingly into a slugfest as the two trade punches in the center. Jazzman throws a big haymaker but Aaron blocks it and delivers a big punch. Jazzman throws another punch but Aaron ducks it and hits Jazzman with a quick reverse DDT. Aaron goes for the pin!
Tim Hoss: Aaron with another big move! Is it over?
1.....2.....Jazzman gets his shoulder up.
Jesse: These two men just refuse to give up, Tim. This match is not going to end for a while.
Aaron is visibly frustrated and moves towards Jazzman. He lifts up Jazzman and attempts the Brilliant Deduction once more, but Jazzman stops it again and hits a vertical suplex on Aaron. Aaron lies motionless and Jazzman goes to the second rope. Jazzman jumps and hits a big elbow to the sternum before going for the pin.
Jesse: Desperation move from Jazzman! Will it pay off?
1.....2.....Aaron's foot gets on the bottom rope!
Tim Hoss: These two men don't want to lose so badly. I think one of them is going to have to die for this to be over, Jesse.
Jazzman looks as if he's about to cry in rage. Aaron refuses to stay down. Jazzman snaps and moves to choke Aaron. The ref pulls him off Aaron, but Jazzman begins to stomp him mercilessly. Jazzman picks up Aaron and throws him out of the ring. He yells at the ref to start counting.
Jesse: Aaron's outside the ring. Here comes the ref's count. Remember the title can't change hands with a count-out!
Aaron begins to stir. He gets up slowly.
Jazzman moves to hit Aaron with a baseball slide. Aaron manages to dodge it though and deliver a big right hand to Jazzman.
Tim Hoss: Aaron with some offense outside the ring!
Aaron hits Jazzman a couple more times, including a knee to the midsection.
Jesse: He's gotta get himself and Jazzman back in the ring! Can he do it!
Aaron quickly throws Jazzman in the ring and jumps in himself!
The crowd cheers as Aaron moves to pin Jazzman.
Tim Hoss: Aaron going for the pin again!
1.....2.....Jazzman kicks out!
Aaron picks up Jazzman and grabs him for a reverse STO. Jazzman counters with an elbow to the side of the head though and hits a clothesline. Jazzman lifts up Aaron and goes for another vertical suplex. Aaron manages to counter and he lifts up Jazzman. Jazzman counters though and lifts up Aaron again. Aaron flips through the suplex though. Both men turn around and Aaron hits a vicious reverse roundhouse kick on Jazzman, stunning it. Aaron picks up Jazzman and finally connects with the Brilliant Deduction. The crowd goes nuts as Aaron falls on top for the pin.
Jesse: The Brilliant Deduction! Get ready to add a new champion into the history books!
Michael Muffer - Here is your winner... and... THE NEEEEEWWWWWW WWCF World Heavyweight Champion....
After the match, Aaron grabs the belt. He hugs it tightly before standing up. He points around the arena to all the fans.
Tim Hoss: He did it Jesse! He did it! The Head Detective is World Heavyweight Champion!
Jesse: And he's thanking all the fans for their support. He's a class act, that Aaron Enigma
Aaron moves to the corner and stands on the second rope. Looking out over the fans, holding his magnifying glass and inspecting the title with it. The arena is ablaze in cheers. He moves from corner to corner, thanks the fans when suddenly "Paparazzi" by Lady Gaga starts playing.
Tim Hoss: What's going on, King?
"Hollywood" Viva Los Bio Dome comes out onto the entrance ramp. He looks at Aaron, dresses in his royal garb, and kneels down before looking at Aaron and motioning he's taking a picture of him.
Jesse: It's the 2010 King of Wresltecrap! He must be out here to send a message to Aaron!
Tim Hoss: He's probably out here to say "Don't get too attached to that belt, because I'll be taking it soon."
Aaron looks back at Viva over the ropes, staring at him through his magnifying glass. The crowd goes silent at the staredown between the two men as the live feed ends.
Writing Credits: Square, LittleNaitch, Headbanger Man, Just M, YellowJacket, BRB, DR Jackson, Viva Los Bio Dome, and Aaron Enigma