
Sunday Night Heatz!!1 - January 17, 2010


Sunday Night Heatz!!1 January 17th, 2010

Sean Kelly - Welcome to WWCF Sunday Night Heatz!!1

Michael Gettenpill - Fans, have we got a show for you! I’m Michael Gettenpill.

Sean Kelly - And I’m Sean Kelly. Tonight on Heatz!!1, we have the debut of Warrior 2099, as he takes on The Fishmonger!

Michael Gettenpill - Also, after vowing to go undefeated from tonight on, Inspector Shetty takes on The General of the Monkey Army.

Sean Kelly - And in our main event, Mr. Quintana Roo’s quest for redemption continues as he battles The Cage King.

The Fishmonger V. Warrior 2099

Michael Muffer - The following contest is scheduled for one fall with a 20 minute time limit!

(The Salmon Dance)
Michael Muffer - Introducing first, from Brighton, England but fighting out of Cape Cod, Massachusetts, weighing 210 pounds...THE FISHMONGER!

- Fishmonger "swims" around the ring, and then flails like a fish out of water inside the ring. He sits on the top turnbuckle and pretends to fish.

(Evil Rugal Theme)
Michael Muffer - And his opponent, making his WWCF debut - from Monterrery, Mexico, weighing 220 pounds...WARRIOR 2099!

- Warrior 2099 runs into the ring and nails Fishmonger, still seated on the turnbuckle, before connecting with a uick superplex off the top! He then taunts the fans, signalling that he is No 1. Warrior stomps away, before hitting a kneedrop. He goes for a swift win.


- Fishmonger kicks out. Warrior whips him off the ropes but telegraphs a back body drop attempt, so Fishmonger takes advantage with a knee facebuster. Warrior charges, but is met with an armdrag - this happens a second time, and Fishmonger holds onto the arm, applying pressure.

- Warrior gets to his feet and counters with a firman's carry takeover. He goes for a vertical suplex, but Fishmonger slips out and lands on his feet behind him. Fishmonger hits a belly to belly suplex, and a somersault leg drop. He makes the cover.


- Warrior kicks out. Fishmonger goes to the apron and attempts a springboard move, but is met with a mid-air dropkick! Warrior hits a snap suplex and floats over into a nonchalant cover.


- This time Fishmonger kicks out. Warrior takes his legs and catapults him into the turnbuckle, and goes for a running one-handed bulldog, but Fishmonger pushes him away to counter. Warrior angrily moves towards his adversary, but is met with a series of right hands, followed by the cast-off motion and one more huge right hand which knocks him down.

- Fishmonger picks up Warrior and goes for the Hook, Line and Sinker, but the Mexican counters, sending Fishmonger face first into the turnbuckle. He goes for a roll-up.


- Fishmonger manages to kick out. Warrior with a Mahistrol cradle.


- Again Fishmonger escapes the pinning combination. A frustrated Warrior goes for a backslide, but Fishmonger breaks free, and hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. He then applies a full nelson hold, applying more torque each time Warrior tries to escape. Eventually Warrior gets himself to the ropes, and the referee gets in between them to break up the hold.

- Warrior surprises Fishmonger with a sudden crescent kick to the head! Warrior hits a cobra clutch bulldog.


- Again, the resilient Fishmonger kicks out. Warrior stomps him in the abdomen, and goes to the top rope. He attempts a diving headbutt, but Fishmonger moves out of the way. He crawls into a cover.


- 2.8! Fishmonger tries to apply the Catch Of The Day submission hold, but Warrior manages to kick him away towards the turnbuckle. Fishmonger goes for a clothesline, but Warrior ducks underneath it, and then pulls his opponent into a vicious Clawhold in the centre of the ring. Fishmonger tries for as long as he can to withstand the hold, but eventually the force of the hold sends him to the canvas. The referee checks the situation, and then declares that he cannot continue.

Michael Muffer - Here is your winner by submission...WARRIOR 2099!

Sean Kelly - And Warrior 2099 looking very impressive in his debut match here on Heatz!!1

Michael Gettenpill - Indeed he did, Sean. We’ll be right back with more of Sunday Night Heatz!!1

*Commercial Break:
Taco Bell

Sean Kelly - And we’re back!

Michael Gettenpill - Up next, The General of the Monkey Army prepares to take on Inspector Shetty!

Inspector Shetty V. The General of the Monkey Army

Michael Muffer – The following contest is scheduled for one fall and has a 15 minute time limit.

*Wannabe in L.A. plays on the PA as Inspector Shetty makes his way out on stage.*

Michael Muffer – Coming to us from Bombay, England and weighing in tonight at 265 pounds. This is Inspector Shetty.

*Shetty enters the ring and stands ring center as the crowd boos in dissaproval. He frowns, looks around and pulls something out from his front jeans pocket. On closer view it appears to be a remote with a single dial. Shetty turns the dial and pre-recorded chants of “Shetty” play out from the speakers. Shetty poses and soaks in the fake support.*

Michael Muffer – And his opponent-

*The King Kong theme plays on the PA as The General of the Monkey Army makes his way out with Tinkers perched on his shoulder.*

Michael Muffer – Accompanied by Tinkers the Monkey, from the Deep Dark Jungle by way of Lansing, Michigan. He weighs in tonight at 225 pounds. This is The General of the Monkey Army.

*Tinkers leaps off his shoulder as the General reaches the ring and hangs by her tail on the top rope. The General storms the ring and Shetty quickly exits. The General points at Shetty and trashtalks him while Shetty waves him off. Referee Floyd McFloyd cools The General off and motions him back toward his corner. Shetty face-mugs some nearby heckling fans and eventually enters himself.*

The bell rings.

The General advances towad Shetty who makes a beeline outside. He looks at the crowd and motioning to his inteligence, points to his head. The General doesn’t wait and grabbing a handful of hair, pulls Shetty back inside. He clubs Shetty around the ring who tries to escape the ring at every given chance only to be stopped by the General each time. The General clubs Shetty around a bit more before stopping and dropping him to the mat. He takes a moment to play to the crowd and makes a move toward Shteey again. Shetty, hurredly reaches the ring ropes on the same side as Tinkers and begs The General off. The General makes agrab for him, but Referee Floyd McFloyd stops him and separates The General from Shetty. Whil this is happening, Shetty notices Tinkers and takes a swing toward her. Tinkers easily dodges and Shetty pulls a mini tantrum. He notices the distracted referee still holding back The General and sneers. He hits the mat and cluthes his finger.


The referee turns his attention to Tinkers and confronts the monkey.

Floyd McFloyd – Did you bite one of the competitors?

Tinkers the Money -

Floyd McFloyd – I asked you a question! Did you bite Inspector Shetty?

Tinkers the Monkey - …Oop.

Floyd McFloyd – That’s it! YOUR OUTTA HERE! *Dramatics*

The General pleads with the referee to change his mind, but Floyd stands his ground. Shetty laughs behind them both and points to his head again. The General hugs Tinkers before she makes her way backstage.

The General turns to the laughing Shetty and stares a hole through him. Shetty suddenly stops laughing. The two stare down one another not moving. The General charges with a clothesline. Shetty ducks the move and hits the ropes. He rebounds for a lariat but the General hits the mat. Shetty jumps him and rebounds off the opposite side. The General rolls towards him, tripping him up. Shetty lumbers to his feet, clutching his nose. As he turns around, the General catches him with a monkey flip, and he lands awkwardly in the corner. The General drags him back to his feet and throws him across the ring with a monkey toss. He covers with a lateral press.
Shetty kicks out.

The General drags Shetty up again. As he does, Shetty catches him with an eye rake. The General hunches over and covers his eyes and Shetty takes initiative to drop him with a nasty DDT. Shetty covers.
The General kicks out.

Shetty looks at the ref and questions the count, clapping his hands three times. He shakes his head and rolls the General on his stomach. He positions himself over his prone opponent and pulls him up into a bow and arrow hold. Referee Floyd McFloyd asks the General on whether he submits. But the General refuses. Shetty loses patience and releases the hold. The General, now favouring his back crawls to his knees as Shetty stands over him and lightly kicks his head. Shetty stomps General’s hand and brings him back to his feet. He holds him steady and nails him with a stiff European Uppercut. He goes for another cover.
The General kicks out again.

Shetty verbally argues with Referee McFloyd’s count. He reashes down to pick up the General again. As he does so the General catches him in a small package pinning predicament.
Shetty barely kicks out.

Both competitors quickly get back to their feet. Shetty ducks the Monkey’s Paw but falls to a subsequent clothesline. He stumbles back to his feet and right into a spinebuster. The General points to the top rope and begins climbing the turnbuckle. He reaches the top and leaps off, connecting with a big diving headbutt. But instead of covering he grabs Shetty’s legs and begins applying the Monkey Wrench. Just before he can completely turn over and lock in the hold, Shetty reaches the ropes. The General breaks the hold and Shetty rolls outside and to the floor. Referee Floyd McFloyd stops the General from exiting the ring, while on the outside Shetty reaches for something beneath the ring. Shetty pulls out something and tosses it into the ring behind the General. The General turns around and picks up what appears to be a toy monkey. Shetty rushes back in and school boys the General while helping himself to a handful of tights.
The General still kicks out.

Shetty is in shock as The General appears to “Ape Up.” Shetty goes for a right, but it has no effect. He goes for another, but the General just lest out a big roar. Shetty ducks another clothesline, hits the ropes, and runs straight into a big Monkey’s Paw. The General goes for the cover.

Michael Muffer – The winner of this match, The General of the Monkey Army.

*The General picks up the Monkey toy and gives it to a young girl at ringside. He then merrily makes his way backstage. Back in the ring, Shetty sits up, clutching his jaw as the crowd boos and heckles him. He covers his ears and exits the ring. He picks up the remote he had earlier and turns the knob, starting the fake “Shetty” chants. He plays up as if the crowd loves him and waves all the way to the back while they continue to boo.*

*Commercial Break:
Nintendo DS*

Sean Kelly - And we’re back once more.

Michael Gettenpill - Let's go to the back where Jerry Fish is standing by with Mr. Quintana Roo and Leon Sharpe.

We cut to the back where Jerry Fish is standing next to Leon Sharpe and Mr. Quintana Roo

Jerry Fish - Mr. Quintana Roo, tonight you will be wrestling Cage King. What are you planning to do?

Roo almost responds before Sharpe cuts him off

Leon Sharpe - He's taller and thinner than Cage King. He'll be faster and have more endurance. Figure it out, Fishman.

Jerry Fish - Well, I was kind of hoping for a response from Mr. Quintana Roo.

Leon Sharpe - Does he look like he disagreed with what I said? Before we go out, let me present some original oratory.

Sharpe coughs

Leon Sharpe - Cage King, you're a rapper because you can't sing. When you rap, the dogs bark all night. When you face the Roo, you'll get a fright. You'd be better off as a circus clown. Because when you wrestle Mr. Quintana Roo, you're going down.

Mr. Quintana Roo - Yo baby yo!

Sharpe turns and stares at Roo before turning back to the camera

Leon Sharpe - This is Roo's shot. He won't screw it up.

Jerry Fish - Back to you, Michael and Sean.

Michael Gettenpill - Thank you Jerry. Now, to the ring!

Main Event: Mr. Quintana Roo V. Cage King

Michael Muffer - The following contest is set for one fall, with a 25 minute time limit.

"Strike a pose"

["Vogue" by Madonna plays as Mr. Quintana Roo and Leon Sharpe walk out. Mr. Quintana Roo stops to pose for pictures and is occasionally obliged. Roo rolls into the ring and poses as Sharpe politely applauds.]

Michael Muffer - Introducing first, being accompanied by his manager Leon Sharpe, hailing from Your Wildest Dreams and weighing in at 215 pounds, Mr. Quintana Roo!

Roo continues to pose as his music cuts off and Cage King appears, rapping his way to the ring.

Michael Muffer - And his opponent, from Los Angeles, California, weighing in at 295 pounds, Cage King!

As Cage King rolls in the ring, Roo meets him with stomps and kicks as the ref signals for the bell. Roo quickly pulls Cage King up and goes for a suplex, but it’s blocked! Cage King drops Roo with a face buster! Cover!


Michael Gettenpill - Mr. Roo tried to get the jump on Cage King, but the rapper not about to go down without a fight.

Roo rolls to the outside. Cage King follows him. Roo meets Cage King with a boot to the midsection, then peppers him with some punches to the face. He goes to whip him in to the barrier, but Cage King reverses it, then nails Roo with a running clothesline!

Sean Kelly - Roo trying to catch Cage King off guard, but so far he’s had little success!

He then rolls his disoriented opponent back in the ring. Cover!


King pulls Roo up and shoots him into the ropes. As Roo comes back, Cage King catches him with a scoop slam. He goes for the cover, but sees Leon Sharpe examining his gold chains.

Michael Gettenpill - What is Sharpe doing with Cage King’s chains?

Sean Kelly - I don’t know Michael, but Cage King doesn’t like it when people mess with his belongings!

King rolls to the outside and starts yelling at Sharpe. Sharpe pleads innocent, claiming he was just looking. Cage King snatches the chains back and goes to put them in the corner, only to be met with a dropkick by Roo!

Sean Kelly - Oh! Cage King took his eye off the ball and Roo took full advantage!

Roo rolls Cage King back in and makes a cover!


Roo quickly hit’s a second dropkick! Cover!


Roo goes for a third dropkick, but this one is deflected!

Michael Gettenpill - And Roo went to the well too many times on that one!

Cage King sets Roo up for a DDT, but Roo squirms free and rolls to the outside again!

Sean Kelly - And Roo wanting no part of Cage King, he rolls out of the ring!

Cage King rolls out after him. Roo backs up, then breaks into a run, with Cage King right behind him! Roo runs around to the other side of the ring and rolls back in. Cage King goes to follow, but trips over Sharpe!

Michael Gettenpill - Cage King tripped!

Sean Kelly - Sharpe get’s in Cage King’s away again!

Cage King turns and yells at Sharpe to get out of the way, but Roo comes flying over the ropes and on to him, as Sharpe barely moves in time!

Michael Gettenpill - Did you see that?! Beautiful dive by Quintana Roo!

Roo rolls Cage King back in, and springboard’s over the top rope and onto him! Cover!


Roo climbs to the top rope. He waits until Cage King is on his feet, then dives at him, only to be caught with a clothesline!

Sean Kelly - He nearly took his head off with that clothesline!

Cage King picks Roo up and hit’s the Overnight Celebrity!

Michael Gettenpill - And that’s gotta be it! Nobody get’s up after that!

He goes for the cover, but the ref doesn’t count. Cage King get’s up and looks over to see Sharpe chatting with referee Spud Johnson!

Sean Kelly - I don’t believe it! This is the third time Sharpe has caused a distraction in this match!

He walks over, causing Sharpe to scurry away. King covers Roo again and this time, Johnson counts.



Roo get’s his shoulder off the mat!

Michael Gettenpill - And Roo just barely get’s his shoulder up before the three!

Cage King slaps the mat in frustration. He pulls Roo up and sets him on his shoulders for the Flashing Lights, but instead of immediately hitting the move, he stops and threatens Sharpe.

Sean Kelly - I know Sharpe has been a thorn in his side the whole match, but Cage King has to focus on finishing off Roo!

Roo uses this to his advantage and counters the move with a bulldog!

Michael Gettenpill - That may have cost him the match, Sean!

Roo rolls him over for the cover!


Roo pulls Cage King towards the corner, then goes up to the top rope for The Photo Opportunity. Cage King moves, but Roo rolls through to his feet and meets Cage King with a dropkick!

Sean Kelly - Roo thinking on his feet with that one!

He goes to the middle rope as Cage King is getting up, and hit’s the Snapshot! Moving fast, Roo climbs to the top rope and (after pausing to have his picture taken), comes down on King with The Photo Opportunity!

Michael Gettenpill - There it is! The Frog Splash! Will that be enough?!



Sean Kelly - And it is!

Michael Muffer - Here is your winner, Mr. Quintana Roo!

Leon Sharpe enters the ring and raises Roo’s hand.

Michael Gettenpill - It appeared that Cage King had the match well at hand, but he just kept allowing Sharpe to get to him.

Sean Kelly - And it turned out in the end, that it was Sharpe’s distraction that led Roo to victory.

Michael Gettenpill - Well ladies and gentlemen, we are out of time.

Sean Kelly - Tomorrow night on NiteRaw, we’ll see the semifinals of the King of WrestleCrap tournament, as well a big 8-man tag team main event!

Michael Gettenpill - Until next week, I’m Michael Gettenpill.

Sean Kelly - And I’m Sean Kelly. Goodnight folks!

Writing Credits: The Headbanger Man, Starshine, Mr. Quintana Roo, and Evil M

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