
Sunday Night Heatz!!1 - December 27, 2009


Sunday Night Heatz!!1 - December 27, 2009

Welcome to Sunday Night Heatz!!1 I’m Gorilla Tim Hoss, alongside Jesse King!

We have an amazing show lined up tonight!

Indeed we do. Tonight, we have KCB taking on newcomer Mr. Quintana Roo, Inspector Shetty battling another newcomer in Double H and in our main event, a ten man elimination match to determine the inaugural WWCF Rankings!

KCB V. Mr. Quintana Roo

The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

*My Way

Introducing first, from Chicago, IL, weighing in at 235 pounds, KCB!

KCB is greeted with boos as he walks to the ring, cursing at the fans.

And his opponent...

[The Lights Dim]

"Strike a pose"

"Strike a pose"


[Leon Sharpe walks out, snapping pictures as we see Mr. Quintana Roo walking out of the entrance, wearing his mask, gear, and a bowtie.]

"C'mon Vogue
Let your body move to the music"

[Mr. Quintana Roo walks down to the ring, occasionally stopping to be photographed.]

Being accompanied by his manager Leon Sharpe, from your wildest dreams, weighing in at 215 pounds, Mr. Quintana Roo!

[Eventually Mr. Quintana Roo rolls into the ring and poses for a few more pictures. His Manager Leon Sharpe picks up the mic at ringside as Mr. Quintana Roo poses]

"This is Misterrrrrrrr Quintaaaaaaaaaaana Rooooooooooooo"

What is it with all these new guys showing up with these flashy entrances?

I believe it’s called “showmanship”, Jess.

The bell rings.

Collar and elbow tie up… KCB with a waistlock… standing switch by Roo… takedown… Roo shifts around, front facelock… KCB to his feet… punches to the midsection, Roo let’s go… clothesline attempt, Roo ducks it… dropkick!

On the outside, Sharpe applauds Roo, as KCB moves back to his corner to regain his bearings.

Looks like KCB wasn’t expecting Roo to be so aggressive, Gorilla.

Indeed he did seem to catch KCB by surprise.

KCB returns to the center of the ring and locks up with Roo again.

Roo again going for the waistlock, but KCB counters it… side headlock… Roo counters that into a backdrop!


KCB still has plenty of fight left in him, Gorilla!

Both men up now… KCB with a wristlock… Roo reverses it… KCB counters into a hammerlock… and forces him to the mat! He’s ramming his knee into Roo’s back now… Roo trying to get to his feet… and he does!

KCB transitions into a side headlock, but Roo shoots him off into the ropes.

Roo bounces back… KCB ducks the clothesline… but Roo catches him from the other side with a bulldog!


Roo pulls KCB up… going for a Gutwrench suplex… but he stops to pose for a picture! KCB takes advantage… jackknife cover!


Roo took his eye off the prize for a second and it almost cost him!

KCB pulls Roo up now… neck breaker! And now… he puts him in the Boston Crab!

Well Gorilla, earlier you called it showmanship, but it looks like it’s gonna cost Roo big now!

Roo tries to get to the ropes, but KCB pulls him back to the middle of the ring.

Roo trying to fight out of it… he forces KCB to stand up… Roo kicks him back… pops up… double leg takedown… and a Boston Crab of his own!

But KCB was too close to the ropes!

The ref calls for a break. When he doesn’t get one, he begins to count.

Roo breaks the hold.

Roo pulling KCB up now… powerslam! Off the ropes… elbow drop!



KCB giving Roo quite the fight in his first WWCF match!

Roo pulls KCB up for a backbreaker… KCB counters it into an ARMBAR!!!!

KCB wrenches back on Roo’s arm, but the masked Mexican breaks free!

Both men on their feet… Roo runs at KCB, but nobody home and Roo hit’s the turnbuckle! KCB grabs him by the mask…

Sharpe jumps up on the apron and flashes the camera right in KCB’s face!

KCB is blinded!

Roo hops up on the middle rope, blockbuster!

He calls that the Snapshot!


Here is your winner, Mr. Quintana Roo!

Sharpe enters the ring and raises Roo’s hand.

I admit it. I’m impressed by this Roo kid!

He was impressive, even though I don’t agree with how that match ended.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. A win is a win, Gorilla!

That may be the case, but it doesn’t mean I have to like it, Jess!

Whatever. The bottomline is, Mr. Quintana Roo was successful in his very first WWCF match.

Next fans, we have another newcomer in action, as Double H makes his debut against Inspector Shetty! We'll be right back!


Double H V. Inspector Shetty

The following contest is scheduled for one fall with a 20 minute time limit.

(Wannabe In L.A.)
Introducing first, from Bombay, weighing 265 pounds...INSPECTOR SHETTY!

(Double H Theme)
And his opponent, making his WWCF debut - from Sao Paolo, Brazil, weighing 205 pounds...DOUBLE H!

- Both men lock up, and Shetty shoves Double H to the mat. Shetty applauds himself and charges at Double H, but he leapfrogs over, before delivering a series of kicks to the hamstring and gut. Double H goes for an early schoolboy roll-up.


- Shetty kicks out. He goes for a right hand, but Double H bends backwards to avoid the blow, and then hits a jumping high knee to the face. He follows up with a dropkick, which sends Shetty through the ropes to the outside. Double H somersaults over the top rope and lands on his opponent, which gets the crowd to their feet in approval.

- He rolls Shetty back into the ring, and goes to the top rope. However, Shetty recovers and runs the ropes, causing Double H to land awkwardly. Shetty then hits a fallaway slam from the top rope! He rolls into a cocky cover.


- Double H gets his feet to the ropes! Shetty stomps away, and hits a European uppercut which sends Double H into the corner. He chokes Double H with his boot, and then hits a short-arm clothesline. He goes for a cover.


- Kick out! Shetty then applies the bow and arrow submission hold. The crowd rallies behind Double H as he tries to fight out of the predicament, and eventually manages to get to the ropes again, and Shetty is forced to break the hold. Shetty waits for Double H to get up and goes for a superkick, but Double H ducks it, and hits a capoeira kick. He then goes to the apron, and nails a springboard spinning heel kick back inside!


- Shetty powers out. He stops a charging Double H with a boot, an goes for the Calcutter, but Double H pushes him away. He hits a spinning elbow, and then hits the Buzzkiller!


Here is your winner...DOUBLE H!

- Double H's new tag team partners and good friends Ganzobomb and The Fish Monger come to the ring and congratulate their partner, lifting his arms in victory to the applause of the crowd.

A big win for Double H in his debut!

This guy has all the makings of a future Champion Gorilla, and I don’t say that very often!

Sure ya don’t Jess.

Up next is our main event, the ten man elimination match to determine the first ever WWCF Rankings!

Main Event: Ten Man Elimination Match

The following contest is a ten man elimination match. The winner will be the first ranked contender for the WWCF Inter-Forum Championship, with the remaining entrants being ranked by order of elimination.

*We’re Not Gonna Take It*

Koda, D-Day Dave and Headbanger Man make their way down the ramp.

Introducing first, D-Day Dave, The Headbanger Man, and Koda, The Heavy Metal Express!

Well, these three men are stablemates, but it’s going to be every man for himself in this one.

Yeah, but there’s strength in numbers, Gorilla.

*I Don’t Care*

Square is greeted by a chorus of boos as he makes his way down the ramp.

Next, from Preston, England, Square!

At A Very Special WWCF Christmas, Square got exactly what he deserved from Aaron Enigma!

How can you say that, Gorilla?! Aaron Enigma crossed the line. He may be the number one contender to the WWCF World Title, but he has to live with actions!


Evil M walks out, reveling in the crowd’s hatred.

From Rockland, Massachusetts, Evil M!

At A Very Special WWCF Christmas, Evil M made his comeback a successful one by pinning the Hardcore Champion.

Of course, that match was not without controversy, as Yellow Jacket seemingly allowed Evil M to win that match.

Too Black, too strong… Damn Right!
*Bring Tha Noise*

Next, from West Philly, “Damn Right” Jackson!

The entrants keep coming! We’ll be right back!


Returning from a commercial break, The Fish Monger and Ganzo Bomb have made their entrances.

We’re back and as you can see, all but two competitors have made their entrances.

*Going Down in Flames*

The crowd boos as Yellow Jacket slowly makes his way onto the stage.

From Lancaster, Pennsylvania, Yellow Jacket!

Here is just one of the men who was at the center of controversy following last Monday’s pay-per-view.

As Yellow Jacket enters, he smiles at Evil M, who just glare’s at his enemy.

Well, Yellow Jacket seemingly still wants Evil M on his side, even after what went down at the PPV.

*God’s Gonna Cut You Down*

TTS enters, accompanied by one of Jay Carroll’s valets, who is carrying a chicken.

And form Davie, Florida, TTS!

Well, he’s got the chicken, so I think we know what’s coming next.

I think this is a good time to announce that WWCF Sunday Night Heatz!!1 is sponsored by…

Papa Johns!

And by…

Kit Kat Bars!

And by…

New Super Mario Bros Wii! Available only on Nintendo Wii!

As Gorilla and Jesse finish their plugs, we cut back to the ring, where TTS is smearing chicken blood on his face and chest. As he enters the ring…

*Day of the Phoenix*

M.O.P. walks down the ramp to a huge ovation from the crowd.

It’s the Inter-Forum Champ, Jess!

But what’s he doin’ out here, Gorilla?!

M.O.P. walks over to the announce table and sits down.

It looks like he’s here to join us, Jess! M.O.P., welcome!

Thanks 'Rilla. Great to be here. Figure I'd come out and scout the competition for MY Inter-Forum Championship.

The bell rings as Yellow Jacket and Ganzo Bomb start the match.

They tie up… Yellow Jacket with a side headlock… Ganzo pushes him off into the ropes… he comes back, Ganzo ducks the clothesline… he comes back the other side… Ganzo hit’s a dropkick!

YJ quickly crawls to the ropes and tags TTS. TTS charges Ganzo Bomb, who meets him with another dropkick!

This Ganzo Bomb kid is on a roll right now!

TTS collects himself and challenges Ganzo to a test of strength. He accepts, as Yellow Jacket, Square and TTS all snicker. They lock up and TTS easily wins the strength battle, but Ganzo shocks the Voodoo Lawyer with a monkey flip!

Great move by Ganzo Bomb!

As TTS gets to his feet, Ganzo meets him with a flurry of punches, followed by an Irish whip, which TTS reverses. Ganzo bounces off the ropes(and is blind tagged by Koda) and hit’s a body press, only for TTS to catch him, but Koda dropkick’s Ganzo knocking TTS back!

TTS never saw the tag! Koda entering with the element of surprise!

TTS tosses Ganzo aside and sizes up Koda… before tagging Headbanger Man. Headbanger enters. He and Koda circle each other as TTS, Square and Yellow Jacket chant “Fight! Fight! Fight!” They don’t disappoint either, as the stablemates have no problem slugging it out. They trade punches back and forth, before Koda takes Headbanger down with a side headlock takeover.

Well Gorilla, as you pointed out earlier, this match is indeed every man for himself!

Exactly. These guys may be teammates, but there's only one Number One Contendership spot. And somehow I think Mr. Drakin wouldn't allow a three-on-one handicap match unless I did something to really piss him off.

Headbanger rolls to the corner to recover… and tag in Square. He pulls Square over the ropes, then assists Koda in double suplexing him!

And there’s the strength in numbers advantage you alluded to earlier, Jess!

Of course, you can stay allies until it's impossible to do so, too.

Koda grabs Square and begins pummeling him with punches and kicks, only for the Revolution of Evolution to reverse the tide and send Koda to the mat with a back body drop. Koda rolls to the ropes, where Fish Monger tags himself in.

Well guys, we saw him make his debut at A Very Special WWCF Christmas and now, Fish Monger makes his first appearance on Heatz!!1

Fish Monger and Square tie up. Square powers the newcomer down to the mat, but Fish Monger pops right back up. Square shoves him and Fish Monger responds in kind. The British Superstar shoves him again, then slaps him, knocking Fish Monger to the mat. Fish Monger get’s up, rubbing the side of his face. He locks up with Square again. Square locks on a hammerlock, but Fish Monger reverses it and forces Square down to the mat. There, he calmly starts ramming Square’s head into the mat. As Square yells in pain on each hit, Fishmonger presses his knee into the small of Square’s back!

And Fish Monger taking it to Square now! M.O.P., what’re your thoughts on this newcomer?

Consider me impressed. What I've seen of this newbie's been really good, and I think it's going to be sooner rather than later when I'll have to defend my title against him.

Fish Monger stands up, stomps the back of Square’s head and steps back, allowing Square some room. Square slowly crawls over to tag Yellow Jacket, but “Damn Right” Jackson reaches over and steals the tag!

Here we go! Round 2 between Jackson and Fish Monger!

Jackson and Fish Monger lock up and Fish Monger shoots in for the leg, only for Jackson to bring his weight down on Monger, driving him into the mat. Jackson pulls him up and hit’s the High Attitude! Cover!


...Or maybe not.

And so much for the Fish guy.

The Fish Monger has been eliminated!

Jackson watches as Fish Monger rolls to the outside, but he’s blindsided by Yellow Jacket. YJ uses elbows and open hand strikes, but Jackson fends him off and tosses him across the ring. Evil M tags himself in.

And now we have a very interesting matchup, Evil M and “Damn Right” Jackson!

Jackson sizes up M, but instead tags D-Day Dave.

Looks like that matchup will have to be saved for another time, Gorilla.

Dave and Evil lock up and Evil uses his size to overpower the ex-CEO, but Dave fights back with punches and headbutts, which stagger the Evil One, but he stays on his feet. Dave hit’s the ropes and nails Evil with a shoulder block, but he still stays on his feet. Dave hit’s the ropes a second time (and Koda tags himself) and nails Evil with a another shoulder block, but M still stays standing and snatches a charging Koda by the throat!



Koda has been eliminated!

Koda didn’t even have a chance against Evil M!

The Heavy Metal Express may have three members, but Evil M's easily worth three people on his own!

Headbanger enters and locks up with Evil M. Evil tosses Headbanger to the mat, but he pops back up and runs into M with a headbutt, knocking him backwards. TTS tags himself in. Headbanger tears into the Heatz!!1 Champion, who tries to fight back, but is overpowered the Heavy Metal Express member.

A little payback for A Very Special WWCF Christmas!

Headbanger hooks TTS in a front facelock and tags D-Day Dave. Dave drops a double hammer blow across TTS’s back, then snap suplexes him. Ganzo Bomb asks for the tag and gets it. He springboards over the ropes and onto TTS!


So close! I thought he had him!

Ganzo gets up and goes to the top rope. As TTS get’s to his feet, Ganzo dives at him, but TTS catches him!



Ganzo Bomb has been eliminated!

So much for that kid’s rise up the ladder!

Dave runs in and rolls up TTS!


TTS dives into the corner and tags Square. Square enters and locks up with Dave.

Square goes for a headlock… backdrop by Dave!


Dave grabs Square by the hair and goes for a reverse DDT, but Square pushes him back into the ropes, causing him to knock TTS off the ring apron. Dave falls forward into Square’s waiting arms. He goes for the L7, but Dave fights it off, setting up for a powerbomb…


Dave drops to the mat. The ref yells at TTS then runs over to Michael Muffer.

Ladies and gentlemen, TTS has been disqualified!

TTS just threw away his opportunity at my title with a blatantly obvious, illegal, and outright stupid chairshot in front of the ref. What the hell?

TTS nails Dave with the chair a few more times, but Headbanger man chase him away.

Square going for the cover!


D-Day Dave has been eliminated!

Headbanger Man's all by himself there.

Headbanger get’s back in and charges Square, taking him down to the mat and pummeling him with lefts and rights. Square pushes him away and tags Yellow Jacket. YJ and Headbanger tie up and Headbanger immediately slams Jacket to the mat!

Headbanger Man is on fire right now! Can he be stopped?!

Headbanger throws Jacket in the corner and hit’s a running clothesline, followed by an overhead belly-to-belly suplex. Cover.


How the hell did Yellow Jacket manage that?!

Headbanger yanks YJ to his feet and shoots behind him for a German suplex, but YJ reaches out and tags Square! Headbanger hit’s the suplex and bridges up, only for Square to stomp him in the stomach, then jackknife into a pin!


Square grabs Headbanger and hit’s the SquarePlosion! Cover!


Headbanger Man has been eliminated!

Evil M enters and goozle’s Square, who kick’s the Evil One low, then uses a reverse hack to take the big man off his feet! Yellow Jacket tags in. As Evil get’s up, YJ stalks him out… then tags Square and yanks him into the ring!

What is Yellow Jacket doing?!

Square get’s up… THE STING!!!! Yellow Jacket tells Evil to make the cover. He shrugs and puts a foot on Square.


Square has been eliminated!

And then there were three!

Based on what we just saw, I don’t like “Damn Right” Jackson’s chances here!

Don't count him out, guys. If Jackson is anything, he's resilient and resourceful. He might just pull this one out, though it's not looking optimistic.

Jackson enters and finds himself in between Yellow Jacket and Evil M. He tells the two to bring it on and they do! Yellow Jacket tackles Jackson, who fights him off. He turns and sees Evil coming at him with a big boot, he ducks, Evil hit’s Yellow Jacket! Jackson dropkick’s Evil into the ropes, then hooks YJ in the Anxiety Adjustment! Tap out!

We’re down to two!

Yellow Jacket has been eliminated!

Evil grabs Jackson and sets him up for the Tombstone, but Jackson reverses it and counters it into the High Attitude, but Evil slides free, Journey to Hell attempt, Jackson breaks it with an eye rake, High Attitude! Cover!


Evil M has been eliminated! Here is your winner, “Damn Right” Jackson!

And now, Jackson is the top ranked contender for the Inter-Forum Championship that you hold, M.O.P.!

I've beaten him before, and I'll beat him again, 'Rilla. I was actually looking forward to a new opponent, but if Jackson wants seconds, he's entitled to another asskicking.

Well, it’s definitely a rematch we’re all looking forward to seeing.

We’re out of time here on Heatz!!1 For M.O.P. and Jesse King, I’m Gorilla Tim Hoss, saying goodnight!

Credits: Evil M, Headbanger Man and M.O.P

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