
Monday Niteraw - January 4, 2010


Monday NiteRaw January 4, 2010

Jesse: Welcome everyone to Monday Niteraw. I'm Jesse King. You may notice my partner is absent tonight. Gorilla has been a bit under the weather lately. Winter time isn't the best season for him, but I guarantee the show will still be ama-

Make a Move plays and the crowd goes wild. Aaron Enigma walks down to the ring, magnifying glass in hand and points to the crowd before getting in the ring and asking for a mic. He gets the mic and looks to the crowd, waiting for them to quiet down.

Jesse: It's the Head Detective Aaron Enigma! What's he doing out here though? He doesn't even have a match tonight!

Aaron raises the mic and addresses the crowd.

Now I know some of you may be wondering why I'm out here. Well first off, tonight is the ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY OF THE HEAD DETECTIVE IN WWCF! One year ago, I was a new star trying to make a name for myself on Heatz. Look at what I accomplished in one year! I almost won four different titles. I ended Corporate's reign of terror. I had some of the best matches WWCF has ever seen, with Boiler Room Brawler, M.O.P., and more recently the Fatal-4 Way Heavyweight Title Match! I stand before you, a true testament that hard work can pay off, and now I'm the number one contender for the Heavyweight title!

Now, it's common knowledge that with the King of Wrestlecrap tournament matches going on, I don't have a match tonight, because I'm already the #1 contender for Jazzman's championship. Well, I noticed the predicament Mr. King was going to be in tonight. You see, our usual commentator, Gorilla, has come down with the flu, and as per WWCF orders, is not allowed to be anywhere near us so that we all don't get it as well. So this left a problem as you can see.

Well, that's why I am here. Tonight, for the first time, you will see the Head Detective, Aaron Enigma as much as you want, because tonight, I am the special guest commentator, for the WHOLE SHOW!

The crowd goes absolutely wild as Aaron makes his way to the annouce table. He sits down next to King and puts on his headset.

Jesse: Mr. Enigma, it's an honor to have you as the commentator for this evening.

Aaron: No no, the pleasure is all mine, Jesse. It's something I felt like doing and I didn't want to leave you alone all night.

Jesse: Well that is certainly nice of you. Now let's get down to business. Tonight continues the first round of the King of Wrestlecrap tournament matches and first up we have Starshine vs. Koda

Aaron: And what a match it will be. Two men I haved faced before in the ring. Koda is a dangerous wild card not to be taken lightly, and Starshine is the technical professional. You need to be careful or you'll end up tapping out to one of his many submissions.

King of WrestleCrap First Round Match: Starshine V. Koda

Michael Muffer – The following contest is a King of WrestleCrap Tournament opening round match. Introducing first-

*Supermassive Black Hole plays on the PA. Starshine makes his entrance to an unusually more positive reaction.*

Michael Muffer – Coming to us from Sydney, Australia and weighing in tonight at 220 pounds, this is Starshine!

*Starshine enters the ring and and climbs the turnbuckle and poses.*

Aaron: Well this is certainly a change of pace. Do I hear some cheers for the Technical Professional?

Jesse: I'm confused Aaron, but maybe it has something to do with last week. It seems the fans respect people that can even put up with tagging with Amigo.

*Starshine enters the ring and and climbs the turnbuckle and poses.*

Michael Muffer – And his opponent-

*Raise Hell in Heaven plays on the PA. Koda makes his entrance w/ his bass guitar.*

Aaron: I was wondering where this guy ran off to Jesse. He's gotta be hating himself now. I mean I pretty much used him to break into the main event scene.

Jesse: Something tells me Koda doesn't care about that too much, Aaron.

Michael Muffer – Representing The Heavy Metal Express. Coming to us from part’s unknown, he weighs in tonight at 223 pounds, this is Koda!

*Koda enters the ring and makes a rocker pose ring center.*

Starshine – Hey, woah, hold on a second.

*The camera pans outside showing Starshine holding a mic. He climbs up to the ring apron.*

Starshine – Hey, what is this? Are you serious? You come in here, playing a guitar like that? I mean Koda, didn’t you used to be a clown? So now you’re some sort of hard rock enthusiast, is that right? You know, your resume must be a hell of a read.

*He enters the ring.*

Starshine – Come on Koda, you didn’t think I wouldn’t see it, right? You know what I’m getting at. I mean, look at you. Could you try any harder? What, I’m not being clear enough? I guess my old tag team partner, Cthulhu, you remember him, big guy with the mask? It sometimes took him a while to catch on to subtle insinuations. I guess, I shouldn’t expect any less from his pale imitation.


*Koda looks pissed as he tries to advance forward, only being stopped by referee Floyd McFloyd.

Starshine – In fact, if I remember correctly, and I always do, we beat you a bunch of times when you teamed with your ex, Legion. So I guess that explains why you'd want to follow us. Hey now, easy there big guy, easy. You could dress up like Puffin-fresh for all it matters. Because fact is Koda, I can’t short change you. You may be a shameless, B-rated, ripoff of my tag team partner. Maybe you don’t think you, it doesn’t really matter. What does matter is that, tonight no matter how good you are, and let’s face it you’re pretty okay. No matter how okay you are tonight, I’m going to be that much more… okayer.

*Starshine drops the mic and offers a handshake to Koda. Koda looks down at it and slaps his hand away. Starshine backs off to his corner. Referee Floyd McFloyd signals for the bell.*

Jesse: Big talk from Starshine. Let's see if he can back it up, Aaron.

[color=0066cc]Aaron: It's a mistake to underestimate anyone in this business Jesse. I am a good testament to that. However, Starshine may be the most dangerous guy on the roster if anyone even thinks about underestimating him.

Starshine and Koda meet up center ring, they grapple and Koda quickly overpowers Star and shoves him into his corner and to the mat. Star gets back to his feet and they lock up again. Koda again shoves Star to the mat. Star gets to his feet and leans on the turnbuckle corner. He stares at Koda, who gives a sinister smirk back. Star leaves the turnbuckle and the two talk smack center ring. Koda lightly shoves Star back and Star comes back with one of his own. They go to lock up again but Star ducks and school boys Koda.
Koda kicks out.

Aaron: So far the match seems to be pretty even, let's see if anyone can pull ahead in the momentum battle

Star takes control with an arm wrench and holds it tightly. Koda tries to roll out of it, but Star blocks him by dropping a knee on the same arm. He brings Koda back up to his feet and applies a standing side headlock.

Jesse: Look Aaron, one of Starshine's favorite moves!

Starshine – YEAH, HEADLOCK!

Koda brings Star into the ropes and tries to push him off, but Star drags him down to the mat into a grounded version of the hold. Koda climbs to his knees, grabs Star by his waist and brings them both back to their feet. Koda attempts to bring Star over with a belly to back lift, but fails. He elbows Star’s midsection and successfully pushes him off the ropes. Star rebounds off and Koda ducks a clothesline. He hits the ropes himself and catches Star with a crossbody. He’s quick to his feet and springboards of the ropes with a legdrop. He goes for the pin.
Star kicks out.

Jesse: Wow Koda almost him had there!

Aaron: But the keyword is almost. I almost had Jazzman pinned at In Your Apartment, Jesse. The match isn't over until that ref counts three.

Koda brings Star to his feet and signals for his finisher and sets up Star into The Death Metal Neckbreaker. But before he can hit it Star pushes Koda off him into the ropes. Koda comes back with another crossbody, but Star ducks and Koda crashes to the mat. Koda rolls outside and Star positions himself by the ropes. Koda doesn’t notice Star as he stumbles around outside. As he turns around Star leaps outside with a plancha and actually hits Koda. They both lie on the floor for a second before Star springs to his feet and lets out a celebratory yell. He raises his arms and runs a lap around the ring in celebration. He stops back at Koda and rolls him back inside, before following.

Jesse: What is Starshine doing, Aaron?

Aaron: If I didn't know better, I'd say he's surprised he actually hit the plancha on Koda. However, you know me, Jesse. I don't approve of taunting.

Back in the ring Koda stumbles around on his knees while Star stalks him. Koda, using the ropes for support gets to his feet and Star grabs him from behind for a lungblower. Koda blocks the move by holding the ropes. He follows by rebounding off and hitting Star with a shining wizard. He picks up Star and signals for the Death Metal Neckbreaker again. He preps the hold and hits the finisher, but before he can make the pin, the momentum of the move sends Star rolling out the ring and to the floor. Koda rushes out and tries to dead lift Star. He slowly brings him up and rolls him inside just by the ropes. He follows and immediately goes for the pin.
Star places his closet foot on the bottom rope.

Aaron: The crafty ring veteran knew where he was and was able to stop the count.

Jesse: Yeah but after that Shining Wizard, Starshine seems a bit dazed, Aaron. Can he still win?

The ref stops the count and points out the break to Koda, now in disbelief. He drags him to the center of the rind and goes for another pin.
Star weakly raises his arm and shoulder.

Aaron: He's still got some left in the tank, I wonder if he can pull it off.

Koda frustratedly slaps the mat. He takes off his neck chain and points referee Floyd McFloyd away in distraction. As the ref turns, Koda wraps the chain around Star’s neck and hides it by applying a sleeper over it. Star uses the last of his strength to get to his feet. He grabs at Floyd McFloyd’s shirt who tries to release his grip. As this happens Star goes blind and low blows Koda. Koda breaks the hold and drops the chain. Star clutches his neck and hangs on the ropes. He looks back to see Koda hunched over, massaging his groin. He leaps towards Koda, underhooks both his arms and drops him with the Starblind. He collapses over him in a pin, hooking both legs.

Aaron: That, ladies and gentlemen, is all she wrote for the Demon of Death Metal.


Michael Muffer – The winner of this 2010 King of Wrestlecrap opening round match, Starshine.

Jesse: A big victory for Starshine after a recent string of defeats. Are we seeing the rise of another big contender for the Heavyweight title Aaron?

Aaron: He's always been good enough to contend for the title, Jesse. He just needed a wake up call and tonight he got it. I don't approve of the low blow, but I can't do anything about it. Good win for Starshine!

*Starshine, still clutching his neck leans on the corner turnbuckle and raises his free arm in triumph. He rolls outside and slowly makes his way backstage. In the ring Koda, kneels in the ring clutching both his head and groin. He exits the ring and grabs his guitar. He walks up the ramp and stops at the top. He turns around and plays his guitar. Quickly stopping to cup himself again as he decides to exit stage right.*

Jesse: Ladies and gentlemen if you are just joining us Gorilla is off for the evening with the flu. As such my partner tonight is none other than the number one contender for the WWCF Heavyweight title, The Head Detective Aaron Enigma, and Aaron I gotta say for it being your first time you sure know what you are talking about.

Aaron: It's all about the research Jesse. I know just about everything about every wrestler on the roster, so I'm a good replacement because I can get in their head and give the fans some insight other people might not be able to.

Jesse: Yes and speaking of special guests I've been told that tonight The Sam is supposed to be ringside to watch Niteraw and possibly discuss something with the CEO, Seth Drakin.

We see the seat where The Sam was supposed to be sitting during Niteraw and it is empty.

Aaron: You say that, but he has yet to arrive. I don't know where he is, but it might have something to do with Seth not sparing the time to talk to him this week.

Jesse: Well I'm sure he'll show up eventually. For now, let's continue with the show.

King of WrestleCrap First Round Match: Headbanger Man V. Yellow Jacket

Michael Muffer - The following contest is scheduled for one fall with a 30 minute time limit, and is a King of Wrestlecrap tournament match!

(Wild Child)
Michael Muffer - Introducing first, from Kent, England and weighing 263 pounds - representing the Heavy Metal Express...HEADBANGER MAN!

Jesse: Headbanger's been around almost as long as you have Aaron. Why hasn't he climbed the card like you did?

Aaron: Oh I think he has, Jesse just not to the extent I did. Headbanger wanted to go after the hardcore title, and now he's going after the tag titles. Me? Well my first title shot was against Seth, and now I'm facing off for the Heavyweight title. Two different paths towards a similar goal. Both of us will be champs one day.

(Going Down In Flames)
Michael Muffer - And his opponent, from Lancaster, Pennsylvania, weighing 224 pounds...YELLOW JACKET!

Jesse: And what of Yellowjacket? What can you tell me about him Aaron?

Aaron: Last week, he claimed that he would be Heavyweight champion by the end of the year. He's got a long way to go before that happens though. And, he'll have to go through me, because I plan on holding that title as long as possible.

- Headbanger Man turns around and throws a Heavy Metal Express demo CD into the crowd, which gives Yellow Jacket an opening to attack, which he does. YJ hits a series of right hands, but Headbanger reverses an Irish whip. YJ leapfrogs him but misses a clothesline, and Headbanger hits a shoulderblock.

- Headbanger hits a boot to the midsection, and whips YJ into the corner. He wails way with punches, but YJ avoids a charge attempt, and then hits a release German suplex, before taunting the crowd, who respond with a chorus of boos. YJ stomps away at Headbanger, and then applies a headlock, occasionally throwing in some crossfaces for extra impact.

- Headbanger Man gets to his feet, and successfully counters with an electric chair drop. Headbanger hits a standing splash.


Aaron: This match so far seems pretty even. Someone is going to have to make a big move to change momentum.

- YJ kicks out. Headbanger whips YJ into the ropes and hits a back boy drop, and then a scoop slam. He goes to the top rope and scores with a flying clothesline.


- YJ kicks out again. Headbanger picks him up and goes for the Double Bass DDT, but YJ escapes the predicament and gets in the ropes. As the referee hols Headbanger back, YJ goes over the top with a huge flying kick to the head. YJ then hits a backhand chop which sends Headbanger into the corner. YJ follows up with a Stinger splash. He goes for the cover.

Jesse: You mean a move like that Aaron? That was pretty big.


- Kick out. YJ goes for another cover using the ropes for leverage.


Aaron: Yeah Jesse it was good. I could do without the blatant cheating on the second pin attempt though.

- The referee spots it and admonishes Yellow Jacket.

Aaron: Glad to see the referees are smart enough to see when something is going wrong.

Headbanger gets to his feet and hits a forearm to the head. Headbanger goes for another clothesline, but YJ reverses it into the Crossface! YJ has the move held in tightly, but Headbanger is too close to the ropes and gets his feet onto them. The referee starts the 5-count and YJ finally releases the hold at 4. YJ goes for a bridge pin.


- Headbanger kicks out.

Jesse: Headbanger has to get some offense in. Yellowjacket has really turned the match in his favor.

Aaron: To be honest it feels like the match is just beginning. I think the following moments will be proof of that.

YJ picks him up and hits a backbreaker, before uncharacteristically going the top rope. YJ goes for a moonsault, but Headbanger gets his knees up. The referee starts to count as both men are down.


- Both men start to move.


- Headbanger crawls to the ropes.


- Headbanger gets to his feet just before YJ does. YJ goes for a right hand, but Headbanger blocks and hits a series of his own. YJ hits a thumb to the eye and runs at his opponent, but is taken down with a powerslam! Headbanger then picks him up and hits the Holy Driver!

Aaron: Exactly my point. Huge momentum shift in the match.


- YJ gets his feet to the ropes!

Jesse: He didn't pin him but Headbanger thought he won. He needs to stay focused!

Headbanger thinks he has won, but the referee tells him otherwise. Headbanger then goes for another piledriver, but YJ counters it into a back body drop. YJ gets to his feet, and stun guns Headbanger across the top rope. YJ hits a belly to belly suplex.


- Headbanger kicks out. YJ then lines up for The Sting, but Headbanger ducks it. Headbanger takes YJ down with a reverse DDT, and then air drums to the crowd.

Aaron: What have I said about taunting tonight, Jesse?

Jesse: Well so far everyone that has taunted has lost their match. And you said taunting has no place during a mat-

He goes to the apron, and springboards back inside, but then YJ manages to hit the Sting superkick as Headbanger is coming down! He rolls into a cover.


Michael Muffer - Here is your winner...YELLOW JACKET!

Aaron: People and their taunting. I love the fans, but I don't need to acknowledge them during a match. I'm there to win.

Jesse: Well either way, impressive victory for Yellowjacket, and he moves on in the tournament.

King of WrestleCrap First Round Match: TTS V. Evil M

Michael Muffer - The following contest is set for one fall and it is a King of WrestleCrap First Round match!


Evil M emerges from the back as flames erupt from the stage behind him.

Muffer - Introducing first. From Rockland, Massachusetts, weighing in at 310 pounds, Evil M!

Aaron: My former stablemate who turned to the darkside. Let's see what happens when he steps in the ring with a voodoo lawyer.

M rolls in the ring and sets off his turnbuckle pyro as the crowd gives him a mixed response.

*God’s Gonna Cut You Down*

TTS enters, followed by one of Jay Carroll’s valets, who is carrying a chicken.

Muffer - And his opponent, from Davie, Florida, weighing in at 290 pounds, The Voodoo Lawyer, TTS!

Jesse: As we at the arena are forced to watch this travesty of a ritual. I would like to remind people that Niteraw is brought to you by Dr. Thunder, Cocoa Krispies and-

Aaron: Sherlock Holmes, starring Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law. In theatres now! Sorry, Jesse, couldn't resist.

Jesse: It's okay Aaron, I know how excited you were about the movie, let's get to the action!

The bell rings.

TTS hammers Evil with some punches, but M shrugs them off and hit’s a big throat thrust, sending TTS to the mat. M pulls him up and whips him into the corner. TTS hit’s hard and M follows up with a running elbow. TTS slumps down, but Evil M pulls him up by the throat. TTS kicks Evil in the midsection, forcing a break. He hammers M with more punches, then a running forearm, which staggers M. TTS hits another forearm, but M still doesn’t go down. TTS climbs to the top rope for a flying clothesline, but M catches him by the throat! Chokeslam! Cover!



Jesse: Wow that was a close one. Match almost ended right there.

Aaron: Well, Evil-M certainly is a monster in the ring, Jesse. I think he's secretly always been like this, something just happened to change him from the man fans loved to the a machine of destruction. It happens to the best of them.

M grabs TTS by the hair and pulls him to his feet. Another throat thrust, then a sidewalk slam! Cover!



M stomps TTS a few times, then runs the ropes. He goes for a legdrop, but TTS rolls out of the way! M grabs his lower back in pain, as TTS tries to pull himself up. Back on his feet, TTS hit’s a boot to the midsection, then gets a running start and hits another boot right to the head! Evil stumbles backwards, as TTS comes off the ropes with a big splash! M goes down! Cover!



Aaron: One thing you can't do is underestimate TTS. The second you think you have won the match he surprises you like that. He's very shady and deceptive, as a lawyer should be.

TTS stomps Evil then drops an elbow on the big man! Cover!



Jesse: Another near fall, this match has been back and forth nonstop action!

TTS locks in a rear chinlock. The ref checks Evil to see if he submits, but M refuses. TTS cranks up the pressure and M begins to fade. The ref checks his arm.


He checks it again.


Aaron: Has the monster been tamed?

He goes to check a third time.


Jesse: Wow, Evil-M digging down deep to fight off losing consciousness!

M powers his way out of the hold. TTS comes at him with some more punches, but M fends off the assault and hit’s a big facebuster! Cover!

Aaron: Just goes to show you can't count anyone in this company out. Everyone's got a few surprises.

TTS rolls his shoulder up just before 3!

M pulls him up and goozles him, but TTS hammers him with punches to get loose. He rocks M with a big haymaker, then comes off the ropes with a diving body press! M goes down! TTS goes to the middle rope and comes down on M with a back splash! Cover!

M throws TTS off of him!

Jesse: Look at that power! This late in the match and he still has that strength left in him?

Aaron: Evil-M is a man that nobody wants to face. Well, that's a lie. I wouldn't mind stepping in the ring with him sometime.

M sits up. TTS kicks him in the head, but he sits right back up again. The Evil One get’s to his feet and is met with a flurry of punches. M takes every one of them, then once again goozles TTS! He starts to bring him up for a chokesl- TTS with a lowblow! The ref calls for the bell!

Muffer - The winner of this match, as the result of a disqualification, Evil M!

Aaron: This is just a poor display of sportsmanship. However, I'm not allowed to wrestle tonight due to my commentary job. So unfortunately I can't do anything or I could get in big trouble with Commissioner Morton, which I do not want to do.

Jesse: Well I can't say I didn't see it coming. TTS has been resorting to moves like that for a while now.

TTS continues his attack after the bell, grabbing a chair from ringside and using it to choke M. The ref struggles to pull him away. Finally, more officials run out and succeed in getting TTS off of Evil M. As TTS heads to the back, laughing at what he’s done, M sits up and chokeslam’s an official. He then rolls out of the ring and goes after TTS, who bolts up the ramp, with M following close behind.

Aaron: Looks like TTS bit off more than he could chew. I wonder if he'll escape.

Jesse: Either way I wouldn't want to be him honestly. He lost the match and has a monster after him. I don't think anyone wants to be in his shoes right now.

King of WrestleCrap First Round Match: Mr. Quintana Roo V. Little Naitch

Michael Muffer – The following contest is a “King of Wrestlecrap” first round match and it is set for one fall.
(“Vogue” by Madonna)
Muffer – Making his way to the ring first. At the height of 6’3, weighing in at 215 lbs. Accompanied by his manager Leon Sharpe. From “Your Wildest Dreams”, Mr. Quintana Roo.
(Leon Sharpe walks down the ramp first followed by Mr. Quintana Roo. Leon keeps taking pictures as Roo poses and the fans boo.
Roo rolls into the ring and poses for more photos as Leon Sharpe grabs the microphone.
Leon – “This is Misterrrrrrrr Quintaaaaaaaaaaana Rooooooooooooo!”
The fans boo, as Roo and Sharpe get ready for the match.

Jesse: Mr. Roo is fairly new, Aaron. What do you make of him so far?

Aaron: Cute rhyme. As for Mr. Roo, I think he better take tonight's match seriously. The last time I fought Littlenaitch it was a double pinfall. He is not an easy person to beat. He's a former champion. Mr. Quitana Roo better stay focused or he loses fast.

Muffer – And his opponent;
(The New Blackjacks theme plays)
At the height of 6’2, weighing in at 235 lbs. From Las Vegas, Nevada. Representing the Southwest Connection and NEW WWCF Tag Team Champion Littlenaitch!
(Littlenaitch walks down the ramp wearing a sequined robe as the fans cheer. As the referee holds the ropes open for Naitch, Roo runs towards Naitch and knocks him off the apron. Leon Sharpe starts hitting Naitch with the kendo stick leaving bruises and lashes on Naitch’s back. The referee tells Leon to leave ringside and head back to the dressing room. Leon reluctantly accepts but the damage has already been done. Roo rolls Naitch into the ring and the ref rings the bell.)

Aaron: I may not approve of Quintana's tactics, but when faced with a former champion, use any means necessary to win.

Jesse: This coming from an Equalizer?

Aaron: It came from a man who was once in the postion Mr. Roo now finds himself in. You need to pull out all the stops when it's a rookie versus a veteran

Roo goes for a quick pin fall.
Naitch kicks out.
Roo continues stomping away on Naitch before Naitch pulls himself into the turnbuckle. Roo chokes Naitch with his boot. The referee begins a 5 count.
Roo raises his boot and then poses for the crowd. The crowd replies with a chorus of boos.

Aaron: Some of these rookies have no idea how to wrestle a match. Taunting doesn't help you win!

Jesse: Can Mr. Roo get the upset of the still early year 2010? Stay tuned!


Jesse: And we're back and throughout the commerical break Roo continued to wear Naitch down.

Aaron: I really don't agree with his strategy though. First he taunts instead of attacks, and now he's trying to slow down Littlenatich, who isn't exactly the fastest guy on the planet. If I were Mr. Roo, I'd be trying for a quick upset pinfall.

We return to see Roo with a sleeper hold secured tightly on Naitch.

(replay shows during the break Naitch running the ropes before receiving a vicious looking tilt-a-whirl backbreaker)
The match continues and we see Naitch starting to hulk up. Naitch gets to his feet and starts throwing elbows before Roo finally releases the hold. Naitch hits Roo with 3 chops across his chest before running towards the ropes. As Naitch does so Roo grabs Naitch’s hair pulling Naitch down to the mat.

The referee gets in Roo’s face. Roo calls for the Snap Shot. As Roo steps over Naitch heading towards the turnbuckle. Naitch grabs Roo’s ankle and pulls him down before locking on the Figure 4 Leg Lock.
Before can set it in Roo taps out. Before rolling out of the ring and running to the back.

Aaron: That's why taunting is never a good idea during a match.

Jesse: Wow, he tapped before the figure-four was even fully locked in. Although I guess if you don't want to get hurt it's a sound strategy.

bell rings
Muffer – The winner of this match as a result of a submission, Littlenaitch!

Naitch celebrates in the ring as Quintana Roo slinks away.

Aaron: I don't know if I agree with that Jesse. The figure-four has a major weakness that's easy to exploit. I guess Mr. Roo needs to do his research and figure it out. It doesn't matter now that. Naitch advances in the tournament

King of WrestleCrap First Round Match: “Hollywood” Viva Los Bio Dome V. Cage King

Cage King appears on the ramp rapping his own theme song as he walks down to the ring. He high fives the fans around ringside, poses on all 4 corners, the works. The crowd is cheering loudly.

Michael Muffer - Weighing in at a weight of 295 pounds, and a height of 5'11", out of Los Angeles, Calfornia! Cage King!

Jesse: Cageking seems to be hyped up about this Aaron.

Aaron: With good reason, the winner of this tournament becomes the number one contender for the heavyweight title and will face either myself or Jazzman at the PPV after King of Wrestlecrap.

Paparazzi hits the speakers, and men roll out the red carpet. As soon as the singing starts, Viva Los Bio Dome appears on the ramp. The Paparazzi begins shooting his picture like crazy, as he walks down to the ramp stopping to pose every so often. He climbs the steel steps and enters the ring with a look of seriousness on his face.

Michael Muffer - Weighing in at 195 pounds, at a height of 5'7", "Hollywood" Viva Los Bio Dome!

Aaron: You know, I may not like Viva. We were at each others throats a while ago. However, he did decimate Stryker last night, and you gotta think that's a big move in the career of the Paparazzi Primadonna. I may not like what he did, but it won't change the fact that he did it, and people are really starting to take note of him.

Jesse: Call it what you will, Viva is downright despicable. I'd love to see Cageking knock him down a peg or twelve/

"Spud" Verne Johnson calls for the bell.

Viva and Cage both lock up and Cage wins the battle. He hits Viva with a kick and then hits him with a Fisherman's Suplex. Cage motions to the crowd and the crowd pops. Viva rolls to the ropes and stands himself up and Cage just rains down on Viva with a flurry of combinations. Viva drops down to one knee and hits Cage with a low blow. Cage drops to his knee and Viva stands up and bitch slaps him.

Jesse: I believe Viva calls that the C-C-C-Combobreaker! More like the cheating breaker if you ask me Aaron

Aaron: Whatever it is called, it's most certainly effective, albeit a dirty move. I don't think Viva cares much about what you, me or anyone thinks about him though, Jesse.

Cage King gets up and pushes Viva. Viva uses the momentum and hits Cage King with a Vicious Lariat. Viva picks Cage King up and hits him with a Falcon Arrow. Viva slides to the outside.

Viva reaches under the ring and grabs a bag. Inside of the bag is a cell phone. Viva dials the cellphone and begins yelling at someone.

Aaron: Viva appears to be calling his agent. Probably demanding a tougher opponent. I didn't even think you could do that during a match. He shoudl be going for the victory, not acting all cocky and arrogant. Giving Cageking time to breathe isn't a good plan.

Jesse: Yes but he's been in control for ninety-nine percent of the match, Aaron. Clearly with Cageking lying motionless he can afford to take a moment to catch his breath.

Aaron: And use that breath to bitch at his agent. Cageking is getting much needed rest right now. It could come back to haunt Viva.

Viva hangs up, throws the phone back in the bag and back under the ring, and gets back into the ring. As Cage King is getting up, Viva drops down to one knee, snaps fake pictures of Cage, gets back up and nails him with the Purple Sticky Punch.

Aaron: Or not, clearly Viva is taking this completely seriously. It looks like the match is over.

Viva picks up the stunned Cage King and sets him up for the Bio-Dome. Viva hits it. He goes for the cover.




Jesse: Well, now what do you have to say about Viva's phone call, Aaron?

Michael Muffer - Your winner, advancing the the SECOND round of the King of Wrestlecrap tournament, "Hollywood" Viva Los Bio Dome!

Aaron: He must have really rocked Cageking with that Falcon Arrow. The other matches tonight where people have taken time to taunt their opponent, they have lost. Viva is trying to make a statement, whether it's to me, Jazzman, or the CEO Seth, he's definitely making it. He's here to win. Impressive victory.

Jesse: It was a good win for him, but I don't like the way Viva treats everyone. For god sakes Aaron, he took out Stryker, probably forever!

Aaron: When you want to make a statement, unfortunately someone has to be your stepping stone in this business, Jesse. Viva's quickly climbing the ladder. It wouldn't surprise me if one day I'm facing him in a Heavyweight title match.

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